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Fucking hell.
I just had a stressful experience that I shan't bore you with.
Have you recently had a stressful experience that you shan't bore us with?
Share no details about it here.
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 16:38, archived)
I have
but as I've been asked not to share, I shan't.
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 16:48, archived)
Fucking hell, eh?
Fucking hell.
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 17:03, archived)

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 16:50, archived)
Fuckin' 'ell.
Or should that be fuckin'ell?
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 17:04, archived)
or a third thing

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 19:33, archived)

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 16:57, archived)
I reckon you only came out of hiding to see the candles!
Watchin' you!
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 16:58, archived)
I came back because reddit, Twitter, BlueSky, Facebook, 4chan and Mumsnet are all shit.
So is /talk, but at least itโ€™s a familiar shit.
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 17:12, archived)
A grim selection for sure.

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 17:14, archived)
20 happy flaming candles up your bum™

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 17:01, archived)
Thanks darling.

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 17:11, archived)
I've had a lovely day of swimming, cafe, pub and now back in my mate's on the vodka and a shoe delivery on the way
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 17:36, archived)
Fuck shoe.

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 19:31, archived)
That would be very uncomfortable

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 19:35, archived)

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 19:47, archived)
yeah probably

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 17:59, archived)
That's the name of my new band

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 18:16, archived)
"a stressful experience that I shan't bore you with"?
Or "that's"?
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 19:33, archived)
Maybe..maybe not

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 19:07, archived)
Summer, summer, summertime
Time to sit back and unwind

No stress here, just good vibes
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 19:59, archived)
U OK hun? x

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 21:02, archived)

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 21:05, archived)
what are your intricate plans for today?
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 12:35, archived)
I'm thinking about updating the Linux OS on my main PC
it's not a rolling distro so I'll have to backup everything first.
Either that or watch shit on youtube in bed.
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 12:46, archived)
I did that with Linux Mint recently
got everything working well except photoshop
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 13:12, archived)
i updated to windows 11 and it was completely seamless.
i haven't had a software issue on my home pcs for years.
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 13:26, archived)
none of my 3 pcs can run 11 and they all run fine on 10
I'm certainly not going to be buying all new hardware just cos microsoft want me to. once 10 is unsupported it'll be linux
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 13:49, archived)
fair enough

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 13:54, archived)
It's fairly trivial to make 11 work just fine.
As long as the PC with W10 can run a release after "version 2004" which introduced some SSE4.2 "requirement", it will run 11 with a few minor registry changes. Since W11 is still W10, essentially.

Make the following a .reg file and run it to make the needed changes:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 16:35, archived)
no, fuck off

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 18:14, archived)
you tell him bricks
don't stand for it, cunts trying to help piss me rite off an all. wankers.
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 18:18, archived)
Well, fuck you then!

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 18:20, archived)
that's the spirit, dave!

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 18:42, archived)
Fuckin’ nerds
macOS 4 lyfe
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 19:09, archived)
I don't even own a computer anymore

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 19:19, archived)
i only have one so i can buy games, install them, then never play them
i should probably get rid of it tbh
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 19:23, archived)
Close to moving my personal PC over.
Been trialling it in VMs since it got released. Just a few little tweaks and it'll be ready IMO.
Managed to kill the stupid rounded corners last month. Next up: kill the "Recommended" section in the Start Menu entirely - it's already "Minimal", but I want it gone!
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 16:42, archived)
it's all doable pretty easily
Don't take long
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 17:42, archived)
Oh I mean pre-install removal.
Once I have a stable ISO "build" with the setup as I want it, I will make the move. 99% there.
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 18:11, archived)
how many machines are you loading it onto ffs!?
is this a remote install to 1000 pcs?
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 18:19, archived)

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 18:20, archived)
enough to warrant the effort, clearly!
send a link to the image when you're done. or don't. your choice.
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 18:43, archived)
Billy up japper

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 12:50, archived)
good lad

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 13:27, archived)
Trimming my bush

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 12:58, archived)

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 12:59, archived)
you could make a soup

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 13:28, archived)
Sit on my arse and do fuck all, mostly.
Itโ€™s all go here.
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 13:18, archived)
don't forget the semen

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 13:27, archived)
Stop coming on to me.
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 13:50, archived)
-o +i

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 13:54, archived)
20 years

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 13:50, archived)
Yo aardvark it's your birthday, we gonna party like it's yo birthday

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 19:18, archived)
Morning comrades
Handed my notice in I can't do this crap anymore
Told to do the union shit and reduce to 25 a day is the last straw
Gizza job?
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 8:01, archived)
What are your skills and experience?

