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(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:03, archived)
# Did you delete the chat
that I had with you a couple of days ago?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:04, archived)
# i love the way you never make anything small enough for the frontpage
it gives the rest of us a chance
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:06, archived)
# There's a fanclub?
How do I join?
Do you get badges and autographs and stuff?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 8:35, archived)
# dreaming..
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:20, archived)
# Nice
Woo yay ;-)

Post it tomorrow afternoon GMT, you'll get some more woos then :-)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:40, archived)
# you'll also be called a
reposting whore.

100% of fact

(it's happened to me)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:43, archived)
# *sigh*
Hello old person. Please read our FAQ. Cheers.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:43, archived)
has b3ta turned old & sour?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:45, archived)
# no, but at certain times of day
every second thread seems to be a repost and i happen to know that it's irritated some people to the extent that the come here less than they otherwise would
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:47, archived)
# i took a break too
but more because of the unfluffiness..
people seems rude now.

no-one was called each other cunts back when i started (not you)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:50, archived)
# really?
the cuntiness levels have gone down of late. a couple of months back it was just getting silly, older members were leaving in droves. Quite a few are coming back now though for at least part of the day
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:52, archived)
# stopped using the internet last summer
prefer real sunshine to screenglow ;)

came back and was quite surprised - instead of praise to other peoples pictures they were ignored or dissed?

(even the halfbad picture posters used to be encouraged to improve)

there still fluffiness here :) - but definetely more dissing
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:03, archived)
# I say bring back the swear filter
but will they listen? Will they fuck. the cunts.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:11, archived)
# there are a fair few people who try to stay reasonably nice at al times
and i think i've done my bit for board fluff levels over my time here, it's just that the board turnover can be so high these days that wooing every pic or even just commenting on every pic gets annoying
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:13, archived)
# contribute? your quite possibly the crown prince of fluffiness...
well, definitely up there on the pinnacle of the fluff heap. but definitely fluffy
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:15, archived)
# heheheheh cheers
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:17, archived)
# true
sorry if my fluff level is low.
i'm on the verge of seeing fish floating through my room due to tiredness.

nah! :) u ok.

i made a butterfly :D
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:21, archived)
# the problem, i think
is that when the board started a "fluffiness" campaign, the newer members never experienced the "hazing" of being yelled at for posting bad stuff, which led them to post more bad stuff. this made the board quality deteriorate. At this point, older members who didn't like seeing the quality of the board go downhill, left to go to 4rthur or other places. This led to an even more rapid deterioration, since many of the older people, who posted good stuff were no longer posting.
About this time, an ipod bandwagon (and a few others) got out of hand, and Rob got angry and changed the FAQ to try and deter the bad posts. The fluffiness levels started dropping, and the quality improved, and older members started coming back.

~Encyclopædia B3tanica~

Since then, some newer members still acted like jerks, but less now that people started yelling at them for being so mean to others (ironic, to some extent, but apparently neccesary). and if the number of people who know how to act like human beings increases, the board will become a friendlier place over all, even if some people have to be yelled at, to do so.

edit - i seem to have spent too much time on this reply. I also think i may start the encyclopaelig;dia B3tanica.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:24, archived)
i liked this post :)
true words
& Encyclopædia B3tanica is a good idea
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:28, archived)
# it may be hard to develop it and make it non-biased.
but to differentiate from 4rthur's dictionary, this would be a more in depth look at the history and information about b3ta things. instead of saying "the fear: 1. ARRRGH THE FEAR! 2. created by spacefish" it would give the background and history of the development of "arrrgh the fear" - first post, first "arrgh", although might be hard with the b3ta board search down. It would also include information like "the exodus" i described above, and the history of the icons.
/reminds self to look at 4rthur to see what kinds of things are needed.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:33, archived)
# hell, sounds interesting to me
B3TA is so complex...an Encyclopedia would be useful
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:35, archived)
# I think it is very true
Hence the reason i never post anything anymore--those old B3tans put me in my place (thank god)

So even now, as i wish i had some sort of frontpager, i keep my mouse faaaaar away from the photoshop button and scanner. This should be a lesson to you all.

