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[challenge entry]
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:38, archived)
# :)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:47, archived)
# I saw that... couldn't top it ;)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:51, archived)
# nice suit detailing on yours
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 16:01, archived)
# hahahahahahaahahahaha
to both
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:51, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 16:13, archived)
# heehee the cheeky monkey!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 16:38, archived)
# Nice one
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 21:26, archived)
[challenge entry] lets see if anyone gets this
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:19, archived)
# Erm, it's Gosford Park with Prince Charles 'shopped into it
What else is to get?
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:27, archived)
# fail
I mean, you're not wrong, but that's not "it"
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:29, archived)
# Something to do with the fact he's replaced Michael Gambon?
(who gets murdered in the film)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:32, archived)
# no
sadly the person I wanted to replace didn't actually make the poster
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:33, archived)
# Errrr... Derek Jacobi? Bob Balaban?
Been a while since I last saw it.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:34, archived)
# I've never seen it
the clue is in the source
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:35, archived)
# The Original Image...
Was taken in Gosford Forest Park, formerly Gosford Demesne?!?
Edit: Just read your tip about the person you wanted to replace and realised how crap the straws I was clutching at were. d=(
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:51, archived)
# would have been an awesome coincidence
if it was true!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 16:12, archived)
# is it written in Michael Gambon's contract
that whatever film he's in, he must get a death scene? I don't think I've never seen a film where he survives to the end.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:37, archived)
# Layer Cake
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:40, archived)
# The Harry Potter Films
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:41, archived)
# Young, Willing and Anal.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:42, archived)
# bet he doesn't "last" to the end
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:44, archived)
# He cops it in Harry Potter eventually
Not seen Layer Cake, hear it's a good'un
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:43, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:37, archived)
# correct
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:37, archived)
# Is it to do with this (alleged) incident -
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:38, archived)
# I saw this image on a "National Blood Week" poster earlier

or was it "National Get Fisted By A Celebrity" week? I forget.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:05, archived)
# Try to remember, it's important to know the magnitude of your fail
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:05, archived)
# Nice shopping...

(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:05, archived)
# Looks like gary lineker already has a needle jammed into his upper arm
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:06, archived)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:06, archived)
# Jeez I thought MY kids were miserable!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:08, archived)
# Zaphod Beeblebear.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:14, archived)
# had to be done
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:16, archived)
# You don't post photos you've found here
Just ones you've shopped.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:07, archived)
# yes he does
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:08, archived)
# Good point,
well made
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:16, archived)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:10, archived)
# Oh dear.
3 years, 6 months and 5 days. And then this.
Better luck next time, eh.

(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:12, archived)
# Do you have permission to use that image?
I mean, stealing from Flickr is one thing, but linking a photo from a serious and meaningful campaign which saves lives, then placing it in a negative context is quite another. DO YOU HAVE ANY CONCEPT OF THE ENORMITY OF WHAT YOU'VE DONE?

Also, next time, try to 'shop a willy onto it or something.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:15, archived)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:17, archived)
# Hahahaha
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:22, archived)
# hahahahahaha
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:23, archived)
# Hahahaha
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:31, archived)
# Joking aside
don't leach images from other sites, it's a big no-no
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:18, archived)
# I love the fact that people making mistakes gets more replies than anything else...
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:40, archived)
# I saw a pichur today too
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 16:09, archived)
# Sorry I'm late. Some of us have to go to work....
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 18:34, archived)
# -__-
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 18:46, archived)
# Well done!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 19:04, archived)
[challenge entry] "This'll be a laugh!" giggled Charles to himself...
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:51, archived)
# He's going to catch his groin slap-bang on Henry's monopod
How did Henry ever become a meme? I can't see anything inherently funny about him.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:53, archived)
# an ordinary man doing an ordinary thing
in extraordinary circumstances.

With Henry it wasn't about the source, it was about the surroundings...

