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fucking hell fucking hell,
what in football is going on? martin o'neill has left villa? this is the biggest news ever, it's huge. why martin why?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:20, archived)
I will be telling my grandchildren about this.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:21, archived)
it's just shocking,
i've been blown away by this.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:22, archived)
I don't know how I'm going to cope now that he has left villa.
I hope he is okay.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:23, archived)
i think one day we'll all look back and be able to remember where we were when we found out that martin o'neill has left villa

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:24, archived)
Gobbo !
I was watching the cricket on saturday with my friend Niel, and he explained it to me, the whole thing, how the first number is how many runs they get, that they get four if it hits the boarder, six if it goes over the boarder without touching the ground. And the second number is how many people have been 'out', that it goes up to 10. They do this four times, or innings, on this one, and pakistan are having one of the worst 'innings' in history. And I was like "Oh, ok, this is interesting", but then on saturday England was on 142-2, compared to 72-10, and it clicked how bad 72 was and now I think I enjoy The Cricket !
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:28, archived)
And how they can go against the umpire's choice twice (or was it four?) times, before they have to accept what he says each time.
And then it all turns a bit CSI with the infra-red cameras and all that.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:29, archived)
That is a very good point, it is three times they get a review,
but yeh, it does get a bit CSI doesn't it!
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:31, archived)
I think it's the most technologically advance game I've seen on telly, even above Wimbledon, which is right up there.
Although it losses some 'innocence' in a few senses, I think more sports should adopt these methords.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:46, archived)
Cricket has always been about fairness
and i think that trying your best to work out what the correct decision is, is just a push towards fairness, rather than a loss of innocence. in my opinion anyway.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:53, archived)
I agree, but can see why if a sport such as Football moved onto the same thing, they would think otherwise.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 17:02, archived)
The NFL are thinking about putting RFIDs in the ball, that's just crazy.
But if they're going to tech up a sport, they might as well do it properly.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 17:03, archived)
Is this the bit where someone can wade in and call you stupid for liking cricket?
I'm unclear on the rules of how we demean your choices. Get in early?, wait until the discussion is running well?, pile on if someone disagrees?.

Please clarify.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 17:06, archived)
shut up.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 17:09, archived)
I think you might be too late, the conversation is coming to an end anyway,
although your wading in intention has been noted.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 17:09, archived)
I was all ready to lambst you for enjoying something I don't normally watch and that has absolutley no effect on me.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 17:13, archived)
We'll get through this somehow.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 17:16, archived)
With your strength and care
i know we will.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 17:24, archived)
I hope you get in to cricket that would be ace!

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:32, archived)
I look forward to one day maybe me and you going to watch The Cricket one day and spending the day eating posh picknick food from hampstead and drinking refreshing drinks such as pre-mixed Mojitos (as in, mixed at home, rather than out the bottle).

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:47, archived)
Oh man if you get into cricket we could totally go to the cricket together!
And that would be awesome!
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:48, archived)
Ace !
Have you checked out the NFL stuff? It's quite similar, in that it's a bit more than a ball going between two halfs over-or-into a net. I enjoyed that too when I watched that last.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:52, archived)
I have tried to get my head round that,
it is an interesting game, kind of a sports chess.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:54, archived)
Yeah', that's pretty much what I said when watching it.
I don't think I would like it live though, with a bit _too_ much stoppage.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 17:03, archived)
more stoppage = more beer.
/went to 5 1/2hr baseball match. Got drunk.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 17:09, archived)
I don't see it like that, 'cus there are no rules about not sipping when the ball is in play, or stopping drinking before/after games.
Plus I don't really drink excessivly, this weekend I got pissed on two or three glasses, small glasses, of wine. And then about an hour later I was sober again, so I drank another two or three glasses and got pissed again.... and so on and so on until I went to bed.

Not pissed-pissed, but marry.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 17:12, archived)
There is a lot of cricket stoppage,
although that is mainly tea and lunch, which are just an excuse to go to the bar or eat a picnic.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 17:11, archived)
Yeh', the whole 'analise what just happened' after ever. single. throw did get tedious after an hour.
But I figure that's all part'n'parcel of the game.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 17:14, archived)
It probably has something to do with money.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:22, archived)
remember this moment,
you'll be asked years down the line, where were you when martin o'neill left villa?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:24, archived)
Has he?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:22, archived)
I'm well aware that this might read as sarcasm.
It's not.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:30, archived)
I read it in a donald duck voice

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:30, archived)
I've been hearing donald duck's voice everywhere ever since the Disney Pulp Fiction video in the /links popular page

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:34, archived)
I read it in a "Lucky Charms" voice.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:35, archived)
It'll be announced that Ashley Young is leaving within 48 hours.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:24, archived)
we'd better inform the otrthorities.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:28, archived)
And James Milner.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:35, archived)
That's a given anyway.
Either Young's being sold against his wishes, or he wasn't going to be given any of the milner money.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:48, archived)
A little from column a)
A little from column b)
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:52, archived)
has anybody notified the proper authorities?
There should be a register for this kind fo thing
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:29, archived)
you only did this out of raccoon-based jealousy

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:30, archived)
it's the biggest news ever, you need to be aware.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:32, archived)
you should have set a randy skunk on her

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:35, archived)
I would have covered myself in worms and beetles if it had lured the raccoon away
like a paedophile, only with a bag of invertebrates
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:42, archived)
oh man I've had two pricks in me
this stuff is gold
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:32, archived)
how do you feel about all this?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:35, archived)
wow this truly will change the world, this football news

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:35, archived)
of all of us here, i imagine this affects you most.
i hope you are ok.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:36, archived)
I don't know how I'll go on

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:40, archived)
please don't do anything stupid.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:45, archived)
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:48, archived)
I'm organising the charity concert now

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:38, archived)
football? what's all this stuff about cricket then?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:39, archived)
Leaving work today, I saw a woman with a charming fur-pattern scarf
On second glance, it was a raccoon. A live raccoon. Crawling around her shoulders as she got out of her car.

A raccoon. In Poland. On someone's shoulders.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:13, archived)
There's a man round our way takes his ferret for a walk.
He just picks it up and dangles it from its lead when he walks it across the road.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:15, archived)
I like racoons
They were my favourite animal growing up.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:15, archived)
I hope it was Cyril Sneer

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:15, archived)
He wasn't a raccoon :(

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:16, archived)
I don't remember any of the actual raccoons names.
I only remember Cedric and Cyril Sneer.

It was a shit show. It sure as hell was no Ovide Video.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:17, archived)
Bert Raccoon
Ralph and Melissa
the dog
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:18, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:22, archived)
for some reason searching for pictures of "lemurs + clumping" isn't a very good search but that is much better
i have it on authority that this behaviour is called clumping and if i had a lemur it is what i would make it do to my cat and matt and me in a great big cuddle puddle.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:30, archived)
oh my god that is the best lemur behaviour ever
I will henceforth liberate a whole clump of lemurs
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:36, archived)
+ and bring them to binky for clumping

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:40, archived)


(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:41, archived)
awesome theme tune

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:31, archived)
But you should have seen some of the shit I saw last night.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:15, archived)
I saw a Big Issue seller in the West End with a Cat on his back

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:15, archived)
There's a guy that sells the Big Issue in Angel with a pet cat on a lead too

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:16, archived)
I thought raccoons were a bit... bitey?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:17, archived)
did she know it was there?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:19, archived)
maybe it wasn't a raccoon but a baby furry

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:20, archived)
we lose all our fur at age 3
thus the overwhelming desire to get it back
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:37, archived)
Bitch. She has 1 more pet raccon than I do.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:27, archived)
I'm going to Dublin on Friday.
Where are you going on Friday?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:38, archived)
Then, 9 hours later, back home.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:39, archived)
I'm going to work for three and a half hours
and then I'm going to arse around and not pack til the very last minute.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:41, archived)
You've got to admire this prick's optimism BS
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:50, archived)
God love him.
He's a proper 'glass half full' lad isn't he?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:56, archived)
He should bring a 'cute' teddy bear from Clintons, a 'wedding ring' from H.Samuels and flowers from the local garage; and a box of 'posh' thorntans chocolates from there too.
Oh, and a card that says "Will you be my valentine" with photos of a cat hugging a dog, and a pound for the teacher to deliver it in class so he doesn't have too.

Then, she can tell her best friend to pass on the message saying "Hehehe, She thinks you're a nice boy, but I'm afraid she's already seeing John..... no, you can't have your stuff back".
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:57, archived)
Have I told you lately that I love you Gonz?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:02, archived)
Heh =)
That's really how I read what he's doing. It's like the oppersite of a girl getting knocked up.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:10, archived)
What's happened to Friz?
Last I saw he appeared to be having one of his periodic autistic breakdowns and then got stepped.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:29, archived)
The poor chap,
maybe he needs our support? He may be suffering, we don't know. My thoughts are with him.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:49, archived)
He got stepped?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:49, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:50, archived)
dude my hair is so pink

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:00, archived)
ooh! fabulous!
do you love it? DO YOU?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:05, archived)
it's less magenta than other ones I've used, which is good, and the dye was nice and thick. Depending on how long it stays in I'll be buying it again. Thanks very much! :)
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:18, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:19, archived)
too many FPs
they're rationing them now
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:50, archived)
He had another spastic fit, I think.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:51, archived)
Anyone got a link?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:59, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:39, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:40, archived)
2/1 on

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:44, archived)
I made a joke about Dublin/Doubling

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:49, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:39, archived)
Aren't you there anyway?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:44, archived)
I'm close to Derby now. yes.
It's about 10 miles away
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:45, archived)
im planning to play wow over and over again.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:40, archived)
You should go out and enjoy the sunshine

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:40, archived)
ive spent all weekend in a field. i should catch up with my dungeons and fishing skill

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:41, archived)
I'm doing that whole camping thing at the end of the month
See also: imbibing copious amounts of alcohol and shooting people
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:42, archived)
And no passing out in my tent early on in the evening

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:49, archived)
*narrows eyes*
is this a reference to me?

it sounds like it could be.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:00, archived)
im going to grind my fishing skill and see what achievements i can get.
i should also return to cooking at some point, im amassing loads of meat and fish in my bank at the moment
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:20, archived)
No, it's what happened the last time I slept in a nylon house in November

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:23, archived)
meeting some twitter friends from belgium for lunch
then zoo lates in the evening - london zoo!
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:41, archived)
No intimidating the animals

