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# Johnny no like bath tiem
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:17, archived)
# hahaha
mind you he looked different when he was young: img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/04_04/prezzerDM2004_468x439.jpg

there's a lesson to all us lads reaching middle-age - stay off the pies!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:18, archived)
Holy crap.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:23, archived)
# So CUTE!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:20, archived)
# Even at an early age John suffered from Bulimia.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:20, archived)
# Sick.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:28, archived)
# hahahhahahahaha!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:25, archived)
# No more that pool Slobo
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:27, archived)
# Hahahaha...
The expression fits perfectly!! :)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:29, archived)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:35, archived)
# Hahahaha!
Morning Ninj!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:32, archived)
# Mornin' sir!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:38, archived)
# hahahahaha!
"You got the cutest little baaaabyface"

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:32, archived)
# Hahahaha...
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:45, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:13, archived)
# I always like to think of these paintings as an elaborate way of trying to sell that stuff
Like before ebay, you got the painters in.

Anybody want to buy my lute?

A+++ would paint again
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:18, archived)
# BNIB Weird angled skull thing
Be the envy fo your friends with this skull that can only been seen from below and slightly to the side.

Ships from Hong-Kong, items usually delivered in 6-8 months.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:20, archived)
# BIN: Inexplicable Pyramid with top chopped off £3.99
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:22, archived)
# pffft....
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:33, archived)
# Hahaha!

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:34, archived)
# haha
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:35, archived)
# newsletter subject line jokes
Oi! B3tans, stop playing with your cunny
your job is to write us a funny
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:11, archived)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:12, archived)
# read it
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:12, archived)
# Naomi Campbell kidnapped in Pakistan....so fucking what?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:13, archived)
# Terminator 5 - Recycling day
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:13, archived)
# for those too lazy to press the StumbleUpon button
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:14, archived)

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:17, archived)
# BBC cuts -
how many more presenters must die?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:17, archived)
# :D
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:17, archived)
# hahah
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:20, archived)
# This

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:20, archived)
# le tits
is what he seems to be saying to me /accomplished lip-reader
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:23, archived)
# George Lamb at the very least....
he's still alive apparently
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:40, archived)
# Scientists have many other claims, they just need a shit load more money to make them up.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:17, archived)
# If you are having difficulty viewing this newsletter, view it online here: http://tiny.cc/BY2YP
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:19, archived)
# Why did I go to the effort of copying and pasting that URL in a new browser window
when I knew full well what it would be! :)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:33, archived)
# This.

ps: you cunt ;)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:34, archived)
# best of all the shortened URLs
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:37, archived)
# International Wanking Accident Awareness Week?
Many more like this and we'll have to do a run down at the BAFTAs of those that have shuffled off this mortal coil, stiff a a board with a dressing gown cord around thier necks.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:19, archived)
# Sexy as pantless crotchies.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:22, archived)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:26, archived)
# Hahaha!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:28, archived)
# Bangin' like a dunny door in a storm mate!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:26, archived)
# It's official - everyone has now seen a wanking guy on ChatRoulette
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:30, archived)
# Y'know, I've now spent a few hours on CR and I haven't seen a single penis.
Are they all hiding from me or what?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:37, archived)
# hang on - let me get my webcam fired up
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:37, archived)
# I WAS that guy
and you lingered there far longer than was strictly neccesary
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 11:04, archived)
# It's like the Big Issue but without the faint smell of wet biscuits
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:33, archived)
# Gov't announces newsletter scrappage scheme
Trade in your 10+year old newsletter and get a brand spanking new one
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:44, archived)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 11:29, archived)
# Good morning!
I dun a BBC mash to go with my coffee and biscuit (Rocky bar).
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:04, archived)
# haha
I thought that too - most sensational image on beebnews for a while!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:07, archived)
# “Don’t you know about Moby Dick? He eats people alive. It’s true, it’s in The Bible!” *takes his children and leaves*
edit: also, that's fucking quality that is :D
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:07, archived)
# Hahaha
"asteroid probably came from space"

