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# Some men just want to watch the world burn.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:10, archived)
# A woman rang the BBC and said she heard there was a riot on the way...
Well don't worry there isn't.

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:14, archived)
# I missed a trick, there.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:15, archived)
# Edit your post and I'll delete mine...

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:16, archived)
# And remove your original genius?
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:20, archived)
# Arf!

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:20, archived)
# you're such a gent
doffs hat
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:36, archived)
# Hallo.
Had the results back yet...?
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:43, archived)
# nope : (
according to their answer phone the whole neurology department is on annual leave till the 15th...!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:54, archived)
# Blimey.
Surely that can't be true...
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 10:02, archived)
# Ooh, I like this.
Was just thinking of that dialogue.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:14, archived)
# Thank you, Lister.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 10:02, archived)
# on a positive note about the riots
There is a real chance Chris Moyles could be attacked on his way to work
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:25, archived)
# If they set him on fire he'd burn for a month.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:26, archived)
# Or feed a family of four for a fortnight.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:28, archived)
# I prefer the burning option.
I'll gladly give the family of four some KFC vouchers.

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:29, archived)
# Kfc can be looted
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:30, archived)
# I for one welcome the any riots that could seriously harm Chris moyles
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:29, archived)
# *group hug*
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:32, archived)
# If Moyles was on fire the burning question would be...
Does one toast marshmallows or cook sausages..?

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:40, archived)
# I believe the protocol is to sit around telling scary stories while toasting marshmallows
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:43, archived)
# I'm in.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:43, archived)
# 8D
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:49, archived)

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:04, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:05, archived)
'ninles peeps.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:11, archived)
# Morning Ghosty.
Haven't seen you much round these parts lately. Where've you been?
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:24, archived)
# Morning the riverghost

Holiday done then?
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:28, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 10:37, archived)
# Residents are said to be slightly miffed..
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:14, archived)
# I'm glad I live on the coast.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:19, archived)
# It's spreading, Archie. Time to start filling sand bags.
Archie. Time to start filling sand bags.And board up your windows.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:21, archived)
# hahaha
I was at uni in Norwich. Nothing ever happened :D
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:26, archived)
# Oh yes it did.
Perhaps you just weren't invited...

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:28, archived)
# nice pubs, though
good acid as well, I seem to recall :)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:34, archived)
# When were you at UEA?
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:41, archived)
# I hear someone stole a pint glass from the pub... and left it outside!
Another looter stole a traffic cone. Police are questioning students.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:28, archived)
# Is that a bit like University Challenge?
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 10:37, archived)
# Hahahaha
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 10:36, archived)
# nobody par-tayyys like yella cats
ok, so I ninja'd the ground-cat's direction

*thanks Maiden for her source tabby*
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:01, archived)
# Hahaha how very very true

Even french cats know this
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:02, archived)
# :)
bread and garlic, but no brewski--tsk!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:05, archived)
# Could this be any more French?

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:08, archived)
# Où est le chat?
Le chat est ร  l'ail.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:19, archived)
# Mon dieu!
La Vitesse! C'est magnefique :)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:34, archived)
# Hahaha! Look at him go!

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:04, archived)
# This is breaking my head
If I look at the telegraph poles it looks like he's going to the left. If I look at the cat on the bottom it looks like he's going to the right. I'm left to conclude that he's spinning around and is about to be violently sick.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:07, archived)
# I probably should have done better on direction implications
everyone is headed to the party, including the cats on the ground which are outrunning the handcar--solly

edit: would probably have been clearer, an sensible, to have the handcar overtaking the cats on the ground, and everyone would still be headed to the party
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:10, archived)
# That would've been clearer, yes
but now I understand that the cat on the handcar is too drunk to work it fast, and his poor little kitty slaves don't have the weight to pull the handles down any faster themselves :( They deserve their right to party
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:20, archived)
# :D ok it's ninja'd just for you
here is the original
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:38, archived)
# Yay! Thanks :)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:43, archived)
# Ha-ha!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:16, archived)
# hahahaha
marvelpuss :D
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:31, archived)
# Purrpetual motion!!!
That is ALL of the woo!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:33, archived)
# Party Tiem!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 11:28, archived)
# RIOT!!!!!
Not really, just a cartoon.

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 8:00, archived)
# needs moar looting
also: any Illustrator folk, I have some easy but repetitive work (CS4) that I need to outsource. Any takers?
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 8:36, archived)
# I'll message you when I get on my mac in a sec
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 8:43, archived)
# thanks
they're all on PC version of Illustrator, I'm guessing that isn't going to make much of a difference
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 8:50, archived)
# PM sent :)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:00, archived)
# Ooof!

