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» Feb 2008 «

Dr. When's 2nd Birmingham Birthday Bash

COME TO MY PARTY! February 9th, 2008: 8pm - 1am
The Flapper, Cambrian Wharf, Kingston Row, Birmingham B1 2NU.


In a bit of a Doctor When coup, I have secured the vaults of the famous FLAPPER for the party venue. It's got everything we need - a roof, toilets, booze, friendly staff and a built-in sound system (which saves me lifting anything!). I'm really very pleased.

I have a band booked - they're called Instant Threeplay and do all sorts of stuff from 60's to present. Hooray!
The majority of the DJing will be provided by two of the lovely Sugarfoot Stomp girls again, and the last hour or so will see the return of the masked madman BoogieDave.

The Etap hotel is nicely cheap. See also Nite Nite (keep an eye on their special offers). Both are within staggering distance, as are any of the Broad Street or BrindleyPlace hotels.
(, Tue 9 Oct 2007, 16:45, Reply)

(, Tue 9 Oct 2007, 16:46, Reply)
shitbox! my sleeping arangements have gone all tits up...

is anyone staying at the etap? i dont know if i want to stay there alone!

hmmmm the etap says there's no rooms on that night. fecking hell.

(, Thu 7 Feb 2008, 19:11, Reply)
There are two places on Broad street, .2 of a mile from the Flapper

Jurys Inn and Express by Holiday Inn. If you can't find crash space then drop me a line and I'll get a room sorted.


(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 10:23, Reply)
they're both lovely

but WAY out of my price range. but thanks for the offer of help - you're always doing that!! q:

(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 12:39, Reply)
you duffer.

Your price range don't enter into it if I'm doing it. Drop me a line and we'll sort it out, eh?

(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 15:16, Reply)
I'm driving back to Sheff after,

if that helps.



(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 17:22, Reply)
I'm not 100% sure I can make this, because I don't know what I'm working

But I'm sure gonna try!

(, Tue 9 Oct 2007, 17:09, Reply)
I've said it before and I'll say it again...

Work, schmork!

(, Tue 9 Oct 2007, 19:36, Reply)
I'm there, dude.

And with a bit of luck I'll have some sort of musical beat combo going again by then..


(, Tue 9 Oct 2007, 19:37, Reply)

I hope so, too.


(, Wed 10 Oct 2007, 9:17, Reply)
I shall endeavour to attend!

(, Wed 10 Oct 2007, 9:02, Reply)

I'll have to be a provo for the minute

as for desires...
some rhubarb & ginger jam would be nice :)

(, Thu 18 Oct 2007, 20:18, Reply)
I may well come to this

As kind of a preamble to... something. I dunno.

(, Tue 30 Oct 2007, 9:55, Reply)
It's all good!!


(, Mon 5 Nov 2007, 9:25, Reply)
David Tennant and a family size tub of banana yoghurt

Well you said register our desires!

I shall be there with bells on. Well, more likely jeans and a t-shirt, but I'll be there!

(, Mon 5 Nov 2007, 9:37, Reply)
All my parties...

...are "Dress to Impress".

I demand corsetry, bustles, splendid millinery or - at the very least - slutty boots.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2007, 15:51, Reply)

no slutty boots will fit my size 10s....

(, Wed 28 Nov 2007, 18:23, Reply)
This requires me to

fuck around with my Dad duties timetable again but it's surely worth it ... it's on the run up to our 16-year anniversary mate :-) that's eight years longer than I was married !

(, Sat 10 Nov 2007, 17:07, Reply)
B3ta duties before dad duties!

you know you want to

(, Wed 12 Dec 2007, 19:04, Reply)
Fuck me... what a lineup!

Hey, KM, if you're rocking out, I'll join you!


(, Wed 14 Nov 2007, 9:50, Reply)
I'd like to register the desire

that it be in London...

Only kidding, with all those fluffy people going it would be rude of me not to go...

(, Thu 15 Nov 2007, 19:07, Reply)
i'll be there chief


(, Sun 18 Nov 2007, 20:35, Reply)
Might as well!

Will be a good warm-up bash for mine a fortnight after (whore whore!)


I will also be good for lugging speakers around, should anyone be able to provide crash space, that is.

(, Mon 19 Nov 2007, 23:03, Reply)
*Curls stockinged leg around doorframe*

er, I can't seem to find a flight to Birmingham from Berlin ?

(, Fri 30 Nov 2007, 15:44, Reply)

(, Mon 3 Dec 2007, 11:15, Reply)
Swim, you fucker!

Tsk. Some people just can't be bothered to make an effort...

