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[challenge entry] CROM!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:35, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:48, archived)
# LOL!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:52, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:23, archived)
# Notting He?
I think you're taking this comp a bit too literally.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:25, archived)
# lol, don't know what you mean :)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:40, archived)
# so it's not biscuits then.....
Go on etc

(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:21, archived)
# Woo!
Also, re: the comp poll - I demand a recount.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:24, archived)
# Brilliant
Would be better with raisons! :)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:41, archived)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:45, archived)
# aaah biscuit hot-tub
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 23:03, archived)
[challenge entry] compo threadrush?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:15, archived)
[challenge entry] Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush!

(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:16, archived)
# if your image becomes more popular, i'm just going to delete this thread
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:17, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:17, archived)
# hahaha
for teh laydeez

(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:23, archived)
# *something about wanting to make love to an angry welder*
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 23:15, archived)
[challenge entry] Not quite on topic

(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:14, archived)
# haha
but thats not what he looks like
(, Thu 19 May 2011, 0:02, archived)
# Ha ha ha
Took me a minute.
(, Thu 19 May 2011, 17:43, archived)
# The chicks love him...
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:58, archived)
# hahaha
release the seam faces! :D
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:12, archived)
# oh you've summoned them
*takes cover*
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:13, archived)
# Justin Buzzard
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:12, archived)
# 8D
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:13, archived)
# where do you people find the teeth for these things?
or are they his teeth?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:15, archived)
# We don't find them, they find us.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:18, archived)
# hahaha
shopped only please.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:24, archived)
[challenge entry] At least this is what I thought the film might be about
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:53, archived)
# *orders from play.com*
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:56, archived)
# Wow that film is so High Definition I can see more than 3 pubes per ball
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:59, archived)
# Pffft
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:43, archived)
[challenge entry] Hahaha. Can I pop this here!

(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:12, archived)
# hahahahahaha
fucking hell, scary as
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:16, archived)
Was supposed to be a yellow saab marine but a jolly giraffe sneakily snuck in
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:52, archived)
# This
Is cool! :D
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:10, archived)

This week's mission, should you choose to accept it, it to re-make films so they appeal to the opposite gender to the original - Star Wars for women, Dirty Dancing for men. And so on. Challenge suggested by Sea Tramp.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:35, archived)
# yay.
I love a movies compo I do.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:37, archived)
Oh :(
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:37, archived)
# :( may as well post this then thought it was gonna be a biscuit comp :(
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:37, archived)
# burbon !
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:46, archived)
# Epic
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:47, archived)
# bourbot !!!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:51, archived)
# this is
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:52, archived)
# Lovely
and very Rock Lord-like, which is definitely a good thing :)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:55, archived)
# it all ended very badly for burbon o tron

the tea up o bots got him.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:05, archived)
# yay :)