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 8:42, archived)
maybe he could get a job in your CANDLE FACTORY

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 9:13, archived)
Christ, I’m old. But shiny!

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 9:17, archived)
that's the olay effect

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 11:35, archived)
I usually just smear myself with the blood of my enemies.

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 11:52, archived)

blood of my enemies shit and semen
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 11:57, archived)
only at weekends

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 12:32, archived)
Security, bar, scaffolding, gp and labourer on site

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 10:02, archived)
Have you thought about prostitution?
Failing that I dunno, sounds to me like you should be able to walk into a whole range of jobs from health consultancy to fisting sailors. Iโ€™d offer you a job if I had one to offer. Also if I were a sailor.
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 10:47, archived)
I have just been offered a job
Medical advisor to my local county council
I am taking this seriously and I feel for my patients but I can't really do this anymore
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 11:07, archived)
Hopefully you won't have time to post on here any more.

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 11:25, archived)
Pretend to be a doctor on the internet you mean? Yes it must be exhausting.

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 11:32, archived)
bunu anladim

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 11:34, archived)
i feel for your patients as well

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 11:48, archived)

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 13:28, archived)
You've gone this far
Why not go further? Open your own practice and take your patients with you
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 8:48, archived)
It doesn't work like that sadly

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 9:56, archived)
Worked for Harold Shipman

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 10:13, archived)
Up to a point.

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 10:38, archived)
Well, yes

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 11:21, archived)
no tbh
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 9:14, archived)
Lol u r a card
Lol card
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 9:58, archived)
Oh no what job will you pretend to have now?

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 14:26, archived)
fuck off brb

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 18:21, archived)

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 19:42, archived)

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 8:00, archived)

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 8:48, archived)
bunu anladim ok

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 11:35, archived)
that's easy for you to say

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 12:12, archived)
Can we kick it?

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 1:42, archived)
Yes we can

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 1:58, archived)
Can we kick it?

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 1:58, archived)
Yes we can

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 1:59, archived)
Can we kick it?

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 1:59, archived)
Yes we can

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 1:59, archived)
Can we kick it?

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 1:59, archived)
Yes we can

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 1:59, archived)
Can we kick it?

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 1:59, archived)
Yes we can

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 2:00, archived)
Can we kick it?

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 2:00, archived)
Yes we can

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 2:00, archived)
Can we kick it?

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 2:00, archived)
Yes we can

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 2:00, archived)
You could have done a nice chevron, but even that was beyond you.
Fuck you, mongy. Fuck you.
(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 14:26, archived)
Yes we can

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 2:01, archived)
Yes we can

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 2:03, archived)
Yes we can

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 2:07, archived)
Yes we can

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 2:02, archived)
Can we kick it?

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 2:04, archived)
Yes we can

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 4:20, archived)
bunu anladim fam

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 11:36, archived)
Kickb0t and C4nkertron

(, Sat 3 Aug 2024, 8:23, archived)
i'm at the stage of tired where all my tired is too tired.
what's the longest you've been without sleep and is there any story attached to that you make me sick
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 18:25, archived)
piss off then

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 18:40, archived)
I believe in you
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 18:45, archived)
it's a fact that if you suffer from depression
sleep deprivation is a cure. a temporary cure, unfortunately, as whilst your depression fades more the longer you are awake it resets back to miserable fucking cunt as soon as you get a good night('s((s))(((?)))((((???))))) sleep. weird eh?
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 18:49, archived)
Comedy name corner.

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 19:34, archived)
Randy Experiment
dem middle names doe
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 19:50, archived)

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 19:51, archived)
dr dick
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 19:56, archived)
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 19:58, archived)
go to bed you fucking stupid fucking cunt

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 19:59, archived)
fuck off i've been buying presents

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 20:39, archived)
What did you get me?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 20:46, archived)
an inflatable ego

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 20:50, archived)
right. i'm going to bed.
then staying in bed, then staying in bed again.

goodnight. i don't want an alarm call, or toast.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 20:58, archived)

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 21:30, archived)

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 21:30, archived)
How the fuck did that fucking fuck
How have you got energy for shouting
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 21:39, archived)
i haven't
i'm powered only by residual alcohol atm
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 21:58, archived)
3 days
I've suffered from insomnia my whole life and have learnt to deal with it. My tendency to sleepwalk doesn't help, but I'm used to it. The only advice I can give you is sleep when you can and be grateful for it.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 22:09, archived)
Also, one day of sleepless causes irritability
2 days causes irrationally and 3 days causes psychosis
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 22:23, archived)
which never went away in your case, eh?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 22:56, archived)
I smoke weed. I sleep lovely.