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:07, archived)
# Shopped only etc.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:07, archived)
# hahaha
'Polar bears 'had it coming'
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:09, archived)
# hahhahahah! "Polar bears had it coming"
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:10, archived)
# That picture has been Photoshopped.
I can tell by some of the pixels, because I've seen quite a few shops in my time.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:10, archived)
# dinosaur shields are the best kind of shields
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:12, archived)
# Brushes? We don't need no steenking brushes!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:00, archived)
# hehe
Nice shop - he suits it!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:07, archived)
# He looks like one tough hacienda owner

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:08, archived)
# As we like to say in our office...
There is no picture of anyone or anything that cannot be improved by the addition of a sombrero. Fact.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:14, archived)
[challenge entry] I see it's the 'Ironmans' on Sunday...
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:53, archived)
# haha thats awfully good
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:53, archived)
# Cheers sir!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:02, archived)
# He doesn't look too happy

top shop!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:54, archived)
# Ta sir!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:02, archived)
# You're good you :)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:00, archived)
# Cheers Whato!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:03, archived)
# lovely stuff!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:08, archived)
# Ooh ta!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:16, archived)
# That is grand
I feel like clicking...so I will!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:34, archived)
[challenge entry] fiery lols
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:50, archived)
# Unbelievably the BBC have yet again rejected my program idea
where we burn TV psychics on a pyre for witchcraft, in front of a live studio audience. there's even a phone-in vote for whether we wet the straw and allow them the mercy of passing out before they burn. Derren Brown can host it.

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:53, archived)
# but Derren Brown is head witch
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:55, archived)
# Should've sent it to Endemol

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:55, archived)
# he's as bad as the rest of them
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:05, archived)
# hahahahaha
I'm off to see him (again) tomorrow night
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:07, archived)
# Oh shit
What was that dude in the wig called again?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:10, archived)
# Gary Spivey
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:10, archived)
# Ah yes!

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:19, archived)
# I thought that pic of him in front of Tulum was uncanny
until I saw the one with his fingers on his temples and those 'thought waves'
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:20, archived)
# haha excellent
I rewatched it at the weekend, it's amazing how many words begin with V that you don't use in everyday vocabulary
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:00, archived)
[challenge entry] I suspect that this depiction has been executed previously

Google is a superhero is it not?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:45, archived)
# hahahahhaha, proper office lolage :D
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:46, archived)
# :D
I had this in my head anyway, I only compo'd it at the last minute. I expect a flaming from the purists, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany second now...
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:49, archived)
# Sorry Griff, it's a supercomputer.
Or a superpower. Or a superconductor, or something like that.
Brilliantly done though :)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:47, archived)
# Google is a brand of the Illuminati
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:48, archived)
# I'm going with supercollider

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:50, archived)
# I think it's a supercolander
sifting though all the the data on the interwebs
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:51, archived)
# ooh - clevva!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:59, archived)
# Some people might suggest it is an evil supervillain

re: the stats board. I meant to say that some of my best friends have one!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:49, archived)
# wow.... :)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:50, archived)
# innit

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:54, archived)
# haha
genie arse
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:50, archived)
# Haha!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:51, archived)
# I've not seen it...
...it's rather well done and thus, is *clicked* :)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:52, archived)
# aw cheers Ninj!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:55, archived)
[challenge entry] If you're that rich, you wouldn't use iron...
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:35, archived)
# can't say pharaoh than that
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:39, archived)
# That pun sphinx.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:40, archived)
# Is 'is some kind of joke? You've really Set yourself up there.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:48, archived)
# Not as much as these Samoses I have for lunch.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:50, archived)
# That's more like it!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:40, archived)
# *impressed*
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:13, archived)
# Lovely!
Simple yet original idea, nicely executed. More of this sort of thing!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:36, archived)
# What a tit!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:33, archived)
# Hahahaha
Needs more "fucksocks"
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:35, archived)
# happy new ear!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:38, archived)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:41, archived)
# You are Monty Python
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:40, archived)
# Nice shaving action!

