right on time, right on time, 'cos your right on time
/repeat ad-infinitum
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:01,
/repeat ad-infinitum

I made these using pbase stuff
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:02,

I think I'm gonna go back to scribbling on getty images pictures instead
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:04,

have you run out of your stock photo type images yet? Or just taking a break ? :)
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:07,

I'm just slowing down a bit, as I think some people are getting irritated by them now.
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:11,

is a really excellent way of introducing them.
You realise you're 1/3 of the way to being able to make a daily calendar with them on for a whole year :)
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:14,
You realise you're 1/3 of the way to being able to make a daily calendar with them on for a whole year :)

i've not been about much... have i missed any more of your series?
i know i should have a link to the gallery but i'm rubbish and haven't... :)
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:07,
i know i should have a link to the gallery but i'm rubbish and haven't... :)

I did one earlier, let me spazz a moment...
here's the latest post:
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:10,
here's the latest post:

Francis couldn't escape the feeling he was being watched.

just 'cos your paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not watching you
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:59,

thank god for digital cameras

I was there.
I thought you were insane.
I still do.
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 1:00,
I thought you were insane.
I still do.

yus, but I had to take a lot of photos - hence the 'thank god for digital cameras' bit ;-)
*michael winner voice* 'I'm really a very bad photographer'*
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 9:27,
*michael winner voice* 'I'm really a very bad photographer'*

but is it totally un'shopped? did you add the teeth?
and when will someone animate it?
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 10:17,
and when will someone animate it?

i didn't doubt it for one minute. maybe 30 seconds.
picasso will be spinning in his grave now you have trumped any of his 'found' art objects. Oh yes, Mr Picasso, those forks do look a bit like legs on that stork model you made from scrap, but this is a flipping monster derived from a streetlamp. In years to come the name 'mozza' will be scribbled by robots onto the tops of cars on a production line.
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 17:46,
picasso will be spinning in his grave now you have trumped any of his 'found' art objects. Oh yes, Mr Picasso, those forks do look a bit like legs on that stork model you made from scrap, but this is a flipping monster derived from a streetlamp. In years to come the name 'mozza' will be scribbled by robots onto the tops of cars on a production line.

with people sticking registered delivery stickers everywhere?
Explain! Someone!
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:38,
Explain! Someone!

Someone opened up the monster lol
Click Here to see!!
( ,
Wed 23 Jun 2004, 19:13,
Click Here to see!!

but our uni has a pro-tools suite and i noted down the names of everything in there and checked out the prices. i was dumbfounded!
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:59,

my uni just bought a sound proof room (finally) so we may actaully be able to do half decent recordings at last
*what uni you at?
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:04,
*what uni you at?

which has a soundproofed room with a booth - which i haven't checked out yet
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:07,

but i didn't like it that much, so i went to APU in cambridge, muchos fun, but I am not really a recording type, i prefer working live sound
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:09,

after i've finished this abortion of a foundation year (kids, don't fuck up your A-levels) i'm going on to a degree called Sound, Light & Live Event Tech. very much live sound and lighting :)
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:11,

wish i had chosen derby, we don't do any lighting here and its somthing i want to learn.
i managed to do well enough in my a levels so i didn't have to do any foundation stuff woo
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:15,
i managed to do well enough in my a levels so i didn't have to do any foundation stuff woo

is shit - but it's a means to an end so it's bearable, lol. the degree course is really good too - probably one of the only courses at Derby where the teaching standards are any good! (except for the bitching hard pure maths i'm told to expect)
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:19,

...it keeps leaving the fridge door open.

( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:46,

Just make sure you use a condom you perv!
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:50,

I'd love to go to NZ, I've heard wonderful things about it.
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:50,

(if that happens to be 'drunk' then so be it ;)
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:53,

much better tonight I thought. God bless Wayne Rooney, even if he does look like the bastard son of chunk out of the goonies and the missing link...
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:47,

I hear it's the best battleship in its field
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:42,

only another 120 years til the next one
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:51,

If only she'd died a month earlier.
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:45,

was a great amusement to the other bald eagles

and nice scary balded eagle... it wasn't me that spilled your pint, mate... honest
*runs away like the coward I am*
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:39,
*runs away like the coward I am*

well spotted that person with the abbreviated name
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:37,

you've got the eye placement just right
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:37,

with the eyes in the right place actually. i was originally gonna go for good ole Dunc
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:39,

