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# Gimp is harder to use than photoshop

(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:56, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:58, archived)
# i'll second this^
it's a very good program

ah fuck, i forgot to put a break in it
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:01, archived)
# Hahaha
mega click!

Excellent image matching algorithm!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:05, archived)
# ta!
this is the second time i've used the scanners gif.
the first was a bit shite. this one took no time at all and came out nicely
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:46, archived)
# That's some serious head splat!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:06, archived)

thats me, that is
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:12, archived)
# COR!
(, Mon 1 Aug 2011, 1:19, archived)
# Had to be done really...
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:59, archived)
# Do not be too proud of this fuck you have created
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:06, archived)
# Don't try to scare us with your fuckerers ways.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:09, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:16, archived)
# in my head he's muttering
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:23, archived)
[challenge entry] Mememe-me
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:53, archived)
# Nicely :D
Didn't want to bump all this down any more. Just a t-shirt design I thought up. Filename if you're confused. ^^
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:55, archived)
# I read the filename
I'm still confused
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:10, archived)
# I love my son?
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:17, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:18, archived)
# French House e.g Daft Punk, Justice, etc.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:41, archived)
# See I thought it was an obscure reference to Soho bar the French House

as opposed to an obscure reference to music no-one listens to
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:56, archived)
# This has my official approval
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 16:09, archived)
# :)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:45, archived)
# ahahaha
shopped pics only etc...!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:46, archived)
# This is as good as it's going to get
nothing is going to top this
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:50, archived)
# Aw shucks.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:52, archived)
# And yet I knew who it was, immediately.
That's some fucked up shit, right there.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:54, archived)
# there's too much win today, i can't keep up
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:35, archived)
# Do shout if these are taking up valuable /board space/bored space

Previously previouslier previousliest

Next time: 2 maids, 1 tankard
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:44, archived)
# fantazzick!
no worries here, always pleased to see well-drawn stuff.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:48, archived)
# Aah thanks :)


*finds fuck-off pin to prick overgrown ego*
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:53, archived)
# Vag Cave - FTW!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:49, archived)
# This might be my colouring in
for the afternoon
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:51, archived)
# I can put some numbers on if you want
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:54, archived)
# Making my life easier
one digit at a time =D
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:01, archived)
# Here you go

(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:10, archived)
# Haha.... too complicated for me...!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 16:05, archived)
# Ace....
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 16:02, archived)
# Newsletter subject line compo
girls and blokes
write some jokes
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:39, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:40, archived)
# ^ this
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:41, archived)
# ^ them
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:49, archived)
# ^ those
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:52, archived)
# Black, white and Asian. Pandas have no grounds to be racist.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:41, archived)
# Mr Winehouse was wrong
dads often are.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:42, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:42, archived)
# ^that
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:16, archived)
# Commander Shran Flakes: To Boldly Go, regularly.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:45, archived)
# God I'd almost forgotten that. A 2-bandwagon week on b3ta. What fresh lunacy is this?
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:48, archived)
# 3, if you include the mini-meme of 'neck sounds great'.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:51, archived)
# Where the fuck is everyone? Your fucking Newsletter awaits!!!!!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:45, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:47, archived)
# Turn on your stereo, blow up an Oslo
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:47, archived)
# Now please wash your hands.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:47, archived)
# Flashing its little Ewok at you since 2001
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:47, archived)
# Yes just been discussing this with Joe Scaramanga and Harry Webshite.
"Performing a sex act under a juggler's hat" must be one of the best phrases ever written.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:48, archived)
# Jugglers often have 3 balls
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:52, archived)
# Shhh
keep it under your hat.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:55, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:48, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:49, archived)
# Haaaaahahahahahahahahaha
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:51, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:55, archived)
# They tried to make us write a witty title about Amy Winehouse , but we said No, No No.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:51, archived)
# Plane Crashes in Salford. Estimated £250,000 Worth of Improvements Estimated
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:53, archived)
# Heh heh
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:56, archived)
# Seven Dwarfs Record Amy Winehouse Tribute Single - High Ho!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:54, archived)
# I like this too much
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:21, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:54, archived)
# If you do one thing this week, buy an Amy Winehouse single and help her have one last hit.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:55, archived)
# Hacking your inbox.....for the "Newsletter of the World"
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:58, archived)
# Rod Stuart to release "We are saline" as charity single for Stepping Hill
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:59, archived)
# Salford council advises homeowners not to leave the landing light on.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:01, archived)
# Sending air ambulances out to aircrash survivors - for the lulz.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:04, archived)
# Ok ok NO more
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:35, archived)
# his mouth is the wrong way round
He sure aint loving it!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:36, archived)
# I fucking hate being wrong
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:35, archived)
# Looks more like Jo Brand
than the Jo Brand one below =) *clickeths*
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:36, archived)
# !
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:34, archived)
# too much love
too much
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:37, archived)
# Spent yesterday down a mine
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:26, archived)
# You get to go photographying in all the interesting places
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:32, archived)
# Was it safe?
The one I was in was new and I still wasn't happy. This one looks abandoned.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:34, archived)
# it looks like a doctor who set
circa 1980
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:35, archived)
# it's abandoned
I doubt it's safe but was great for pics
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:45, archived)
# Nice :D
Oh, I don't know whether it was you or duts that I asked about the bomb shelter in Manchester.

