to the curse of suicide.
Hugo Rune / Greg was an early b3tan who attended all the early bashes and met his partner through b3ta.

He's second from the right on this bash photo from 2004 - also with Joel Veitch and apparently Gillian Taylforth (!).
Much love to his partner Bella (popt_art) and their children.
UPDATE: There's a fundraiser for his kids here.
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Wed 16 Jun 2021, 12:48,
Hugo Rune / Greg was an early b3tan who attended all the early bashes and met his partner through b3ta.

He's second from the right on this bash photo from 2004 - also with Joel Veitch and apparently Gillian Taylforth (!).
Much love to his partner Bella (popt_art) and their children.
UPDATE: There's a fundraiser for his kids here.

You were always there for me, and I'll miss you.
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Wed 16 Jun 2021, 13:43,

I have no words. It's just so sad. Greg was such an unbelievably lovely bloke. I am so sad I'll never see him again. Just a couple of months ago we were discussing the possibility of meeting up at some point.
Rest in peace ๐
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Wed 16 Jun 2021, 13:48,
Rest in peace ๐

Who's then had a couple of drinks and then taken a fancy to one of the other attendees.
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Wed 16 Jun 2021, 15:23,

Those were indeed happy times (or terrifying times, depending on how many drunken weirdos you had to face down at once)
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Wed 16 Jun 2021, 14:56,

RIP lovely Hugo. Thanks for putting up with me stealing your t-shirt that time; it was a good t-shirt and you should probably not have let me.
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Wed 16 Jun 2021, 16:45,

But all my condolences to his family. Awful thing to cope with x
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Wed 16 Jun 2021, 17:45,

he was a top bloke and it's utterly shit
can b3tans please stop fucking dying?!
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Wed 16 Jun 2021, 19:15,
can b3tans please stop fucking dying?!

i dont know what to say, but my heart goes out to Bella and the kids.
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Wed 16 Jun 2021, 20:32,

Too many people I've known and loved are dying around here.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jessica fucking Fletcher turns up next and blames someone's ex-wife/prodigal son/neighbour's cat for killing everyone.
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Wed 16 Jun 2021, 21:16,
I wouldn't be surprised if Jessica fucking Fletcher turns up next and blames someone's ex-wife/prodigal son/neighbour's cat for killing everyone.

Hugo was a really nice guy. We would exchange pleasantries, usually Robert Rankin related.
Hugo, I will have a pint of large in memory of you
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Wed 16 Jun 2021, 21:22,
Hugo, I will have a pint of large in memory of you

But always sad when I see this. This site genuinely shaped my (then positive) view of the web in its early days.
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Wed 16 Jun 2021, 21:41,

but most of the b3tans I've met were before my time and they were all lovely, so I assume he was similar. Sympathy to his loved ones.
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Wed 16 Jun 2021, 22:33,

Lovely human and always smiling. Met Greg a few times over the early years of B3ta bashes and he was always a charming man.
RIP Hugo, thoughts go to popt_art and family xx
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Thu 17 Jun 2021, 20:16,
RIP Hugo, thoughts go to popt_art and family xx

Only had the pleasure to meet Hugo (& popt_art) a few times and he was a warm friendly guy.
(It took me a stressful 20mins to sign in. Forgot password and I've no idea what email I used back then!)

Hugo, may you always wear earsocks in the next life
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Fri 18 Jun 2021, 19:36,

Thats just such sad news, loved Hugo. My heart goes out to popt_art and his family
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Fri 18 Jun 2021, 22:25,

You were all a very small part of my life during a dark time, yet you all provided a very bright light for me to carry on.
Not going to lie, news like this always hits hard.
Love and safety to his friends and family.
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Sat 19 Jun 2021, 20:52,
Not going to lie, news like this always hits hard.
Love and safety to his friends and family.

This is so sad to read.
RIP Hugo Rune and condolences to popt_art and his family.
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Mon 21 Jun 2021, 19:15,
RIP Hugo Rune and condolences to popt_art and his family.

I'm the little oik on the right there (guessing it was the night I got my name).
Lost touch like an eejit, but never imagined I'd never see him again.
Loved/love him very much indeed. Very much.
Don't know what to say, I'm so fucking sorry.
Heart goes out to Bella, Mila, Louis and Liz, and all who knew the beautiful bastard.
Will head to the Dog and let the remaining Deptford folk know. Rest well my friend.
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Mon 21 Jun 2021, 21:01,
Lost touch like an eejit, but never imagined I'd never see him again.
Loved/love him very much indeed. Very much.
Don't know what to say, I'm so fucking sorry.
Heart goes out to Bella, Mila, Louis and Liz, and all who knew the beautiful bastard.
Will head to the Dog and let the remaining Deptford folk know. Rest well my friend.