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[challenge entry] First Post!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:25, archived)
# blimeh
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:27, archived)
# wow!
/in awe
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:27, archived)
# I've seen better.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:29, archived)
# that's what all the girls say....
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:30, archived)
# I meant better lurkage!!
*pats summat on the head*
Edit you look much less scary at work than on the tractor.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:33, archived)
# when i'm on my tractor,
i'm one mean motherfucker*

*or something
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:38, archived)
# aha
mr bounce is also quite fantastic! in another kind of way..

love it when it kicks in properly with the original music.

do you have a knee male address?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:43, archived)
# yup. in me profile
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:44, archived)
# oh yeah
so it is.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:47, archived)
# is also my messenger passport
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:47, archived)
# yeah right
It was just that you looked very....
um country? on the tractor.
Much more presentable at work.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:43, archived)
# thankyou
i'm not sure my boss would agree though
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:45, archived)
# Anytime
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:48, archived)
# And its shit!
start as you mean to go on eh?

no not really, i liked it :)

very well done :D
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:28, archived)
# woo!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:29, archived)
# That's good, have my best
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:29, archived)
# Splendid lurking.
Delightful tattyslopping.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:31, archived)
# Blimeh.....
... Hello *waves*
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:31, archived)
# Thought you had gone away.
There was something I was going to ask you but I have forgotton now.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:34, archived)
# how he got the title of lord?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:35, archived)
# No
but you have lord in your title as well.
how nice
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:38, archived)
# Through diligence.....
... and dutiful study.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:38, archived)
# i just beat up a homeless guy for mine
to be honest, he didnt put up much of a fight
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:44, archived)
# I'm having.....
... another cigarette before I go to bed (yet another). Maybe another cup of tea too....
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:35, archived)
# So you will be here for hours yet then?
Um...still trying to remember...
So will ask random question instead...
Are you from edinburgh or is that just where you were?(reffering to pics in profile)
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:37, archived)
# I am indeed.....
... in Edinburgh.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:39, archived)
# Very good
I only noticed another scottish b3ta person the other day and I was curious.
I used to live near edinburgh untill I move to aberdeen to go to uni.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:42, archived)
# There are many Edinb3tans.....
.. and a fair few from all over Scotland.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:44, archived)
# I just had not noticed
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:47, archived)
# get out, while you still can!
...oh, sorry, too late.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:37, archived)
# me? lurking!
ive still got issue 23 of the b3ta newsletter lurking in my inbox
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:38, archived)
# Woo!
funny, well shopped, satirical without offending any particular group, and a challenge entry no less.

are you sure you're in the right place?
Woo yay houpla! and welcome to hte world of posting. Nice lurking, too.

/relurk /work
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:42, archived)
# yaaaaay!
welcome to b3ta :)
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:42, archived)
# Great work on the text
Very nicely blended and a good joke too. 'Beats the hell out of my first post...

Welcome, you'll never leave, shop kittens blah de blah.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:44, archived)

Night all :¬)
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:23, archived)
# i like
the mouth
best of all the animals.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:25, archived)
# 'night.....
I'm off to bed too

'night all.....
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:25, archived)
# Aww . .
Poigniant :)

(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:25, archived)
# night to both...
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:44, archived)
# why do you always do that at bed time?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:29, archived)
# Do what ?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:31, archived)
# slightly disturbing things
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:36, archived)
# Erm . .
I'm not sure :¬)

(really going now !)
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:43, archived)
# Night.
Night too.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:31, archived)
Dont suppose any Java programmers know how to use Vectors? if so HEEEEELP ME!!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:23, archived)
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:23, archived)
# but...
you're the moon lord... you're supposed to know EVERYTHING
my world has collapsed.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:24, archived)
# everything about moons
not java, java is evil, its like the Anti-Moon
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:25, archived)
# Use the IF statement, luke...
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:29, archived)
# cant
have to use a vector

its part of an exam
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:30, archived)
# Urm ... read the API
They're just a container class.
You can add elements ...
You can remove elements ...
You can get the Nth element ...
Think of them as resizable arrays with silly (and non orthogonal) API.
Remember to get an enumeration from them if you need to process all the elements in a non-atomic manner (ie, to make callbacks or whatnot).
Actually the semantics of Vector suck lots and some of the Java 2 list classes/interfaces are a far better bet.

