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Baldmonkey's reign of evil is over!!!
He's been stepped! How are you planning on celebrating this most joyous of occasions?

Alt: Foooood?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:12, archived)
don't be daft, he'll be back with another account in a matter of minutes

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:13, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:14, archived)
I'll miss baldmonkey, how about you?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:15, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:18, archived)
well yeah, nor me now I think about it
fat fucking ballbag
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:18, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:14, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:17, archived)
they have e-pubs now?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:18, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:19, archived)
why did ballbag get stepped?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:14, archived)
You've answered your own question there Q

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:16, archived)
but why specifically this time?
i didn't see any fracas
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:17, archived)
oh right i jsut saw links
was that it?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:18, archived)
Flooding /links was probably something to do with it

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:18, archived)
i just walked with my tools, fuck it

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:15, archived)
How come?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:17, archived)
i didnt wanna play no more

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:23, archived)
POETS day or told them to fuck off?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:17, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:22, archived)
How do I get this to work?
Tel A-5
7 Beach
The 16 Chapel
17 & Principe
40 Lauderdale
Mexico 60
Yo-70 National Park
Do-1000000 Republic
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:55, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:56, archived)
haha, you retard

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:56, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:57, archived)
I like the way you came here from /links to post this, but can't post a working link

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:58, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:59, archived)
Can't I?
I'll try one more time just to be sure:
Tel A-5
7 Beach
The 16 Chapel
17 & Principe
40 Lauderdale
Mexico 60
Yo-70 National Park
Do-1000000 Republic
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:59, archived)
someone wants to be banned
i wish modolith were here
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:01, archived)
I didn't start it

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:02, archived)
You totally did.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:17, archived)
I think they're all off on a Mod Training Day

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:02, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:04, archived)
yeah, that's working now

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:02, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:02, archived)
I don't understand this

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:04, archived)
You don't have to understand the upside-down LOL
You just have to respect it
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:06, archived)
I now understand AND respect it, 2hats

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:07, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:07, archived)
why did this happen 3 times
you got OCD?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:59, archived)
Oliver's Cheese Dilemma?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:06, archived)
Oh, Clever Deuxhats

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 12:11, archived)
Why didn't that work?
I'll have another try:
Tel A-5
7 Beach
The 16 Chapel
17 & Principe
40 Lauderdale
Mexico 60
Yo-70 National Park
Do-1000000 Republic
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:55, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:56, archived)
Here are some fantastic links I found while browsing on the interwebs.
They're so good I thought I might share them with you all!
Tel A-5
7 Beach
The 16 Chapel
17 & Principe
40 Lauderdale
Mexico 60
Yo-70 National Park
Do-1000000 Republic
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:55, archived)
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:55, archived)
'Billy Ocean' is playing in Newcastle tonight.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:25, archived)
He got his name because he was found near an ocean.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:26, archived)
and his first name because no-one believed what he said

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:26, archived)
It's because when he was born he had 'no mates'.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:27, archived)
Newcastle was originally called Mucus-sell.
Because they mostly traded in bogies and that.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:28, archived)
Maidenhead has never even been kissed :(

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:29, archived)
Maidenhead is the band Lemmy and Bruce Dickinson never formed
(probably because it would be a shit band)
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:30, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:30, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:31, archived)
7 beach

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:33, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:33, archived)
you retard
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:34, archived)
Never heard of it.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:38, archived)
you want to get out more, stop spending all day posting drivel on the internet

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:40, archived)
i've stuck it in there anyway.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:41, archived)
so I see, do I win a prize?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:43, archived)
my arse up your tits

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:44, archived)
I just spluffed

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:49, archived)
How come grapefruit doesn't taste of grapes?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:33, archived)
it does if you inject it with wine

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:34, archived)
g88head, surely

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:35, archived)
gatey-ates head

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:36, archived)
nah g-eights-head

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:38, archived)
I prefer my version, fuck you

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:39, archived)
William Sea is playing in oldcastle as well

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:30, archived)
I know! I've got tickets!

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:30, archived)

t r
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:31, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:31, archived)
My pub team managed to confuse billy ocean with 'Jim'
From huckelberry finn in a pictures round where the theme was seamen.

Because it's all phil collins out there i'm pretty much listening exclusively to oldskool. Summer = piano samples.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:52, archived)
did you wank into a sock and take a pic of that?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:53, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:55, archived)
jmgs fault

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:52, archived)
So, imagine they discover that gayness is caused by an overactive gland and they can cure it with one injection.
If you were a gay, would you take the cure?
Or, if you were a parent would you get your baby innoculated against gayness?
Or if you were in charge would you insist that everyone innoculated when they are born?
Actually this is pretty lame. If I had any dignity, I wouldn't click "post this message".
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:24, archived)
Tell you what though
the chaps on links aren't keen on the list of numberised places.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:25, archived)
I thought they loved it, post more

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:26, archived)
If i get any more updates, they'll be the first to know.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:27, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:28, archived)
I'm stuck though.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:28, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:31, archived)
I would gas all gays.
Esp. my lezzer mum and her 'partner'.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:29, archived)
Bored of that now.
Do you have any plans for next Wednesday?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:43, archived)
Cruising around on a boat, being on holiday

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:44, archived)
You're okay, you are.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:45, archived)
Hell yeah I am, I'm going on a boat

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:50, archived)
I wish someone would start an interesting thread.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:20, archived)
there hasn't been one of those in ages

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:21, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:21, archived)
the 4-ida 3s

