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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I'm slightly delicate this morning and shattered!
Cider and shots is not a good mix :(
You ok?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:01, Reply)

I'm not feeling very clever today.
Self inflicted so I know I can't moan really.
How are you today?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:21, Reply)

No worse than usual!
Can't be arsed working but I've plenty to do.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:27, Reply)

Still in bed. Can't find the strength to leave. Make it be Saturday. Please.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:27, Reply)

I want to be back in bed with a cup of tea.
Only 8 hours to go until home time!
Edit: Clendrix, budge up and I'll come and join you!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:29, Reply)

I'm working from home today (yeah right!) so all is well in the world for me. Just having ny first cuppa of the day. Ain't life grand.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:31, Reply)

Come on - it's half past 8. Time to get up and go to work.
Edit - Mornin' Cap'n P.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:31, Reply)

Although if Lusty climbs in I'll definitely never leave.
Captain Placid! Hey! Good to see you. Wish I could come up on Sunday :(
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:33, Reply)

The idea of Lusty and you in the same bed is giving me inappropriate thoughts.
Ach, what the hell. This is b3ta. They're appropriate thoughts!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:35, Reply)

*strokes Lusty's head in a soothing manner*
Hope everybody is well today. I'm straight back onto the job search this morning, even though I might be staying here for the near future.
Does anyone know if you can still get Lion bars? Mr VP owes me one but claims he can't find one anywhere. Is he fibbing?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:38, Reply)

with inappropriate thoughts.
Though I don't think the thought of clendrix and myself in bed is an inappropriate one. I happen to think it's a very nice thought indeed.
Edit: Morning Lucy! You can get Lion bars, I've seen them with my eyes, they're just hard to come by these days.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:39, Reply)

Absolutely! Anything seems to go here!
Right, getting up. Back later.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:39, Reply)

Mr VP's 'lion' to you.
Edit - they are listed on Nestlé's website. According to the blurb, "Lion bars were launched in 1976 and are aimed primarily at young men aged 16-24". This makes them sound like some sort of demographic weapon.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:44, Reply)

That was terrible!
You made me use my nerd laugh, I'm so happy no one heard it
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:46, Reply)

Aww poor Lusty!
*hands aspirin*
*puts kettle on*
*strokes head*
*realises how that sounds*
Sod it.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:47, Reply)

How does that go then? Is it a bit of a snort, or a giggle?
Incidentally, I did the 'how nerdy are you' test thingy yesterday, and came up with the worryingly high result of 88.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:50, Reply)

I do snort when I find things really funny though. It's not very attractive.
@Bk who's head are you stroking??
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:53, Reply)

When I find something funny I either honk or cackle. It's not the best laugh ever.
In fact it's awful.
But the worst part is, it makes me laugh, so once I start, I have difficulty stopping.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:54, Reply)

I'm so excited. I'm in sole control of the flirto-toddler of mass destruction today. Help.
And the bastard smoke alarm decided to start beeping at 0400 to say it wanted a new battery.
I feel like poo. And I think I can smell some - nappy time......
*groans pathetically*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 8:59, Reply)

Remember at primary school when something was really funny but you couldn't laugh because the class was quiet?
The more you tried to hold in the laughter, the funnier it became until you would just burst and get a telling off. Actually I still do that from time to time, in seminars, at the cinema, dinners etc. I'm just a big kid really.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:01, Reply)

My tea has scaley bits in it.
Why does everything bad always happen to me?!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:01, Reply)

Just dropped Mr Bin off at work. It took me ages to get home as the whole town is gridlocked.
I'm off to get in the bath now!!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:03, Reply)

Yep, this still happens now, especially in meetings.
I remember at school, during hymn time, that we would replace the word 'Jesus' with 'golliwog' - detentions all the time.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:06, Reply)

Oi, Captain P! - Do some work you lazy-arsed slacker!
Weapons grade sticky tape does not sell itself, you know...
btw - Gout update - I woke up this morning and I've now also got it in my knee...
*prays for death*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:09, Reply)

Perhaps you boiled a fish in your kettle?
Edit@Pooflake - my dad had gout in both knees at the same time. Couldn't get out of bed for a week, the poor bugger.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:09, Reply)

Fish kettle on the other hand ... yummy, fall-off-the-bone fish. Mmm.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:13, Reply)

It's usually happened only in my feet (and occasionally the knee) so I can kind of 'tell the signs' when it's about to attack, but this time...well I was pissed...and...
Who thought you could get it in the fucking ELBOW?
I mean - I ask you!
So the pain killers make me throw up, and the gout tablets give me thermo nuuclear trotts.
Suffice to say - It's not been the best few days...
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:14, Reply)

Despite it being grey and miserable outside, I am looking forward to what the daty might bring.
Give it half an hour and I'll be threatening to slice some of our customers from ear to ear but it's good to start on a positive note I think!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:15, Reply)

Fish = wrong
It's all a steaming pile of icky badness. Give me a nice slab of beef any day.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:16, Reply)

I've never met a fish I didn't like eating. Except a muddy carp in Hungary once. But that was an isolated incident.
Although I will concede that fish tea is probably not a good idea.
Fish, beef, pork, mutton, kangaroo - I like it all.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:19, Reply)

Fish is awesome!
Fish tea is not...
microfiche is ok :p
Pooflake you better be better for the weekend!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:21, Reply)

And good for you as well - a lot less fatty than most meats (not to say that I don't like a steak though).
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:23, Reply)

Sorry to hear about your gout Pooflake, hope you're better for the weekend!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:26, Reply)

Well... The fact that I'm powerfully, vomitingly allergic to it is rubbish.
I'm hung-over this morning, be gentle with me.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:26, Reply)

All fish makes me ill. It's horrible stuff. Stinky and yukky.
I have lived perfectly well without it all my life.
gross gross gross.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:26, Reply)

I've tried plenty of it, and in various forms, but it just doesn't do anything for me. The only way I've ever been able to make it tingle my tastebuds in anticipation is to introduce another strong flavour into the equation.
And as for healthiness. Bah. My body is a temple. By that of course I mean it weighs the same as your average temple, but I'm not going to let that stop me.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:27, Reply)

A lot of people seem to be allergic to fish, my old housemate was. Although I thought he was lying and was always tempted to sneak some tuna into the pasta to see what happened :p
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:28, Reply)

No fish and chips?
There's such variety to fish. nom nom nom.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:29, Reply)

Just... The kind with creepy roads, human sacrifice and ritual suicides.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:30, Reply)

No sir. No fish and chips.
Sausage and chips, that's the way forward.
Sometimes a pie, sometimes a burger but NEVER fish.
When I lived in Sicily I lived next to a fish market. :(
The smell alone make me feel bad. It was crazy.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:30, Reply)

but never seem to have it that often.
I did some mackrel on the BBQ this summer which seemed like a cracking idea at the time. Until they disintegrated as I tried to turn them, resulting in fishy smoke coming from the coals. Must plan that a bit better next time....
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:31, Reply)

