Hopefully, she won't end up playing a vital part in a suit.

I get the feeling everyone here is whistling and looking in the other direction.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 2:23,

But instead of a jackal would be a scumbag.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 2:24,

...or is he???

Click for Big Ron
The Story
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:34,

Click for Big Ron
The Story

He turned to Clive Tyldsley, and called Desailly *cringe* "a fucking lazy nigger".
We'll be seeing you then Ron...
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:40,
We'll be seeing you then Ron...

Although Ronglish has been taken to a different level now. He brought us "lollipops", "early doors" and now "fucking lazy..."
i believe the Sunday Express are lining up a column for him as we speak...
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:45,
i believe the Sunday Express are lining up a column for him as we speak...

Look at me, Mammy! Don't you know me?
I'm your little baby!
I'd walk a million miles
For one of your smiles,
My Mammy!
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:41,
I'm your little baby!
I'd walk a million miles
For one of your smiles,
My Mammy!

only a name. Can we throw it open to a public vote or is it named already?
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:24,

with which to adopt it. In my pockets I currently have keys (flat and room), 1 prophylactic (unused), a packet of chewing gum and 7/12ths of a chocolte bourbon biscuit.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:30,

doe anyone know o anyone who would have jacked my account? cos it got changed, it shud be fixed now
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:25,

( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:33,

if you have 'da rude stuff'
if not, just play along
/edit OOKIE, scroll down to the other post
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:35,
if not, just play along
/edit OOKIE, scroll down to the other post

( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:40,

*slams down phone*
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:41,
*slams down phone*

100% of FACT. Tis normally used to get me and mates in the party mood before going out.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:50,

trouble is my girlfriend had a bad experience with that film, some dodgy pills and an (imaginary) gorilla... so she can't stand watching it (she literally throws up if it comes on) which limits the amount of times i can view it some what
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:55,

I have several other reasons to love it, also involving a girl (who I am now seeing), she came round and we were watching and became somewhat distracted. I'll spare everyone details but it makes my memories even fonder.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:59,

you were in luck
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 2:02,

if you are suggesting what I think you are suggesting I'm strangely aroused extremely disturbed. No pills for me.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 2:04,

.....to sit on peoples laps, when i say repeatedly, apparently this started in the club, and didn't finish until she woke up in the morning
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 2:08,

thats where government anti-drug campaigns fail, they never mention stuff like that, only that your dick will shrivel and you may suffer memory loss. No one gives a toss because its already inevitable but gorillas... another story entirely.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 2:11,

really get da rude stuff thing because it was rife on the board the day I came back after a weekend at home so I think I missed it. Was it the subject of some sign bandwagonage?
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:40,

I move that it have a double barrelled name and a title. E.g. Viscount George Chromatography-Suitcase (III)
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:28,

the morning dew sparkling as a million jewels on the fresh grass in Spring.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:42,

What is this madness? And on the subject of the Quo, I was reading about them earlier on www.allmusic.com and under similar artists it listed Spinal Tap. Says it all really doesn't it?
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:36,

S4C is indeed madness, it's a mixture between Welsh and Channel 4, usually meaning we get programs a week later than English folks, *grumbles*
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:39,
S4C is indeed madness, it's a mixture between Welsh and Channel 4, usually meaning we get programs a week later than English folks, *grumbles*

I knew I'd heard of it somewher before, my flatmate Tristan is Welsh, he has mentioned it a couple of times and proceeded to read out the tv listings in Welsh. Which prompted me to find an alternative use for the torque wrench I happened to be holding at the time.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:44,

am brilliantly goodness!!
/edit - psst...you're flying low...
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:16,
/edit - psst...you're flying low...

just saw your quotum mechanics picture in your profile, most impressive.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:20,

... i u sually don't TJ unless the pic is very goood, cuz i feel i have to give a woo, so you can feel honoured that not only do i give you a woo and two yays but i'm also jackin' your thread!
righty, i downloaded a mixtape off a user called "mixtape?" today, i'm assuming thats not therer rela name so does anybody know who it is (in =case they change their name) cuz i've been tapping my feet for the last hour and its proper bo i tell thee
-edit- jesus christ, i had trouble rereading that... good luck
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:23,
righty, i downloaded a mixtape off a user called "mixtape?" today, i'm assuming thats not therer rela name so does anybody know who it is (in =case they change their name) cuz i've been tapping my feet for the last hour and its proper bo i tell thee
-edit- jesus christ, i had trouble rereading that... good luck

scream nice on brovvah a few times for me
/edit :-) no problem
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:27,
/edit :-) no problem

i said
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:31,

(did it have some off speed vocals?)
called kitchen sink.
Does anyone know a good host (ie free) for audio?
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:38,
called kitchen sink.
Does anyone know a good host (ie free) for audio?