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:27, archived)
On this!
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:46, archived)
Lookit it go wheeeeeeeeeeee

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:46, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:47, archived)
We did that last year
This year I'm hoping for Louie Louie
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:48, archived)
how can there be three en suites on that, let alone three cabins?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:49, archived)
Our legs will be sleeping under the bit at the back

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:50, archived)
what shape boat?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:47, archived)
It's quite long but not a canal boat because it's wider than that and it's also less gypsyish because it's white and fibreglass and we can go at SIX MILES AN HOUR sometimes

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:49, archived)
I heard above that speed your eyes fall out through your bum

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:50, archived)
You'll certainly get angry Norfolk men shouting at you from Wherries

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:51, archived)
is that a lost ferry?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:07, archived)
masturbating over pictures of elks

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:45, archived)
On reflection, I'm doing this ^

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:45, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:06, archived)
Good morning Mono
Are you well?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:09, archived)
I hope you are wearing appropriate ppe
other wise ELKS AND SAFETY will be onto you
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:47, archived)
oh deer

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:48, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:51, archived)
fuck off, dullard

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:52, archived)
why mooste you be so strict

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:54, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:45, archived)
oh shit i lied in the last thread, i'm going to a wediing in kent

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:47, archived)
Got a meeting in London.
it's going to be shit.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:47, archived)
I'm going to be hosting a b3ta-bash

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:49, archived)
on a wednesday?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:51, archived)
in australia?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:52, archived)
Yes, it'll be in the toilets where I work.
Everyone is invited.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:52, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:53, archived)
did it 2
but yeah, whatever...
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:52, archived)
i've never heard of either that film, or that actor.
i reckon you cheated and used IMDB.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:00, archived)
Cheated?! How dare you.
and anyway, IMDB took me down too many dead ends.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:04, archived)
i dunno,
i would have said IMDB or Google was cheating. or at least, takes the fun out of it.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:07, archived)
do Billy Crystal to Billy Zane.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:08, archived)
Billy Crystal was in Analyze This with Robert DeNiro
who was in Meet the Parents with Ben Stiller
Who was in Zoolander with Billy Zane
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:17, archived)
ok, but i've had to mention kelly brook...
Billy Crysal was in 'I'm still here' with Ben Stiller, who was in Zoolander with Billy Zane (who used to be in Kelly Brook)
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:19, archived)
I will see you there
I will be the old guy in the flat cap who looks confused, but don't let that put you off
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:51, archived)
I'm coming, it's going to be GREET!

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:52, archived)
going to see Chicago in town with my bestest best mate

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:51, archived)
fuck you
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:53, archived)
go early and see Horrible Histories first

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:54, archived)
I'm not 12

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:12, archived)
why are you such a cunt-scab, spangolin?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:16, archived)
oh sorry, because you still play those on line role playing games I just assumed you were pre-pubescent

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:20, archived)
She fucking better be.
Or I've been wasting some of my best grooming on her.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:21, archived)
sorry, I'm a bitch today
time to step off the internet I think
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:33, archived)
cheer up spango x

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:38, archived)
couple of the pints in the 'spoons when it opens first thing, then starting an uprising in a corrupt african dictatorship after lunch

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:51, archived)
It's always nice to see you, speshulknees.
You are the wind beneath my wings.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:55, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:57, archived)
I'm having such fun.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:04, archived)
great stuff

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:10, archived)
I'll be there at ten, get me a thatchers gold

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:17, archived)
cider? what's wrong with lager?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:21, archived)
c-eider more like

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:21, archived)
gay bird
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:23, archived)
Yes it is.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:25, archived)
there is probably an injection they can give it

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 11:28, archived)
bored of that now
do you have any plans for the weekend after this?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:33, archived)
no, none at all

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:34, archived)
coming back from holiday :(
Also crashing the street party down the road on the Sunday
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:34, archived)
can I come?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:34, archived)
Why not eh
Bring beer
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:36, archived)
good call

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:41, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:35, archived)
stuffing seagulls up my arse while reciting Shakespeare

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:34, archived)
What sort of gull?
Do they have white heads even though it is may and short orange beaks?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:35, archived)
I have yet to ascertain the type of gull
but they'll all have brown heads by the time #i'm done.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:36, archived)
You should use a domestic goose.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:37, archived)
swan necks have better articuation and are longer for a proper scrape out

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:38, archived)
beaks are good for a bit of prostate action too

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:39, archived)
do you reckon, with its head and neck right up you to the shoulders, a swan could still fly?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:40, archived)
a fully mature adult swan?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:42, archived)
I guess so, maybe kids would have to fly with a cygnet up them
but at reduced prices
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:43, archived)
I need to see a business plan

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:45, archived)
yeah but
The Jew's poos upon the goose
Caused his sheakspeare to make the news
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:41, archived)
Doom Bar, Sam Brooks Wandle, Windsor and Eton Knight of the Garter and Oxford Gold.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:37, archived)
oh, nice
I think I might start with a Doom Bar. Although Oxford Gold tends to be good.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:38, archived)
The Garter is a great session beer,
nice and hoppy and flavourful and only 3.8.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:39, archived)
fosters and ribena

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:39, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:39, archived)
what about a nice 25yo laphroiag and coke

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:42, archived)
as long as it's decent quality coke, not cut with drain cleaner and shit, why not

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:43, archived)
I've got a good supply man,
if you're interested
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:46, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:46, archived)
yuck , I'll have a strongbow

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:43, archived)
Not dying of lurgy.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:36, archived)
Why put off for next weekend what you can do this.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:37, archived)
Your mum.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:43, archived)
live from the lake!!!!
Not really, but I will be fishing
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:37, archived)
Probably not
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:37, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:38, archived)
Want to do something?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:38, archived)
keep your sick bald dating to gaz plz.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:41, archived)
I will not let you ruin this for me Windy, I won't

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:42, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:42, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:43, archived)
I might have accidentally agreed to an eight hour car journey with my parents
which I think will be a terrible mistake
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:37, archived)
I'm on a bus!

