I knew there was at least _something_ else that nohands could be used for!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:09,

but he's not as cute when not in the classic pose. Woo!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:10,

it just looks like you've nailed no-hands to her head
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:11,

bah cant believe you even considered it being cruel to her
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:18,

Its 153k, so Dial ups beware...mind you I'm on Dial up and it loads up ok.

( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:07,

you know those pictures i gave you and that nice animation you did...
well I gave you the wrong pictures. I gave you 4 and 5 instead of 3 and 4.
I only realised because i've just had the 4 - 5 animation sent to me. It's a little similar to yours but i can't really use both of them and still need 3 - 4 doing.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:40,
well I gave you the wrong pictures. I gave you 4 and 5 instead of 3 and 4.
I only realised because i've just had the 4 - 5 animation sent to me. It's a little similar to yours but i can't really use both of them and still need 3 - 4 doing.

Are you saying that I'll have to do them again!!
No problem mate, send me the pictures and I'll knock something else up.
Not tonight but before the middle of next week.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:51,
No problem mate, send me the pictures and I'll knock something else up.
Not tonight but before the middle of next week.

that's the campest damn thing I've ever seen! :)
(153K is fine for the board too you know...)
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:13,
(153K is fine for the board too you know...)

flick of the left arm at the end that makes me laugh the most...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:23,

or real left.
The drawn heart or the little shooting hearts?
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:25,
The drawn heart or the little shooting hearts?

I wanna give that my new spidey woo, but i can't upload it!
Anyone else having trouble uploading to NTL web space?
Have this one in the mean time, whilst i try and sort it:

( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:14,
Anyone else having trouble uploading to NTL web space?
Have this one in the mean time, whilst i try and sort it:

done in Flash, but that clip is only part of a much bigger mpg file, but I couldn't edit the video in Flash, so its tiny lickle gifs for now.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:18,

adobe premiere. if you need something simple doing next time then give me a shout...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:47,

alright, it *is* fab then. that last wee bit is particularly cool
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:30,

When we were testing our scanner I put my foot on and my mum put here hand on...I was thinking of the same thing...DAMN!!!
Well fuck ya, I'm gonna do it anyway
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:30,
Well fuck ya, I'm gonna do it anyway

with valentines day not far off.
Now, who're you gonna send it to?
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:31,
Now, who're you gonna send it to?

did your imaginary girlfriend wonder what the hell you were doing?
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:38,

when I was juggling one night, I've got loads of clips of me playing at being a ninja.
And she finds them funny.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:44,
And she finds them funny.

that makes me all warm and fuzzy, like.
and if you're interested, my three year old just saw it and said "mommy! what that man's throwing? boogers?"
she doesn't get it from me.
( ,
Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:21,
and if you're interested, my three year old just saw it and said "mommy! what that man's throwing? boogers?"
she doesn't get it from me.

Dancers, named 'kukers', call for good health and harvests in the coming year and...oh, never mind.
Click for biggie.

cos I'm near 200 posts and i have a pretty picture to post for it.
I like it though it's quite funny
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:08,
I like it though it's quite funny

...no-one seemed all that bothered about it though

Did I mention I had a dream about a guy who looked exactly like him, but with no limbs, the night before they released his photos?
Freaked me out.
But then so did the third degree burns on my leg the day before.

with your burns crap.
If your names adam divall i'm sorry OK?
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:10,
If your names adam divall i'm sorry OK?

no, fraid not.
Although one of the last things i remember from that night was an army surplus smoke bomb...
100% Fact.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:12,
Although one of the last things i remember from that night was an army surplus smoke bomb...
100% Fact.

chips, cheese and gravy for my dinner
I have no idea why I had to share this information with you but I did
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:00,
I have no idea why I had to share this information with you but I did

you eat the exact same meal as my crazy next door neighbours who go to the pub at 7am and wait till 11 for it to open.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:02,

Chips cheese and gravy is nice, but I'm not sure I'd go pub at 7 to wait for the 11 opening....that sounds crazy
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:04,

well I woke up on new years morning with third degree burns on my leg, with no idea how they got there...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:02,

Adam Divall I can explain how if not then you've never seen me i wasn't even here you hear me?
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:04,

went into a huge bubble, when i popped it a load of slimey liquid poured out.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:11,
went into a huge bubble, when i popped it a load of slimey liquid poured out.

I have chips cheese and gravy, I'm sorry everyone how can you ever forgive me?
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:13,

she's just the only person i've ever heard use the abbreviation for "unidentified drinking injury"...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:22,

a coupla hours. I'm in danger of losing my dangerously overweight status!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:09,

You're a disturbed man, Fnord.
And woo for another appearance of the Beatbox Saboteurs. Just parted with £5 to buy their album.
Edit: My 369th post, which spookily is the exact reverse of my profile id.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:55,
And woo for another appearance of the Beatbox Saboteurs. Just parted with £5 to buy their album.
Edit: My 369th post, which spookily is the exact reverse of my profile id.

the first ppl i thought of when i decided i needed some silent film music.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:00,

you should be able to work it out from that. ;)
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:11,

refreshing and waiting patiently.
Edit: anyone know of an alternative to real player? I'm loathe to install any version of it as it has this habit of turning my whole system into a stinking pile of stoat-shit.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:55,
Edit: anyone know of an alternative to real player? I'm loathe to install any version of it as it has this habit of turning my whole system into a stinking pile of stoat-shit.

it's odd... Sorry, won't be watching the Schpielplayer movie, but woo for making it anyways.
edit: it's up now...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:59,
edit: it's up now...