You'd have hated the Maldives then. It's a gorgeous place but obviously fish is the main form of food.
Also: sausage and chips are good too. Pork and leek. Multi-noms.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:32, Reply)

It would be no fun at all. Being allergic to olives would be OK though.
Good night last night then, Kaol?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:32, Reply)

How are all doing today?
Has the rain spread to your areas yet?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:32, Reply)

I love fish, especially freshly-caught fish. It doesn't matter how it's cooked, I love fish! Add to that crab, lobster and prawns.
But not oysters or mussels, I hate them.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:33, Reply)

*looks out of window*
*sees woman with umbrella*
Yup. Reckon it's raining here.
Edit - Mussels are excellent! As are scallops.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:34, Reply)

How can you say that about Olives? They are so delicious! nom nom nom nom.
Most exotic islands have a lot of fish. I eat a lot of salad when I go on coastal holidays.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:34, Reply)

Fish=Great. But Tuna makes me vomit!
Pooflake, gout is all the badness, hope you get better soon.
Other than that is everybody good this morning?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:35, Reply)

do you scuba dive? the only time i've felt remotely iffy when looking at fish on offer was when in the maldives on a diving holiday.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:36, Reply)

Mr.K, I was carrying big bits of wood around last night, making an out-door stage.
Only problem was that it was about half a mile from where we parked the van, so we had to use a quadbike and a ramshackle trailer.
Ah well!
Drunk quadbiking for the win!
EDIT: I can eat all kinds of seafood. Just not actual fish.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:37, Reply)

They taste like the dazed sensation you get when you hit you head hard.
That's my food no-go areas covered in one HSH thread. Seafood and olives. I'll eat virtually anything else.
I had haggis with wholegrain mustard mash last night. Lovely offal. Nom nom nom.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:38, Reply)

Only a matter of time though.
I've never had lobster. You guys are making me hungry though!
Hey Doktor *waves*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:38, Reply)

No I don't. I'm not a fan of being in water like that. I hate swimming pools and the sea and things like that. I go to the beach, and I'll get in to cool down but I don't swim.
Oddly enough though, aquariums are my favourite places to go. I love em!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:41, Reply)

and I forgot to start the download this morning! cock. Ooh that means new How I Met Your Mother as well *glees*
I wonder if my housemate has remote access to our network...
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:42, Reply)

Aquariums are awesome.
And even better to visit with a biologist :p
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:45, Reply)

Just for the record, the only things I wont eat are tinned tuna (the smell *bokes*) and celery.
If anyone wants a crazy Bash, I suggest we go to Honfleur in the north of France. Easy drive, and seafood so good it'll make you 2 kilos heavier by the time you leave, for some strange reason.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:45, Reply)

Happy Tuesday everybody! This is DiT, reporting for duty!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:48, Reply)

If you ever want to take me around an aquarium, be my guest. I flipping love them and could wander around for hours!
(although I am scared of octopi)
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:49, Reply)

out the tin. Nom nom nom. Mainly because I am lazy.
DiT!!! *throws sponge balls at DiT*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:49, Reply)

I saw a man in Amsterdam who was dressed as a green robot gladiator. It made me think of you.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:50, Reply)

Aquaria are SO cool. There's a great one in Le Havre that I went to some years ago that has a room that you walk into and you've got fish swimming all around you. It's ace.
Equally, if you can get over the getting under the water thing diving's astonishing. On one dive in the Maldives I was about 55feet under the water, sitting on my bum on a rock and watching two manta rays swimming lazily along above me.
Just to show that it isn't confined to warm waters, off the Farne Islands in Northumberland a friend and I were diving and I felt a tugging on my fin (flipper) - it was a seal pup, who'd decided that the big black rubber thing was a toy to be played with and was swimming after it, biting it like a dog!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:51, Reply)

Fascinating animals!
Also, "take me round an aquarium"?
I've now got visions of bending someone over a fish-tank.
*shakes head slowly*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:51, Reply)

I'm exactly the opposite - I can't be bothered lying on a beach. I burn easily and get bored and too hot. But I will spend hours in the sea. Literally.
And olives taste bitter. I don't do bitter. Rubberduck's description hits it right on the head, so to speak.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:54, Reply)

I'm off to a Catholic school this afternoon!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:54, Reply)

Kaol we don't have any aquariums around here but I'll take you down to the canal :p
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:54, Reply)

@The Wandering Lustful One: Hehehe, I think he sounds like the most perfect human being ever. did you enjoy the rest of your time in the 'Dam?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:56, Reply)

Unless... You knock me out with it :(
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:57, Reply)

Morning everyone,
I just got up all chilled out & was about to settle down and watch some TV when I remembered I have to go to work today :-(
Still, It's only to drop off my ID badge and pickup my P45 so it won't take long :-)
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:58, Reply)

I had an ace time!
It was just what I needed. I haven't felt this happy in a long time.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:59, Reply)

That wasn't quite what I meant. But it's a good idea though!
I think my love of fish comes from my dad, he used to make us go to all different aquariums (is it really aquaria?) when we were little. As a result I love em!
If I won the lottery I would go on a global aquarium visiting experience. It would be lush.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 9:59, Reply)

And Kaol I wouldn't knock you out with a brick.
I'd use a shovel.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:00, Reply)

There's the Sea Life Centre in Brum, and it's awesome! I wanted to steal turtles and otters from there.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:01, Reply)

New job starts tomorrow!
I'm scared, I've been off work for over a month so have gotten used to slacking. I think real work might kill me!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:05, Reply)

I've got tomorrow off cos it's Eid and all my drivers are taking the day off. Woo for payed impromptu days off!
In fishy news, I'll be trying to cook tempura prawns with my daughter this weekend :)
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:06, Reply)

When I'm in a place with one I have to go and see it, but normally I have my sisters kids with me and they have to go round at 100mph.
This reminds me that I must go to the London one again soon, it's been years since I was there.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:06, Reply)

the girl in my office just offered to make us tea then threw a strop as
a) We didn't put the dishwasher on as there were only FIVE cups in it
b) We told her to reuse our mugs from earlier
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:10, Reply)

The company I'm going to be working for (http://www.gen-networks.com/) has a worldwide fibre optic network for moving broadcast quality video around the globe, I'll be a support engineer helping to keep this network running.
Shoud be fun.
Edit: Hey TGB
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:10, Reply)

and highly recommend it to anyone who gets the chance to see it. It's utterly, heartbreakingly beautiful. I was in (subtle) floods by the end. It's not terribly deep or profound, but just a stunningly well thought-out, well-made film.
Oh, and morning all!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:11, Reply)

My favourite thing about the London Aquarium is the jellyfish tank. So clever!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:12, Reply)