And thank you for the lengthy response--it was well needed.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:30, archived)
# yeah the influx of pearoasts during the day of images posted at night is taking the piss
too many people trying to say "look at me! look what I did!" with material already posted

I have to say I am guilty of pearoasts but I latch onto threads already started instead of starting new ones
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:54, archived)
# ditto, i'm one of the whoriest whores of the lot
but have never yet reposted in a new thread
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:56, archived)
# Amazing.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:58, archived)
# please ignore me
im just trying to be a wiener
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 6:43, archived)
# where are my manners
woo yay!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:58, archived)
# woo yay
vey nice :D
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:04, archived)
# when i searched for "chelsea" i found this
I was too scared to do anything else.....

(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:03, archived)
# it looks....
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:04, archived)
# mum?
is that you?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:05, archived)
# yes darling
shhh now, back to bed...
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:10, archived)
# but i can't sleep now
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:10, archived)
# *warms milk*
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:26, archived)
# oohh

warm harder!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:27, archived)
# Warm it!
Warm it HARD!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:30, archived)
# *pulls adjustment lever*
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:31, archived)
# Don't burn your chest hair...
your teats will be sore enough after he's had his fill
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:27, archived)
# I realised earlier
that there may have been a bit of Viking action that you have't seen. Im not really sure. Check it out here.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:22, archived)
# ahh thank you
i did see that and it is fantastic. most excellent
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:24, archived)
# Thanks.
I probably put less effort into that than anything Ive ever done because of my eagerness to post it at the time.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:26, archived)
# heheh no worries
i look forward to the next installment in Fluffy's adventures
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:28, archived)
# I have something else planned before I carry on with Fluffy
but some of the ideas I have on paper are a little 'unusual'. I think it will mostly take the form of a 'Viking Fact' series, starting with a couple of the things mentioned in previous posts like the Axe of Infinite Cleavage™, of which im most proud.

Othe ideas were more scenario based like winning the gold for olympic javelin as discussed at great length with Lanc one night.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:31, archived)
# Mmmmm....
Infinite Cleavage...
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:35, archived)
# hmmm
sounds interesting... i look forward to it... and yes infinite cleavage sounds fantastic
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:36, archived)
# arrrrgh! kill it!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:06, archived)
# Howardandpeanut.com
seems to be unavailable.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:26, archived)
# yes, that is correct
it's a long story, but suffice to day that lycos are being twats about it. it may be another 2 months before I have a website again.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:32, archived)
# That's a shame.
Your stuff is great and I was about to enjoy a gentle lunchime perusal. Hope the twats start behaving soon.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:33, archived)
# thanks a lot. i appreciate the compliment
there's not really anything lycos can do about it, though. I hosted form them last year and had problems, so i decided to use a new host this year. when the domain/hosting expired, i went to a new company (Dataflame. much cheaper, better service) and got the domain/hosting through them. but lycos decided to be annoying and not give up the domain name. I can't transfer it over, since it's expired; can't renew with them since my account has ended; and can't buy it till they end the "redemption" period, which could last upto 3 months it's now 1 month in)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:38, archived)
# Well, you did save the picture to your computer,
then you uploaded it to a image hosting site, and then you went to b3ta.com and then to the board and then you started a new post and finished it and clicked that you would like that posted.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:09, archived)
# be nice - i've only ever posted 3 images
I was trying to do something funny - then realised i lacked talent. I could have drawn a cock on it though
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:14, archived)
# don't take anything here personally.
it's better to post things things that you haven't made or done something to as links, rather than posting the actual picture. but you're much farther ahead than most new people and the picture has given me an idea, as well.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:21, archived)
# Sorry, mate.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:26, archived)
# I think it needs...
a flat cap an a pipe
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:12, archived)
is good at choosing hats, I think.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:19, archived)
[challenge entry] Hullo, everyone!

Thought I'd take a whack at the challenge....
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:02, archived)
# woo good job!
I imagine they have a problem with pay checks, though. "oh yes, we have a record of asking the post office to send it. you'll have to contact them about it"
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:08, archived)
# Top job.
That bloke on the right looks like someone from a photo i found in the extra clipart that comes with office xp. There is a guy with a red stamp on his forehead that says postage due.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:12, archived)
# yeah
this photo looks like one of those stock images from a graphics supplier for advertisers -- like Photodisc. I happen to have bought a few of their image collections a couple years ago, but this particular one I found via google.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:21, archived)
# Sorry ...... I really am.

