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This is a link post Doc and Mharti
Got 10 mins?

Elements of NSFW... but you knew that already
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 9:36, , Reply)
This is a normal post i like Michael Cusack stuff
cinema experience is still my fave though
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 15:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post This is so good.

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 22:18, , Reply)
This is a link post Oh brother!
I'm tanking badly. Can a kitten save me?
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 7:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Danny Jock for 2018
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 8:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post Chasbo is Danny Jock?????

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 8:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Admittedly, I'm not NOT Danny Jock.
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 8:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post That's exactly the sort of thing that Danny Jock would say

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 8:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post BURN HER!!!!

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 11:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post Danny Jock left too soon,
He was on his way to being loved as much as that kebab muncher guy.
(, Sat 7 Apr 2018, 0:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post Nah.

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 10:02, , Reply)
This is a link post A Nutter!

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 3:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post My goolies!

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 10:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post Miriam?

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 11:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post yeah but...
he still didn't get back over the fence
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 18:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post Fuck. That.
Those pylon things give me the fear anyway.
(, Sun 8 Apr 2018, 11:20, , Reply)
This is a normal post
These videos that involve height and nutters make me feel weird
(, Sun 8 Apr 2018, 21:30, , Reply)
This is a link post The Crafty Cockney has gone to the great dartboard in the sky

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 0:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post did he become a postman?

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 1:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yes
He became a postman.
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 11:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 12:20, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^ This

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 13:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Good riddance. This is a man who called child sex abuse victims "Wimps" and "not proper men". Yet he couldn't throw a fucking dart because of the yips which ended his career - that's being a "Wimp" and "Not a proper man".

Fat cunt
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 11:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post Macho types tend to do that generally.
It helps ease their own insecurity.
What a twat.
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 14:52, , Reply)
This is a link post Helen Mirren showing off her acting chops

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 0:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post Christ
Derek Smalls was hot when he was younger
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 0:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post just helping out a brother

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 1:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post Pfffft

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 2:09, , Reply)
This is a normal post phwoooar
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 15:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post you are Michael Parkinson circa 1975 AICMFP

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 19:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post cbbc
hubba hubba
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 20:38, , Reply)
This is a link post Russia in 15 seconds
Behind iron curtain, glass cocks you!
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 0:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post Like Coatbridge in the 1980s
But less concrete
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 8:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post I have watched this so many times now
You couldn't fit many more stories into 15 seconds... And it is a slow start.
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 15:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post
original - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRHKWOgb0nk
(, Mon 9 Apr 2018, 11:23, , Reply)
This is a link post Kim Wilde in PVC anyone?
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 22:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post Having one of "those" evenings then, Stuj?

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 23:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post Christ
Derek Smalls is looking old!
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 0:23, , Reply)
This is a link post Derek Smalls - Smalls Change
Is this GC? I have searched and all and all and not found so am most surprised.

While we're at it: dereksmallsmusic.com/ has an updated bio for any Tappers

All promoting his album and 'tour': Meditations on Ageing
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 19:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post Top class Satirists this week. First Lehrer and now Shearer. who's next?
Nope can't get another surname that rhymes
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 19:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post Christ
Debbie Harry is looking old!
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 20:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post People often do
when they lose a bit of weight
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 22:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's not over until the f
oh, never mind.
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 20:12, , Reply)
This is a link post Altar and the Bull
Stumbled onto this; described as "Two piece ritual sludge doom."
May be of interest to some.
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 16:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post This has my attention

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 16:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yesum

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 0:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post have taken against that Adam Driver one for some reason

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 15:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post I liked the part he played in Logan Lucky
Although my enjoyment scale was somewhat re-calibrated by virtue of being stuck on a plane.
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 18:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post Good Lord
That looks like it might actually be worth watching.

Talking of films taking an age to arrive, where the hell is Iron Sky 2?
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 15:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post On its way. Last update was about a month back

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 22:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post Won't be as good as Lost in La Mancha.

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 23:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post what will become of quixote?
surely this time there is no escape
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 14:15, , Reply)
This is a link post Flying through the Aurora

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 13:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm going to Norway this Summer.
Won't see the aurora though as it's out of season. They have the midnight sun in the summer months though. I won't see that either though because I'm not going that far north. Okay? Bye then.
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 13:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Buy some duty free before you land there, drink prices are huge
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 13:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^this
Also, don't be tempted to buy aquavit at the duty free on the way home. Avoid at all costs.
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 14:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post
A neutral spirit distilled from grain or potato (much like vodka), aquavit is most commonly flavored with caraway as its dominant spice. Styles of aquavit vary and often include a range of other spices as well, such as dill, fennel, coriander, citrus and anise.
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 14:58, , Reply)
This is a normal post Wikipedia makes it sound so harmless.

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 16:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post yeah but don't you buy bottles of flavourings to add?
Could've sworn a Norwegian told me that once.
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 22:45, , Reply)
This is a normal post I recommend the Leprosy Museum in Bergen.

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 13:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post dont forget to leave your tip when you go

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 15:09, , Reply)
This is a normal post Pfft
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 15:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post LMAO

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 15:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post hahah
*nose falls off*
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 16:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post
why i oughta....
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 17:36, , Reply)
This is a normal post Think he was referring to a penis, not an artery

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 18:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post
it's certainly a good place to get yourself a piece of ass
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 18:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yeah, but it costs an arm and a leg.

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 0:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post Oh, give him a big hand.

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 19:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post haha

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 14:34, , Reply)
This is a normal post Just go to Shetland instead. They speak with much the same weird sing songy accent, but if you listen very carefully you can just make out that it is English they're speaking.