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:50, archived)
I'm going to kidnap a lemur

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:34, archived)
+ "and deliver it to binky for clumping"

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:41, archived)
naww it will totally be my sidekick

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:45, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:48, archived)
excuse me what is clumping

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:54, archived)
Clear humping.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:55, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:56, archived)
It's not, I don't think at least, ask binky again, maybe she'll tell you.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:57, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:54, archived)
To a medium sized engineering company in Glasgow
to advise then on some stuff in the morning.
Then I will be going to visit my Dad.
Then I will go to Aldi for some shopping (TBC).
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:41, archived)
To raid an empty flat in Coventry

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:43, archived)
Good for you.
I'm glad my house will be safe with Double F and the guard cats in it.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:44, archived)
I'll going to start by leaving an open tin of tuna on the floor.
Then, while that distracts Foldsfive, I'll steal the cats and as much underwear as I can handle.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:46, archived)
the local cemetary
to fuck the freshest of the day's deliveries
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:43, archived)
Lech Walensa will be spinning in his grave

...once you get there
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:46, archived)
I want a go on Lech Kaczynski's wife
I hope there's enough of her left.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:48, archived)
If you go to the big market in the stadium on Saturday morning you can probably
find some replacement parts to fill in for whats missing.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:53, archived)
that market's long gone
there's a few scrawny asian eating places left, but the proper market for porn, weapons and stolen cars is no more :(
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:55, archived)
When did this happen? I admit I haven't been in a few years.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:59, archived)
They started demolishing the actual stadium last year
Stadion Narodowy will be there instead
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:17, archived)
Not this Friday but the Friday after
I am going to Menorca
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:43, archived)
I have my first script readthrough next wednesday too so I have tons to look forward to.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:44, archived)
And I am just about to start watching REC

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:45, archived)
It's good n scary.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:57, archived)
Play? Movie? Other?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:47, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:47, archived)
Oh no it isn't

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:48, archived)
It's behind you!

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:50, archived)
work, leicester city centre
then home, leicester city sort of centre
exciting leicester based shenanigans!
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:46, archived)
home early from work to start
a two week holiday
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:58, archived)
Milton Keynes.
For work, not pleasure.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:05, archived)
What are you doing?
Fancy a drink after work?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:14, archived)
Working the 9-5.
And yes, that sounds like an idea. It'll have to be alcohol free though as I'm no fun driving home.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:16, archived)
Fair enough, where abouts are you going to be?
Could you get to the thearter district?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:23, archived)
I'm sure I could, but I don't know MK that well.
Where's the theatre district?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:28, archived)
Oh, the slug and lettuce.
I have a feeling I went there once when I was with O2 and we got given a £200 tab between six of us but the guy who was giving me a lift was a boring bastard and decided it was time to go.

/boring tangent story
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:35, archived)
But yes, going there after work would take no time at all.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:36, archived)
Yeah it's the nicest place within walking distance of my work.
and if it's a nice day we can sit outside.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:37, archived)
I'll wear my b3ta t-shirt and carry a copy of the daily mail.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:38, archived)
I've met you at least twice dude.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:42, archived)
It's all he ever wears, to be honest.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:43, archived)
I even wash it occasionally.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:44, archived)
I was half taking the piss.
I'd never carry a daily mail. But I do wear my b3ta t-shirt to work anyway.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:46, archived)
West Midlands Safari Park
*leaves window rolled down in lion enclosure*
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:07, archived)
I love that place. We went a few years back with Druid and my niece. We left the windows open through the deer/antelope/cow section. One of the deer type things started eating Druid's seatbelt.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:10, archived)
I destroyed the clutch of my last car in that place by trying too hard to keep my place in the line of traffic
so this year it'll be a leisurely drive around.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:16, archived)
diving into a lake of beer to celebrate the start of 2 weeks off work.
festival next weekend - yay!
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:10, archived)
For pleasure, not work.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:10, archived)
I can't imagine what it would be like to not get pleasure out of Bristols.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:21, archived)
/actually on saturday but still.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:14, archived)
A family do.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:15, archived)
An orgy, then?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:20, archived)
I thought he was just reciting the sign outside Norfolk
A Family Do

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:26, archived)
Out on the piss.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:38, archived)
Good man yourself.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:47, archived)
oh, and how rude of me.
why are you going to dublin? i hope you have a lovely time.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:52, archived)
I'm going to try on my wedding dress. My auntie who lives there is making it.

Also, I'm hoping to meet Dr Preference for a pint or two.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 15:59, archived)
both of those things sound equally exciting.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:07, archived)
The dress is more exciting.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:08, archived)
to your house to nick all of your stuff

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:00, archived)
As I mentioned to Eddache
FoldsFive and the cats will be there. DO YOUR BEST.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:05, archived)
Me and edd are going to go together.
I'll ransack all the technology and expensive stuff, while edd seduces FF.

Can't go wrong.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:13, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:16, archived)
sorry i got here late and couldn't really be bothered to read all that stuff

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 16:20, archived)
I want to have sex.
Who fancies it? I'll pick you up in my car and we can do it in a layby. Gender, weight and looks (within reason) not an issue, as long as I get to put my penis inside you somewhere.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:25, archived)
sorry, i got naked with 700 people yesterday.
that's me spent for er my life i think.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:27, archived)
I'd have liked to have seen your tits and arse.
I'd have masturbated.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:27, archived)
i'm so touched.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:28, archived)
Not as touched as baldmonkey's cock.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:28, archived)
you'd be surprised.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:30, archived)
How many had stiffies?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:31, archived)
1 at least, I guarantee.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:37, archived)
That's why I would have had a wank before I went out, I wouldn't want anyone thinking I'm a perve.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:48, archived)
Is that... hair gel?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:48, archived)
I think this is the only sensible question.
I'd totally get a raging bonk on.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:39, archived)
Tits are tits
Unless they're being mashed into your face like a manatee bonking its nose on an aquarium, then it's a whole different story.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:41, archived)
Clicking that

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:42, archived)
I like this different story though.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:45, archived)
I think it's all the arses that would give me a boner.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:46, archived)
Men's arses?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:47, archived)
arses are arses.
Unless... Well, you've been through that already.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:49, archived)
Mensa is short for Men's arses

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:54, archived)
i think one was commented on.
i didn't see any.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:42, archived)
There were norks and vadge on display.

I can't keep the fella down after a peck on the cheek from a pretty one. So fucked if he's staying down when there's all that naked about.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:47, archived)
That would be my worry too.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:49, archived)
There's no worry about it. I'm proud of my cock.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:54, archived)
Depends who's standing in front of you

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:55, archived)
They won't be much longer
once they get a whiff of this bad boy.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:00, archived)
Did you see anyone taking part who wasn't fat and/or ugly and actually had a nice looking body/tits/cock?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:51, archived)
the vast majority were fairly slim and fit in general.
it's harder to tell if someone's ugly when their face is all blue/black/pink.
there were some really beautiful bodies, and only a few that stood out - one very hairy, one pregnant, er i think i saw one fat woman, one really wrinkled-skin man...
cocks generally look a bit funny/not fantastic when they are unexcited, so i wasnt really paying attention.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:56, archived)
Good job I wasn't there, they'd have needed twice as much paint

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:25, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:28, archived)
Haha, sympathy " ,) ", sad times.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:32, archived)
I realised it might have come across as self-deprecating
And that wasn't how it was intended
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:37, archived)
there were tall people there.
yellow people needed twice as much paint really - apparently he hadn't realised how thin and streaky it would be.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:35, archived)
How tall?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:37, archived)
i dont know.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:40, archived)
That is tall

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:41, archived)
You see, I was thinking about this
but I wouldn't want to have sex with you, or any other man, or any ugly or old women.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:27, archived)
Actually, I might have to take the looks bit out.
I have my limits, like.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:28, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:49, archived)
I've got to get my ironing done.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:32, archived)
Find that cat again

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:36, archived)
It hasn't returned yet.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:46, archived)
Not after last time!
I never got the stains out of the Action Man's hair.

You disgust me.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:04, archived)
As long as you fuck me to the solemn and increasingly pompous energetic strains of
Kalinka, complete with cossack-dancing leg movements and resulting in a perfect hammer-and-sickle smeared on my left cheek in your bloody cum, then sure, why not.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:24, archived)
I showed my wife your post.
She thinks it's funny but she was put off by "somewhere"
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:38, archived)
He just means the back of Rownham's service station on the M27
tell your wife she's a dirty cow.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:41, archived)
yeah, go on then
but at least trim your pubes
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:41, archived)
Alright thriller whales?
What's new on the good ship internet then?
Here's a great chance for you to show off with a JMG based twist.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:48, archived)
I'm hungry.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:50, archived)
Me too, I might go up to the cafe to see the future Miss Pops, oh gee oh gosh, that girl is so swell.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:50, archived)
In fact, that is exactly what I'm going to do, I'm going to go get feed by the [current] girl of my dreams.
Toodles noodles.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:00, archived)
Stevenage 2-2 Macclesfield
An away draw is a positive start to the season for us. The boy Barnett looks quite useful up front. I predict a season of mid-table mediocrity. Or at least that's the dream.

Are you going to the Prawn Cocktail Capital of the World next Monday for THE BIG KICK OFFR

THE BIG KICK OFF is a registered trademark of SKY Sports, and should not be used without consent.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:50, archived)
The Mighty Dons won 2-1 on saturday.
Youngest manager for the youngest team, fuck you old people get out of our way.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:02, archived)
You're not a proper football club.
You were all supporting Arsenal 10 years ago.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:03, archived)
Most the people I knew were supporting Luton,
but fuck them they didn't want to move here, dicks.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:04, archived)
I was supporting Macc when we survived relegation from the Vauxhall Conference on the last day of the season by beating the champions (Wycombe) at Adams Park.

That's PROPER supporting.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:05, archived)
so everyone younger than you isn't as big a fan as you are?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:07, archived)
I hate this kind of thing.
I sometimes, if I know there's a home game on, I go see Workington Reds. And the looks you get off the hardcores and older fans is disgusting. I'm just pottering along supporting the locals and watching a bit of football!
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:14, archived)
It is pretty stupid,
they should be encouraging as many people to come to as many games as they can. It's not all about the seaon ticket holders.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:18, archived)
I'm merely responding to your "fuck you old people get out of our way."
Personally I'd hope that as many people come to as many of our matches as possible.