I went but I couldn't get in :(
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:35, archived)
# it was me
I have a map of the manchester tunnels at home that I'll send over later
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:46, archived)
# Okay ^^ thanks a lot!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:40, archived)
when i were a lad etc...
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:38, archived)
# Very nice...

EDIT: I love the one you did yesterday
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:51, archived)
# :O
I don't add HDR, because I'm crap at it
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:55, archived)
[challenge entry] Nature neutralisers
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:25, archived)
# Banish him
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:44, archived)
# *steps on a duck*
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:14, archived)
# "You musta been something before electricity eh?"
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:16, archived)
# ive not been able to go on b3ta much
but i am very pleased with the mileage this bandwagon is getting!
Im tempted to break my scroll wheel by going back through the last 24 hours worth of posts...

Well done, all - Cohagen would be proud.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:21, archived)
# I like this bandwagon a lot
But I'm at work so I'm having to adblock a lot of the posts on langguage grounds :o(

I'll give them all a thorough perusal when I get back home though...
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:23, archived)
# They're all connected!
*heavy breathing*
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:23, archived)

(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:27, archived)
# He fucking loves that hand up his bum!!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:33, archived)
# Whoa thats nasty
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:50, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:58, archived)
# "Any jungle in, guy?"
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:23, archived)
# No apologies
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:12, archived)
# hahah
no apologies needed
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:16, archived)
# Now that would have been scary.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:22, archived)
# hehe
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:31, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:10, archived)
# I bet he fucking loves chips, too.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:15, archived)
# Christ Ninj, what face-matching algorithm are you using :D
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:15, archived)
# hahah
's called "get it in the ballpark"
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:18, archived)
# I know, I know...
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:18, archived)
# he needs a top-up by the looks of it
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:26, archived)
# Chin up, kid.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:06, archived)
# hahaha
wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:09, archived)
# Eyes courtesy of Nightrider (Mad Max)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:12, archived)
# hahahahah
The best one so far
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:09, archived)
# Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:10, archived)
# hahahahahahahaha!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:11, archived)
# Hahaha, little bas..
I mean, wee scamp.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:16, archived)
# his type
kick you in the nuts and run
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:19, archived)
# one of the bestest
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:32, archived)
# That is attractive for Rhyl.
Flint is worse though.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:53, archived)
# Isnt Flint the honeymoon capital
of Liverpool?
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:02, archived)
# hahahahahahaha
(, Mon 1 Aug 2011, 0:46, archived)
# I'm sorry about this

not really :~)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:54, archived)
# Hahahahahahahaha
These are all fantastic!!


(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:55, archived)
# oh god my head hurts from laughing at these!
Its like the gayshift but funny
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:59, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:02, archived)
# 8D
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:10, archived)
# Hahahah!!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:14, archived)
# Haha.
Loved, clicked, and sent it to my mate!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:05, archived)
[challenge entry] What ho chaps (and chapesses)!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:51, archived)
# ^ needs more Formula 1
Don't cross the streams! ;-)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:52, archived)
# I have to put with
most people I know banging on about how shit football is every day.
So, F1 is shit....

