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Credit to atomic for the background!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:15, archived)
# You're not atomic though
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:19, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:30, archived)
# I think its something to do with Jeremy Beadle.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:31, archived)

(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:40, archived)
# ^ life on mars
he fuckin' loves it
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 23:33, archived)
# but on the other hand
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 0:18, archived)
# Nice tag.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:35, archived)
# His stuff is WAY better than yours
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:38, archived)
I found the image and didn't see the tag, it was so small I didn't think it had one! So I had no idea it was atomic's. Credit given now! (How amusing that it should by chance turn out to be an atomic image.)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:55, archived)
# No worries....it was stolen by LS18 as well...... XD
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:16, archived)
Gah! I do not want to be lumped together with LS18!
I should just delete the whole thread.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:26, archived)
# Deleting threads kills kittens.
Your choice.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:32, archived)
Yes that's what I thought, I would turn into a thread-deleting cunt. I'm not in a win win situation here. And to think I actually thought it was a fun pic to post. I should have stuck to my original plan and just drunk myself into a stupor.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:41, archived)
# That’s what I’m doing…cheers o/‘

gub-gub made me this!…16 YEARSiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii \\o/β€˜
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 23:14, archived)
# dreamstime
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 1:55, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:32, archived)
I didn't see the tag and had no idea where it came from. I have credited you now!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:45, archived)
# You spelled my name wrong.
It's 'atomic'...not 'Atomic'.....*
* XDThanx!XD
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:33, archived)
# alright, lighten up Atmoic
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 3:48, archived)

Credit to Atmoic, great boo and mr horrible for the composite parts. I saw the tag but thought "fuck it"
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:08, archived)
# what'll it be next?!
Pedro doing the next Batman strip?
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:15, archived)
# How's Possible?
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:18, archived)
# Sounds kinky.
Bring it on.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:18, archived)
# -next Batman
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 0:20, archived)
# Yeah I spent 4 hours clearing that street, just so you guys can shit on it.......you're welcome!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:27, archived)
# Arf!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:33, archived)
# Yeah but that was 4 hours back in 2010, you've been recycling it ever since, that's what Pedro said
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 2:01, archived)
# wrong*coff*2018*coff*maybe*.....
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 2:20, archived)
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 2:24, archived)
# Sweet 16 Baby!
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 2:26, archived)
# wow! it looks less on this little screen, I zoomed in to check
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 2:28, archived)
# Your edit, I will end you, fuck
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 3:14, archived)
# I bet you zoomed in...
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 4:12, archived)
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 16:47, archived)
# same thing
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 2:26, archived)
# Cha.
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 2:38, archived)
# candles?
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 0:10, archived)
# Should be missiles.
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 2:38, archived)
# Fair enough.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 20:06, archived)
# Why are they setting fire to albino Robbie Williams?
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 20:38, archived)
# Well someone has to
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 20:54, archived)
# It's Philip Schofield
because Russia hates gays.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:01, archived)
# Having said that
a bonfire in Winter is a great idea!
I can just smell the mushy peas.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:03, archived)
# Fucking hell it is
He's not aged a bit apart from his hair. Is he gay these days then?
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:28, archived)
# His wife was a bit upset
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:47, archived)
# Hahaha
I looked him up on Wikipedia and it's true. Well I spose the Broom cupboard must have been a deep metaphor. Has Andi Peters come out as well?

Edit: apparently Philip Schofield just jumped The Queue.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:53, archived)
# I kind of wondered if Andy Crane had gone that way too so started googling presenters and then ended up looking at photos of Bad Influence's Violet Berlin, again
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 23:01, archived)
# What's odd about that is i was sure he came out years ago. Was there another similar daytime presenter who came out, like a husband/wife team?
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 2:24, archived)
# the wife looked like a sherry trifle
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 3:16, archived)
# Sorry, Google isn't helping
Hope this helps

