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[challenge entry] : D

much shit yes
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:48, archived)
# love the pun
WiiPing sores?

(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:50, archived)
# sounds chinese
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:50, archived)
# nyaaaa
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:50, archived)
# I see now I have been wrong all along
in pronouncing "wii" as "why-aye"

(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:50, archived)
# it is a picture of a willow with the logo for Nintendo Wii.
It is funny because you could add an 'I' to 'willow' to make 'wiillow,' which references the name of the gaming console.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:51, archived)
# hahahaha! spang!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:53, archived)
[challenge entry] First post for ages
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:37, archived)
# Took me longer than it should have.
Ha! Nice once.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:38, archived)
[challenge entry] this should win
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:38, archived)
# thise beats mine
hands down
theme adjusting slickness *clicks HARD*
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:43, archived)
# Why enter twice?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:44, archived)
# so it can win twice
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:45, archived)
# Ha ha ha!
Fucking win :D
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:44, archived)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:39, archived)
# twss
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:39, archived)
# i'm about rissed out
ed: does there only being one black guy have anything to do with it?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:39, archived)
# Bawii Mananose
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:40, archived)
# nearly dead, dead, probably will top himself, will probably get AIDS
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:47, archived)
# hahaha!

tj: julie peasgood (off of brookside) is selling house plants on qvc in between adverts for the slanket (it's a blanket with sleeves everyone) and diamonique hour.

Man I love qvc.

(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:47, archived)
# Man bear pig visits Paris!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:31, archived)
# WOW,top shop,no seams
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:31, archived)
# woah !!! for a minute there, I thought that was real !
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:31, archived)
# complexity of - 8
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:32, archived)
# half man, half pig, and half bear.

(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:32, archived)
# No real photos here, thanks.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:34, archived)
# That's bloody Eiffel
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:34, archived)
# 'ave a swappy
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:25, archived)
# Hhahaha
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:28, archived)
# Haha, yes!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:29, archived)
# I thought
you were from Holland?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:30, archived)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:34, archived)
# aahh!
Dank u!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:38, archived)
# It's about one hour in the furure for most b3tans
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 21:05, archived)
[challenge entry] Bonus points for knocking the same door more than once..
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:23, archived)
# Knock up and run :)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:24, archived)
# hehe yes, you do the knocking motion
..then put the remote in your pocket and sprint like fuck !
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:26, archived)
# escape the child maintenance level
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:28, archived)
# this can be more dangerous than you might expect
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 21:06, archived)
# Needs more dogcrap in a burning bag on the porch
but still woo!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 21:40, archived)
[challenge entry] Probably bindun to death by now
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:10, archived)
# I like it
but need to de-ris
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:12, archived)
# tlpwtm
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:15, archived)
# hmmm yes.
thanks! x
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:17, archived)
# as the 3 little pigs
wii wii wii all the way home
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:22, archived)
# mindpiss
after 7 minutes, no less.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:26, archived)
# in which universe?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:28, archived)
# sorry, i have taken museooms,
things are not very logical right now

ed: museoomsmushrooms
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:37, archived)
# o i c
wut u did thar
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:17, archived)
# hehehehehe all the way
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:21, archived)
# ZAP!!!ZAP!!ZAP!!
: D
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:07, archived)
# Nicely nicely catchy wooey!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:08, archived)
# Frank Zapper!
Ace graphics, and I like the colours too
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:08, archived)
# cool!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:08, archived)
# !

(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:09, archived)

I like that!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:09, archived)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:10, archived)
# Top stuff.

(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:13, archived)
# Wuh...O HAI HE-MAN!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:03, archived)
# wooooooooooooot!!!!!!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:04, archived)
# OI Metal Mouth!
Up yours!

(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:08, archived)
# by the power of...HOLY SHIT!

(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:08, archived)
# hehehe
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:24, archived)
# Brace yourselves!!

(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:10, archived)
[challenge entry] Yay :)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:01, archived)
# pfffffffffffft!
okay that one is pretty funny.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:02, archived)
# yellow spunk,ewwww
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:04, archived)
# custard creams
are my fave
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:05, archived)
# Haha, lovely.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:04, archived)
# hahahaha fuck!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:04, archived)
# Why do people insist on writing on their biscuits?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:08, archived)
# Over here, biscuits are cheaper than paper
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:09, archived)
# Because they're crackers
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:11, archived)
[challenge entry] Ewww
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:21, archived)
# Suppose I should drag this one out again also
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:22, archived)
# Oh, not biscuits...
Oh all right, but let's kill him anyway!

