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[challenge entry] The shroud of Turicke
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:46, archived)
# Vigo?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:48, archived)
# Vigo is dead
On IMDB there is a trailer at the top for Star Trek and the play icon is right on Kirks groin
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:49, archived)
# Vimto?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:50, archived)
# Ghostbusters 2 bad guy/painting
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:52, archived)
# /spanish city
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:55, archived)
# Shirely that was proven as a Fake!
hold on...... conspiracy theory evolving Lizard People faked the Jesus Shroud to cast doubt upon the Ike Shroud and carbon dating is all a conspiracy to prove thing actual age by using SCIENCE which we all know is fake ;)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:50, archived)
# hahaha!

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:51, archived)
[challenge entry] *herds his flock*

I was unsure whether "Prophet" would have been funnier
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:39, archived)
# Hahaha
and Yay!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:41, archived)
# Who's that sheeple at the front?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:41, archived)
# Catnippppp I think
assuming he is the person on his website
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:42, archived)
# But where is the alien laser scar on his chin haha
so that's what he looks like John Lydon is Catnipppp! ahah!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:44, archived)
# and Morrissey is just behind him in the picture
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:48, archived)
# Could be Sid Vicious
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:52, archived)
# not enough death to be Sid
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:54, archived)
# He could have been reincarnated as a sheeple
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:57, archived)
# He looks perfectly well-adjusted....
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:44, archived)
# I don't know he looks a bit sheepish to me ;)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:48, archived)
# Flock off, you silly Icke!
Whose head is that on the front sheep?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:41, archived)
# 100%...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:42, archived)
# hehehe
You can see him plotting there

Got some sunset photos, just downloading from my camera
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:43, archived)
# Ace. :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:44, archived)
# haha!

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:45, archived)
# I too would like to have a sheep herder's hook !
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:45, archived)
# hahaha
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 21:21, archived)
# the walk...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:29, archived)
# Bloody hell that is wonder(land)-tastic
top stuff
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:36, archived)
# Love it
I want to eat it
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:38, archived)
# *clickity*
this is wonderful :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:39, archived)
# i had a little trouble optimizing...(too much detail???)...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:41, archived)
# All looks good to me :)
I especially like the doll thing with the balloon
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:43, archived)
# i wanted it to be at least 700...
...but i just couldn't do it.... :(
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:47, archived)
# link it
I would click
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:49, archived)
# sorry...
...i'm a link virgin... never tried it... (ha ha...that sounds weird)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:52, archived)
# cripes!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:39, archived)
# very nicely indeed
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:40, archived)
# I really like this kind of dark ink print drawing you are very talented
I may just hide in a corner until all the talented people have got very nice graphics jobs and got to big for b3ta ;)

This is very woo *click*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:40, archived)
# No time too loose . . .
many secrets are hidden in . . . the woods . . .
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:41, archived)
# yes indeed... care to take a walk?...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:42, archived)
# Oooooooh my yes . . . I could walk through there like for . . . evaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar . . .
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:44, archived)
# hell yes
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:45, archived)
# Aceness!

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:46, archived)
# magical particles
gets a woo :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:48, archived)
# thanks everyone... see ya later!...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:55, archived)
# Wow
do you have a desktopable version?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:55, archived)
# no...
...someday i'll figure out how to do all that stuff... (i hope)!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:56, archived)
# do you have a b3tards account?
simply upload it there and paste a link without all the "less than, greater than signs"
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:58, archived)
# That's fantastic.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:56, archived)
# Wow!
Lovely work.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 0:22, archived)
# Evening all, are we all well?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:17, archived)
# Isn't Listerine quite expensive though?

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:20, archived)
# I guess,
But surely cheaper than 500mls of 80% spirits.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:21, archived)
# Good point.
Carry on.

/nothing to see here
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:22, archived)
# and i'd imagine
you dont end up like a toothless hobo

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:23, archived)
# 80%!
*rushes off to the bathroom cabinet*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:30, archived)
# ^this
I'm sure buckie must be cheaper*

*has never ever even thought about buying a bottle so wouldn't know - oh no honest guv etc.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:24, archived)
# Well 'a' bottle wouldn't be enough!!!