The only thing I'd really warn you against is using the seraching functionality (findElement() I think). It uses the equals() method to determine a match and it calls it on the array element, not the thing you passed in. This can lead to some unexpected results (always do searching manually, it's almost always more efficient).

EDIT: Nahh, it's indexOf() and contains() that suck like that.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 2:08, archived)
# a little
what's the question?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:25, archived)
# not those vectors
in java vectors are dynamic data structures
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:27, archived)
# sounds similar to
std vector in c++, what is the question?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:29, archived)
i) in your driver class create a new Vector, and use it to store the two instances of the Politican calss you created in quesation 1

the two instances are called politician1 and politician2
i tried using myVector.add(politician1); but it errored and so did myVector.addElement(blah);
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:32, archived)
have you called new on the vector?

Vector v;
v = new Vector();
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:37, archived)
# yeah
Vector myVector = new Vector();
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:39, archived)
# was the error message helpful?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:44, archived)
# as with all java errors...
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:53, archived)
# sommit like dis?
Vector myVector = new Vector();

inside the Vector, they are stored as nameless Objects to get them back, u need to use casting, and assign to new

Politican pol1, pol2;
pol1 = (Politican)myVector.get(0);
pol2 = (Politican)myVector.get(1);
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:45, archived)
# oh...
and u got 'import java.util.Vector;' first thing at the top of ur class file right...
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:46, archived)
# no
i stuck "import java.util.*" so it imports everything

i'll add .Vector and see if that helps
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:48, archived)
# ah
indeed it has fixed my problem, thanks :D
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:49, archived)
# tis cool
but .*; should av worked ... maybe was a typo there?

::heads back to evil Java dissertation::
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:53, archived)
# me knows a bit
on msn/aim/4rthur,
same username

(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:29, archived)
# look up at reply ^^
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:33, archived)
# Ah, drive faster!!!!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:22, archived)
# holy god if i saw that in my rear view
id piss myself.
then vomit.
then drive faster.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:23, archived)
# A different version of Windows Sounds
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:15, archived)
# brilliant
i like it
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:16, archived)
# Not mine..
I like albinoblacksheep - got some good stuff sometimes
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:17, archived)
# yes
i know its not your
i was mearly commentating
why hasnt anyone said anything about mah puppy dog?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:20, archived)
# Too cute
for anyone to say anything. Nice heatray type thing effect going on (Heet Seeking Gooogles?)
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:22, archived)
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:14, archived)
# Awww
puppy! That looks very cool.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:24, archived)
# awww
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:30, archived)
better in my head ...

some sort of Speasel, rarely seen, eats its own eggs. hence the rarity.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:05, archived)
# Haha
Very clever!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:23, archived)
# I know its off the subject......
In regard to that 'secret nuclear bunker pic' the funnier twist to that pic is that its actually not been stuck on there, matter of a fact, its real, i saw it on a poster in a nearby train station and thought "how strange" , for sum reason they named is 'Secret' hmmmm, very odd.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:03, archived)
# Am I the only person who doesn't laugh at that?
It's a sodding 'brand name' for the bunker.

And don't threadwaste you horrible little oik.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:05, archived)
# .
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:05, archived)
# Jolly good.
Carry on.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:08, archived)
# Where's my tin foil hat?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:08, archived)
# TJ: summat to do with kittens
a beast of a track ;)

i like muchly
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:11, archived)
# why did you spend £700 on decks then
or is that a silly question?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:12, archived)
# He doesn't specify.....
... that it was £s he spent.... Could have been 700 eggs...... I guess.....

/goes to bed....
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:14, archived)
# yes ;)
well i had to get one of them first - records without decks is kind of shit too.

anyway, until i do i have plenty to play with ;)
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:15, archived)
# thankyou :)
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:25, archived)
# They'll do that all day . . .
if you let them

(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:02, archived)
# don't let them.
If you let them, I will watch them.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:05, archived)
# are they related to this lot?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:07, archived)
# Cousins I think ?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:09, archived)
# you evil bastard
that's way too hypnotic for this time of night
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:07, archived)
# now i've lost my brain medicine
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:00, archived)
What? Nobody replied to this? It's woo-some!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 8:59, archived)
# good evening all!
going home now...

'ave a pea-roast of the only thing I did today.

