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# The Cribs.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:29, archived)
# What did you do with their faces you Psycho!?!?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:31, archived)
# She fed their faces to them.
Actually I'm not sure how that would work.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:43, archived)
# Nor me
but I want to see it on youtube & in next weeks newsletter!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:44, archived)
# I think that could work,
if I left their mouths. Then I could feed them their eyes and noses. Instead, I fed their faces to a poor old man and his dog, on the street.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:46, archived)
Looking good :)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:31, archived)
# Have no faces
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:33, archived)
# Ha ha ha!
Straight Edge...

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:33, archived)
# Loosers
*has sex whilst snorting vodka off a whores bum cheek*
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:39, archived)
# Tighters
*Snorts Daz off Pauline Quirk's bosom.*
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:45, archived)
# Fucking spelling, bet they'd get it right the do gooders can probably count past twelveteen
*Fucks Pauline fowler in the ass whilst shooting herion into his eyeballs*
oooh thats the stuff right there.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:49, archived)
# There was this graffiti
on the urinal of wanker's guffawing pit Hogan's on George's St here in Dubbalin.


They painted and sanded the whole place once. Within hours the "HERION" daubings were replaced.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:55, archived)
Also: What the hell is that stolen image doing on the popular page?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:37, archived)
# Which one would that be?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:39, archived)
# The sparta one at the top.
Edit: well second to top now
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:40, archived)
# Who made it?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:41, archived)
# Some faggot on the internet. I don't know, I didn't call it out as stolen.
The guy could very well have made it. But I doubt it.

This is why we must use subtle tags. SUBTLE TAG EVERYTHING!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:43, archived)
# I dunno
But not the guy who posted it
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:43, archived)
# you can't un-'I like this!'
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:40, archived)
# well, that's because everyone voted for it

I don't look on the popular page much
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:41, archived)
# It was deduced as being stolen pretty fast, though
and not many people replied to it - most of the replies being negative. I suppose there are a lot of silent voters.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:42, archived)

parachute? face.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:38, archived)
# you don't want to forget your parahute
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:38, archived)
# You'd like that
wouldn't you.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:39, archived)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:42, archived)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:44, archived)
# Aww my cat is so cute
Fireworks scared the shit out of her and now she follows everyone around meowing at them. Won't go out at all
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:38, archived)
# Does it make :3 face at you
and then you go :3 back at it
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:40, archived)
# No
but ...

I meow back
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:41, archived)
# I was in Florida for a week
and when I came back, the kittens were about the size of the full growns. I started yelling at mofaha "what did you do with the kittens? what did you do to them? they're huge!"
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:44, archived)
# Did they make :3 face at you
and then you go :3 back?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:45, archived)
# No.
I cuddleded them and then they did mew and scratch my wrists up real bad and I put them down again.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:50, archived)
Your profile gave my eyes a hernia
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:46, archived)
# Close enough.
a :3 face would probably be difficult to achieve without surgery anyway. And it'd be a lot of effort to go through with just to :3 at a cat
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:45, archived)
# :3
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:47, archived)

Edit: well damn, that was meant to be bigger than usual. Font tags don't work on the main board. Rargh.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:49, archived)
# Very nice.
Please draw a band I've heard of. Maybe the Kinks. They're good.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:48, archived)
# Maybe.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:56, archived)
# 1st FaceSwap

this disturbs me.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:28, archived)
# You're not the only
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:31, archived)
# me too

Just a tip for future reference: the left face is too small, and the right one is too big.
You'll get a better matching if you scale the faces a bit to the head you're putting it on.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:31, archived)
# It adds to the freakiness
But you are right
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:32, archived)
# yeah...
I see what you mean.

Although Arnie wouldn't look like Jimmy Sommerville that one out of Ant and Dec if I did that.

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:33, archived)
# Do with it what you will, of course
reverse for comedy effect
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:42, archived)
# arrrghh!