(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:55, archived)
# Yeah I get that, and I even like some Henry pics because of that mismatch
I just don't see what it was about him that stood out in the first place
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:59, archived)
# While I never made a Henri pic
It was my understanding that he stood out by being unperturbed by anything happening around him, with lollarious consequences
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:00, archived)
# Henri?
Is that his french cousin?
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:07, archived)
# JPG started it, his enthusiasm was quite frankly infectious! ;)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:09, archived)
# Are they going up or did they get their signs for 'everything's okay' mixed up?
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:59, archived)
# Amateurs ;)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:05, archived)
# Your not wrong
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:02, archived)
# Nice Far-Quo
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:11, archived)
# My only Henry image

(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:06, archived)
# This was mine

It took ages - much longer than it looks like it should have done. In hindsight it really wasn't worth it.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:21, archived)
# Ohhh I don't know ;)
I like it!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:23, archived)
[challenge entry] boom !
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:54, archived)
# Oh, this is splendid
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:58, archived)
# Haha!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:14, archived)
# Heh heh.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 18:47, archived)
[challenge entry] One is off to play Skyrim.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:41, archived)
# Skyrim sounds like some specialist subset of the Mile High Club
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:52, archived)
# hahaha
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:01, archived)
# I dont play it, but from what I gather....
It does rather involve thrusting long hard pointy objects in to soft pink quivering moist ones, so you're not far off I suppose.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 15:03, archived)
[challenge entry] "Can I be in it?"
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:22, archived)
# Seams like a bad idea
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:29, archived)
# Are you
referring to the shadow I made on the ground?
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:35, archived)
# the shadow is great....
anti-alias is your friend
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:39, archived)
# I think
this is more of a quick and dirty mini-comp, really...
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:40, archived)
# No need - here's Cap. Howdy's cut-out
No background = no seams
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:44, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:34, archived)
[challenge entry] When the future king false starts, you keep quiet.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:54, archived)
[challenge entry] you'd think they'd give him a bit that wasn't up hill
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:36, archived)
# :D
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 18:49, archived)
# Loving this mini-compo so far. Much more interesting than sheds.
I know, I know, "heathen" and all that.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:38, archived)
# I'm with you there, sheds lack lols
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:39, archived)
# *burns in wicker shed*
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:40, archived)
# Makes me wonder what song I'd sing whilst being roasted alive.
Probably Agadoo.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:47, archived)
# I'd sing You'll Never Walk Alone
Bam! New QOTW, right here.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:50, archived)
# Personally I've really enjoyed the shed compo, and it's been the busiest one in months
but every compo starts to run out of steam by the weekend, which is why Sunday/Monday is the ideal time for bandwagons to arrive!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:47, archived)
# It does seem that way, usually because it gets to a point where everything's been done.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:59, archived)
[challenge entry] Feck!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:51, archived)
# Oh yes!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:54, archived)
# Ha ha!!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 18:49, archived)
# Windsor
Knocks over the Pope and races back to Buckingham palace.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 21:28, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:21, archived)
# St Pancras station right?
I must have spent hours queueing there
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:26, archived)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:28, archived)
# Bwahahaha
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:29, archived)
# Now, steady on just one moment...
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:45, archived)
# That's sick, disgusting and morally wrong
Well done. Click.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 21:26, archived)
# *click*
(, Tue 24 Jul 2012, 17:43, archived)
[challenge entry] Run Osman Run, hee hee hee!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:10, archived)
[challenge entry] johnny hates chazz
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:12, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:14, archived)
# hahahaha
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:16, archived)
[challenge entry] Hahaha, top-knotch melding of the two bandwagons!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:14, archived)
# =))))))))))
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:17, archived)
[challenge entry] mustav
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:20, archived)
# one of the first
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:21, archived)
# Yeah it was one of Captain Howdy's original three
Nice work on the lighting though
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:21, archived)
# curse him!
I wasn't around when it all started :(
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:24, archived)
# haha
the joy of being throttled!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:23, archived)
# Haha, his expression is so versatile
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:31, archived)
[challenge entry] for one's eyes only
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:54, archived)
[challenge entry] I ain't afraid
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:57, archived)
# :D
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:58, archived)
# :D
Who is one going to call?
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:58, archived)
# ghost apprehenders!
by jove
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:01, archived)
# :)))
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:03, archived)
# *AC/DC*
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:05, archived)
haha ace!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:15, archived)
# :)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:16, archived)
# :)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:20, archived)
# :D
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:03, archived)

Click for 400+ more thingies
I know, this meme is so last week. I wish I were one of those hip cats.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:54, archived)
# pffh :)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:54, archived)
# hahaha
Huey Lewis & the News are now singing a cover of this in my head.
And then they're going to sing "It's Hip to be Square" just for you
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:02, archived)
# I think that could work.
And a guitar solo two thirds of the way through couldn't hurt.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:18, archived)
# I really like this
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:09, archived)
[challenge entry] RUN AWAY!