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 22:59, archived)
what position?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 23:00, archived)
I'm asleep, dunno

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 23:19, archived)
i wish i was

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 23:43, archived)
Hi pillock's, get yer Queef thread 'ere
Busy weekend ahead? I'm doing a French bread making course at Borough 2moz.

Prolly tit up a terrapin
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 14:44, archived)
Going to my mate's tomorrow
We're taking her kids swimming, then having a bbq and booze. Sunday will be mostly recovering.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 14:48, archived)
Still in Portugal. Kids are being a pain, keep trying to go to nice restaurants but wife gets stressed out because they don't eat anything

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 14:50, archived)
Can’t you just Maddy them and enjoy yourselves?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:13, archived)

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 18:20, archived)
At least you got some heroin, right?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:03, archived)
hey mofaha! i survived! were you worried about me?
you have to say yes.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:51, archived)
yes, i have no memory whatsoever of what you're referring to

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 19:54, archived)
you bastard

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 20:52, archived)
now that, i remember

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 20:55, archived)
burger king

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 18:46, archived)
You wanna be careful making that forrin bread
might get a brick thrown at you

ETA: this is a potentially amusing reply relating to current events and not a racist bonehead threat
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 14:56, archived)
Can't it be both?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:02, archived)
^The voice of bipartisan reason

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:07, archived)
I'm all out of bricks

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 17:42, archived)
forrins stole em

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 20:23, archived)
Going "glamping" for a couple of nights from Sunday.
Wife got an employee of the quarter award and ยฃ250 voucher about 18 months ago. We were going to use it on a balloon ride, but the cunts keep cancelling every flight we booked so we're putting it towards that instead.

I refuse to type "glamping" without quotes, I'm not garold.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:07, archived)
Fuck that
I don't go on holiday to cook for myself, and I need a pool
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:20, archived)

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:22, archived)
Less than 2 minutes

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:29, archived)
that's hardly even enough time to leave a yelp review. you gotta eat less fibre.
or more chocolate. i dunno i'm not a bum expert.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:52, archived)
So the rumours are false?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 17:43, archived)
that's the rumour

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 18:16, archived)
No worries, we'll let them know you aren't coming.

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:59, archived)

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:01, archived)
I fucking hate camping
and picnics
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:22, archived)
and garold

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:24, archived)
It's a boutique en-suite wooden cabin with a wood-fired hot tub.
I wouldn't class it as camping.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:59, archived)
Me too.

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 18:21, archived)
Off on hollibobs then?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:25, archived)
I thought we talked about this

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:06, archived)
Alright garold

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:08, archived)
Good afternoon, can I interest you in the entire copied & pasted contents of a spam e-mail I just received?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:27, archived)
"interest" is poor choice of word here

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:37, archived)
I'll be gaying it up BIG time

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:24, archived)
Oooh, you'll rearrange the lamps
AND the cushions!!!!
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:27, archived)
queer light for a straight shite

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:02, archived)
I'll be offsetting my terrible taste in music, with extraordinary satorial elegance

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:15, archived)
I'm catsitting at my sister's place in Maidenhead while the family is away
so I'll be going for a run, maybe along the river? Do a bit of shopping in town (Grape Tree for seeds and poncey stuffs). Drinking wine in the garden. Bit of music practise - making a bit of progress with the sight-reading.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:27, archived)
Is it too late to suggest a name change to Shakin' Stevens do you think?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:50, archived)
What about Vanilla Ice?
Not as a name for Shakin' Stevens, but as a candidate for a naming intervention
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:04, archived)
Cardi B
hi I'm secondary cardigan
jumper #2 here
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:11, archived)
I for one will NOT find it funny if Shakin' Stevens develops Parkinson's.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 18:22, archived)
i think this is what got me thinking about it, it's just another good reason for him to change his name
if indeed he is still Shakin'
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 22:49, archived)
I ain't sayin nuttin'

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:05, archived)
Say ejaculating then