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:29, archived)
# True, but every time I drink buckfast
there is always some sort of problem and I end up being just one pound short for my train ride home and am then forced to ask other commuters at the station for it.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:33, archived)
# Haha
hello again & sorry, but I really was skint ;)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:40, archived)
# Half price in Waitrose currently...
/happy shopper blog
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:30, archived)
# Gargled . . . not stirred !
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:23, archived)
# blue alcohol?...
...no thanks!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:30, archived)
# It's just wicked isn't it!

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:31, archived)
# :D
Nicely, sir
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:33, archived)
# Would you smell
like a hobo in the morning?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:40, archived)
# does the job just fine
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:50, archived)
[challenge entry] I may not know who rules the world

but I do know what's really behind all those conspiracy theories
evening & apologies
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:16, archived)
# Haha
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:17, archived)
# Haha
I'm sure one way or another he's making plenty of money from it.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:18, archived)
# Arf
You may be right!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:19, archived)
# I cannae see it!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:19, archived)
# Open your eyes, sheeple
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:20, archived)
# Lucky you ;)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:21, archived)
# I see now.
Yes, I was lucky!!


(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:23, archived)
# Charts never lie . . .
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:22, archived)
# hahahaha
sales are up! :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:23, archived)
# are you suggesting some kind of conspiracy?
involving heavy metals?

on the internet?


edit: oh.. image challenge.. had no idea

*goes back to mlnlgnlglng*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:24, archived)
# What is this minignlglng malarky?
And does it involve chips?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:35, archived)
# Haha
I too would like to know about this 'mlnlgnlglng'
it sounds fun
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:47, archived)
# it involves walking into lamposts and chasing ice cream vans
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 21:47, archived)
# hehehehe!
i've posted this thrice now without success, i think he's onto me
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:40, archived)
# You've obviously been making your hats from an inferior brand of tin foil
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:45, archived)
# god...
...i hate company meetings!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:43, archived)
# Oh those naughty bears.

Click for bigger (77 kb)

Just a scribble I will never finish it, which is a shame because the bear with the bandage is shite.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:11, archived)
# Paybacks are a bear . . .
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:14, archived)
# i wish to read the rest of this story
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:14, archived)
# All the bears look fine to me.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:15, archived)
# Silly bears, Elder Gods are not to be trifled with.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:16, archived)
# This is pure class
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:17, archived)
# marvellous

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:18, archived)
# yay:)
top tip:don't awaken the old gods....
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:59, archived)
[challenge entry] Poo
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:09, archived)
# hehe
The Matrickes.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:09, archived)
# is that the guy who sees ghosts on that show about finding ghosts?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:11, archived)
# Isn't that actually one of his books?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:24, archived)
# Idle hands find other things to do...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:45, archived)
# oh my
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:46, archived)
# Haha, top stuff.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:47, archived)
# that's marvellous
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:47, archived)
# Wow!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:48, archived)
# Oooh you did a rude one!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:50, archived)
# ahaha
i like his winking right eye
you can just see him thinking

ooooh yes, this is good this ohhhhh yessss
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:01, archived)
# They're getting off . . .
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:04, archived)
# stop biting your nails
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:09, archived)
# This is great. :)
Love your stuff.

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:18, archived)
# That scares me
it is very woo, but it scares me :|
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:20, archived)
# crikey! that's a right handjob!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:25, archived)
# hey...
...that's not a cat!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:33, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:36, archived)
# tv camera shadow? :)
and woo ruddy hoo, none for ages and then 2 fps come along at once :D
*Does the fp jig and goes to tell the missus*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:43, archived)
# You mean, you actually weren't on there for a while????
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:44, archived)
# Ooh you did a science one!
The front page is odd of late or rather, the magic donkey is.
I used to be able to predict (correctly) what ended up there. Now, I am often dismayed at what doesn't end up there and what does.
I can't understand why some of your police ones weren't there (the ones that actually fitted, not the wide one).
Also, Tits. Most of his stuff is FP worthy even if the themes are similar.
It's almost as if the Magic Donkey expects those, like you and Tits, with masses of talent, to "better themselves" to get there.
If you follow my rambling meaning.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:49, archived)
# I try not to think about it,
just enjoy the moment if something does appear there.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:56, archived)
# I'm still trying to get a second.
I should just do a series of those "Cat in X" strips, that seemed to get unnatural attention.
Instead I seem to do animations which take about 6 hours which I find hilarious but few other people do.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:56, archived)
# Cat in X strips?
I was merely saying that I cannot even begin to guess these days what might end up on the front page.

