Silly bugger. He needs an _oiled_ duck. Then he'll slip through with no problems. They sell them at most petrol stations in case of just this sort of circumstance.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:36,
i'd phone and tell him
but he wouldnt be able to get in and answer it
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:37,
Call his mobile
he'll be able to answer that. If it were an oiled duck then that would cause problems there, because they're too slippery to carry under one arm, but a normal duck, such as that one, will be fine.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:42,
Is that a vending machine?
Can you get more people who can't open doors even when holding a duck; for the price of a simple coin?
/may not be profitable
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:37,
/may not be profitable
agggh no
now you've made my eyes go all wonky looking at that from different perspectives..
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:38,
you need myrr
"put it on the back of a duck, it makes it go faster"
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:43,
I do spontaneous stuff
like ... no, I can't mention it here.
The police are already on the lookout.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:39,
The police are already on the lookout.
I point you towards my profile.
And the upcoming 300 post extravaganza.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:45,
I would
But I've done the drawing already, and I don't post a lot.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:48,
One million one hundred and eleven thousand one hundred and eleven!!!!!
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:05,
My hair is made out of pencil lead.
100% fact and 100% accurate.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:32,
aww stop telling porky pies
it's made out of graphite isn't it??
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:35,
When I was little
i used to eat pencils. That kind of tells you something.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:38,
It tells you that if you'd eaten enough of them
you could have sharpened the contents of your stomach to a point.
And then you could have stabbed people with it.
Did you?
Edit: I'm liking teh highlights! (just seen pic above)
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:40,
And then you could have stabbed people with it.
Did you?
Edit: I'm liking teh highlights! (just seen pic above)
Not this tomfoolery again.
We had enough of that earlier:
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:13,
I know how he feels.
Woman always make blue people feel bad for that.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:31,
Derek Acorah's Spirit Guide Sam
It's all gone a bit arty.
EDIT: Tsk! They ask for images, then they bugger off! Where's she got to?
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:21,
It's all gone a bit arty.
EDIT: Tsk! They ask for images, then they bugger off! Where's she got to?
Yes it does
I made the map image for an album cover for a friend, but I thought it would be well-used here.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:26,
It was before I screwed with it.
It was an old nautical map of the globe.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:34,
hmmm reminds me of
'Here Be Monsters' by Ed Harcourt. What a fucking cracking album.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:31,
and woo to the film too, watched it the other day and LOVED it :)
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:31,
There you are,
I wondered if I'd missed you. 'Glad you like it. Bung a link on your site to www.matazone.co.uk if you decide to use it :)
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:00,
i hate it when that happens
is it because he made a grammatical error?
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:16,
there is nothing I could say that would top this reply
have a woo:
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:18,
but that wont stop it touching you
why do u think the sea is so salty
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:22,
I thought it was because people
threw away those little blue sachets in crisp packets.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:26,
If I'm ever involved in a nuclear war
I want it to go FASHOOOM!
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:20,
Kapow is just a little too violent
Fashoom has a certain calming quality to it.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:22,
Can't I just have fashooom?
I'm about to die horribly with melting skin and stuff, at least let me have my fashooom! Honestly, blam? What were you thinking?!
Edit: Nothing personal you understand, I love blam really.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:29,
Edit: Nothing personal you understand, I love blam really.
Not intentionally intending to bitch buut...
it strikes me as strange as when posting a strange picture on this site, should you wish it to go down well it should fit into anyone/most of several categories which include status quo, star wars, shopped up-made up animals etc.
which was really highlighted to me when i posted this:
a few hours ago and got one reasonably harsh comment about it being of noone anyone knows. I dont see how the image could have been better should it have been of terry wogan... hmmm.
like I said, I'm not intentionally bitching at anyone, just sharing an observation.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:15,
which was really highlighted to me when i posted this:
a few hours ago and got one reasonably harsh comment about it being of noone anyone knows. I dont see how the image could have been better should it have been of terry wogan... hmmm.
like I said, I'm not intentionally bitching at anyone, just sharing an observation.
I concur.
I think the gratuitous use of the word "uni", which first appeared in the popular Australian sit-com "neighbours", and found widespread use throughout the mid '90s among the chav community, is grounds for dismissal alone!
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:57,
Could you rearrange those words into something that makes a sentence?
I'm tired and I can't read proper like
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:17,
I'm tired and I can't read proper like
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:20,
some anti-itching powder to the F5 Key/eyeball combination
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:24,
that's not necessarily true
if an image is funny it will go down well.
That image is probably funnier to you than the rest of us, as it is a friend of yours. The rest of us have never met him, and probably never will, so any joke is a bit lost on us.
