The Hilary Mantel film review made me think of this ambiguous film review in City AM newspaper of The Great Gatsby
( , Wed 8 Jul 2020, 13:57, Reply)

So much so that the video for the 12" single consisted mainly of the lathe cutting said single.
( , Wed 8 Jul 2020, 13:38, Reply)

It's like that "This person does not exist" AI-image-generator, but for horses...which are clearly harder to do.
( , Wed 8 Jul 2020, 9:18, Reply)

Former MP Eric Joyce admits child sex offence

The ex-Army officer had a movie clip of children with one as young as 12 months old, a court hears.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 23:40, Reply)

any blue links in emails - 13 seconds later you're a nonce for the rest of your life.
( , Wed 8 Jul 2020, 0:24, Reply)

Very much worth watching.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 21:45, Reply)

was sarcasm at the level of a 6 year old. Literally just saying the opposite of what he meant in an overly dramatic voice.
How that went on for over an hour I'll never know. Maybe he got to something approaching a point, but he was too annoying to tolerate any further.
An hour long video dubbed "worth watching" should probably be delivered by someone with some gravitas, if it's gonna have any chance of changing anyone's mind.
( , Wed 8 Jul 2020, 0:51, Reply)

Without being daubed a massive racist?
( , Wed 8 Jul 2020, 8:42, Reply)

( , Wed 8 Jul 2020, 10:48, Reply)

Chilling video
Six arrested
Politie geeft meer details over 'martelcontainers' Wouwse Plantage

In de containers lagen onder meer scharen, er hingen handboeien aan het plafond en er stond een stoel die aan de vloer was vastgeschroefd.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 19:24, Reply)

( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 22:11, Reply)

There are two possible explanations for that, and both of them are ... nasty.
( , Wed 8 Jul 2020, 17:59, Reply)

Engineer needed for time machine. I have the blueprints, just need the manual side covering | Mechanical Engineering | Engineering | CAD/CAM | Solidworks | Electrical Engineering | Product Design | Prototype Design | Robotics | Freelancer

Engineering & Electrical Engineering Projects for £20000 - £50000. I've spent the past 25 years figuring out the formula to building a functioning time machine. After running through over 10,000 simulation tests, the final design works 9 times out of 10 which is good...
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 16:03, Reply)

and employ the last guy again?
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 17:37, Reply)

This is me playing "Days" by those Kinks on my bass guitar.
If you like it please subscribe. (Last time I posted a bass video I ended up with less subscribers!!)
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 15:24, Reply)

Well played though.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 15:56, Reply)

Every month I make a mix of original sounds from a year. Now I have reached 1926! Which may not mean much to anyone, but it's the year electrical recording / microphones took off, and suddenly loads of good music is being recorded and it generally sounds less muddy.
Gigantic blog post this time as I foolishly decided to write a bit about every track, so this one feels like a massive project all on its own. Using the twitter link because it's easier to share (I suppose) - the site link is here - centuriesofsound.com/2020/07/06/1926/ - and it's on podcast apps, except the version there is a 30-minute taster (full mix can be streamed under the link)
Anyway, enjoy!
— Link to tweet
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 13:59, Reply)

I get The Numbertaker, he takes numbers, The Puzzler sets puzzles, why is Spooky Spoon a spoon? What the fuck is she?
Also why are they called Numberjacks, what is the connection to lumberjacks? They don't cut down a single tree.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 14:04, Reply)

I'll wager that in a few more years he'll be in 'spoons without the gun but the braying noises will not be dissimilar.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 12:30, Reply)

calling it a jack when it's not on a ship is exactly the same as shitting on the queen's actual face while burning the Union Flag while singing the words of Deutschland Uber Alles to the tune of the State Anthem of the Soviet Union while wanking into the flag of the Council of Europe.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 15:57, Reply)

( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 16:38, Reply)

H.M. the Queen says either Union Flag or Union Jack is correct.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 17:17, Reply)

The Queen is not an etymological authority to appeal to willy-nilly, she is constitutionally above internet arguments, how dare you mistreat her in this way?
Why do you hate our beloved UKOGBANI so much? Love it or leave it!
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 17:27, Reply)

Let's try and keep things simple.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 18:31, Reply)

UKOGBANI is a sovereign country located off the northwestern coast of the European mainland.
Damn can't edit that senseless subject line. Oh well.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 18:27, Reply)

...as in "I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse", where the lack of capitals changes the meaning completely.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 18:00, Reply)

...Think I need to make one of these for myself.
I think I have everything except the rifle stock, which I assume is a water gun..?
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 16:06, Reply)

An assault trombone would be more of a pump action affair.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 18:04, Reply)

Edit - but presumably the name is taken from what they used to build it.
( , Wed 8 Jul 2020, 11:59, Reply)

sorry for two in a row but it's quite uncanny and amazing looking
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 11:04, Reply)

I flew into London once, late on bonfire night, and it looked a lot like that. Absolutely amazing sight. And possibly included Croydon.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 12:03, Reply)

that are very very good. (I think Ski Jumping is my favourite so far)
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 10:30, Reply)

( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 10:59, Reply)

(the A Cappella badge, latest episode up)
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 11:19, Reply)

( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 19:11, Reply)

On Hilary Mantel’s birthday, please enjoy her 1988 review of RoboCop.

Today, Dame Hilary Mary Mantel, author of the Booker Prize-winning novels Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies, and the likely future Booker Prize-winning novel The Mirror and the Light, turns 68. But…
( , Mon 6 Jul 2020, 23:17, Reply)

If I’d read that before I saw the film I’d be rather pissed off.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 0:02, Reply)

( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 7:36, Reply)

I was thinking if that was my first impressions of the film and was reading it back in February 1988, then I would have been rather annoyed.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 8:48, Reply)

Old enough to know better then. Start watching it. You have 20 seconds to comply.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 11:18, Reply)

I'd put that Mantel piece on my mantelpiece.
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 8:15, Reply)

Had to sack off Wolf Hall halfway through
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 10:11, Reply)

(It tried to capitalise “android” which just brings to mind Robocop trying to arrest someone and running out of battery)
( , Tue 7 Jul 2020, 12:21, Reply)
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