6 hours or 6 minutes, you know that's not what it's about :)
Edit: Aah "Cat in X strips". I think I've got it now, and agree.

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:14, archived)
# Had a few ideas, Cat in Boat, Cat in Tank, etc.

Kept having overly elaborate amiga based or otherwise animations which take forever to do though which I thought were more original than a cat dying.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:18, archived)
# I am going to stick out my neck here and risk being shot down
Nope, not on the board, via the medium of gaz.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:26, archived)
# Oh okay....
You're not going to tell me I'm a grumpy bastard are you?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:32, archived)
# I haven't noticed you being a grumpy bastard
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:37, archived)
# Ahh good to know my powers of subterfuge are still with me then.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:47, archived)
# hehe
your blog is full of nothings?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:58, archived)
# Gag reflux !
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:04, archived)
# Flujabba
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:33, archived)
# Hahahaha

wrong filter
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:34, archived)
# It's a head cold
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:36, archived)
[challenge entry] BISMILLAH No!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:28, archived)
# Yikes!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:31, archived)
# hahahahaha
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:59, archived)
[challenge entry] Now on boxed CD :) ( David Icke anagram Kid Advice )
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:24, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:25, archived)
# Damn those lose moralled tigers!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:28, archived)
# two lambrinis and they're all over it!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:30, archived)
# Another?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:28, archived)
[challenge entry] Kid Advice Talking Babble ( David Icke anagram Kid Advice )
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:22, archived)
[challenge entry] EEEEK!!!!!
hello everyone
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:19, archived)
# this is 100% of truths
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:20, archived)
# Nicely
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:22, archived)
# No way the little guy was way too smart and cool to be in Ike's head
hehe nicely done.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:23, archived)
# nicely done :)
to much brain power though
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:24, archived)
# Yup my feelings exactly
I would have thought a tiny Peppers would be in there.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:26, archived)
# mindpiss
an amoeba would be closer
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:27, archived)
# i bet that little alien has a little icke in his head,and so forth and so forth...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:26, archived)
# Arrghhh
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:28, archived)
# An ickle Icke
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:32, archived)
# Arf!

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:26, archived)
# I don't understand, John Barrowman is an alien?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:32, archived)
[challenge entry] time for tea, bu-bye now
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:57, archived)
# hahaha :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:57, archived)
# fabulous
bye Toasty. I'm off too.

The girls say 'bye'

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:58, archived)
# Fuck yeah!
The brunette first.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:58, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:59, archived)
# Oh okay, okay, sorry.
I'll do your sister first.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:00, archived)
# thank you.
at last, some decent manners around here.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:00, archived)
# the one on the right is my wife AND sister...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:01, archived)
# haha
everyone sits on the same side of the church at a Norfolk wedding.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:02, archived)
# You do mention the Norfolk thing quite a bit
Oh, by the way: WE HAVE ROY KEANE NOW
*pretends to care*
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:10, archived)
# hahaha :)
/Norfolk good
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:18, archived)
# You should come down to Devon...
...some real 'nice' people down here.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:18, archived)
# I see Devon with rose tinted glasses (due to childhood holidays there)
and cannot understand why some make fun of west country folk.
I've never lived there though ;)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:44, archived)
# ZOMG, you got a picture of my last two EXs
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:59, archived)
# now this *is* awkward
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:00, archived)
# nah, I see she has taken up smoking and other has now gone for full out dyke mode
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:03, archived)
# yeh
that forearm is quite sticky
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:05, archived)
# is that the lady that did all those knitted jumpers and did the same pose in those gold leggings?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:08, archived)
# Holy hard on!!