We need the cash.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:30, archived)
I thought the Mighty Dons used to be Wimbledon

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:19, archived)
They were the Mighty Wimbles.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:20, archived)
The Mighty Wombles

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:11, archived)
Thriller whales is a brilliant phrase JMG
Well done here.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:51, archived)
Is that like a new Dan Brown novel?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:52, archived)
I'm reading the latest one of those and i'm not sure why, tis very silly.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:14, archived)
Also cracking start for the Sky Blues
beating Pompey 2 nil at home. Bad times though, due to the outstanding customer service at the Ricoh, we were queuing up outside for about ages to get the tickets for the game and missed the first goal. My MP will hear of this, Jammers.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:55, archived)
I went to Highfield Road in 1999, and saw us lose 7-0 to Cov under Gordon Strachan.
That was fun.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:56, archived)
Shock 3-1 away at ICI JMG.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:51, archived)
I was laughing along as it all fell to bits.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:58, archived)
I did my exam today.
and now I'm gonna start saving for the re-sit.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:52, archived)
I'm close to buying my first car.
It's very nearly the start of the season in the only league that REALLY matters in the greatest sport IN THE WORLD! The Premiership.
I'm going to Anfield first day of the season. Can't EFFING wait.
I had porridge for breakfast.
I like my tea with 2 sugars. and the Milk put in last.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:53, archived)
I like tea
I don't care how it's made, so long as the ingredients are tea, hot water, milk and sometimes sugar.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:54, archived)
oh man, it's not porridge season yet is it?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:17, archived)
I nearly always have porridge.
unless there's bacon.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:21, archived)
2-0 against the mighty dagenham & redbridge. 2 up within 15 mins, coasting for 75.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:55, archived)
*Firm handshakes*
I'm very much pro your lot this season, there.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:58, archived)
me and me mum and me dad and me gran are off to waterloo
me and me mum and me dad and me gran and a bucket and a gnu
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:56, archived)

and a bucket and a gnu were eaten by a grue.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:04, archived)
Alright Jammy,
I now have a solicitor. And a ham salad. That's about it.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:57, archived)
I'm a little put out to discover I'm neither your solicitor, nor am I getting a ham sandwich.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:59, archived)
I'll make you a ham sandwich if you like,
we've only got seedy bread so it might be a bit middle class.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:07, archived)
This is a thinker.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:08, archived)
I just found this from the "b3tans and tragedy" competitions.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:59, archived)
CLASSIC Baldmonkey!

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:03, archived)
How do.
Not much.
Football Woo!
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:02, archived)
Cobblers have done shite, Jammers.
I don't know how I'm supposed to get interested in football and support my local team when they get hammered by Torquay.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:06, archived)
Win, Lose or Draw in rain or sunshine.
The fact is, you're looking out for their result, so you're supporting them.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:12, archived)
I got the Deathcharger's Reins on my first solo Straholme run last night, JMG
something that it can take people 250 times to do. Ohh Warcraft, you spoil me.

As far as the Good Ship Internet goes, my offline break was spent getting fitter, less single and richer.
I adopted the JMG stance on life. Internet is a fun useful thing but you can't let it become an addiction.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:14, archived)
Are you back to get fatter, lonelier and poorer, then?
How do, moo.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:16, archived)
aye, smashing laddeh.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:19, archived)
Speaking of getting fatter
pie bash is in the calendar, get your name down, there's a good chap.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:19, archived)
Signed up and done
I'm tempted to make the KFC Pie from ThisIsWhyYou'reFat.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:22, archived)
I did a test run of a pie containing pizza toppings
it was a bit damp, but I'm not discouraged.

I thought about KFC pie but then thought about eating it cold and did a little boik.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:23, archived)
I thought of that but I'll probably make it on the day in the morning
and warm it up in an oven for 20 mins before eating it or something.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:24, archived)
I am currently enjoying Dragon Quest IX for the DS.
I've just received a quest demanding that I kill monsters using Frizz.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:26, archived)
They should leave him alone, don't they know he's having a hard time of it?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:28, archived)
says he playing warcraft
but it's just a game, not a lifesty-...who am I kidding? *dresses up as a paladin*
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:17, archived)
I'm making a Tauren hoodie this week
woop woop
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:20, archived)
Just think of all the sex you've stopped happening.
You're cockblocking all around the nation.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:21, archived)
One third of the murloc hoodies I've made have been for girls
the ladies love a cute geek hoodie.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:39, archived)
I wanted one of the mini murloc noncombat pets from Ironforge. Murky!
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:44, archived)
check this out

Interesting stuff from vanilla WoW :)
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:07, archived)
haha EVERYONE hates Azshara
I think my pally is there at the moment wandering around.
Once you've gone swimming in the bay there's bugger all to do, though the autumn scenery is beautiful.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:12, archived)
it is gorgeous
but it's both impossible to navigate AND full of Nagas.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 14:34, archived)
I saw someone on our server with the Sunwell epic mount, the phoenix one last night.
That one they gave first to the lad with a brain tumour, it looks awesome.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:22, archived)
that's a gorgeous one
there was one on our server too, saw it flapping about Shattrath. Spectral Tiger is awesome too...
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:38, archived)
I like the one Blizz is selling as a mount
but now that I've got Rivendare's mount I don't fancy buying it, haha.

I like how it scales though, but I've never had a 310% mount. It'd be nippy with the +20% Crusader Aura though.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:42, archived)
aw man there are loads of new mounts since I left
I still want the Time-Lost Proto Drake.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:56, archived)
I've never even seen the thing flying around Storm Peaks anyhow
I had a look on WoWwiki the other night and it seems as rare as Hyacinth Macaw.

I see the Macaw on AH every two months or so for 18-22k gold, seriously mad money!
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:59, archived)
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:21, archived)
You'll be glad to know that as a Paladin, my Exorcism spell will always crit against Demon or Undead mobs.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:23, archived)
i want it.
time to start the grind.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:29, archived)
It was the only one I'd not done for the Classic Dungeonmaster achievment
I've never really done raids asides (classic) Onyxia at 70 and AQ40 at 75 ish. I'd love to do Molten Core or something.

I thought the drop rate was 5% or something, so I was very pleased..then read it was 0.02% and people had solo'd it at 80 250+ times to grind it. Madness! *smug*
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:34, archived)
I shall be in the promised land tomorrow
any tips from JMG on how a southerner can blend in with the local populace?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:14, archived)
top off.
Punch every 3rd person you see in the face.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:17, archived)
Double R delivering DOUBLE JUSTICE.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:21, archived)
Duly noted
I will report back how this works out
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:44, archived)
less clothing.
If it's too cold, more beer.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:17, archived)
I need to go and get vaccinations, but I'm not really sure which

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:16, archived)
I use these ones

if it's Africa I get a 'bit of everything' and my GP does most of them.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:18, archived)
some of this staying alive stuff looks expensive

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:48, archived)
keeping a close eye on the cricket here, JMG
Amused by the comments on the live BBC feed after someone has complained about the silly commentary
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 13:18, archived)
I've been charged with making the invites for my mum's birthday party.
Any suggestions on how to make them look nice?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:46, archived)
I'm surprised you've not been charged with more serious crimes TBH.
How about handing yourself in.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:47, archived)
The words after the first four of this post also surprised me.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:54, archived)
She wants me to say there is a bar but it is cheap club prices. Make some good words which say that.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:03, archived)
Substidised drink's menu ?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:06, archived)
I like it. Badly spelt and apostophied right up the shitter.
I love you gonzo.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:07, archived)
They can pay for a copy-writer if they want, I tend to go with "F7 and keep on pressing 'ok', fuck it", but don't charge much for it.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:08, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:45, archived)
You should deffinately get gonzo to rite it.
Nobody will get the joke which will make it three times as funny.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:09, archived)
I'm planning on murdering my mum just as it gets started.
For a laugh, like.
It's a shame; I actually like her a huge amount. I'll miss her, but the joke is more important.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:11, archived)
It's important to suffer for one's art.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:12, archived)
When I read that out loud
it makes me sound drunk.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:09, archived)
Use a nice online grpahics generator.
the kind you used to get on geocities.
Guaranteed classy.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:47, archived)
A nice spunky garnish should finish them off nicely

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:48, archived)
Jizz on the front of each one
That way they will be both personal and everyone will have a unique design
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:48, archived)
crayones and glitter and hand over art direction to your elder child.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:51, archived)
He's busy smashing lego models up with a massive sword.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:52, archived)
can the younger one be persuaded to fingerpaint yet?
or is it all vomit?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:54, archived)
i'm basically saying he could do a better job than you.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:56, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:58, archived)
i hate you

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:01, archived)
I hope you had a smashing time at the big thing and didn't spend the night sitting in a car park saying 'those people on the internet are rubbesh'.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:11, archived)
IT WAS FANTASTIC and i am here

and we got there round about 4am and other than the staff being too tired to guide us to the car park properly and the girl on the gate staggering out of her hut as though she'd been sleeping, we got in JUST FINE and erected (fnar) the tent so fast that we took a wander around the site until dawn. More ducks than people there were at that time.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:21, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:22, archived)
I can totally see your penis.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:24, archived)
i still have yellow bits.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:24, archived)
You should probably get some antibiotics.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:28, archived)
so do chinese embalmers

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:31, archived)
That's liver failure

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:57, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:52, archived)
Oh my god, It's a mirage,
I'm tellin' y'all It's decoupage.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:34, archived)
Glitter glue and dried pasta shapes.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:53, archived)
Nothing says class like sugar paper, macaroni, PVA and glitter.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:10, archived)
Thats what we did our wedding invites out of.
I fucking LOVE sugar paper.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:18, archived)
The best thing about it is telling the thick kids that it tastes like sugar so that they eat it.
Especially the dark blue because that stains their mouths so they look double thpethul.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:21, archived)
*removes sugar paper from mouth*
I don't know what you mean.