Is it a clever tank or clever jellyfish?
*Goes to get the bus*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:14, Reply)

How are we all?
Just as a shameless charity plug, anyone who wants their name/business emblazoned on my limousine during the Scumball3000 2009 event, which will have national TV, DVD and magazine coverage, as well as the run-up (I have some local papers and TV interested in articles) then gaz me.
Its for the Chase Children's charity, and I'm also looking to raise funds for NDCS also.
I'm also looking to hold an internet raffle, so if you are, or know someone who is, interested in donating items for it, I'd be much appreciative!
If you fancy a look at the monster in question, check out www.DuchessTheLimo.com (its only the front page at the moment, I'll be updating over the next few days).
Otherwise, I'm doing well.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:16, Reply)

Can I have "TGB FTW" on your car :p I'll pay five of the queen's finest.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:19, Reply)

It's my least favourite day - suicide Tuesday. Ferkin great, roll on Wednesday.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:20, Reply)

Lots of people are around now. Hello everyone!
I am filling out a job application that requires me to be creative. This is going to be fun.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:21, Reply)

Just North of Chester is pretty damn good, although the crowds around the piranhas at feeding time are a bit thick.
Syw Mor Mon (Sp?) on Anglesey is also good (or was) with lots of local species.
Don't take a zoologist, though. Take a Marine Biologist *bows*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:22, Reply)

That sounds fair :)
I'm putting personal adverts/details on the rear quarters, dependant on how many I get as to how big your sticker will be :)
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:23, Reply)

Given the economic climate, whatever job is thrown your way, you want to consider it very closely! Jobs are becoming harder to come by!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:23, Reply)

Suicide Tuesday...
It'd stop my hangover though.
'Red, good luck with that!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:23, Reply)

I need cheering up. I can't get back into the swing of things after my week off and I'm a bit down.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:24, Reply)

Oh I am. I'm gunna work my little bottom off on this one. It's for a job in television though and I'm sure there are plenty more "wacky crazy out there" people who will get snapped up.
I'm more than aware of how bloody difficult it is to get employed at the moment.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:25, Reply)

There is a very, very big part of me that wants to pay copious amounts of money to have my face on your bonnet.
Then my sanity kicks in and I realise that considering I can't yet afford to rent my own place I've probably got more important things to do with my money.
If I win the lottery though...
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:26, Reply)

How would you like cheering up?
Jokes? Frottage? Kittens?
I can provide any of these.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:26, Reply)

I think some light frottage to start with and then move on to some heavy kittenage.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:28, Reply)

I can take my shirt off and get some pictures taken. Or I can send you a picture of when I was a model in a giant condom for NME :)
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:30, Reply)

If you want to get into Television, that's easy.
Get on an reality TV show (Big Brother is usually the best bet). Do something insane (i.e cause arguments, act as thick as a pound of tripe, bitch all the time etc), then wait for the offers to come flooding to release your autobiography/own perfume/tv show/delete as applicable.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:30, Reply)

I reckon I could rustle up some capering apes from somewhere if anyone was interested as well...
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:30, Reply)

I'm not sure about the midget gem. I've eaten so much crap over the week that a single midget gem might tip me over the edge and I'll explode.
Nope, not even a wafer thin mint must past my lips.
@himjim - I like the taking off shirt idea. Naked frottage is usually the best.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:31, Reply)

but my head didn't. It was the best compromise we could meet.
Now I am at work, a headless corpse. At least I'm safe from Zombies.
BGB - *hugs bigly*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:31, Reply)

Oh dear. It's that bad is it? Have a grape then. mmmmmm. fruity.
Stig - I don't want to be ON tv, this role is within a TV company. Good lord, who would want to see me on TV every day? I'd be rubbish! I'm much too easily distracted by shiny objects to talk to a camera.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:32, Reply)

I'm off to town quickly which involves me going passed an old fashioned sweet shop. Would you like anything?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:34, Reply)

Start saving!
I am having a great rant with my boss about how fucking annoying the general public are :D Especially slow moving people with bags and those survey people.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:34, Reply)

You won't be any worse than some of the tripe that's out there! For flip's sake, if Jade "waste of blood and organs" Goody can host a TV show, then anyone can!
Arrrrrrrrgggggghhhhh! Is there blood coming out of my ears.....?!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:35, Reply)

Hiya LVP,
Have you been using grapevine jobs (www.grapevinejobs.co.UK I think)
Good for broadcast jobs.
Good luck
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:38, Reply)

that the god of t'internets decided it would be unholy for us to see you in a dress.
*edit* works now. Pass the mind bleach.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:40, Reply)

I don't believe we've met and already you are being super useful, thank you very much!
I shall have a look at that once I've come up with my 2 TV programme ideas.
*dons thinking cap*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:42, Reply)

Yay! thanks for the pics.
I particularly liked the pic of you in a nurses uniform. I have a fondness for men in womens clothing : )
I'm feeling a bit better already.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:43, Reply)

the internet gods don't like me it let me see it :|
Fetching poncho though
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:43, Reply)

have you dialled 00 before dialling your number?
00 gives you an outside line (i.e to the rest of the world) the 32 bit is for Belgium, if I remember correctly, and the rest is your contact phone number.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:46, Reply)

so I may be too late but ancrenne try
0032 then the number
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:48, Reply)

you phone the UK from elsewhere then you drop the 0 at the beginning of the number.
Can you phone the operator and ask them to connect you?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:48, Reply)

chip in! +32 can work on a mobile phone - if you hold down "0" it turns into a "+" and you can dial it that way.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 10:55, Reply)

I've just got up
it's great
although it is or was raining. that's not so good :-/
how are you all?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:00, Reply)

The weather that is, not anyone in the office.
Hey Vipros you lazy git :p
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:03, Reply)

Good thanks matey. Still listening to Death Magnetic, I keep trying to listen to something else but my iPod won't let me.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:04, Reply)

For about an hour now. And I was going to be good and walk into town, now I think I'll probably just drive.
Lazy I know.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:05, Reply)

Do you like it? I have it at last and it's going on my ipod tonight!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:06, Reply)

Well, I've done my to-do list for today:
- Go to uni: done
- Come home from uni: done
Grand. Bring on toasties and tv.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:07, Reply)

This morning I am reminded of the phrase "A lack of planning on your part will not constitute an emergency on my part."
Unfortunately, I have no choice but to sort out more eleventh hour requests from PITA 'customers'.
Still, only got October to suffer before I have a week off!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:09, Reply)

shouldn't put magnets near electronics!
I need to walk into town and get my car tax as it expires tomorrow.
Leaving it till the last possible moment as always. Although the DVLA said they normally give you a few weeks leeway time when I called them last time after it failed it's MOT.
Sweeeeeet my boss just gave me a Subway discount voucher! Woooooooo!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:09, Reply)

my head still feels all sleepy...
we're having a cowl put on our chimney at the moment, and the guy was doing a smoke test. probably about a third of the smoke stayed in my living room.
I wasn't too happy about that, so they are going to sweep it (again). hopefully that will sort things!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:14, Reply)

