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I'm sorry Porcy, BPD, mofaha and anyone else that I've fought with.

There's something weird about the PORCY account. I can't log into it and as far as I know it can't be ignored. But I can post.

I swear on my life I am the old Bou Mr Horrible and mofaha!

Please could you forgive me and give me another chance.

Thank you
Bou aka Syl
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 18:30, archived)
Which one are you then

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 19:35, archived)
I swear I am Bou
I am posting on this account so that all the people who have me on ignore will see it.
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 19:37, archived)
Because this account can't be logged into or ignored
For some inexplicable reason
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 19:38, archived)
How cannot it be logged into

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 20:03, archived)

cannot it be ignored into, either
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 20:11, archived)
Yes you can do that but I can still see your posts

(, Sun 11 Aug 2024, 8:30, archived)
I don't know. I cannot log into it

(, Sun 11 Aug 2024, 8:30, archived)

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 22:01, archived)
Thanks :)

(, Sun 11 Aug 2024, 8:31, archived)

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:30, archived)
Fess hole, if you will.

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:35, archived)
oh I will m8, I fucking will

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:37, archived)
Get my name out of your mouth

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 15:52, archived)
Could we have a truce?
I'll go away but I'd like to apologise first. I'm sorry for being an asshole to you.
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 18:22, archived)
Better than arse biscuits

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:45, archived)
Yesterday during an English lesson I turned off the camera
Instead of the microphone by mistake and proceeded to do a massive FART
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:47, archived)
I'm using mine now to sit and watch the footy
They are good for that
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 14:26, archived)

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 18:15, archived)

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 19:03, archived)

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 4:39, archived)

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 5:18, archived)
alright cheers morning anal

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 6:06, archived)
afternoon anal

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 12:06, archived)
Guten morgen l
Gonna speak forren today
Bleistift fromage
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 8:11, archived)

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 8:34, archived)
Do ist ein grosses wiener
De lol
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 8:38, archived)

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:26, archived)
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 9:00, archived)
Arbeitet macht frei

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 9:27, archived)

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 9:16, archived)
hullo m8
I'm DJing at my old schoolfriend's 50th today, seeing a bunch of people I haven't seen for 30-odd years. I'm a bit apprehensive tbh tbh tbh
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 10:05, archived)
Make sure you have Shake Ya Ass in your record box.
Gold standard dancefloor banger.
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 10:37, archived)
Dexys covered that I believe

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 10:48, archived)
You are a fucking cretin

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 10:58, archived)
+ tbh

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 12:16, archived)
b-boy breaks 45s

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 12:21, archived)
What's with the stutter?

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:28, archived)

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 14:00, archived)
Pro tip: put all your classic grooves on an iPod, that way you can just pair it with your bluetooth speakers and away you go

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:28, archived)

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 10:29, archived)
Guten morgen

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 10:49, archived)
Hey, I'm guten intolerant, you insensitive fuck.

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:42, archived)
Piers "Guten" Morgen

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:58, archived)

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:05, archived)
That Italian course is really paying off, I see.

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:33, archived)

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:44, archived)
Not bou.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:31, archived)
Fuck you, beepeedee. Fuck you.

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:33, archived)
I hear this in the style of a barbershop quartet

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:33, archived)
I hear this in the style of gabba techno

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:56, archived)
Malcolm Ecstasy is a canel knobber

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:34, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:55, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 21:00, archived)
Tony Hayers is a camel knobber

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 21:42, archived)
I say fuck you
soooo much that I'll take the whole site down for a short while

Ohhhhh Kay
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 21:08, archived)
I love you too much
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 21:27, archived)
Just make me a mod and I'll sort this shit out.