(, Mon 3 Dec 2007, 16:37, Reply)
It seems I most likely cannot

Since at the end of January I have to surrender my passport.



(, Sun 23 Dec 2007, 12:32, Reply)
Can make this one.

Damn,bugger and blast!

I am driving down after work and driving back.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2007, 19:11, Reply)
Ah, go on then

Very probably, although as always I make no promises as I'm a busy little SugarSpun. But yes, very probably indeed.

EDIT: If it's a yes, and I'm not working on the sunday, then I'll very probably be able to help out with the clearing up too, provided some lovely could accomodate me with crash space for the evening. I'm nice and I don't smell or anything, promises xx

(, Mon 10 Dec 2007, 16:52, Reply)

It's not so much "clearing up" as "lifting big fuck-off speakers an' shit", but I'll take any help I can get!

(, Mon 10 Dec 2007, 19:57, Reply)

Then I promise not to run off with the PA, no matter how shiny it may be.

(, Tue 11 Dec 2007, 13:39, Reply)
I should be free for this.

(, Tue 11 Dec 2007, 15:04, Reply)

*compares medical notes*

(, Thu 13 Dec 2007, 17:18, Reply)
*Archives Data For Future Medical Experiments*

(, Mon 24 Dec 2007, 17:30, Reply)
Quite possible that I'll be able to come

Not entirely sure which of my friends I'll drag along this time though.

(, Fri 14 Dec 2007, 14:20, Reply)
Bring a pretty lady one.

You can never have too many pretty lady friends.

(, Wed 19 Dec 2007, 17:18, Reply)
I should be delighted to attend.

And also more than happy to help set up on Saturday afternoon, although I might find myself howlin'/abusing musical instruments in Kenny's band.
Which, a glance at my calendar tells me, will be horribly under-rehearsed.

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(, Sat 15 Dec 2007, 16:16, Reply)
I'd like to

and will do my best.

(, Wed 19 Dec 2007, 18:30, Reply)
I'll need to see what I can do for sleeping arrangements

(, Fri 21 Dec 2007, 0:53, Reply)
I promise* not to attend so outrageously drunk this year!

*will try my darndest
(, Thu 3 Jan 2008, 12:36, Reply)
f*ck me, I uased to drink in there when I was a young married

they used to have a Terminator 2 pinball machine :-) and of course it was down from what was the legendary Excel's nightclub underneath the Cascade building, when the Davenports' Brewery used to be on Bath Row next to the hospital and I used to get on the cross city line at 5-ways to come to work in Erdington....used to live in Frederick Road just down the road from Bob Warman.... ahhh nostalgia...

(, Thu 3 Jan 2008, 22:44, Reply)
Jesus, Hat...

...we don't need a fucking history lesson, just come along and get pissed.

...and help me to move the PA on Sunday.

(, Sat 5 Jan 2008, 0:52, Reply)

(dons mighty gauntlets of PA moving)

(, Sat 5 Jan 2008, 16:01, Reply)
don's been looking for them.

Try the veal, etc.

(, Mon 7 Jan 2008, 12:39, Reply)
T2 pinball was great!

/shows age blog

(, Mon 7 Jan 2008, 8:31, Reply)
Buggery Shitey Fuckery!

Am at Amsterdams bash weekend before
will have to see if can book work off

(, Tue 8 Jan 2008, 0:26, Reply)
I wish I was.

I would certainly be able to make one later in the year...

(, Mon 14 Jan 2008, 16:56, Reply)

I'm really tempted by this....:)

Having never been to Brum before, which station would I need to get off at, so I can work out railfare?

(, Wed 9 Jan 2008, 19:48, Reply)
new street station is closest.

i believe =/

(, Thu 10 Jan 2008, 8:42, Reply)
Five Ways is closer

but a bit shit!

(, Fri 25 Jan 2008, 16:56, Reply)
Choo choo!

New Street is closest, but Snow Hill & Moor Street (which, I believe, are on those cheap train lines) aren't much further away - it's walkable from all of them.

Best directions are to follow the signs for Symphony Hall / NIA / International Convention Centre (ICC), which will bring you to Centenary Square. The Flapper is basically behind the ICC/NIA.

From Centenary Square, walk behind the Repertory Theatre and you'll find a little pub called the Prince of Wales. If you look over the road, in between two of the big tower blocks, you'll see the pub sign "FLAPPER" - andit's just there, down the steppy/path thing.

If you're having trouble finding it, ask anyone who looks like a student or a bit of a rocker, and they'll probably know where it is.

(, Thu 10 Jan 2008, 11:52, Reply)
I shall meet you from the train

(, Sun 20 Jan 2008, 19:32, Reply)
Count me in chaps!

