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Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
That's gonna be sore in the morning.
HoratioFellatio Taking the the out of psychotherapist, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:40,
thats nothing!!
i once had a hang nail, when i pulled it bleded.. that was ouch..
war3n3xt < I'm with stupid, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:47,
Deditcoat sings Lily Allen
I made this!
The Duke of Prunes, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:29,
hahaha, another winner :)
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:39,
gaijintendo Regular Member, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 14:56,
When online polls go wrong.....
But then again, soo right.
smello, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:00,
that is such a cool name!!
or call it mohammend!! that should be a laugh!
Captain Pilchard The king of B-movies!, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:20,
That is just fantastic.
Brandy_Bumwinkle, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:21,
Hooray glad to see my vote counted!
Now watch them do a Blue Peter and end up calling it Socks anyway.....
t0ria has forgotten how this all works, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:28,
I hadn't heard about the blue peter story
So I googled it, and found this page...
At the risk of making false allegations, (even if they do seem to be a bunch of dishonest bastards), is it me, or does the picture of 'cookie' the new kitten on the right look like it's been photoshopped?
HoratioFellatio Taking the the out of psychotherapist, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:34,
we scammed you. and almost got away with it too. those names sucked, and you know it.
ive lost all faith in blue peter..
Captain Pilchard The king of B-movies!, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:54,
That's brilliant
monkeon schmonkeon, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:29,
mishta .. that's funny
war3n3xt < I'm with stupid, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:33,
I voted for mister splashy pants
democracy works!
The little pink animal is mostly harmless, except on, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 14:09,
Me too.
It was on one of the boards yesterday.
edjogs Collared doves are shit., Tue 27 Nov 2007, 16:26,
Success :)
Occulus Swallowed, instead of spat, on, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 18:22,
b3ta did it!
Jahled Three shades of black, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 19:10,
*splashes pants*
chunderbunny lacking humus since, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 20:17,
did "bumi" get no votes?
prescottspies eating pies to save the nation, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 21:01,
An this is on the popular page twice now, and it looks like you didnt know it was.
@RBFesquire Good luck b3ta, was nice knowing you. So long., Tue 27 Nov 2007, 21:12,
This is merely an update of yesrerdays meanderings...
Mx-Dr Trying to be somewhere between an ape and a robot., Tue 27 Nov 2007, 21:30,
Part of me wants Mister Splashy Pants to get harpooned by the Japanese
Just so we can all have a good chortle at the newspaper headlines. (only a very small part though)
lord turkey boy and the cleft of venus, Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:16,
those freaky germans
Boris Johnson's Press Secretary, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 12:25,
toom toom
war3n3xt < I'm with stupid, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 12:32,
Ahahahahaah :D
If only!
LemonEntryMyDearWatson This time, Moriarty, the hand is on the other foot, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 12:29,
bloody ace!! dont drink any thing whilst watching, you will spill it!!
Captain Pilchard The king of B-movies!, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:08,
TELEX - Rock Around the Clock (1979)
Meglos -.-. ..- -. - ..-. .-.. .- .--. ..., Tue 27 Nov 2007, 11:54,
oh my
its stephan hawkings attempt on pop factor shizzle. i sence a number one in the making!! well, past..
Captain Pilchard The king of B-movies!, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 12:18,
it reminds me of this
Earthlings? playing johnny b good
jsut peopel, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 12:37,
the last time i saw that it was on the telly in 1979, hooray for youtube.
amoebaboy chose for death by unga bunga on, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 12:55,
just when I thought Jimmy Savile would appear, he did!
a username Tue 30 Mar 1971 til, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:35,
I still love the "synchronized moves" in their eurovision entry: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6USa0zUMmqI
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 18:27,
Chat Vs Lapin
Peach Motorbike I hate the cut of your jib, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 11:03,
That was funny for the first 5 seconds
then it dawned on me that it was fucking evil.
HoratioFellatio Taking the the out of psychotherapist, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 11:17,
What sort of cunt would do that??
Thats just fucking cruel!
Meglos -.-. ..- -. - ..-. .-.. .- .--. ..., Tue 27 Nov 2007, 11:32,
With added extreme violence for the person who video'd it. Cunts.
LemonEntryMyDearWatson This time, Moriarty, the hand is on the other foot, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 11:41,
Who in their right fucking mind would to that?
Makes me feel sick, wankers.
grindforcolumbine Terrorism is bloody rude., Tue 27 Nov 2007, 12:52,
i say you're a cunt for even posting it!
Gratch Sit Ubu sit, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 18:30,
I thought it was kind of cute.