You've made his missus look a bit like Walter Matthau!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:42, archived)
# 1st faceswap you say?
here's mine then

(, Sun 8 Jul 2007, 0:01, archived)
# marit safin and tony blair?
(, Sun 8 Jul 2007, 0:18, archived)
# the clue is in the filename
or was that sarcasm? My sarcasm-o-meter is broken at the mo :-(
(, Sun 8 Jul 2007, 12:32, archived)
# Have a scratchy ink drawing
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:09, archived)
# rather nice, that
have a woo.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:11, archived)
# Thank you sir :)
*sticks in pocket*
*jacks off*
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:12, archived)
# ugh, you've covered it all in fluids
i'll not be able to use that again
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:14, archived)
# Have a new one, courtesy of my fluids.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:15, archived)
# Well done.
But put BATMAN on the roof. BATMAN
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:12, archived)
# na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:14, archived)
# I quite like that.
Reminds me of The House Of Usher, something, perhaps, that would illustrate an Edgar Allan Poe book. :) Woo!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:16, archived)
# What's more, this place actually exits
It's a shed suspended by two brick walls over a pavillion with blocked out windows and doors in a field.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:17, archived)
# Damn!
That's really cool. I'd love to see that. Have you any photos?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:22, archived)
# Gah, nope, sorry
Just lots of drawings.
I'll try get some next week maybe. They'll probably be crappy phone photos though.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:23, archived)
# Heheh.
Good enough for me! :)
(, Sun 8 Jul 2007, 0:37, archived)
# photo of this strange building?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:23, archived)
# See my reply above
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:32, archived)
# Tokyo Police Club. :)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:07, archived)
# Who's the person being eaten by a seal
in a back?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:08, archived)
# I don't know his name,
but if you look at the sorce pic, he's actually wearing a furry bear suit thing.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:09, archived)
# Just seen your Flickr.
You're quite sexy. How come you turned out all Emo?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:10, archived)
# pediatrician!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:13, archived)
# you wish
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:14, archived)
# You have a
distinct grooming style.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:25, archived)
# gosh
a band i actually know. and like
that hand looks a bit gimpy, though
well done, miss
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:10, archived)
# Yes.
mofaha was calling him 'rawr i am a gay bear'
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:14, archived)
# did he mean bear in the gay sense of bear?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:16, archived)
# All I can think of when I look at this
Is the guy in the middle shouting "HURRRRRRRR!!!"
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:11, archived)
# His mouth is huge
He looks like he could eat a whole orange in one bite!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:13, archived)
# P'raps he can?
But are we talking with or without the peel? Because the peel is nasty.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:14, archived)
# Both, But I reckon he prefers without
bare back and all that.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:16, archived)
# Yea, most likely.
But, it does count if it's without the peel?
And what about clementines? 'Cos I think I can fit a whole clementine in my mouth... But they're small. :)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:23, archived)
# Dave!
Still touting for pics?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:24, archived)
# Sure mate
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:30, archived)
# peel is integral
to the experience
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:18, archived)
# though he's not entirely sure
he's playing that at the right speed
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:20, archived)
# :)
I can hear him saying it - he did say it a lot though :)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:23, archived)
# Arrrrgggh
Those don't even look human
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:19, archived)
# Says the car.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:30, archived)
# I look more human than they do
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:34, archived)
# I like your style
but I'd like it more if I knew the persons in the picture, so I could compare

say, like the Mothers of Invention... ;)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:24, archived)
# I'll remember that.
And draw them. Then you can compare.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:30, archived)
# cool
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:35, archived)
# When i see your posts i feel old
because i dont know who the fuck anyone is!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:28, archived)
# Well I don't know who any of them are, but I don't feel old
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:29, archived)
# I think you have to reach a certain age,
have life kick you in the baws a couple of times, and most importantly, not have had a ride in a while and these things will make you feel like that ;)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:31, archived)
# guess what dickhead forgot to upload the image last time?
This was meant for deviantart but why should they have it eh? Eh?*

Click for bigger (382KB)

*because it's not that good
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:52, archived)
# not that good?
are you quite mad?

that is quite excellent work there. It deserveth a click and will get one from me :-)

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:55, archived)
# Not as good as the shit I had 5 minutes ago.
That was a world record breaker.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:58, archived)
# I forget who it was
that was doing the 'weight loss by shitting' blog but it was quite interesting...
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:01, archived)
# Manley
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:04, archived)
# Ah yes.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:17, archived)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:21, archived)
# thanks
for sharing!