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:51, archived)
# Soup-herb
Needs more recognition... recognise people!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 10:41, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:13, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:18, archived)
nicely done
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:18, archived)
# Hahahaha!
Tiny ripped purple shorts :D
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:19, archived)
# :D
Don't make me angry, Jew wouldn't like me when I'm angry
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:20, archived)
# :D
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:21, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:22, archived)
# hahah!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:30, archived)
# hehe
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:54, archived)
# !!!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:56, archived)
# hahahhahahah! Hulkler :D
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:22, archived)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:23, archived)
# hahahahahah I hadn't spotted that
brilliant :D
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:24, archived)
# Hahahaha...
Mornin Bela! :)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:25, archived)
# hahahaha
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:32, archived)
# Hahaha:DDD
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 11:01, archived)
[challenge entry] Howdy!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:09, archived)
# hahaha! That's a real "Laugh at my uniform and I'll gut you" sort of expression :D
good nings! Thank fuck it's Friday... I really can't put up with much more of this week
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:13, archived)
# I'll second that!!!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:25, archived)
# Morning sir

The week hasn't been that bad to me, to be honest. The Great Recovering started earlier this week, and yesterday I had a concert.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:58, archived)
# Brilliant :D
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:13, archived)
# I can't place my finger on why but this is makng me think of peewee herman...
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:16, archived)
# because you are a sick sick man
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:20, archived)
# grrrrrrrrrrrrr
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:05, archived)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:05, archived)
# according to my housemate, "give me a cigarette in return for letting you live" is impolite.
its not impolite, its a fair deal
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:12, archived)
# As my mate was want to say (backed up with a clenched fist) "Give; live, or don't give."
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:14, archived)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:27, archived)
# I've got coffee
with vanilla syrup in it
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:08, archived)
# deliberately?
I'm trying to motivate myself out of bed and towards my espresso pot. So far, no progress. There is no kind, loving god.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:10, archived)
# That's not coffee.
That's a children's dessert.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:14, archived)
# I've run out of sugar
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:19, archived)
# I'll give you some sugar, honey.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:21, archived)
# Hello stranger
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:14, archived)
# hello sirrah!
its me! from the internets!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:17, archived)
# \o/
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:24, archived)
# yay!
it's you again.

hello :)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:14, archived)
# its a TRAP!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:19, archived)
# *narrows eyes*
so the morris dancers got to you then.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:21, archived)
# Join us...
one of us
one of us
one of us
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:22, archived)
# YOU!

I have tea.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:17, archived)
# I!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:23, archived)
# I've not had anything to drink this morning, but if I get up to make a drink, I'll be expected to make everyone else a drink in the immediate vicinity too.
I'm stuck with a real dilemma
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:19, archived)
[challenge entry] nings
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 8:31, archived)
# pffh :)

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 8:33, archived)
# nings chap, all upbeat and ready for what the day may throw at you?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 8:39, archived)
# nope

but hopefully Bad Company 2 will cheer me up when it arrives
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 8:41, archived)
# nothing like sweary shooting to make Prodge smile :D
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 8:44, archived)
# don't forget the stabby stabs
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 8:51, archived)
# Ooh I fancy that too mate
Looks good eh? Good review for it on GameTrailers.com

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:05, archived)
# yup love the idea of being able to blow the shit out of everything :D
ps3,Xpox or PC?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:15, archived)
# demo was ace
but am I right in saying there's no co-op mode?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:06, archived)
# yea no co-op :(
but online looks ace
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:14, archived)
# Pah I say! (will still get though)
just a shame - Flashpoint 2 played as co op was amazing.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:15, archived)
# haha thats special
colossus activating his living steel and pushing two soldiers through a wall was the highlight of X2
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 8:53, archived)
# :) I like that, good thinking

good morning!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 8:59, archived)
# Ning sir!
Congrats on the lully FP! :)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:01, archived)
# beehives always make arnie happy
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:07, archived)
# hahaaa
nice touch
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:02, archived)
# hahahaha! brilliant :D
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 9:16, archived)
[challenge entry] Cuppasoupaman

Note to self: call agent about a full-time job.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:23, archived)
# I want to fuck you with a rake.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:31, archived)
# Hoe hoe!
and on that note I'll go to bed.

Note to readers: I'm very busy at the mo.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:33, archived)
# haha!
I like this kind of retort, it's rather funny! hoe hoe indeed!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 7:05, archived)
[challenge entry] I found this...
...I think it should win.

Click for bigger (140 kb)

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:18, archived)
# They say
The early bird gets the worm.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:21, archived)
# booyah
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:40, archived)
# yes
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 8:28, archived)
# 'I unearthed this, I think it should win a place in a museum'
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 8:58, archived)
# Haha, this gets my vote

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 8:59, archived)
# Not worryin too much.

