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# The laughter begins when he wakes up

This is just a picture, I would fucking rip the throat out of anyone who actually did this
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:41, archived)
# Aww :(
poor thing.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:41, archived)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:42, archived)
# The laughter begins when he runs for a stick.

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:42, archived)
# What sane person would want to do that?
It's clearly not a cat.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:42, archived)
# You evil, evil man
get yonder to your furnace
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:43, archived)
# arf
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:45, archived)
# No puppies were harmed for this photo shoot *
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

*two may have died.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:44, archived)
# staaay...
good dogs
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:47, archived)
Do not hurt doggies!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:45, archived)
# Awww
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:46, archived)
# throw the bugger some bread, and he brings it back to you. useless.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:37, archived)
# haha
is it a beakgle?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:38, archived)
# sinister eyes..
does he go Wack or Quoof?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:38, archived)
# christ haha that's great
in semi sort of nearly related news, GQ2 is forming a decent shape
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:39, archived)
# Haha!
Thats great!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:40, archived)
# Nicely!~
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:40, archived)
# Useless!
Stupid Dug!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:42, archived)
# *click
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:43, archived)
# :)
thank you!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:50, archived)
# Pffft!
Dock? Dug?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:44, archived)
# That is ace!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:45, archived)
# Bloody woo!

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:46, archived)
# Top shop
Lovely stuff.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:54, archived)
# Don't knock The Gaff....

fucking spang him instead.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:34, archived)
# *risks double pearoast*
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:35, archived)
# is that not 'mighty nimbus', the cloud that Monkey flies about on?
congrats on yours :-)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:37, archived)
# haha
I've never thought of it like that

I'm named after my cat
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:37, archived)
# Hahaha
You loon!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:38, archived)
# <- -guilty as charged..
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:40, archived)
# Haha grand
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:39, archived)
# aha, Hi you...
I saw a BMW in oventry with a plat that started 'GM05', I tried to get a snap of it for you but no such luck....
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:42, archived)
# haha I'm getting everywhere
I'm a sporadic disease
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:44, archived)
# Its funny coz its true.
poor him.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:40, archived)
# You dropped this
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:49, archived)
# I've just spent a weekend in the Lake District...
... I don't know why this occurred to me...
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:34, archived)
# hahahahaha!
manning is dead, long live manning.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:41, archived)
# *ignore*
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:48, archived)
# don't really get this.....
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 22:22, archived)
# Not bernard manning, promise
fatah, thinah
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:29, archived)
# hahaha
made me arf so have a *click*
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:31, archived)
# The fat face looks like
Dave Navarro - 'tis uncanny
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:31, archived)
# pffffft
good old dave
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:32, archived)
# Hahahahahahahaha!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:49, archived)
# my local BMW dealer is practicing basic maths with semaphore
here it is look.... right there
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:27, archived)
# ... Milton Keynes?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:28, archived)
# blackpool
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:30, archived)
# Milton Keynes??
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:30, archived)
# Alaska?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:31, archived)
# Genoa?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:31, archived)
# Jamaica?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:35, archived)
# But how does it smell?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:45, archived)
# Awful!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:59, archived)
# milk and beans
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:32, archived)
# Blackpool!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:32, archived)
# three!

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:29, archived)
# Haha
Is that at Whitehills Industrial Estate near B&Q?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:29, archived)
# the very same
it's opposite where i work-ish
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:30, archived)
# Hooray!
(where do you work?)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:32, archived)
# the afore mentioned
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:33, archived)
# :O
Do you avoid the eyes of desperate customers like all your colleagues? :P
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:39, archived)
# i'm the one you can find =)
all too often, i'm the only one to be found
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:40, archived)
# semaphwoaaar
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:32, archived)
# he he he
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:34, archived)
# quantum geek?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:18, archived)
# Where's the cat?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:19, archived)
# the cat may or may not be phoning from inside the box
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:22, archived)
# does the box also translate?
I like this by the way :-)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:23, archived)
# If we answer we'll force the quantum state one way or the other

the cat would be BOTH phoning from INSIDE AND OUTSIDE the box, it's called quantum superposition.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:27, archived)
# i think you'll find i got it both right and wrong
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:29, archived)
# *Gets the fuck out of conversation*
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:30, archived)
# Nope, because, for a start we can all see the answer meaning we're observing it,
collapsing the wave function into one or the other.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:30, archived)
# ah
but until you interpret what i've said as right or wrong the wave form doesn't collapse
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:34, archived)
# in this box
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 22:09, archived)
# tehehe
he may or may not be home
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:20, archived)
# *waits for a punch line*
*still waiting*
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:20, archived)
# Haha
It's a Direct Line advert for physicists!