The cat seemed a little confused but the bunny were totally unfazed. A little pointless perhaps.
The Prince formerly known as Artist is feeling upsidedownsey, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 18:49,
Strictly No Photography
A photo sharing site for photos taken where you're not allowed to take them.
a username Tue 30 Mar 1971 til, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:56,
that's pretty fun.
Sunshine Elephant, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 12:31,
edit: frankly beyond description
a username Tue 30 Mar 1971 til, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:36,
Yuu may find that more people click the link
if you add a description of what it is :)
edit: obviously I mean you, not yuu, but I'm suffering from fat-finger syndrome today, and we can't edit subject lines on/links for some reason :\
LemonEntryMyDearWatson This time, Moriarty, the hand is on the other foot, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:42,
I did try to think of one
.. honest.
a username Tue 30 Mar 1971 til, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:47,
I'll concede that one
having just watched the beginning, yes it is beyond description :D
Bizarre doesn't do this justice
LemonEntryMyDearWatson This time, Moriarty, the hand is on the other foot, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:53,
he should be on
Captain Pilchard The king of B-movies!, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 11:15,
*clicks harder than he has ever clicked before*
...meaning that's a forceful click btw, I'm not saying that the video makes me hard.
Thrill_My_Chinchilla is old and unimproved, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 18:16,
Reuben's Xmas Song
The boys from Reuben have recorded a 2 minute novelty Xmas song/vid.. and it fucking rocks...
Edit: Should add that they want to get in the Xmas charts with this.. and get some long overdue recognition..available for "LESS THAN A QUID on iTunes on the 17th of December" apparently..
Rusty Shackleford www.junt.co.uk / @joeyrobbo, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 9:56,
thank you.
moogy boobles, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:20,
Band plays toy instruments
how original
Peej, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 12:51,
parents must be proud!
to be honest, i would ratehr that be number one than (dare i say it) cliff richard. or some shitty snot faced yoink from pap factor.
rock on kids!
Captain Pilchard The king of B-movies!, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:13,
Thanks lads
I love Reuben.
Flowers the little boy that santa claus forgot, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:35,
Yeah I must add
Reuben do deserve more recognition than they currently have. Jamie Lenman is a bloody talented songwriter who doesn't take life too seriously. Buy it folks, I'd love to see this get somewhere!
Flowers the little boy that santa claus forgot, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:38,
I love Reuben too.
Let's get this to Number 1. It shouldn't be too hard!
mr_wicksy is.... old., Tue 27 Nov 2007, 15:06,
Reuben are great
Amazing new single, and they're top blokes as well.
Hagbard MacDougal, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 17:06,
I gave a picture to Jamie Lenman
It was a portrait of him, Jon tried it on then taped it to his amplifier.
Flowers the little boy that santa claus forgot, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 17:55,
In Newcastle
I remember
Hagbard MacDougal, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 19:55,
You were there?
Or did I just talk about it a lot?
Flowers the little boy that santa claus forgot, Wed 28 Nov 2007, 16:56,
I was there
I can't remember his comments about it, he just seemed shocked and read out all your names wrote on the back.
It was the only time I saw them last tour, weird coincidence!
Hagbard MacDougal, Thu 29 Nov 2007, 16:49,
Instant Chilled-ness
like Prozac and a big bar of Galaxy.....for your lugholes
the_log_knows ..to pay cheeses, to the leopards in your head, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 9:12,
This makes me feel less sick than galaxy
Fishcat Difficult difficult lemon difficult., Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:17,
Heh, I didn't expect *anything* on ytmnd to be chilled out
but yes, that is instant chilledness.
LemonEntryMyDearWatson This time, Moriarty, the hand is on the other foot, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:45,
Cats purring
freaks me out.
I didn't find that relaxing at all.
HoratioFellatio Taking the the out of psychotherapist, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 12:30,
Sounds like
feline Space Invaders to me.
Kerrisis There's someone in my head, but it's not me., Tue 27 Nov 2007, 15:24,
Arcade Fire's interactive music video
Apparently posted before, but I think it deserves another posting. It's really very cool.
thiswasmyclone, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 8:42,
Not seen that before.
Farmfoodsman, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 12:37,
such an underated band
would love to see them live..
Captain Pilchard The king of B-movies!, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:17,
They're incredible
I've seen them three times live and I'd recommend it to anyone
Take an instrument along for maximum audience participation :-)
chart cat has an itch, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:44,
^Absolutely this
If you get a chance to see them don't pass it up. Three times this year myself and each one of them excellent.