And had it been terry wogan it would've got a similar response i guess, as its not a hilariously funny picture - I don't mean to be harsh, but see it from an outsiders point of view.
edit - also from the pont of view of someone who can never think of a funny pic so just chats on b3ta instead.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:18,
That image is probably funnier to you than the rest of us, as it is a friend of yours. The rest of us have never met him, and probably never will, so any joke is a bit lost on us.
And had it been terry wogan it would've got a similar response i guess, as its not a hilariously funny picture - I don't mean to be harsh, but see it from an outsiders point of view.
edit - also from the pont of view of someone who can never think of a funny pic so just chats on b3ta instead.
me too
I already said goodnight to everyone here once. I should sleep. night all. again.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:23,
because its a personal joke no ones going to get it
^ lol, 'wise americans'...
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:19,
Well, had I seen it a few hours ago
I probably still wouldn't have commented, but it was quite good.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:20,
It's to do with intention and follow-through
the intention of the image is clearly a joke, but as we know neither the set-up nor the understand the punchline then it doesn't work. Your words suggested that it was something directly about a friend, so the joke wasn't going to be simply based on surrealism.
If the intention of the piece was clearly surrealist then it might have worked, for example you could have written above it 'aargh! Bees! Bees in my mouth!', which would have worked.
Intention: joke about bees in mouth
Follow-through: nice animation of insects around the mouth.
It's a good rule to stick with. If people don't 'get' your pic then ask yourself if you have failed in either of the categories.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:33,
If the intention of the piece was clearly surrealist then it might have worked, for example you could have written above it 'aargh! Bees! Bees in my mouth!', which would have worked.
Intention: joke about bees in mouth
Follow-through: nice animation of insects around the mouth.
It's a good rule to stick with. If people don't 'get' your pic then ask yourself if you have failed in either of the categories.
^ yes ^
subject line is important.
everyone would have been turned off to read "here's a picture of my mate which he'll hate!!"
it's not a bad pic at all, but private jokes never go down well. If everyone posted pics to wind up their mates, the board would die.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:35,
everyone would have been turned off to read "here's a picture of my mate which he'll hate!!"
it's not a bad pic at all, but private jokes never go down well. If everyone posted pics to wind up their mates, the board would die.
thanks -
i don;t think it worked very well though - some words seem to resist the process
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:29,
(heavy Spanish accent) "What are these... birds?"
"Perhaps we shall get something a little more appropriate for the climate ... like bald eagles."
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:13,
not a pearoast
but it doesn't deserve it's own thread. Little & Large before they were famous
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:19,
explore my forest
the link
click the link for the hyperlinked exploration (to be expanded :-)
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:06,
the link
click the link for the hyperlinked exploration (to be expanded :-)
That's brilliant!
Also hello from tattyworld, I'm icreate, see :)
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:08,
I'm a little scared I'll peer over a wall and find Imogen dismembering something.
: )
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:09,
I'm a little scared I'll peer over a wall and find Imogen dismembering something.
: )
it to pieces!
keep this up!
still have coffee mug one as background :)
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:10,
keep this up!
still have coffee mug one as background :)
you are a
Cottingley sister AICMFP.
not really, I just wanted to CMFP, as I've never done it before.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:10,
not really, I just wanted to CMFP, as I've never done it before.
v nice :)
and on that note i should go to bed, seeing as I was going to have an early night. Night all.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:13,
and on that note i should go to bed, seeing as I was going to have an early night. Night all.
i resonce to the news
Arrested for calling police horse GAY
i made this
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:05,
i made this
edit: searching through old picture folders is brillant fun. i made this pic and forgot about it. hurrah!
that ones a bit shit
but the rest are awsome. wish i could take shots like that.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:03,
Hey Pep
Seeing as Pecker is too lazy to ask himself, any chance you could get his name back?
The user is 24035
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:06,
The user is 24035
i went through all this
with him about a month ago didn't i? I'm sure he & I have spoken about it.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:12,
yes that i like
so have another 'roast (one for Pep)
user name tiem!
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:05,
user name tiem!
I'm back
I've had a cremation and a wedding in the mean time
edit: neither was mine.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 0:51,
I've had a cremation and a wedding in the mean time
edit: neither was mine.
... someone married you after you had been burnt... blimey
why am I still up?
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 0:52,
why am I still up?
could you not've
just got divorced? A cremation was a bit extreme.
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 0:53,
i know that 'ello!'
mr lambard fucking direct 0800 2 fifteen thousand
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 0:54,
*sets fire to the stupid phone*
*and shoves its charred voicebox into its eyesockets*
( ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:03,
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