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 23:19, archived)
Lol I'd do nothing. So maybe I am a mod.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 23:21, archived)
The mod was in you all along

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 23:37, archived)

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:59, archived)
Get yo' hands
up against the wall and spread them
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 22:00, archived)
Spread m8
Now what?
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 22:09, archived)
fucking tune

(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 12:59, archived)
Stop talking about her, and nobody engage with her.
Otherwise it'll all happen again, and again. This is the last time I'll say it.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:40, archived)
Fucking do what I want. Bou hoo boy.
Bou, bou , bou.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 21:44, archived)
fucks sake is that prick back again?

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 21:59, archived)
brb posts and bou turns up, what are the chances

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 22:32, archived)
Not seeing the correlation here,
they've been shitposting independently for years, bound to be some overlap
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 22:43, archived)
The correlation is mohafa's cannabis problem.
The poor lad has smoked himself into a delusional quagmire and now his very Buddhist pride is preventing him from seeing how silly he's been.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 22:50, archived)
This is not the bou from years ago tho

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 23:18, archived)
No. It is not.

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 23:42, archived)
I am actually
But never mind. I'm not wanted here. I never have been. Not since 2005 when I first showed up as Boudicca Warrior Queen.
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 18:17, archived)
Anything good on the telly tonight?
I'm probably just going to watch youtube in a small corner of this here computer screen.

alt: anything good on youtube tonight?

alt:alt: What percentage (or fraction) of talk users do you have on ignore? Of the 30 accounts using talk I ignore 4, which is 13.33333333333333% or 1/7.5.

alt:alt:alt:Can proper fractions have non-integers? I don't see why not.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 19:40, archived)
Trying to out-tragic the weirdo shut-ins on here is an odd strategy,
but I hope it works out for you.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 19:46, archived)
Though I prefer to see it as out-weirdoing the tragic shut-ins.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 19:48, archived)
I don't have anyone on ignore.

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 19:51, archived)
I can't log in via Facebook on here anymore
So I have lost my main bou account
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:01, archived)
Thought I'd pop in to say hello
And confirm that I'm still alive
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:05, archived)
Kevin Sudeadan

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:01, archived)
When are you going to whatsapp me
I left my number on here
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:03, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:15, archived)
Yeah that freaked/creeped me out a bit so I pretended not to notice.

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 22:41, archived)
I just want to talk to you
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:04, archived)
You mentioned some things that you thought were wrong with me
And I want more information
But not have it splashed all over here
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:25, archived)
Maybe it can help me
I'm not making a pass at you
I just want to know what you think
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:27, archived)
This one
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 13:30, archived)
No one is on ignore it seems pretty pointless and can bugger conversations
If someone annoys you just don't speak to them
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:20, archived)
Hello Doc!
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:21, archived)
Hi how's you

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:54, archived)
I'm fabulous thanks. Had a nice break and back to work.
How are you?
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 21:07, archived)
Yeah good ta

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 22:07, archived)
For you
(, Sat 10 Aug 2024, 17:16, archived)
Oh you'll see me not speaking to lots of people all the time.
Racists are not welcome to read my posts though. Or to breathe my air.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 22:56, archived)
Eating my biscuits is right out.

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 23:01, archived)
Enjoying the proms on BBC4 just now, if you want a serious answer.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:31, archived)
Nice :)
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:53, archived)
I’ve never ignored anyone on here
even the proper cunty ones.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 20:59, archived)
I ignore the ones who do racism.
I can't stand racists.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 22:53, archived)
I'm not in school
Keep your fucking maths questions to yourself
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 21:09, archived)
fuck off brb. if you 2.0 half the board you're not allowed top level comments
not on my watch
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 17:05, archived)
You're the boss of /talk
We bow before you
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 17:14, archived)
2.0 me i thread stomp you. tit for tat innit

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 17:19, archived)
Tit lol
I like shirt potatoes
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 17:26, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 17:29, archived)
Please die imminently.

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 17:58, archived)
Operation Huwtree

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 17:32, archived)
what about people who have brb on ignore?
I couldn't stand his racism tbh
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 19:35, archived)
Fleas can fuck off.
I think I get a couple on me every time I go to the compost heap, which is next to the fox-shed.