(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:00, archived)
# oh
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:03, archived)
# hmmmmm......
that may work as a female or shemale type quiz thing. although i personally wouldn't want to do the research for that.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:04, archived)
# was my 1st post - be nice......
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:08, archived)
# sorry. we weren't being rude, really
it's a fine first picture. a very good idea. it's just that a jar of scrote-looking thingies looks a bit... odd. but there are far odder and mroe disturbing things on here anyway, so Welcome to b3ta, you'll never leave!

p.s. there aren't very many people around right now, anyway
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:15, archived)
# Yeah,
that is a highly disturbing pic. In a good way. I think.

And a hint I've picked up for that sort of thing - if you're doing a webpage edit, it'll look better if you save the page and edit the text in the HTML and get a screenshot of that, rather than shopping the original. Makes the text look prettier. Otherwise, nice - better than my first effort here. Mind you, that's not much of an achievement.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:27, archived)
# i think saving as a gif would have helped this picture
i hear lemony has some lovely tutorials about this, but i'm too lazy to find the link
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:33, archived)
# How i hate Cold callers!
Had one this evening, So i'll entertain you all with a comic strip of what happened.

Haaaaaaaaa, i'll see if i can get a photo when he gets to the block of flats
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:58, archived)
# Hehe
unrelated again, VB.NET is stilla cunt, i'm gonna give up and go to bed, and see if anyone i know can help me out tomorrow.
Night folks.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:01, archived)
# Just as I was departing for bed...
...you come along with this gem. Reminds me of my parents and their antics winding up cold callers.

Religious girls on doorstep: Do you believe?

Mum: Yes

Rgod: In what?

Mum: Sex, drugs and violence. *slams door*

Rgod: *looks at weeds on doorstep for some time*

(your expression in the 5th picture suggests some action just out of shot btw)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:04, archived)
# lol

Only the pleasure of seeing maties face tomorrow when i open the door half hung over and laughing in his face for being a twunt and actually comming upstairs
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:06, archived)
# If you get pictures, i must see them.
I love cold callers and their naive optimism whenever they call. It makes it all the funnier when you find a novel new way to humiliate or destroy them.

Thinking about it, all facial expressions in you picture have me tittering like a schoolgirl, particularly *pick pick pick* and *meanwhile outside my door on the 7th floor*
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:09, archived)
# !
Happy to entertain ;)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:11, archived)
# my dad once managed
a 15 minute cold call saying 3 words

hello x1

yes x1

no x1

i'm impressed that the caller managerd to do it
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:06, archived)
# hehe
Theres another i do when they call, i'll put a comic strip up tomorrow evening for it ;)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:09, archived)
# Squid is a concatenation of squirrelly kid.

click here for another squid
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:25, archived)
# oh yes! wooyay
TJ: i want to know why www.pandmvariety.com/ appears in my refferal stats, it's rather sweet really, i can't help thinking i should redirect them to goatse or something
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:28, archived)
# hmm.....
yes, that is quite odd. i think the internet makes these things up sometimes
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:37, archived)
# looking in more detail
it appear i was linked from their order form, which is quite odd

(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:39, archived)
# well i'm not sure what exactly that means.
but on the bright side, i don't think it would help me to make any more sense of the situation if i did.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:42, archived)
# i rather hope it means that some generous soul
has ordered me an embroidery kit, i'd love to own the worlds only embroidered chump manbear
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:43, archived)
# goatse is for leechers.
may i recommend tubgirl?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:39, archived)
# Have you
been secretly manufacturing quilt squares?

and I saw you on my message board, scurrying in and then out again. Dull, isn't it?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:43, archived)
# i looked at my browser and it had the register page up in a background tab
i don't remember going there so i felt it must be some sort of sign
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:46, archived)
# god works in
mysterious ways. He usually tempts me by leaving b3ta windows
open on my desktop when I'm trying to go to bed
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:48, archived)
# yes... it's all part of a plan
to drive up coffee revenues and defraud the third world. God's a bit of a git really.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:56, archived)
# thats

has the bike been shoped too?