Be warned - I am from Norfolk, and therefore am not good at attempting intercourse (social or otherwise) with people I am not related to....:) Just imagine me as a) shy, b)interbred and c) able to get the first three letters of the alphabet in the correct order....

(, Mon 21 Jan 2008, 2:59, Reply)
I shall certainly try,

depending on monies and such.

(, Thu 17 Jan 2008, 3:00, Reply)
Do. Or do not.

There is no "try".

(, Thu 17 Jan 2008, 9:55, Reply)
I think I may have to give this a try

My first b3ta bish!

(, Tue 22 Jan 2008, 17:22, Reply)
doooo eeeeet!

in other news mr when,... I need you to message me via the power of lovely email to let me know details of helping to clear/set up.

Also about a burlesque night at the cross but that is a most different lovely matter!

(, Wed 23 Jan 2008, 18:06, Reply)
Hi Doc

Can I pop by pweese (or I will be forced to infiltrate) - I will get you a pwessie (drink).

Yes - I know you don't remember me but I did attend last year - I just don't think I disgraced myself that time!

(, Fri 25 Jan 2008, 17:11, Reply)
Don't worry.

There's one or two things I don't remember after last year's birthday. I'd be disappointed if it were otherwise.

Come and say hello on the 9th, in your special baby-talk voice.

(, Sat 26 Jan 2008, 0:21, Reply)
Thanks to everyone...

...for your offers of assistance - but as The Flapper has it's own PA & Lights, I will be able to manage thanks!

Eee! It's almost time to partey!

(, Tue 29 Jan 2008, 0:40, Reply)
I'd like to come

but I'm scared.

(, Fri 1 Feb 2008, 10:33, Reply)
Don't be scared.

The worst thing that could possibly happen is getting bumraped in the toilets, and that's never happened at a B3TA Bash yet!

Well, apart from Northampton and Derby last year, but they don't really count - it's not rape unless they're conscious and can say "no", apparently.

(, Fri 1 Feb 2008, 14:14, Reply)
Bugger, was set for a suprise last minute confirmation to this,

but a suprise last minute problem (client) has arisen and I'm going to be needed here next Saturday afternoon :(


Have a fantastic time you crazy kids!

(, Sun 3 Feb 2008, 16:07, Reply)
this is by far the sexiest bash lineup I have ever seen

(, Mon 4 Feb 2008, 19:34, Reply)
*shakes booty*

(, Tue 5 Feb 2008, 9:01, Reply)

*booties shake*

(, Tue 5 Feb 2008, 9:17, Reply)
I heartily concur

It's a pisser I can't make it :(

(, Wed 6 Feb 2008, 17:05, Reply)
come up a bit later!!

sonic is...

(, Thu 7 Feb 2008, 14:26, Reply)
Is it OK if I come?

I've just had a chat with Mrs. Bingowings and she said "Why don't you go out for a pint with those b3ta people and get the fuck out of my house?"

Are there any Cov people going? We could have a couple of pints beforehand then get the train up.

(, Wed 6 Feb 2008, 23:55, Reply)
it would be lovely to meet you

I believe Rotating Wobbly Hat is Coventry based...

(, Thu 7 Feb 2008, 19:42, Reply)
This is true

However I shall be coming in from Stourbridge on that particular day....

(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 10:11, Reply)
Yes, come!

The more the merrier!

(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 11:03, Reply)
More good news!

The lovely people at The Flapper have got a smashing real ale in just for me - it's Dr. Okell's I.P.A. all the way from the Isle of Man. It's got "Dr." in the name, and features a Victorian Gent on the pump clip. Yay!

Therefore, beer drinkers must drink them dry of it! Nom nom nom!

(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 11:02, Reply)
please tell me they sell strongbow!

(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 12:05, Reply)
Erm, probably.

I believe they have some sort of cider on!

(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 12:17, Reply)

You loon.

If you're gonna driunk cider, drink CIDER!

Weetobix knws what I'm takling about

(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 18:56, Reply)
That will be my allottted 'one drink maximum' drink then.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 17:25, Reply)
One drink my arse!

There's no way I'm leaving in the middle of a deep philisophiocal debate with you like I did in Derby

(, Fri 8 Feb 2008, 18:57, Reply)
Ohh... is a very good beer

they've got it in at work

shan't be able to make the bash after all :(
many happy birthdays though

(, Sat 9 Feb 2008, 1:54, Reply)
I wish you could, Eric

(, Sat 9 Feb 2008, 3:34, Reply)

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your marital bedlinen!

Shame you can't make it... see you at another bash, later in the season, what what.

(, Sat 9 Feb 2008, 13:58, Reply)

» Feb 2008 «