(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 8:45, archived)
# You're the only one trying, i just want you to know i appreciate it
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 14:10, archived)
# Have you heard Escapology?
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:03, archived)
# get out
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 14:11, archived)
# Angings 2 gud 4m
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:24, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 18:20, archived)
# You're not with Con Ed, or the phone company, we've checked. So, tell me another one.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 20:51, archived)
# It's Quatermass
looking for the Devil-Crickets.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:04, archived)
# Zebra Killers
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:38, archived)
# Qu'est-ce que c'est
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:17, archived)
# Sorry, I only speak English ^____^

(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:19, archived)
# oh, i see you've copied my joke, that's a great decision, it was a good joke.
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 14:14, archived)
# If you ever post a good joke of your own I might copy it out of respect
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 14:15, archived)
# Gorntroversial
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 17:08, archived)
# I met her once, she was actually really nice.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 17:23, archived)
# I especially enjoy her dubious ethnicity
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:11, archived)
# I met her once, she was actually really beige.
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 0:42, archived)
# 16 happy flaming candles up your bum
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 17:23, archived)
# O_o
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 21:52, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:19, archived)
# Eyeless pink fish swallows grinning gorn
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 21:14, archived)
# what smells like an anus and weighs a tonne?
Jennifer Anustonne

(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 0:59, archived)
# Only you could ruin a total babe like that.
(Might post a picture later)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:03, archived)
# She's a vile woman
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:03, archived)
# Have you met her? I met her once, she was actually really nice
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:10, archived)
# She told me all about you, mohafa

(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 11:00, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 13:50, archived)
# She said you were really nice too....
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:00, archived)
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 0:43, archived)
# ohhhhh....which tabloid do you subscribe to?
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:16, archived)
# ...almost as ugly as Ana de Armas
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:04, archived)
# This month, de Armas dips a toe into the beauty world, becoming the latest ambassador for Estée Lauder, so she can't be all that bad
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:11, archived)
# Well ...
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:12, archived)
# That's the spirit, you won't regret it. Did I mention, I met her once, she was actually really nice
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:15, archived)
# I ummm...
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:16, archived)
# hmmm?
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:19, archived)
# Yup!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:19, archived)
# Look I think I might have exaggerated the number of times i met her and Jennifer Anniston.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:25, archived)
# How many times was it really?
Me and my wife, Maureen McCormick (AKA Marcia Brady) want to know
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:27, archived)
# Might have been less than one time.
Hi Marcia! Still sore lol?
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:28, archived)
# Oh that's fine
It's not like you way way way over exaggerated
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:29, archived)
She's still got a bump on her nose from when Bobby threw the ball
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:43, archived)
# yes, that's what i meant
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 14:18, archived)
# Oh man....I loved her in Star Wars (Jawa #3)! <3
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:51, archived)
# Alice was a wookie
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:53, archived)
# Alice was hot as fuck
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 12:39, archived)
# O M8
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 12:48, archived)
# Alice was the old guy, right?
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 13:51, archived)
# The butcher I think.
Had sex with Peter & Carol if memory serves
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 14:00, archived)
# Oh that's disgusting. Thanks for the heads-up.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 14:00, archived)
# But still...
The idea of Alice and Sam bringing out the monkey kind of makes me want to puke a little bit.