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:05, archived)
# ^ What she said
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:20, archived)
# Hooray!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:19, archived)
Once again, that you for your suggestions yesterday...
Kitty Fantastico asked for Gillian Anderson, and Sam Elliot, followed by RedHouse suggesting Audrey Tautou and she is wearing a stripy top - RESULT!
Finally, I couldn't help myself, knocking one out for Whitney...

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 7:45, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 7:45, archived)
# Result!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 8:13, archived)
# Robert Shaw is brilliant and Gillian Anderson is
oh my.

I'm throwing Jack Haley and Rosanna Arquette in for tomorrow, because I don't really know most of the other people on the imdb list.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 8:34, archived)
# Devon Aoki from Sin City
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 8:47, archived)
# mmmmmm
I'll throw in Kate O'Mara for the shock factor.
All of today's are excellent, WB!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 12:35, archived)
# Thaks RH - One of my better mornings...
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 13:15, archived)
# Bob and Gill ftw!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:21, archived)
# Oh Audrey.... so lovely....

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:05, archived)
# ^ This
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 9:21, archived)
# For tomorrow
may I recommend Norma Shearer

Also, Jack Haley in his tinman get-up might make an interesting VAG
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 10:57, archived)
# 'Ning all
I was watching 'Blade' on TV last night and thought of this

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 6:40, archived)
# Mmmm raisins
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 8:48, archived)
# i made better news
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:36, archived)
# lovely
/must stop watching BBC news on iplayer

edit: I bet the Murdoch lot are loving this, massive media coverage of bad news that isn't about them
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:42, archived)
# mm, he is a bastard.

to be fair, theyre probaly helping it with news coverage and what not.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:47, archived)
# Oh come on
Newscorpse obviously orchestrated the whole thing to take the spotlight from them! /foilhat
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 4:38, archived)
# yay!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:45, archived)
# 3 days into it
i just caught a glimpse of the news earlier, i feel like i've been in a cryo chamber.

must sleep
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 5:30, archived)
# I think this says it all...
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 5:47, archived)
# Yeah. Prescient.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 5:50, archived)
# I have done many bad things and I am so so sorry
nice one dave : D
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 5:59, archived)
# that's beautiful that
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 7:12, archived)
# Jippee!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 8:13, archived)
# Just the moral tonic needed.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 14:22, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:24, archived)
# I think the police should shoot this woman.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:26, archived)
# I think they did
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:27, archived)
# I'm sure they'll get around to it
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:27, archived)
# vimod loves the helmet
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 4:12, archived)
# He certainly does:
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 4:29, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:28, archived)
# so lovely
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:31, archived)
# "It makes it all worth while!"
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:32, archived)
# dude, that's gross!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:32, archived)
# Back to work then I guess
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:33, archived)
# That's gold
I haven't heard of this show before. I must watch it!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:40, archived)
# It's getting on a bit now
but I still think it's pretty funny.
My favourite sketch is probably the one with the model of the proposed railway.
Other faves: teaching the kid to ride a bike, and the cake factory one.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:48, archived)
# i liked the asking for directions one
"no, sorry love, that's lost on me - don't speak a word of it"
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:55, archived)
# haha
I remember that.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 4:04, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:56, archived)
# Thanks sir
Love it!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 4:08, archived)
# grody to the max umMUM
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:29, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:23, archived)
# ah, now, see? what you've done there is go on fire
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:43, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:02, archived)
# just heard an eyewitness on BBC
claiming looters were stealing Wii consoles...

...from a Sony distribution centre.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:11, archived)
# Maybe they were fat
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:20, archived)
# phat
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:21, archived)
# Name a political party that represents you
and isn't pocketing all your money

Looks like there's a bunch of kids who missed that part of their education.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:26, archived)
# Looks like there's a bunch of kids only too aware of the answer to this one.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:27, archived)
# Do they need a teacher?

I'm totally abroad. People who are there need to choose to stop them or guide them. The police, and their evil overlords, are outnumbered.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:35, archived)
# More hand-wringing, pinko, commie, excuses for, as so charmingly described here earlier tonight, the 'scum':
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:18, archived)
# They say the Youth Exploded
The "Youth" weren't around in 1985 when the last riots took place, the ones who were there then are the ones advocating a peaceful resolution. They KNOW how this will end.
The youth are just being dicks.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 7:50, archived)
# We're all glad you're back Dave
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:39, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:47, archived)
# haha!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:51, archived)
# There was a revolution
You now take your orders from Katie Price

Should we fight them or help them to make better choices?

