Tell us / show us / send us the best thing you've ever cooked or had cooked for you. Even if it is a £10 burger.
Or knock yourself out and tell us knock-knock jokes. Just make them funny and about sheds
( , Thu 27 Jun 2013, 12:29)
This question is now closed.

Knowing my passion for recreating unhealthy American foods back over here in Blighty one birthday Mrs Airman Gabber managed to source the materials to recreate a small part of the Hooters Experience back home.
If you've not had the pleasure of visiting this chain of diners it's essentially a chicken wing and seafood shack hosted by young attractive girls in orange hot pants. They are encouraged to skate around (hot food and rollerblades - what could possibly go wrong?) looking lovely and also encouraged to flirt with the (mostly) male clientele to keep them eating and drinking.
Before cooking which basically involves taking the wing-tips off with scissors, coating in the breading and throwing in a deep fat fryer until 90% of the oil has been soaked up by the chicken then covering with the (in this case hottest) sauce they sell.

Coated in 3 different types of Wing Sauce. All ready to stuff into our faces.

I have to go lie down now. My heart feels a bit twitchy.
( , Thu 4 Jul 2013, 10:01, 30 replies)

White bread, butter.
Red or brown sauce, though?
*Dependent entirely upon your sexuality and birthplace, which are intrinsically linked on this issue.
( , Thu 4 Jul 2013, 9:01, 19 replies)

Bonus points if you can recite the recipe in less than 3 seconds.
2 All beef patties,
"Special Sauce",
on a sesame seed bun.
I used to work with a young man who amongst other 'ailments' had been diagnosed as having Prader–Willi and (get this!) "Selective Tourettes".
I shit you not.
He knew me as "Marty Bung Nardy" which roughly translated as - I vaguely looked like some bloke called Marty who he had known. And on my first shift the car (nardy) for the group home in which he lived had broken down (bung). Hence - "Marty", "bunged" the "nardy".
He absolutely loved Mickey D's and would loudly shout out "Burgeeeez" anytime we drove past one in the bus. Suffice to say he didn't mind a big mac or 57 if he could get his hands on them - thank fuck for drive thru.
So I eventually made him my fave burger. And not surprisingly it shut him the fuck up. For about 5 min.
All of the "cooking" can be done on a cafe press.
Slice a wholemeal bun in half.
Swipe each cut side with dob of butter.
Place cut side down onto pre-heated press.
Smoosh some minced meat (your choice) into a patty that is slightly bigger than the bun.
Finely slice some tomato, cheese and rolled lettuce leaves.
Grate some carrot. Open a tin of sliced beetroot.
By this time the buns should be done - place them together cut-side in.
Chuck a patty or 2 into the press and crack an egg in to one side. Press down & cook. A mortar and pestle make a good weight.
Turn patties (and egg if you don't like it sunny-side) a couple of times till cooked.
EDIT: You could also cook up a ring of pineapple and some short-cut bacon. If you're a fatty like me.
Smear some mayonnaise and or mustard onto the bottom of the bun.
Place Burgeee, then cheese.
Then tomato and carrot and then a few slices of beetroot.
Then place the egg.
Finally squirt a glob of tomato sauce onto the top of the bun. Press the lettuce onto that.
Now marry the two parts together pressing the top bun onto the burger and stuff.
Cut into half if you are a girly nancy or just fucking dislocate your jaws and take a bite.
"Tourrettes Boy" fucking loved Marty Bung Nardy Burgees.
( , Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:36, 14 replies)

That's correct sir, the special today is nose soup.
( , Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:51, 2 replies)

It goes back centuries and may even have inspired some early urban legends, look up the camel stuffed with a sheep if you must.
I digress. Upon perusing the interesting menu board at a deli/cafe in the lovely town of Canmore Alberta I came across the delightfully named turducken.
Repulsive though its name may be, this Frankenfood consisting of a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken is bloody delicious and to cap it all it was also available in a pie. The best pie in the world.
( , Thu 4 Jul 2013, 4:53, 13 replies)

