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# Hey Druggee

Click for bigger (321 kb)
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 1:13, archived)
# Druggee hug?
No thanks
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 9:09, archived)
# Peter Rabid

Click for bigger (559 kb)
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 1:12, archived)
# Rabbits don't get rabies
But then I suppose they don't talk or wear clothes either. So have a woo
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 9:40, archived)
# yes they do, they have lots of them.
that's why there's so many
(, Mon 5 Dec 2022, 21:20, archived)
# :) good one
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 14:50, archived)
# Autopsy and Tim

Click for bigger (450 kb)
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 1:12, archived)
# Haha!
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 9:10, archived)
# Looking at his stomach, I think the verdict will be "a surfeit of pies"
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 9:41, archived)
# Post apocalypse Pat

Click for bigger (490 kb)
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 1:12, archived)
# Great!
If you have any more like this you should definitely start a new thread for each one.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 13:39, archived)
# Puffer
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 23:37, archived)
# About time
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 17:14, archived)

(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 17:56, archived)
# 😊 Party on, Garth
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 17:59, archived)
# Warts?
That's Monkey Pox!
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 8:56, archived)
# Monkey Pox! Monkey Pox! Monkey Pox!
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 12:49, archived)
# OK then . . . Star Monkey Pox 🀣
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 13:09, archived)
[challenge entry] Too soon?

Click for bigger (414 kb)
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 15:20, archived)
# It is never too soon for brutal anal glassware
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 15:56, archived)
# Turtle Power
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 20:07, archived)
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 22:26, archived)
# Still better than Noel's House Party
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 18:36, archived)
Come on, Stella isn't that bad.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 7:24, archived)
# Another....
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 14:36, archived)
# A bigger crunch
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 18:36, archived)
# Apparently,...
... twenty years ago today, I signed up to b3ta.
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 13:10, archived)
# Many happy returns
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 13:12, archived)
Happy b3taday :-)
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 13:18, archived)
# Depressing, isn't it?
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 13:33, archived)
# Cool Pic
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 13:57, archived)
# 19 years, 11 months and 30 days, it says here.
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 15:22, archived)
# server sheningans, me thinks:
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 19:22, archived)
# Well okay NOW it says that,
so NOW I can wish you 20 happy flaming candles up your bum.
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 19:30, archived)
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 16:08, archived)
# Happy Imaginary Candles!
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 16:39, archived)
# TJ: /board members may be interested to
know that during Kanye's alarming Infowars interview, this also happened...

(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 16:53, archived)
# He has worn a gorn mask before,
also ISTR a Palpatine costume.

What is TJ?

(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 17:20, archived)
# Not interested in palpatine costumes.
If he'd also dressed up as Chump Manbear, however...

(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 17:31, archived)
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 19:04, archived)
# Awesome
The best side effect of Brain Force Plus
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 20:01, archived)
# threadjack
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 17:50, archived)
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 19:47, archived)
# 45 real powerful mangos!
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 22:29, archived)
# Sign up, sign in, sign on
The three ages of b3ta
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 18:39, archived)
[challenge entry] Don't try this at home

(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 10:14, archived)
# My Mum
always said make sure you have a clean alimentary canal in case you get run over - Or was that pants ?
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 12:44, archived)
# Wise words
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 18:47, archived)
[challenge entry] Pineapple????
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 0:00, archived)
# invisible? anthony?
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 2:33, archived)
# Im Guh Buh Buh
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 2:39, archived)
# image go bye bye :(
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 3:43, archived)
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 5:41, archived)
# Imagine the possibilities
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 8:24, archived)
# ok!
How's this?
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 11:40, archived)
# new date ?
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 9:20, archived)
# this guy's date

(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 11:41, archived)
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 7:39, archived)
# too blue, I don't like the font
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 7:49, archived)
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 8:22, archived)