Fetid Mimsy Bouncing Back!, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 14:34,
I saw them in Cardiff just the other month, the best live band I've ever witnessed. Every single song seemed to be geared toward maximum audience participation, not to mention audience enjoyment. and his wife's hot!
Suddenly, zebras Safe and sound for eternity, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 18:38,
Some welsh MP wants to put the welsh Dragon on the Union Jack
Am I the only one who thinks that would be really fucking cool?
The Coast Of Yemen, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 8:10,
A dragon you say? On our flag? Fucking yes!
It's got my vote
LemonEntryMyDearWatson This time, Moriarty, the hand is on the other foot, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 8:19,
I see his point
but personally I think the union jack is pretty much a symbol for fucking cool around the world as it is.
thiswasmyclone, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 8:20,
Union flag,
you mean.
Christian Bale of Hay in a field, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 8:22,
I don't.
thiswasmyclone, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 8:27,
Both the Admiralty and Parliament have sanctioned the use of Union Jack to mean any Union flag.
bumGenius wants to host a team spunk party, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 8:36,
liven up, I was making a joke :)
Christian Bale of Hay in a field, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 8:46,
I would ask the comedy school
for your money back. ;)
PS. Where abouts are you in Ed? I've just moved away. :(
thiswasmyclone, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 8:55,
Living it up,
just down from the pubic triangle, off Lothian Road.
Christian Bale of Hay in a field, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 9:08,
Aah, cool
I was on Gillespie Place before my last flat. Just near the Scotmid on the way to Bruntsfield.
thiswasmyclone, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 9:09,
Ah yup I see someone else knows this too:)
riverghost servicing your mum since, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 9:31,
not so sure
that the union jack stands for cool around the world. i mean ok it was ferris buellers room but even that won't enough to win iver those who are less than gruntled with "great" britain
parsley, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 11:16,
It always amazes me that people don't know the name of their countries flag!
The is the Union Flag, it is only the Union Jack if it's flown from a ship:D
riverghost servicing your mum since, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 9:30,
It always amazes me when people try to be smart arses through pedantry
and fail horribly. It is a disputed case and either can be used officially. Don't give me the old 'it's only a jack on a ship' line, as this is at best an educated guess. The origins of the term are not documented.
Also, if you want pedantry, it's 'country's' not 'countries'. Amazing how some people can't even write in their own language.
thiswasmyclone, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 9:39,
Yeah but
it's the Union Flag :P
Christian Bale of Hay in a field, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 9:59,
Aaaw didn't we get laid last night.
I can spell dyslexia, a condition that I do suffer from, which can be treated with some success. Sadly there's no cure for being a twat though.:)
riverghost servicing your mum since, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:35,
One day I will stop laughing at that.
Not today though.
Occulus Swallowed, instead of spat, on, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 18:17,
I'll be a pedant
where's your fucking icon?
a year and a half, over 200 messages on all the boards and still you can't contribute 1 pound to this wonderful site? terrible show old chap
and you are wrong, I run a yacht club and it is the union flag, it is only BOY ORDER OF THE ROYAL FAMILY the union jack when flown upon "a seworthy vessel that represents us in other countries"
SickRik float like a camembert sting like a brie, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 12:15,
Where's my icon?
Wherever I fucking like, dickhead. I've contributeded money towards this site, now whether or not I choose to also do so through the form of voluntary donation...ahem...voluntary. donation., is my business and my businsess alone. You're like those numbnuts who suggest total lfreedom of speech "except in some cases". Well, I'm afraid it's all or nothing. Either this is a pay-site - in which case feel free to lambast me over not having an icon - or it is free, with the option to donate - in which case fuck off.
Also, allow me to quote from the Flag Institute:
"It is often stated that the Union Flag should only be described as the Union Jack when flown in the bows of a warship, but this is a relatively recent idea. From early in its life the Admiralty itself frequently referred to the flag as the Union Jack, whatever its use, and in 1902 an Admiralty Circular announced that Their Lordships had decided that either name could be used officially. Such use was given Parliamentary approval in 1908 when it was stated that "the Union Jack should be regarded as the National flag". Put that up your yacht club and capslock it.
thiswasmyclone, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:33,
Ooooh Handbags.
And it's 'business'.
mr_wicksy is.... old., Tue 27 Nov 2007, 15:10,
nice one
Please take a goody bag on your way out.
thiswasmyclone, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 17:22,
prove it
show us your icon
SickRik float like a camembert sting like a brie, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 22:54,
I think every flag on the planet should be jazzed up a bit.
It would make politics more interesting if they all had awesome logos.
gronkpan @vomitinglarry.bsky.social, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 9:39,
Now *there's* an image challenge idea!