I'm assuming that's not to get cheap underground transport.
I find the problem with Subway (the sandwich shop) is that you have to know the lingo before you go in. I very rarely use Subway, and always have to umm and erm when making my choice. The possible combinations must be astronomical in magnitude.
I'd like to go in and say my order in one coherent sentence, but I end up mumbling thus: 6" wholegrain..ham..cheese, and everything else...no wait, no olives...oh you don't do olives?...well that's OK...no mustard then" which takes me ages.
I feel bad about holding up the queue and also a bit daft not knowing the language. But the only way to learn it is to practice. It's a vicious circle.
I bring my own lunch most days!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:18, Reply)

on Subway sandwiches on The Epic Road Trip. Although I did taste the local dishes like an Irish breakfast and an Ulster fry.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:20, Reply)

K2K6 I just point at what I want.
Easier that way
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:21, Reply)

But it always steal all my money. Even with the 5% discount card I get.
Tastes mighty decent though.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:22, Reply)

But I tend to have the same thing every time, so have it down pat:
Hi, may I please have a footlong Italian BMT, on honey oat, toasted please. *pause* May I please have lettuce, sweetcorn and jalapenos on that, and some honey mustard sauce. Thank you!"
Om nom nom.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:23, Reply)

only language you need:
6 inch meatball with cheese, lettuce and pickles
I used to have to walk past one on my way to uni.
the smell of the place used to make me want to hurl
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:25, Reply)

The steak(?) and cheese melt with olives, jalapenos and southern sauce is nomtastic.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:27, Reply)

The problem with meatball subs is you risk firing a naughty meatball out of your sandwich every time you take a bite.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:28, Reply)

A good mate of mine from undergrad days came from Aberdeen. Now, in Scotland, we have a highly delicious bread product known in most parts as a buttery, also known as an Aberdeen roll. It is, as you might guess, a butter-rich, dense bread roll. Kind of like a geometric variant of a croissant, but harder.
Anyway, in Aberdeen, these are simply referred to as 'rolls'.
So we said to Ian, my Aberdeen mate, "So if you're in a bakery in Aberdeen and ask for a roll, you get a buttery by default?".
"Aye, that's right".
"So what happens if you want a normal roll, like we have here? I mean, if you go into a bakery here and ask for a roll, you get a roll - if you want a buttery you have to ask for a buttery".
His reply was logical, but amused me.
"Well, you just point to it and say 'One of them, please'".
I've since found out that they're referred to as softies in Aberdeen, but that spoils the story a bit
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:29, Reply)

It's all true. Bastarding pissed it down this morning when I was walking from the hotel to the office. Aaaaand since I was wearing my shiney new leather soled shoes, it was like walking on an ice rink for about a mile.
I almost made it too, then just nipped into the local shop to pick up some breakfast, and did two proper comedy full length slapstick falls on the shiny bricks that they very handily place outside.
...then I did it again when I go inside the shop.
So now, I have a total of a bruised elbow, a wrenched and possibly bruised shoulder, a sore bum, and a laptop that's on it's last legs (the screen goes wibbly every so often).
It was not the best start to the day.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:29, Reply)

Ha. A naughty meatball.
That made me laugh.
But yes, the meatball sub is delicious. with cheese, peppers, onions, olives and jalapenos and some mayo.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:30, Reply)

I'm sorry to hear about your bruises, I really am.
But haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha!
Thank you for sharing.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:32, Reply)

I passed 4 walking home from uni. It's a half hour walk, and I could have passed another one if I had taken a slightly different route.
Oh, and there's one just across the river from me too.
How are you, ancrenne?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:32, Reply)

I know what you like, honey, and Luis and Wookiee were in there last night. I walked past though. I was saving myself for when you're here.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:36, Reply)

Have you never had a kebab while sober?
Depending on the kebab establishment, they can either be a joy, or a dreadful mistake.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:42, Reply)

I nearly fell in Mcr today too, on the shiny stones outside the shops on Oxford Street. Didn't have any waterproofs and got absolutely soaked on the way to work...
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:43, Reply)

I've never had a kebab either. I don't really class it as a foodstuff, even when drunk!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:44, Reply)

So "drunk food cravings" have never really been an issue.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:46, Reply)

I was well waterproofed up, so didn't get too wet until I decided to go for a roll around on the ground. Grrr.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:51, Reply)

Hangover cravings should be satisfied. It's your body actually asking for what it needs!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:52, Reply)

If by 'doesn't', I mean 'does'. And if by '.' I means 'shitloads'.
acknowledges Al
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:53, Reply)

I've had some great sober kebabs, as well as gyros (Greek variant).
Unfortunately, I have had a couple of kebabs that have made me evacuate from both ends simultaneously, so I don't eat at one place anymore.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:55, Reply)

I hate getting cravings that involve cooking something. It's an accident waiting to happen.
Pizza with the polystyrene base still attached and melted to the bottom is not very palatable.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 11:57, Reply)

footlong Italian BMT, cheese, toasted, lettuce, onions, peppers, gherkins, sweetcorn and sweet onion sauce on heart Italian bread. Done!
All round win
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 12:13, Reply)

I know what you mean about cooking catastrophes!
After a heavy Friday session that ended with a round of Martinis I awoke on Saturday morning feeling like someone had sandpapered my mouth with essence of Barbara Cartland.
I craved chilli, so I dragged myself out to Tescos and bought the requisite items and dragged my sorry arse back home and started cooking. It was going to be a masterpiece, and I was going to eat the lot. It had smoked jalapenos, special chilli power from texas and a dash of special ingredient.
I left it to simmer, salivating about booting the hangover out of my system with hot chili goodness. I sat down on my bed, and flicked on the TV; for some reason I couldn't concentrate and all I could think about was eating my delicious concoction, I was almost inside the pan with glee.
I jack knifed off my bed. I had been asleep, sitting up, for the last two hours. My chilli was ruined.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 12:14, Reply)

a bit quiet.
So I'm off to the pool for a few lengths.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 12:22, Reply)

Although I am mostly lurking here in the corner today.
Enjoy your length!
Er, hang on, that didn't sound right...
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 12:26, Reply)

Christ it was dull.
And they wouldn't let me get my bacon and sausage at break time. Bastards!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 12:31, Reply)

I'm eating a banana, I'm that bored.
Edit: BK! Yay!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 12:32, Reply)

How you feeling?
I always have the urge to write banananananananananananananaBATMAN!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 12:39, Reply)

Much better thanks!
Very hungry though, and I need a cigarette.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 12:41, Reply)

One should always honour one's urges.
Mmm...smoke. But it's raining. Stupid laws.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 12:45, Reply)

