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[challenge entry] hello
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:38, archived)
# Isn't it quiet?
I think they've all gone to the pub
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 17:58, archived)
# It is juicer time then
Alright gat. Alright hooders.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 18:15, archived)
# 'Ow do
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 18:21, archived)
# alright Mr H
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 18:58, archived)
mr h
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 19:46, archived)
# Mr H
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 19:48, archived)
The Expendables 4 :)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 21:45, archived)
[challenge entry] OH MY GOD this is totally like when Miss Pargeter, who everyone knows is a total lesbian, changed the staff rota, only everyone knew she put me on the tills in haberdashery cos she wanted to hear me talk about my pussy.
who everyone knows is a total lesbian changed the staff rota only everyone knew she put me on the tills in haberdashery cos she wanted to hear me talk about my pussy.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:18, archived)
# that's disturbing
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:36, archived)
# One does what one can
Also, I had no idea JJ Abrams had directed episodes of Are You Being Served
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:55, archived)
# It was the 70s, flares were all the rage
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 17:03, archived)
# Badoom TISH!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 17:06, archived)
# bring 'em back I say
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 17:06, archived)
# King Beard
Selfie reveals clues as to Tut Beard Mystery repairmen

(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:03, archived)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:15, archived)
# probably Suarez :(
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:19, archived)
Cheers. I'd always assumed it was Mike Tyson.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:27, archived)
# on the other hand it may just simply be the onset of Necrotizing fasciitis
he is gettin'on a bit
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:35, archived)
# Plus his head does look a bit like a ball-bag.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:49, archived)
# I doubt we'll see a better half-eaten ear than that today....unless someone's got Photoshop
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:57, archived)
# You can see a lump on his ear in this one
So I suspect that the missing ear was due to its removal.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 21:33, archived)
# so glad that mystery has been cleared up
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:16, archived)
# tut me, tut you
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:36, archived)
# *golf claps*
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:50, archived)
# hahhaha hhaha ha :)
(, Sat 24 Jan 2015, 0:03, archived)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 21:46, archived)
[challenge entry] Scotland's getting six new powers
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 15:17, archived)
# unfair! they already have the power to deep-fry every known substance!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 15:18, archived)
# Mmmmm almost haggis day
tempted to cross the border for a deep fried haggis supper
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 15:24, archived)
# well, haggis is utter nyom
and goes amazingly well with fried egg
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 15:31, archived)
# deep fried egg ?
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 15:33, archived)
# no, they go weird
all crunchy and wrong
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 15:40, archived)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 15:59, archived)
# chippy round the corner did those for easter once
they make my arteries cry just looking at them. i don't even like creme eggs!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:02, archived)
# Now?
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:10, archived)
# nope, they're sickly
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:14, archived)
# genius
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:02, archived)
# another thing that's a bit sickly
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:15, archived)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 21:49, archived)
# Birthday Greetings
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:39, archived)
# Hahahaaha Orks!
Happy b3taday Larry!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:41, archived)
# Hahahaha
Chill Bruv. Merry happy b3taday :D
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:41, archived)
# THAT'S what it does..
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:43, archived)
# hahahahaha
conversation on the coach last night between 2 30-something blokes: "nah bruv, serious, she was well after my ting, innit?" "yea blud, but ain't she banging your cuz?" i tried so hard not to laugh.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:47, archived)
# Hahahaha
Superb! Happy candles :)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 15:16, archived)
# hahaha, do they sing then ?
also... CANDLES !!

(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 15:23, archived)
# hahahah oh fuck
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 15:56, archived)
# This is very amusing :D
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 23:46, archived)
# When I was clever
I'd have done that.
(, Sun 25 Jan 2015, 6:19, archived)
# On the news that Sly Stallone will be appearing in a Warburton's advert...
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:11, archived)
# I thought for a minute he was gonna be a judge on bake-off!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:15, archived)
# Soggy bottom - 4 years, iso-cubes.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:17, archived)
# Hahaha
Soggy bottom? no less than 12!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:21, archived)
# Mega City Bun.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:17, archived)
# Shame it's not Hovis :)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:22, archived)
# God, shave our Queen!

Probably bindun 20,000 times but I had a spare coupla hours .
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:41, archived)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 13:22, archived)
# ^ You can actually have your nose slapped with a shatter-proof ruler for this.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 13:31, archived)
# i was not the artist here...
simply the recipient
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 13:42, archived)
# I think after Cardinal Fang interrogates you with the soft cushions you'll be singing like a bird.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:39, archived)

(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 13:51, archived)
# Haha
Wind ya neck in love!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:03, archived)
# Neck sounds regal.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:40, archived)
# No deal
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 13:51, archived)
# You're fired
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:05, archived)
# Shave the Queen?

