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One and only Wogan post from me tonight
He makes me shit.and I have made this, shittily.
madrabbi ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:17,
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all need some reliable relief from Terry Wogan...
Hobo ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:18,
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not sure which way that was meant, but both am equally good.
madrabbi ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:19,
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MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:19,
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'ning =)
I like your "squeer" down there \/
madrabbi ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:21,
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ta muchly how goes?
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:23,
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y'know, same old same old. Only passing through tonight, gotta go in 5 ;( how's you?
madrabbi ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:25,
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i'm here for the duration again back's still gippy, but getting better :)
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:25,
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Yay for improving backness
can you drink yet though, or is the medication still coursing through the veins?
madrabbi ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:27,
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drinkiness beckons on saturday :)
i shall be making up for lost intake
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:28,
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Extreme YAY!
;~/ Ed: off now, SEIZURE *waves*
madrabbi ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:31,
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:-D byeeee *waves back*
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:32,
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i made this with someone called rabbit the dancing peanut
i owe it all to him/her
The Cosmic Boy Zombie (Formerly Pirate Cat) ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:16,
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Gimbo ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:17,
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hello ;)
i just did the shading. i like your monster thing a lot
rabid peanut - s'fucking right ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:18,
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MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:20,
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monster? if so -- then woo! we need entirely more mucus on b3ta.
tookishlad ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:24,
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MooCow_Byter ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:27,
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MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:29,
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Your one inspired me
to make my own. I wanted to show it off.
MooCow_Byter ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:31,
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'tis very nice
it looks like ermintrude :)
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:34,
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bloody theiving squirells again..
Poor old lady cant find her glasses!
Hobo ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:13,
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thieving Gypo red tails!!!!!!!
come round my garden again, i'll give you whats for!!! *shakes fist*
mostly harmless John Leslie raped me on ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:16,
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That's a pretty recent
Gimbo ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:18,
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different, however
Hobo ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:19,
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fair enough
Gimbo ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:22,
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His mother would be so ashamed, but he appears to quite pleased.
marlin hunter ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:13,
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Best of British
Tjimbson ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:08,
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nicely done :)
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:10,
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That's a
Woo/Yay from me...
damndirtyape ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:10,
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i like it! maybe you should have a look at www.scallycentral.com for some more inspiration.
mohomonkeyman ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:10,
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Great Site!
Tjimbson ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:43,
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Great, great stuff.
He should play from behind the wheel of a spoilered Citroen Saxo.
The Togaboy The world will end on ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:10,
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that's scarily accurate
rabid peanut - s'fucking right ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:13,
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I think...
Rio needs a spliff :)
The Munky ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:15,
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forget about wayne gooney
Hobo ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:16,
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Punked I Love Vectors ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:31,
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still say he's the spit of Flea dammit!
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:33,
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If hes the spit of flea in that picture
then Anthony is the spit of the guy in the right in the thread above hehe ;)
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:35,
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Now that's just crazy talk
he looks much more like britney spears or ronan keeting ;P
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:42,
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That guy or Anthony? hehe
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:46,
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i would make you feel my wrath but i can't be bothered right now. Remind me tomorrow for some wrathy goodness!
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:47,
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Okily Dokily!
even though I was kidding Oh well, we can all do with some wrath now and then - keeps you on your toes
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:51,
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This is a story...about an ugly family...
damndirtyape ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:08,
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Woo Yay
ALICE !!!!
fcknuts ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:17,
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Hello Chick'ns.
Concloosive proof that Michelle from BB's actually a Butternut Squash in a wig.
fishthecat "Flirtinis all round!" ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:01,
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that's Freddie Mercury?
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:02,
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I can't see it myself
quick shop one for us.
fishthecat "Flirtinis all round!" ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:06,
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perhaps something like this ...
damndirtyape ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:18,
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Yes, I can see is now. :)
fishthecat "Flirtinis all round!" ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:28,
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"butternut squash in a wig" here, have all my money
Gimbo ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:03,
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I think the caption's better than the image really. :/
fishthecat "Flirtinis all round!" ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:06,
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cam studio came through for me, cheers for your help.
asparagus time Is in Brazil. ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:12,
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good /beams edit: what're you making?