Cigarette time soon...
I've got two left.
I need some new ones.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 12:48, Reply)

Pop over here and have a smoke with me.
*likes smoke buddies*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 12:53, Reply)

to refill my baccy tin this morning meaning I'm left with dried out scrappings to make my ciggies for this afternoon. I am not happy about that at all.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 12:54, Reply)

I wish I could just pop over :(
Damn distance!
I shall joint you for a smoke soon though, it has to be done!
Fuzzy, did you check down the back of the sofa cushions?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 12:56, Reply)

I'm in a similar position! How disappointing those smokes are... :(
Kaol - any time, my dear!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 12:56, Reply)

with losing one's mojo is that you need mojo to be able to find it.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:00, Reply)

And I can still taste it. Yeuch.
And no, when I say Cigar I do not mean 'Penis'.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:00, Reply)

My early lunch means smoke time for me is over 4 hours away :(
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:00, Reply)

And technically I am the most senior person in the lab, but will that allow me to get away with sleeping at my desk?
I doubt it :(
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:04, Reply)

I have smoked and have had the last of my lamb casserole.
No chance of popping out for a sneaky one later on?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:05, Reply)

I'm so angry at the moment I think I need to take up smoking.
Basically, the department I work for (against my protestations) farmed out a bit of our work to a very well-respected automotive engineering company in the midlands, purely due to the fact that we've got quite a bit on our plates at the moment.
We've had the work back, and the powers that be have signed their acceptance of it and any legal comeback that we had on it.
I've taken a look at it today, and it's a complete crock of shit. A bunch of rabid baboons could have done a better job. Which means that yours truly and his colleagues have to spend about another month sorting out the mess they've made.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:07, Reply)

my credit card people have sent me a text saying they want to talk to me today.
If anyone asks I now live in Nigeria
Holyfuck my minimum payment is over ÂŁ200 :| And most of that is interest *cries* I may need to start selling my body to pay this off.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:08, Reply)

It's funny you should mention Nigeria in relation to finances. I'm currently dealing with a nice man in Nigeria called Mr Jones David who's sorting me out with a share of eleventy hundred gazillion pounds, just for the privilege of being able to use my bank account as a holding area.
I like it when good stuff happens ;)
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:12, Reply)

Front it out. It's shit, but it's best to deal with these things, innit?
If all else fails, just unleash John Anderson on them!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:15, Reply)

I thought hair of the dog would help me out at lunchtime.
I entered the pub and there was a wake going on and that negged me out straight away. I was just about to leave but the landlord spied me and started pouring my pint, so I felt obliged to stay.
Then I was at the bar and let fly with a totally involuntary ripper of a fart and gassed the mourners.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:16, Reply)

No. Why? Is he trying to scupper my deal with Jones David?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:17, Reply)

has just said that you are 'below the poverty line' if you are on ÂŁ18000 a year or less!!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:18, Reply)

they want all my money.
I have no money.
I am fucked to the highest degree.
Second job ahoy *cries*
There was an ad in the paper for female escorts... I dunno if anyone would pay to take me out though :(
And officially below the poverty line it seems. Great. I may need a little cry...
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:18, Reply)

just got one kid back to health and now the other's gone down with the lurgy.......
MrsL, poverty line less than ÂŁ18k? Is that household income or per person?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:20, Reply)

OK, here it is - if you have no money then they can't take it, can they?
If you don't talk to them and organise a plan, they will either:
a) end up taking you to court, and getting you a CCJ. You don't need to be present for that to happen.
b) put you on a credit blacklist.
Neither of these is a good thing. As a lender, they are obliged to assist you. You also have the consumer credit act on your side.
Ignoring it, though, is not going to make it better.
*hugs and that*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:22, Reply)

Go to CCCS (consumer credit counselling service) they are absolutely fantastic, they'll sort everything out for you.
I was almost crying on the phone through sheer relief as they were helping me. Hope it goes well.
Trust me, they're great.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:22, Reply)

I would think that that would make just about every single parent below the poverty line.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:23, Reply)

Talk to the CCCS (Consumer Credit Counselling Service) - they'll give you advice on how to draw up a financial statement which you can send to your creditors with offers of payment that you can afford.
I've been making token payments every month, and once the agreement was made they stopped hassling me. I think long term I'm going to have to take the bankrupcy route, but in the short term this arrangement has prevented me from going under (financially and emotionally!)
EDIT: OITP beat me to it!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:24, Reply)

and don't hide - they won't quit.
MrsL, yep, every single parent I know. If I was single, on my current salary, I'd be poverty line too.
*resolves to be nicer to MrWitch*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:27, Reply)

I am going to see if my bank will loan me a bit more money to pay off the credit card as the interest on the loan is no where near as high as the card.
I will also call the CCCS thanks Pinky :)
Man if I could go back in time I would give younger TGB a good punch in the face for being a twat with money
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:27, Reply)

got herself into a mountain of financial shit a few years ago, and managed to sort it all out with an IVA (Individual Voluntary Agreement?)
It's taken about 5 years for her to get straight again, but she's managed it, and without having to lose anything.
It's a bit extreme, but she's too damn proud for her own good and she refused my and my parents' offers of financial help. Long term though, it probably helped her more than if we'd bailed her out.
EDIT: TGB - have you looked to see if you could balance-transfer the credit card onto one with a 0% deal? It'd give you a bit of breathing space to start paying off the capital.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:28, Reply)

If you are genuinely having problems, talk to them, renegotiate the term/payment etc. They will actually be relieved about this, as otherwise they have the costs of chasing you through the courts, and the very good chance of not getting their money back. If the account is re-structured or renegotiated, they are much more likely to get their money back in full, with little effort.
It's the people who hide, run, ignore etc that they don't like. Communicate! (In a dalek voice).
Citizens Advice and the CCCS are free and useful. NEVER go to a 'debt management' company - they are leeches on the unfortunate and will be the seventh up against the wall come the revolution.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:29, Reply)

That's bollocks. You can't put a definite number on that. It depends on where you live, how many kids you have and how carefully you live your life.
I've always been careful with money, and even as a student always managed to get by without too much trouble.
You don't need Sky television (or indeed any television), a computer connected to the internet, a Playstation or the like. Yes, life is nicer if you can afford them but you can get by without if need be. A car is not essential unless you live out in the sticks, and if you do, chances are the cost of living is lower anyway so you could buy something cheap to run in order to get about.
I'm not trying to make light of real poverty, it's just that some people could be a lot more prudent than they are.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:30, Reply)

that the family they used to illustrate 'a family living on the poverty line' had sky TV.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:32, Reply)

So I was going to ask if I could borrow a bit more.
And yeah K2k6 I could get rid of all my luxuries and go and live back with my mum but knowing my luck I'd get hit by a drunk driver and die so fuck it.
I thought about selling the Marina but I can't do it, it's more than a car to me because I am sad like that.
Ugh I feel like shit now.
Edit: I did actually sell loads of stuff I didn't need but my biggest expense is rent and bills. I can't really cut them out :p
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:36, Reply)