Woo :)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:21, archived)
# Didn't see that
nice! :-)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:21, archived)
# hee, thanks miss.
how's it hanging?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:22, archived)
# *checks*
It's hanging very attractively ;)

I am very well, I hope you are too!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:25, archived)
# small problem with my eye
but otherwise fine
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:30, archived)
# everyone who calls
may or may not be leave messages. Until he presses the play button, when they all collapse into a left or unleft state :)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:22, archived)
# yup.
that's the way the cookie may or may not be there in the first place...
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:24, archived)
# Happy b3tdaday!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:31, archived)
# cheers
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:32, archived)
# what he said :)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:34, archived)
# what I said :)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:38, archived)
# Quantum: serious business.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:23, archived)
# pffffffffft
quite :D
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:28, archived)
# .

The R in "Schrodinger" is a little, um, not there. Woops.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:26, archived)
# are you sure it's not there?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:29, archived)
# I dunno.
It might be.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:36, archived)
# Tears For Fears song...
Schrodinger's Cat is an excellent TFF b-side (on Break It Down Again).
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:52, archived)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 22:10, archived)
# Clearly a pun!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:15, archived)
# Hahahaha!
I got that one immediately ;)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:16, archived)
# see-through-pio

nice work sir
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:16, archived)
# affirmatively cool
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:17, archived)
# ahaha!
even i got that :D
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:17, archived)
# Oh my.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:18, archived)
# Hahaha
Very good :)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:18, archived)
# ooh I say
R2 I'm melting!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:19, archived)
# ^
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:20, archived)
# that's very good indeed
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:19, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:20, archived)



*curse requires that you sire children
**curse requires that your children sire children of their own
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:20, archived)
# Haha!
Very good, very good. Panowie!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:28, archived)
# hahahahah
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:35, archived)
# more naked lady-types
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:08, archived)
# *bums*
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:09, archived)
# you see double!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:09, archived)
*fwaps* anyway
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:10, archived)
# Gesundheit.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:54, archived)
# just the way i like my men.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:10, archived)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:16, archived)
# Ooooh
Another friend?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:17, archived)
# This pic is too androgenous to confidently wank over.
Please clarify.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:24, archived)
# human
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:25, archived)
# Phoaar!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:26, archived)

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:01, archived)
# This is a very sad story
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:03, archived)
# hello auntie.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:04, archived)
# Hello young man
Isn't it past your bedtime?

*sneaks sweeties into your pocket for later - don't tell your parents*
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:18, archived)
# has he got his jimjams on?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:18, archived)
# *double checks*
ARGH! No he hasn't! :O
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:22, archived)
# the cheeky scamp!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:25, archived)
# pfft!
i see what you did there!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:03, archived)
# I very much like this.
Very VERY much :)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:04, archived)
# hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:05, archived)
# hahahah
sad but true
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:05, archived)
# Surely that's a complete violation...
..of the hippocratic oath! What a bastwank!

Great pic!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:05, archived)
# I thought it was going to be Leningrad
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:06, archived)
# NSFW!!!!!
Just kidding. Woo!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:06, archived)
# Hahaha
I still glee my pance when I see the baby waving its arms like it just doesn't care
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:06, archived)
# woo
but all to often true
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:06, archived)
# haha!
speccy stole beardies missus, yay for speccy.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:09, archived)
# what in the hell is he doing with a reflex hammer during a birthing?
silly speccy
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:12, archived)
# wooing her.
woman go crazy for reflex hammers,
crazy women go for claw hammers.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:14, archived)
# I was thinking that
maybe he wanted to test the babies' reflexes

on its head

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:16, archived)
# isn't it one of those comedy ear trumpet things.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:17, archived)
# do not question science
the man is a doctor, remeber!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:18, archived)
# That's no hammer!
I think it's a Pinard's stethoscope. Stethoscopes with long tubes were invented to keep doctors at a safe distance from the great unwashed ;)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:38, archived)
# The Missus has that book i think
it's a German Sex ed thing, very cute.

Doesn't have the last 2 frames.

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:09, archived)
# You have the censored version
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:17, archived)
# clearly
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:31, archived)
# glad we've sorted that out then
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:46, archived)
# haha

life sucks innit
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:09, archived)
# yep!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:10, archived)
# The whore!!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:10, archived)
# hehe
I know that book ;)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:10, archived)
# Same here
Bet I still have it in my parents loft!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:13, archived)
# hahaha
this is funny, and true!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:21, archived)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:52, archived)
# my 2nd attempt
at face swopping
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:01, archived)
# Hursky and Starch
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:07, archived)
# The laundrette avengers
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:10, archived)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:07, archived)
# Quick and shit

maybe I should have added "lol"
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:56, archived)
# Buys ten
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:57, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:58, archived)
# 3) Wear
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:58, archived)
# 3) advertise?
you could show up at the funeral shouting "get ya t-shirts!"
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:59, archived)
# *Scuttles off to Cafe Press*
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:00, archived)
# I'll take twenty!
Its not shit.
Quite the opposite. :D
in fact..
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:58, archived)
# Ta muchly!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:59, archived)
# you're very welcome :)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:02, archived)
# Magic!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:00, archived)
# Hahaha!
Can I come along?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:02, archived)
# and me?
i need money atm.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:05, archived)
# everyone's invited to come back to June 14th
we can watch him on the telly knowing that he will be dead within 4 days!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:09, archived)
# We can get him to sign a shirt as well!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:12, archived)
# that's a brill idea
/goes looking on ebay for autographed t-shirts
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:15, archived)
# even better
we can put money on it happening
/st svlx blog
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:13, archived)
# even better
we can kill him on the 14th, anyways we know he wouldn't last long, but it would still be 4 days less of him!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:16, archived)
# nah
then they'd not pay out
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:23, archived)
# hahaha!