*tries to wipe blue away*
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:23, archived)
Write them all in your blood.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:54, archived)
flowers and lace and shit.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:56, archived)
red crayon and faeces are a sure-fire way to make friends

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:57, archived)
go to a Hobbycraft
it's full of fat women looking at cut-out card pictures of kittens, scrapbooking crap and glitter.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:59, archived)
seriously though they even have bags of Cadbury's buttons on the end of each aisle
that shop is not meant for children, it's mean for shut-in cat ladies who watch the card-making channel
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:00, archived)
If you're not wearing a jumper with a kitten pattern knitted on it
they don't let you in. Or they do but just tut as they huff around the place.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:02, archived)
There weren't many children in there even
it was about 80% fat cat ladies
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:07, archived)
I like going in there and feeling superior.
Fred normally finds some piece of crap he wants to build, too.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:08, archived)
Sweet Jesus I hate that shop.
Decoupage and knitting and tapestry fucking twats.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:01, archived)
i could be quite interested in the crafty stuff but it is (a) overpriced (b) they sell a lot of tat and (c) fat cat ladies

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:05, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:06, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:25, archived)
I went in at the weekend for a look
I was hoping for less crap : useful materials but sweet fuck no. Only half an aisle of cheap fabric, hardly any thread. Some useful modelling stuff and a good selection of airbrushes though, I'll be going back for the airbrush at least.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:06, archived)

I was hoping for less

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:09, archived)
what sort?
I have a nice Badger airbrush that I use for motorbike work and the quality is good.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:14, archived)
mostly small ones for e.g. airfix kits
large spray size ones were cheaper, I'd need one that does both large and small areas. Can't remember the brand names but they went from £25 - £90.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:28, archived)
£90 will get you someting fairly good from Badger.
I bought mine a long time ago for model work, but I re-needled it and now it more small-medium.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:47, archived)
I'll keep it in mind, ta

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:49, archived)
I got dragged in there once.
Barely any exaggeration, there were a hundred fat women all trying to get hold of the same knitting patterns. It was terrifying.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:30, archived)
I know!
I saw one other person with a BMI under 35 and she also had a "WTF" expression on her face.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:42, archived)
I like the idea of classing shops by their BMI

Hobbycraft : 35+
MaccyD's : 35+
The London Marathon Shop : < 15
JD Sports : 25-30
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:50, archived)
JJB Sports
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:10, archived)
Holland and Barrat <10

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:15, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:59, archived)
Have them printed on dried flakes of your own skin.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:03, archived)
Comic sans.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:23, archived)

I think comic sans is a very sensible font for a party invitation
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:25, archived)
It's one of the two valid uses for it.
The other is for bailiffs letters. To lighten the mood.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:43, archived)
lol we're taking ur telly next week ^_^

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:47, archived)
Nothing says party like Courier.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:47, archived)
I like wingdings for letters of condolences
Finger up / Cross (not crucifix) / Tick / Black Circle / Black Shield / Present / Tick / Black Shield / Magnifying glass / Ear / Magnifying glass

(wait, that's mostly webdings. Fuck it.)
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:06, archived)
Tron suit

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:24, archived)
Made out of sugar paper and macaroni.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:26, archived)
cover the front of the cards with the entrails of your neighbours dead cat

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:28, archived)
No gold ink; it's too ostentatious (though a gold border is acceptable)
Don't use white paper/card; use off-white/ivory/cream/whatever.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:33, archived)
print them on soiled underpants
real answer: how about printing them on edible paper or cards with cakes covered in hundreds and thousands or something
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:06, archived)
Where do you live?
Flat? House? 1-bed? 2-bed? High-rise? Lo-rise?

What's the best thing about it?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:36, archived)
3 floor beachfront penthouse apartment in Marbella
best thing is the jacuzzi on the roof

is that enough showing off now?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:37, archived)
Three bedroom penthouse suite with a roof garden suitated in a metropolitan enviroment in the heart of The Bevery Hills of North London.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:38, archived)
Why do you want to know? If this is for some sort of servay, I wish to be removed from the contactable database.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:39, archived)
Nah, I'm just interested.
I live in a 3bed maisonette next to the prison. The best thing is how much space the two of us have... The worst is the fact that the shower is useless.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:41, archived)
I'm watching GMTV at the moment, the women on it are well spoilt brats.
They're talking about spending £35 on a first date, how that's the optimum amount of money 'for a guy to spend'*, and how that isn't enough for any of them.

Spoilt pathetic little girls, I can't see me dating any of them if they expect me to spend a cirtain amount on a date, espesh if they bang on about how low the average is.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:42, archived)
35 seems about fair.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:47, archived)
could get a hooker for that

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:19, archived)
And now ITV are ripping off Come Dine With Me with some show called 'dinner date'.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:50, archived)
You should totally come round to mine
and i'll cook my heart out then you can lambast the meal behind my back. Then it will cut to us fighting, then two female mud wrestlers will turn up and stand in for us. The they'll duke it our (sexily of course) and we'll sit on the sideline sipping good beer until we're all good and drunk then we'll cosy up to the mud wrestlers and fall asleep.

You can come up with the programme title.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:54, archived)
Can I take a black-cab 'round the block a few times to score your event?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:55, archived)
then you'll miss some time with the mud wrestlers :(

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:56, archived)
Will there be some poo involved?
I feel there should be some poo involved at some point, maybe as the big finali.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:59, archived)
I'm not with you on this.
I'm vetoing the poo.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:02, archived)
A bit of wee?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:04, archived)
Ah, go on then.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:08, archived)
3 bedroom maisonette/flat thingie
The best thing is it has a fucking massive living room and master bedroom.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:38, archived)
It's also right in the town centre, there's an assortment of takeaways within crawling distance and a variety of pubs
Plus it's close to my friends so I can actually see them again now
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:43, archived)
ground floor flat.
the company within.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:39, archived)
actual features of the flat itself which are great:
hidden rural location yet 10 minutes walk from a pub, post office etc
wooden panelling in both bedrooms
woodburning fire
fairly modernly equipped - decent amount of lighting (natural and electric), nice oven (if the kitchen is rather small), easy-to clean.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:42, archived)
3 bed mid terrace
I hate it as the walls are paper thin and the neighbours on both sides are utter cunts
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:39, archived)
we had this.
luckily the total cunts on one side got repossesed, and the slightly-less cuntish but still hideous ones on the other side moved last year. it was very, very bad for the first 6 months and we seriously considered selling up and moving ourselves. sympathies.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:44, archived)
I go where the road takes me.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:39, archived)
This is like the pickadilly line, going from riches to rags.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:40, archived)
I hate the picadilly line, most rubbish of the tube lines

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:43, archived)
Complete and utter bollocks, it has it all, it's the best one.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:44, archived)
The journey into town from 'ounslow takes forever and the carriages are always full of the kind of people that mumsy warned me about

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:49, archived)
Two up two down
in the most bohemian and sought after place to live in the city.

And the best thing about it is that I live there.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:39, archived)
The two best things about it are that it's less than three minutes walk from town centre, AND it's ten floors up so I get a lovely view.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:40, archived)
A small castle with turrets and everything,
a 1st floor flat in the posh bit of Edinburgh and a good sized house in a village.
Best thing is there is enough space to keep my cars.

Get that up you Broadsword!
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:40, archived)
the castle may be 50% castle, 50% a pile of stone

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:41, archived)
Which bit of Embra?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:42, archived)
One resides in Morningside.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:43, archived)
Nice. I used to live in Bruntsfield
I love the flats there. Such beautiful high ceilings/light.

Wish I could (afford to) move back!
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:45, archived)
The students put me off Bruntsfield.
Although to be fair theres no shortgage of the braying okay-yahs down near us.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:49, archived)
Oh I was just giving my place over here, I didn't mention my palace back in the UK.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:51, archived)
Totally post it.
Go on.
Then i'll do my rental houses and we can all collapse in a propertygasm.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:55, archived)
Heh, my UK place is just a 2 bed in Surrey
I should really rent it out but I like having my own gaff in two countries.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:06, archived)
If you have enough dough and need the flexibility to come and go it's good,
but i've found if you dont it's better to rent it out. A closed up house sitting empty gets damp and all sorts even if you are leaving timed heating etc. never mind that people eventually twig that theres no-one there and that sort of thing spreads making it a target.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:10, archived)
3 storey townhouse.
best thing about is that it's the only place that's ever felt like home.

/difficult life blog
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:42, archived)
Lower ground floor one bed flat.
I love the area and aspects of the flat, but i can't wait to move, even if it is to a less good area.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:44, archived)
is 'lower ground floor'
a euphemism for 'in the basement'?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:45, archived)
Converted dungeon

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:49, archived)
No it really is lower ground floor as opposed to basement,
you can actually see out of the windows to the street rather than a wall. And the ground floor flat in our building is up a flight of stairs from the street.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:55, archived)
1-bed flat
it has a garden but it's not attached. The flat itself is ok but it's in a shitty estate full of waste-of-air chav children
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:00, archived)
The Fucking Moon

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 11:16, archived)
Hello internet.
Yesterday at my ma's house I was looking at jewellery to wear at my wedding. My ma told my to google 'pearl necklaces'. I explained that wouldn't be a very good idea and she wanted to know why.

When were you last embarrassed in front of your parents?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 8:45, archived)
When trying to explain the pearl necklace that was on the photo of your ma.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 8:48, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 8:51, archived)
I've managed to almost block it out.
Describing it would involve thinking about it again.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 8:51, archived)
Sad times

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 8:53, archived)
You were caught humping the cushions on the sofa, weren't you?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 8:54, archived)
"Oh yes, Margery, you must simple see our new leather sofas, I mean we weren't sure of it at first but our son convinced us. So many benefits, like it being wipe-clean and feels so smoo-ZUOWAN!"

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 8:59, archived)
playing scrabble with my stepmother and assorted relatives.
my sister suddenly asks, in a loud clear voice, 'is quim a word? Q-U-I-M. quim'. Ten seconds of horrified silence and we were told to leave the room if we couldn't stop giggling. this was three years ago. my sister was 37 and I was 34. The horror.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 8:52, archived)
Did the relatives know what it meant. My ma is fairly innocent when it comes to stuff like that. Swears like a trooper though, being an Irish.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 8:55, archived)
I heard a similar story
of a teacher, during class and with a giant projector screen, google imaging the word "watersports".
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 8:54, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 8:58, archived)
i have a pearl necklace from my grandma.
READ INTO THIS WHAT YOU WILL but bear in mind she's been dead 3 years.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:02, archived)
also, i went to an unofficial wedding at the festival, for a pair of friendly lesbians in the next tent.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:02, archived)
How friendly?
Did they let you play?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:03, archived)
i got a good cuddle or two and one of them fixed my hair.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:09, archived)
How did you break it?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:12, archived)
i was very sleepy and someone had an electric razor, lololol.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:14, archived)
Did the jaws music come on like on Jackass?
How did they fix it? I hear araldite is VERY good at fixing things
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:23, archived)
apparently she'd trained as a hairdresser. we didn't have any glue.
it's ok anyway because i bought one hat and got another free so my head can stay warm and pretty now.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:27, archived)
Lesbians are seldom friendly.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:06, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:11, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:34, archived)
Binky binky binky

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:02, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:12, archived)
I'm being all of the social creature of late, I've been out and about 2 nights this weekend and I'm thinking of going out again tonight!