I think I just felt a little squirt of bile rising in my esophagus
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 14:02, archived)
# -bile +white wee wee -esophagus +pænus
Official Wordle doesn't allow 'chode' apparently.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 14:25, archived)
# πŸ˜‚πŸ”πŸ—πŸΌπŸ«‚πŸ₯³
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 14:26, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 14:40, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 14:41, archived)
Ana de Armas is gorgeous. Far more so than that silly ugly Marilyn Monroe was.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:51, archived)
# I agree. I was just trying to get Atmoic riled up
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:52, archived)
It's got to be worth a try.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:56, archived)
# When I level your cities....you'll know I was 'riled up'.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 2:27, archived)
Can you please drop a bomb on London that kills only repugnant monkey creatures and leaves the 0.1% civilised humans intact? It would be great, we'd have the whole city to ourselves!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 3:28, archived)
# ....very tempting......
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 4:21, archived)
# o_o
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 13:59, archived)
# Just a friendly warning that you may end up being the only person who achieves your very high standards of humanity and it might be a bit lonely.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 13:54, archived)
# Also, is it necessary to be a ludicrously overwrought publicly frothing homophobe to qualify as 'civilised'?
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 13:57, archived)
I'm sorry? I've never been a homophobe. I oppose the awful relentless self-loving self promotion yes, but I made sure to say that homosexuals should have the right to be free from abuse and bigotry etc. No antipathy towards homosexuality at all, but I am capable of making a clear distinction between that and the propaganda. It isn't true that people who do not adhere to the entirety of the received narrative are therefore evil.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 14:53, archived)
# Have you heard of cognitive dissonance?
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 15:44, archived)
# Ha Ha!! XD!!!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:24, archived)
# I'm going to leave you alone now.
dude i threw the other comment away, it's enough
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 17:23, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:24, archived)
# Happy candle day atomic!!
Yeah well, I got a bit me me me me :(
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 0:44, archived)
# Jokes are better than technique.
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 2:35, archived)
# I met her once, she was actually really nice
(Might post some AI pictures later)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:09, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:15, archived)
# Those vaginas are way too small.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:17, archived)
# Real pictures are better.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:35, archived)
# Come up with a definition of 'real' that we can all agree on and we'll take it from there.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:39, archived)
# "Not Fake"
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:44, archived)
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." - Philip K. Dick
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 2:01, archived)
# I...REAL-ly....wanna....fuck....that....girl....
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 2:44, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 3:32, archived)
# porn init
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 4:21, archived)
# lol
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 14:26, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:46, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:57, archived)
# U disgust me
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:57, archived)
# Why you drooling then?
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 2:20, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 2:28, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 2:43, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 12:36, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 12:40, archived)
# I'd take that chicken back to the shop.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:02, archived)
# go pluck yourself /atmoic
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:12, archived)
# I didn't this.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:37, archived)
# there's a LOT you didn't today here, bub!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:49, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 22:21, archived)
# Mewicheal Jackson, I can explain the joke if you want
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 1:49, archived)
[challenge entry] Your father was a Roman

Click for bigger (251 kb)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 21:30, archived)
[challenge entry] Some people would beg to differ

(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 12:19, archived)
# Hhaj!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 17:02, archived)
# Totally Original Concept
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 19:15, archived)
# I used to have that sofa!
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 19:34, archived)
# I think it's meant to be a dog
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 20:06, archived)
# Sofa King What
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 20:39, archived)
# Dog efficiency increases exponentially with the amount of dog eyes.

(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 21:52, archived)
# The cold dead eyes of a killer.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 22:08, archived)
# oh
this is actually good
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 6:06, archived)
[challenge entry] FINALLY...The Precious!

*edit* now with extra finger bloat
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:13, archived)
# Fake!!!
Fingers are nowhere near fat enough!
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:17, archived)
# hehe
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 14:08, archived)
# We're gonna need much bigger fingers, c'mon.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 21:53, archived)
# Woo!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 7:11, archived)
[challenge entry] Sweep! No!!!

Click for bigger (86 kb)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 12:51, archived)

(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 12:53, archived)
# If the queen was made of sausages i would worry about dogs digging her up after the funeral
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 12:57, archived)
# Luckily she is really made of vegetables. Not sausages.

