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# Cig Kid Sputnik
Don't take my funs

(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:35, archived)
# Oh fuck,
but that would be so much better with Maggie.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:35, archived)
# Thatcher?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:41, archived)
# Thatcher.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:48, archived)
# Thatcher
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:49, archived)
# Do you mean:
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:51, archived)
# I have sinned
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:54, archived)
# When will it just fucking die.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 17:10, archived)
# I think she rocks!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 17:23, archived)
# this is vey woosome
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:37, archived)
# I meant to say this also.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:37, archived)
# Marvellous.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:50, archived)
# This is woo
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:54, archived)
# magic!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 17:20, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:18, archived)
# ace
a fine blend GB, Pob n gay.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:22, archived)
# Oh well done!
The best use for that pout yet!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:29, archived)
# Woo
And how was the noggin this morning?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:30, archived)
# No funds for a holiday tree,
we pressed into service the family donkey.
Reluctant he was, but later proved to be delicious.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:14, archived)
A funny noob! A very rare pleasure!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:16, archived)
# :P
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:35, archived)
# I am not sure what message this gif is designed to convey.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:36, archived)
It's a subliminal message telling you to buy Elizabeth Duke jewellery
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:37, archived)
# They must have had to do some form of illicit marketing
I cannot imagine why else anyone would be buying their tatt.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:39, archived)
# erm...okay
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:39, archived)
# How often do you have to water it?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:16, archived)
# I burned my donkey once during Christmas dinner
I didn't like it
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:16, archived)
# That's why they should only be slow cooked!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:17, archived)
# I honesty have no idea...
but woo anywho.

this amused me...
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:17, archived)
# too funny )))))
Sounds like my neighbors
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:25, archived)
# Haha!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:34, archived)
# welcome to b3ta
you will never leave
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:17, archived)
# Thanks All. I'm told I'm not quite 'right.' :)
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:19, archived)
# hawhawhawhaw!
a 'oliday tree?
i'm guessing your over the big pond somewhere.

(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:18, archived)
# Ko-rect, I'm Yank
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:20, archived)
# forgiveness
can be arranged for a small stipend.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:21, archived)
# oh yes!
congratulations on the use of such a fine word

(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:25, archived)
# Isn't that what
a circumciser does?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:34, archived)
# He just gets a small tip.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:35, archived)
# Well if I ever felt the need to undergo the op
At least he'd get an nice polo neck:D
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 17:19, archived)
# I say!
How very rare! Have a woo and a welcome.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:19, archived)
# Thx much b3tans... It's my bedtime. Later on!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:45, archived)
# real bash image sunday is crap
so have this

may also contain traces of crap
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:11, archived)
# Haha wonderful
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:11, archived)
# he sings....
I got a nice cuppa tea in the mornin... I like a nice cuppa tea with my tea..*

*perhaps its just me
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:12, archived)
# Nice eye actions.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:13, archived)
# ta!
might double the number of frames and make them a bit less quick flicky to the side.

or perhaps i won't.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:16, archived)
# Now that's rather brilliant.
That is.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:48, archived)
# 'ing 'noon all. Sorry to those at the Ealing bash for disappearing. I went for food and then ended up spending the entire night on the khazi
But I made a montage. The highly blurred one was put if as the subject had a lil too much Vimto, so I thought it was fitting to add it.

(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:07, archived)
# I can see Verity(?) and Gerry, but it is very blurry.
Also I wasn't there, so it can't be good.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:10, archived)
# That's why it was the bestest bash evah!:P
EDIT: I forgot the guy's username (him of the blurred head) but the was the token trashed person of the night, by only 9pm as well!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:10, archived)
# mongychops!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:18, archived)
# thank you:P
And sorry for disappearing but I developed a jet propelled butt:(

EDIT: Has the kite been used yet?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:24, archived)
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:32, archived)
# Soup her
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:33, archived)
# b
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:33, archived)
# "Minions....SOUP HER!" "MU-hahahahaaaaa!"
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:35, archived)

(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:01, archived)
# What's that?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:32, archived)

I'm sure that you are aware that spill her is Norwegian for play here.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:35, archived)
# I am.
I would imagine that you are unaware that Spillers is a horse feed merchant in the UK.