It does depend on circumstances, true. You can also get situations where both partners have to work in order to pay the mortgage. This means childcare costs, additional transport costs to get to work, and in the end you can end up with two people working their arses off to be *slightly* better off than they were before. Maybe a more accurate yardstick would be 'disposable income'?
And then define 'disposable'?
I'm lucky in a way, although I have no money, some fairly large debts, and exist almost exclusively on lentils *pharrp*, when I get a job I'll be earning quite well, and will be able to turn the situation around fairly quickly. I'm also quite happy to be driving a seven year old car because it works, dress like a scruff out of work, and don't need a 500" plasma TV thing to make me happy. More sex wouldn't hurt, mind.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:39, Reply)

I ended up doing the bankruptcy thing about 15 yrs ago (see previous post on never trying to run a pub with an alcoholic arseh*le partner...). It isn't the end of the world. It takes time but you just have to start from the bottom and climb back up. It was a great relief, really.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:40, Reply)

Have a look at your bills.
Can you get better prices anywhere for your gas and electricity? Try uswitch.com Do you have a mobile? If so call them and ask what you can do about your bill. Same goes for the telephone companies.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:41, Reply)

*offers his body to osok*
*buys TGB*
Ah, problem solved.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:43, Reply)

I agree. Yes, we have Sky (and Virgin as well), and the internet, PS2, Wii, DS's, you name it. But then we have two wages coming in. His is a lot more than mine. If we lost one (or god forbid both) those things would be the first to go.
We're also lucky to have been in this house for so long that our mortgage is teeny. I mean, really, really teeny.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:45, Reply)

like I was bullying you TGB, sorry! *hugs*
It's just that I did the same thing, I had a loan which I then added to because the interest was cheaper, and then again for the same reason... the bank fell over themselves to lend me more money than I could afford to pay back, and I ended up in way over my head.
If I'd just talked to the CCCS first they would have advised me to do the financial statement and make sensible offers to the credit card companies, which would have meant I wouldn't have ended up taking out a loan three times the size of my annual income!
You live and learn...
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:45, Reply)

I suspect that when TGB was talking about selling her body she wasn't meaning an outright purchase!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:46, Reply)

I live a fairly frugal life, so I can turn on a dime (no pun intended). My ultimate plan to save up enough to buy a nice house in the Netherlands or the United States. Owning your own house outright, takes a lot of pressure off.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:47, Reply)

I can't say I actually offered to purchase said item...
Having said that, what sort of nick are your kidneys/corneas/liver in?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:50, Reply)

Yeah I know a couple of people who went bankrupt, one of them said it was liberating, and the other one said he was terrified but when he actually went through the process was surprised at how daft it was to be scared of it. Sometimes it's just the only solution.
And... I'm already at rock bottom, so I've no fear there. I've climbed my way up before, I can do it again. The debts were ran up when I was with control freak ex, he ran up more than half of it, but it was all in my name... nowt I can do about that sadly. But when we split up I did the CCCS thing, started work full time and have run up no further debt. I know exactly how much I need to live on and have lived within my means for the last year and a half. So I know I can do it, just need to bite the bullet now... it's the last part of my life which is still affected by that relationship, and I'll be glad to see the back of it.
Oh... and I need to find a job... they won't let you go bankrupt if it looks like you will get straight back into debt again... :( And jobhunting sucks at the moment, as others here know...
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:52, Reply)

were bullying Fuzzy :)
Yeah I sold my Wii, DVDs, books anything I didn't need really.
My every day car is a 1.2 Fiesta that costs next to nothing and the Marina is now in my garage so won't be costing me anything (which is why I justify myself keeping it)
I need a rich man. Or several rich men.... And yeah sorry V it's more like hiring it out ;)
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:53, Reply)

of a crap joke:
A duck was getting on well with a rather nice young lady whom he met when he was away on business. So he asked her up to his hotel room.
Well, one thing led to another, and at the crucial point the duck realised he hadn't any condoms. The girl had none either, so she suggested trying hotel reception.
"Yes sir", said the girl on reception, "we do have condoms available, if you'd like to come down and select them".
So off downstairs went the duck, and picked up a packet of three. He was about to pay for them when the receptionist asked, "Would you like to put them on your bill, sir?"
"Don't be daft", he replied. "I'm going to put them on my cock"
I did say at the beginning that it was crap. It was all this talk of bills...
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 13:57, Reply)

I've been told that my jokes are crap. In fact, I remember about 15 years ago, someone saying to me, "You don't half know some bollocks jokes", which may not be grammatically correct but certainly conveyed the meaning!
Silly jokes make me laugh the most. I still chuckle at spakka's orange head joke.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:07, Reply)

And she didn't say anything about her arse either!
Edit@lust - if you ever meet me you'll be wanting to spang me after hearing all of my rubbish jokes!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:09, Reply)

Posted a letter.
Got coffee.
And cigarettes.
And some oranges.
Awesome :D
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:11, Reply)

I'll probably just nerd laugh all over the place and snort a bit.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:14, Reply)

I must do some work this afternoon.
I'll be back in a bit.
I may even remember some more jokes.
*prepares for spanging and being nerd-laughed and snorted at*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:17, Reply)

A duck goes to the an employment agency and asks the chap behind the desk if he can help him find work. The chap behind the counter is dubious, but after a few minutes of arguing and some fantastic persuasion from the duck, he agrees to take his details and put him on the books if anything comes up. The duck leaves happy.
The following day, the duck receives a phone call from the agency and a completely incredulous bloke tells him that they've found him an opening. The circus is in town, and apparently their old performing duck has upped and left and they need a new one immediately, room and board, ÂŁ200 a week and all found. The duck listens very carefully, then says:
"Well, yeah, sounds nice. But it's no good for me, I'm an interior designer."
Hello dudes and ladies, it has been a very busy morning. How are y'all?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:19, Reply)

I don't think I've had the pleasure of hearing your "nerd laugh"!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:19, Reply)

The post just came. A box was amongst the items. A heavey box.
It contains sixteen (16) free bottles of Stinger beer from the Badger Brewery.
I am smile.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:19, Reply)

I try not to doit as it makes me feel like an idiot.
Sometimes I can't help myself though. Like the snorting, that's always embarrassing!
Edit: I was going to tell my snail goes into a pub joke, but I won't if it's going to upset the lovely clendrix.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:23, Reply)

what the Monty Python duck joke was? (Holy Grail, I believe)
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:24, Reply)

It's all good and fun, 'til the middle of your nose falls out.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:26, Reply)