Gimbo ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:19,
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a little animation for
my school friends to celebrate the end of exams specifically geography, one of the geog teachers looks like brent, so i'm gonna make him dance like him too.
asparagus time Is in Brazil. ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:22,
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you couldn't email me a copy when you're done, could you?
Gimbo ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:23,
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but i'll prob stick the whole finished thing on the board. it'll have some other bits too, which i've already made featuring other teachers. edit: it's my first ever animation so it'll probably not be all that great.
asparagus time Is in Brazil. ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:27,
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rabid peanut - s'fucking right ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:06,
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What is that hand from?
There's something odd about it...
MooCow_Byter ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:07,
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The hand
is just the one in teh same piccie as teh squash. I don't think it's famous
fishthecat "Flirtinis all round!" ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:08,
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For those who realy are bothered.
The Togaboy The world will end on ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:00,
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edt: now i see it but hav a beardy redex anyway
Reme Philips laid an epic dump on ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:01,
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Rev. Jesse. broke his ankle ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:03,
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Couldn't agree more.
You said it all.
The Togaboy The world will end on ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:04,
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I'm going to maybe make some tshirts, with help from Lo, the greebo warrior, so thanks to him. If anyone would like this on a tshirt, please email me, 4rthur me or just say so in a reply now. The other alternative is this one , if you'd like that then just comment in the same way! Thanks! =)
Naive Amoeba Bored Cig ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:58,
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MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:59,
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fab! you are amazing at these!
Rev. Jesse. broke his ankle ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:00,
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Loves that I dose
Nice style.
WiggZ ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:00,
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That is freaking wonderfabulous...
marlin hunter ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:01,
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I'd buy that for a dollar
/standard response, but really, I would
Gimbo ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:01,
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hahah, they look like bellends (the shakers that is) wow yay though :D
The Cosmic Boy Zombie (Formerly Pirate Cat) ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:01,
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are a total fucking loon w/y/h
barandis ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:01,
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I would buy that t-shirt
how much are you going to do them for?
anythingbutthisactually ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:02,
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not certain, i have to sort it out with the printers
but it'll be somewhere between £10 and £15, depending on the amount of people and set-up costs.
Naive Amoeba Bored Cig ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:05,
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sounds good
anythingbutthisactually ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:06,
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that is a WOOsome piccie
and a great t-shirt idea -- sign me up for one! /and front page it -- front page it hard!!!!
tookishlad ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:06,
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ok, i don't actually have them yet- i'm just working out a rough estimate before i start
and the pic's too wide for the FP anyway... thanks, btw
Naive Amoeba Bored Cig ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:07,
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I second that FP FP FP FP
marlin hunter ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:07,
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its too big
fps must be 280px wide to fit, it has been known for some slightly larger images to be 'fp'd' but this is unusual anyway, you jinxed it now...
anythingbutthisactually ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:07,
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hehe, yeah.. damn those jinx faries...
tattyworld allows any size for the FP really then again, it does cut the picture in firefox
Naive Amoeba Bored Cig ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:10,
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it looks ok at 280 px
resize it :)
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:11,
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nah, when using width="280" it makes it go all pixelly and poop
and i can't really be bothered opening potatochop again, as it takes about a squillion years to load on my tompooper...
Naive Amoeba Bored Cig ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:14,
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hokilly dokilly
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:18,
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Naive Amoeba Bored Cig ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:24,
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size re size re size re size /EDIT: Or not. ;)
tookishlad ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:20,
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I'd buy one!