How was your weekend?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:13, archived)
awesome! but very tiring. i did not get enough sleep but i had such an ace festival time.
where did you go out/who with/was it fun/what about tonight then?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:15, archived)
Sounds like a great way to spend the weekend :D
I went to Derby, on Friday and Saturday - Friday to see a b3tan's band, Saturday to a rock club. I went on my own because most of my friends are bastards and it was very fun, my ears are still ringing.

Tonight I might be going to the same rock club and I turned down a date for this Friday night :D
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:19, archived)
it was sooo relaxed and we found a craft tent and i gave a hat mouseears and i sewed a small stuffed bird
and we got free big chill/monkeyshoulder tshirts with graffiti art done on to order and oh FOR FREE.

and we went to the poetry tent and the cinema tent and we saw massive attack and we went to mr scruff's tea tent and we got naked and painted yellow in the name of art.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:24, archived)
All I saw was you got naked. etc.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:28, archived)
yeah there was a tent of the something hat collective and you could either pick up a hat to decorate, or make one from card
so i picked a beanie and sewed some ears and eyes and whiskers on with wire because there was no thread and matt made a giant shiny top hat out of card and shiny stuff.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:30, archived)
I like tophats
we need pictures of these hats
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:35, archived)
i do not have pictures but squiggle took quite a lot so hopefully at some point he'll buung some on flickr or something

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:37, archived)
Boo, I'll have to wait and see then

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:44, archived)
I was at a wedding at St Marys guild hall in Cov the other day.
Was very nice.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:04, archived)
It's beautiful.
We were going to get hitched there but you have to have their caterers and I didn't want them because my da's mate does the best food.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:05, archived)
Nab, the food not great
Ok but not great.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:08, archived)
I can't even remember.
My mum shamed me a bit at the weekend though because she stayed over and when I woke up the kitchen had been cleaned.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:07, archived)
Mums are ace like that.
Whenever she comes over for dinner, she does the washing up. At my birthday this year it was double Irish mammy power cos my auntie was there too. The two of them started clearing everything away and washing up.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:09, archived)
When my mum comes over she always tries to mess the place up a bit
Apparently I'm far too clean and my house doesn't look lived in
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:15, archived)
*carefully unmakes your bed*
*makes half a dozen teas and coffees and leaves them to go cold/make rings on various bits of furniture*
*breaks a couple of curtain hooks*

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:28, archived)
I really need to host a bash here, that will make it feel lived in

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:36, archived)
that would be awesome. whereabouts is it?
im probably too broke to travel anywhere till the end of september mind - got to go to scotland and london before then.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:38, archived)
ha, assuming i am invited of course

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:38, archived)
Of course you'd be invited

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:42, archived)
I was thinking some time around October
In the peaks of Derbyshire
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:40, archived)
Don't have it on the last weekend
if you want a lot of good people to go...
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:46, archived)
Noted :)
I hear someone is getting married then
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:50, archived)
I'm not sure what's happening.
I keep forgetting.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:05, archived)
Oh man, supprise birthday for me?
I... I didn't realise, I'm quite choked to tell you the truth. Will there be carrot cake icing in a big bucket? I love carrot cake icing.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:51, archived)
With a chocolate caterpillar cake plonked in it like a candle

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:55, archived)
Yeah', that sounds good, but I bugsy the face bit this time.
I don't think I've made me feelings clear on £4.99 ASDA Chocolate Catapilla Cake Faces.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:57, archived)
And strawberry Yop, they sell it well cheap now in OneStop, 79p for a 99p bottle !
I picked up two today, everyone has to drink Yop, I'll buy a box and freeze it so it lasts.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:59, archived)
Have you tried coconut yop?
It's fucking lush
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:00, archived)
I've never heard of that, but it's alirght though.
I'm not 100% sure if I like creamy coconut as a drink, I do like a Pina Colada and my Thai Coconut Soup stuff though, so it could work.

They do a Bounty milkshake that I ain't tried, but I bet that ain't too far off the same thing.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:07, archived)
I'm the oppersite, my place looks really really 'lived in'.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:49, archived)
That it does :)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:59, archived)
I don't think my 'rents have ever crashed 'round mine before.
But I suppose I've never lived more than 15 mins away from them, so they've never needed too.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:48, archived)
I really don't remember.
I usually get a bit aggrieved if a story about me doing something (surprisingly) childlike when I was three or something comes up, but that tends to be embarassing me in front of someone else and I have a good technique to quash it anyway.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 9:53, archived)
What's the technique?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:00, archived)
He wanks into his dad's tea.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:02, archived)
This is usually Plan B

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:26, archived)
I just ask that of all my achievements, experiences i've had and places i've been that
that story is worth mentioning instead of maybe builidng my own businesses or doing charity work etc. but no, no if you think thats the pinnacle of my life then it's alright.
It usually gets a bit of guilt going and it stops.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:25, archived)
I reckon if it happened while you were under 29, it doesn't really count anyway.
To young to know the differance, innit.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:11, archived)
I like your thinking on this.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:26, archived)
oh no gosh you were childish as a child?
surely everyone gets over that by age 17 or so?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:31, archived)
It seems I actually wasnt very childish as a child, poor, hard times and all that,
but once you and everyone else have heard one of the four stories for the hundredth time it just gets dull.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:38, archived)
being poor has nothing to do with it.
i recommend inventing time travel and going back in time to fix your boring self.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:54, archived)
Completely irrelevant to your post
but I made my first sick for about ten years yesterday :(
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:21, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:31, archived)
It was horrible bluey, HORRIBLE :'(

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:33, archived)
We were having a very political debate on whether The Gays should be allowed to adopt
Uncle and Auntie adopt the stance of 'it's not natural', I list a bunch of other things that aren't natural (nylon, flying, working 40 hours a week etc) and it goes round and round like this until Cousin shouts, and points at every female present (my mum included), "IT'S NOT NATURAL BUT YOU'VE HAD A COCK IN YOUR MOUTH, YOU'VE HAD A COCK IN YOUR MOUTH AND YOU'VE HAD A COCK IN YOUR MOUTH"
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:31, archived)
how many aunties fainted?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:41, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:55, archived)
whats unnatural about that?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 10:57, archived)
Wake up you massive bastards, it's Monday!
Got any good skives planned this week?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 5:44, archived)
well, I'm going to come to work every day and fart about on the internet
I mean I take care of business and all but you can't work too hard can you, you'll die
frankly it's been a pretty shit day today
but this always cheers me up

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 5:56, archived)
I like the band called Dick Johnson,
but I think I might be the only person in the world who remembers them.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 6:02, archived)
tell me more!
I have fond memories Pussy Galore.. my brother had "Dial M For Motherfucker", I have not been able to obtain it since
also their cover version of "Yu-Gung" (in English)
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 6:07, archived)
lol so one of Artie Shaw's clarinetists was also called Dick Johnson

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 6:09, archived)
Can't watch youtube in China by the way.
Which is a bit shit.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 6:19, archived)
ahhhhhhhhhhh right.
how terribly rude of me!

from what I've read the best solution is a VPN, I just saw a recommendation for this one?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 6:28, archived)
I did find some MP3s but the sites on which they were hosted are long gone
c'est la vie

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 6:34, archived)
Blocked now, sadly.
If I pay 50 quid a year I can use a decent VPN, but you know what? I quite like being away from facebook/twitter/youtube for now.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 6:45, archived)
yeah, the posts I found about that product, and various proxies, were all at least a year old.
you're right, it's good to tune out the shitstream.
I just use YouTube when I want to hear a song quickly - albeit with horrifically compressed audio
that, and the cute kitten videos
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 6:48, archived)
I can find most videos on here
It's a whole other internet!
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 7:07, archived)
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 7:35, archived)
There's very little information about them available.
They were an offshoot of Lung Leg, who are also probably not known by anyone on here.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 6:12, archived)
oh shit, that's some good stuff!

two of my very favourite bands are weegies
(neither of them are Snow Patrol)
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 6:21, archived)
Yeah, not a bad one.
They were one of those bands that had a different style in every song.
Glasgow is the home of good music. Except Snow Patrol. Though they were ok back in '99 or so, before they went all Coldplay.

Edit: good selection there! blog.7yearglitch.com/2008/09/27/the-idiot/
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 6:42, archived)
looking forward to the new Franz Ferdinand album, anyway.
found that blog through this site:

seems to be a music blog aggregator, amongst other things?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 6:52, archived)
poo willies!

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 1:17, archived)
You fat mess

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 1:18, archived)
i am eating crisps!

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 1:18, archived)
Hold me

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 1:19, archived)
any update on SF?
does he look like michael jackson now?
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 1:19, archived)
One of his nostrils is clearing!

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 1:23, archived)
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 1:24, archived)
i'll sleep much better knowing this, ta!
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 1:50, archived)
I've been witness to some terrible things tonight

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 1:51, archived)
pissy cunts!

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 1:59, archived)
Shit cock

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 8:41, archived)
My internet

fuck this shit
What ISPs do you fuckers suggest?

(I'm with Sky)
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 0:45, archived)
I was going to suggest Sky

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 0:48, archived)
I know, right.
They should be pretty good, my dad gets good service with them.

I think it might be a combination of my mother's boyfriend dicking about and the sheer number of PCs in the house but 2 PCs and a laptop shouldn't give us 0.07 fucking megabits.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 0:50, archived)
I'm with cable on their cheapest package (10mb)
It's perfectly adequate until you start torrenting, then they throttle it big time
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 0:59, archived)
Define "throttle" in this circumstance?

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 1:02, archived)
I like breasts

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 1:10, archived)
Be There
they're a part of O2.
never throttle speeds, which dependiing on distance form exchange, are excellent. they're generally very good all round. No usage limits either
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 1:11, archived)
Their website is friendly.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 1:26, archived)

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 8:23, archived)
I'm with Sky
Our line has been terrible, turns out the local BT junction was flooded, net back to normal (they came out on a Sunday to sort it, fucking impressed).