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:38, archived)
what's on telly tonight planearm?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:38, archived)
Got on a bus.
Ate a pasty.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:38, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:39, archived)
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:41, archived)
Where are you going to?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:43, archived)
Look Baldmonkey,
I'm not sure you're helping things here with the dull Friday Weekend plans thread.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:38, archived)
Hang on... I've had an idea.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:43, archived)
fucks sake, what kind of bollocks is that
somebody needs to carry out a cull around here.

Weekend plans?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:05, archived)
it is all puns and rubbish, dull thread bingo was better than this :(

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:07, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:27, archived)
oh man,
well, i might try that thread again tomorrow.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:07, archived)
I'll be sure to not post

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:27, archived)
my bike is creaking so I'm going to try and sort that, then I might have a sandwich

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:08, archived)
likes sandwiches.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:27, archived)
is this the best you can do?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:09, archived)
fuck off, dullard

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:27, archived)
thats quite impolite
i was only asking if the best you could do was to ask about weekend plans. you should give more of yourself if you want to receive more back
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:29, archived)
I meant it with all of my heart though
I can't give much more than that.

Now fuck off, dullard.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:32, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:09, archived)
cheese/summer pun please, BM

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:10, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:12, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:13, archived)
i only want one from BM and then i'l stop

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:14, archived)
I curd have danced all night.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:30, archived)
We can drop it now
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:30, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:28, archived)
A gentle summer brie-ze

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:23, archived)
someone already did that, poor show

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:23, archived)
Make whey while the sun shines

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:24, archived)
sorry i should have specified that i want a song title

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:25, archived)
Dr Foster went to Double Gloucester
in July or August.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:23, archived)
not exactly summery is it?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:24, archived)
Don't dairylea-ve the hosepipe running

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:24, archived)
We camembert, we saw, we conquered

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:25, archived)
nope this isn't working at all
your fired
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:25, archived)
I'm going to crack-er one off to the weathergirl talking about the drought.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:26, archived)
Gorgonzola Budd
She ran in the summer olympics
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:32, archived)
do you have your own woodfired pizza oven?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:11, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:28, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:30, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:33, archived)
I'm going to make pizza dough tonight so I can make some pizzas for people coming round tomorrow after I break my back in my back garden...
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:09, archived)
do you have your own woodfired pizza oven?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:11, archived)
who doesn't? i live in my car and i've got one

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:12, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:17, archived)
nope... but I've toyed with the idea of making one
it seems simple enough... just time-consuming
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:18, archived)
this looks like the best site I've seen on the subject
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:29, archived)
I approve of this, mr Hubare

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:29, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:10, archived)
*puts up 'Hang in there baby!' poster*

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:25, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:29, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:11, archived)
sorry to hear it
I'll be mostly in pubs, drinking beer.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:29, archived)
I'll be in pubs,
serving beer. We're a good team.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:31, archived)
what's on at the moment?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:36, archived)
need to go to IKEA at some point. Might make some bread today. So thrilling.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:12, archived)
bread bread bread
I did a course last weekend on bread, only cause I'd won a voucher, like.
I did learn a bit though, I like bread.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:16, archived)
bread goes nice with cheese

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:17, archived)
cheese goes nice with summery songs

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:33, archived)
what sort of bread?
and have some meatballs while you're at IKEA.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:30, archived)
just white bread
all breads I have made have been epic failures, so I'm starting out easy with a pre-made kit.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:34, archived)
I make bread from time to time
always from scratch... Don't lose heart, you can do it
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:37, archived)
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:15, archived)
*bass riffs*

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:30, archived)
Get the bent engine out of my car
Go and explore an old military fortress
Violent outdoor anal sex
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:20, archived)
with you on everything except the engine and fortress bits

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:31, archived)
don't you ever break from the norm?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:35, archived)
Tonight, get drunk celebrate birthday
Saturday hide in a hedge from the sun occasionally venture out to fly helicopters
Sunday more flying mixed with barbecue in a nice open field
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:29, archived)
good times

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:31, archived)
oh i'm going to covent garden tomorrow and stuff

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:29, archived)
fuck off, dullard

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:32, archived)
it was my gf's birthday yesterday and we went out last night and we'll be out tonight and tomorrow night too
sunday we'll be chilling
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:33, archived)
Good luck today!
My weekend plans are to go on holiday. FUCKING YAY
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:33, archived)
thank you, SSS!
My weekend plans are: Nottingham, beer, good friends.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:35, archived)
Bill Murray to Bill Nighy in as few steps as possible.