A snail goes into a bar and orders a pint of lager.
The barman looks at the snail and says "sorry mate, we don't serve snails."
The snail seems a little bit annoyed at this and says "look, I only want a pint mate, just serve me yeah and stop being a prick."
The barman understandably takes umbrage at being called a prick and tells the snail to leave quietly.
At being asked to leave our little shelled friend kicks off a bit. "OI!" He shouts. "I don't know what your faaacking (did I mention the snail's from London?) problem is you caaant but all I wanted was a pint yeah, so stop being a wanker and serve me!"
The barman decides he's had enough of being spoken to in such a way so instead of asking the snail to leave, he simply picks him up, walks to the door and chucks the snail down the end of the pub garden.
A year later the snail returns and says to the barman. "Oi! You! What the fuck did you do that for?!"
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:34, Reply)

I like your snail joke lusty.
I love jokes.
I did a massive whoopsie and left the sunroof slightly ajar yesterday and when I got in it today I got wet. :(
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:39, Reply)

*catches up on jokes*
*remembers particularly silly one*
A man went into a pub with a pie on his head. After a while, the barman said to him, "Look mate, if you don't mind me asking, why do you have a pie on your head?"
"It's Tuesday", replied the man. "I always wear a pie on my head on Tuesdays".
The following week he came in with a sausage roll on his head. The barman was curious - "Hey, it's Tuesday. How come you've got a sausage roll on your head?" he asked.
The man shrugged. "The bakery had run out of pies".
I really must go and do something constructive before these jokes get any poorer.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:44, Reply)

The thought of an angry snail amuses me muchly.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:44, Reply)

What I was going to write.
Possibly something about Lucy doing a whoopsie making me laugh and making bad jokes about poo...
Damn you work for distracting me!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:45, Reply)

Yeah I forgot that could mean a poo. In that case I have done two whoopsies today (the car one and...oh I'm sure you get it).
I have registered for temping work in the area. Now I just have to sit back and wait for the offers to come flooding in.
*sits back*
*twiddles thumbs*
*gets bored*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:48, Reply)

I was thinking that too, why, with careful editing:
"I did a massive whoopsie and left the sunroof slightly ajar yesterday and when I got in it today I got wet. :("
"I did a massive whoopsie and
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:51, Reply)

I've just managed to drop my mobile into the toilet. Not slightly splashed with water but proper immersed, not turning on style.
Thankfully, there was a lack of effluence in there otherwise I would be in a significantly worse mood than I am right now.
Can any of you wonderful people out there offer any advice on drying it out or anything to get it back in a workable state?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:51, Reply)

I was going to see of any of the petrol stations needed late night staff.
I wonder if my body would cope working 0900-1715 then 2100-0600...
Take the sim card out too otherwise it *will* dry in and you will never get the fucking thing out.
Also be thankful it wasn't in a pint as beer is sticky!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:52, Reply)

If it's dropping phones in stuff then I am your (wo)man. I have dropped a phone down the loo. Just take it apart and let it dry.
The same will work if you happen to drop a phone in a pint of gin and tonic.
LabM - Ha. You and your editing!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:53, Reply)

done and done. Battery was taken out as quick as possible after the ohshitohshit moment and the rest is currently sitting in pieces on my desk.
Fingers crossed then. Thank god I'm due an upgrade in a couple of weeks!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:54, Reply)

1. Dismantle it into as many parts as you can (generally remove battery, battery cover and SIM card).
2. Leave it to dry for a good 24 hours. Don't stick it in an airing cupboard or the microwave, just a ventilated room should be sufficient.
3. If it still doesn't turn on, don't panic. Certain makes of phones can be re-flashed to work again, as water damage just makes them have a little hissy fit.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:57, Reply)

they work a treat at mopping up excess water. Whatever you do, don't get tempted to put it somewhere hot! It'll make it worse!
Edit: In other news - Gurkha success!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:57, Reply)

It was my house warming party and we only had pint glasses.
That's my excuse anyway. I'm perfectly happy to drink spirits in pint quantities. It involves less getting up and going to the kitchen and one pint normally does me!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 14:58, Reply)

I frequently have G&T in pint glasses, for exactly the reason that I'm too lazy to make frequent trips to the fridge.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:00, Reply)

Buy tonic.
I have a sudden urge to drink a negroni or two. I only discovered these on holiday this year. Mmmmmmm.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:01, Reply)

If ever we meet, we should both have a pint of Gin and Tonic.
Drink of the gods.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:02, Reply)

If you can get your hands on some distilled, or even better, deionised water, then rinse it with that. It will make it wetter but also flush out any nasty ions which cause corrosion and short circuits and other stuff which electronics don't like.
Actually, thinking about it, it's easy for me to say that, sitting as I am two rooms away from a deionised water plant in the lab service room...
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:03, Reply)

Sounds great, we should definitely do that!
*smiles at the thought of the 1.5ish litres of Bombay Sapphire at home*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:03, Reply)

Thankfully no. The dropping was pre any other business. To be fair, if that had happened, I probably would have flushed and hoped it got stuck in the u-bend or something, rather than fishing in my own feces for it!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:04, Reply)

Crap just timed my refresh time... 87 SECONDS!! argggjjhhghghghhghghg
I am not a happy badger this internet connection is shit.
Also fair play Lucy! I don't think we have anything but pint glasses either ;p
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:04, Reply)

I can just imagine that...
*gropes blindly for phone*
*expression of triumph*
*proudly holds aloft a rather solid turd*
*face falls*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:12, Reply)

Considering some of the nob ends I've had calling me today, I think I'd rather listen to a turd.
*hates the word 'turd'*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:15, Reply)

Well... To quote a Slipknot song title, "People=Shit" :p
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:17, Reply)

Turd's not so bad, it's very descriptive.
My favourite body noise word is 'guff' though. Even typing it makes me smile.
Oh, and 'YO CLENDERS!' Why are people being turdish?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:18, Reply)

The best word for this is jobbie.
Inherently gigglesome and inoffensive enough to use in front of your gran.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:18, Reply)

From the garage, but "Just A Man" by Faith No More just came on, so...
*waits five minutes*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:21, Reply)

Because it's the start of term and no one knows what he/she is doing because no one reads e-mails or listens.
Usual story!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:23, Reply)

Perhaps we should let natural selection take its course among the student body. Only those who have enough gumption to read their e-mails and pay attention to instructions would be able to complete their courses!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:36, Reply)

Exciting news:
I get to borrow a nailgun from work tonight :D
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:39, Reply)

this evening I shall mostly be cowering in a bunker in an undiscolsed location.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:41, Reply)

Are both exciting AND dangerous.
The best combination really.
Also, it's a gas-canister one, so it's totally cord-less.
So, woooooo!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:43, Reply)

Have the Gurkhas won their battle? If so, thats great!
Those guys rock.
Kaol, that sounds good fun. As long as its not pointed at me!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:44, Reply)

jokes about you nailing people. But I am too lazy
*stretches too far, falls off chair*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:55, Reply)