Duke Flipside Bidet to you, sir ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:18,
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pleeeez with immediate effect
PieJuice ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:27,
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280 that
Slim has found god. He was down the back of the sofa. ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:29,
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Naive Amoeba Bored Cig ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:33,
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it might get FP'd now
you never know
Slim has found god. He was down the back of the sofa. ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:35,
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Gosh, well
I never. That should shift some t-shirts...
tomsk ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:37,
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who are the mods, anyway? it seems a bit of a conspicuous kinda thing.. no-one ever says who they are. i think i've heard that sunshine elephant is one though... thanks slim =)
Naive Amoeba Bored Cig ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:39,
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I'd have me one
A shirt with that on.
hermand ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:39,
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I'll gladly take one...
In a heartbeat
danshome ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:42,
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I'd buy a t-shirt!
winagoldfish ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 12:59,
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If you get T shirts made I'd have one :D
Smoot ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 21:46,
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MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:51,
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you go from better to better with these
well done sir
GrandmaOfShoes ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:56,
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That Is Great!!
M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:58,
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Mind if I threadjack?
GigerPunk has, hopefully, slept since ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:58,
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just a bit
anythingbutthisactually ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:00,
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Ah well.
Hey ho, eh? How about this 'un?
GigerPunk has, hopefully, slept since ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:01,
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Ha ha those hilarious sound effects
make me want to kill smile.
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:00,
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thats great!
Rev. Jesse. broke his ankle ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:02,
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'I learned all my dives from the Swiss football team.'
he said as he collected the gold.
The Togaboy The world will end on ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:50,
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i mean
it's all very well but you've leeched the image, it's unshopped and you've just written a caption.
applehead herp derp ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:53,
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Make me care. (btw, you never did say what format that jamiroquai tape was. Fourtrack? Half, quarter inch etc
The Togaboy The world will end on ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:54,
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you should
be motivated enough to care yourself
applehead herp derp ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:56,
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if you don't care
what we think then why did you post a "funny" caption?
anythingbutthisactually ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:01,
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I'm wasting time in a lighthearted way.
This isn't realy all that important you know.
The Togaboy The world will end on ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:04,
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witty_ditty has made multiple miaows since ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:11,
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I'd loose
the "fucksocks" on you, but my bandwidth am rogered
Dinsdale v Spiny Norman ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:36,
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i can suck my own cock
is this a caption competition?
mongychops ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:53,
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"look ma no hands"
The Cosmic Boy Zombie (Formerly Pirate Cat) ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:58,
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How about
Man attempts to win gold medal at Olympic diving competition?
Dugs - The artist formerly known as Dugsybaws ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:03,
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thats cock on
i belive you win, close the board. lets go home
mongychops ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:34,
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is that shopped?
/didn't watch the match edit: how comes people who have been here for as long as you have still don't know the rules don't leech pictures posted should be shopped or photograpged by you
anythingbutthisactually ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:53,
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no it's not
/we won
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:56,
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And now the Croats are 2-1 up against the Franceness
magnum ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:58,
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Dugs - The artist formerly known as Dugsybaws ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:02,
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2 all now
magnum ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:07,
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2-2 now
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:07,
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Gather your torches men! It's clean-up time...
marlin hunter ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:59,
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New logo for NEC
Squiggy Alloria makes theme parks. ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:45,
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a serious question...
..is this funny ? I dont think so
Dittmeyer ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:51,
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Another one, i'll try not to do any more, but i cant promise...
Jamsie ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:43,
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i hate
that minceing tart
applehead herp derp ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:44,
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thats fucking good!
Rev. Jesse. broke his ankle ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:46,
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woo yay and hoopla that marverloos that im
ApathyBoy ApathyBoy ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:48,
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I like that.
Very good expression. WOO
marlin hunter ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:48,
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MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:49,
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I can't understand it, they stick a whole load of people who they don't want to get on into a house so people watch it, then turn it off when there is a fight. Not that I watch it.
magnum ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:55,
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was there a fight?
The Cosmic Boy Zombie (Formerly Pirate Cat) ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:59,
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Apparently last night yes.
It was on the news on the radio.
magnum ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:00,
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i hope
it turns into a Stanford Prison Experiment
applehead herp derp ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:59,
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But don't stop this one early
magnum ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:00,
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'Das Experiment' - an interesting take on how the prison experiment might have turned out
applehead herp derp ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:01,
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good point
and well made
Gimbo ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:00,
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My God Jamsie...
