Full working prototype model, with option for the led visible to show when in use. :)

The Bourbon itself is rubber and the circuit board inside has a heat proof plastic shield to keep things extra safe.
Still waiting for responses from manufacturers, but hopefully this might stir up some more interest. Plus I've got
one more to contact who may in fact be the perfect choice. but if you work for someone who could put these in to
full production, contact me through my Profile or Gaz Mail.
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:14,

The Bourbon itself is rubber and the circuit board inside has a heat proof plastic shield to keep things extra safe.
Still waiting for responses from manufacturers, but hopefully this might stir up some more interest. Plus I've got
one more to contact who may in fact be the perfect choice. but if you work for someone who could put these in to
full production, contact me through my Profile or Gaz Mail.

I'd love to buy one when they get going!
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:15,

does it have a cap? What does it look like with the cap on?
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:15,

but it's just a black plastic one to cover the USB, not like a complete extension on the biscuit :D
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:17,

have a little knob (for want of a better word) that slides the usb connector out of the body of the memory stick? That would be cool, but I'm no expert on these things.
As they stand they're superb. I'll definitely be up for getting one.
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:20,
As they stand they're superb. I'll definitely be up for getting one.

but it would be kind of cool if the biscuit was whole when it was closed and part of it came off as a cap to reveal the usb port, thus utterly concealing it when not in use.
maybe as a deluxe version or something.
it's great, anyway. just great.
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 23:12,
maybe as a deluxe version or something.
it's great, anyway. just great.

which is why all the biscuit manufacturers make them look identical
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:17,

take the credit and profit
by the time they realise, you'll be wearing that sombrero all the way to your mexican villa
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:22,
by the time they realise, you'll be wearing that sombrero all the way to your mexican villa

And also, why should we believe you that it has a working and visible LED when it's not even visible?
I reckon you just opened a bourbon up, licked most of the choc cream, and stuck it back over a usb drive
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:18,
I reckon you just opened a bourbon up, licked most of the choc cream, and stuck it back over a usb drive

This is making me do that dumb giggle that you just can't stop, because it hardly seems like one to begin with, just random little 'pffft!'s that set me off again
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Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:22,

either that or you're using two different coloured rubbers and the biscuit is made of 3 parts.i do so hope i'm wrong.
/spent third year of degree making silicone and rubber moulded stuff blog.
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Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:34,
/spent third year of degree making silicone and rubber moulded stuff blog.

The Jiggs up HappyToast!
or should I say; Old man Sanders, the fairground curator!
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Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:38,
or should I say; Old man Sanders, the fairground curator!

Haven't you seen it? it's a damn bourbon!
I just don't want my emotions toyed with if it turns out to be a fake
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:25,
I just don't want my emotions toyed with if it turns out to be a fake

I dont want another shark/bridge/helicopter scenario. We barely escaped the last one with our lives
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:27,

Anyone for tea?
*eyes up biscuit*
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:29,
*eyes up biscuit*

but it's an easy job to make one of the holes in the top of the bourbon show it through is what I meant.
These are real, seriously!
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:38,
These are real, seriously!

It would be no use for me though,
I can guarantee It would end up in my cuppa at some point..
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:16,
I can guarantee It would end up in my cuppa at some point..

mmm, biscuit and considered picking it up to put in my tea was ridiculous.
I'm over it now though.
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:18,
I'm over it now though.

incidentally, i ate an entire pack of bourbon biscuits yesterday, it made me feel so, so ill.
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Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:16,

you should send an email to nicey and wifey and see if the biscuit industry can lend a hand
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Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:18,

I was thinking that too. I would so buy one. Perfect stocking filler gift. Kind of thing firebox would sell.
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 20:38,

that am ace!
put me on the short(bread)list
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:18,
put me on the short(bread)list

Is "Bourbon" and the traditional shape a registered trademark? Just wondered since I saw Bourbons from another company that were a different shape - just thought they were avoiding the lawyers
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:18,

Make it able to install photoshop through U3, Ceedo or Mojopac or something and I'll buy two.
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:19,
Make it able to install photoshop through U3, Ceedo or Mojopac or something and I'll buy two.

i could TOTALLY steal this idea (;
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:21,

but tonight is Director's chair
when they screen less popular films
went and got tickets at lunch, good job n all, there were only a few seats left!
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:30,
when they screen less popular films
went and got tickets at lunch, good job n all, there were only a few seats left!

i've missed all 4 oppertunities to do the health and safety stuff, so i'm not allowed to use the equipment, so i cant do the work.
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:27,

so how much and where can we buy them?
Toastie is there anything you can't do?
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:21,
Toastie is there anything you can't do?

I'm assuming it's a USB data storage device? Not something I use as I have an XDA sync'd with the PC that has 4x4GB of SD mem but i'd LOVE to have a biscuit themed USB wireless adaptor. Good luck with your enterprise.
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:31,

What? NEVER!
( bloody hell man, it's b3ta, 98% of us are geeks and that 100% of FACT + 98.4% science ) ;)
edit: now I see it's just a usb plugged up the arse of a biscuit. Ho hum.
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Tue 6 Feb 2007, 14:38,
( bloody hell man, it's b3ta, 98% of us are geeks and that 100% of FACT + 98.4% science ) ;)
edit: now I see it's just a usb plugged up the arse of a biscuit. Ho hum.

One day, people will say, "That is the best thing since USBourbon drives."
Also, you should make one of the holes go all the way through so people can attach strings and carry it around with relative ease.
( ,
Tue 6 Feb 2007, 18:12,
Also, you should make one of the holes go all the way through so people can attach strings and carry it around with relative ease.