and calling it quits at 3-3 (nevermind I Was about to lose again)
I join you in bed. nn all
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:16,
I join you in bed. nn all

from the new kit . .
My first Gothic . . I'm so proud :¬)
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:03,
My first Gothic . . I'm so proud :¬)

andi also second the woo
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:04,
andi also second the woo

lo and behold, just before i go to bed, i find a PNG of the american gothic source (one i must have used). i'll put it up tomorrow as a PSD :)
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:09,

i still suspect there's a mirror of the meme kit that's been forgotten, i'm currently searching
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:12,

Woo for his treasonous smirky visage.
Now can we discuss why he sat in an elementary classroom during the WTC attack?
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:11,
Now can we discuss why he sat in an elementary classroom during the WTC attack?

Its COW! and he has a FUNNY HAT ON! hah! and he has magic powers....
and they say us Americans are hard to impress.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:07,
and they say us Americans are hard to impress.

that was necessary. really.
(unless he'd offended you somewhere down the board and i've missed it)
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:11,
(unless he'd offended you somewhere down the board and i've missed it)
![Challenge Entry: Secret Government Departments [challenge entry]](/images/board_posticon_c.gif)
so heres this, based on a converstion i had while very drunk

Where do they go?
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:00,

Where do they go?

never seen that penguin in my life! I swears!
*looks over shoulders suspiciously*
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:03,
*looks over shoulders suspiciously*

and then sewn together to make quilts for tramps.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:01,

it is? I certainly didnt intend it to be. The Department of Macabre Civil Servants Who Collect Roadkill And Sew It All Together To Make Tramp Bedding? (TDMCSWCRSIATTMTB) It does have a certain ring to it though.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:05,

for any strange reason the person who is supposed to judge the compo this week should have an unfortunate accident and I get asked to stand in, first place is yours.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:13,

One week the compo should be entitled "Personal jokes you shared on the board ar 1.15am"
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:14,

It would allow me to submit my 'Ninjas are teh sux0r' picture that I was using to bait Sattamassagana with. And several others .
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:16,

you forgot the Golden Arches on the truck though...
woo yay!
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:05,
woo yay!

did a penguin appear in the middle of liverpool? Unless I'm mistaken, they migrate a bit further east through France.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:11,

...have been told to cut cost in education. They scrape off the meaty bits and put it in school dinners.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 14:23,

Newbie here, long time reader, first time poster.
Be kind to my first pic!

(I hope this works)
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:55,
Be kind to my first pic!

(I hope this works)

best use of the quo in ages
woo and weclome
EDIT- i copy/pasted the url too :)
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:58,
woo and weclome
EDIT- i copy/pasted the url too :)

the picture... unless its supposed to be a small x. in that case, hilarious!!
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:58,

TJ: Are we reaching 25000 members yet?
edit: needed to copy and paste the URL to see it. Wooness.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:59,
edit: needed to copy and paste the URL to see it. Wooness.

This guy is last as at 8:30 PM EST.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:02,
This guy is last as at 8:30 PM EST.

... I can only see that if I cut and paste the linky though... Host allow remote linking....?
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:59,

I will try another host tomorrow, sorry folks!
It will be reposted (and I apologise in advance for that) for those who can't see it
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:02,
It will be reposted (and I apologise in advance for that) for those who can't see it

dont think anyones in a hubub.
but good job for making a pic, more than my
lazy ass ever does.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:05,
but good job for making a pic, more than my
lazy ass ever does.

had to copy'n'paste url from source code to see it
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:05,

Know anything good for getting Stella Artios off a monitor?
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:56,

.... that's great......
Would it be rude though, to ask that you capitalise the initial 'n'...?
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:57,
Would it be rude though, to ask that you capitalise the initial 'n'...?