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:12, archived)
# girls?
omg is the front one a bouncer?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:18, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:58, archived)
# Grab it David it's not a dream
hehe top work Mr Toast
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:05, archived)
[challenge entry] David Icke?
...good excuse to play with animation for the first time
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:06, archived)
# oo no
the reptilians are among us

very nice btw
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:06, archived)
# Hahahaha!
Marvellous toasty
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:17, archived)
# superb work sir!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:18, archived)
# thats fuckin awesome
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:22, archived)
# Butterfingers!
I should have autoclick on your postings :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:24, archived)
# You are utterly brilliant
Woo Yay, and enjoy your tea
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:27, archived)
# fpalready?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:40, archived)
# i have no idea how you made this, but...
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:45, archived)
# this is wonderful
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 21:23, archived)
# Damn you
and your talent!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 22:29, archived)
# Action Man Eyes!
(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 12:58, archived)
# Wehay Sequential FP's
Gratz Mate
(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 13:48, archived)
[challenge entry] Who Really Runs the world
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:49, archived)
# wonderful
does your username refer to this compo?

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:50, archived)
# Best 'shop' evar!!

(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:50, archived)
# hello old man
how are you?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:51, archived)
# Feeling lucky.
Just managed to save my marriage!!!
And you?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:53, archived)
# I'm good, going to go out and try and get some sun set photos
you let her take you up the arsenal?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:54, archived)
# Nah, just out for lunch.
(which apparently was a bad idea)

Talking of food...tea-time.
Have fun with your camera.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:57, archived)
# Well done
By spending less time on here?
Good start!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:58, archived)
# That was unintentional.
Had to do loads of sucking up, which meant not being on here.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:11, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:50, archived)
# oh they can
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:52, archived)
# Alien poster thread....
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:53, archived)
# I don't know, but everybody wants to according to Tears for Fears.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:50, archived)
# which version
Run or Rule the world?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:52, archived)
# Run?
I'd wiped that from my mind!!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:55, archived)
# Every body wants to run the world
Run you fuckers

I fucking hate you, I am leaving this duo, you nonce

OI! you fucking listen to me

fucking twat
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:56, archived)
# oh you bad man
reminding us of that
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:56, archived)
# even fucking better :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:59, archived)
# why the fuck does Goodhew wear a swimming cap?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:02, archived)
# because he can
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:04, archived)
# Come on man.
At least put some effort into it. Even SPONG eyes could have improved this.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:54, archived)
# Hmm.

I could put in a lens flare. Would that help?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:55, archived)
# Hahahaha
Top stuff
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 19:14, archived)
[challenge entry] based on true life events.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:42, archived)
# Hahahaha
God I remember V... a bit!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:43, archived)
# I just remeber the green baby alien coming out of someone!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:45, archived)
# Freddy Kruger was in it
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:46, archived)
# In the baby alien
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:48, archived)
# awesome show
sadly being remade now
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:48, archived)
# is it?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:55, archived)
# really? :(
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:57, archived)
# but we already know they are lizards?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:58, archived)
# it's ok
due to tv related attention spans everyone forgot
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 20:28, archived)
# she used to give me the horn
as did the blond one and virtually every female I ever set eyes on in the 80s
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:44, archived)
[challenge entry] IT'S THE GAY MAFIA
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:42, archived)
# what?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:49, archived)
# Oh follow the letters.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:50, archived)
# By drawing an iluminati pyramid
it spells YMCA, keep up!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:50, archived)
# It's more of a parralelocock
But thanks for noticing. And Wilkommen auf B3ta :)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:52, archived)
# Pfft
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:53, archived)
# hahaha!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:49, archived)
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 21:52, archived)
[challenge entry] Wine gums with gravy on a fork was never going to fit in the picture let alone a ton of mouse tentacles.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:37, archived)
# the other guy has a very long neck
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:39, archived)
# Will teach him for fightin Icke
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:41, archived)
# It slightly reminds me of burger breath
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:45, archived)
# wow i didn't even see this was a compo entry.
its fucking incredible
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:39, archived)
# wow
I am mesmerised and confused
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:40, archived)
# maybe his neck
had just grow
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:40, archived)
# No
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:42, archived)
# good point
well made
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:46, archived)
# Yes
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:52, archived)
# THE 2D!!!
blast from the past!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:42, archived)
# And the picture i just posted?
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:43, archived)
# And on his b3taday too.
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:49, archived)
# So it is
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:51, archived)
# I've seen this
I knew I was right!
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 18:43, archived)

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