(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 21:51, archived)
[challenge entry] "good luck"
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:03, archived)
# Question : What would happen if Charlie Chuck met Father Jack?
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:13, archived)
# good times would happen.
that's what.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:19, archived)
# Chuck Norris?
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:43, archived)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 13:12, archived)
# Don't serve any more fish, Manuel!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:37, archived)
[challenge entry] That's A Man, Baby!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 11:54, archived)
# Shit that's an old film
I'm surprised it's even in colour! ;)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:35, archived)
[challenge entry] Excuse my pea, for it is old and wrinkly
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 11:33, archived)
[challenge entry] Wait for it...
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:44, archived)
# them angles are wrong
they're looking the wrong way...
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:51, archived)
# I know. It's bugging me now
More to the point I never watched it but yet I still know!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:54, archived)
# the jokes the joke and it's still funny though.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:58, archived)
# It's fine I fixed it now
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 11:00, archived)
# genius
what did you change? it's very clever.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 11:05, archived)
# I used 3Dmax 7 to turn their heads
Luckily the 4 of them were just walking past my house and I used my potato masher to scan their heads into my pager
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 11:09, archived)
# clever sod.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 11:45, archived)
# Pffft :D
took me a while...
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 11:27, archived)
# Rissing like a rissole on a hot skillet
Is one of the top lot calles chandler, and is it something to do with that and chandelier? Can you still get rissoles? Mmm, rissoles.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 19:11, archived)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 19:27, archived)
[challenge entry] 'I'm free!'
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:41, archived)
# John Chegwin?!
My brain hurts. Also 'ning Ninj :D
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:45, archived)
# Ha! Yes!
Ning Froggie! :)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:51, archived)
Looks like Cheggers :)
*edit* gah, beaten by frogbeat
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:46, archived)
# Shopped pics....
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 11:29, archived)
[challenge entry] bagpuss / lassie
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:12, archived)
# This isn't right
Lassie never had a collar
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:19, archived)
And neither were comedies?
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:20, archived)
bagpuss was fucking hilarious. also why is there a question mark at the end of your sentence)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:22, archived)
A question implied as to it not meeting the compo guidelines.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:23, archived)
# oh right i see&
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:26, archived)
# Keep up#
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:46, archived)
# lassie 2.0 did
he / she also transformed into a monkey
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:23, archived)
# Wowshit
I apologize then
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:47, archived)
# and she was shit at telling jokes
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:19, archived)
# Yeah, the one about the little boy down a well, she completely mistimed it.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 19:17, archived)
# There's a voice......

Edit: Thanks guys and gals!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:33, archived)
# hahaha i love this long time!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:36, archived)
# haha me too
I'm all over this shit :D
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 11:00, archived)
# He shits bullets
Stand back!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:23, archived)
# Haha
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:48, archived)
# greats!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:11, archived)
LOL I need a new monitor :)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:17, archived)
# ha!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:19, archived)
# Maybe tomorrow I'll wanna settle down...
...until tomorrow I'll just keep serving the public trust, protecting the innocent, upholding the law.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:21, archived)
# this should win
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:52, archived)
# ^ THIS
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 11:23, archived)
# YES!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 11:34, archived)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:00, archived)
# excellent work
(, Sat 24 Jan 2015, 14:18, archived)
# Can't stop looking and laughing
(, Sun 25 Jan 2015, 15:01, archived)
[challenge entry] couldn't decide, did both.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 9:44, archived)
# :)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:02, archived)
# I like this
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:03, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:06, archived)
# Haha
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:07, archived)
# down with this sort of thing
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:08, archived)
[challenge entry] smell my cheese
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:15, archived)
# This made me truckle.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:42, archived)
# :)
this made me chuckle
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:36, archived)
# Screaming Nigel Farage (after Francis Bacon)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 9:18, archived)
# art!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 9:26, archived)
# Nice :D
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 9:26, archived)
# take away their driving licenses!
and give them more booze and fags
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 9:55, archived)
# Outstanding!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:22, archived)
# Very nice
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:57, archived)
# nice arts
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:20, archived)
# Terrific workz.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:45, archived)
[challenge entry] Whaddayou want fuh nothin. A rrrrrubber biscuit?
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 4:12, archived)

(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:46, archived)

No it doesn't
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 13:18, archived)
[challenge entry] Dumb Like It HOT
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 1:37, archived)
# Well Done!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 2:26, archived)
# uh huh uhuh uh huuh huhhh uh huhu huhu hu uh u u uhu uh huh
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 9:56, archived)
# ..... *spunk*
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:56, archived)
# well it is a friday :D
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 11:02, archived)
# Apparently she smelt...
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 14:57, archived)
Did you create the B&B heads yourself? They're bloody awesome, got a link?
(, Sat 24 Jan 2015, 1:11, archived)
# Google Images - search for 'beavis and butthead real life'
(, Sat 24 Jan 2015, 11:09, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 1:28, archived)
# fucking mad old movies
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 9:56, archived)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:02, archived)
# Have a pea seeing as I seem to be having a Groundhog day...
(, Thu 22 Jan 2015, 23:27, archived)
No pubes
(, Thu 22 Jan 2015, 23:30, archived)
# is it cock migration season

there have been a few sightings
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 0:01, archived)
# Apparently, they're quite dangerous in the wild

(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 0:12, archived)
# Where's my shitty post gone then? Someone playing silly buggers again?
Don't worry about it as it was, as I said, shit.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 0:21, archived)
# It's still there!
Click older messages then newer messages! It's at the bottom.
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 0:25, archived)
# Oh, God...it's happening again.
It definitely disappeared last night. Maybe its shitness caused a glitch in the Matrix?
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 13:16, archived)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 4:43, archived)
# This is a thing of beauty
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:04, archived)
# :D
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:56, archived)
# Is Bluto off shot looking like this

(he's not moving cause he's just at the tipping point....)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:04, archived)

(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:43, archived)
[challenge entry] Fuck off, Minister
(, Thu 22 Jan 2015, 23:27, archived)
# hahaha
(, Thu 22 Jan 2015, 23:28, archived)
# nicely!
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 2:22, archived)
# :-)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2015, 8:38, archived)

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