The compost heap fleas must be feeding on birds, rodents, foxes and me, so I must be exposed to some interesting blood diseases. Apologies in advance for any new cross-species plagues.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 16:44, archived)
Wait, do you have foxes in your fox shed?
Are you milking them every day and shearing them for their fur? If not, what the fuck is a fox shed?
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 16:48, archived)
Fox cheese duh
Similar to dog cheese
Skinning them to make fox gloves too
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 17:02, archived)
I've got hedgehogs under my shed
but I'm not calling it the hedgehog shed.

I mean I am, but not for that reason
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 17:03, archived)
I have foxes around and under the shed, but not in the shed afaik.
A fox-shed is a shed that has been taken over (under) by foxes for their own nefarious purposes. They don't live in it, or under it. They store their children and food there.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 17:27, archived)
Eat shit you colossal mahometan

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 19:20, archived)
i've had a lovely day. are you having a lovely day?

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:04, archived)
alright Bill Withers

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:14, archived)
can we pretend you didn't say that?

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:21, archived)
it’s only Hitler you can’t say

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:24, archived)
only hitler has the answer

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:29, archived)
I thought that was Smarties, not Hitler.
I always get those two confused.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:40, archived)
oh sorry i meant final solution

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:46, archived)
Only Smarties have the final solution.
Fucking Nestlรฉ.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:49, archived)
if hitler was alive today he'd be turning in his grave

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:52, archived)
-turn +post -in his grave +on /links

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 16:08, archived)
My duck is not having a lovely day, it has a beak-wasting disease.

How do you know?

Its bill withers.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:45, archived)
my nose is broken. how do i know it's broken? because it's running with a limp.

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:49, archived)
My dog has no cock
...How does it make love?
...It's a bitch lols
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 16:13, archived)

t s m
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 16:24, archived)
Bit rude really

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 16:35, archived)
Sorry. Love you.

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 16:38, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 17:00, archived)
how do you turn a duck into a soul singer
stick it in the oven until

/essentially the same joke
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 19:36, archived)
I found my secateurs
So I've been mostly pruning, but I am now about to get ready for work
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:17, archived)
are you taking them with you? what are you planning to do?

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:31, archived)
Kill people obvs

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:42, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:49, archived)
There are some blackberry bushes that grow across the path
Meaning I almost have to walk on the road, so I may take them with me and trim them
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:46, archived)
good girl. maximum respec

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:48, archived)
I am yeah
Why is your day lovely?
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:41, archived)
back home sipping a cold one at one thirty. delicious.

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:47, archived)
Cheers ๐Ÿป

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:53, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:54, archived)
Cheers and beers
I'll be round later with a doner and cider
Wobbly eggs laters yeah?
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 16:11, archived)
-d +b

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 17:01, archived)
Hang on, how many articles? You’ve read 917, to be precise. That is an awful lot of free, independent journalism!
Yeah comments that some unpaid intern finds on X don't just post themselves
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 16:46, archived)
relevant as always mr ha
what are you researching today? what's the most nipples a human can have? i mean scaramanga had 3 so it's got to be more than 12
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 16:54, archived)
if you laid all the supernumerary nipples in history end to end, that's weird ok

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 17:00, archived)
no kink shaming please

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 17:06, archived)
Seen anything good at the flicks recently?
We have a kid sitter tomoz so we are off out for a meal and movie
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 12:41, archived)
Threadstomper 2: The Stompering

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 12:42, archived)
The first one was terrible

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 12:55, archived)
First half was watchable but it soon became repetitive

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 12:58, archived)
Best bit was the trolls under the bridge
And the surf Nazis
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 13:01, archived)
That arseboon dilbaro cameo was unexpected

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 13:08, archived)
That wacky Arseboon eh? I saw Legless and Dozer in the chariot racing scene too

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 13:15, archived)
Semen Khaidenko

