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[challenge entry] Goodness gracious!

(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:50, archived)
# Pfft!
That's got to sting
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 13:03, archived)
# HA!
Genuine real-life groan and chuckle.
Then a sharp intake of breath and an "ooooooh" with pursed lips.

(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 13:15, archived)
# But which would hurt more?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 13:19, archived)
# Afrocano

Click for bigger (341 kb)

A volcanic birth of hair-raising proportions.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:49, archived)
# Ris
even the filename didn't help me....
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:51, archived)
didn't help you what?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 13:31, archived)
# :D
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:52, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:47, archived)
# Nice!
I must admit I'm struggling to keep it simple.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:51, archived)
# yea, most of the logos I do are simple looking
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:54, archived)
# I did one last night that had far too much going on and looked too cluttered
I scrapped it through frustration. ......which I now regret.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:58, archived)
# *clicks*
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:53, archived)
# NIce:)
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:56, archived)
# Liking this.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 13:02, archived)
# best so far i think
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 13:13, archived)
# Oo, I like this
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 13:27, archived)
# Very nice Proj :)
(, Fri 4 Feb 2011, 18:53, archived)
# sponsored by puma
(, Sat 5 Feb 2011, 0:31, archived)
[challenge entry] Q&D but hopefully full of win!

Oh and before anyone says it no it's not Memory Stick Corn!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:21, archived)
# Hahaha
Nicely done!

Edit: Grrrr-eat! ;)
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:26, archived)
# May I just leave this pea here?

Edit: Ahh shit it doesn't work pffft
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:28, archived)
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:33, archived)
[challenge entry] Here's one that does fit

(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:43, archived)
[challenge entry] *whistles*
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:45, archived)
# Ha ha ha ha!
He looks so pleased with himself.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 13:29, archived)
# Whirlpool Brain?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:45, archived)
# :)
Not so much...
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 13:07, archived)
[challenge entry] is it Memory Stick Corn?
edit: very good! - Have another couple of oldies...

(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:27, archived)
# :D
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:32, archived)
# This wins the winners award for the winners win!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:32, archived)
# At first I didn't notice there was more to scroll across to
So what I got was:

Super-gas tape stick...what the nearest fuck?!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 21:25, archived)
# Super calor fragile something stick something dough shoes
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 21:33, archived)
XP Ally Dough Shoes
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 22:27, archived)
# I actually started at the end
'Ally dough shoes'? hmmm...
(, Fri 4 Feb 2011, 11:54, archived)
# Is it "Memory Stick Corn"?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:33, archived)
# apparently it's not
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:35, archived)
# I'm listening to that now.
It's really good
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:39, archived)
# I see a QUO
so, this?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:34, archived)
# arf :)
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:48, archived)
[challenge entry] mspaint again

Click for bigger (86 kb)

double rainbow! hi5
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:54, archived)
# Pissing the rainbow?
rainbow urinary tract infection?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:57, archived)
# Both excellent candidates for the next Westlife single.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:59, archived)
# She has a pot of gold instead of a vagina*?
*pot of honey
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:58, archived)
# That would hurt your cock somewhat...
'ning everyone! *checks time* 'noon everyone!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:00, archived)
# 'noons!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:02, archived)
# Ning!
My watch is slow.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:02, archived)
# I have an image in my head
of diving in like Scrooge McDuck >.<
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:08, archived)
# hahaha
Have a Mariah Caries for that...
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:36, archived)
# Yes
There's also a rather startled looking lepricorn.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:13, archived)
# giant mariah farts rainbows?
why no file name answer?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:59, archived)
# CDCs are meant to be magenta!
This is all wrong.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:59, archived)
# Maria Carey has gone too far with the plastic surgery
Making herself 30 feet tall and getting a vaginal rainbow installed is, frankly, unnecessary
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:12, archived)
# :D
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:12, archived)
# Bloody divas!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:14, archived)
Hope I've got this right - I'm a bit of a 'tard with computers...

Spent this morning making this:
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:53, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:54, archived)
# Hahaha!
Where's the order number?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:55, archived)
# haha
love it!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:56, archived)
# Also: MORE
With UHU glue visible again please as well I think it really adds to it.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:07, archived)
# Hahaha
I'm so bored of shagging my couch!

(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:57, archived)
# have you tried a dining chair?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:58, archived)
# Wood + wood = fire
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:01, archived)
my couch!
Mike. Ouch!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:59, archived)
# Sorry did I spell it worng
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:00, archived)
# cut and paste the medieval days
very hahaha.