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:14, archived)
Poker tournament Sunday
Big blinds
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:19, archived)
For privacy?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:38, archived)
poker is dull as fucking dishwater

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 17:16, archived)
Fat people with white sticks and guide dogs?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 17:55, archived)
Shhh, they don't know they're fat

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 19:05, archived)
Friday lunchtime bollocks

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 13:30, archived)
dunno what to have
bored with sandwiches
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 13:34, archived)

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 13:34, archived)

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 14:33, archived)

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 13:40, archived)
I'm having sausages
So bollocks is a possibility
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 13:43, archived)

Can I say wrinkly chรนckers
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 14:10, archived)
Best introduction to someone's wikipedia entry ever:
Lear's origins are unclear, with the singer providing different information about her background and keeping her birth year a secret from her long-term husband.[24] Contested facts include her birth date and place, the gender she was born as, names and nationalities of her parents, and the location of her upbringing. Most sources claim 18 June 1939,[25][26] including Bibliothรจque nationale de France[27] or 18 November 1939 to be her birth date, including GEMA. Her birth year, though, has variously been given as 1941,[13] 1946,[10] and 1950
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 14:17, archived)
arseboon dilbaro

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:03, archived)
semen khaidenko tbh

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:15, archived)
Badir Al-Nazi

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 19:59, archived)
AI Nazis are fun, but don't let them cheapen the work of talented Nazis.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 21:24, archived)
My practice has adopted 6 of the suggestions that have been suggested
What a crock, I have no shows all the bloody time now I am being told to limit my appointments to 25 a day
Fuck it, really
Rant over, fancy a pint?
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 10:48, archived)
Pint of cold foaming go fuck yourself?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:05, archived)
Morning comrade

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:10, archived)
Maybe you should go on strike

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:08, archived)
Serious answer or a silly one?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:09, archived)

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:10, archived)
I earn a good amount for the work I do
I want to do the best for my patients despite the piss taking I do here
I have taken an oath to help and not harm
I think limiting my appรฒintments to 25 a day would be not the best
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:19, archived)
Just messing with you m8, hope it gets resolved

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 12:16, archived)

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 12:31, archived)
How many appointments do you have per day atm?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 15:04, archived)
Why are you still practicing? Are you not any good at it yet?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:21, archived)
Nope I'm crap

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:38, archived)

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:39, archived)
Do you work in one of those massage places on the high street
next to the bookie and the pound shop?
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:22, archived)
There's not going to be a happy ending.

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:29, archived)
Wank jobs cost a 25
Lol wank
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:39, archived)
I will be having many pints next week
As my supervisor is likely getting fired
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:33, archived)
Can we all come?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:41, archived)
Out of a cannon, into the sun?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 11:48, archived)

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 12:23, archived)
That would be nice
Seems I've been doing most of her job for the last 2 and a half years
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 12:47, archived)
do you want her job? If you've been going most of it anyway why not get paid her salary?
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 13:28, archived)
I'm not entirely sure what her job is
Because she never seems to do anything. Our building got a new manager 2 months ago. He's not my manager, cleaning is outsourced, but he is very strict. He called my manager, who called our regional manager, who came to our building yesterday. They asked me if I cleaned the entire top floor on my own. I said yes, because I do. They said I should only be doing half. The young girl downstairs isn't meant to do the toilets, but our supervisor said she is. Every time a new cleaner starts, she palms off more and more of her duties on the new hires. She's also been accused of bullying. She gets back to work on Monday, she's been on holiday for a fortnight, so they're going to meet her when she gets in and read her the riot act.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 13:41, archived)
"she never seems to do anything", sounds like you know exactly what her job is, less work for more money

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:10, archived)
from her perspective it's actually more work

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 18:11, archived)

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 7:15, archived)
Oh Friday morning woo yay!

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 7:37, archived)
Fuck this shit, I have next week off and a massive load of work to get through

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 8:04, archived)
Would you like a sickie note?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 8:17, archived)
2 no shows in a row
Woo yay!
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 8:18, archived)
About time too.
Damn weekend seems to have been avoiding me, staying away as long as possible.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 8:25, archived)
After a hot night it's misty and cold this morning
blessed relief. I'm out of London for a couple of days by myself cat-sitting two very affable youngsters - honestly, the love and affection, the purring and attention when I'm about to feed them then when they've eaten I may as well not exist. I respect that!
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 9:04, archived)
i fell over today
i wasn't even drunk.
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 20:05, archived)
I skated up the pub . Little grind on the curb .