That said, it has no relevance to my image at all, I just like to convey useless knowledge to those who would not care to know it.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:37, archived)
# pffft

and no, I wasn't aware of this, as I never had to feed any horses in the UK
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:41, archived)
# 'Feed the pony'
is a phrase which probably does not translate well into Dutch.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:49, archived)
# nope
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:52, archived)
# hahaha :)

(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:38, archived)
# ;)
Good work
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 17:02, archived)
# hard of hearing stormtrooper says:
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:39, archived)
# Argh!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:40, archived)
# rah!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:41, archived)
# Jesus christ!
That's fucking terrifying.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:42, archived)
Kill it !
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:42, archived)
# Must I?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:40, archived)
# that needs fire
and lots of it
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:46, archived)
# needs more animation
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:06, archived)
# hahahaha it took me
slightly too long to realize what'd been done there

(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:45, archived)
# crikey
top shop
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:00, archived)
# yipes!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:01, archived)
# Lookout!

Everything is better with giant kittens in it.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:31, archived)
# What's going on there then?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:33, archived)
# although that is very good
i would have shat if i was her.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:37, archived)
# 'tis a
picture of the lovely Spazzcat poted sometime last night.

this bit here
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:39, archived)
# ah, right.
i was working till midnight, so had no chance to come on here last night.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:41, archived)
# What does the beast with two backs have to say about that then?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:08, archived)
# :)
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:27, archived)
# :D
I like that.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:41, archived)
# Peeping tom-cats?

(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:05, archived)
# i need to know where i can see this field of giant kittins
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:13, archived)
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:52, archived)
# Everybody coping OK so far?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:08, archived)
# That's brill that is
Have a doggy

(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:10, archived)
# Bark!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:16, archived)
# Pith!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:29, archived)
# This isn't worth its own thread
an idea I was playing with, but my bath is run now.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:27, archived)
# Woo
Candy lips.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:32, archived)
# *tries to click*
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:26, archived)
# You cannot.
It was not worth its own thread.

Thank you for the sentiment however.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:38, archived)
# Hahaha
I wonder what it would be like to roll a cigarette with a patch?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:29, archived)
# Fairly easy.
I would not wish to smoke the result however.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:30, archived)
# Goldfrapp
Allison Goldfrapp again. This took me pretty much all of yesterday. I think I can be declared insane after drawing the curly hair and the creases of the dress.

This is just a small chunk/preview from the drawing. Click here to see huge size.
Click here for deviant account submission.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:54, archived)
# nicely
Well worth the effort
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:57, archived)
# That's rather super.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:58, archived)
# it is VERY good though, but yes your a loony
woo, yay,houpla
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:58, archived)
# i'm sensing
something of an obsessive tilt here ;)
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:58, archived)
# Curly hair...
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:59, archived)
# so
you'd be thinking of her tufty nethers whilst doing your most woosome pictures, then?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:02, archived)
# That
Is absolutely amazing, and has justified me getting out of bed today.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:02, archived)
# Thanks
This one has to my favorite though, b3ta.com/board/7350876
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:05, archived)
# Hmmm...I still prefer the Supernature era pic
Despite the fact that any picture of Alison Goldfrapp holding something phallic to her lips is instant woo.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:09, archived)
# I prefer their older work
Black cherry and felt mountain are my favorite albums by them.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:10, archived)
# Oh definitely
Supernature felt to me like it was made for the masses, rather than what they wanted to do. But she looks more attractive in the later promo pics compared to the Felt Mountain ones, to me anyway.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:25, archived)
# Ride a white horse
Is good, as is number one, and fly me away (in fact thats very good)

I think it was just Oh la la which appealed most to the masses.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:32, archived)
# I need to dig their albums out again
I haven't listened to them in a good while.

