I say we all vote for 'Mr Splashy Pants' - the only good one on there!
edit: we've pushed Splashy from 5 to 6% - we can do this!
edit2: hahaha oh dear, what have I done? What have I created? As a prize for reaching the ridiculous 45%, I present you with some whalery (NSFW if you work in a whale...thing): www.seancoon.org/wp-content/postimages/whale-penis.jpg
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 16:43, Reply)

I just went back and checked to see if James was on the list.....
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 16:58, Reply)

It's good to be an admin. Notice duly placed on a couple intarwebs troll hang-outs for further HOT MOUSE BUTTON ACTION.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 17:49, Reply)

Forty-bloody-six percent! Troll sites are fun.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 23:08, Reply)

18%, 3% more than the next one.
I feel like Jon Snow and a swingometer.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 20:08, Reply)

If you put a joke answer to a poll, the internet will vote for it.
Then they have to find a way of ignoring the winner.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 20:57, Reply)

But I bet they'll pull a Blue Peter if Mr Splashy Pants wins.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 21:03, Reply)

Now at 41% with nearest rival on a mere 6%.
Democracy in action.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 22:10, Reply)

Its rising pretty fast now.
I wonder if this was all some clever double bluff?
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 22:17, Reply)

well, currently at 47%, and with seemingly little hope of any of the other names catching up...
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 23:00, Reply)

YAY. It's going to be a b3ta/greenpeace partnership.
( , Tue 27 Nov 2007, 5:31, Reply)

Because let's face it, this is what they're really like. Vicious bastards, always trying to further their cause.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 16:36, Reply)

What? I just sneezed.
Why are you glaring at me?
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 17:31, Reply)

The Muppets doing Fuck The Police. NSFW unless your boss doesn't mind a lot of swearing!
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:50, Reply)

Boy A...i wanted to watch this...why are you in it? are you a BOY!?
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:54, Reply)

One of the flashback scenes is the courtroom when they boys are standing trial. It was filmed at my work and they wanted a court clerk to play the court clerk and be an adviser about court procedures. And it was me! Look out for me in front of the judge scribbling in my wig and gown. (For all of about 1/2 a second).
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:56, Reply)

Anybody got skyplus? I think that's worth a screengrab.
I hope you got a credit?
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 17:00, Reply)

but I did get paid £67.50 for 10 hours work.....
Monty Propps has already had the idea of making a video of it, I am a little scared!
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 17:22, Reply)

Did you get paid for doing your normal job, too? If not, boo...
I sat around for a day on Nathan Barley and got about £200. (I'm sitting at the table at all the Sugar Ape meetings. :) )...
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 17:41, Reply)

It was the standard rate for an extra. I did get lunch in a disused bus in a car park though!
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 18:41, Reply)

Poor lad. Someone should introduce him to June Eedapoo.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:54, Reply)

Scroll down to item 8 on the page. Eww. That is all.
Couldn't find anything in GC, but when did that ever mean squat?
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:26, Reply)

Lock up your embassies, it's the crime of the century:
Woman imprisoned for allowing children to name a teddy bear "Muhammad"
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 13:43, Reply)

the whole 'islam' thing just baffles me - My child wont get to be in a nativity play because it 'sends out the wrong message' apparently so they will be singing fucking Britney Spears records instead !!!
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 13:55, Reply)

enforced nativity annoys me because they are being taught it as "fact"(at least at my kids school).
I'd take Britney over the bible being taught to my kids as "fact" anyday.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 18:59, Reply)

you'd think if you'd decided to worship a deity and prophet, you'd credit them with being able to not take offence by some six year old naming their teddy after you
they must have a low opinion of their god if that's the case
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 13:57, Reply)

Muhammad is a crap name for a teddy bear. What's wrong with Teddy?
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 13:57, Reply)

Mine was a couple of monkey teddy's i called "the swingers"....and my parents never burst that "swinger" bubble till i was grown up though.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:04, Reply)

quite imaginitive I thought!
How are you?
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:09, Reply)

the f***ers.
I had others called Winston and Dylan though. Far more respectable names.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:13, Reply)

from Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh, there was a character called Sebastian and he had a teddy bear called Aloysius (pronounced Aloicious)....
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:20, Reply)

called Sister Aloysius. She was lovely...taught us to sing with the Sound of Music soundtrack.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:43, Reply)

It figures!
The newsletter this week should have been renamed the Chickenlady letter!
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:49, Reply)