It's about 52 seconds long and 320x240
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:02,

Image Ready and Animation Shop both handle AVI don't they? And there's loads of MPEGing software out on the DVD-"home backup" sites - but converting from MealPlayer to any other format always causes a loss in overall quality 'cause it's such a lossy format to begin with.
Dinna take it personal, man... :-D
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:06,
Dinna take it personal, man... :-D

i used premiere and i have several codecs and output options but i really don't know how to combine them all into getting the best quality/file size.
Experiemnting can take half an hour a try for a clip this size.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:13,
Experiemnting can take half an hour a try for a clip this size.

take a little downloading....
my modem fears your oddness
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:58,
my modem fears your oddness

modem users must unite against big good files.
Until we get better connections anyway.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:04,
Until we get better connections anyway.

now I have to wait for gibbon to finish with the ps2 so I can use the speakers.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:14,

I'm having fun with the m3tab3tan animation thingy by the way - I'm fifty frames in with no clear idea how to get to the endframe!

cant view that sadly coz Realplayer keeps crashing :(
Bet it was ace too !
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:05,
Bet it was ace too !

then opening realplayer through the start menu
then opening file.
Or open realplayer through start menu then paste the location in. I know realplayer is crap.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:06,
then opening file.
Or open realplayer through start menu then paste the location in. I know realplayer is crap.

how rude, I thought.
I see it now though - how woo!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:00,
I see it now though - how woo!

Pie related is good, specially when it tastes good too
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:54,
![Challenge Entry: Hats of the future [challenge entry]](/images/board_posticon_c.gif)

Aargh, I can't stop.... Yes, yes, yes, it's copout number 3. So kill me.......

copout #3 ladies and gentlemen.. i would woo yay it...but i cant find my woo yay. sorry.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:38,

you have a marvellously skewed brain to think of this many copouts! Yay! :)
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:39,

the only thing is did you make these pictures eh? did you? eh? eh?
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:50,

this is my last spong for awhile.

i get worse and worse :(
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:00,

i get worse and worse :(

If you magnify it enough you get this!

so there :-p
( ,
Mon 6 Jan 2003, 14:32,

so there :-p
![Challenge Entry: Hats of the future [challenge entry]](/images/board_posticon_c.gif)

OK, OK, it's another copout, I admit it... I am hanging my head in shame.........
![Challenge Entry: Hats of the future [challenge entry]](/images/board_posticon_c.gif)

OK, OK, it's a copout I admit, hats never did have wires.........

I've lurked long enough, so it had to happen sooner or later...

First anim, is it a bit big?
(and yes, I did throw them properly)
*edit* Made smaller by BAZ, thanks!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:29,

First anim, is it a bit big?
(and yes, I did throw them properly)
*edit* Made smaller by BAZ, thanks!

50k if you reduce the colours to 16. Here: www.ucl.ac.uk/~smgxbyo/dart.gif
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:36,

Grabbed, re-hosted and edited with credit! Thanks...
p.s. how do you drop the colours in Image-ready? It's the first time I've used it...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:46,
p.s. how do you drop the colours in Image-ready? It's the first time I've used it...

an optimize panel in the top right corner with "optimize" and "info" tabs. The options are on the "optimize" tab. Funny that. You're best using something like the 2-up view to compare the original with the optimized version. Don't forget to use "Save as optimized..." to save the new version. If the optimize panel isn't there, look under the Window menu.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:51,

and adjust the settings there... If you bring up the 2-up view, you'll be adjusting the one on the right, and this way you can see how much (or little) detail you'll lose.
Selective or perceptual usually give great color reduction, and drop an extra couple of K compared to Adaptive. Also, going Lossy works well...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:52,
Selective or perceptual usually give great color reduction, and drop an extra couple of K compared to Adaptive. Also, going Lossy works well...

I did try that and I did save optimized, I obviously just didn't try hard enough and play with enough options...
*note to self* play with it more...
/double entendre
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:59,
*note to self* play with it more...
/double entendre

I'm jealous now... But then, my next milestone's gonna be for over 1000 posts, so I'm just stumped for original ideas!
Edit: Ah fuck... coulda done one here, 911 posts! I give up with postcount images!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:33,
Edit: Ah fuck... coulda done one here, 911 posts! I give up with postcount images!

In 17 Days?!?
I knew I'd seen you around here a lot, but, Phew! That's almost living here!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:38,
I knew I'd seen you around here a lot, but, Phew! That's almost living here!

and I haven't noted any milestones. I don't like birthdays, either.
Actually, I'm just not very observant.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:42,
Actually, I'm just not very observant.