I felt the post I wrote about how amazing steak is in America in the replies to my post (here: b3ta.com/questions/foodporn/post2005999) was so profound it needed to be posted on the main QOTW replies and not the replies for my own post:
[...]The Americans know how to cook a fucking steak. None of this 6oz grey bit of gristle on your plate ("if you go large it's a whole 8oz!" That's a cowgirl cut where I live now). I'm talking 16-32 oz of hardcore, perfectly cooked dead cow that this country has perfected the cooking of.
Anyone who ever visits Orlando, take a 45 minute drive south on the I4 to Texas Cattle Co. in Lakeland. Ask for Colin to serve you (not that that effects the steak but he's sound as a pound) and you will not be disappointed.
I cannot stress that last paragraph enough. Best steaks I've ever eaten.
( , Thu 4 Jul 2013, 4:20, 22 replies)

1) Get a jar of Nutella, or similar supermarket brand spread. Works with anything of the same consistency. Sainsbury's does a chocolate orange spread that's also good for this.
2) Scoop some into an ice cube tray and freeze it for a couple of hours.
3) Make muffin batter as normal, spoon into muffin tray, and insert one Nutella cube into the middle of each one. Cover with remaining batter.
4) Cook.
The result is a fantastic sticky blob of goodness in the middle of your muffin, which is something we all ultimately strive for.
( , Thu 4 Jul 2013, 1:08, 5 replies)

How does it smell?
I can't believe it. I come here to tell you this heart-wrenching tale of my poor animals' horrible affliction that has not only caused it it great pain and suffering but has also affected me and my family greatly.
And all you can do is try to make a joke out of it?
( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 22:09, 2 replies)

Salt and vinegar or Walkers pickled onion.
Only a cunt wouldn't!
( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 22:07, 5 replies)

How does it smell?
( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 21:37, 1 reply)

the bartender says "Johnnie Walker or one of the single malts?"
the man says "I don't care, my wife has left me"
the bartender says, "So, do want to go out the back and I can suck you off?"
did I mention it was a gay bar?
the man replies, "sure, but let me finish my drinks"
the bartender says "That'll be 40 quid"
the man says "that's a bit steep for Johnnie Walker"
the bartender says "No, I'm also a male prostitute. The drinks are on the house. You've just lost your wife, for God's sake"
( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 18:48, 7 replies)

How does it smell?
Well it doesn't, you see? Because it has no "nose". "Nose" in wine terms refers to the smell of the wine, as wine people are pretentious and snobbish.
( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 15:39, 15 replies)

After enjoying a pulled pork sandwich in Las Vegas it was my quest to recreate the delicacy. As you don't seem to be able to buy pulled pork in many places back in Blighty I was going to have to start with raw bits of an animal.
After rubbing the shoulder of dead pig in a selection of spices it's a case of bunging it into the oven for what seems like 300 years but was in actuality only 5 or 6.
What you end up with is a rather succulent and greasy offering like so:

After pulling it apart using a couple of forks like you would do with a crispy duck and mixing it with plenty of high calorie sugary BBQ sauce this is the sort of thing you end up with. Absolutely gorgeous but with the length of cooking it probably cost £10 in electricity on top of the cost of the meat. Might try it in a slow cooker next time.

( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 14:27, 23 replies)

it tasted as wrong as it sounds...
( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 12:35, 8 replies)

It was alright.
( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 12:15, 16 replies)

Crunch.. crunch...
Dropped one on the floor
Never mind. Plenty more!
Crunch... crunch...
Greasy fingertips
Salty, tingly, licky lips
Crunch... crunch...
Walkers are great
Millions of packets have I ate
Crunch... crunch...
Never clean my teeth so I
Can taste them all the time
Crunch... slobber...
Dribbled on the keyboard!
Never mind, no-one saw
Crunch... crunch...
Almost scoffed the lot
So better eat that one I dropped
Crunch! Crunch!
Crisp crumbs everywhere!
On my desk and in my hair!
I don’t care! I feel bliss
( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 12:05, Reply)

How does it smell?
To get to the other side!
( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 11:41, 2 replies)

Why did you cut your dog's nose off?
I wanted a pug :(
( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:31, Reply)

Asks for a Martinum.
The barman says 'Don't you mean a Martini?'
Roman replies 'If I wanted a double, I'd have asked for one you cunt!' and then runs him through with a spear.
( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:23, 5 replies)

SMILES, because there's a MILE between the two Ss!
( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:01, Reply)

How do they sound?
( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:59, 7 replies)

Serves me right for sitting in a teacup.
( , Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:58, Reply)
This question is now closed.