Your mileage with Sky depends on whether you're on Sky's LLU network or on BT (Sky Broadband Connect), and whether you have a package with a download limit which you've hit.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 19:20, archived)
I can't wait for 90nz0 to pop his clogs.
Then I can read his memoirs as left to culture in his will.
I expect loads of talk about girls, SexFace's issues, Hollyoaks and local Chinese.

Which b3tan are you looking forward to reading the memoirs of, and what do you expect to find?

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:33, archived)
SexFace has issues?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:35, archived)
mistaken extra s there
just issue
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:37, archived)
*something about his great need of tissues*

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:38, archived)
Just use strikethrough tags like everyone else.
And come up with better strikethroughs.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:39, archived)
both points granted
30-love :(
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:40, archived)
But I won't read their useless memoirs. I'll just have a beer or something and forget about them within seconds. Then I'll make a fat girl cry, online.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:36, archived)
I'd like to find out what happened to that guy uranus that everybody decided to ignore

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:37, archived)
He was a great poster.
I don't know what you all had against him.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:43, archived)
i heard he once sent pictures of his balls to popular poster Henrat
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:54, archived)
i don't think i'd enjoy any of them.
I would expect to find a bunch of links to lolcats, porn and WoW cheats and codes.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:43, archived)
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 0:28, archived)
Cockweasle and the magic of the bumtree
by cockweasle aged 37 or something

I expect to find drugs.
(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 0:52, archived)
Inception is a good film.
It's got Leonardo The Goat in it. I like everything he's been in, apart from Titanic, which was pretty dull.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:11, archived)
I has a sad.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:13, archived)
OK, sorry about that.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:15, archived)
I want to see that.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:13, archived)
I liked "Catch me if you can" and for some reason "The man in the iron mask".

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:26, archived)
I haven't been to the cinema since Clash of the Titans came out

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:14, archived)
He was good in Blood Diamond.
Fuck those pricks that whine about the actors accents because they think that's what you should say.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:15, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:22, archived)
Last film I saw in the cinema was The A Team, which I thought was great.
Next on my list is Inception. I've avoided EVERYTHING about it so far and intend to up until I go so SHUSH IT UP!
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:17, archived)
I'd done the same, I didn't have any idea that they were all dead from the start.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:20, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:23, archived)
*SPOILERS* it sinks near the end *SPOILERS*

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:23, archived)
LOL, ants!
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:28, archived)
Last film I saw was There Will Be Blood
It was brilliant
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:19, archived)
I have that sitting on my dvd shelf...
is this an official recommendation? I haven't got round to watching it yet.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:25, archived)
It is a good film

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:25, archived)
then I shall watch it today. If I get time to.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:26, archived)
I've just finished watching it on iPlayer
I was surprised at how good it was.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:28, archived)
Saw Toy Story 3
today. Oh how I cried.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:22, archived)
I saw it with mummy last week.
loved it.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:24, archived)
an annoying large breasted girl is coming round

but i actually can't be bothered

what now?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:52, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:53, archived)
I don't really care either

maybe you should just put a bag over your head, with a face drawn on it
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:54, archived)
i might make a bit of porno and PUT IT ON INTERNET

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:57, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:54, archived)
oh and
my italian uncle i never met in canada is going to jail for 20 years for maJor drug dealing OOPS
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:55, archived)
I love it when the facially cratered turn on SickRik for being popular with offline women.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:56, archived)
offine women!
that's what i'm going to call my speed dating events!
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:57, archived)
or my mortuary for females that have recently failed intensive care

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:58, archived)
The future's bright

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:57, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:06, archived)
Binky and I just came back from "the big chill"
bet you can't spot us in the big naked photo shoot. Hint - we're both yellow - www.metro.co.uk/news/837440-hundreds-of-festival-goers-strip-and-get-painted-in-a-field-in-the-name-of-art

was interesting especially the part where Spencer told all 700 of us to remove clothes and everyone simultaneously stripped... apart from a couple of members of b3ta.. although we quickly gained confidence, not wishing to be the only clothed people. - Was extremely tempting to pick out a clump of grass from a fat mans bright yellow arse, although sadly neither of us had the confidence to point out the bloke had managed to pick up half a hillock in his bum crack.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:11, archived)
Yeah... cool beans.
So, I'm a cross posting whore.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:14, archived)
haha brilliant!
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:17, archived)
It was unnerving but surprising how quickly we got used to it

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:52, archived)
Interesting day out!
Cool stuff.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:20, archived)
sounds fun
probably a better festival to do that at, than the one I went to!
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:22, archived)
I just read your QOTW thing in your profile
I hope that nurse is doing ok :)
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:34, archived)
we lost touch
but last I heard she went home to be with her family. So things worked out okay I think. Thanks :)
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:38, archived)
not so distant events make me feel very sympathetic to that sort of thing
glad you are doing ok too.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:41, archived)
Thanks again
hope you're doing alright as well
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:44, archived)
I'm doing ok as long as I'm still posting about Mono's bumhole

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:48, archived)
excellent internet.
Right here
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:03, archived)
Some of my mates put their name down for this. I wonder if they were brave enough!
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:25, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:31, archived)
Oh look at us, we're all naked, then he painted us
it reflects nature being under pressure from man, the bright colours reflecting the internal struggle of every human and the naked people give me a boner, yeah totally.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:32, archived)
Apparently there was a boner in the crowd.
We missed it, but it could have been a blue person, they were the trouble makers
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:44, archived)
this one girl was painted with spunk
to represent fertility, or at least that's what she said
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:54, archived)
There was a pregna t lady who had an individual shot
And I was surprised that they let a little boy called William take part
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:58, archived)
did you make any other shapes?

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:35, archived)
We all lay down overlapping each other
But Matt did the same thing to some poor yellow lady as a hairy-legged man did to me, which was to open his legs so I had to rest my head on a "special pillow" :(()
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:49, archived)
yeurgh, you might have his pubes in your hair

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:52, archived)
Holy fucking Naked people.
Stuff getting your junk out and letting someone gloss you.

What shade of yellow were you?
Easter Morn 3?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:36, archived)
Sunshine yellow.
We were warned about touching any other colour- contamination meant instant ban from photo shoot
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:45, archived)
There's only one shade of yellow there, divhead.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:56, archived)
He even told me the answer.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:07, archived)
Fuck sake, I need to stop changing accounts.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:11, archived)
I'm going to sleep now, NECESSITY.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:51, archived)
I would like to follow Wes Brown in announcing my retirement from international football.
What are you giving up?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:11, archived)
Crisps, fish and chips,
all that stuff
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:12, archived)
You won't last long...
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:13, archived)
I've been given 60 Chomp bars
I don't know whether this is good or bad
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:13, archived)
After I've laid waste to modern civilisation
Chomps will be the new currency
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:14, archived)
the crappest of the cheap chocolate bars
I'd rather have a Freddo Frog
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:20, archived)
you come back here after all this time and espouse such wanton filth
get the fuck out of here. Freddo indeed.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:22, archived)
but shirley
this leaves more Chomps for you
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:28, archived)
This is a valid point
get the fuck away from my Chomps.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:29, archived)
you are welcome to them
I'll stick with the amphibian-shaped Dairy Milk
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:30, archived)
I hate to interrupt
but a finger of fudge trumps both you fuckers.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:30, archived)
only if you suck it

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:32, archived)
How can something so small be so wrong.
A bite and a half and it's gone; it's barely past your teeth than its down your throat leaving naught but a caramely aftertaste. A Chomp gives you literally MINUTES of pleasure. MINUTES.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:33, archived)
just how big is your mouth??

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:33, archived)
Big enough to fit in a Fudge bar sideways

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:35, archived)
is that a useful ability?

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:36, archived)
On the X-Men scale, it's pretty low

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:38, archived)
what's wrong with you, it's all about technique
you suck the chocolate off THEN you eat the fudge. It's nothing to be hasty about, man.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:36, archived)
If I bought you a box of Fudge
would you film a demonstration for me?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:48, archived)
I only eat them with my dentures out
but sure
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:55, archived)
all of this pales in comparison to the irn-bru bar or refresher

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:36, archived)
no no no no
too chewy
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:37, archived)
get some better teeth, mongmouth

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:40, archived)
Are those available options in the Christmas-time plastic-wrapped chocolate selection boxes?
No. So get the fuck out of here with your heresy.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:37, archived)
they're the secular confectioner's choice

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:39, archived)
A Wham can take a filling out at 3 feet

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:38, archived)
under the flaps there's a tiny 'financially subsidised by the international league of dentistry'

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:41, archived)
I like that idea
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:47, archived)
anything with "international league" in the title
is evil
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:50, archived)
the problem with refreshers is that on a cold day when you try to bite one
it just shatters and leaves you covered in the white powder and fragments of the chewy part
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:39, archived)
real connoisseurs have thermally regulated humidors

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:43, archived)
I'm leaving the Big Brother house.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:13, archived)
Has no-one won football yet?
It's been going on a long time.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:13, archived)
after one last hit
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:14, archived)
you shouldn't hit a crackwhore
those teeth won't stay in forever
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:15, archived)
It's a risk you have to take, gotta keep your bitches in check

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:16, archived)
air, it's full of polyunsaturates

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:15, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:16, archived)
you quitter, I knew you didn't have the stamina
now this Zyklon B chamber will have to go in the loft with the ukulele and the totem pole.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:18, archived)
*Looks around shiftily.*
I'm giving it up in the same way as Mugabe is Grrry. it's just to keep the UN off my back.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:26, archived)
did you have a good time?

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:33, archived)
you know you're in for some fun when the organiser is passed out in her tent when you arrive.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:37, archived)
glad you enjoyed it!
Did you find camping people, or go with Camp Loner?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:44, archived)
i went with camp loner
everyone was really friendly, although i did tend to go to the sets on my own so i could get good spots easily
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:49, archived)
we probably met then. You weren't the chap who had to swallow the horn of vodka were you?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:50, archived)
haha, no. that was pete
i was there when he downed it. there's a picture or 5 of me somewhere
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:54, archived)
I'm sure we met
I recognise your picture :)
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:58, archived)
reviewing Fringe shows
I'm knackered! Did four today, the last one sounded just like a b3tan, but he wasn't. I'd recommend his show to all of you.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:18, archived)
I always forget about going up to see the fringe until it starts. :(
Who did you see today?