...you're _SO_ tristed!
fishthecat "Flirtinis all round!" ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:12,
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Personal 'hands-on' crossing service assured
sproggy ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:43,
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thanks, i now have irn-bru over my monitor!
Jamsie ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:44,
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L ittle M en A re O vereating?
marlin hunter ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:45,
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L ummoxed M achines A re O vulating
anythingbutthisactually ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:48,
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i thought it was
Lucky My Answeringmanchine's On...
The Cosmic Boy Zombie (Formerly Pirate Cat) ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:49,
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I thought it was
Laugh My Arse Off. Ahhh! I see what you're doing.
Dugs - The artist formerly known as Dugsybaws ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:51,
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Kill it!
Kill it hard! *gets spade* SPANG!
MooCow_Byter ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:44,
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Spang it!
Spang it hard!
GigerPunk has, hopefully, slept since ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:05,
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go to hull :)
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:52,
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especially like the hat, perched high atop that rat's nest he presumably calls hair. Arf!
froopyscot may have a prehensile cock ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:59,
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that made me laugh
very much I luff u
Bling Blong Bling Blong ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:21,
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You know you want it
JackB ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:40,
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I once saw someone wearing a cardigan
with the Burberry coat of arms on it. Couldn't get a picture unfortunately, owing to the fact I wasn't carrying a camera.
MooCow_Byter ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:42,
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if i was allowed to carry a camera at work,
i'd be able to get a pic of the bloke who wears a burberry cap, and a burberry tie....with a suit
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:55,
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And he's called "the accused"?
GigerPunk has, hopefully, slept since ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:06,
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Oh so good.
They need to be rounded up and shot.
The Togaboy The world will end on ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:42,
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magnum ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:46,
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but true
rabid peanut - s'fucking right ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 21:04,
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is that
a sneaky footbum in the background??
ApathyBoy ApathyBoy ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:50,
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i sawa baby in a chav pram earlier!
very scary!
Rev. Jesse. broke his ankle ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:51,
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ok then
here is a link 4 my first flash vidbethsrandomness.o-f.com/smiley1.swf its crap i know
bring on teh branston tang! ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:38,
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it has
all teh 404
anythingbutthisactually ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:39,
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anythingbutthisactually ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:39,
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Hoorah for borked links
and the Google popup-blocker! Copies/pastes link. Ah-hmmmm.
DogHorse plop ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:39,
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it's an error.
you can edit and delete posts too y'know. :)
Sunshine Elephant ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:39,
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hint for annoyed b3tans: copy and paste the adress in browser window to see it
that smiley is disturbing. it just keeps on smiling
1 ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:39,
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can you see it
i want to know pls
bring on teh branston tang! ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:39,
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it played up for me
just fine
tookishlad ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:42,
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i cant believe
hes still smiling
Dittmeyer ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:39,
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hee hee
thats the thing that my mind thinks up ive bin drawin them since i was 10
bring on teh branston tang! ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:40,
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im not sure , maybe you are a genius
or a crazy rocket scientist , im really not sure
Dittmeyer ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:41,
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i have 50 more in my head and plenty of time
bring on teh branston tang! ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:42,
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Im waiting for them...
...maybe somewhen you have the knowledge to do a directorscut or something
Dittmeyer ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:44,
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That's realy good.
I've never, EVER seen anything like it. Wow.
The Togaboy The world will end on ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:40,
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dont be mean
shes only little
0800221155 Coldseal windows ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:41,
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I'm sorry. it must be my Swiss blood.
(Only joking.)
The Togaboy The world will end on ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:41,
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It's a bit graphic for my liking
magnum ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:41,
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I reloaded your random front page
and it was the same as the time before. I tried a few times. I understand that if something is truly random it can turn out the same twice, but 7 times in a row seems unlikely. You might want to fix that. Oops, forgot to say WOO to your smiley! And don't take any notice of my comment above, I'm just being silly
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 20:43,
archived )
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