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 13:45, archived)
the Borderlands film
has had trash reviews
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 13:40, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 13:46, archived)
Despicable Me 4 on Monday
That was surprisingly good.
Also, Deadpool and Wolverine on Wednesday was brilliant.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 13:47, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 14:20, archived)
me neither m8 lol

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 14:27, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 14:28, archived)
it's the time of year m8

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 14:39, archived)
Erotic Bees IV: The Bee-ening

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 14:59, archived)
No it's all Marvel adult baby stuff and cartoons for baby babies these days.
I'm waiting until they start releasing good films again before going back to the cinema.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:12, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 12:38, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 6:35, archived)
again? when will the nightmare end?

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 7:07, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 7:35, archived)
Bit soon, m8.

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 7:44, archived)
The last of many

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 7:36, archived)
RIP Cheers, wiv da angles :'(

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 7:55, archived)
Died the way he lived, shitposting on b3ta

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:00, archived)
Wiv his mate legless now

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:04, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:12, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:13, archived)
What happened to sportscow?
He was relatively normal
And big girl's blouse?
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:14, archived)
Shot by armed police investigating reports of a doughnut

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 9:31, archived)
I read that as shoplifting
Lifting lol
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:11, archived)
Whenever I see a van with shopfittters written on it I read it as shoplifters
anecdotes, forte etc
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:14, archived)
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:19, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:28, archived)
Alright, monster munch

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:29, archived)
Alright Bou

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:34, archived)
Great ta

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:35, archived)
Bit harsh.

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:35, archived)
I liked her
I know many had issues with her
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:52, archived)
She is a fucking cretin with head issues.
I can see why you might identify with her as a kindred spirit.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 9:11, archived)
You're mean

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 9:26, archived)
Seriously tho, wtf do you like about her?
The proud ignorance, the unwarranted assumption of her expert level of knowledge in everything? The thinly-veiled racism?

Please, do elucidate.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 9:38, archived)
The norks probably

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 10:33, archived)
Don't be daft, no-one likes norks.

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 10:58, archived)
i used to live on nork way
i didn't like it
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 14:24, archived)
Ha cha cha cha

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 9:32, archived)
Morning comrade

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 8:10, archived)
Morning, fuckers.

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 9:10, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 9:21, archived)
Rich Teats

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 9:24, archived)
Edit: Chocolate Digestits
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 9:28, archived)
Hob Nobs

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 9:32, archived)

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 10:08, archived)
spanishfly etc
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 10:14, archived)
The voice of sanity
What is your kitten called?
Apart from 'get the fuck down'
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 9:28, archived)
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 10:51, archived)
Aww how cute!

(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 11:23, archived)
Evening thread
How are you wasting your valuable time?
I'm snoozing and watching telly
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 20:51, archived)
Watching ancient Dr Who
Giggling at the sets, props and such.

It's not a long term entertainment strategy.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 21:17, archived)
Chap with the wings
Five rounds rapid
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 21:47, archived)
26 years worth of the tv show, plus a billion hours of the Big Finish audios, plus the comics, plus the books,
and plus everything else, you may never need another entertainment strategy.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 21:57, archived)
I don’t own any time fortunately

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 22:49, archived)
If only you could buy time . Save it up? Oh you can't because it's an abstract concept. Shame.

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 22:56, archived)

noo odomi
and watching my
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 7:45, archived)
Proper afternoon thread.
Good afternoon.

I still have fleas. Sunk about ยฃ50 in poisons so far. Hoovering every day. Little effect. Considering torching the house.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 16:22, archived)
Significantly less fleas here
I suspect there will be more to come
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 16:26, archived)
Fire. And hoover. And Johnsons 4fleas foggers.
And fire.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 16:27, archived)
Fire. And hoover. And Johnsons 4fleas foggers.

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 16:27, archived)
Okay I actually killed 2 with fire today.
Well, disabled with fire. Killed with thumbnails.