(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:58, archived)
# crush it
stomp it hard!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:59, archived)
# You held Malaysia?
That's lovely, by the way.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:03, archived)
# wow!
bonzai cities would be the most amazingly cool things ever
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:03, archived)
# You have to keep the roots trimmed though . .
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:05, archived)
# that's top.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:06, archived)
# are there 357 days in a year?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:12, archived)
# today i thought, "let's see what this premiere install disk does"
Vaguely NSFW. 3.7mb.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:53, archived)
# hahahaha
how long before the lawyers call again i wonder?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:56, archived)
# the lawyers had a problem with the audio
anyway. It's not going out. Just messing about.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:57, archived)
# blimey!
i'm amazed that showing will young and simon wotsit bumming isn't slander, it's brightened up my day

as amusingly disturbing as ever
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:00, archived)
# it's not to say that isn't a problem
but it wasn't their lawyers who I heard from
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:03, archived)
# vaguely?
was that video in your install disk?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:56, archived)
# someone has a lot of anger.
although i like how you try to say that it's only 'vaguely' nsfw :)
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:56, archived)
# especially
when it should be "blatently"
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:57, archived)
# That be odd.
Though still woo.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:57, archived)
# fantastic!
wasn't that the one you made for a band or something?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:58, archived)
# sort of - but I prefer this version
well the 80MB version on my harddisk.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:00, archived)
# Vaguely...?
... Top notch though....
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:58, archived)
# I can see...
You feel roughly the same way about the music 'music' scene as I do...
Nice one, tho I can't help but feel I prefer the fanimutation already done for that tune
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:59, archived)
# Is that a reworking of the other one?
it's wonderful in any case.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:00, archived)
# yeah - just fucking around with premiere
and I needed some source stuff.

thought I might as well use it.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:04, archived)
# whatever you use to encode your videos
is cruddy, I still can't get any sound from your movs :-(
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:00, archived)
# in theory the encoder is the business
it's sorenson squeezer pro.

however - that doesn't mean I know how to use it.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:06, archived)
# I don't understand why I'm not getting any audio
I have Quicktime 6 installed and updated to the most recent plugin wotnots

and it still don't work with your movs when it works with others :(
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:10, archived)
# dunno mate
maybe it's an audio codec thingie.

don't ask me how to fix it tho.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:16, archived)
# i think it's a bad idea to go to bed after that
but i'm going to!

(it's very nice, by the way)
edit:sorry, can't cut and paste...
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:00, archived)
# most pleasant
p.s. did you ever finish "click the colour and not the word" - that game was even more evil than the esteemed Mr. Cowell.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:00, archived)
# yeah
it went out as part of something I did for C4.

(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:02, archived)
# Ooooh, me like
Apparently I'm a Zen Donkey...now there's a thought to go to bed on...
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:07, archived)
# blimey
you made it to the end.

Not sure many people do.

That project so should have gone out as 5 separate games.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:15, archived)
# I couldn't get past the space invaders and gave up
I studied psychology and I had to do stroop loads of times so I did well on those ones.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:28, archived)
# They probably get distracted.
I'm a zen cow - I missed one of the animals cos I couldn't work out what you were impersonating badly...
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:43, archived)
# woo for bile!
how long ago was the 'suggested removal'?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:01, archived)
# astounding!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:16, archived)
# I just couldn't be arsed........

... making the rest of this.....
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:52, archived)
# Why yes I am
Tell me what to do about it!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:53, archived)
# I would suggest.....
... plucking a few of your anal geese and poking them up your nose.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:55, archived)
# They keep snapping at my fingers
and laying eggs in my sinuses. I wish you'd finished this project, my life is a living hell.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:58, archived)
# yes!!!
i thought i was alone with this problem, thank god i can share my affliction
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:54, archived)
# that needs some de-geesing!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:54, archived)
Never laughed so much in my life.

Have a WOO!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 2:20, archived)
# Just got back from Six Flags [US amusement park, UK also?]