And the prize winning poo weighed how much exactly? Details man, come on, details.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:04, archived)
# *checks*
Yup. It can be milked.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:55, archived)
# it's the
udders you know.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:56, archived)
# ooo
*fetches the milking scissors*
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:58, archived)
# Excellent stuff
Owls are woo
Click and woo
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:56, archived)
# ta
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:58, archived)
# Can I pea this for you then?

Oops just did
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:01, archived)
# I don't really love owlz
I'm a filthy liar
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:02, archived)
# Owls
Have chicks too

Not this one though, she has chups
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:04, archived)
# oh! ...now I see...
Pasanonic says "This one is rather shit. Do I delete the file, or just upload it to B3ta?"
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:57, archived)
# hey, know your place!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:59, archived)
# That is rather very good sir
Have something for msn not worth it's own thread :)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:58, archived)
# What's the underscore that flashes underneath him?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:15, archived)
# :|
I have no idea
I've never even noticed it before :S
Prehaps a glitch involving his eye I'd like to think :)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:22, archived)
# Pah
Those DA creatures don't deserve it. They wouldn't appreciate its overt owliness.

Too-click, too-woo!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:59, archived)
# mmm, devinantart
I want to post some of my things up here, but everybody hated RPS...
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:59, archived)
# this is rather splendid
there's a matching cat down there

terwit ter woo!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:03, archived)
# we can send them to sea
in a beautiful orange/brown boat
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:09, archived)
# I like the big version
it's like it's on fire

how'd you make this?
any particular program?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:04, archived)
# Corel painter X
it's as close to real painting as you will ever get on a PC. Just load up with paint and brush away. You can keep the paint on the canvas wet for blending or just as easily dry it at a click and load more paint on top. I love it.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:08, archived)
# That sounds awfully fine
I'll have to look into that one!

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:12, archived)
# nice
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:06, archived)
# I have no idea what you are trying to
trick me into.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:14, archived)
# twit woo!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:08, archived)
# I know the compo is over but
I kept looking at this image and thinking ...

and courtesy of GodSaveTheQueen via Plentyofants

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:17, archived)
# coming soon

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:19, archived)
# Carpaccio party!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:19, archived)
# I'd complain but it's already pasta joke!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:20, archived)
Tagliarini Tub
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:25, archived)
# well done!
you win the prize!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:26, archived)
# *modest*
*notices the sarcasm*
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:29, archived)
# the smile adds great hummus!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:19, archived)
# ^ that very much
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:21, archived)
# it's his own smile
as well you know!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:25, archived)
# I've never seen his teeth before!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:31, archived)
# nor had I
in fact, until I found the picture, I was of the firm belief that he had no teeths
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:35, archived)
# hahaha!
yay! sorry for deleting that image cluck and mediocre but bloop now has it sorted.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:50, archived)
# ah, I was wondering what you meant!
you should probably flip the right half for extra tiling goodness
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:58, archived)
# i'll delete this add it to yours
this page is getting too many gordons
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:59, archived)
# too many gordons?
yeah, I wasn't planning on that. I can't stand the **** myself.

That 4-tile version is simply spiffing :-D
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:03, archived)
# done and flipped!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:06, archived)
# genius!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:04, archived)
# utter
utter genius

it is for times like this that I want a "I like this" in replies

have a woo and a yay from me
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:52, archived)
# sorry, couldn't resist
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:20, archived)
# Always wondered where that came from
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:21, archived)
# no need
to apologise. I thought about doing the same thing, but the mouth is far more "sucky" than "spewey" :-D
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:21, archived)
# :)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:28, archived)
# arf
I like that a lot
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:29, archived)
# brilliant source image
woo to you
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:31, archived)
# hope you don't mind
but I've redone it in reverse and slapped it in the first post :-)

(with due credit to your good self :) )
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:35, archived)
# bless you, but i downloaded plentyofants version
so that's where the credit is due.

like i said great source image.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:37, archived)
# all i did
was open imageready, reverse the frames, and save it
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:40, archived)
# all i did was save yours, open ulead gif animator
loose the first frame, crop it,re-size it, set the delay to zero and bobs your uncle.
i let you two do the clever thinking stuff, i just went for the glory.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:43, archived)
# oh get a room
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:45, archived)
# ooh ooh
room for one more?