ยฃ18 I spent on Johnsons spray. It's done nothing.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 16:33, archived)
There will doubtless be fleas once this one is allowe out
but she's not going out the door till she's been chipped, jabbed and spayed.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 16:33, archived)
Ooh you got a cat already?
I require details.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 17:25, archived)
don't let your cat outside
domestic cats decimate wildlife, and are at much more risk of injury and disease
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 22:23, archived)
I've thought about this
I'm totally with you in terms of wildlife, but we live in low-rise housing in an inner city. Most of the wildlife is rats, mice and foxes. The foxes worry me when it comes to our cat. Roads and railways also concern me but because we live in a house the doors and windows are often open so she's going to get outside at some point. I think the responsible thing is to chip and spay her anyway and see if she's happy to be a house cat. If she's always desperate to get out she will at some point.
(, Fri 9 Aug 2024, 9:34, archived)
You need to put your penis inside the dominant male
all fleas die then
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 16:36, archived)
Pretty sure that's how you stop robot vampires.

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 17:27, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:07, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:25, archived)
Fuck you too

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:00, archived)
it's beer up my cock of the clock o'cockywockydok!

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:48, archived)
early finish today. easy job. niiiice.

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:59, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:10, archived)
at home at 1430, showered, fed the birds, on the beer. easy life.

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:12, archived)
sorry. nobody likes a smug twat.
i am smug tho. and a twat.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:24, archived)
Smeggy smeggy smeg

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:28, archived)
+ Smeg
Turtle power!
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:29, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:31, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:31, archived)
What do New Order have to do with Turtle Power?

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:39, archived)
i'm sorry you've written a joke

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:53, archived)
Come back

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:59, archived)
Which popular reggae singer was formed during a catastrophic teleportation accident involving the singer and original bassist of New Order?
Peto Bernton
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:37, archived)
i'd be surprised if this hasn't been done before, it's one of those jokes that's just waiting to be made

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:43, archived)
Gooch Gouda

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:48, archived)
Bollocks Brie

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:52, archived)
anal edam?

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:00, archived)
Rock hard roquefort

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:05, archived)
Moist mozzarella

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:11, archived)
scrote cheese

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:13, archived)
Ha cha cha cha
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:15, archived)
it's my birthday

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:31, archived)
That's why I got you a nicely-wrapped package of no-one gives a fuck.

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:36, archived)
Seriously though happy birthday. I hope you're older than me.

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:37, archived)
you were right the first time, no-one gives a fuck

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:38, archived)
Easty isn't too far off 40 now.

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:57, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:59, archived)
Is that "the cock of Easty" or "Easty is cock"?

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:05, archived)
I didn't ask at the time, soz

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:07, archived)
"Fire in the zoo jazz" is great btw

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:34, archived)
Thank you, it's very evocative, don't you agree?

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:36, archived)
it's perfect, It's immediately obvious what it means

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:40, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 16:16, archived)
happy birthday mofahahahahahaha

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:49, archived)
fuck off then

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:13, archived)
piss off

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:28, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:30, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:31, archived)
actually lolled at this you cunt

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:51, archived)
You fucking stupid fucking cunt

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:55, archived)
fine! be like that you blobbing cock socket

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:31, archived)
Upset, online

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:33, archived)
oh god no. i'll be on mike woz ere's list in no time at this rate

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:40, archived)
wanna celebrate?
I can get us an AirBnB in Boca Raton
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:09, archived)
That sounds a bit like the name of a popular reggae singer, wonder if there's a joke there

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 14:38, archived)
Happy birthday

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:09, archived)
How are you celebrating it?
Massive drugs and booze, or nice cuppa?
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:17, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 16:17, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:08, archived)
don't you start

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:14, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:15, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:20, archived)

The bike then tries to kill Noddy, but it gets its front wheel stuck in a bridge. This gives Noddy the chance to throw it in a river and spit at the bike. Thinking he is safe, Noddy has a victory cigarette, but behind him, the bike glows red underwater. Noddy then sees it and screams, running to hide in a gym. The bike finds him and starts attacking the patrons with its spikes. Noddy then bashes the bike, which feigns death, making everyone feel safe until it starts throwing people's limbs in the air.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 18:29, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 7:52, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 8:54, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 8:55, archived)
What's on your playlist this morning?