On the subject of requests, would you be able to make anything decent out of this? It's Charlotte from The Subways, that was the only high res pic I could find of her.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:43, archived)
# Probably...
It is a big photo, but doesn't show her face much, I will see myself if I can find a different photo. If I can't find anything I may be able to use that.

*Edit, how about this one? static.flickr.com/34/71475227_a17e2e9fdc_b.jpg I know she isn't actually playing anything...
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:46, archived)
# Yup
That's fine :) thank you!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:56, archived)
# ok, maybe tomorrow, maybe tuesday I will have something.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:03, archived)
# I'm takeing on requests by the way
If any one has a famous person they want doing...
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:07, archived)
# i'd like to see one
of bowie in his goblin king outfit from labyrinth. just getting that in before you get swamped with requests!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:14, archived)
# Do you have a good photo?
Preferably large, but I can work with medium.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:19, archived)
# sorry, no.
did have some, but my ex decided to get rid of them all. i decided to get rid of him.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:21, archived)
# I like this
although her arm looks a bit floppy
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:10, archived)
# I think it's just the shadow,
Gives the arm a thinner and more floppy look, I have the original (huge) photo if you want to see. Its from a magazine so there is a big white line going down the middle.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:12, archived)
# linky
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:17, archived)
# Hmmm, bit tricky that
Maybe the top of the forearm could do with being a bit smoother, or perhaps add a sharp corner where the shadow breaks the outline of the arm
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:36, archived)
# That
is quite outstanding.
Excellent work!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:24, archived)
# Thanks
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:32, archived)
# *desktopps*
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:32, archived)
# You ok cropping it or resizeing it?
I can make a special desktop size version if you want.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:33, archived)
# osx stretches it for me, but a 1440 x 900 version would be great!
(at least, I assume that this is the screen dimensions = it's listed as the 'resolution').
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:38, archived)
# Well I made it 900 in height,
But it is a bit smaller then 1440 in width, I think it will be fine if you just center it and use a black background.

(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:42, archived)
# thanks. I now realise that it only makes a tiny, tiny difference :)
great picture, though.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:49, archived)
# oooh
that's great
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:46, archived)
# Super work!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:11, archived)
[challenge entry] Last 'un
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:43, archived)
[challenge entry] One way, or another, he's gonna
git ya, git ya, git ya, git ya!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:34, archived)
# hahaha
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:37, archived)
# What is that above his head?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:40, archived)
# Jar Jar Binks's head
in a ruff.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:41, archived)
# I thought it might be a plate of suckling pig
or hamtouching?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:43, archived)
# symbol for Legion's
space station. aka part of the background
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:41, archived)
# the light switch.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:57, archived)
# heheh
verr good

have a woo
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:41, archived)
# why doesn't he just
send the surfboarding killer bikini vampire girls after him?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:51, archived)
# all kinds of woo
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:18, archived)
# Hahaha!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:29, archived)
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:55, archived)
# Just follow the instructions.....
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:30, archived)
# Hahahaha,
but you forgot "wank" ;¬)
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:31, archived)
# Are they not the lavatories with timed doors?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:40, archived)
# That's
what makes it so exciting :¬)
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:42, archived)
# Indeed.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:58, archived)
# I once fapped in a public toilet
not very enjoyable...
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:00, archived)
# This reminds me of that King Crimson song

Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:39, archived)
# Pfffffffffffft.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:41, archived)
[challenge entry] 'nother one
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:26, archived)
# :D

(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:29, archived)
# PIE!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:39, archived)
# Apologies to
the good people of glassgay
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:18, archived)
# *clicks*
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:19, archived)
# woo
and if those girls are virgins, they're probably ugly
edit: or illegal
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:20, archived)
# or not really girls

or technically human
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:40, archived)
# A Glaswegian* virgin is an 8 year old who can run faster than her brothers.
*where Glaswegian is a randomly selected town for the purposes of light wit and no actual slight to the city's womenfolk is intended.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:42, archived)
# Ahaha :D
Av a click
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:21, archived)
# haha!
top stuff, woo!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:21, archived)
# pfffft. i reckon
that we should all get to form a queue and slap them on the burnt bits. It's only fair.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:22, archived)
# ginger beards?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:23, archived)
# haha.
so glad I've left that city.