(er, maybe not)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:48, archived)
# just realised that
and added credit to plentyofants aswell :-)

(I used the source pic to create a frankie howard image for the compo. Still makes me laugh looking at it now :-D )

EDIT - and thanks for the woo. It is most generous :-)

EDIT - and because it wasn't worthy of posting in it's own thread, I did this earlier for absolutely no reason whatsoever

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:40, archived)
# ickean lizard conspiracy!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:45, archived)
# that is so worthy of it's own thread.
and no reason at all is the best reason there is.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:45, archived)
# The US marines have switched to digital camouflage...
...just in time to come for b3ta :o

Just a scribble after doing a little tutorial for drawing eyes in Inkscape. You can get the source files for these from there as well.

Tiny plug - my book is now available from amazon.co.uk.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:15, archived)
# i clicked on the link and it looked just like yor post
well done for nothing
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:17, archived)
# apart from, say
all the source files and the license... hence the link :o
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:24, archived)
# How does that work then?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:17, archived)
# this is most woo
but it also scares the shit out of me :-o
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:19, archived)
# I bet it stopped you from wanking for a second too

and why were you afraid of Pedantichrist?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:20, archived)
# Got me
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:31, archived)
# how did you know????
and the Pedantichrist thing was just as a laugh anyway. Felt like a bit of cyber-stalking with something he/she wrote :-D
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:39, archived)
# This is
much better than mine :/
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:28, archived)
# I still don't know what you were trying to do in your post though
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:31, archived)
# Eyes!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:40, archived)
# Eye eye!

*calms down*

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:52, archived)
# the first one of those
makes me laugh like a loon.

The last one makes me hide behind my chair :-o
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:56, archived)
# surely you meant
Who's the girl on the right left in the last picture?
I like her eyes.

/ironic but true
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:24, archived)
# all of them!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:25, archived)
# I KNEW IT!!!
*feels rather naked now* Well done!
(, Sun 8 Jul 2007, 0:14, archived)
# not only your book!
but thousands of other books!

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:18, archived)
# there are thousands of books?
who come i've only ever read one?
well most of one anyway,
well i looked at the cover,
when i said looked at the cover i mean i saw it advertised on the telly
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:23, archived)
# you stole it from waterstones
and then threw it in the fire, for warmth, didn't you?

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:28, archived)
# Goody ..... Goody Goody ...... Run Run !

vectory goofiness borked TBT

next up: last night a dj shaved my wife
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:11, archived)
# I had the runs today.
I don't know why
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:12, archived)
# that's shit, dude

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:12, archived)
# Public Enema Number One
/Iron Maiden
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:12, archived)
# wtf is that source pic from?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:13, archived)
# looks like this place
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:15, archived)
# christ on a crutch!
i thought it was some sort of posh driving school, not an actual road layout.

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:22, archived)
# it's the magic roundabout, the best roundabout evar!!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:23, archived)
# would that be the hemel magic roundabout
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:30, archived)
# I want to see the next
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:14, archived)
# hahaha, excellent, needs less Oddie and more Garden and Brooke-Taylor though!
great stuff!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:14, archived)
# ^this^
the world needs less oddie!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:24, archived)
# voila !
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:29, archived)
# that roundabout
is magic!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:14, archived)
# Hahaha!
and I can't wait till that next one

so give it now
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:17, archived)
# ecky-thump
more of these!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:19, archived)
# Yes, Swindon ftw!!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:22, archived)
# Woo Swindon!
I wanted to find a Goodies source picture for vectoring, but failed.