Submit it, if its not been done yet. Could be cool :)
LemonEntryMyDearWatson This time, Moriarty, the hand is on the other foot, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 11:00,
I agree boyos!
Fishcat Difficult difficult lemon difficult., Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:19,
there's no drag on the union flag!
drag on / dragon etc
rob, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 11:17,
i say definitely
also i want to see the return of sea monsters on our maps.
the_log_knows ..to pay cheeses, to the leopards in your head, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 11:23,
Ha Ha! ^this^
A person who has the same mapping requirments as myself.
The magic of chutney Shakes it like an Instagram filter!, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 12:07,
Robert Maudsley
This is a guy from the town I live who, after 30 years, is still in solitary confinement. Pretty gruesome reading.
thiswasmyclone, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 6:59,
I live about 5 mins away from Wakefield Prison
I also know some of the guards past and present and they have told me many nasty things about many nasty people
Dang, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 8:03,
They don't wipe properly?!:O
riverghost servicing your mum since, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:37,
Do you live in Crosby?
I used to go out with a very hot girl from Crosby. (years and years and years ago)
HoratioFellatio Taking the the out of psychotherapist, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:34,
well i hope im not being pretentous but
good on him for killing the paedo they are the scum of the earth he a very bad man for eveything else though
The_Queen_Is_Dead Scooter Is A Blonde Haired Fuck-monkey, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 17:34,
Fluffeh tiem!
My girlfriend's cat is still spooked- he's looking for that kitten, coz he's sure he heard it in here somewhere!
(It doesn't take much to fuck with the mind of a Siamese.)
The Resident Loon Not a demographic. Do not measure., Tue 27 Nov 2007, 4:05,
I have to say, it wasn't that cate.
I looked scared and wanted it's mother.
riverghost servicing your mum since, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:39,
Leaf Burn 2007
Leaves + petrol + fire = quite cool to watch.
thiswasmyclone, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 3:21,
Everyday Normal Guy
A very good and funny rap song. :)
thiswasmyclone, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 3:15,
This is the guy who did the
2 girls 1 cup song.
Clearly his best piece of work.
"She's covered in vomit and human faeces,
That's how I know that she needs me..."
Possibly the best line ever written.
HoratioFellatio Taking the the out of psychotherapist, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:40,
regular everyday normal guy?
does that make him an average homeboy?
exyzed, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 21:46,
MC Supernatural & Killa Kella
Probably GC to all hell, but it's fucking fantastic
You will need to turn up your speakers a bit, so probably not great for work
Dazz - In Your Base, Killing Your Dudes since, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 1:03,
That was the most enjoyable link
I've seen here for a long time. :)
thiswasmyclone, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 1:58,
I am so impressed.
afkun, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 2:10,
Nice link :)
Paster of Muppets is an incredible screen name, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 2:14,
damn good
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 2:27,
Damn, thats some fine lyrical swordsmanship
Excellent link
LemonEntryMyDearWatson This time, Moriarty, the hand is on the other foot, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 8:15,
I can do that...
hanke murphy, I'm a mess, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 9:58,
Fishcat Difficult difficult lemon difficult., Tue 27 Nov 2007, 10:31,
I was just about to type a poncey message pointing out that the flag was Korean, not Japanese
but i don't think i'll bother now.
A Hospital Carpark, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 22:53,
Kermit the Frog reacts to "2 girls one cup"
NSFW as theres a bit of swearing
downwithscurvy, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 0:53,
/me cries
afkun, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 2:03,
blondes + geography = a silly answer
she may be preety, but shes also preety stupid. god bless america... or not...
Captain Pilchard The king of B-movies!, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 0:31,
the most vitreous of all things phallic
but alas still cringingly awful :D
MCQ Cartoons n' shit: bagowank.com, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 1:53,
La cabina part 1 (follow link for part 2,3 and 4)
Short Spanish film from the 1970's. Propably the film that has scared me the most. May be GC but i like to share my horrors. Mwhahahaha
Gratch Sit Ubu sit, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 23:04,
The buildup's *eventually* worth it.
godawful, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 0:24,
Saw this years ago at the 'movies'
... when I used to go watch this kinda stuff
Flash_Bastard, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 1:21,
I remember
this being posted about a year ago and watching the whole thing.
It's very good but does drag a little in the middle.
Blackdogmanguitar is out with Fat Larry's Jazz Band on, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 9:07,
saw it last year
twisted scary shit
amoebaboy chose for death by unga bunga on, Tue 27 Nov 2007, 13:07,
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