If you've seen one orange slapper with blonde highlights, you've seen them all. (I'm sure that there are attractive girls in glasgow really...)
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:25, archived)
# Hah!
If you go to Glasgow, better be careful now...
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:26, archived)
# ha ha
bums unit
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:47, archived)
# Hey!
My city resembles that remark!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 21:02, archived)
# /Fry
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 22:38, archived)
# oh the joy of spazzing
this is brilliant - *click* cause it needs a push!
Woo Yay!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 23:12, archived)
# Hahahahaha
How the fuck did I miss this you genius!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 23:51, archived)
# He came to Scotland for a postgrad course in Scottish Poetry
but really hasn't enjoyed it. He's suffering from second degree Burns.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 1:07, archived)
# Smack....
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:25, archived)
# i heard
his name was Sinje Majeep and he's been arrested for possession of a pair of fire arms and for smoking in public...
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 14:38, archived)
# Hahaha!
I actually spluffed what I was drinking when i saw that!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 13:43, archived)
# hahaha
literally LOL'ed :)

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 20:13, archived)
# Hahah!
Brilliant stuff.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 23:33, archived)
# Best of the year!
maybe because I'm tired, or haven't been on the site for a while - that was funny
(, Tue 3 Jul 2007, 1:52, archived)
# it's funny
cos it's true
(, Wed 4 Jul 2007, 19:51, archived)
# am it happy happy tiem?

Click for bigger (203KB)

(linked to this: www.b3ta.com/board/7355165)

God, I'm bored!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:13, archived)
# Where did that pagoda come from?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:14, archived)
# i found it on a wallpaper index page
Here: bulgar.no-ip.info/downloads/snimki/wall/

some nice source pics actually...
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:15, archived)
# saucy pics?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:16, archived)
# 'fraid not
S'all SFW (as far as I can see...)
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:18, archived)
Just looked very similar to my Dad's drawing style, thought it was from a thing he did for 2000AD a few years ago lol
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:17, archived)

(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:21, archived)
# that
has a scary resemblance to George Michael (before his beardy days)
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:49, archived)
[challenge entry] Iron Gordon

Apologies for the re-post, but their were a few problems I spotted that needed clearing up
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:06, archived)
# If only there was some way to edit posts
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:08, archived)
# I keep forgeting the edit button
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:10, archived)
[challenge entry] Tony started to regret his treatment of Gordon over the last 10 years
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:01, archived)
# Gooh!

Nicely done
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:02, archived)
# Nice sex faces!!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:06, archived)
# Heimlich manoeuvre!
*parents took her out of sex education classes because it was dirty*
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:21, archived)
# Ugh!
I feel all dirty now. Well done that man..
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:28, archived)
# Tittersome
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:05, archived)
# afternoon
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 13:50, archived)
# Gonnae no do that.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 13:51, archived)
# How?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:14, archived)
# Just. Gonnae. No.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 15:34, archived)
# heh
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 13:52, archived)
[challenge entry] GORSHREK
Hosted image
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 13:50, archived)
# Isn't this a bigger version of the example pic?
Tis well done though, so have a woo.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 13:51, archived)
# No. this is Gordon Brown made into Shrek,
where the example picture is Shrek made into Gordon Brown.
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:59, archived)
# nicely!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 13:51, archived)
# That is far too big
Not because of size - it's just really disturbing
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 13:53, archived)
# nicely done!
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 13:55, archived)
# Hehe
This is probably more amusing than shrek the third
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 14:09, archived)
# Top Shop
(, Sun 1 Jul 2007, 16:31, archived)

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