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:19, archived)
Nothing so far. Might put some jazz on in a bit.

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:20, archived)
Fire in the zoo jazz, or something more traditional?

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:26, archived)
Prolly john coltrane or miles davis

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:34, archived)
they were great in 'The Supergrass'

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 10:14, archived)
They were Alright

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 10:30, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 12:09, archived)
Oh no

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 12:47, archived)

a i
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:34, archived)
we got a kitten last night. She's very vocal! Cute little bugger though.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:05, archived)
Will she fit in the air fryer ok?

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:12, archived)
Oh hell yeah
it's even got a pressure cooking feature so you could have quickhotkitten. Though she's a bit small at the moment.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:17, archived)
I love cats really
A couple of strays come round first thing for breakfast, the dog went to say hello and got his nose scratched
He won't go out now if they're there
The big girl's blouse
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:30, archived)
This one's just in EVERYTHING
it's all new to her so she's causing mayhem. Bit of a floof overload...
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:48, archived)
How do I subscribe to your kitten blog?

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:50, archived)
Why the fuck is my phone jammed full of pics and videos of this fucking kitten?
what's happened?!
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:53, archived)
a cat pissed on my face once. tru story

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:01, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:06, archived)
indirectly. i accidentally locked it in my room when i was staying with a friend. it could only not piss for so long, apparently.
and when it could hold it no longer it pissed on my bed, on the duvet. it knew what it was doing the little shit.

i got back and opened the door and this blur shoots out. i drunkenly clamber into bed, pull the duvet up over my chilly noggin and that's weird, it's all wet and it took a while for it to sink in (literally) (you can't say hitler) and not only was i covered in cat piss i also had nowhere to sleep. happy days.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 15:19, archived)
johnson 4fleas and fire

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:42, archived)
And hoover. And Fire.

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 10:32, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:06, archived)
Gooch gouda y/n

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:14, archived)
Bollocks Brie ftw

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:18, archived)
Gutted that 'peckerino' got lolblanked.

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:20, archived)
Sounds a bit foreign, might have to board up /talk if that one gets out

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:27, archived)
I was going to type 'peckerino' but you got there first.
It's a bit of an obvious one when you think about it, I guess.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:35, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:36, archived)
yeah weird
it was Brielliant
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:43, archived)
The puns kept getting butter and butter!

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 11:04, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 11:05, archived)
foreskimmed milk

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 12:05, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 12:07, archived)
sour ream

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 12:18, archived)
It's cheese-adjacent and that's goudanough.

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:36, archived)
you fucking stupid fucking cunt

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 11:13, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 10:01, archived)
Morning morning anal gunt

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:35, archived)
Crotch cambozola

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:41, archived)
Anyone know if Runcorn fetish club ever opened?
Runcorn lols
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 9:57, archived)
It burnt down in the Runcorn riots
4 million pounds worth of improvements
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 10:01, archived)
They were rioting because they wanted immigrants
To increase the gene pool
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 10:33, archived)
*high sixes*

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 10:36, archived)
Where I live is just about all white
Few black families and a Chinese chippy, few Asian shops that is about it
Maybe 30 people in all
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 10:53, archived)
Morning comrades
Thanks for NOT coming to my riot last night, I had the Jammy Dodgers and Redbush tea all ready
In the end was just me and the dog
Bloody lightweights
Oh, bush lol
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 6:23, archived)
i don't know where people find the energy to riot
/old blog
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 6:46, archived)
We didn't actually have a proper riot, just got a pizza and looked grumpy at people

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 6:56, archived)
i pizza'd a riot
i pizza'd a riot
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 7:11, archived)
It had extra jalapenos on
So it was pretty hardcore
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 7:55, archived)
Anger is an energy

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 8:52, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 12:45, archived)
Yeah this online role play shit isn't fun, maybe you should fuck off to some LARP site
or just stop posting on the internet.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 16:16, archived)

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 22:58, archived)
Late night bollocks

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 23:11, archived)
i should be asleep. should you be asleep too?