He's buggered off.
Yes, he has, he's scarpered!
(, Sat 21 Feb 2009, 5:35, archived)
# tee hee
that's my sort of amusing that!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 21:12, archived)
# I had to Google this one
I'd never heard of this!

Sounds interesting; I don't think McVities has thought of releasing that one.
(, Sat 21 Feb 2009, 10:45, archived)
# me too,
and I wish I didn't...
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 17:37, archived)
# Limp Biscuit
Keep rubbin', rubbin', rubbin', rubbin'
(, Sat 21 Feb 2009, 16:12, archived)
# Fun with Plastasine

Also made ones of me and my boyfriend
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:59, archived)
# how long were you in scooby-doo for?
I like the toadstool
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:00, archived)
# Is a fly agaric
if I'm not mistooken.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:37, archived)
You'd think if you were making this yourself you'd have given yourself bigger tits.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:00, archived)
# I tried
Plastasine boobies are hard to do :(
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:01, archived)
Like the snake tho!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:02, archived)
# they're around the boyfriend's neck
and woo
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:01, archived)
# necktits?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:14, archived)
# Your boyfriend should get that enormous goitre looked at.
Nice snake.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:00, archived)
# That's his hoodie!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:03, archived)
# The longer he kids himself the worse it'll get
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:04, archived)
# Aww
That snake looks very happy! Has he been nibbling the mushroom?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:01, archived)
# I prefer having fun with Palestine.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:01, archived)
# You take your army out of there, you don't know where it's been.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:03, archived)
# That israeli quite naughty of you.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:06, archived)
# I've heard that puns can make you gain weight, so I'm not going to join in.
I don't want to get any Fatah.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:09, archived)
# I ran a mile when I read that
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:10, archived)
# Yeah, you'd get a ham ass
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:12, archived)
# These puns are getting Syria and Syria
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:14, archived)
# Let's go for a drive to the seaside instead
Maybe take the Bay route.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:19, archived)
# Ok, I'll navigate.
*takes out roadmap for peace*
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:22, archived)
# Use Google maps, use my Asus netbook
It's a triple-e 901.
*gets punched in the face*
Ouch! That's my jaw done.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:29, archived)
# I'm ready for you
Persia lips.
(With that Iran away)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:40, archived)
# But I'm dead, see?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:48, archived)
# Yeah, Suez you
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:49, archived)
# Now even the weather's fucked.
Bah rain
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:50, archived)
# Complain to the Young Ones
Go Tell a Viv(ian).
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 21:07, archived)
# OK I'll Gaza him
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 21:46, archived)
# Didn't know you were intifadalling with emails
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 21:57, archived)
# Aden you should pay attention
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 22:05, archived)
# Semite think you're being cheeky
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 23:04, archived)
# *waves*
..hamas time.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:06, archived)
# badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger..
you appear to have cat ears or something
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:02, archived)
# Yes I do
Just like real life
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:05, archived)
# Yiff yiff meow grrr!

/ac ;)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:06, archived)
# What is this /ac business
I missed the memo.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:27, archived)
# \o/ yay
yay for kitty ears!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:53, archived)
# i like these!
you should team up with rob!!!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:05, archived)
# Mmmmmaybe
Next I'm gonna try some stop-animation :O
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:08, archived)
# you should. i am rubbish with plasticine
always marbles!
I like your SKILZORZ!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:09, archived)
# Stop animation is fun!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:15, archived)
[challenge entry] Sorry.

*prepares for spanging*
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:53, archived)
# *loads shotgun*
time to start running boy
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:58, archived)
running rimming
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:19, archived)
# ha ha
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:12, archived)
# Ban this sick filth!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 21:02, archived)
[challenge entry] Recycle!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:34, archived)
# *ooooooof*
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:35, archived)
# :D
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:37, archived)
# *groans*
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:59, archived)
# have another unfinished drawing...
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:30, archived)
# No thanks.