Please do not worry about sausage/corgi based exhumations!
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:13, archived)
# I read somewhere that dogs will only eat their owners if they're hungry.
Dogs autocorrected to doves initially, I'm confused enough to have wondered for a moment if that was actually what I meant.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:30, archived)
# If their owners are hungry?
People need to be told!
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 22:42, archived)
# I mean, I just did
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 1:50, archived)
# Massive Candle Ensemble iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii….etc…..etc…..
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 0:57, archived)
# Matches matches never touch
They can hurt you very much
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 9:01, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 12:41, archived)
# hahaha !
happy candles and all that
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:58, archived)
# Queen Elizardbeth II
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 12:49, archived)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 12:50, archived)

(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 12:54, archived)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 12:51, archived)

(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 12:54, archived)
# The queen cheese, god save her
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 12:55, archived)
# haha!
What the actual fuck is this?
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:14, archived)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:16, archived)
# Bloody Hell
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:25, archived)
You’ve been seduced by the Dark Side.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 14:50, archived)
# -been seduced by the Dark Side +upset atomic
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 15:16, archived)
# Meh.
As long as they're small, and posted as replies I think that's acceptable.
It's not like it's me me me me.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 19:13, archived)
# cheddaritis
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 0:09, archived)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 12:54, archived)
# !!
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 12:58, archived)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:02, archived)
# Scenes from Phil's wank bank
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:04, archived)
# Er, Phil?
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:06, archived)
# Oh Phil :(
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:08, archived)
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:15, archived)
# My regret was immediate, and lasting
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:22, archived)
# ^ Post Wank Feeling
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:26, archived)
# Awww mate you've really done it now
Democracy turned upside down
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 21:59, archived)
# I hope not :(
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 22:36, archived)
# it's radiator girl from eraserhead
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 0:59, archived)
# You've got your good things
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:21, archived)
# Might save this one.
And you know…
Put a cock in her mouth or something…
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 14:51, archived)
# As long as it's yours i'm good with it
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 15:17, archived)
# Why aren't these each in a separate thread?
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 14:08, archived)
# Because that might look a bit me, me, me, me
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 14:15, archived)
# We’ll at least it’s the most content you’ve produced in years,…so congratulations on being a professional button pusher.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 14:34, archived)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 15:10, archived)
# Plastic tears.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 18:08, archived)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 21:27, archived)

(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 22:01, archived)

(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 22:21, archived)
# <3 <3 <3
cheesehorses r the besssst
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 0:18, archived)
# No
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:21, archived)

(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:23, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 12:41, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 13:18, archived)
# 3t/f
(, Sun 18 Sep 2022, 1:51, archived)
# :(
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 0:17, archived)
# wooo
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 15:48, archived)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 16:34, archived)
# AI art is fun, but don't let it cheapen the work of talented artists
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 17:53, archived)
# I liked it better when the other guy said this.
You can’t steal his thunder, and assume to get away with it.
We’re watching you.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 18:11, archived)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 19:32, archived)
# The Gourne Ultimatum
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:24, archived)
[challenge entry] Tasteful funeral promo from the BBC

Click for bigger (588 kb)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 9:36, archived)
# She's like Captain Marvel. She has to be gone for the entire movie so the heroes can fight.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 9:44, archived)
# My favo(u)rite Moody Blues LP
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:25, archived)
# nigh nigh nige
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 3:38, archived)
# Death takes the form of whatever makes people comfortable

Click for bigger (104 kb)

(Inspired by
this psychopompery)
(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 23:45, archived)
# <3
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 3:35, archived)
# Busy bear
Click for bigger (596 kb)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 7:56, archived)
# Heheh
Netflix missed a trick by not doing something novel with Dream's subtitles, didn't they?
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 9:17, archived)
# I thought
he was opening a can of Special Brew...
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 21:48, archived)
# Of course, how else do you feed pigeons?
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 22:22, archived)
# Coming 2023.
(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 22:39, archived)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 1:03, archived)
# Not sure it will make it to a full feature but a few award winning short films/artworks are inevitable
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 9:38, archived)
# Not to mention
the feel-good documentaries about all the couples that met in the queue, and all the dirt-dishing documentaries about their scorned partners, and the porn version where people are just fucking in the queue, with the finale three-way including Zombie Queen
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 20:39, archived)
# Ed Sheeran
Haven't we suffered enough
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 11:38, archived)
# So...
Dame Judi lost her husband during Covid, now daughter thinks she can't cope on her own so spiritedly strikes out of the Home Counties for London to see the Queen to prove she can still be strong and independent.