fuck biscuits
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:37, archived)
# Pfffft
Almost time for more head fuckery? :D
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:39, archived)
# hmmmm :)
yea portal co-op sounds good
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:49, archived)
# :D
Let's av it!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:51, archived)
# >:(
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:41, archived)
# for dunking
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:42, archived)
[challenge entry] have this:
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:46, archived)
# It happened!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:48, archived)
[challenge entry] also:
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:55, archived)
# Looking forward to this...
It's easily going to be better than the American version of Godzilla. That stank.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:20, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:21, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:37, archived)
[challenge entry] probably about as long as I managed to watch the actual film for
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:49, archived)
# Vast improvement.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:39, archived)
# Oh no...
And I'd just found source images to do my pic of "Dunkin' Bannatyne"
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:52, archived)
# :( I so wanted it to be biscuits
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:01, archived)
[challenge entry] Not even sure who the original appealed to, really.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:00, archived)
# Nice
But isn't Clifford the biggest dog in the world?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:18, archived)
# I think he broke Digby's record
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:22, archived)
# Sorry
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:23, archived)
# Apology 'not' accepted.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:24, archived)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:33, archived)
# YES! :D
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:35, archived)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:56, archived)
# haha!
la la nikita lala nikita la la nikita la la la
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:58, archived)
# ^ this
(, Thu 19 May 2011, 0:02, archived)
# 31 years ago today
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:20, archived)
# Watched the DVD made me cry :(
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:21, archived)
# You mean Control?
I thought that was excellent.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:25, archived)
# Yeah just been trying to find it out again amongst the pile of dvds
would love to watch it again.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:27, archived)
# Can also recommend
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:46, archived)
# Sir Curtis...
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:22, archived)
# i can see right up his nostrils
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:23, archived)
# While you're down there etc
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:32, archived)
# Control was very, very good
(Had Les Bains Douches on half the day.)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:29, archived)
# Who's Les Bains?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:30, archived)
# Haha
Mr Les was recorded live
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:32, archived)
# ...sargeant pepper taught his band to play
happy day that bloke topped himself!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:34, archived)
# I just want you to know
that I really appreciate your efforts to inject some controversy and excitement into an otherwise tame thread :)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:37, archived)
# needs more fit
what too soon?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:06, archived)
# brilliant
and thank you

their live version of sister ray is way cool (if a bit fucked audio-wise).
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:26, archived)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:19, archived)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:21, archived)
# F
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:22, archived)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:27, archived)
# Woo!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:21, archived)
# Yay! Sausage tiem
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:03, archived)
# it's ALWAYS sausage time
except now.
now it's time to watch doomsday on sci-fi.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:06, archived)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:09, archived)
# No kitten?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:11, archived)
# I had a thoroughly splendid sausage at lunchtime
in a spinach wrap from Camden Lock. Utterly awesome
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:14, archived)
# i had wedding cake
then i had gas pains.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:18, archived)
# yeah
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:17, archived)
# 1980's disco sausage
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:20, archived)
# this wiener
is a winner
(, Thu 19 May 2011, 0:03, archived)
# this would be awesome...if the bottom half didn't flash :(

this is awesome :)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:37, archived)
# I think he might be feeling suicidal....
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:16, archived)
# aren't we all
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:17, archived)
# *offers jafa cakes*
Shirley that would perk anyone up?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:18, archived)
# He's diabetic, you insensitive cunt
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:20, archived)
# *offers sugar free lozenges*
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:20, archived)
# I went and saw Adam Ant again last night
he was good, crowd was fucking depressing to the highest order. It was like an HRT convention
nice stickers though
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:24, archived)
# hahahhaha
Awesome! Yeh, the crowd at these 80's comeback gigs make you want to end it all.. Even worse over here.. :/
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:26, archived)
# that's the problem it wasn't one of those gigs
but half the crowd were obviously more used to swaying to Spandau ballet's "True" than jumping about to Fat Fun or Catholic Day
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:29, archived)
# Right but there are always a certain "contigent" of people like that
I'm going to see Elton John in June and I'm still not quite sure why
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:41, archived)
# ?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:44, archived)
# For which part of my post do you need further information?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:45, archived)
# Dude
we're ALL wondering why.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:49, archived)
# I know.
I know.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:55, archived)
# I can't imagine a good reason to go
unless you have a machine to transport him back 30 years to when he last wrote a good song (much like Adam Ant :D)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:45, archived)
# I thought he might be a good showman - and I rather like some of his older stuff
Meh, I'll see if the tickets get into silly money on eBay and I might sell and make a profit, sorry Elton
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:46, archived)
# pre 80s is fine
so probably safe to leave after the first 20 minutes
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:50, archived)
# ?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:49, archived)
# /
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:12, archived)
# ?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:50, archived)
# >
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:13, archived)
# ?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:50, archived)
# <
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:13, archived)
# ?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:11, archived)
# ~
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:13, archived)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:41, archived)
# Blow them up?
HRT Romping Rosy
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:28, archived)
# im diabetic
and i can eat jaffa cakes, as long as i inject the equivalent of what they are. so there :P
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:33, archived)
# You inject yourself with smashing orangey bits?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:39, archived)
# Get the Dickinson look
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:40, archived)
# Don't you mean: anti jaffa particles?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:44, archived)
# well i know i am
^ woo
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:47, archived)
# Hahaha!
Daytime TV would make anyone feel like that.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:17, archived)
# hahaha :)
edit: Is it wrong that I am imagining what a blowjob from a human-sized slug would be like?