Bill Murray to Woody Harrelson -Zombieland
Woody Harrelson to Juliette Lewis - Natural Born Killers
Juliette Lewis to Harvey Keitel - Dusk till Dawn
Harvey Keitel to Nicolas Cage - National Treasure
Nicolas Cage to Rhys Ifans - A Christmas Carol (animated)
Rhys Ifans to Hugh Grant - Notting Hill
Hugh Grant to Bill Nighy - Love Actually

That was harder than i though, someone do another.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:05, archived)
oops, sorry piggy

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:05, archived)
Florence Nightingale to Quetzalcoatl.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:05, archived)
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:06, archived)
think i can do it in 3
Bill Murray - Scarlet Johansson (lost in translation)
Scarlet Johansson - Simon Pegg (voice overs in Robot Chicken)
Simon Pegg - Bill Nighy (Shaun of the Dead)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:17, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:18, archived)
good work.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:18, archived)
i didn't specify, but it is supposed to be films, so robot chicken is really no good.
still, i like it.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:19, archived)
i did not read the small print.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:27, archived)
praise from the pig.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:19, archived)
I'm just glad someone contributed to my thread,
mr horrible really lived up to his name today
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:22, archived)
and on the plus side
I get to print passports for a silk heritage company.

we're all winners!
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:28, archived)
I couldn't let it beat me...
In 2

Bill Murray - Brian Cummings (Where the Buffalo Roam)
Brian Cummings - Bill Nighy (Arthur Christmas)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:38, archived)
Summer songs and types of cheese


(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:48, archived)
In the stilton time

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:48, archived)
in the stilton of the night - the five statins

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:50, archived)
in the stilton of the night - billy joel

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:51, archived)
in the summer of stilton-9

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:55, archived)
Honestly quentin what the fuck is this?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:49, archived)
i don't know, it doesn't seem like a good idea at all
malc stole some cheese from sainsburys so we're winding him up and its summer so we've got spotify on with all summer songs
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:50, archived)
Please don't do this again.
Everything was going swimmingly and then this dross.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:52, archived)
cheddar-fornia girls

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:53, archived)
I'm going out on a limb here...
I don't like Johnny Rotten... I think he's a cock
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:49, archived)
itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikin-brie

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:51, archived)
In other news, scientists have confirmed the sky is in fact blue

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:51, archived)
does that count? it was used in an advert so its not really my own work
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:53, archived)
it's your thread, you decide

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:53, archived)
roquefort-away beach

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:55, archived)
it SEEMS obvious...
but the music press seem to have their tongues right up his arse crack like he's some kind of prophet
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:53, archived)
I've got the forthcoming Public Image Ltd album
now I like John Lydon, and PiL, but after two tracks I wanted to smash the computer.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:55, archived)
Boursin' USA

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:55, archived)
Oh, I know
They always do. He shouted a lot in a couple of bands 30 years ago, and has spouted bollocks ever since. Why they hold him in such high regard is anyone's guess.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:00, archived)
Summer Bries

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:55, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:56, archived)
this one really upset malc, well done

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:59, archived)
This is Edam's world
James Brown, you know the one.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:03, archived)
Morning Angle.
I had a ride on my bike this morning before work.
I didn't ride to work, going from being fat and unfit to riding 20miles a day is a bit hard work even for someone as awesome as me.
So I just rode some of the way and home again, just to see how I did.
As predicted I'm fat and unfit.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:09, archived)
40 Lauderdale

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:13, archived)
Yo-70 National Park

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:14, archived)
did your gouty foot hurt?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:16, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:20, archived)
this is great news!

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:26, archived)
My favorites are Do-1000000 Republic and Yo-70 National Park

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:21, archived)
My fave is const-90-nople what mgt dun

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:24, archived)
bit rubbish but if you were desperate for an 11
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:29, archived)
Yeah, fuck it i'll stick it in until something better comes along

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:30, archived)
I'm stumped entirely for 13
it doesn't sound like any country at all :(
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:32, archived)
or h-11-sburgh
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:33, archived)
I think mine was better than these two.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:33, archived)
especially if it's like your talking like a chav
eleven and thirteen are tricky ones.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:34, archived)
fair enough, 13 is tricky.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:35, archived)
how about 13-zystan?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:39, archived)
How about 13-saw (warsaw)?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:40, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:41, archived)
is Wars-4 too weak?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:42, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:45, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:48, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:49, archived)
a bit weak.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:52, archived)
Would the Firth of 4th be better though?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:07, archived)
there's the dutch region of Twente
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:46, archived)
Yeah. There's a village called Forton (14) in Lancashire.
But, I dunno, one word covered by the whole thing... it's not so good is it?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:48, archived)
I'm trying my best :(

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:50, archived)
and i appreciate it

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:59, archived)
16 & Principe?
(sao tome & principe)
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:20, archived)
yeh. havin that
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:21, archived)
changed my mind. gone for a landmark instead. shits fucked up

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:23, archived)
which is cheating too because I think it's from the latin for sixteen anyway

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:24, archived)
17 & principe?
(sao tome & principe)
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:24, archived)
fucking hell
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:25, archived)

I'm just trying to help
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:27, archived)
and you are doing acely

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:29, archived)
The Republic of Dji-43
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:33, archived)
islands in the caribbean.
or is it the pacific?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:23, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:28, archived)
oh well if we're doing ones you already have
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:30, archived)
i'm happy to replace ones if a better suggestion comes along.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:31, archived)
Just like your wife?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:35, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:37, archived)
Vi-8-nam works better. and is more interesting than the US.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:41, archived)
Can-nada or Gre-nada
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:59, archived)
these are all so awful i just killed myself.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:03, archived)
come up with a better 13

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:03, archived)
I'm one of the only 3 people who's not blocking you.
Don't piss me off.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:07, archived)
Go wank a koala, you fucking aussie shit