Why is it that the colors that I use for these kinds of pictures are always a bit off from the origional ones in photoshop?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:51, archived)
# Reminds me...
Anyone remember the episode of the Simpsons where Homer in work dreams of being asleep at home dreaming of eating a sandwich? Classic stuff.
A woo for thou.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:54, archived)
# About the colors.
Sometimes if you handle the file it can get dirty and you have to handle it by the edges and then it doesn't get so dirty only the edges get dirty and you can just crop out the edges with the width tag. That's DHTML that is.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:12, archived)
# meh
that place is horrible
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:31, archived)
# Robert "Bob" Carolgees Smith
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:50, archived)
# i just discovered that i'm not the worst person in the world at something. This is always a pleasent feeling
sadly it was a computer game and not anything i can earn fame and fortune doing
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:52, archived)
# What game good sir?
They just stuck a Star Wars Trilogy machine in somewhere on campus, time to get good at another game...
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:54, archived)
# UT2004
i assumed i was a bit pants but i just went into 2 assualt servers and wiped the floor with the lot of em
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:57, archived)
# very good game
wouldnt like to link me a copy, eh, good buddy?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:58, archived)
if you have a DVD burner

scuse caps btw
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:02, archived)
# but not as good as far cry
just bought it tonight and I've decided I *really* need one of those new Geforce 6's
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:11, archived)
# It's possible to make a career out of a game that current
But some of these people have the memories of elephants and the reflexes of kittens with the wisdom of turtles. If I hadn't seen some of them play I'd say it wasn't possible to play at that level.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:00, archived)
# Venerable Venables
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:45, archived)
# that looks disgusting
i know it's perfectly safe for work, but by god it doesn't look it
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:49, archived)
# Just be glad...
At least I didn't use a goatse pic for Venables to eminate from.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:50, archived)
# the nose
is penis like
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:52, archived)
# Only if you're a dickhead.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 1:15, archived)
# please help me
what was the url of that site that had music from television advertisement ?
you know it! tell me!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:49, archived)
# Try this
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:51, archived)
# try
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:55, archived)
# Hmm...
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:58, archived)
[challenge entry] Ensure your funeral goes with a bang - register now at the Ministry of Silly Wakes

(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:37, archived)
# I answered the phone at work once:
"Dan's crematorium. You kill 'em we grill 'em"

I work in a cinema.

My friend came up with it first.

I stole it.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:38, archived)
# Now get a job in a crematorium
and do it again.

That would rock.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:42, archived)
# I remember
the one to say when I was a lad was:

"City morgue; you stab 'em, we slab 'em"
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:43, archived)
# That is the only party hat on the web.
100% of fact
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:47, archived)
# tis the best one at least
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:50, archived)
# no, just the first one google finds
I think its because of those round pink bits on the front that look a bit like norks and I think it causes a false-positive reading in the bit of code in google image search that always ensures at least one pair appears in the first page of results whatever keywords you use.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:50, archived)
# i thought that...
but i found another! still first google page but i had to cut it out myself :)
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:50, archived)
# raaaarrr!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:34, archived)
# utterly
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:35, archived)
# hahahaha!
i love you.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:35, archived)
# Yoinks!
Just as i was going to go to bed aswell.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:35, archived)
# good lord
where di you get those teeth?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:36, archived)
# blimey... i'm not sure...
hang on i'll go and look...
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:38, archived)
# I can never find spacky teeth
and those are just fabulous
(as is the whole monster, of course :) )
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:40, archived)
# they are quite marvelous...
i'm not sure where the image came from... but give a couple of mins and i'll upload it and 4rthur you a link... :)
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:45, archived)
# thanks
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:48, archived)
# they are gibbon's
and i claim my five pounds.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:39, archived)
# Are you slagging off my gibbon?
Do I have to take you outside?
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:41, archived)
# oooooh,
bitch fight.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:42, archived)
# *pulls hair*

*whacks with dreadlock*
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:45, archived)
# The Pogues!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:47, archived)
# i need my brain medicine
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:28, archived)
# Alternative punchline
"So...how's it hanging?"
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:30, archived)
he was a bit light on his feet
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:31, archived)
# He's hanging and a light
oh wait...
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:33, archived)
Many feet make light work.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:34, archived)
# Stop it
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:39, archived)
# yay!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:30, archived)
# :)
My favorite one is the bleach one.
Closely followed by the beer one and the bride.
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:31, archived)
# ta :)
nice to know the debut received good reviews
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:33, archived)
# Oh yes
It is most woo
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:39, archived)
# i like these
they are good!

(you however are a little worrying ;)
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:36, archived)
# sick and wrong
yet highly woo and yay!
(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 0:40, archived)

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