Well done you for finding one.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:29, archived)
# thank ye
it showed up when searching for "magic roundabout dougal"
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:31, archived)
# The Lovely IVV
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:51, archived)
# Wow that's great!!

Who's up next? :P
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:52, archived)
# medicore
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:53, archived)
# Ah, cool!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:56, archived)
# Who's that then?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:00, archived)
# Bah, sorry my eyes are all stuffy
Edit: won't do yours till tomorrow mate, eyes are a bit strained.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:01, archived)
# That's okay
I won't be here for long anyway

/edit: and tomorrow's my b3taday too!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:02, archived)
# Bonnie Langford
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:57, archived)
*wheezes like the ice cream man from Dexter's Lab*
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:59, archived)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:02, archived)

argh, that means I think it looks pornographic :\
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:06, archived)
# not safe for wanking?
certainly not.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:07, archived)
# Not Safe For Willies
In general
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:13, archived)
# be glad that you do not know.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:04, archived)
# She's here, on the left...
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:05, archived)
# Hahahahahahahahahaha
First actual Lol in a couple of hours
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:14, archived)
# sorry, couldn't resist ;)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:18, archived)
# Awww
S'lully! Great tshirt work :)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:52, archived)
# you look good there :)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:54, archived)
# You've got a bit of a belm going on there...
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:07, archived)
# The kullahs ah luly!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:53, archived)
# ain't she damn fine?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:54, archived)
# That's redexing for me
And I can't actually remember what it looks like
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:04, archived)
# and me and your car!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:06, archived)
# be-autiful
But then, could she be anymore?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:55, archived)
# very nicely done
at some stage i will have to ask one of you far too talented folks to render me a likeness of my good self.

well done sir.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:55, archived)
# oh what a coy, delightful creature!
and Verity looks nice too ;)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:57, archived)
# Oh you
*does gay girl hand flop*
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:59, archived)
# tha's trés nice. well done, sir
is that tshirt off threadless or somewhere?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:58, archived)
# Yes
I have rather a stash of threadless tshirts. I'm wearing one now :)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:59, archived)
# Aren't they great?
GF's bought a stash of them too, and they fit me too :)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:59, archived)
# just like her pants
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:00, archived)
# *shuts down webcam*
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:03, archived)
# Chique!
I love that colour stuff of yours
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:59, archived)
# Cheers
Kinda like them myself now
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:59, archived)
# ooh!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:01, archived)
# Munchies!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:03, archived)
# hehe



yes, drawn to the munchies :)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:09, archived)
# your cat looks very 1970s
but in, kind of, a good way
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:03, archived)
# ummmmmm...
thankyou sortof but not?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:06, archived)
# it's probably just its colour scheme
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:08, archived)
# hahahaha!
we had wallpaper in that nice brown and orange pallette.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:10, archived)
# traditional brown/orange 1970's wallpaper
oh oh

with some kind of symetrical flowers on it too

man, I can visualise it already

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:20, archived)
# you have a very nice pussy

well someone had to say it
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:05, archived)
# heh...
thank you...she is pretty awesome...

*decides to take that in the non-dirty way*
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:09, archived)
# What a lovely bunch of fluff
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:32, archived)
# its a tad too out of focus for me to get it up to the standard I like
But if you get me one in focus certainly
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:07, archived)
# :(
sad panda for me.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:14, archived)
# you're getting better at these
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:02, archived)
# hurrah
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:07, archived)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:08, archived)
# needs more whiskey
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:10, archived)
# Spin that leek!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:12, archived)
# exactly what it needed
i was going to have another look at him in due course. i won't now he's all yours.

edit/although having said that i've had an idea
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:13, archived)
# needs more gapping snatch
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:15, archived)
# O_o
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:26, archived)
# nice work
have a woo :-)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:20, archived)
# excellent work Dave
that is no more than 16 colours, surely that could be reduced to an icon for windows XP??