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 23:12, archived)
fuck off then

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 23:25, archived)
But I went to the cinema to see Deadpool and Wolverine, so I'm up late
(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 23:47, archived)
did you sit at the back and trade tongues you filthy harlot?

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 23:49, archived)
And bollocks

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 23:59, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 0:10, archived)
pants with vents

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 23:45, archived)
Pents, if you will.

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 23:58, archived)

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 0:10, archived)
ok now get this, Vance with Pence

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 2:56, archived)
and some jam?

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 13:49, archived)
Upset, on The Internet.
A typical fatty trait.

List all the ways you are not fat, online. If you play your cards right, JMG might come back.
(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 19:55, archived)
I can’t lie
I could do with losing a couple of kg. But I still got into S shirts and T-shirts.
(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 19:58, archived)
What's a kg?

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 20:09, archived)
A weight of shoe that could earn you a ten stretch.

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 20:14, archived)
is an s shirt? Is it a vest for people with scoliosis?
(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 20:45, archived)
There ain't no fatty like an S shirt fatty

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 21:00, archived)
S shirt is gonna show you're fat

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 21:20, archived)
(Shake your belly from side to side)

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 21:47, archived)
what's the code for lists again

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 20:08, archived)

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 20:18, archived)
I'm no fatty.
195cm tall, 103kg, BMI=27.1. Technically overweight, but it doesn't show because I am a FUCKING BRICK.
(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 20:42, archived)

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 21:06, archived)
Come on man, you walked straight into that one.

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 21:08, archived)

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 23:48, archived)
Pod Mass Index, you invading body-snatcher

(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 12:28, archived)
Nah, you fat.
You even type fat.
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 12:46, archived)
Then I shall play my cards as wrongly as possible.

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 20:46, archived)
i too shall wrongulate my cardashians

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 22:54, archived)
what do I have to type to make you go away?

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 20:47, archived)
If you die, I will technically cease to exist from *your* perspective.
So that's one way. Not sure I recommend it though, exposure to Dave Trouser makes you 27% less shit!
(, Thu 8 Aug 2024, 12:48, archived)
I've still got all emvee's hair
in a jar
(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 20:56, archived)
do you run your fingers thru it, don't tell me ok

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 22:16, archived)
(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 19:45, archived)
The John Barnes rap performed by B-Real, pass it on.

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 15:48, archived)

The John B r es rap performed by B-Re
(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 17:04, archived)
i had a Domino's pizza last night
I just had to use almost an entire roll of loo paper to get it off my arse.

They should have a less than 30 minutes wipe guarantee fuck the delivery
(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 17:11, archived)
How do I unsubscribe from your arse blog?

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 17:33, archived)
three wipes and you're out

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 17:54, archived)
If you complain too often he signs you up to the daily GAZ newsletter...

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 18:37, archived)
that's very true

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 23:33, archived)
arseboon dilbaro

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 17:15, archived)
Gooch gouda

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 17:45, archived)
Time to log into your GFB account and stomp this one, I reckon

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 19:26, archived)
GFB ain't me.

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 19:51, archived)
Fair enough, it's not like the GFB would deny it, I retract that.

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 19:53, archived)
He's much funnier than me.

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 20:07, archived)
I disagree, it's uncanny how similarly funny you are

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 20:15, archived)

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 20:19, archived)
Why would you think that if it's a favourable comparison?

(, Wed 7 Aug 2024, 20:47, archived)

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