editedit: Fuck this, I'm sat here waiting for someone to send me over some photoshop work and he's failing to do so.. deadline will of course be tomorrow morning. Arsebiscuits.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:20, archived)
# All that slime would not be a bad thing.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:24, archived)
# hahah in no way wrong
it would be hard to tell who's 'goo' was who's though.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:24, archived)
# hahaha, a quick google search for Slug blowjob and rule 34 proves itself once again
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:27, archived)
# Oh no.....
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:32, archived)
# Good old rule 34 ...
what to search for tonight? Hmm ...
*inserts random celeb name* there CAN'T be any of him, surely ... NOOOOOOO!
(needless to say, nsfw)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:50, archived)
# Crikey
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:56, archived)
# why, why, why was I so inquisitive.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:09, archived)
Surely a human sized slug would also have the potential to cause a lot of damage as well.
They've got something stupid like 25000 teeth.
Still, should be nice unless they bite.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 23:13, archived)
# He certainly looks it
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:20, archived)
# He needs a sit down, it's been a long round
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:30, archived)
# He got here this morning.
With a bill dated 18th December 1989.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:33, archived)
# can i poke himin the eye stalk?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:41, archived)
# No - just a little sluggish
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:57, archived)
# hahahahah SPANG!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 21:09, archived)
# So it's old 'Anvil Heads' birthday tomorrow....
Anyone got any suggestions on who tomorrows birthday girl person should be?

(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:45, archived)
# Grace Jones
Saves you a job

(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:51, archived)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:14, archived)
# Pat Roach and Peter Mayhew
anyone else would clearly be an insult
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:53, archived)
# ^ I second Pat Roach
On second thoughts not sure I want to see him semi-nude.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:10, archived)
# Seams like a good idea...
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:12, archived)
# now you've nothing to do tomorrow
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:18, archived)
# True...
How are you Mr Toast?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:20, archived)
# very tired, but still got a lot of jobs to do before I can fall asleep
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:40, archived)
# big jobs?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:44, archived)
# Just pick the one with the biggest tits
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:56, archived)
# Pffffft
Pat Roach it is then
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:59, archived)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:02, archived)
# don't knock the big man
even dead he could still flatten Indy with one punch
(not hard admittedly with the state of Harrison Ford)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:04, archived)
# haha I forgot all about him being in that film :D
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:24, archived)
# not a patch on Kendo Nagasaki
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:11, archived)
# Victoria Wood?

EDIT: or Ryan O'Neill

EDITED EDIT: "Diane Diamonds" O_O (--NSFW
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:14, archived)
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:21, archived)
# Well said...
* You googled it didn't you?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:23, archived)
# It's day 11 in the big brother house and Wobbly Bloke has still not quite recovered from being asked to link a nsfw pic
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:21, archived)
# Fuck off!
All I was saying was be warned if you are going to google "Diane Diamonds".

* Get over it, the rest of us have!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:25, archived)
# Pea-roasts Toyah as I am chilling out....