Bagpuss truly rules......
Edit : And you did capitalise... Sorry.... I'm in one of those moods....
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:02,
Edit : And you did capitalise... Sorry.... I'm in one of those moods....

been waiting for that animation... an entire 45 minutes!
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:01,

I would bite it. And it deserves a woo.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:58,

the b3ta kit on mutantwalrus has gone AWOL, so here is my own mirror of it:
As this is based on Spiny's copy of the kit, not everything may be there.
This is where you come in. Any meme you think is missing, make an easily editable image of them (white background or as a layered PSD), and e-mail it to me.
and have an image for your troubles:

( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:48,
As this is based on Spiny's copy of the kit, not everything may be there.
This is where you come in. Any meme you think is missing, make an easily editable image of them (white background or as a layered PSD), and e-mail it to me.
and have an image for your troubles:

not everything is there, which is why we need everyones collective searching abilities to repopulate it :)
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:50,

unless gibbon is still around and can find it
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:52,

could do with a note about how a lot of people are sick of the memes on that splash page
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:51,

how sick? Although they appear a little too frequently for my taste, no one has ever reacted very badly to a meme unless it was utter shite, eg sponging the quo. (as far as I remember) Ive not even seen it discussed, there seems to have been more backlash against vector images or general sign bandwagoning than memes.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:58,

i think the message i've posted on the front page of the kit should suffice, its not too flamy and its covered in a fine layer of fluff :)
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:00,

there have been rants about memes in the past, notable my utter hatred of a certain sort of quo post. It has also provoked several debates on 4rthur about how unutterably dull they get
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:01,

that shaved kitten makes me wet myself every time i see it
could you put the american gothic heads up there?
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:52,
could you put the american gothic heads up there?

and it was such a useful one too
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:53,

but it was used a lot and clearly made things a lot easier
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:55,

i've been drinking polish cherry vodka
and i'm feeling a bit slow
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:57,
and i'm feeling a bit slow

Fucksocks... where do you find all those pictures of kittens?
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:53,

warning message up on the home page *check*
rubber pants *check*
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:59,
rubber pants *check*

Take care of your kitten fetish for a while. Go ahead, order one. I did, and I love the damn thing.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:56,

Furtive, Deathstar, Quo, and NoHands.
Which, if any, would you like? (it's 4mb if you want them all)
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:56,
Which, if any, would you like? (it's 4mb if you want them all)

the other three have been salvaged (the PSD's are up and ready to roll).
e-mail in profile
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:58,
e-mail in profile

good for you, keep up the good work.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:01,

to figure out what was so unsettling about that. a peculiar thing. very nice, though.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:47,

I wanna hear his version of Limp Bizkits 'Rollin'!!
TJ!!! Brian Blessed will be appearing on Stars in Their Eyes Celebrity special this saturday on ITV!!! I, for one, cannot wait!
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:46,
TJ!!! Brian Blessed will be appearing on Stars in Their Eyes Celebrity special this saturday on ITV!!! I, for one, cannot wait!

good!! just cut n paste the lyrics in to microsoft narrator.... bingo! free album!
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:47,

MC Hawkins? - There's an ace song called Quakemaster...
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:51,

apparently the voice synthesizer he's using is giving up the ghost and they don't make that particular synthesizer anymore...
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:56,

are familiar with Leeds Uni - but it's the Centenary this week... They've decked the Parkinson Building out rather nicely...

I haven't got an invitation to the bash - don't know why tho' - perhaps they've got something to hide?
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:38,

I haven't got an invitation to the bash - don't know why tho' - perhaps they've got something to hide?

would have been better if they had the celebration on the 20th... Hitler's birthday and all.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:43,

(took me 6 to do an ordinary degree...)
Lots of partys to be had (and a frisbee team too!)
See ya next year!
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:44,
Lots of partys to be had (and a frisbee team too!)
See ya next year!

the amount of money they get from our au for playing frisbee with each other is taking the piss
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:48,

and here was me thinking it was Tsar Nicholas shortly after the bullets hit
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:06,

Sorry, saw the original and had to do it

the b3ta kit should be up and running in 15 minutes :)
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:35,

After seeing a person with the name of "Nr nr nr nr Lemony Snicket" or somthing along those lines... and you having a name of lemony, would either of you (or you) happen to be the famous wrighter dude who wrote those books that my little sister reads?
Series of Unfortunate events or sumthing along those lines
If so, that all would be a bit neat.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:38,
Series of Unfortunate events or sumthing along those lines
If so, that all would be a bit neat.

i am 19 and unemployed/a student, you choose which
lemony snicket prevents me getting anywhere in search ranking... bastard
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:41,
lemony snicket prevents me getting anywhere in search ranking... bastard

.... hard choice. Do you happen to have a model for a sister? That would clear things up.
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 0:47,

and had forgotten how much i liked them
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:06,

fractals taught me that numbers can be beautiful... a valuable lesson :)
( ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 1:14,
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