He said Chrstianity is a death cult, emphasised by its use of graphic torturous imagery, whereas Islam focuses on the god within as an intensely private and personal experience, instead employing abstract art to create feeling.
It's now Monday, and I haven't yet heard if he's been sent anthrax in the mail by either party involved there, as reason has failed to be the strong point of any religion I have encountered.
Though I make exception for the very hot Hare Krishna monk I once got chatted up by. But just him.
Religion sucks. This article proves it further.
EDIT: oi! Didn't say I agreed with it either way (and besides, he was talking specifically regarding the artwork) - just merely pointing out it seems to be BAIT THE RELIGIOUS WEEK.
As someone who has actually STUDIED religion and mythology, I'm perfectly aware of each faith's influences and derivatives. I just rather sensibly choose to believe what I want. In that I don't. And that's from an informed opinion.
Jeez peeps, it's Monday and there's ranting already. x
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:11, Reply)

christianity is a solar cult ( sun dieties derived from Horus etc)
(Jesus begins his work at 30 and dies at 33 as do 16 previous other christ figures throughout history - this is because the sun rises on the 30th degree parallel and sets on the 33 degree )
the bible is full of astro-theology
Masons refer to the 'temple of Solomon' the exoteric meaning ( Soloman is the word sun in three languages SOL, OM and ON (egyptian)) this is the true esoteric meaning as there never was an actual temple
*Islam (associated with venus - hence green in their flags) worships the black square , Saturn (EL) - ( the Phoenician Caananites worshipped El)
is were we get words like 'E'lectiorate and 'el'ite from and the black robes of Judges etc and the motar board hat of graduates (black square)
* might be bollocks
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:34, Reply)

is also based upon the Roman cult of Mithras ...Roman sculptures (pre christian ones) have a man carrying a lamb - called the Moscophorus - which some scholars believe was a precursor to Jesus being called the Lamb of God.
Good grief...all this on a Monday morning...on b3ta!
EDIT Monday afternoon...not morning.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:48, Reply)

very true
Mithra was born on December 25th as an offspring of the Sun
(25th dec is always picked as solar deities birth day because this is when the new sun is born (22nd Dec and hangs in sky for 3 days before beginning its ascent in the sky)
Mithra was called "the good shepherd” along with Horus ( the shephards staff on egyptian pharoh tombs anlong with the rod), etc etc all before Jesus
(we get the word 'hours' from 'horus' as the hours were Horus taking 12 steps across the sky)
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:49, Reply)

Here we are educating ourselves!
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:59, Reply)

I can talk this type of bollocks all day
'christ' comes from 'kristos' with means 'anointed one'/oil - and comes from the practice of anointing the pharoh's penis with oil - try explaining that one to the vicar!
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:23, Reply)

it just reminds me how little i know...about anything....
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:35, Reply)

the Vatican has the best PR Nazi gold can buy, - it's no wonder this stuff isn't common knowledge
god forbid anyone should get to the truth
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:57, Reply)

It's fucking ridiculous. I have the same feeling as when you hear of some particularly nasty gang torture etc, which is then usually subsided by the knowledge that if you're not part of the group you're perfectly safe. But that's not the case here. It's quite terrifying to know that this kind of reaction can be shared by so many. Or that countries like Saudi Arabia can practice their laws in such reactionary ways and not be laughed/chased out of town.
It's nothing but oppression.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:49, Reply)

and William Shatner here: youtube.com/watch?v=wjEn5Uxgovw
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 12:55, Reply)

This is a project that I'm currently working on. It's a no frills windows radio player for Afterhours.fm. It displays the currently playing track as well as the next and previous 5. It's a small download with a quick install. Not really much to explain!
Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
Windows XP and above.
I can guarantee it's safe and contains no spyware whatsoever.
If you have any bug reports or suggestions, please contact me at "nick @ npsoftware.co.uk".
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 12:15, Reply)

Televangelism's finest hour. For an unspecified value of "finest".
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 11:55, Reply)

Old as the hills, but the psychopharmacologist song is doing the rounds, and Lehrer's chemical elements to the tune of A Modern Major General is a complete classic.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 11:49, Reply)

( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 12:46, Reply)

So have some "Sick Man Blues"...
Sorry for the poor vid quality....
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 11:35, Reply)

Only this isn't a prank. Good old government agencies keeping our personal details safe again! More details from the guy's site here
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 10:59, Reply)

Something doesn't quite add up.
Says he pays £325 pm which is more than 25% of his monthly income.
This would mean his monthly net salary is less than £1300pm.
"I'm an Affiliate Marketeer, SEO, web developer and all round Internet personage. I work for a leading Internet Marketing firm and run a network of content websites."
And earning less than 15,6K (net)? Someone's telling porkies?
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 11:39, Reply)

was the fact that he cottoned on to the address being wrong rather too quickly... My guess is, that with a name and a post code, the letter should get delivered anyway, even the people at the post office would have picked up on that (especially as he lived in a close - so there almost certainly wouldn't be 170 houses on it...
I reckon he got the letter, but noticed the typo, and he's just one of those people who spends his spare time writing letters to the daily mail (as his blog subheading 'so much anger, so little time' would suggest). Not to mention he looks like a complete tool if that is him in the picture.
Fair enough - they may well have made a cock up, but I think he's exploiting their one small error and making it into something a lot bigger than it needed to be.
He's probably just very bitter about having a really small cock and a shit job with shit pay (but makes out like he's some fucking 'interweb guru' because he can use blogging software).
His quote "I'm also victim to some of the worst luck in the world, and I tend to Blog about all of it here. " would suggest to me that he's just one of this world's terminal whingers. I'm a fairly strong believer in making your own luck, and karma probably comes into it somewhere...
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:49, Reply)

the terms "blinkered" and "middle-class" spring to mind.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:25, Reply)