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:06, archived)
# call reinforcements
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:13, archived)
# The third option
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:20, archived)
# yay ! the Chavalier
i luvs my GLC
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:53, archived)
# 1,000 posts!
As it's riot Monday night and I have a duty to provide nekkidness, have a picture of my gash (linked as NSFW, obviously).
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:27, archived)
# Hairy as a troll.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:31, archived)
hairy as
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:31, archived)
# Not a picture, and it takes an awful long time to load so open it in a new tab,
but this nearly made me feel sorry for the filth:
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:33, archived)
# Maybe I'll shave for 2,000.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:33, archived)
# Exquisite.
(but surely more of an abrasion, really)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:34, archived)
# It was a lot more impressive a few days ago.
Shortly after I'd driven my bare shin into the corner of the open oven door.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:37, archived)
# I feel your pain, man.
I went on some innocuous-looking dodgems the other week, and five minutes later limped away with an already-ruined right leg and what I suspected to be a shattered sternum.
Nobody told me dodgems are hardcore now!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:45, archived)
# mtfu & walk it off
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:48, archived)
# Still hobbling.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:03, archived)
# Ow ow ow ow ow.
Last time I did dodgems was a few years back for a work do. Booze and dodgems are not a great combination....
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:54, archived)
# I have a particularly upsetting picture of my insides
which luckily for you I can't find right now, otherwise I'd post it.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:44, archived)
# my mum did a rather gruesome impression of Wolverine earlier this year
accidentally impaled herself on some rebar, 50 inches went into/through her arm, lengthways...

she was on the last episode of Bizarre ER a few months back, arm still fully working!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:51, archived)
# Ouch, mine was somewhat less extreme
and under more controlled conditions... here, I found it:

That little green fucker at the top nearly did me though.
It's fucking weird to see your own insides like this.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:56, archived)
# nasty
This is her in the hospital with the bar still in (2 foot of it was cut off the end:

cut open (very gruesome)
cut open (even more gruesome)
healed scar

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:04, archived)
# Unholy fuck
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:05, archived)
# :O
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:05, archived)
# she did make a bit of money selling her story to the guardian

(oops, time flies, it was last year not this year)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:08, archived)
# That's a very impressive scar.
Argh and yeah I started to read the article and had to stop.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:10, archived)
# yeah, ok..
I think you mentioned this once before, because I remember reading that article
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:16, archived)
# I posted the guardian url to /links a long time back
and it was subsequently put in the next b3ta newsletter
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:41, archived)
# Yep, I remember too
We all congratulated your mom on being so hardcore, and a fine artist as well.
(That photo caption quote sounds a bit risque, if taken out of context!)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 5:29, archived)
# fucking emo
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:06, archived)
# don't you mean "fucking impressive emo"? :)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:09, archived)
# I fucked an emo once.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:24, archived)
# In the gash?
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:28, archived)
# Nope, but I bet it's tight.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:30, archived)
# Jesus fuck
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:21, archived)
# Impressive
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 8:51, archived)
# Nice touch
Did they draw the arrow on to help them figure out which arm has the ENORMOUS FUCKING REBAR sticking out of it?
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 17:15, archived)
# would
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:04, archived)
# Hahaha
I'm not letting anyone get quite that intimate with my interior again in a hurry if I can help it.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:08, archived)
# Congratulations on not being dead.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:04, archived)
# I can't really claim the credit for it.
Haha quite the opposite in fact.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:07, archived)
# Yeah.
You're lucky.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 3:10, archived)
# All's well that ends well
Happy Birthday!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 4:50, archived)
# :3
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:06, archived)
# that's a cunning disguise
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:09, archived)
# Cat Burglars!
I got it!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:09, archived)
# Cat buglars you say?!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:18, archived)
# Poor kitty has wind.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:20, archived)
# Parp!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:21, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:24, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:03, archived)
# I got a text from a pal who was coming back to Brum from work in Coventry.
It said: "Fuck me! Just walked out of the station into a riot!"
I replied: "Get me a nice leather jacket from Selfridges on your way home, then. And try to avoid getting bopped on the head."
Next I heard, she said: "Soz, was on the bus when I sent the txt, but I can't say I wasn't tempted to do some freestyle shopping in my business clothes."
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:11, archived)
# Make sure you delete all your txts,
the filth might make something of it.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:12, archived)
# heheheh,
the filth are currently busy making a right 'something' of themselves!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:18, archived)
# And they'll be
watching their home movies for the next 10 years, trying to pin blagging on bloggers.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:24, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:58, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:05, archived)
# haha he was just on the telly
trying to present a cheery weather report while London burns behind him
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:28, archived)
yes, yes he was
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:29, archived)
# I was on radio 6 this afternoon (ie Monday), on The Chain.
Got "Joy Division Oven Gloves" ( www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEag0ss9pFU ) played, despite sounding like a thin-voiced twat.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:33, archived)
# nice work.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:40, archived)
# haha, fuck
never heard that before
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:52, archived)
# hahaha
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:05, archived)
# Cheat!
He appears to have impaled his hands on the bar thus preventing slippage.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:37, archived)
# how are they co-ordinating all this looting..?
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:46, archived)
# scumbag?
that's a bit judgemental
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:53, archived)
# at this moment my liberal values have disappeared and yes the families are scum
there are kids out there of school age - where the fuck are their parents, why aren't they at home at this time of night?