(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 18:36, archived)
[challenge entry] Pineapple!!!
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 8:40, archived)
[challenge entry] Pineapple πŸ˜—πŸ˜™πŸ˜˜
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 9:03, archived)
# A WHY!!! un
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 10:35, archived)
# Bad news--it tastes like crap
Good news--there's plenty of it. (Wait--that's bad news too.)
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 13:47, archived)
[challenge entry] Say cheese ...
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 23:46, archived)
# :)
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 2:40, archived)
[challenge entry] Food in Art....I'll give it a whirl...
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 21:10, archived)
# Cinnamon rolls
Works for me! *click*
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 21:35, archived)
# #metoo
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 21:44, archived)
# Fried eggs at first glance.
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 7:50, archived)
[challenge entry] Happy Little Tree
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 19:39, archived)
# love it
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 19:58, archived)
# Cheers TTO
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 21:33, archived)
# What did the cauliflower bank robber say to the broccoli getaway driver?
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 21:01, archived)
# Pffft
Cheese :)
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 21:33, archived)
# I thought it said broccoli gateway
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 3:46, archived)
# police have identifed the getaway vehicle
it was a brassicar
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 7:47, archived)
# Did they manage to get the vegetation plate?
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 14:45, archived)
# It was no use
they made a green getaway
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 18:34, archived)
# Stop.
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 19:45, archived)
# In the name of the slaw!
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 19:58, archived)
# He didn’t this.
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 16:08, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 16:16, archived)
# Funny looking avocados.
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 17:11, archived)
# Heroes in a half pear
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 17:55, archived)
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 22:42, archived)
# Believe it or not I started doing something similar with this exact cover
and then abandoned it after two minutes because I couldn't be arsed
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 23:33, archived)
# Like I should have done.
It would have been better if I had used an artistic/sketch filter rather than a distort/newsprint filter, but I don't have an artistic/sketch filter.

I guess I could have newsprinted it twice, the second at 90 degrees relative to the first, but that's starting to sound like real work.
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 15:27, archived)
# Nice user name.
What you wearing right now?
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 18:15, archived)
# not nearly pointy enough for you mate
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 19:40, archived)
# I love them all*
*except old sag bags
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 16:27, archived)
# Batman pyjamas
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 14:33, archived)
# O_O
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 16:06, archived)
# hello boob
noob, I mean
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 19:02, archived)
# Hello wood
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 14:34, archived)
# welcome :)
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 19:40, archived)
# Thank you
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 14:34, archived)
# Where are your L plates?
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 21:08, archived)
# They done away with them coz prejudice
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 21:34, archived)
# lol cry sad
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 21:45, archived)
# Primal Blackface
That's them cancelled
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 8:23, archived)
Colour swap is OK I think
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 14:35, archived)
# Mebbe.
Lives might be changed if suddenly, in addition to being noisy and smelly, farts were also visible.
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 2:50, archived)
# arseboon dilbaro!
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 13:23, archived)
# Fucking hilarious, mate.
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 14:27, archived)
# And yet the mods do nothing
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 14:36, archived)
# Some of my farts have definitely been visible.
Not so much since I stopped the booze, though.
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 14:27, archived)
# So,
booze just made you think they were visible, right . . . ?
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 14:37, archived)
# I can't remember.
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 15:26, archived)
# 😁
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 15:28, archived)
[challenge entry] #sgtpepper2022

Click for bigger (1210 kb)