Wish I could do that stuff but I'm doing other stuff that stops me practising this stuff...
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:22, archived)
# Image is a tad small, sorry.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

'Pern & Fhil'

Fhil looks like Roy Walker in drag...
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:49, archived)
# Hahahahahaha
That was a nice surprise
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:50, archived)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:51, archived)
# you took a wrong turn there my friend
bloody sat navs are a waste of energy
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:48, archived)
and the link is also shit

That is all
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:48, archived)
# and bloody long
first 10 secs were enough.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:50, archived)
# You need /links
Before you get brutally slaughtered here
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:49, archived)
# Choose life
Choose a website. Choose something that would actually make peeps give a shit.

Then close the door on your way out.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:53, archived)
# silly boy
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:53, archived)
# oh
(, Sun 8 Jul 2007, 0:31, archived)
# *sigh*

good thing i keep these handy, innit?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:54, archived)
# I'm hoping
Someone will give you reason to post the others
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:57, archived)
# i can
if you really want me to...
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:59, archived)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:04, archived)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:06, archived)
# and for good measure...
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:08, archived)
# Best thing
I have ever seen
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:48, archived)
# this sort of thing makes balls ups worthwhile.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:57, archived)
# the milkybar kid ersatz buck rogers
killing the alien made of snot

disturbs me

edit: oh god, shakey beans woman

what is wrong with you man! you made me experience shakey beans woman!

edit2: edd winchester on ovaltine advert

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:00, archived)
# another faceswap
this one works well i think!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:33, archived)
That's so wrong...
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:36, archived)
# He has a huge face
Mooooooooooooooooon face.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:36, archived)
# Face on the moon
In a burberry spaceship
Face on the moon
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:42, archived)
# who are these people?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:44, archived)
# The one on the left..
..works in my local Spar.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:58, archived)
# old repost

also this and that
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:37, archived)
# lovely idea, these gay weddings
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:45, archived)
[challenge entry] needs more brown crayon i think. and a better camera
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:32, archived)
# \o/
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:33, archived)
# albinomo!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:34, archived)
# THat's woosome
If anyone is watching The gig. Is Dave Grohl slowly turning into a bear?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:37, archived)
# if i can find my blu-tac i might animate it.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:39, archived)
# I think he might be...
still one of (if not the) coolest person in existence.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:40, archived)
# He's my cuz:P
We started to look at lot different as we got older. But when I was about 18 I got laid loads as we looked so alike:)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:44, archived)
# i'm doing my bit to save the planet
by not watching it, i'm told my computer uses less power than a telly. although i did see corinne bailey rae while i was doing my tea. lovely.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:41, archived)
# Katie Melua. Beautiful but sings about utter garbage.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Disclaimer 1: For the purpose of this image,each sickle is playing the part of 1.8 million sickles.

Disclaimer 2: I've never actually seen a woman naked, so the body is on a 'best endeavours' basis. Is it true they have tentacles?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:31, archived)
# yes
they have tentacles

this enables them to throw plates around corners
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:33, archived)
# haha
actually giggles like a loon
Gis a hug babe *drunkenly kisses*
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:51, archived)
# O_O

look over there, ponies!

*runs screaming*
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:13, archived)
# Yes, women do indeed have tentacles
It stops them slipping when they crawl along the floor.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:34, archived)
# you've drawn the minge the wrong way up.....

also, 'sexually greedy', I'm affronted!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:35, archived)
# The body is upside down
So teh fluffy pyobs are dangling down.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:37, archived)
# ......????
you really don't know how lady bits work do you!

watch some porn or something
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:42, archived)
# you'd be best advised to stay away from unclothed women
that way madness lies
also unclothed chaps, cos i don't care what they say that must smart a bit.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:38, archived)
# you are quite the mental, sir
also, same melua picture i started with when i heard she was doing a gig at the bottom of the north sea

though it turned out it was in some oil platform or something. more's the pity
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:43, archived)
# So that's what happened to the twin towers...
Planes my arse.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:54, archived)
# *planes own arse also*
ow! that smarts
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:56, archived)
# Just wait until the hair and skin grows back...
...the friction when you walk is horrific.