My uncle served with them in the army, they are some of the friendliest people you could ever meet, meanwhile being the people you want on your side!
They should get anything and everything offerable, they've helped the UK out of some deep shit.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 15:57, Reply)

I agree most bigly with your statement above. I really don't understand why it would be such a bad thing to cull some of the stupid people. Not all, but some.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:06, Reply)

Hmm... Please form an orderly line for the Big Brother auditions...
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:08, Reply)

have two shows.
Big Brother for Students
Big Brother for stupid people.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:23, Reply)

*shuts soundproof door*
"Good afternoon Chantelle.
So, you'd like to be famous?"
"Yeah, like... I'm really like, hot. And I want money. I'd do anything to be, like, famous, like."
*noise of body hitting floor*
"Next please!"
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:24, Reply)

Sod the telly programme. I'd buy a ticket to watch it live!
@TGB - so have you worked out a tariff for your, er, 'services' yet?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:24, Reply)

Big Brother with Kaol as a housemate. Every week there could be a special item bought for out of the house budget that would give Kaol a cool way of killing another housemate.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:24, Reply)

I reckon it will be effected by how ugly and desperate people are....
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:28, Reply)

that if Kaol were in the house, the whole thing would be over in three days.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:28, Reply)

A bunch of my mates tried to convince me to go on it.
They thought that the public would keep me in, as I'd be so fed up with the other house-mates that I'd end up being angry and rude.
Also, I'd likely end up taking all their stuff and burning it in the garden.
And sleeping when they were awake, so I could creep about doing stuff at night.
That was their theory, anyway.
I don't hate myself enough to subject myself to that though.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:29, Reply)

But only when I've died, and then been reincarnated as an angry bear.
I think there are an awful lot of reality TV shows that would be improved by the addition of an angry bear.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:29, Reply)

Or a swarm of killer bees.
Or a plague of rats.
Or even some kind of gigantic snake.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:32, Reply)

I saw a programme not long ago which featured a girl whose role model (and I'm not joking, sadly) was Jodie Marsh, because she's 'dead clever' and has 'written a book and everyt'in'.
Her sole goal in life was 'Gettin' famous', and if that didn't work out for her she was going to publish her autobiography. Or, like, 'just be a writer cos that's dead easy'.
Oooh, I wanted to punch her stupid face in!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:34, Reply)

Wasn't it the Simpsons who had a bear as a chat show host and he got mad at something and mauled the crowd *glees*
I'd like to see the people who go on jeremy kyle mauled by a bear
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:34, Reply)

but of the plays I studied in school, I can't recall an angry bear ever making an appearance!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:35, Reply)

I found my mojo for long enough to make polenta stir fry.
Surprise win, actually!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:37, Reply)

was originally written as "The Taming of the Angry Bear" but it had to be rewritten in order to get a PG certificate.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:38, Reply)

If I remember correctly, in The Winter's Tale, one of the characters is chased by one, giving the wonderful stage direction:
Exit, pursued by a bear
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:39, Reply)

I'm hungry again, and had an hour of hair-tearing stress and fury.
I should really stop shouting 'Fuck off you cunt!' at defenseless computer screens and throwing my mouse at them.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:40, Reply)

Tremendous! I just did an office lol at that.
I'm off home.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:41, Reply)

Didn't start off that way. It was originally titled "King Angry Bear".
Historians have proved that this is where Disney cadged the idea for Simba's dad in the Lion King from. Obviously, they had to make it a lion to avoid copyright issues. I think you all know the story from there....
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:42, Reply)

But I edited it so that it was correct.
And to hide my retarded shame :(
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:45, Reply)

was originally entitled 'The Tragedie of One Juliette and her beloved Angree Bear'.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:45, Reply)

Retarded shame? WTF? You couldn't reference one of Shakespeare's obscure plays, but you know everything there is to know about the animal world and bombs.
No shame from you, young man. None.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:47, Reply)

Another one was originally titled Coriolangrybear, but he obviously decided anus was funnier.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:47, Reply)

this a lot.
BK - that made me honk with laughter.
Who knew adding bears into shakespearian titles would be so amusing?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:50, Reply)

Salman Rushdie and Martin Amis would play a game where they would have to retitle Shakespeare plays if they had been written by Robert Ludlum.
Hamlet = The Elsinore Conspiracy
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:52, Reply)

Bears & Shakespeare.
It's instant win really.
Anyway, hometime. Later folks.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:56, Reply)

Well it's not hometime as I'm already at home but I'm off to make dinner!
See you later people!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:58, Reply)

School was a long time ago.
Not as long ago as it was for you, ha!
I'm off now, so bye!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 16:59, Reply)

entirely wrong of me to want to throttle a colleague for going nuts at me for typing too loudly?
Stupid, precious, French bint.
*types louder*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 17:05, Reply)

Not wrong at all.
I love listening to other people type. Don't know why, but I find it's really relaxing.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 17:08, Reply)

I thought I was being unreasonable for a second there.
God knows what she'd do if there was more than 4 people sat around her. The MD doesn't know where to look currently, I am seething with rage at this girl talking to me like a 5 year old because I happen to make clacky noises with the keys when I type.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 17:10, Reply)

to type quietly with most keyboards anyway.
She's being an idiot. And if she carries on talking to you like that, I'm coming round there to sort her out.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 17:11, Reply)

I wouldn't mind so much if she wasn't constantly bitching and moaning about one thing or another, or claims that she doesn't have time to do a lot of her work...
What I say is - MANAGE YOUR TIME BETTER. The rest of us have the same amount to do and get by just fine.
Anyway, enough of this shop talk!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 17:16, Reply)

Afternoon all & fuzzy, any more mojo found?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 17:16, Reply)

As Labs said earlier, a lack of planning on your part will not constitute an emergency on my part.
This is my new favourite phrase.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 17:17, Reply)

Yeah, it was a strange mix but rather agreeable.
I found a little bit more mojo, enough to get the papers out in front of me to look for some jobs... but then I got distracted by the internet, particularly bears.
Oh and have been looking at comedy porn too :)
How's you?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 17:22, Reply)

And now I'm off home!
See yas all later on, be good!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 17:27, Reply)

Had any luck with the jobs then?
Bears are quite a lot more interesting than job-hunts so that's ok. I'm waiting for my clothes to be dry enough to go home in after getting absolutely soaked this morning :(
I saw the comedy porn, my first thought was 'not sfw-porn again', but i'm glad it wasn't and enjoyed it!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 17:27, Reply)

No... jobs are poo. The one I got a couple of weeks ago fell through coz the manager was a twunt and gave me it on the strength of someone else leaving who hadn't actually handed her notice in... and decided she was staying after all.
So now I'm short on motivation... and cash... which may lead to the recovery of my motivation if it continues much longer.
EDIT: won't your clothes get wet again when you leave?
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 17:37, Reply)
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