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Making Safe Things Dangerous » Message 7473721
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hello and goodbye again
From the
Making Safe Things Dangerous challenge. See all
476 entries (closed)
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:26,
archived )
you have won.
the internets can finish now.
grey kid is breakdancing to save a community centre ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:26,
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heh, there goes the front page again
discomeats This canoe ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:26,
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Genius as ever Mr Toast!!
Sunburnt Tiger Herbie goes Piranhas! ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:26,
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excellent as always sir woo yay
swaza I'm bad, I'm bad. You know it. I'm bad. ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:27,
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monstrinho do biscoito teeeshurts = www.nogunarmy.com ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:27,
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are you in a huff?
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:27,
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I think he's in a huff.
Someone should ask him if he's in a huff.
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:28,
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I'm not asking
*is scared of huffiness*
Hamster Trippin' aka Mr. Titts ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:29,
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when I'm in a huff there's nothing I like more than being asked if I'm in a huff
are you in a huff?
Sunburnt Tiger Herbie goes Piranhas! ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:34,
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i'm not in a huff
are you in a huff?
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:36,
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erm, no I don't think so
after all its sunny, its friday and its fast approaching beer o'clock!
Sunburnt Tiger Herbie goes Piranhas! ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:46,
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no, just being sparse
what with the school holidays mucking up the board a bit and so many people being angry recently. It's not cool man. You dig?
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:36,
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i've taken the odd holiday from b3ta
it makes it so much better once you do come back
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:37,
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not if you're still in a huff when you come back it doesn't.
never leave the board in a huff. also top class as per mr toast.
god save the queen making another unremarkable comeback ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:41,
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b3ta is a wonderful place
once you learn how to use 'ignore' properly
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:48,
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the danger is
that sometimes people stop being dicks and start posting something half decent, which is why i keep on clearing my ignore list. and then wishing i hadn't. (this would qualify as 'not using ignore properly', of course....)
boris the spider ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:51,
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i'm digging for fire
/pointless Pixies song-title-insertion blog
grey kid is breakdancing to save a community centre ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:38,
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No no, you're a boomerang.
We did the research and that's that.
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:40,
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HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:44,
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I dig man!
Sunburnt Tiger Herbie goes Piranhas! ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:45,
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WOO and YAY!
Have a click EDIT: FP? Go on... FP it. TJ: I just sailed right past my first milestone without realising it.
Pavlov'sDog is all out of pavlova ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:27,
archived )
congrats anyway
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:30,
archived )
this /\
SkUG >_O i got a couple of stitches in my eyeball... ow ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:31,
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to this^ and this^^
Pavlov'sDog is all out of pavlova ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:32,
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*rings bell*
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:38,
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That's grand!
Hamster Trippin' aka Mr. Titts ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:27,
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Levitating hammer for the win!
Dimrill HMS Average Nostril ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:27,
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ace as usual. you make me sick.
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:27,
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Superb :)
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:28,
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Fuckin' Hell Toastie!
Every time I think "I must have a go at animation", you come up with summat like this. *clicks*
ERG1008 is climbing in yo windows & snatchin yo people up ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:28,
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nicely! :)
I'm sure someone will FP it ;P
prodigy69 broke b3ta and made everyone leave ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:28,
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Truly wonderful!
Debbilgrrrrl is kinda back ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:28,
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outdone again by the dastardly toast ;)
that is smashing. What are you animating with at the moment?
sPUNKer do your pictures for nothing get abuse for free ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:28,
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And this ends my Friday
Happy Beer Toasty! Happy Beer everybody!
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:28,
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prodigy69 broke b3ta and made everyone leave ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:30,
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very very nice indeed
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:28,
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seen my sig?
you cheeky fucker
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:32,
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The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:40,
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FP this now!
HappyToast vs. the Jinx Effect!
Your watch is BACK ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:29,
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Hahaha, fantastic!
in vino veritas ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:29,
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Splendid stuff.
i've already got my little one a hammer. best teach her the basics of hand tools before letting them have a go on the power tools. WOO! toasty!
Thor_sonofodin has done things, terrible things on ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:30,
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my little one's hammer is his best toy
it makes noises when you hit things with it
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:34,
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/baby Sutcliffe blog
grey kid is breakdancing to save a community centre ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:36,
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class come back here this instant!!!!!!
bilbobarneybobs I'll be 14 in b3ta years soon. ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:30,
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Pass the Pita bread
you Sir, do Sir, have a Woo! Siryou hummusy 'tard.
FuriKitten Sig Removed for being shite ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:30,
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Hah! Top stuff.
I want a levitating hammer too ;)
Kamikaze Stoat £4.09 ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:31,
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SkUG >_O i got a couple of stitches in my eyeball... ow ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:31,
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I reiterate my idea that you should only be allowed to post images once every hour....
as you are clearly taking my share of the hummus!
likeajackhammer ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:32,
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routine has perfected burgers ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:33,
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Oh, HappyToast
You will render the real life obsolete by making the internet a far better place to live.
Nash Odyssey is a nasty, nasty man (or possibly woman) ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:34,
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I demand a performance enhancing drugs test.
Woody999 ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:34,
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Simply brilliant.*clicks*
shrinking man Been away a while, time I ventured back ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:35,
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Woosome anim
Fucking woo
Guff McFlange Yes, but can it be made out of Lego? ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:44,
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[*clickety woo*]
DrZaarlon Witchspace To Ra! ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:53,
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You win!
Weetobix ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 16:57,
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I like this muchly
pzyko Query failed. ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 17:32,
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Ring Of Fire A petty, drooling belming butthurt retard. ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 17:42,
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kev.cc ,
Fri 3 Aug 2007, 20:24,
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that's absolutely fantastic
Milkman Dan ,
Sat 4 Aug 2007, 0:38,
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well at least you stopped sulking and came back
...have a woo-yay...
finnbar has officially retired ,
Sat 4 Aug 2007, 1:11,
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*click* What is your 3D app of choice? I'm trying to learn Maya and, after only a week of intense research, have managed to make a shiny sphere and a dull green cone.
charliek .: idly prodding the mediocrity envelope :. ,
Sat 4 Aug 2007, 8:17,
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he uses 3DS MAX
I dabble in it, but I need to start making 3D stuff again so that I can stop HappyToast from demoralising everyone...
custard ,
Sat 4 Aug 2007, 19:24,
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does a week go by
without a HappyToast front pager? *clicketywoo*
front_2_back is further inland from the coast than anyone else ,
Sun 5 Aug 2007, 12:21,
archived )
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