Stick a piece of wood between your arse cheeks and you can create spindles for staircases while you stroll.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:59, archived)
# Fuck, now I've got that shite song in my head

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:02, archived)
# "Loki" Luciano of the Gray Mafia, c. 1936

(Thinking of using him as a perp in a Judge Dredd RPG scenario. Bloody Reticulans.)

In other news, I'm back from holiday. Did you miss me?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:54, archived)
# ver nice
can't beat a bit of alienising.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:57, archived)
# nicely shopped!

I've just rediscovered one of my favourite ever posts www.b3ta.com/board/3206585

/cleaning out bookmarks folder
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:57, archived)
# if i say i missed you
can i post this random sid here?

it's bernard breslaw's fault
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:19, archived)
# hahahaha, great stuff!
random Sid for the win!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:21, archived)
# whilst looking for sid i found this
i did mention it way down there
it made me chuckle
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:24, archived)
# hahahaha, my words, what big tits!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:25, archived)
# this guy must be a b3tard

contains rude spoken words.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:28, archived)
# I've killed fluffeh tiem
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:38, archived)
# I like it!
also, you have a great name
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:40, archived)
# thankyou
my mum gave it to me
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:44, archived)
# Well I tried
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:52, archived)
# never say things aren't worth their own thread
I've posted all sorts of shite in its own thread
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:54, archived)
# Fair enough
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:54, archived)
# Bonnie Langford on the left?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:04, archived)
# ME on the left
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:06, archived)
# Bonnie! had no idea you were a b3tan!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:10, archived)
# haha
how very rude to the delightful miss Langford!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:08, archived)
# Hahahaha
*wipes a tear from my eye*
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:18, archived)
# you tried what??
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:07, archived)
# This
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:44, archived)
or something...
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:40, archived)
# Hahaha
How rude! :)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:48, archived)
# oops I did it again
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:50, archived)
# part of what i'm currently working on coloring...

drawn by this guy

i've sort of decided i want to be a colorist when i get out of school...not very good yet,
so i've been practicing on other people's stuff...so far, everyone's being pretty nice when i ask
to color things...and i'm building up a portfolio to boot!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:34, archived)
# :D
looking nice so far
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:35, archived)
# Snikt! Oh yes.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:36, archived)
# snikt is my favorite action word ever!
i have a...(well...it's like a dyptich but there's 4 of them...so i dunno... )
of copies i did of roy lichtenstein style paintings in my room...they are comic sound effects.
i have three done...Pow, Fwak and Wham...been torn between Snikt and Bamf for the last one...
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:38, archived)
# what about Thwip?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:45, archived)
# thwip is good...
or fwip...what sound does it make when gambit throws his cards?
anyone know?

i mean other than woo
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:47, archived)
# Swoosh?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:57, archived)
# really?
i was thinking perhaps it might be fwip...
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:07, archived)
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:32, archived)
# ...well, now i
have to!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:38, archived)
# Is that from MVC2?
I used to love that

oh and do snikt!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:42, archived)
# indeed.
yeah, i'm thinking snikt may be the winner...as my "wham!" is already in an explosion cloud...to do bampf
would be a bit redundant...where as with snikt i could have a shiny claw thingy...
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:46, archived)
# that was my thinking
variety is teh spice of life
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:49, archived)
# indeed...
i'll have to track down my camera and take some pictures of them...they are pretty ace...

i also did a giant jumping mario...where 1 pixel = 1 inch...which i think is like 2.5 cm, right?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:57, archived)
# 2.54 :)
That's quite giant!
did you ever do that animated cross stitch I suggested?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:00, archived)
# nope
i forgot that...too bad my hands hurt all the time now...i never
even finished that mario level pillow i was going to do...

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 22:11, archived)
# you can´t beat
a kersplat.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:49, archived)
# YES!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:36, archived)
# become a plumber
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:36, archived)
# just think of all the plums
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:37, archived)
# Schnikity
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:38, archived)
# That's very smart.
I do a spot of line-art rendering myself. Feel free to swap tips.