And a lot of dedication...
Just think how long it'd take if you missed and hit the 1, as well...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:40,
Just think how long it'd take if you missed and hit the 1, as well...

2001 at university... I think you'd have REAL problems getting an anim under 150K doing that! :-)
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:50,

your anim drops to 7k if you convert it to black and white, so it could be done...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:53,

and I just haven't got the darts to do it...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:57,

...admittedly 31 of 'em are in the treble 20 followed by a treble 19, a treble 16 and finishing on a double 18...
It could take a while to score that in one go though ;-)
/coat, hat and all other belongings...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:16,
It could take a while to score that in one go though ;-)
/coat, hat and all other belongings...

but I'm not going to tell you HOW MANY TIMES I had to throw them!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:40,
![Challenge Entry: Hats of the future [challenge entry]](/images/board_posticon_c.gif)
The hat of the future has been here for a long time!

( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:24,

Where does she add the gasoline, or does it crank?
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:37,

But didn't someone do this just the other day?
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:20,

but it was different.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:22,

may become very common around here.
ATTENTION! It's snowing!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:25,
ATTENTION! It's snowing!

Not here, which is nice - I really don't know if I have any antifreeze in the radiator or not, and I don't have any way to check...

into your mouth, and see how it tastes.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:33,

and antifreeze tester-me-bob
Used to be a mechanic
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:38,
Used to be a mechanic

I ment here Here is somewhere you're not because you said you're here we can't be in the same place so I'm in Cumbria in England
I should really learn proper use of grammer
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:43,
I should really learn proper use of grammer

a joke but at least someone noticed...wooo
It's like a speach impellament
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:51,
It's like a speach impellament

but the curtains are at least a metre and a half away...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:26,

2 half cm to an inch, he can work it out then
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:39,

people do kittens every day! its a variation. its different!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:24,

with that - i want to see an animation by 7pm.
ps are you in the parallel gif processing thing - I think your randomness would be very fitting
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:54,
ps are you in the parallel gif processing thing - I think your randomness would be very fitting

Have been out for pizza!
I'll have a look at that gif-thing & also try to make an animation!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:12,
I'll have a look at that gif-thing & also try to make an animation!

so I'll settle for an apology - I am very very sorry.
sits back and waits for mr predictable to spong it!

I've seen this one, it starts out all sweetness and light, but just wait until that poor girl has her back turned - well, how was she to know Lassie was played by a boy dog?!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:22,

I have one person on my mind, but many things involving that person.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:31,

you're just there for coffee, thats it, nothing more!!!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:41,

I would, if I didn't think Bats would skin me alive and feed me to the cabbagedog...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:25,

ensemble that does it for me. The juxtaposition of woman with animal with vegetable.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:27,

could we say it was animal, vegetable, IQ of a mineral?
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:32,

"Tom, you are looking great, but why why why the lilo?"

the weight of PUNNAGE!
/offers gun for the doing of 'the decent thing' ;o)
edit: yes it did make me laugh, though!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:21,
/offers gun for the doing of 'the decent thing' ;o)
edit: yes it did make me laugh, though!

thing to make me laugh out loud tonight!
Deserves one of these

( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:27,
Deserves one of these

if you would have stopped at woo yay it would look like he's saying it...the houpla throws it off but its stilll cool...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:48,

wasnt sure, hence the ?
After some digging: apologies though, just realised it was you that made it in the first place - 'tis a repost though - somewhere around 23rd August 2002 iirc ;-)
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 19:23,
After some digging: apologies though, just realised it was you that made it in the first place - 'tis a repost though - somewhere around 23rd August 2002 iirc ;-)

POOR KITTEN at least its dying words were woo yay!!

( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:05,

and if i try to open it in a new window i get a 'connection refused' message
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:17,

*edit* oh, you have entered it now...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:01,
*edit* oh, you have entered it now...

is unpardonably unpleasant. I hope you're proud of yourself! ;o)
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:05,

norman you always post utter crap, and its never yours yesterday you posted crap and i have no reason to believe that today will be different
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:07,

...make such a difference in names...
Check profile 8734 for Twonk "Norman Bates" or 6858 for the nice "NormanBates" above with the rather Woo! picture...
All that chanting of the profile number last early this morning worked!:-)
*edit* Oooh, 99 posts!
/runs off to make his first anim...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:19,
Check profile 8734 for Twonk "Norman Bates" or 6858 for the nice "NormanBates" above with the rather Woo! picture...
All that chanting of the profile number last early this morning worked!:-)
*edit* Oooh, 99 posts!
/runs off to make his first anim...

i went to school with him, its all his own work and he makes it himself
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:14,

this happening again over the next few days. Be prepared :)
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:18,

i wasnt being unfriendly. just all day we had this twat named "normanbates" [unregistered] just stealing other people's pieces of work. i thoguhtyou were him...confusion ensued..
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:20,

I was just taken aback and confused by the abuse. I didn't know about the other norman you see.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 18:23,
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