...I crossed the streams Ray

(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:56, archived)
# *applies soothing balm*
I *was* only messing with you. It's not the sport, it's the bloody Sky thing.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:58, archived)
# bloody Sky
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:12, archived)
# Best of all the U2 albums.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:23, archived)
wineorange juice
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:53, archived)
# We need more Dan Dare :ISC strips
And I'd quite like some croissants too, please. Especially Interglactic ones.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:53, archived)
# he's such a cunt
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:56, archived)
# I never really liked dan dare as a kid
I guess it was the fact that even then I knew he was a smug bastard :~)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:56, archived)
# He's just post-war colonialism
in space
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:57, archived)
# I say, what a spiffing, space age snack!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:13, archived)
# He is pretty smug. I'd never noticed, before..
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:25, archived)
# haha, yes.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:30, archived)
[challenge entry] Gaming Gold.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:51, archived)
# still would
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:51, archived)
# Hahaha...
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:56, archived)
# A classic.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:26, archived)
[challenge entry] I'm entering this for the other compo and I really hope it wins.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:41, archived)
# So where does the 2D thingy link to?
Goatse? B3ta? Or... worse?
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:48, archived)
# Horses, of course.
I want it up on a big billboard with all the Apple fanboys going crazy for it and the strains of I Love Horses echoing round the tube :D
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:49, archived)
# hahahahahahahaha
Love it, really love it!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:54, archived)
# It's a vision of mine...
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:28, archived)
# Get some stickers of the 2D thing printed!
Stick them wherever you go, spread the love :D
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:02, archived)
# God I may have to do that :o)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:03, archived)
# Please do.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:36, archived)
# If I lived in That there London I'd do it like a shot.
It might go a bit flat in Wigan...
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:37, archived)
# Brilliant
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:25, archived)
# Ta :)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:29, archived)
# my first horse scan :(
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:49, archived)
# Sorry - special Prodge-friendly version here.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:54, archived)
# :D
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:56, archived)
# Wonders if the QR code will result in "horse - love" ?
Edit: Ah, I see it does. Good work!

And in the spirit of the current age, I FUCKING LOVE QR CODES!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:50, archived)
# It's headwound, of course it goes to horses.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:54, archived)
# I resent the insinuation...
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:56, archived)
# what happened to the ipad 3?
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 15:14, archived)
# Too close to market already...
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 16:06, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:40, archived)
# X-)
I'm new to B3ta Board talk. Have I just been..."spanged"?
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:42, archived)
# erm..no?

a spanging is when you come out with a bad pun/joke and someone posts something like this

(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:46, archived)
# aaaah.
cheers for clearing that up!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:47, archived)
# There was a b3ta dictionary at some point.
No idea where it is hiding these days.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:14, archived)
# And the square on the hippopotamus is..?
Lovely. Sorry for the synchro-post.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:43, archived)
# it's the way of b3ta :)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:47, archived)
# It is indeed...
If it had been one of my normal slap-dash efforts I'd be feeling more guilty, but hopefully that thing ^ is rather clever ;o)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:48, archived)
# Ha ha!
That's lovely.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:43, archived)
# i swear
I'm just listening to an old XFM podcast and Pilkington is talking about hippos and hypotenuse


(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:44, archived)
# ¬.¬
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:48, archived)
# Head like a fucking orange
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:56, archived)
# Don't let that animal have any sugar
It'll become a hyperpotamus.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:49, archived)
# pffh :)
he's always at the doctors because he's a hippocondriac
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:53, archived)
# I always saw hippos as more the "woodwind" section of the animal orchestra!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:53, archived)
# Well, you see..
Once upon a time in an Indian village, there lived three squaws. Two squaws had young sons who were very overweight. The first squaw, whose son weighed 150 pounds, always placed her son on a bear hide near a pine grove; the second squaw, whose son also weighed 150 pounds, put her son on a moose hide in the shade of a large oak tree; but the third squaw, who was expecting the birth of her first son, always rested on a hippopotamus hide beside a bubbling brook. Her weight? 300 pounds!

To this day, mathematicians give credit to these women and their children for proving the Pythagorean Theorem, because you see: The squaw of the hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the squaws of the other two hides.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:55, archived)
# ...
Go to the corner, and have a think about you have just done.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:55, archived)
# hahaaa!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:58, archived)
# Jesus fucking Christ.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:01, archived)
# Years since I've read this joke
But was reminded of it as soon as I saw the cartoon.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2011, 10:13, archived)
# oh dear oh dear....
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:58, archived)
# haha!
and aw....
(, Mon 1 Aug 2011, 21:56, archived)
# Simple.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2011, 22:04, archived)
[challenge entry] He had to go and scrub his machine guns exactly 20 times after he killed him..
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:38, archived)
# hahaha :)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:40, archived)
# Heh.
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:42, archived)
# HAHA! Excellent!
I thought it was too good to be true. X-)

(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:43, archived)
# Great minds...
*high fives*
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:44, archived)
# .o/ \o.
(i just lolled at your 'Cure' and 'A4' image btw. Genius.)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:47, archived)
# You are too kind.
*pays fiver*
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:50, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 14:27, archived)
# :)
physical force CDC
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:46, archived)
# Brilliant!!
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:56, archived)
# drat
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:37, archived)
# Russ Abbott
You can't go wrong. *click*
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:40, archived)
(, Fri 29 Jul 2011, 13:51, archived)

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