(I say this as a poor single mum who's son is not out looting)

/moral high ground blog
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:00, archived)
# At this moment my liberal values remain intact and I believe the families are not scum,
that the looters are a minority that the media are concentrating on.

(I say this as a human being with understanding and compassion.)

/basing my opinions on the bigger picture and not my own achievements in comparison to others.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:05, archived)
# gay
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:07, archived)
# Smug bastard. Feck off.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:09, archived)
# yeah - the looters are a minority and I agree with you
I also think there are genuine underlying problems in this society and "youth's" place in it.

But the ones out now (the underage ones) and their parents are scum. Anyone over 18 is responsible for their own life and I don't include their family.

There's no way my 14 year old son would be out doing any of that that unless he wanted to have his balls cut off and spend the rest of his life doing voluntary work to make up for it.

In other news, my cat is trying to get off with one of my flip flops. Weird.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:11, archived)
# The idea of any parent thinking they have control of their child amuses me.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:15, archived)
# Yes.
I remember being 14.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:22, archived)
# it's not as hard as you think
parents are lazy and lack respect.

I've looked after loads of teenagers and they are all home in bed and they are not "nice middle class kids" tho they are nice, I live in tottenham and they go to school locally.

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:32, archived)
# Them being smart enough to do what they have to for an easy life is not you having control.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:35, archived)
# it's not about control, it's about respect
given and received.

if you have that, you need little else.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:48, archived)
# Disagree.
I was brought up by a 'single mum'. I absolutely respected her, but still went off and did bad, bad things.
Not through any desire to upset my mum, and not because I didn't agree with her general moral philosophy, but because I was a solipsistic teenager out for kicks.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 2:15, archived)
# flipflops r sxxy
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:18, archived)
# Grr yiff grr what?
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:20, archived)
# hahahhaha
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:33, archived)
# Well,
I'm not saying it's perfectly okay, but if you're family background is one of deprivation then you can't no, I'm not getting into this...
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:10, archived)
# I have no family, currently no job and no money
I am a single parent and I am not out looting.

And no, I don't claim any benefits, thank you!

God - what do I sound like....

(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:13, archived)
# Yeah?
Well I have got a job, but I've been having a lot of trouble persuading my 2 year old to go and get me a decent telly.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:31, archived)
# They are harming their own community !!!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:32, archived)
# hahaha

did this in ode to the death of John Sullivan
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:33, archived)
# FUCK! I only bought it today!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:39, archived)
# hahah
I wish this had happened after the first episode.
Only fucking fools and cunting horse arses!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:41, archived)
# phew I thought I was the only one who hated it
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:49, archived)
# high five !
I was worried I was alone, too.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:54, archived)
# *high fives*
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:04, archived)
# I didn't realise it was possible to feel strongly enough about Fools and Horses to summon up dislike for it.
It's just something that's there sometimes. In the background. It's like having a hatred of Fire Exit signs, they're everywhere but who pays them any attention in the first place?
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:59, archived)
# AAaaarrgghhhh!!!!
Fire fucking arsehole exit bastards, I hate them!!!
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:03, archived)
# I can't even stand to have it in the back ground
it grates on me so much and really isn't funny.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 1:03, archived)
# =]
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:48, archived)
# London - Batman where r u?
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:14, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:15, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:16, archived)
# ^this
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:18, archived)
# that ^
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:26, archived)
# ^t'other
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:30, archived)
# I feel privileged that I replied to this before it was deleted and reposted
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:28, archived)
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:30, archived)
# Iz it coz u iz black?
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:31, archived)
# I'm going to loot PC World for this image
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:32, archived)
# those are some cheap trainers
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:38, archived)
# Yeah, only a tramp would wear cheap shit £50 trainers.
(, Tue 9 Aug 2011, 0:42, archived)

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