Is it not a fair assumption that someone who's blog headline is 'so much anger, so little time' is probably a whining litte shit?
As I said, I have no doubt that the CSA are shit and make a lot of errors, and seeing your other post below, i'm sorry for you, and make no excuses for them.
My only point is that he's one of those twats that loves to play at being one of life's 'victims'. There's probably an officially recognised syndrome out there.
I guess my only point was that most people just get on with it and expend their time and energy solving the problem at hand, rather than diligently updating a blog full of 'woe is me' stories.
If he'd been born 10 years later, I imagine he'd be one of those emo twats cutting himself and crying about how the world doesn't understand him and his pain.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 17:41, Reply)

I'm talking about my children's house being reposessed due to a CSA cock up and all you can think of is the size of a man's penis?
You have problems, but then from someone who goes for Admin temp roles, what can I expect.
Do you think children having their house taken off them is somehow amusing? Does it raise a smile to your face?
I picked up on the address being wrong very quickly because I said in the call, it wasn't the first time it happened. I wrote the blog because after trying for 10 months to sort this mess out and only being called back once I'd had enough. Their excuse of not calling me because I record my phone calls only works from August onwards when I told them such, they have no excuse for January through to August.
If your only argument is that I look like a tool and I have a small cock I pity you. Luckily most intelligent people can grasp the real issue here; the CSA have spectacularly failed to do their job, again, and as such will cause my 3 children to lose their house.
But you keep thinking of men's dicks.
( , Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:56, Reply)

He's basically a web designer and last time i looked, the web design world was already over saturated. Plus i live in an expensive part of the country, a very techy place, i see a few job ads for these kinda positions - his salary (15k) seems pretty normal.
Besides, i know exactly what hes saying. The CSA are cunts as well as incompetent.
I was effectively forced to quit college because of them fuckers... either that or force my own dad into bankruptcy.
My mum even sent letters saying she didnt need or want the extra money they'd instructed my dad to pay - but they didnt give a shit.
Its the only time ive seen my dad crying, proper crying.
Fuckin CSA Cunts.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:20, Reply)

There's a load of other well-designed games on this site.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 10:55, Reply)

rather novel idea.
though the performance was low for me (huge lag), so it made it a little difficult.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 11:25, Reply)

if my mouse wasn't a piece of crap
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 17:10, Reply)

I am rubbish at the mixing. Can anyone direct me to a guide on how to mix?
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 8:52, Reply)

I'm also feeling a little tender this morning.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 10:16, Reply)

Why tender? Have you been brain-bashing your booze-bastard?
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 10:28, Reply)

I've been mind-mangling my marijuana-monkey.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 10:30, Reply)

The coffee is having no impact this morning.
It's only once a week tho, I should really try to make it the Saturday night I smoke as opposed to the Sunday.
I'm sure my colleague would appreciate that too.
/currently at work blog
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 10:41, Reply)

No, it is definitely like looking through syrup, I just checked.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 10:48, Reply)

made me laugh... maybe because I'm tired. I want to play this game, but my roomie w/ a PS3 won't buy it because he's only into racing games.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 8:45, Reply)

Apparently he posted this himself without mentioning who he is. I guess he just wants to share some good old fashioned cooking tips. Good man.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 5:36, Reply)

with all the writer' strikes and whatnot. maybe he wants to cash in on the cookery show munniez
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 6:23, Reply)

but i swear he is unable to do ANYTHING without sounding compellingly menacing.
i'm a vegetarian and i couldn't bring myself to push stop in case i got shot.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 7:24, Reply)

And having 'staff'. He's a Hollywood legend - he shouldn't be cooking for himself and living a normal life!
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 11:35, Reply)

just how i expected him, his house just seems a little pedestrian.
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 11:52, Reply)

At the very least there should be copious amounts of chrome, slate or granite, fancy lighting, or maybe a Smallbone kitchen.
/wannabe interior designer blog
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 12:06, Reply)

( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 12:12, Reply)

than Christopher Walken
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 10:32, Reply)

get a chicken, buy one, hunt one, kill one with a knife... perfect
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 11:53, Reply)

He's got every little oddity down so well, it manages to completely detract from the sketch itself and stops being funny, just absolutely fascinating...
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 11:56, Reply)
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