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 20:11, archived)
cya l8r boi

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 20:13, archived)
Just walked out of the local market in Lisbon and a guy outside the door asked if I wanted to buy cocaine.
Was with my wife and two young daughters at the time, must have looked like I needed it
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 20:24, archived)
if you see him again buy me a henry and post it pls m8

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 20:30, archived)
oh nm forgot where lisbon is for a minute there

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 20:31, archived)
I'm batman

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 21:27, archived)
prove it!

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 22:22, archived)
He was probably offering an exchange, if only you spoke the language.

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 22:30, archived)
a few summers back I emerged from Kings Cross Tube all sweaty and starving
and a dude offered me heroin. Did wonder quite how bad I looked
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 22:44, archived)
a girl came up to me at kings cross and asked if i wanted any business

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 4:48, archived)
Did you give her your card?

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 8:57, archived)
I used to work in soho
got asked if I wanted a girlfriend or a massage more times than I can remember
I obvs look like a sex case
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 9:47, archived)
I do that more often than I would like

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 21:11, archived)
i need to buy a present for my brother
i can't think of anything :/
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 21:52, archived)
I have one brother who I wouldn't piss on if he was on fire
But buy him something related to his interests. If he likes going on the piss, buy him a homebrew kit. If he likes gardening, buy him a shed. If he likes food, buy him a cookery course.
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 23:21, archived)
i'll buy him some massive drugs then

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 23:34, archived)
buy him a testing kit

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 1:48, archived)
pretty sure he'll test positive

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 3:09, archived)
lol to test his drugs before he takes them I mean

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 12:23, archived)
i know! teeheehee!

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 16:50, archived)
It looks like I solved a software issue today that's been bothering me for nearly 3 weeks

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 1:11, archived)
well done

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 1:12, archived)
Now I'll have to find something else to obsess over

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 1:47, archived)
i'm currently obsessing about falling asleep. it's not helping.
it's 3am and i have to be up at 6. ugh.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 3:01, archived)
Feeling this

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 3:21, archived)
now i also have a headache.
At least i don't have to drive for two hours to get to site oh wait, yes i do. Fuck sake.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 3:35, archived)
Well now its 4 and you still have to be up at 6
And so do I.
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 4:02, archived)
looks like we're fucked

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 4:37, archived)
now it looks like it's just me that's fucked.

(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 4:59, archived)
aww yiss
One hour sleep. I'm ready for action
(, Fri 2 Aug 2024, 6:08, archived)
I can't post my joke in qotw so I'll just leave it here:
Which gameshow is characterised by particle energies of around 1019 GeV or 109 J, time intervals of around 5ร—10โˆ’44 s and lengths of around 10โˆ’35 m?
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 15:54, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 17:38, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 17:39, archived)
You're a constant disappointment

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 18:04, archived)
hey, come on now

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 18:12, archived)
You're right, that was too much
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 18:48, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 22:31, archived)
On a scale of 1 to 10
That joke isn't on the scale
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 19:43, archived)
FINALLY he's starting to fit in here

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 21:08, archived)
Candles tbh

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 12:22, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 12:35, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 12:39, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 12:40, archived)
Ooh, shiny.

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 12:39, archived)
shiny, like my helmit

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 13:40, archived)
If your helmet shines like seventeen candles
you might need to see a doctor. Or a priest.
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 13:50, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 12:56, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 13:40, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 13:00, archived)
I know right

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 13:40, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 13:14, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 13:40, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 14:05, archived)
not really, hullo
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 13:33, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 13:40, archived)
17 happy flaming candles up your bum™

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 13:55, archived)
It’s pretty warm up there

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 13:59, archived)
Happiness is a warm bum

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 14:05, archived)
Flaming wax sticks

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 14:35, archived)
I’d imagine it does

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 14:44, archived)
This is well bent, m8
No offence
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 14:36, archived)
Too late, I’m deeply offended

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 14:44, archived)
totally burning here

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 15:05, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 15:16, archived)
i smell like bad soup :(

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 17:30, archived)
Afternoon candles cheers lol

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 15:11, archived)
lol tbh

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 15:17, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 16:40, archived)
fuck off then

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 17:37, archived)
Sorry was busy having a shit

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 18:27, archived)
hope you put a candle in it

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 18:32, archived)
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 16:43, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 18:27, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 18:27, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 18:28, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 18:51, archived)
candle bra

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 19:20, archived)
Fuck u up bra

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 20:06, archived)
boo bra

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 20:33, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 20:39, archived)
I said 'white rabbit' 10 times on getting up as it's the first of the month
Do you have any stupid superstitions?
Getting up lollollol
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 7:14, archived)
Pissing it down here lol

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 7:15, archived)
If the dustbin men are surly
It's been pissing down since early
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 7:19, archived)
Please stop posting on b3ta.