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:16, archived)
Koalas are australian
We wank possums here.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:22, archived)
yOu're austalian.
go fuck a kangaroo
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:25, archived)
Tie me kangaroo down first.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:27, archived)
no. all the knots go the wrong way down there.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:29, archived)
This is 100% true.
That's why we use number 8 wire instead.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:32, archived)
Cape 13 or 30 (Verde)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:03, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:04, archived)
Area 51

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:12, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:15, archived)
how about the 16chapel?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:23, archived)
i totes dun that
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:27, archived)
aaawwwwww geeeeez....

fine. I'm going home.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:53, archived)
I'm fit as a flea, thanks.
I walk for about 35mins each morning along the Regents Canal in that there London, at a WHIRLWIND PACE, as a result any minor flab I have been carrying due to cheese and booze is all gone. Hurrah.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:41, archived)
This is very interesting. More please.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:42, archived)
surely you could find a park bench closer to work.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:42, archived)
Eh? The bench IS my work.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:48, archived)
what's the beef anyway monty, OT boring you?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:51, archived)
Not entirely though, I've had some of what you young'uns call 'lols' on here and fancied some more. I'm a 'floating voter' at the mo.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:12, archived)
you certainly are a floater!

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:26, archived)
I'm probably dying
So if there's anything of mine that anyone wants, come round and put a yellow post-it on it please.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 8:59, archived)
Can I have your toenail collection?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:01, archived)
I might have to get some of those really small post-its
But sure, it's all yours
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:02, archived)
I'm going to start baking the Lamingtons in the hope you die soon.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:14, archived)
PAAAAAVLOVA, Australia's favourite fruit

So yeah.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:18, archived)
Toe please

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:06, archived)
What is it about my feet?
OK, fine.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:07, archived)
Here Mono (and Q and Balders if they're listening)
I just saw that Tesco are apparently doing series 5 of the Lego Minifigs for 98p. Thought that might interest you. Unless you've already got them all. In which case, fuck you.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:10, archived)
Holy shit fuck.
Those bastards are $5.00 a pop here. Who wants to send me a box?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:15, archived)
Well those shitcunt benders obviously don't care
I don't know why I bother Shax, I really don't.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:19, archived)
Dear Mods,
Please can you fix it for Mono and Baldmonkey to give a toss before Two Hats dies?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:24, archived)
I often read these letters wondering if they are real, so I thought I'd write in about an amazing experience I had recently.
I was working late and...

EDIT: This doesn't make sense now. I'm leaving it up though.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:25, archived)
I was working late and
Mono and Baldmonkey came to my office and gave a toss all over my keyboard. The only keys they missed were A, B, K, and U, so that's how I invented thw word Bukkake. The end.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:29, archived)
This is factually accurate

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:37, archived)
I've got complete series 5 and 6.
So fuck you too
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:47, archived)
Alternatively, thanks for thinking of me Two Hats

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:50, archived)
From my death bed today I watched
Hugo, Kick Ass, Glengarry Glen Ross and Thor

Two more episodes of Darkplace left to go.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:21, archived)
Are you watching Darkplace on DVD? If so, have you watched it with the commentary? If not, FUCKING DO IT.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:22, archived)
Darkplace is a, ahem, special version, without subtitles.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:26, archived)
Well if you find it cheap I'd say the extras are worth it alone. The three guys do the commentary in character, and it's really funny. There are loads of extra interview scenes that weren't used in the show too.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:29, archived)
Sounds good.
Next time I'm in the UK I'm bringing an empty suitcase and loading up on cheap Asda pants and socks, comedy DVDs and Minifigure Series 5.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:31, archived)
Good idea
Get yourself some chocolate too. I know you can't (or shouldn't) take it back, so you might need to eat it first.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:34, archived)
I rode my bike TO work. Hurrah.
It's lovely here today. Hurrah for bike rides in nice weather. The end.

Oh, and I'm thin and unfit. Actually I often surprise myself by being slightly less unfit than I think I am.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:08, archived)
I was slightly less unfit than I thought then I actually got really fat and unfit.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 9:49, archived)
re post

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:20, archived)
ask me anything

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:20, archived)
Who won best supporting actor Oscar in 1967?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:21, archived)
i genuinely dont know or care
and have no knowledge of any year of the oscars
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:22, archived)
was you drunk when you drew flap?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:23, archived)
nope, completely sober,
that is not to say that i am sober when i draw most things that i draw
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:24, archived)
do you remember pony magic? she was young, fanj did her

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:26, archived)
yeh, my brother did her too,
they went out for a while, also i saw her a few years back she came to stay when i was living with my brother and the doveston, i dont think they were having sex that time.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:43, archived)
i hate my mom, i'm off now bed

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:50, archived)
chow bella whos got the uppers aw man their cheeky son where they from yah your old landan

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:55, archived)
You said ask you anything

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:25, archived)
i know, and i answered
honestly and with too much detail
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:26, archived)
I thought you were going to be all knowledgeable
like an ensyclopediah.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:29, archived)
what made you think that?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:42, archived)
I thought Welsh people knew everything

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:44, archived)
not sure what that has to do with it

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:49, archived)
will smith

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:37, archived)
Are you sure it wasn't Carl Weathers?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:45, archived)
will you ever in your lifetime buy me back that pint you owe me?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:21, archived)
it is a possibility though in reality i cant imagine when the opportunity will ever arise,
however, should it arise, i would buy you a pint.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:23, archived)
i dont like who dunnits, sorry