I'd rather just have the finished ones.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:35, archived)
# It's a bit The Wall.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:44, archived)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:51, archived)
# nothing's turning out the way I planned.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:01, archived)
# the big badged parsnip faced bastard
..i like it.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:55, archived)
[challenge entry] going to hull I know..................
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:24, archived)
# Hahahaha!!!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:25, archived)
# Yes, you're doomed!

But this image has little to do with it.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:26, archived)
# you know me too well
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:28, archived)
# :-D
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:27, archived)
# yes
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:33, archived)
# he used to be the "butt" of all jokes,poor little chap
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:51, archived)
# I know..............
but at least he makes us laugh now

hull awaits..............
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:00, archived)
# aaaaaaaaaahhhhahhahhah
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:52, archived)
# yes!!!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:06, archived)
[challenge entry] if they had Wii in the 80s, these would have been advertising it!

I apologise in advance :(
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:00, archived)
# Is that a young
Mark Lamarr?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:10, archived)
# must be the 1880s then
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:11, archived)
# he has died
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:11, archived)
# dodgy fish finger
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:55, archived)
# you sholud wash your hands then.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:08, archived)
# which one?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:13, archived)
# Hush my darling, be still my darling, the lion's on the phone.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:51, archived)
# Happy water spirit

I'm doing an alphabetical bestiary of mythical beings and creatures. This is A is for Apsara, Part 1 in a series of 26. Apsaras are water spirits in Hindu and Buddhist mythology, comparable to the nymphs of ancient Greece. They take the form of beautiful women and are skilled dancers.

(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:00, archived)
# Dat's nice
I like waternymphs. Even if they do drown the unwary traveller.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:03, archived)
# Thank you. (:
I'm happy I got a reply because it seems everyone's just starting threads and not replying to anything.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:04, archived)
# It's a fast board due to the compo
Might be worth putting together a gallery you can link to on each one.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:05, archived)
# I think we need a separate board just for the image challenge.
On Wednesday to Friday you can't really post anything because it'll get buried by compo entries so fast.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:06, archived)
# The last two compos have been avalances.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:19, archived)
# what I missed two avalanche contests in a row!!
oh crap :(
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:38, archived)
# the last one especially!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:11, archived)
# Oooh! That's pretty
Do you have the whole alphabet mapped out already or are you going to decide what to do when you get to each letter?

(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:04, archived)
# Bit of both. I know what I'm doing for B and C,
and for a few letters further down the alphabet. I have a pool of candidates for some letters that I'll have to narrow down to just one.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:05, archived)
# Apsaras are also JollyJack's 'secrets'
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:06, archived)
# Do Old Man Of The Sea for O
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:09, archived)
# Oh yeah, i'm on ignore.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:18, archived)
# Alphabetical bestiality?
A for Anally penetrating anteaters
B fur buggering buffaloes
C for caressing cow,
That type of thing?

NIce pic.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:10, archived)
# Pfffft!
I might do a series like that when I've finished this one.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:11, archived)
# she looks very happy!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:11, archived)
# :D
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:13, archived)
# 'ning!

This is good stuff.

What's B? Baxaxaxa Baxaxaxa?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:12, archived)
# I've got B planned, but I don't want to reveal what they are ahead of time.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:13, archived)
# Fair enough

I bet it's Bob the Egg demon, of Weebl and Bob fame though
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:21, archived)
# awwww, nice!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:54, archived)
# Darwin's anniversary
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 18:59, archived)
# a hotlink from http://www.morepopularthanjesus.com
are you sure?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:07, archived)
# It's Darwinism in action
Leeching and screwing up HTML makes you genetically inferior.
Scientific fact.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:13, archived)
# whoops-a-daisy
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:11, archived)
# No.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:12, archived)
# well, that's a fail
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:40, archived)
# So I ought not to complain about redex then?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:49, archived)
# have this from the other day instead
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:57, archived)
[challenge entry] Operation Wolf : Mission Stockwell
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 18:58, archived)
# I've never seen a picture of this incident before
poor Johnnycharleymetehetehetehetheth
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:12, archived)
[challenge entry] It's all about the peripherals
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 18:52, archived)
# Hhhaha nicely done
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 18:54, archived)
# needs more Olympic Edition

(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:25, archived)
# all we need now is some wiid to put in:)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:43, archived)
# awww hell yeah
a USB bong, there must be such a thing..
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 19:57, archived)
# As endorsed by Michael Phelps
Nice one *click*
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 20:40, archived)

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