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» Nov 2009 «

**BACON UPDATE** RBF May supply a prize for the most bacony thing! Judging that he can get it in the post box **BACON UPDATE**
Bacon is the staple foodstuff on /links. And on b3ta for that fact!
So what do you do on bacon day
Everything what you post has to be about BACON!
An award will be given for the most baconey link/thing you made.
So, is there any rules to bacon day?
No, not at all. Except for it has to be bacon related!
Spread the word my dear b3tans!

Fri 20 Nov 2009, all day
The internet
Bacon Day
Going: DaveExclamationMark, Jinxy13, Jake-of-all-Trades, @RBFesquire, GIbbonsrwild, moohalaa, mike woz ere, UltimateMonkey, guffguff, tickle, Angry Boss Bee, redazril, Darklord, i dont get it, McBadger, admiral crunch, Mr_SD, t0ria, Bear Pookie The Frankly Challenged., the RAND corporation, -Zuchini-, Orchid, Gooddeed89, BombayMick, spesh., Druss_The_Legend, Captain Pilchard, epiphany, baldmonkey, tuqueboy, Wildheart Baby., kupogud, A Rory Borealis, mrmatt, PoshMurder, mrmonkfish, Ghandi's Firewall, Nostrebor, stuj, theswollenbeef, Chum Gnomesky, unsey, Vulva, the brass moustache (44 people).
( , Tue 6 Oct 2009, 1:45,
The internet
Bacon Day
Going: DaveExclamationMark, Jinxy13, Jake-of-all-Trades, @RBFesquire, GIbbonsrwild, moohalaa, mike woz ere, UltimateMonkey, guffguff, tickle, Angry Boss Bee, redazril, Darklord, i dont get it, McBadger, admiral crunch, Mr_SD, t0ria, Bear Pookie The Frankly Challenged., the RAND corporation, -Zuchini-, Orchid, Gooddeed89, BombayMick, spesh., Druss_The_Legend, Captain Pilchard, epiphany, baldmonkey, tuqueboy, Wildheart Baby., kupogud, A Rory Borealis, mrmatt, PoshMurder, mrmonkfish, Ghandi's Firewall, Nostrebor, stuj, theswollenbeef, Chum Gnomesky, unsey, Vulva, the brass moustache (44 people).

Really like bacon that much but, it sounds like loads of fun!
( , Tue 6 Oct 2009, 3:11, Reply)

I am getting LOTS of bacon for this day. Perhaps it should be full of links to the best bacony stuffs linkers have made, then the winner wins LOADS of bacon. I am willing to throw a prize in!!!
( , Tue 6 Oct 2009, 8:27, Reply)

Bacon deserves a day all to itself. I shall eat as many bacon products that day as I can.
even if it is just a bacon sandwich for breakfast I shall celebrate the DAY OF BACON!
( , Sun 11 Oct 2009, 22:34, Reply)
» Nov 2009 «