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:24, archived)
What happens if you stick your willy in a dyson airblade?
I've always wondered that, but don't want to end up as an fhm urban myth.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 0:01, archived)
your willy dries, that is presuming it was wet,
do you get your willy wet often?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 0:02, archived)
Not usually in the vacinity of a dyson airblade i don't.
Curtains have proven drying properties, and are usually nearer.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 0:05, archived)
Your foreskin flaps about a lot and it feels rather pleasant.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 10:46, archived)
Does the Disco move your feet?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 1:22, archived)
pretty sweet, you alright mongy?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 0:21, archived)
Evening Mongy,
Bit of a late one from work, pretty kicking band played, made my night.
How are you?
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 1:20, archived)
alright piggy

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 1:40, archived)
alright m

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 2:33, archived)
alright broady

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 2:34, archived)
alright m h

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 2:36, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 3:08, archived)
Show us yer tits

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 3:22, archived)
my bumhole hurts.
stupid antibiotics :(
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:04, archived)
so what

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:05, archived)
shut up and stop withering me.

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:06, archived)
i had to read from the book of wisdom at my nans funeral
and then i had to help carry her coffin to her final resting place
it was a busy day
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:07, archived)
oh um really?
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:11, archived)
dont worry this was about three weeks ago

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:12, archived)
how far did you have to cart the coffin?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:16, archived)
not far probably like a hundred yards total, out the church to the vehicle
which then drove to the burial place, then carried it out the car to the well the final resting place, i'll be honest carrying coffins with the dead body of a loved one in it isnt as fun as you'd imagine
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:19, archived)
im basically going to answer all questions tonight honestly and with too much detail k

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:19, archived)

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:26, archived)
because i am in a terrible mood and need some level of distracting
else there is a chance i end up walking the streets of cardiff until the early hours
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:44, archived)
well then fuck you and your dead nan.
this is like my local where all my friends are drunk bigots who want to have sex with me.

except none of you want to have sex with me because I am a fat girl on the Internet.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:16, archived)

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:17, archived)

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:21, archived)
mental innit

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:21, archived)
it is so hot today
what if the sun is expanding right now an d were all going to slowly burn that would be horrid
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:06, archived)
surly girl or summit this one was called on a forum scaryduck was on, imagine how shit that was
no dont, i like you
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:07, archived)
eveyone had blogs then

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:08, archived)
i did a blog about every poo i did, for about two months
but then lord manley started doing the same so i stopped because that guy is one hell of a prick and ppl might start thinking we were friends or something
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:09, archived)
advertisimg and self publishins killed the intercock

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:10, archived)
if white america told the truth for one day their world would fall apart

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:11, archived)
hi Richey

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:12, archived)
lenny bruce

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:12, archived)
Also, you were treading on Bob Todd's toes a bit, or possibly on her colon.
Whatever happened to her, anyway? Did she finally get carted off to a special funny farm for the terminally shit-obsessed?
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:20, archived)
ihave never read a blog, spare me your shit

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:09, archived)
wait was scaryduck the one who did a blog that i never read?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:08, archived)
yes. however I had a blog that lots of people read.

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:09, archived)
what was on it

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:11, archived)

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:12, archived)
did you post any pics of your fat tits

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:12, archived)
are you sure they read it?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:11, archived)

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:16, archived)
I'm still a rock star.

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:14, archived)
it's nothing special

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:05, archived)
wow, maybe it is cancer, again

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:06, archived)
i dont know anyone who died of cancer
thats my cancer fact
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:07, archived)
i've never belived anyone who claims to have internet cancer

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:08, archived)
i dont think you can get cancer of the internet
haha get it
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:09, archived)
not often
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:12, archived)
haha good one like sex

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:13, archived)
sex eh, now that is funny

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:15, archived)
i watched an episode of grandmas house with simon amstel
and his cousin was referring to sex as "pudding" so that their parents wouldnt know what they were talking about so simon amstel goes "was it full penetrative pudding" haha get it?
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:17, archived)
lol, oral pudding
anal pudding
pudding slave
pudding crimes
non-consensual pudding
child pudding offender
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:23, archived)
What do you think baldmonkey is?
Ahahaha oh dear me, I am on fire tonight and no mistake.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:19, archived)
whoah harsh

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:19, archived)
It's aright, he can take it.

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:21, archived)
they're not suppositories, you need to take the child proof cap off too

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:18, archived)
Are you confusing oral with anal?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:20, archived)
it's a bugger when you do that

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 1:39, archived)
pop quiz
in what way right now, first thought could your life get shitter
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:53, archived)
all those lumps in my balls could all be cancer

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:54, archived)
what are they if they're not?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:55, archived)
actually, this is how things could get shitter on here, if we had another fat needy spastic pretending to have cancer

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:57, archived)
Sand in your vagina special hulk knees?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:58, archived)
oh noes, ur post giv me canzors, or not, i'm needy

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:00, archived)
that's not sand, it's cancer

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:07, archived)
but then rhythm is a dancer.
or something.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:58, archived)
just sniff your fingers and leave your balls alone

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:01, archived)
Adam could come back

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:01, archived)
i think you lied

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:02, archived)
I cannot tell a lie
it was me that cut down the frisbee tree.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:04, archived)
Why all the hating on Adam?
We had this last week from Grrrmachine. I don't get it.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:04, archived)
Grrrry hates everything though

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:05, archived)
Neptune and Adam up a tree...
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:05, archived)
I like Adam

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:06, archived)
Fuck that spastic
Hello. Ask me a pertinent question. Might answer it, might not. Dunno
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:17, archived)
why did bluestar leave? or noit? or theoban? you know all these piebash cunts