My recommendations on stuff I've seen over the last few months are: Doc Brown, Stewart Lee and Jimeion
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:20, archived)
I'll give you my favourites:
Ant Dewson - could be a b3tan (songs about necrophilia, a divorced dad lullabye about a cum-soaked whore mother etc)
the boy with tape on his face - possibly the very very best show in the Fringe. my review
Wolf - not a comedy, a theatre piece. Absolutely mindblowing.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:23, archived)
That all looks a bit alternative for me

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:30, archived)
try this
my review
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:32, archived)
I saw an article on that on the BBC
sadly I won't get up to Edinburgh this year. I'll somehow create a reminder to get there next year
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:33, archived)
there's some good stuff on

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:36, archived)
You'd hope so
with that amount of shows on
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:39, archived)
Have you seen the Nicholas Parsons one?

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:21, archived)
but I have seen Nicholas Parsons wandering about
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:29, archived)
Bloody hell! It's The LOVELY JV!
*Aeroplane noises*
*Extreme pandering*
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:31, archived)
*offers bamboo*
'ello luv
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:33, archived)
Ta lully, I've got to go downstairs to check in now.
Bye all!
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:36, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:36, archived)
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:37, archived)
I hope you crash and burn and die!
have a nice trip
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:38, archived)
hey stuj!
haven't seen you around mu.....

oh he's gone again. cunt. never liked him.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:57, archived)
being a 20-something
/30th birthday soon
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:20, archived)
I'm twenty eight on Thursday
I just realised Alicia Keys is one year older than me. She's like international famous and that. I'm dicking about on the internet.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:24, archived)
I felt a bit better reading that Florence from Florence and the Machine is younger than me
because she looks rough as arseholes.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:26, archived)
Or Flo and a Mac as Dave Gorman calls her

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:27, archived)
Lawrence and the Machine

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:28, archived)
she sings like a duck as well.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:32, archived)
I enjoyed her when I saw her a few weeks back
though maybe in a couple of years when she has a few more songs I know it'll be better
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:37, archived)
I think that may be the problem. and she has proper murdered you've got the love.
the mainstream festival scene makes me sad. we watched some of the T in the Park coverage and it seemed to be the same bands as the last two years singing the same songs. vampire weekend? cock right off.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:43, archived)
Yeah, Flo and Vampire headlined Latitude which is where I saw her

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:49, archived)
I can't stand her wailing
it seems to appeal to middle-aged women, much like Nora Jones etc. She ruined You've Got The Love.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:40, archived)
apparently she was at Camberwell the same year I was
I didn't see her. Here ends my brush with celebrity.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:41, archived)
turning 30 doesn't hurt
at least, not as much as you expect it to
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:34, archived)
Wes Brown is rubbish

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 23:29, archived)
What do you beleive?
religion... discuss

i personally dont beleive in any higher diety etc. everyones entitled to their opinion.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:33, archived)
When you die, you decompose.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:33, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:35, archived)
bullshit, if that were true how do we still have all this stuff mozart wrote?

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:50, archived)
i dunno actually,
maybe they wrote it down or something.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:53, archived)
I consider belief in a higher power one of the most harmful and damaging elements in the world
it's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fear, stupidity and irresponsibility
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:34, archived)
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:34, archived)
It's a crutch for the mentally weak.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:35, archived)
All of this.
Don't do good things because you think you'll get a reward when you die - do them because you want to help another person/animal/robot.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:38, archived)
wise words

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:39, archived)
Does it really matter why I do good things, as long as I do them?

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:43, archived)
They're not really good things if you're just doing them to score brownie points with your invisible friend.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:44, archived)
There's no such thing as a truly altruistic act.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:45, archived)
only in the sense that you achieve satisfaction from doing such a deed
which is infinitely better than a feeling of "I've stuck to the rules" or "my deity will be pleased with me" or "it's expected of me."
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:56, archived)
Why are they not?
They are still exactly the same things.
I do not see how this should be part of an argument against believing in God. there are plenty of real arguments. this is not one.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:45, archived)
I didn't realise good had a relative value in that respect
surely pushing a child out of the path of a moving car remains good whatever reason you did it, even if your intent is some kind of future grooming?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:45, archived)
Seems more sincere to me if you're doing it just to do it
but YMMV
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:46, archived)
Yes, maybe it is more sincere,
but does that really matter?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:47, archived)
it seems more sincere TO ME
if you don't care why someone's being nice to you then that's up to you, isn't it?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:49, archived)
I just find it frightening when people's motivation for doing a good thing is to get heaven points.
Because if they didn't have that motivation, they'd do bad deeds because they would no longer have any fear of punishment. That sounds like a dangerous and scary mindset.

If on the other hands they would still do good deeds anyway, then they didn't really need that motivation and therefore they just 'believe' because they're too lazy to think for themselves.

My main objection to religion is this 'grown adults in the 21st century still believe in an invisible sky daddy' thing. I find it actually scary.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:50, archived)
I can't remember the comedian (possible Dara O'Briain)
but he has a good routine about the pope constantly being good, but wanted God to look away so he can do just one little rape
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:52, archived)
Yeh but they do have that motivation.
Someone might lose the motivation to be nice to people because it is a good thing, they might lose faith in humanity and stop being nice to anyone. You can't judge people based on what might happen.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:53, archived)
it is difficult defending religion.
coincidentally i am just watching this
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:57, archived)
Having no faith in humanity doesn't stop you being nice to people

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:58, archived)
Yeh but it might I dunno

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:00, archived)
you've done an admirable job playing devil's advocate

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:01, archived)
the wright brothers used to take sides on a discussion and argue with each other,
then they would swap sides and argue with each other again, they found that this way they could work out more answers and come to more fulfilled conclusions.
i like to try to argue against what i generally quite firmly believe in an attempt to find a closer "truth" if such a thing exists.
call me crazy.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:05, archived)
Not really, it is a sensible debate tactic.
It makes you think to yourself 'well, I think/know this is right, but how can I make a sound argument that it's right?'
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:08, archived)
It is also healthy to be able to think about things from different sides.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:09, archived)
It's a professionally-taught concept in Business Management
I have to do it with clients for about 10 hours a week. So in this respect, you're not crazy at all.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:09, archived)
Oh man, and all this without an education,
i'm well cool.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:09, archived)
It's amazing how much firms will pay in consultancy fees
for good old Common Sense.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:12, archived)
The fact that it's the 21st century isn't a valid basis for criticism

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:57, archived)
Why is it not?
Our understanding of the universe is such that a god is no longer relevant. There is zero evidence for the existence of a god that cannot also be satisfied with a non-divine explanation. I can understand believing in a god before we knew so much about how the world worked and how stuff was formed, but not now.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:03, archived)
i don't see how any of that makes it more or less likely that god exists

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:05, archived)
The logical position for whether something exists
is that it doesn't unless there is evidence showing that it does. People say 'absence of evidence is not evidence of absence' but actually it is. There is no evidence for a god, so why believe? It's just a thing for people who are scared of having to be a grown-up.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:06, archived)
God is a thing that was made up without evidence.
The amount of evidence has not changed, why would anything else?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:08, archived)
I think earlier people did think they had evidence;
as far as they were concerned, how else did the world/life come to be? It must have been a conscious designer.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:11, archived)
it's a nonsense to believe absolutely
but to be open to the idea is perfectly reasonable. Logic doesn't dictate something doesn't exist because there is no evidence, it only dictates that there is no reason to suppose that it does. Which is very different.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:10, archived)
god is a theoretical possibility
there's no evidence to disprove the theory, so why should it matter if people choose to believe it's more likely to be correct than any other?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:10, archived)
As I said below, an invisible unicorn on the moon is a theoretical possibility.
There's no reason to be open to the idea, though. The idea of a god is no less nonsensical than an invisible moon unicorn or a teapot orbiting Mars.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:13, archived)
not exactly
those things are extremely unlikely while still being possible

that god created the universe is equally likely as it having come into existence via some other means
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:15, archived)
I don't see how it's equally as likely. We have evidence (the background radiation) for it being the Big Bang/Cold Fizz/whatever it's called these days,
but still no evidence for a god.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:18, archived)
what triggered the Big Bang/Cold Fizz/whatever?
and before that and before that etc etc
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:21, archived)
You can say the same thing about a god.
If you're going to use special pleading and say the god is different because it didn't need a first cause, then I might as well say the same thing about the universe. If you're going to say 'the god was always there' I can just say 'the universe was always there'.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:24, archived)
really, what evidence would you have for that?

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:27, archived)
You wouldn't really, I suppose;
but nor do I see how this allows us to postulate the existence of a god.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:28, archived)
well ok, how about this
do you think that a being such as god could potentially exist, something outside of our universe with absolute power over it?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:32, archived)
Potentially, I suppose it could, but why should we think it does?

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:42, archived)
you'd have to ask a priest or something for that
i not really interested in the details of religion, just the concepts
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:44, archived)
which means that the Higgs Boson doesn't exist either
even though its presence in physics does make wonderfully neat answers.

Unfortunately science has not yet yielded ALL the answers, and while we are far advanced, the argument that we have made God irrelevant could have been said in the 16th century and been equally true.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:11, archived)
it won't ever
you can't see the whole of a system from inside it
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:12, archived)
Isn't the theorising/hypothesising about the Higgs Boson an example of making a prediction, though?
We say 'based on what we know about the universe, this particle might exist/probably exists' (I don't know which position is closer to what physicists believe).

It's like saying 'based on what we know about prehistoric life, I predict that if I dig down here in this stratum I will find x species of fossil, if it exists.'. If we do these observations of collisions and shit we should see this particle if it exists. The advantage science has is that it can make useful predictions about what we will find. You can't build a rocket with just religious teachings.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:17, archived)
In terms of the physical universe, sure, God willed the Big Bang to happen and that's it
there are many scientists who have consoled their work with their faith in such a way. But to see God as another plane above all that, as a moral force, is something else.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:20, archived)
There's no reason to invoke a god, though, is there?
What is the point of saying 'y caused the universe to be by causing x' rather than simply 'x caused the universe to be' when there is evidence for x and none for y? It's adding an entity that doesn't need to be there.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:22, archived)
There is no pre-Big Bang evidence
by its nature, it's rather difficult to come by.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:24, archived)
That's true, but there's no reason to suppose a god did it.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:25, archived)
what reason is there to suppose god didn't?