it looks wierd but good
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:32, archived)
# A bit
too dangerous for my likings.

squirrels and motor bikes... what next?
photoshopped animals morphed together?!?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:34, archived)
# Tedmus, where art thou
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:36, archived)
# what you mean like
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:39, archived)
# Something so beautiful and dangerous
makes you wonder why god didnt try it for himself.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:40, archived)
# The probably used to exist,
but they hunted themselves to extinction.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:27, archived)
# I have a robins nest in the grass box of my lawnmower
100% fact!

and fortunately, it means i can't mow the lawn. yay!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:40, archived)
# yes
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:46, archived)
# Don't worry, they always get whats coming to them
100% of proof

Woo for the squid BTW, lovely bike.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:40, archived)
# well
'night all
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:44, archived)
# Definitely eyebrow raisers...
/patrick moore
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:28, archived)
# and definatly
something to enjoy
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:29, archived)
# big eyebrow raiser
/Roger Moore
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:32, archived)
# huge eyebrow raiser
/moore moore moore, how do ya like it? how do ya like it?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:36, archived)
# i like art & porn
good thing you linked them :)
also because you didnt take or do anything to those photo's
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:28, archived)
# i just only
seconds ago posted them all on the board oops
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:29, archived)
# i saw them
i like the tied up on the spine thingy
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:30, archived)
# Whoo wee!
Its 2:30 over there?

its about 9:30 here and I thought I was
fiendishly tired.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:32, archived)
# i shopped all those pics thank u very much!!!!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:33, archived)
# And How!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:35, archived)
no you didn't
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:38, archived)
# im not gonna put in all the souce pics & pdf's but heres the 1st bike that i made
and if u dont think i did the shoping prove it
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:42, archived)
# its just that ive seen the tied up spine thingy before
but i know you did do the motorgirl
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:46, archived)
# ok
just gettin tetchy

painters must be comin round ;)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:48, archived)
# well i've seen pictures of people who have actually
had the first one done. I believe miss Gracie Lou wanted to have that done.

edit - and woo for great shopping on the first one.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:35, archived)
# source pic 4 lady bike
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:35, archived)
# you
go on some very naughty sites.
what If your mum caught you?

disowned maybe?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:37, archived)
# she's
watching from above

(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:38, archived)
# well that
puts me in an aqward position...
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:39, archived)
# question of the week anyone?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:43, archived)
# well
you could at least get her a chair, so she doesn't have to stand while watching you download porn
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:40, archived)
# i was bored

so i thought i would play with a scantilly clad lady
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:19, archived)
# looks as if the painters are in.
i think i'll wait.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:20, archived)
# lmao
i didnt think i would get that response :)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:20, archived)
# definitely not a typical b3tan in that respect
i've been there before, it's not pleasant.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:21, archived)
# Where have you been?
What was it like? Do you have photos?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:22, archived)
# I have photos from a female nudist picnic!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:25, archived)
# sailing down the red river into a cave
as normal, but with suspect staining the morning after.
not personally, but they're probably on the web somewhere.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:25, archived)
# That sounds mightily familiar.
I to have had to carry out post coitus clean up operations for that same reason several times and I think ill pass on spazzing the web for photos.

Come to think of it, it was always at my place, never at hers. Sneaky bitch.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:28, archived)
# nonsense
..as a vegeterian, I find fresh menstruate a valuable source of iron.

(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 5:32, archived)
# a tad nsfw don't you think?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:21, archived)
# I think it's passable.
the colourising makes it look like some arty thing
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:22, archived)
# Possibly
The best art I've ever seen

but art nontheless
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:28, archived)
# Ah
the fine line between art and porn. And such a lovely line it is too...
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:44, archived)
# I'd hit it.
I'd hit it hard.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 4:06, archived)
# Nighty all.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:16, archived)
# night!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:29, archived)
# !sheep
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:33, archived)
# ........

(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:53, archived)
# what doesn't
nike make?

kinda like yamaha

or honda

or taiwanese children in a sweat shop.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:57, archived)
# Mmmmmmmmmm
sweet shops
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:00, archived)
# sounds like fun and games
'till you realize that that wonderful sweet shop is owned by a scary and ugly Prussian shopkeeper.