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:19, archived)
baldmonkey, baldmonkey and probably baldmonkey

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:21, archived)
really? he is just a fat ballbag, oh well, no sad loss

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:25, archived)
Wot kev sed

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:21, archived)
i know kev now, we are facebook friends, he is always telling me how great my posts are, i live a great life

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:26, archived)
Nice one
I wish I was you
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:27, archived)
if wishes were fishes i'd catch more

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:52, archived)
HA HA you fat puff

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:55, archived)
i'm not fat :(

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:58, archived)
you're a puff though yeah? I don't see you denying that bit

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:03, archived)
sexuality is a different state of being compared to mass, i might get gay on, bump on the head, i dunno

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:23, archived)
I don't really understand this but I'll assume you're homosexual from now on

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:37, archived)
i was sort of implying that i cold possibly be gay, yet i haven't had any urges
but then i haven't met you yet, eh
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:38, archived)
oh mr chops, thou dost flatter me

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:40, archived)
we're multi-forum chums now. great times

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:27, archived)
i'm going to update my status to 'in a relationship'
i dont even know if i can, but i will
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:33, archived)
I want to see your great posts too
this is SO unfair.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:32, archived)
give it a few years and i might link to my twitter account

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:43, archived)
twitter is poo
I'm not sure I want to be friends with anyone who has a weird profile pic anyway...ANYWAY
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:47, archived)
I'm wearing an East Fife FC shirt on my Facebook picture
and holding a 4 litre jug of beer in my kitchen.
/true story
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:54, archived)
I have my face dangerously close to an aardvark
Taking my life IN MY HANDS.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:02, archived)
oh, i think i have cute kitten, dunno tho

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:02, archived)
Oh fuck
I though it was a baby!
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:07, archived)
can arddvrk or whatever come out to play?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:25, archived)
Only if you ask nice

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:31, archived)
see, b3ta, lols

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:50, archived)

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:14, archived)
ha ha!

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:15, archived)
profile pic?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:01, archived)
Who is going to win Eurovision?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:20, archived)
one way or another
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:22, archived)
I hear they made all the flags that people are waving..

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:31, archived)
What is your favourite sandwich filling?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:20, archived)
Wensleydale and jalapeno

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:22, archived)
that sounds nice

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:29, archived)
oh yes,
"special cheese and pickle" I call it
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:23, archived)
what does pertinent mean?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:20, archived)

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:21, archived)
I think this answers the age old question about which came first

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:22, archived)
It means willies

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:22, archived)
What does pertinent mean?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:21, archived)
can't you read?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:23, archived)
what does pertinent mean?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:23, archived)
Its an adjective that means relevant to a particular subject matter.

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:32, archived)
why aren't you bleeding to death in a gutter somewhere

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:24, archived)
Because something about your mum
I dunno. Ask Baldmonkey, he's even shitter than me
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:26, archived)
What's a nubian?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:28, archived)
A shit kind of welsh

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:32, archived)
can I have a biscuit?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:33, archived)

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:36, archived)
*passes Jaffa cake box*

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:42, archived)
What type of gun will you eventually turn up at work with?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:38, archived)
Alright Maffers.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:39, archived)
Alright Gormo.

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:42, archived)
That one where there's 64 machine guns lashed up

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:42, archived)
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:44, archived)
Aint fucking about bro

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:47, archived)
how much is a ticket from glasgow to london via edinburgh?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:39, archived)
If you have to ask then you can't afford it.

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:44, archived)

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:44, archived)
fuck that, I'll walk.

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:46, archived)
i reckon i can do it for less than that, you may have to overnight in a bivvy tho, i aint driving all that way without a kip and a fish

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:49, archived)
now this sounds like a plan.

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:09, archived)
<s>plan</s> date

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:12, archived)
fingers crossed, every year i gaz all forum memebers seeing if they want to go fishing

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:25, archived)
you've never gazzed me :(

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:30, archived)
i must of, i dont think you can search gaz tho, cal gave up, then robtoo gave up, then cr3 gave up, if this place gets fucked again nobody has teh upload codz

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:33, archived)
I suppose I should offer my technical services or something, maybe not. For the best really.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:40, archived)
I'll go fishing with you mongy, how about deptford creek?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:31, archived)
mate i have the minerals to fish anywhere, but there is fuck all in that, shadwell basin has 40's in, but it is fucking deep and in hostile controlled hands

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:37, archived)
hang on that's north of the river isn't it? fuck that

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:39, archived)
hostile , i know, we will have to take dogs, i dont like it, but you need to stick one at the back

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:43, archived)
Shadwell's all hipsters and somalis now

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:45, archived)
i dunno, i go there, drinking, funny old new town

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:50, archived)
hang on I'm thinking of wapping. I think. somewhere on the ELL anyway. apart form Hoxton

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:54, archived)
same shit, they just expand the boundries, shadwell basin you need ball to fish overnight

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 23:05, archived)
just hide in the bogs until you get to carlisle
you're over the border then, they can't do owt
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:46, archived)
Last time I came back from Glasgow
This Indian bird was having a go at a pakistani bloke about talking too loud on his phone. She said it in forrin and the dude went mental, accusing her of calling him taliban and what have you. As he got more and more riled he's giving it "Yeah I'm the fucking taliban innit, I'll blow this train up with you and your pussy husband on" Bird was giving it "Just sit down. It's none of your business. Don't get involved." :(((
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:52, archived)
to be fair to her, most pakis are in the taliban

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:52, archived)
and those who aren't, are in the Real IRA

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:55, archived)
And smack dealers and groomers

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:57, archived)
nonces, i saw it on the picture rectangle

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:04, archived)
then an extra £140 for the staff bonus. Them's the breaks..
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:50, archived)
if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it, why don't you fuck off?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:49, archived)
Because you're a useless cunt

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:52, archived)
the correct answer is shut the fuck up
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:54, archived)
Typical useless cunt answer

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:57, archived)

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:58, archived)
Where's HBLC and Aardvark?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:53, archived)
maybe they both died?
ICONS!!!!1!!!!1! \o/
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:54, archived)
You don't celebrate this you stupid, heartless fuck.

