Image Challenge Vote
This week's challenge vote is hot out of the oven.
Your choice of fillings:
* New uses for workfare. Now that we've got an officially sanctioned slave class what should we do with it?
* H.P. Lovecraft - The Call of Cthulhu, Necronomicon, cosmic horror and weird fiction.
* Hack Springwatch - TV show Springwatch is asking for photos of birds nesting in unusual places. Provide them.
* Iconic photos - what happened next? As demonstrated here.
Votey-click here:
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:14,
Your choice of fillings:
* New uses for workfare. Now that we've got an officially sanctioned slave class what should we do with it?
* H.P. Lovecraft - The Call of Cthulhu, Necronomicon, cosmic horror and weird fiction.
* Hack Springwatch - TV show Springwatch is asking for photos of birds nesting in unusual places. Provide them.
* Iconic photos - what happened next? As demonstrated here.
Votey-click here:
"chaffinch in one cup"
..these are a few of my fav..our...ite... thiiiiiings....
Sorry, had a julie andrews moment there.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 18:18,
Sorry, had a julie andrews moment there.
NOT fucking Lovecraft you numpty.
It's going to be a week of cthulhu because that's all anyone knows about.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:21,
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:23,
It's a TV programme over here in the UK where we all collectively reassure ourselves that our wildlife hasn't died
If it wins, it will probably be a load of "tit" jokes
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 17:10,
It used to be a really cool program about slinky racing, and the slinky racing guilds
these days it's just people watching springs in their natural habitat as they gently react to mass loading and look after their young.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 18:29,
Slinky Springwatch was mint. Did you see that episode when they tried to get one to go down an escalator? nutjobs.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 18:57,
and all those chavs at the bottom who were laughing
weren't laughing at the end when they got lacerated
ahahah, fun times.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 20:40,
ahahah, fun times.
I'd be posting my shit Peanuts Apocalypse stuff! Surely that should convince people?
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 19:44,
Well you'll just have to make a few introductory images then, won't you?
Educate the masses and all that.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:27,
Honestly, I've never read a word of Lovecraft.
Not that I've been avoiding it exactly, but I've just never gotten around to it and I've never been that pushed to try.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:29,
There's really only a handful to read. You'll burn thru it when you get around to it.
Overly dramatic derivative material out weighs it by a thousand to one.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:35,
To be honest, I'm not a huge fan
It's good for what it is, but basically every story is just person activates occult item, tentacled terrors unleashed, everyone's souls eaten.
I think it makes for a good compo though.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:42,
I think it makes for a good compo though.
It's really good for its era.
That format was lifted from other popular fiction and mixed in with
the swiftness of the morality play seen in myth and fable. It was
new then and he was the best at it in his day. Dated as hell now.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:50,
the swiftness of the morality play seen in myth and fable. It was
new then and he was the best at it in his day. Dated as hell now.
You're forgetting his other story, which is person enters a strange city with a strange history and strange things happen but it might have been a dream.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 19:47,
'what happened next' has the most potential
i dont even know what/where/when lovecraft is...
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:21,
Lovecraft is all about doing sexy and that.
No idea what springwatch and workfare are though.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:21,
a week of cardboard cut out CDCs, boobs and Fannys will be brilliant :D
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:23,
If it bothers you that much, ask Mu to rig the vote for you ;) *
*please don't.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:26,
Listen Foxworth, I don't do that shit no more.
I'm clean now, geddit.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:27,
You've CHANGED, man!
The underground posse of voteriggers is displeased.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:29,
If you really don't want Lovecraft, have an aside with the mods that you think it's lead is "suspicous".
Then they'll call an unexpected re-vote and take whatever's winning after 33 seconds, like what happened with the damn colour the lizard challenge.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:30,
I hate how I can relate to this.
Except I was four.
Shame all those drawings are probably long gone by now.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:31,
Shame all those drawings are probably long gone by now.
The most disturbing thing about my ones is the caption that says "Daddy"
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:33,
I can't remember how disturbing my doodles got.
But I'm not sure anything's changed, looking at the stuff I'm drawing now. XD
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:39,
I once got told off for a drawing of a dog i did at primary school.
It wasn't disturbing, just crap.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:41,
Actually, you just reminded me
I once drew a shitty comic strip of a fella being chased and mauled by wolves.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:43,
On the first day of a new school year our art teacher set us as homework drawing "absolutely whatever you like", with no right or wrong
Teacher looked at mine and said "This wasn't what I had in mind"
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:48,
I just checked your profile in case there was any "art" in there, and found the link to my inter-detective work on that CJcypher kid.
Good times.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:53,
Well then that's different.
That might be a decent compo actually... Draw adult themes in the style of a 6-year-old.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:33,
TWO!!! Or the baby will never settle down for its nap. NEVER!!!
Nice to see it phrased open-ended for more horror archetypes to source.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:25,
Nice to see it phrased open-ended for more horror archetypes to source.
Got to be Hack Springwatch, Shirley?
We get loads of Cthulu & co anyway.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:29,
one of the problems with this cthulhu type thing
is that often those type of compos require actual drawing skills. I can't draw for shit but i'm OK at photoshop, so I'll probably just end up photoshopping crap like freebase all week.
Maybe it's the reason why images challenges like the past week's one work well.
or maybe it's just me...
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 16:53,
Maybe it's the reason why images challenges like the past week's one work well.
or maybe it's just me...
'Shop freebase's head onto an octopus
Then have the FUCKtopus crawling out of a sewer, with Flanbase running away in terror. Job done.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 17:01,
yes. put papier maché all over your erect knob. then when it's dry, poke it with a pin to pop it.
then you can cut it off and take a picture to put on deviant art.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 17:23,
am I missing something, where's the fun in the Springwatch one?
a week of birds in nests in postboxes and up goatse's arse?
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 17:34,
Ere, want to know something odd?
Total Votes: 70
Top referer: [39 votes]
I call shenanigans.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 18:29,
Top referer: [39 votes]
I call shenanigans.
I'm not speaking Latin
It's acceptable to use it in the singular in English. Dictionary says.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 18:43,
if you click on the 'download full stats' button, the only 4 referrers are
doesn't seem like shenanigans to me...
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 19:05,
doesn't seem like shenanigans to me...
It was the third one I found odd. You'd need to be on /board to find the link to the specific post.
Which was top of the board anyway.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 19:51,
What happened next is much better...
and with an image to show that it can work.
That said, the Springwatch will just turn into a "photoshop a baby bird" challenge, which may be okay. Animal challenges usually are.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 21:12,
That said, the Springwatch will just turn into a "photoshop a baby bird" challenge, which may be okay. Animal challenges usually are.
Not having a telly and not being British
doesn't really help me here.
Springwatch apparently is about tits amongst other things, so i'll vote for that.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 17:59,
Springwatch apparently is about tits amongst other things, so i'll vote for that.
Ugh, Springwatch is shit!
Why not finish me off and have Bargain Hunt next week?
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 18:03,
Surely the appropriate way for you to go would be shot by farmer
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 18:23,
Was picking shrapnel out of my leg the other night after a coop raid.
Hurt like a bastard, it did.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 18:32,
Daytime TV show about British nature, with a bearded tit on it.
Called Bill Oddie.
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Wed 6 Jun 2012, 18:41,