Feel free to write your own - funnier - key, but here is the official one:
(, Thu 1 Dec 2022, 23:28, archived)
# What a way to find out that Cynthia Plaster Caster has died.
(Lovely stuff as always)
(, Thu 1 Dec 2022, 23:31, archived)
# She really is going to be
this year’s Toblerone isn’t she
(, Thu 1 Dec 2022, 23:32, archived)
# Still think you should put Lemmy in
every year to troll fact checkers.
(, Thu 1 Dec 2022, 23:35, archived)
# I think I spy Paul Weller's Cum Face over to the right, near Eddie Murphy and Kate Pierson
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 0:03, archived)
# No that's Ian Botham's footpenis
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 0:47, archived)
# I like Prince Phillip's rock star pose with the guitar
Along with Ellen Degenerate and Dick Valentine, that could be quite a lineup.
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 8:55, archived)
# beautiful. fp this now
(, Thu 1 Dec 2022, 23:33, archived)
# @mods - thank you :D
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 0:38, archived)
(, Thu 1 Dec 2022, 23:52, archived)
# Judging by this, Tosh Lines and Nigel Farage did too
(, Thu 1 Dec 2022, 23:59, archived)
# And Axl Rose
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 0:00, archived)
# Also the Union Jack, this is the future EU libs want
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 11:07, archived)
# Their in league with the woke-eating tofurati
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 11:58, archived)
# It's not the Union jack. It's the Union Flag
Obviously not British.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2022, 8:49, archived)
# Nice Technoinclusion
(, Thu 1 Dec 2022, 23:59, archived)
# I have a list of ~250 celeb deaths from this year incase you're missing some
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 0:17, archived)
# This can and will be used against you in court
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 0:23, archived)
# Do I look like
I need your list??
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 0:31, archived)
# A bit?
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 0:50, archived)
# Only joking
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 0:57, archived)
# cool
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 0:52, archived)
# Hurts my head to think how ambitious this is!
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 3:00, archived)
Every year a work of art and a focused project over the course of the year.
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 4:44, archived)
# ^ this
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 8:59, archived)
# Great stuff
What... The queen has died???!??
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 7:27, archived)
# Is that Mrs McLusky?
Wonderful as always. We need a multiyear supercomp!
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 7:32, archived)
# I like the little Chesney Hawkins sat by the drum
A fitting tribute to the one and only
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 7:43, archived)
# Taken 2 sune xxx
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 9:34, archived)
# Vinnie Jones is in a bit of a loud suit, up right in between Paul McCartney and Priti Patel
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 11:17, archived)
# Paul is dead? Again?
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 14:47, archived)
# I command you to rise from your grave and put out another album
Altered Beat
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 15:15, archived)
# +le
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 16:41, archived)
# On the album Abbey Road, Paul's feet are bare, cryptically signifying that he's unbearable.
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 16:46, archived)
# Do you mind, you're pushing sex dolls for paedophiles spam off the bottom of the page.
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 8:31, archived)
# Terrible bullying of established member "Andy_R"
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 8:56, archived)
# Raymond Briggsβ›„ 🌞 πŸ’€πŸ˜§
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 8:59, archived)
# He was good in 28 Days Later
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 9:49, archived)
# Top work as ever
Would have been hilarious to "forget" the Queen and watch the internet explode though :)
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 10:09, archived)
# Somebody did
accuse me of forgetting her earlier!
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 10:32, archived)
# Pffft!
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 11:26, archived)
# Goodbye…….friends of Hagrid…
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 12:54, archived)
# epic
Be nice to see Eddie Butler on there.

Genuinely think he meant more to us Welsh than her maj.
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 13:15, archived)
# The Queen's dead?!
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 14:28, archived)
# Woo!
IDK if there's a twitter algorithm that fuzzifies text in pictures but I am having trouble reading that key, BTW.
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 14:33, archived)
# tis fine with me
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 14:37, archived)
# works okay for me
maybe lay off the eggnog, it's only the 2nd
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 15:18, archived)
# I don't drink eggs.
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 17:16, archived)
# :(
spoiler alert: they're all dead
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 17:36, archived)
# It looks to me like you're squinting there. Have you tried not squinting? Well?
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 18:38, archived)
# I can't find the squint option in firefox 107.0.1
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 18:54, archived)
# well of course you can't, you're squinting
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 19:35, archived)
# should have gone to Specsavers
see if someone there will read it to you
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 6:43, archived)
# Didn't realise Jerry's mum and George's mum died in the same year
There's no precedent, baby!
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 18:48, archived)
# Epic E pic
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 19:41, archived)
# Bit premature, but great
Christine McVie, RIP
(, Sat 3 Dec 2022, 11:55, archived)
# Kirstie Alley :(
(, Tue 6 Dec 2022, 12:17, archived)
# Woo yay!
(, Wed 7 Dec 2022, 10:30, archived)
[challenge entry] Binge...
(, Thu 1 Dec 2022, 22:06, archived)
# Angela Merkel let herself go after being Germany's chancellorette
(, Thu 1 Dec 2022, 22:10, archived)
# I bet she has plenty of gas, tho'.
(, Thu 1 Dec 2022, 22:59, archived)
# No that's me m8
(, Thu 1 Dec 2022, 23:02, archived)
# Waiting for the fat slags version...
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 13:42, archived)
# ;)

(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 19:20, archived)
# paint me like one of your French girls
(, Fri 2 Dec 2022, 19:41, archived)
# FIFA release the video evidence..........
(, Thu 1 Dec 2022, 21:15, archived)
# time to draw a line under the whole matter.
(, Thu 1 Dec 2022, 21:29, archived)

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