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:55, archived)
I do

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:55, archived)
so do i, i cunted off the pair of them

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:31, archived)
Aardvark should be here
but isn't. He is busy writing poems and going outside.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:05, archived)
Well that's fucking stupid.

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:12, archived)
I keep telling him
but every time I turn around he is half way up the street and can't hear me.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:25, archived)
I'd sack the ponce off.
Fucking poetry.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:13, archived)
well with Adam gone maybe they've no reason to post, or wake up in the morning

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:18, archived)
Wait, Adam's gone?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:20, archived)

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:22, archived)
Can I get a witness?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:57, archived)
For a price

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:59, archived)
You just hold your hand out don't you?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:05, archived)
worth a punt

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:09, archived)
they say that I sample, but they should sample this my shit roll

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:10, archived)
in court ? for a sample beat???????????
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:30, archived)
can't listen to that now, am listening to slayer
PE --- She watch channel zero --- slayer --- angel of death --- criminally insane
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:35, archived)
there was some arrows in there but they went, stupid html or something

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 22:36, archived)
bored of that now
so yeah, Eurovision, never trusted it since that jewish ladyboy, full of faggots and cock in a frock types now, pretty sure Cyprus woman is packing meat and two veg down that skirt, been on your holidays yet?

alt: more udders

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:03, archived)
Went to Cyprus a couple of weeks ago.
Been shedding my skin like a snake ever since.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:07, archived)
damn i dont half like a cock in a frock

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:10, archived)
as for holidays, i havent had a holiday since 2007,
not so much as a day off work,
this is why i'm miserable.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:11, archived)
just keep telling yourself you're super-duper happy and you don't like the cock, that'll fix everything

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:22, archived)
yeh i reckon,
and maybe i should drink lots of alcohol all the time and maybe eat bad food too
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:25, archived)
alcohol and denial is the key to true happiness

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:26, archived)
no it isnt
get it?
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:34, archived)
aaaah you tricky trickster

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:37, archived)
haha my friends say i should do stand up

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:37, archived)
you're one of those natural comedians like Jimmy Tarbuck or Stan Boardman

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:47, archived)
i have made several jokes up all by myself

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:59, archived)
i'm enjoying this eurovision qualifying malarkey
hair metal, sacha baron cohen lookylikeys and that
great stuff
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:14, archived)
Fucking brilliant...

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:17, archived)
And now a man in a sparkly blindfold toying with imagery?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:17, archived)
I was kind of hoping the big reveal involved him gouging his own eyes out :(

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:18, archived)
Instead you had to do your own

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:22, archived)
oh man, these presenters are the best
their patter is like they've been rehearsing it all their lives

I'd do red dress hoochie on the left of shot, purple dress can watch, suit twat can run to the shops for Haribo
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:21, archived)
between you and ballbag you managed to ruin the evening alright thread, well done

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:16, archived)
I'm fine, thanks for asking

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:19, archived)

fine super
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 21:21, archived)
What sort of fucking gull is this?
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 19:40, archived)
its a white coot

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 19:43, archived)
probably a retarded one with genetic defects.
the gull version of you.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 19:43, archived)
no need to be an acid kewpie about it

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 19:50, archived)
why aren't you dead yet?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 19:53, archived)
are you in a bad mood today?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 19:54, archived)
no. why, should I be?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 19:55, archived)
wishing death on people makes you seem like you are in a bad mood,
just so you know, in case this confusion happens again, no probs
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 19:57, archived)
I wasn't wishing death on you, just enquiring.

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 20:03, archived)
oh my mistake silly me!
i guess the answer is that i haven't died yet, haha!
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 20:11, archived)

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 19:53, archived)
I don't care.
I just discovered I have the sidebooard song on vinyl.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 19:58, archived)

Flat labgab gull, from Morocco.
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 20:04, archived)
could it be a juenile mediterannean gull?

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 20:14, archived)
why the hell not
(, Thu 24 May 2012, 20:48, archived)
his name is Gavin and he's very sensitive about it, you prick.

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 20:37, archived)

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 18:40, archived)
don't be facile

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 18:42, archived)
papers over here are not really giving the ukraine any support over hosting the football

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 18:54, archived)
Good, corrupt inept fuckers that they are

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 19:03, archived)
They'll get better now that Leveson has had a go.

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 19:19, archived)
yeah well, their fault for not winning Eurovision

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 19:09, archived)
fuck this, i'm off out

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 18:49, archived)
we all do

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 18:53, archived)
I don't, he's a fucking cunt who spends too much time on here, hopefully this will be detrimental to his marriage such that his wife ends up leaving him, taking the kids with her and he ends up alone and lonely in a shitty bedsit somewhere

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 19:02, archived)
clicking this

(, Thu 24 May 2012, 20:40, archived)

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