(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:26, archived)
# hahah piss off yourself you daft mong, "u" didn't say anything of the sort :D

* Parp
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:27, archived)
# it's my b3ta birthday tomorrow
shall I send you naked pictures?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:48, archived)
# Cor
I bet he'll answer *that* gaz :D
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:50, archived)
# I'm his PA.
Anything you send needs to be relayed to me first, for verification purposes.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:53, archived)
# yes
Well message me a photo and I will merge you with someone.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:55, archived)
one thing
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:56, archived)
merge you with someone. wank myself cross-eyed.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:59, archived)
# heh!
*pulls this out*

(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:15, archived)
# Stoic-Cat T-Ball tryouts
take the bench, kid!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:21, archived)

A search for RIS in my images also came up with this, this, this and more importantly THIS!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:24, archived)
# inverse of RIS?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:26, archived)
# at least I didn't link to
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:33, archived)
# Meanwhile, in Oslo...
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:34, archived)
# Gaustad? I don't understand.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:49, archived)
# SLEMDAL! duh-duh-duh! duh-duh-duh! duh-duh-duh!
Let boys be boys
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:03, archived)
# I'm losing it
I see this twice a day (at least) and it never twigged. My excuse is that line 1 was dead for pretty much all of last year, and I'm sticking to it.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 22:39, archived)
# Is that one of those sports things?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:25, archived)
# let's assume not, but thrill to the action anyway
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:28, archived)
# Oh, I read about sports once.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:31, archived)
# Hover Cat DEFIES Baseball Boy.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:34, archived)
# defeat
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:42, archived)
# It's a story that demands a sequel
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:09, archived)
# so apple are celebrating the opening of their first retail store in the forbidden city
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:16, archived)
# Forbidden apple?
Now there's original sin right there within the grasp of every hard working chinaman.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:31, archived)
# Original sin is so hard to come by these days.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:35, archived)
# Or on, for that matter
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:40, archived)
# so do foxconn employees get a staff discount?
then they can film each others suicides on iPhones
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:10, archived)
# The most heroic bird of the North-East, the Grey Starling

Seams Ok.

(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:15, archived)
# Compo it
It's tenuous but rather nice
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:17, archived)
# I think this one is appropriate
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:30, archived)
# This is great,
particularly once I got the pun.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:24, archived)
# bin dun?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:13, archived)
# Not enough LV-426

(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:17, archived)
# Flying jockstrap!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:41, archived)
# Posh
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:24, archived)
# Smugtastic!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:26, archived)
# Nice but needs more 'Fascinator'
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:33, archived)
# Pfft!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:15, archived)
# imma click this
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:44, archived)
# The Future is Awesome
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 18:43, archived)
# That's really not a good thing
Oh my poor blisters
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 18:44, archived)
# Hopefully the sexbots will be here soon
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 18:46, archived)
# don't tease :(
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 18:46, archived)
# We were born too soon, man!
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 18:47, archived)
# Do you
get a refund for taking back the full ones? :P
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:00, archived)
# that last frame
it looks like the old bloke's hair is being blown back by the force of the younger bloke's voice
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 18:45, archived)
# I noticed that too
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 18:53, archived)
# glad it wasn't just me
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 18:55, archived)
# * old bloke's hair is being blown back by the force of the younger bloke's voice high fives*
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 18:58, archived)
# *returns five*
*feels ever-so-slightly gangsta*
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:00, archived)
# word
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:03, archived)
# steady now
we don't want to attract police attention, do we?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:08, archived)
# I'm going to tell the police to go fuck themselves
through the means of interpretive breakdance
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:27, archived)
# Hair dryer mouth
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 18:57, archived)
# who's been talking?
oh, you mean him, don't you?
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:00, archived)
# ... or the undeniable truth of his arguement
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:02, archived)
# the wrath of TRUTH
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:03, archived)
# The wrath of troth
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:09, archived)
# the wrath of too much wedding cake :(
my stomach has bloated up like a zeppelin and i think i'mm gonna puke. time for a lie down.
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:12, archived)
# The troth of Ruth
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:18, archived)
# The bath of froth
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:21, archived)
# this
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 18:57, archived)
# Haha
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 19:02, archived)
# spammer
(, Wed 18 May 2011, 20:26, archived)

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