Probably should be.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 4:54, archived)
# death practice, part one
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 4:57, archived)
# that regretsy site is taking me to some interesting places
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:19, archived)
# Naturally.
Once one's had one's first stroke, one is generally not all that bothered.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 4:59, archived)
# When I'm trying not to worry about something I like to stand on my balcony and HOOOOOOOOO at the people below.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:05, archived)
# I like to watch an episode maybe of that great hit show two and a half men and then I'm not so worried as before
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:20, archived)

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:24, archived)
# Oh
That's rather good!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:32, archived)
# thanks, but it was a knock-off
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:40, archived)
# this is still my favourite episode
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:42, archived)
# Hahahahahahahahaha
I must have missed that one.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:13, archived)
# on the shoulders of giants then
I still like it.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:53, archived)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:50, archived)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:02, archived)
# Yes.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:17, archived)
# glorious
the pixelation makes that one, I feel
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:36, archived)
# It certainly adds a sinister tone to the whole affair
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:59, archived)
# I'll try that on the subway
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:59, archived)
# have you seen this
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:16, archived)
# Nope, looks awesome!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:25, archived)
# I would not be surprised if her new single was to be "Cock"
not surprised at all
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:33, archived)
# I mean she's already written "lol bi/curious" and "OMG I'm too famous"
she's running out of deep personal themes, here.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:47, archived)
# squatting in a pool of blood.. has she done that already?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:56, archived)
# though I haven't heard any complete songs of hers
only covers, by people who can really sing

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:57, archived)
# There are a lot of things I don't like about lady gaga
I mean she looks fucking disgusting with the shit she wears, she's inspired a whole new generation of fuckwit teenagers and I don't like her songs.

That being said, she can actually sing

www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4KQksDXhjQ (skip the first 30 seconds or so)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 7:04, archived)
# see, if she were actually transgender, I could be into that
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 8:58, archived)
# although I did hear a rumour that Ms Germanotta can, in fact, sing, and all this gaga bullshit is a put-on.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 7:05, archived)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 7:07, archived)
# no my flatmate reckoned
she was showing me the Cartman/Walken/Gaga mashups

yet I shall continue to avoid Gaga like say, the Ting Tings, or the plague
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 8:58, archived)
# no.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 4:10, archived)
# yes.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 4:11, archived)
# No, really you shouldn't.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 4:11, archived)
# Am I being naughty?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 4:11, archived)
# Ban this sick filth!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 4:15, archived)
# Such a naughty!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 4:15, archived)
# Mini chevron anyone?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 4:12, archived)
# Oh, go on then
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 4:12, archived)
# chevron baby
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 4:34, archived)
# yeah but you would say that
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 4:46, archived)
# So would I!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:17, archived)
# Oh my god, we could Chevron again!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:18, archived)
# Like we CHEVRONNED last summer
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:18, archived)
# It's almost like CHEVRON
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:19, archived)
# CHEVRON ftw tbh imho like
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:19, archived)
# You wanna sleep with common CHEVRONS
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:20, archived)
# Common CHEVRONS like me
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:20, archived)

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 4:57, archived)
# I'd like this popular paged please
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:17, archived)

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:22, archived)
# Is that a common cock gobbler?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:27, archived)

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:39, archived)
# On closer inspection
I giggled
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:43, archived)

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 5:55, archived)
# That's just eye wrongling
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 6:00, archived)
# I drewed a Sci FI van thing

Click for bigger (140 kb)

Pencil then letraset marker, then scanned, photoshop new layer multiply, grey background then a bit of highlighting in white on a new layer.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 3:19, archived)
# that is beautiful
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 3:22, archived)
# sort of reminds me of UFO for some reason
(the Gerry Anderson series, not the shite Chubby Brown film)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 3:31, archived)
# :) Kewl
I'm waiting for a TEAM to jump out on the assist :)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 3:31, archived)
# Hmph.
I'm trying to be disrespectful at 3:40am, but wrong time, wrong place.

Time to resume my usual mumsnet trolling (particularly fun at this time of night, cos all the mums are pissed and starting to feel guilty)
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 3:41, archived)
# this is most excellent.
i love your stuff
(, Sat 6 Mar 2010, 1:02, archived)
[challenge entry] Bad Kent
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 3:05, archived)
# aces
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 3:08, archived)

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