They ruin everything.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:02, archived)
# Nike
doesn't make small plastic replica
figurines from hit daytime "doctor-turned-homicide investigator" show, Diagnosis Murder and I feel
their profits are all the worse for it
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:04, archived)
# Listen to this man
he knows what he is talking about
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:05, archived)
# I do
I watch far too much of that damn show, although not recently, as my b3ta addiction has been sucking up ever more hours of the day, limiting the number of detective dramas I can watch
during any given day
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:07, archived)
# Ahhhhh
But whatever happend to Gumby? You think he deserved to be canceld!?

O god, Plese, take me, not him!!

*Falls down sobbing*
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:07, archived)
# "Gently Teach Children about the War on Terrorism"
I found this while googling around on the net... I think the world is certain to go pop soon!
america is an elephant... terrorists are mice!!!! EVIL MICE!!!


LOL just scrolled down the page a bit

"A Guide to Recovering from Food Addiction"

this really is an american website

anyway just thought I would share the scary americans with you all
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:38, archived)
# Americans aren't that scary.
they can actually be quite cute if you administer a lethal injection first.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:39, archived)
# that sounds like a none too shabby plan
I think the scariest thing about them is their utter stupidity... maybe bush is a scientist who invented the "stupidifier(tm)" but on its first test the anti-mass spectrometer had been boosted for extra resolution, resulting in a nuclear explosion of stupidity across the new world... well.. thats my theory anyhow..
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:42, archived)
# Not all Americans are like that
There's a whole bunch of American b3tans that can prove that wrong
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:44, archived)
# sowwy
ahh there must have been some who escaped the blast zones... to all the non-stupid americans, get rid of bush before he destroys the world!... and I apologise if I have offended any of you, it was not my intention.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:46, archived)
# oh indeed.
it's just the rest of them
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:47, archived)
# exactly
i am a canadian and my gf is american and she rocks! as do the other american b3tans i chat with frequently on here.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:52, archived)
# Canadians however, that's an entirely different matter
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:56, archived)
# heheheh
we are taking over the board!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:56, archived)
# Noooooooooo!
Please spare me, it's not my fault i'm Welsh!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:59, archived)
# i have a couple
of Cymru t-shirts...
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:59, archived)
# Hmm...
"i am a canadian and my gf is american and she rocks!"

Gives your b3ta name right now a whole knew meaning... "dominating the US"?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 3:34, archived)
# well I'm protected
with my tinfoil hat
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:44, archived)
# arf!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:31, archived)
# I'm American.
And I'm not addicted to food.

(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:35, archived)
# send it to the donkey of magic
for its perusal
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:39, archived)
# lemony has a short name for once
evening all!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:43, archived)
# oh really?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:45, archived)
# That grapes my squildo
*also extends*
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:46, archived)
# oh yeah? well
*tries to extend*

hey, where'd it go?

*runs off looking for it*
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:47, archived)
# that is hill hairy arse
i reckon newsletter worthy
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:40, archived)
# Reminds of this:
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:41, archived)
# Let's stop the racial slurs before they start
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:43, archived)
# hehe, they're trying to sell pythagoras' theorem too

You can "amaze your family and friends by measuring distances and heights without going anywhere!"

lovely find
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:47, archived)
# lol
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:50, archived)
# AAAAGH more scary stuff
did somebody say police state???

(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:51, archived)
# hehe
I have a feeling some of these questions must be a hoax...
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:54, archived)
# noooooooooo......
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:56, archived)
# yep
ok I admit it I am a bit slow
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:58, archived)
# aaah yes
seems it is more of a joke site... but still.. good for a laugh...
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:55, archived)
# rofl
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:57, archived)
# This is my contribution.
Possibly only funny because of the title/cover:
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:52, archived)
# some of us arent all that bad
I for one hid in our bomb shelter whilst your so called "theory" went off. My pop is still afraid of those commies waiting to nuke us all.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:56, archived)
# I'm sorry, did I miss something?
I post a link to a book and I get a response about bomb shelters. Im muchly confused.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:57, archived)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:29, archived)

(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:30, archived)
# TWO!