Meets Bill Nighy on the train, a cycnial anti-royal leftie (former university lecture, y'know, that lot) who Judi commandeers to help her on her journey and whose heart melts at the Great British Britishness of it all.

Jim Broadbent is the Royal historian there to coldly document the facts but who finds himself swept along with the jovial solemnity.

Cecila Imire and Timothy Spall are a couple who met as punks in the white hot rebellion of the Silver Jubilee (pop in a bit of God Save the Queen here, ooh, bit cheeky), now bored in semi in Berkshire, they find themselves again on their adventure to honour Her Majesty.

Himesh Patel is Judi's daughter's husband, sent after her to bring the old gal home from the big city but, moved by her determination to make it to the coffin, pulls some wacky scheme to distract the plod so she can finally get in the hall.

Lots of Blitz spirit, poignant memories, tremendous senses of humour, culminating with everyone in Westminster Hall including guards, MPs and Beefeaters, led by street busker character Ed Sheeran, spontaneously breaking into All You Need Is Love.

Practically writes itself.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 12:30, archived)
# If Judy Dench was to hatch, what would be inside?
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 13:24, archived)
# Black Zarak.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 14:14, archived)
# racist
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 16:36, archived)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 16:37, archived)
# Black Zarak has like a beigey gold colour - to his face at least.
Or, if you take Zarak to be the humanoid master of the head, ISTR he had more of a pale green complexion.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 17:52, archived)
# I don't even understand what the subject of this conversation is to be honest
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 21:37, archived)
# In the comics he was just an old white man with white hair.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 22:34, archived)
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 19:35, archived)
# Let's have a sing song !
Aga-queue queue queue, Southwark Park to Bermondsey..
Aga-queue queue queue, Westminister Bridge to the Abbey..
Queue the left, queue the right, up and down toward the Queen
Come and stand through the night, bring a flask filled up with tea..
Past the Tate and the Eye
The Southbank BFI
The queue is so long..
We’re all singing this song
Aga-queue queue queue, Southwark Park to Bermondsey..
Aga-queue queue queue, Westminister Bridge to the Abbey..
Queue the left, queue the right, up and down toward the Queen
Come and stand through the night, bring a flask filled up with tea..
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 12:41, archived)
# Thass verr good.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 16:23, archived)
# Assuming those people are in order (I don't know all of them)
When did Timothy Spall lose so much weight?
(, Sat 17 Sep 2022, 18:05, archived)
# 2019, apparently.
(, Mon 19 Sep 2022, 17:29, archived)
[challenge entry] The Throwback...
(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 18:41, archived)
# Jared Kushner's looking heil
(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 20:56, archived)
# V.good
(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 22:10, archived)
[challenge entry] The Queen Queue Queen Queue Queen Queue Queen Queue Queen Queue Queen Queue
(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 18:38, archived)
# I see what you did there.
(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 18:39, archived)
# mr. dogshit!
(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 19:09, archived)
# That's Mister Dogshit to you
(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 22:51, archived)
Bloody amazing
(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 21:15, archived)
# Wait a minute!
That e should be upside down!

Shenanigans are afoot!!!
(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 23:25, archived)
# clever
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 9:37, archived)
# This is EXCELLENT!!
Bloody excellent!
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 10:35, archived)
# Smart joke
Deserves fat klik
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 14:51, archived)
# Smart!
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 16:24, archived)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 18:11, archived)
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 19:28, archived)
excellent. b3ta still mobile Edit unfriendly Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 20:14, archived)
# Well this is ruddy marvellous.
(, Fri 16 Sep 2022, 21:28, archived)
# Jizzy Lizzy. (It's OK, she was legal tender at this point.)
(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 18:20, archived)
# Mmmmm...

Click for bigger (115 kb)
(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 17:37, archived)
(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 19:30, archived)
# Pois ancien.

(, Thu 15 Sep 2022, 21:15, archived)

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