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 8:46, archived)
Please hang, draw and quarter yourself
With a blunt spoon
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 9:13, archived)
You want me to drag myself through the streets behind a horse?
How would that work?
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 9:21, archived)
Careful planning m8
Carefully done
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 9:26, archived)
Morning of the month
I commuted like an urban person today. It was most pleasant at 7am. Probably fucking horrible at proper rush hour.

Anyway, first time in the office for six weeks and the packet of ground coffee has... erm ... lost its flavour somewhat. Still. Not wasting it. Urgh.
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 9:26, archived)
I have a superstition
If I go on the internet and itโ€™s full of twats, that means itโ€™ll be a twatty day.
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 10:15, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 10:40, archived)
Alright beepeedee
I hope your day is as lovely as you are.
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 11:31, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 11:32, archived)
Not really
I'm not particularly superstitious
(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 10:39, archived)
Stevie Wonder's first draft was a bit shit

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 10:43, archived)
just did 10 minutes on the turbo trainer and i am dripping with sweat.
tomorrow i'm going to try turning the pedals
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 19:10, archived)
what's his name?

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 19:21, archived)
The turbo , eh

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 19:23, archived)
I heard he's serious as cancer

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 19:39, archived)
Oh snap!

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 20:02, archived)
was that your banjo string again?

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 20:16, archived)
It was

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 20:54, archived)
oh. good.

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 21:04, archived)
That's nice love. Have you eaten?

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 19:22, archived)
Nosh down on this!!!!
*gestures at crotch*
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 20:06, archived)

Hang on, whose crotch am I gesturing at?

*switches on phonetorch*

Oh I do hey your pardon. What a faux pas!
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 20:07, archived)
mostly beer today
less chewing
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 20:15, archived)

bo d-s
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 20:38, archived)
RIP Randall :'(

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 22:52, archived)
Rip indeed

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 22:55, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 6:42, archived)
and hopkirk

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 23:24, archived)
the baddy from Monsters Inc?

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 23:25, archived)

(, Thu 1 Aug 2024, 9:07, archived)
Nice thread where everyone is nice and kind to each other
You are all so talented and unique and you look smashing.
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:27, archived)
go fuck yourself

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:27, archived)
I admire the speed with which you replied to this. Well done!

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:30, archived)
Points for style too

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:58, archived)
and my axe

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 14:56, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:29, archived)
Your support means the world to me.

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:30, archived)
I'm hot and sticky and look like a swamp witch
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:29, archived)
But none of that stops your true beauty shining through.

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:31, archived)
Go fuck yourself.

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:37, archived)
You lovable little rascal. Your banter is so entertaining.

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:42, archived)
It really isn't.

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:53, archived)
It's yeasty and sticky

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:59, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:53, archived)
Some 15 year olds are 'ripe for plucking' eh?
/links really are a bunch of weird noncey cunts, aren't they?
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:54, archived)
Isn't it great when people out themselves as nonces so that we don't have to guess?
It certainly saves time and energy spent on guessing.
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:56, archived)
Even leaving this rather dodgy post aside
I've never understood why people choose B3ta of all places to make serious points about anything. It will never, ever end well
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 14:08, archived)
*takes deep breath*

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 20:08, archived)
I like your pirate hat.

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 14:05, archived)
Me too! It's a relic of an older age when everyone was lovely and we certainly never called each other cunts on here.

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 14:08, archived)
You fucking stupid fucking cunt

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 14:10, archived)
You might be my favourite poster on /talk at the moment.
Well, maybe joint favourite, with all the other lovely people.
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 14:13, archived)
I don't know mate,
That seems like it might be...

Aard vork.
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 14:23, archived)
This is the funniest pun anyone has made in this thread.
At least so far, but I know there are lots of other witty b3tans just waiting to make even funnier jokes...
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 14:31, archived)

Cor! Thanks Aardvark!
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 17:12, archived)
Do you want me
to give you a hand shandy?
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 14:33, archived)
I wasn't pushing for it, but it feels like it would be rude to refuse.