(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:32, archived)

(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:33, archived)
# Good job
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:35, archived)
# job you say?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:36, archived)
# You need a better job
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:43, archived)
# hahahahahaha
i was waiting for something like that!

(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:32, archived)
# His face may be the same...

But it's very clear Harry has hit puberty.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:29, archived)
# my birthday's just begun
so I made a picture to celebrate :)

fwip fwip fwip™
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:25, archived)
# Huzzah!
Happy birthday
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:28, archived)
# fankoo!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:40, archived)
# Sir
I wish a fantastically happy birthday!
Your posts here are consistently among the very best imo.

Yay for you.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:33, archived)
# thanking you I be!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:37, archived)
# yaaaaay!
happy birthday kallus!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:33, archived)
# yummy! many thankurisations!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:38, archived)
# :)

edit: too slow... never mind... a sign that i need sleep i think... night all...
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:54, archived)
# wahooooo!!
thanks! Woo Jeremy! Magicstuff™, sleep well :)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:45, archived)
happy birthday to thee! your posts are always rather wonderful
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:35, archived)
# than kew fine sir!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:39, archived)
# hooooray!
happy birthday to you
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:36, archived)
# many murkless murky buckets
to you :)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:39, archived)
# i hope that's not lethal
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:40, archived)
# only if mixed with lime
apart from that it's rather fine :)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:43, archived)
# Happy birthday!
a double celebration... my 250th post!

(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:38, archived)
# thankee!
and concratumutations!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:41, archived)
# Har, i remember
seeing that on you've been framed. If that program had a FP that clip would be on it... forever..
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:52, archived)
# Congratumolations Mister!
I would give you a woo, but I dont have one worthy of your colleted works there.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:45, archived)
# thanks!
I'd happily have any of 'em though, they're all fantastic.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:51, archived)
# You can have one of the rarer ones in my collection then
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:55, archived)
# yaay!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:39, archived)
# Huzzah!
Have my multi-use mongoid birthday greeting!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:56, archived)
# yip yip yip!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 2:41, archived)
# my dog rocks

we're seriously thinking of cloning him

Edit:damn hosting
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:24, archived)
# Dog or

/edit: oh! dog!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:26, archived)
# wow
i read "my dogs cock" and was glad that the link is broken for me
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:26, archived)
# aaw
hideous and cute at the same time
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:29, archived)
# cloning has its down side
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:54, archived)
# Thundercats Ho

I've run out of hummus, reduced to drawing comedy cocks now :(
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:20, archived)
# hehehe...
got an mp3 of the Thundercats bloopers somewhere on here...it's funny as fuck:)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:22, archived)
# got those wavs somewhere too, love them
TJ: bugger I've just seen there's going to be a double bill of Stargate SG1 and a triple bill of Andromeda on tonight, I ain't gonna get to sleep till 6am!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:25, archived)
# I'm waiting for stargate too.
Last night/morning i didn't get to sleep until 8am because of a damn essay. Got woken up at 10am too.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:28, archived)
# That time you should've paid attention as a kid when
your dad said look at this son , it isn't safe to show this at work.

further photos by same photographer
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:08, archived)
# eeeppp...
Not Safe For Work...

Please warn the people that are lucky enough to have jobs. Dispite how much they moan, I'm sure they want to keep them:)
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:09, archived)
# Some cool photos on there though.
Just that first one is a bit NSFW
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:12, archived)
# unrelated
woo me, i solved my VB.Net problem.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:10, archived)
# and i managed to get ws ftp to work
Woo us!
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:12, archived)
# Even more unrelated but it's bugging me,
what does "Meega, nala kweesta!" mean?
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:15, archived)
# god knows
not literally

even if you watch it with subtitles on it doesn't help
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:27, archived)
[challenge entry] Secret Missile Base
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:02, archived)
# schtop! schtop!
this is too fast!

add a fraction of a second here and there and it won't be quite so crazy.

very woo though
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:03, archived)
# it's fine
i like it fast...woo
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:06, archived)
# and hard
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:18, archived)
# fast

like missiles
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 1:11, archived)

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