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:46, archived)
# ooer!
how did you do the fog in the first one?
edit: lol...that's a chorizowagon, innit?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:50, archived)
# yes it's a chorizo
and the fog is just a well set up airbrush, numerous selected areas with a good feather then brush in. Might have added a touch of wind (distort) filter, not sure, then a touch of burning and dodge for depth and then reduce the layer opacity.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:00, archived)
# ah.
and the lully shiny things on the swords in the second one?

i've been using strategically placed lense flare filters for mine...but yours have a nicer shape to them...

custom brush?

edit:ah...i never use the dodge and burn tools because sometimes, they produce some strange colors...
i just shade with variations of the main color, and then use the smudge tool to blend it.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:06, archived)
# probably
just a standard airbrush ( I sometimes reset the taper if my pen does not give enough fade on standard ) then I create a layer, put it on top and fill with black. Change layer yo screen and then draw a selection using the polygon lasso tool like a star, feather it a touch and brush in that selection with a ligh colour fading to the edges. de-select and paint the centre. Add a glow in blending options of the same colour and you have a nice glint.

I can get carried away with stars.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:16, archived)
# those are great stars though!
heh...i like that one...

i get carried away with shading sometimes...i know it's possible to get a decent effect with
just the main color, a shadow and a highlight color...
but i like the look so much better when you use like...8 different colors for the shadows alone...

sometimes the pictures take me a while because of this. lol.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:19, archived)
# haha, I know what you mean
I think that the apocalyptic rhino and the deviant ( in my profile ) stand me at over 30 layers each.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:24, archived)
# lol
some one who is as bad as me!

i have a friend who does a lot of digital art involving animals...
the number of layers she gets going for fur is insane!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:37, archived)
# She seems
very talented, I've stuck her on watch so I can check her gallery proper later.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:41, archived)
# she is.
we met in art class...she used to bring pomegranates to class and share them with me...

we always "accidentally" flicked the seeds at our teacher who we shared a mutual dislike of.

she is cooking me dinner tonight! *dances*
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:51, archived)
# very nice
for those sword glints, it looks like you could just draw a line on a screen layer, then duplicate and rotate it loads of times.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:22, archived)
# you sure could
but I'm impatient ;)
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:29, archived)
# that rhino one is tremendous!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:10, archived)
# i concurr...
tremendous and silly all at once! ^_^
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:15, archived)
# cheers
the original sketch is fantastic. It's hard to do things badly when you have good source to work with ( like nobby nobodys stuff )
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:22, archived)
# cor!
is that who did it?
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:23, archived)
# no, nobby did not do this
it's professional comic book work from Philip Tan.
Nobby does things equally ass good though. He's really fucking talented www.biro-art.com.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:26, archived)
# yep I know Nobby's stuff, it's great!
Edit: I just put his drawing over your colours as a multiply layer, looks even better like that I think.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:28, archived)
# wow
is there a whole secret factory somewhere full of people drawing x-men line art for your colouring pleasure?

you lucky devil you! :D
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:38, archived)
my secret is out!

*sends ninjas to kill you*

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:52, archived)
# Kids, listen to the rap music...Kids...

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:34, archived)
# Kids.. they listen to the rap.. which gives 'em the brain damage
Woo for Cosby :D
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:36, archived)
# Ooooh
dont mention the Huxtables
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:39, archived)
# oh god
I suddenly have an insatiable craving for puddin' pops

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:48, archived)
# The Sign
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:27, archived)
# now this
is the last thing humanity will witness

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:27, archived)
# time to kill?

(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:28, archived)
# Hurrah
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:28, archived)
# Best sign ever :D
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:30, archived)
# Looks like an ominous portent
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:32, archived)
# I'm in a bit of
a strange place -brain wise- at the moment. That picture makes me
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:33, archived)
# *That is mighty fine*
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:33, archived)
# yay
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:39, archived)
# I have no idea what that is
but it's fab!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 20:44, archived)
# Bweatiful!
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 21:43, archived)

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