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 14:42, archived)
It's in the post
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 14:51, archived)
You mean you've wanked off the postman, don't you.

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 15:07, archived)
I'd do anything for you

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 15:22, archived)
half hand half lemonade
or half beer half hand?

Edit: I supoose it should be half hand half lemonade to fit the usage, eg bitter shandy/lager shandy/hand shandy
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 14:54, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 14:56, archived)
it's one of those words that after you say it lots it goes really weird
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 14:56, archived)
'member Top Deck???

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 15:08, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 15:43, archived)
Bit northern

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 15:49, archived)
tbh anything above the wash is unintelligible to me

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 16:01, archived)
And most of below it

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 20:15, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 16:48, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 16:57, archived)
I am sinking a can of Camden Hazy IPA
Itโ€™s very pleasant. It really is rather relaxing here in the garden with the evening sun and slight breeze

Gonna piss it down tomorrow tho.

Happy beverage of choice to /chat people.
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 17:29, archived)
That sounds delightful.

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 17:57, archived)
I will be having a drink after work

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 18:30, archived)
Good evening, valued member Aadvark!

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 18:20, archived)
What a pleasant greeting!
Hello to you too, the fantastic Mr Tea.
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 18:27, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 18:33, archived)
+ Tesco

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 18:39, archived)
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 18:38, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 18:39, archived)
his photo looks like he knows why you've clicked on the link

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 18:40, archived)
Because he knows he has a funny name.

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 18:41, archived)

u a
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 18:41, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 18:44, archived)
Bullshit thread

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 11:54, archived)
Can't we all be nice and hold hands?
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 11:59, archived)
I'm not touching you, you wrap your cock in pastrami and stick in bagels

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 12:03, archived)
Oh come on, don’t be like that.
You just wish you were the bagel.
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 12:05, archived)

ask and you shall receive
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 12:16, archived)
Oh yeah
Staying in Maidenhead for a couple of days. Gonna go for a walk later to one of their many lovely pubs for a pint.
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 12:54, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:16, archived)
your year just keeps getting better and better doesn't it?

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 13:27, archived)
what did you do that was so bad, you mentioned it so you have to say, i will mock you ok
but also i will do an understanding look
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 16:46, archived)
A gentleman never tells
So I wonโ€™t either. But it really s time to kick the big party weekends into the dustbin.
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 17:26, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 23:25, archived)
morning you massive gammon racist cocks

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 6:12, archived)
It is indeed morning.
Well observed.
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 7:18, archived)
Can I say Hitler?

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 7:37, archived)
No, I don’t think you’re allowed to say Hitler

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 7:41, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 7:42, archived)
No, you’re not allowed to say Hitler.
Werenโ€™t you listening?
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 7:44, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 8:26, archived)
Look, I'm not being racist but you can't say Hitler

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 9:06, archived)
Is Shitler OK?

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 9:28, archived)
Shitley you can’t be serious.

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 10:08, archived)
Dunno who that is, soz

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 7:45, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 9:07, archived)
You can't say that!

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 10:05, archived)
reading that to the tune of Hobo Humpin' Slobo Babe

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 8:29, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 8:42, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 9:33, archived)

(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 21:02, archived)

(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 21:21, archived)

(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 22:17, archived)
Massive gammon racist cock

(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 22:33, archived)
Worst Littlechef Special EVER

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 20:09, archived)
Big Beer Chower

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 1:43, archived)
late home today. has anyone noticed it's fairly warm?
i was straight into a cold shower. phew.
(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 18:04, archived)
My ice cold heart prevents me from feeling warmth of any kind.

(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 18:07, archived)
i'm jealous of that atm

(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 18:12, archived)
Jealous of that ass to mouth?
(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 18:41, archived)
i saw a lovely arse today
oh yes
(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 19:16, archived)
Why thank you

(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 19:29, archived)
you're welcome, babe

(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 19:31, archived)
Man's not hot

(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 19:53, archived)
5 out of 8 offices had no ac on
The walk home wasn't bad, as we've got a nice sea breeze
(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 19:58, archived)
shower beers y/n?
I've read a lot of positive comments but I'm not convinced
(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 20:15, archived)
Yeasty and sticky, would not recommend

(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 21:01, archived)

(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 21:44, archived)
The water will weaken the beer
Think better
(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 22:31, archived)
beer shower

(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 22:57, archived)

(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 1:42, archived)

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