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 14:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post Have you read Trawler by Redmond OHanlon?
One of the Sheltie trawler men accidentally knocks an i comer copper out cold (copper doesn’t know to leave Trawlermen alone when they’ve been drinking after a long trip). Sheltie discovers Peterhead prison is fucking luxury compared to working the boats.
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 15:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post Peterhead prison is at least on the mainland. Shetland is a fine place for a trip, but a desolate place to live.
This is why there is such a big smack problem there relative to the tiny population. They send up scouse mules on the ferry.
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 22:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post Good chance of seeing noctilucent clouds

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 20:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post That's what eating fermented fish will do to you.

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 10:51, , Reply)
This is a link post Eartha Kitt - I Want To Be Evil
So that hurdy gurdy man nonsense the other day sent me down a little rabbit hole discovering this manic charm.
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 9:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post Love her voice
"my glans is tender" though - she should get that looked at.
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 10:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post I likes that I does

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 11:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post Who doesn't, eh?

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 11:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post love it
it's on the excellent handmaid's tale soundtrack along with this gem
(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 14:22, , Reply)
This is a link post Playing in my boxer shorts Episode 08 I made this!
Good morning campers. This one's unplugged.
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 7:29, , Reply)
This is a link post A baby jaguar going for a swim
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 3:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post How is that bloke letting her climb all over him, the size of those claws

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 7:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post He has been the cub's foster mum
breastfeeding her and everything
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 7:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post Cor!

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 8:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post I did a lol at the title.

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 10:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post So pwecious!

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 13:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post Squeeee <3

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 16:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post I love what he's doing
But didn't he get families at an invitation-only event to pledge a load of money, and then go "Right, I'm off to Costa Rica for a week so I can give their conservation effort some money", instead of just giving them some money?
Christ, I'm getting cynical in my old age!
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 18:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post Can I have one?

(, Fri 6 Apr 2018, 11:55, , Reply)
This is a link post We Will All Go Together When We Go
Tom Lehrer
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 1:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post who's next?
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 1:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post Tom Lehrer is the boss. Clicky
I first heard one of his songs (Pollution) on a mix tape of comedy and guessed it was Steve Martin. He had all that eco stuff down in the 60s. However, this is my favourite, National Brotherhood Week
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 1:58, , Reply)
This is a normal post same opening shtick here:
touring is a bitch
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 2:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post Changed link to avoid all the crap at the beginning

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 2:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post you ninja you
it was the beginning crap i was pointing out. top tune tho.
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 2:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post I like the Marty Feldman/Derek Griffiths version of that
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 10:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post Unexpected partnership and cover
Thanks for this, Monkeon
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 19:41, , Reply)
This is a normal post feel my pulse quickening as I dole out the strycchine
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 22:35, , Reply)
This is a link post Ssomeone hooked a Billy Bass up to that Amazon spy thing
with hilarious consequences.
(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 21:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post Hahaha

(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 21:45, , Reply)
This is a normal post *throws life savings at screen*

(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 21:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post
There must be a warehouse full of those damn things somewhere.
(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 21:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post They still want £25 on Amazon for them without the added spy function.

(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 22:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post An almost-sentient talking fish that's trapped on your wall and forced to listen to your masturbation?
Once the AIs get in power you'll be first against the wall
(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 22:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post So I'm torturing a fish I'm holding hostage nailed to my wall by making it watch me wank now?

(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 22:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post He'd rather be anywhere else

(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 23:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post What?!
You too?
(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 23:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's all the rage. I read about it in a lifestyle supplement of the Guardian. Free range, fair trade hostage taking, natch.

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 9:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post You can get a knock off Chinese one on aliexpress for 15 quid
Probably called Peter Plaice.
(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 22:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post Counterfeit Cod?

(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 22:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post Fake hake.

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 1:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post salmon of doubt?

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 2:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post fifteen squid

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 5:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post 'Cod'
British, Irish slang.
A hoax or trick.
Fraud or Hoaxer.

So, a Cod Cod?
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 11:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post You got a problem with repetitive tautology?

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 12:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post That's how it should have been to start with...

(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 21:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post
I think the technology wasn't quite ready when Billy was first soid.
(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 22:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post Don't worry

(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 22:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post I disagree

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 16:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post Wow, you made me want the Lazy Google Search Can.

(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 23:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post turtle power

(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 23:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post would

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 8:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post liked and subscribed

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 15:52, , Reply)
This is a link post Daphne Oram at work.
A great bit of archive footage of a true pioneer.
(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 21:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post Fascinating, and what an amazing mind she had!
Ironically the sound on this is awful though :o(
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 10:20, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yeah.
Without the subtitles the language she was speaking could easily have been a distant tube train echoing down the central line.
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 12:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post thats a great lyric for a song right there

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 13:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post Heh heh
Yeah, the person who posted it on youtube apologises for the sound quality in their description, god knows how they got it to sound so bad :)
I noticed Nintendo have plans to allow you to create cardboard cutouts to generate tones as part of their Labo extension of the Switch. It reminds me of Daphne Oram's drawing technique..
(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 18:34, , Reply)
This is a link post Good 'ole NFB
Looked this up because I heard Rowdy Piper supposedly believed "They Live" was based on the true story depicted by this "documentary".
(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 18:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post But They Live IS a documentary.

(, Thu 5 Apr 2018, 22:20, , Reply)
This is a link post M.O.T.H.E.R Knows Best NSFW
A ten part dark comedy web series from my 'friends' who made this.
NSFW because of swears.
(, Wed 4 Apr 2018, 18:25, , Reply)

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