Duncan Goodhew?
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:40,

*falls off chair*
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:38,

us considering I'm from South Wales. :)
Please check this link www.nativeinstruments.de/index.php?guitarrig_us
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:39,
Please check this link www.nativeinstruments.de/index.php?guitarrig_us

the minute i start earning some serious cash, im gonna get meself set up...
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:43,

I may be able to help when you're ready.
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:45,

wont be for a good while yet though... All my money goes on rent, food and guitar strings...
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:49,

i'm sure it were you who said i should contact your good self about a virus c. but as with PMGT it's all about the money :(
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:54,

if I cn help then I shall.
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:56,

although i'll have to scrimp and save and work every hour under the sun over the summer to get my finances to a respectable state. the pains of being a student!
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:58,

small, medium and large prospects.
I trade in new and used hardware and software (legit)and bargains turn up.
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:00,
I trade in new and used hardware and software (legit)and bargains turn up.

this convo, but native instruments do fuckin' rock
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:43,

not worth starting a thread for this... so have a hippo


Haven't seen you in a while, I've missed your cheerful drawings.

hello there... good to see you here again... are you back in blighty?
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:53,

next week will be home i can't wait
i'm in queenstown nz at the moment
hows u well i hope
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:59,
i'm in queenstown nz at the moment
hows u well i hope

look forward to your return... and i'm good ta... bit drunk at preset but no more than can be expected :)
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:04,

but i wouldn't go so far as to say obvious.
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:30,

Shagging with his moustache sticking out of his invisibility cloak?
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:29,

i've been playing with similar birds for a flash anim... they haven't come out right either but i may just go with them...
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:31,

they're very simple... i'm contemplating making them slightly rougher like yours... it adds a feathery element mine may be lacking :)
edit: oi! grandma! i just replied to you :P
to quote (huzzah for back buttons) "ooh... just saw your anim in the spazz... top notch... nice smiley face :)"
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:34,
edit: oi! grandma! i just replied to you :P
to quote (huzzah for back buttons) "ooh... just saw your anim in the spazz... top notch... nice smiley face :)"

i alway wonder if insanity is setting in when i reply and it immediatly disappears... :)
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:50,

or when you post the same reply and it doesn't allow it
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:52,

have a new one too...

( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:25,

here, have something that gives me the fear www.pbase.com/image/19582301
/trawling for hummus
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:26,
/trawling for hummus

is something which can be obtained as a direct consequence of people offering you enough money
/weary hack
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:30,
/weary hack

Enjoyed that film v'much.
That it had Jennifer Connolly nekkid on one end of a double-ended dildo was just icing on the cake (so to speak).
( ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:01,
That it had Jennifer Connolly nekkid on one end of a double-ended dildo was just icing on the cake (so to speak).

front page it
wonders if he can stop eclectech from getting anymore front pages by jinx
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:28,
wonders if he can stop eclectech from getting anymore front pages by jinx

*Not me though
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:20,
*Not me though

You bastard."
/The Mummy
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:21,
/The Mummy

( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:23,

I work in an adult shop with an extensive selection of R18 rated porn films...
Believe it or not*, there's actually a film called "You've got She-Mail." 29.99 if anyone is interested, we have it on VHS and DVD
*Believe it, it's true
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:20,
Believe it or not*, there's actually a film called "You've got She-Mail." 29.99 if anyone is interested, we have it on VHS and DVD
*Believe it, it's true

that's alright
I have all the...
I mean , I don't look at that kind of thing
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:30,
I have all the...
I mean , I don't look at that kind of thing

well spotted
in other "well-spotted" news in the latest (i think its) BT ad on TV some little girl is whispering to footy players on tv telling em what to do, and the goaly at the end gets it wrong!!
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:16,
in other "well-spotted" news in the latest (i think its) BT ad on TV some little girl is whispering to footy players on tv telling em what to do, and the goaly at the end gets it wrong!!

the flag was at the other end of the window, and is moving rapidly to the other side in the strong gale, hence the blur...
'tis woo for that reason!
( ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:19,
'tis woo for that reason!
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