Someone else did some revised ikea instructions - I forget who but they were fab.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:58, archived)
# Crafty!
Rektum made me laaaaaaugh.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:01, archived)
# Crafty Rektum?
Didn't they have a top ten hit in 1982 with 'Boom Bang Bang (I love Herrings)'?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:13, archived)
# excellent oldschool hummus
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:17, archived)
# Damn near
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 19:16, archived)
[challenge entry] I'll get my coat
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:47, archived)
# Looks abandoned
There's something wrong with the world today!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:49, archived)
# I don't know what it is
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:49, archived)
# *whispers*
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:51, archived)
# There's Something wrong with the world today, I don't know what it is
Something's wrong with our eyes

We're seeing things in a different way and God knows it ain't His
It sure ain't no surprise.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:53, archived)
# What was I thinking? - so sorry.
Why in the name of all that is unholy would you not know an Aerosmith song.

Apologies, I'm very, very hungover.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:57, archived)
# Think of an awful video that had the kid from Terminator 2 in it....
Edit: *face palm* oh! yeah... ic wot u did there
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:52, archived)
# and the start of the run of the videos featuring Alicia (Clueless) Silverstone
Roller blading down the street smashing car windows with a hockey stick
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:55, archived)
# Crazy vid was tedious
They should have kept it simple: Girls gyrating and thrusting in bikinis
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:00, archived)
Crazy vid The internet
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:26, archived)
# YEah but it makes up for it with the video to Crazy:D
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:02, archived)
# True story.
Until I set her straight my sister genuinely thought Dude Looks Like a Lady was Do the Funky Lady.
I discovered this when I found her singing along to it. I pissed myself. That had nothing to do with the story, I'm off now ti change my trousers.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:52, archived)
# Do the funky Gibbon!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:54, archived)
# And so you should.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:51, archived)
# Well he looked cold:P
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:52, archived)
# Pfft!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:58, archived)
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:11, archived)
# Hahahaha...
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:20, archived)
[challenge entry] Song lyrics, but hey - you love me anyway:
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:43, archived)
# Pfffft
I do rather enjoy some Public Enema.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:46, archived)
[challenge entry] Q&D, haven't the time to do it properly...
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:41, archived)
# Hahaha!
Turbo wank!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:42, archived)
# Vinegar strokes...
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:44, archived)
# he is playing a tiny drum kit in there
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:15, archived)
# ew!
I bet his cock looks like him
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:42, archived)
# Needs more French band
Sexy boy
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:42, archived)
# Hahaha oh lord!
Needs more hair!

(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:55, archived)
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:12, archived)
# :)
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:30, archived)
# LOL!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:37, archived)
# Hahahaha! :D
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 13:07, archived)
# yippe ky yeah
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 14:17, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:38, archived)
# Elizabeth DAB Tart?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:41, archived)
# Arf!!!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:44, archived)
# Sovereign Monoman???
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:48, archived)
# Damn you!
I was enjoying that coffee!!!

Bonus - the monitor needed cleaning, though.

(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:50, archived)
# Ooof!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:41, archived)
# \o/
My brain can do simplicity!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:41, archived)
# and you thought you had a dirty mind
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:34, archived)
# Is that monkey thing a man or a woman?
I was expecting a goatse joke to be honest.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:35, archived)
# goatse did cross my mind
but i'm not sure what its freudian implications are
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:37, archived)
# I have a despicable mind*
*see below.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:37, archived)
# *Breaks eye contact with N P I G*
*looks at his below region*
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:42, archived)
# Vag holes are everywhere: Tonight at 10
Just follow the smell of rotten trout brave warrior.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:38, archived)
# the NPCs in oblivion really are unnerving...
staring at you with their dead eyes.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:41, archived)
[challenge entry] /Packs bags ready for hull.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:31, archived)
# You are indeed.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:32, archived)
# Pffffftttttt.....
Pffffftttttt..... Pffffftttttt..... Pffffffffffffftttttttttttttttt.....

* Trys to blow it out
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:33, archived)
# Ooooof!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:34, archived)
# ^ What she said
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:35, archived)
[challenge entry] Ooh, he's here again,.....
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:28, archived)
# Wow - I got that in about a millisecond
lovely song
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:29, archived)
# Nice bush.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:33, archived)
# Hehe.
I'm liking this challenge already. Bit of a guessing game to it.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:35, archived)
# Easy
brown girl in the ring
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:05, archived)
[challenge entry] The Shareef of Nottingham

He don't like it. Quick and dirty.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:28, archived)
# hahaha
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:28, archived)
# 'Push Upstairs' by Underworld?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:29, archived)
# Stop!!! Shareef don't like it.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:30, archived)
# I burst into song
after seeing that
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:30, archived)
# 'I've got one hand in my pocket
and the other one is shaking the castle about' by Alanis Moreupset?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:33, archived)