Click for bigger (165 kb)

(Apols if bindun... and it probably has been!)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:39, archived)
# hahahahahhahah
hahaha *farts*
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:40, archived)
# Ah, a laugh that ends in a guff, surely the best kind.
Wallow in your waft, good sir!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:42, archived)
[challenge entry] thank you good sir
have some more Charles from me

(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:45, archived)
# ;)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:53, archived)
# Arf!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:57, archived)
# What's this one from?
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:18, archived)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:25, archived)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:26, archived)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:32, archived)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:32, archived)
# was this fart
in our general direction
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:42, archived)
# aye
you empty headed animal food trough wiper
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:47, archived)
# haha!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:40, archived)
# The Queen was a hamster
and Prince Philip smells of elderberries
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:12, archived)
[challenge entry] no comment
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:35, archived)
[challenge entry] the gift that keeps on giving
Mr. Grey

(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:37, archived)
[challenge entry] MIND THE PISS!!

I just finished this!!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:39, archived)
# holy crap
this is excellent

le click
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:43, archived)
# thanks! twas extremely quick
but less dirty than i imagined it would be
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:45, archived)
# Ha, Dirty bastard with his Asian bra fetish
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:38, archived)
# comment
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:41, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:34, archived)
# 10 columns of b&w sheds?
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:36, archived)
# * Points and taps noes
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:49, archived)
# Ah I geddit, 5 rows of b&w sheds?
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 16:11, archived)
# The Great Wall of Monochrome Sheds?
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:01, archived)
# *Doesn't get it*
*right clicks, inspects element*

(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:11, archived)
# 3 Olympic images
Olympic Zil Lanes in WW2 Churchill propaganda style ...
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:26, archived)
# Adidas sponsorship
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:27, archived)
# G4S recruitment
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:27, archived)
# this reminds me, hubare, of something I, hubare, did once. I, hubare, will post it here

(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:37, archived)
# i say
we take off and Nike the site from orbit
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:09, archived)
# So true
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:30, archived)
# Woo gold medal for you
and clicks :)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:38, archived)
# I was 21 when the olympics came to Sydney
So many of my English relatives acted like we should be grateful for it compared to their glorious London

I take no pleasure in this
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:43, archived)
[challenge entry] he's behind you Rick...
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:21, archived)
[challenge entry] Nothing to be seam here
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:19, archived)
[challenge entry] I'm liking this challenge
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:18, archived)
# haha,,
look at the little bugger go!!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:40, archived)
# Very good!
A rare original idea in this comp.
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 6:11, archived)
[challenge entry] "When you play the game of thrones you win, or you die. There is no middle ground."
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 12:58, archived)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:01, archived)
# I haven't watched GoT, but I get what this is about

it's about jaffa cakes, right?
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:19, archived)
# I can't say whether Jaffa Cakes come into it without it being a spoiler for you.
Although I can say that Bootleg Jaffa Cakes are often surprisingly good.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:26, archived)
# I concur

and dirt cheap too
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:45, archived)
# :D Lidl is a treasure trove of surprisingly good crap.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:57, archived)
# It is about Boromir trying to rape Frodo's ring, probably.
The book, however, is quite entertaining.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:27, archived)
# it's about the War of the Roses if Dragons were real
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:35, archived)
# that's Richard, Duke of York, you see there
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:37, archived)
# "Oooeuh! I want to have a goo with big sword!"
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:26, archived)
[challenge entry] Where's that ruddy manservant gone? I can't work this damn thing
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 12:52, archived)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 12:58, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 12:58, archived)
# Hahahaha

This keeps getting better and better
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:03, archived)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:29, archived)
# Do I want to know the train of thoughts that lead to this?
No, I do not.

But I do click.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:08, archived)
# hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:13, archived)
# Is that a silk scarf?
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:20, archived)
# O_O
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:25, archived)
# haha
I can't stop laughing at this!
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:08, archived)
# Swan's neck, Shirley?
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:17, archived)
[challenge entry] Da-da-da-da-da Da-da-da-da-da.... Da-da-da-da-da Da-da-da-da-da....

Yes it's the old compo
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 12:48, archived)
# you know they say that cat Shed is a baaaaaad mutha...
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 12:50, archived)
Shut your mouth.
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 14:16, archived)
[challenge entry] I'm not going to bump a non-bandwagon entry down
so have some woo, and some charles:

(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 12:52, archived)
# shed your mouth
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 12:53, archived)
# Suave shiplap shed is shed suave & shiplap
woo :)
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:12, archived)
# bowchicka wa wa waccawacca
(, Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:13, archived)

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