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:28, archived)
That isn't how burden of proof works.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:31, archived)
again, if you have concluded that life itself is a moral test
and that the physical world is a lesser plane than the moral and spiritual one (all concepts which you cannot refute) then there's nothing extraordinary in suggesting God started the Big Bang.

Science has yet to disprove the existence of sin, or the soul; both of which, unfortunately, most people believe in.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:32, archived)
i like simulation theory when it comes to pointless theorising about the nature of reality
basically, eventually it will be possible to create a perfect virtual reality and so it is almost certain that we are currently existing within one
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:36, archived)
It doesn't have to disprove sin or souls because burden of proof doesn't work that way.
The onus is on the god believers to demonstrate:
1. Sin exists.
2. Souls exist.
3. Performing good deeds ensures salvation, while performing bad deeds ensures damnation.
4. Salvation is better than damnation. (Sounds obvious, but fundamentalists' ideas of heaven and hell often make the latter seem more appealing)
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:38, archived)
Burden of proof doesn't apply here
Or, to be fair, many many MANY artists; painters, poets and musicians, would attribute their work to their soul, irrespective of their belief in a higher power. If they can sense something inside them, then yes, there's a burden on science to disprove it.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:40, archived)
All that proves is that they have that feeling.
They still need to prove that it is a soul.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:43, archived)
the burden is on science to disprove it

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:41, archived)
No. The onus on people who believe in souls is to show that they do,
not on those who don't to show that they don't.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:42, archived)
You can't prove in the physical plane something that exists in the spiritual one
that's the whole point. You refuse to accept that there can be any other level of existence than this tangible one around you.

as do I, but I'm trying to stick to the Devil's Advocate position here
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:50, archived)
Isn't that special pleading?
(Claiming that souls are special because they're in some magical plane and therefore not subject to the laws of the physical (real, measurable) 'plane'.)
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:55, archived)
they are not in a magical plane, merely in one undiscovered by science

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:02, archived)
i'm afraid it is
unless you intend to abandon the idea of science as a means to an end and set it up as a rival ideology
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:50, archived)
the burden of proof is always on science
if you want people to stop accepting things on faith and tell them everything can be explained rationally, you are going to have to provide those explanations, 'oh we don't think it does exist, i mean we can't prove it does so it must not right?' isn't really going to cut it
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 22:01, archived)
Ah but we can't be ENTIRELY sure there is not a god(s)
we can only be "pretty sure".
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:05, archived)
We also can't be entirely sure there isn't a teapot orbiting Mars,
or an invisible pink unicorn living on the Moon. There's no reason to entertain the possibility that there might be.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:09, archived)
oh very true
and I see where you're coming from with "we didn't know much about science so we made up God" angle, that's how I feel about it too. Fine when we were still ignorant of the world, rather redundant now we are more advanced.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:12, archived)
Unless you go down the intelligent design route.
In which case your argument is fucked.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:10, archived)
There is absolutely no intelligence in the Intelligent Design theory
it wilfully ignores evidences placed before it, and glosses over the massive holes with "that's what God wanted."
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:14, archived)
your mum's massive vagina

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:47, archived)
my mum's vagina is actually revered as a deity by many surrey druids

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:49, archived)
they are the anti Mono's bumholers
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:50, archived)
that place you call Mono's bumhole is actually my mum's vagina
get out of it at once, you heathens.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:53, archived)
we await the second coming

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:55, archived)

many surrey
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:58, archived)
Oe helloe thar I can has fishez? Noe it is just a mini bit smelly up in here
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:01, archived)
I are gaurdin ur overys
this makes me feel a bit sick
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:02, archived)
don't lie, you love it

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:05, archived)
Why would I want to help anyone?
What's in it for me?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:05, archived)
what if Ding had fallen and hurt her Holy Golden Bum?
What if a penguin wanted to know how to rock? WHO WOULD SHOW THEM?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:06, archived)
That's DIFFERENT The Lovely Spangles.
In that case, OF COURSE I'd help. As is my DUTY.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:10, archived)
Crutches seem quite a good idea.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:39, archived)
you're thinking of crotches

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:39, archived)
I was thinking about doughnuts
now I'm thinking about crotches
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:40, archived)
I believe in Mono's bumhole

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:34, archived)
I KNEW you would say that.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:35, archived)
it was foretold by Mono's bumhole

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:35, archived)
Exodus 28:32
And there shall be an Mono's bumhole in the top of it, in the midst thereof: it shall have a binding of woven work round about the bumhole of it, as it were the hole of an habergeon, that it be not rent.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:41, archived)
Mark 6:51
Immediately he spoke to them and said, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." Then he climbed into the bumhole with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:43, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:45, archived)
I believe that I'm going to go and make a cup of tea and watch some TV,
because experience has told me that this is about to get really offensive. Laters folks.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:35, archived)
you were so harsh to everyone this morning
having said that, I'm not going to contribute much either. It's like shooting fish in a barrel
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:36, archived)
fuck off you cunt

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:39, archived)
I just farted as I sat down
So I descended into my own bum gas. It's warmed the hole right up.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:43, archived)
that's how the central heating works in Mono's bumhole

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:44, archived)
I tend not to discuss it much.
It's very personal and private, and I don't consider it a religious faith as such, more a mindset. I don't really care if people have a religious faith or not, as long as they don't expect me to share it.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:44, archived)
I believe that children are our future

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:49, archived)
I believe I can fly

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:49, archived)
I believe for every drop of rain that falls
a flower grows
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:50, archived)
stop spoiling the musical paedo subthread

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:51, archived)
You're a fucking idiot then

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:52, archived)
He's so corrupt, every time he smiles an angel gets gonnorhea

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:03, archived)
I'm the leeader, I'm leeeader

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:51, archived)
I can see for miles and miles

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:53, archived)
and I would walk 500 more

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:03, archived)
I'm a fundamentalist
I just haven't worked out what in yet.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:52, archived)
can I talk to you about Mono's bumhole?

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:53, archived)
That's my second favourite subject.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:54, archived)
I believe in The Holy Golden Bum Of Ding.
*Adjusts Stupid Hat*
'Ning /talkers.
I had a FUCKING RAWKING time at Sonisphere, and tonight I'm flying back to my penguins.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:53, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:05, archived)
^Me shouting myself hoarse for the whole weekend.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:07, archived)
my favourite set as part of the crowd was Pendulum
Alice Cooper was probably the most entertaining, Rammstein are gits for finishing early -_-
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:10, archived)
I was surprised at how much time Alice actually spent ONSTAGE this time round.
Rammstein were great, but my highlight HAS to be SLAYER.*
*Skunk Anansie and Skindred were both rather spiffing too. And The Cult. And the new Eddie. And I even enjoyed Iggy, even though he didn't get bottled off stage for them fucking adverts.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:14, archived)
i missed whatever was on the saturn stage after the fab beatles
i was making sure i got a good spot for pendulum, and slayer, and alice in chains
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:17, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:10, archived)
I'm like, a Taoist, you know, because, uhm, I went to China this one time and uhm...well
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:57, archived)
I have a copy of the Tao te ching
it's pretty interesting. I prefer religions that are more guidelines.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:00, archived)
Needs more burning of witches.
And torturing of heretics.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:03, archived)
I'd like to believe in the Viking pantheon
because they're a flawed and crippled family of inbreds, living on a tree branch eating goat and drinking wine until the Ice Giants ride with Fenris at the coming of Ragnarok, who they'd like to defeat if only they had enough brave warriors with them.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:01, archived)
What about us who are shit at fighting?
Suppose someone has to bake the buns for the eternal feasting and carousing.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:05, archived)
I think I'd be a bit short for a Valkyrie

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:15, archived)
two available jobs
fucking the warriors, or riding down to collect the souls from the dead bodies. Although that might involve fucking people too.

Although you could write poems, they might like that.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:17, archived)
*burns embassy*

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:59, archived)

You don't eat pigs,
We don't eat pigs,
It seems it's been that way forever

So if you don't eat pigs,
And we don't eat pigs,
Why not, not eat pigs together?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:00, archived)
I like the cut of your jib.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:25, archived)
No, I don't believe whatsoever.

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:03, archived)
Load of old bollocks really, innit?

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 21:04, archived)
What is your favourite fart?

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:24, archived)
The one when Marc Bolan died because your mum farted in his mouth

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:25, archived)
she one sexy glam rock mouth fart lady

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:27, archived)
I like the farts in Mono's bumhole

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:26, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:28, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:35, archived)
It was a distant rumble, out of sight. He'd heard it before when the boy was young, that time he was staying in a cave but it was too late to find cover now.
The trees suddenly started to shake in the distance and then waved towards him. The fire flared up as the boom hit. It caught onto his bag on the ground, the bag that had their life in it. Their life was gone now. Mono's bumhole fart had destroyed their life. The life in the bag. Their life in the bag. The bag was gone. It was in the bag, now it had gone. With the fart. The bumhole of mono fart. The bag.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:35, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:37, archived)
In the bath
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:33, archived)
yeah man fart humour that's great good job tyronne
you are a grown man stop being stupid

I am watching a program about the Amish. I have seen the two previous episodes of this and it fascinates me. I love seeing other cultures especially when they are learning about others and others are learning about them. I'm quite pleased that this program isn't as exploitative of them as I had predicted.

Make a question up from in there somewhere like who do you exploit or what do you learn about or something. It's better than a Tyronne post about hilarious farts.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:11, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:13, archived)
I'm watching too but I've not seen it before
I do get yearnings for an Amish style simple time sometimes.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:13, archived)
it's the removal of life's pleasures in the hope that there is a god waiting for them that puts me off
but that's "faith" I guess. Who am I to judge?
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:15, archived)
I wouldn't be able to keep my nose out of politics

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:19, archived)
I did like the question about why they don't vote when the laws made do still apply to them

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:20, archived)
I think they know that whoever is in charge, unless it is a real extreme, will leave them to do their thing.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:22, archived)
It's so shit tonight, I'm watching Peter Simon on Bid Up tv
It doesn't get much worse than that
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:14, archived)
watch the Amish
it's interesting
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:15, archived)
Is it egyptian cotton towels or a watch?
It usually is
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:17, archived)
I've clicked 'I like this!' because we need just one more popular post to push Friz off the bottom.
The rest of you, please join me.
(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:33, archived)

(, Sun 8 Aug 2010, 20:33, archived)

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