(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:33, archived)
# the serif (font) dont like it.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:35, archived)
# I do like your .sig
*universal greetings*
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:37, archived)
# *applauds*
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:36, archived)
# Is it
Standing Outside a Broken Telephone Booth With Money In My Hand?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:35, archived)
[challenge entry] On your marks.... Get set...
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:14, archived)
# Hahahaha. I had to file name,
but lolled when I did.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:16, archived)
# :D
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:17, archived)
# oh dear god
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:17, archived)
# Yes. Yes it is.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:17, archived)
I meant SPANG!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:19, archived)
[challenge entry] Not worth etc and minimal shopping
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:20, archived)
# clip art woo!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:22, archived)
# South African currency atop a sweet bread?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:25, archived)
# haha good grief! :)
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:21, archived)
# oh dear, Oh dear, Oh Dear
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:22, archived)
# hahahaha!
Woo! Is the man in the background about to fall over?

(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:28, archived)
# yes
he just saw this post
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:29, archived)
[challenge entry] fap fap
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:11, archived)
# I got this without checking
I'm not proud....
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:12, archived)
# Hehe.
Wanker ;)
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:15, archived)
# shhhhh
the nuns will find out
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:17, archived)
# Photoshop expert!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:19, archived)
# I might post it on worth1000 to show them how it's done.
.........skill. Clever. Brilliant.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:21, archived)
# Because you're worth it!
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:23, archived)
# I've looked at that site before.
It's full of fucking amateur Photoshoppers from the planet GO.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:25, archived)
# Vote for the new Question of the Week
Yet another mockery of the democratic process. Voting closes lunch time-ish.

Question of the Week
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar

And for the "You bastard! You started a thread with no picture" Nazis, I done a TOAP that took me HOURS* to produce.

* 0.0003 Hours

(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:02, archived)
# 1.08 seconds?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:08, archived)
# wow that joke is so old
the euthanasia clinic wants it back
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:20, archived)
# "needles to say.... i took drugs"
To quote Partridge
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:25, archived)
# "Needless to say...etc"
If you've read the (pisspoor) Eamonn Holmes autobiography, it's having-the-last-laugh writ large.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:32, archived)
# You read Eammon holmes' autobiography?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:34, archived)
# collaborate and listen
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:25, archived)
# near death experiences has 1 vote
but the bar exceeds the other 3 with 3 votes, why is this so?

(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 12:17, archived)
[challenge entry] just pogo'd around the room to this song
so made this incl band name too....

sorry :)
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:01, archived)
# This is a one of those "youngster" be-bop bands isn't it?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:06, archived)
# A "popular beat combo", if you like.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:07, archived)
# they has been around for 10 years
they were never in black and white tho.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:13, archived)
# :)
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:13, archived)
# also my son's science teacher converted a line from Rhianna
Oxygen Sodium Sodium

= oh, na na (what's my name)

We're all a bit salty today eh?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:16, archived)
# I hate that song so, SO much
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:17, archived)
# I agree
I think Rhianna is nice enough but I really don't like her music.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:18, archived)
# Oh indeed
I'd love to put various bits of me in various bits of her, but sheesh - shut up with the noise already
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:19, archived)
# I don't have your slow-bubbling sex urges for her as I ain't lez
but I do have fire-engine red hair so I'll bond with her on that if that's ok with you.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:21, archived)
# this needs pics
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:27, archived)
# ^ this
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:37, archived)
# My Chemical Toilet
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:15, archived)
# hahaha
and with enough alcohol it could turn into a romance.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:19, archived)
# *calls George Michael*
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:36, archived)
[challenge entry] Wooooo WhoooO!

Edit - Ignore me, I'm doing it wrong :( .... It's been a while
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 10:55, archived)
# Jimbo Dentist?
oh piss-sticks! that reminds me! :(
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 10:56, archived)
# but that's jimbo
not jet set willy.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 10:58, archived)
# oh yes
It was Jimbo and the Jet set - I was confusing the two
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:06, archived)
# what on earth does this remind you of?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:02, archived)
# I've got a dental appointment this afternoon
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:06, archived)
# "Dental appointment" being a euphamism for
"Watersports session with the local crab factory", I take it?
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:09, archived)
# Crustacean-based Windsurfing
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:10, archived)
# but that's jet set willy
not jimbo.
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:17, archived)
# Song 2
(, Thu 3 Feb 2011, 11:14, archived)

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