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:03, archived)
# Grammar nazi attack!
It's 'were' not 'was'
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:07, archived)
# Sssh!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:11, archived)
# No it isn't!
Unless "Bernard Manning" is plural?
Call yourself a Grammar Nazi?
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 9:02, archived)
# Oh yes it is
a subjunctive
b even if it were indicative, he was fat enough to be plural
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 9:06, archived)
# Hahahaha
I don't know why I'm laughing at the thought of "Bernard Manning" being plural.
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 10:23, archived)
# No Manning
No B3ta
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 9:19, archived)
# No woman
No cry
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 17:53, archived)
# No pain
No gain
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 18:30, archived)
[challenge entry] Suppose evolution doesn't work everywhere ...
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:56, archived)
# in St Dennis
all the men and women look the same due to inbreeding.

mustaches and all.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:57, archived)
# is that where you live?
jus kiddin :P
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:19, archived)
# probably is...
...a place where they have to repeat the obvious!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:27, archived)
# nice!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:58, archived)
# thanks
love your alias, by the way .. "Paster of Muppets" hehehe :)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:03, archived)
# they're all...
one big...family?!
you got my CLEEEEK
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:00, archived)
# Hahaha
I like the suggestion of inbreeding and incest on this chart

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:01, archived)
# where did you get the pic of my uncle Jim?
great and true!

/dit: did you google "people from kentucky"to get the pics?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:01, archived)
# I googled a lot of stuff ..
.. including "Kentucky". So at least some of the people are from Kentucky. My best hits were the genealogy pages run by various families. A few generations back everyone looked like freaks. Thank God for evolution ..
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 22:42, archived)
# close enough
... that "wingnut" on the left is from South Africa, I do believe. No, it's not shopped, they did have some major genetic diversity deficits in the old Orange Free State...
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 22:41, archived)
# .
the one bottom left looks like a kid from my school glasses ears and everythin
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:10, archived)
# hahah
this is great

survival of the fittest!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:18, archived)
# Honest that's him.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:47, archived)
# bootiful
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:50, archived)
# the compo is good this week
too bad that that cunt ruined it by deciding to die!

/dit: noy meant to be rude, but see the post below. Every 3rd post is "manning is a dead racist"
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:50, archived)
# So it is
Well I Guess when someone famous dies you are gona get that here.I made this as I could not believe how many people get Bernard manning and Bernard Matthew's mixed up until today.

well thats my one and only manning pic out the way.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:56, archived)
# His name was Manning. He is dead. He was a fucking horrible racist. He should have his grave (when assigned) pissed, shat and vomited on.
Let's celebrate the death of a truly hideous cunt.

My first reaction when I heard of his painful, gurgling for air death was "Fucking Yes!"

Fuck him. I never liked the prick when he was alive and I certainly haven't warmed to him in the few hours he has been dead.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:17, archived)
# see my earlier thread ;)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:54, archived)

Click for bigger (240KB)


your portrayal of blonde girl on tellybox- INFADELS!

your fluffy un-hallal puppets!? - INFADELS

lorraine kelly!? WHERE IS HER BURQUA? INFADEL!

but we like alan johnston though, he makes a nice cuppa.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:40, archived)
Yay for you!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:41, archived)
# infadels?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:41, archived)
# yes
They like to scream it at everything.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:42, archived)
# aaah...thooooose
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:43, archived)
hamas time
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:46, archived)
# and to top it all
they haven't paid their TV licence...
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:41, archived)
# fiends!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:53, archived)
# how rare!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:41, archived)
# Hahahaha
Oh dear.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:43, archived)
# not vere
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:43, archived)
# and guess who went to check.

and tomorrow's tuesday, joy of joys.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:43, archived)
# But I didn't know he was dead
until I logged on!

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:43, archived)
# This is a nice picture, we like it a lot, like the danish ones
where can we find your embassy?


(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:44, archived)
# any organisation
that wants to burn Lorraine Kelly is okay in my book!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:46, archived)
# I'd bum her!!
Ohhh! BuRn!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:51, archived)
# She doesn't like it up the bum.
I've got the video to prove it.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:52, archived)
# Eye!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:38, archived)
# ris
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:39, archived)
# I agree
many a ris upon this pic
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:40, archived)
# It's just a picture
There's nothing to get!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:41, archived)
# I
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:42, archived)
# Oh very good
You'd make an excellent pupil!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:43, archived)
# that pun is bad
I should lash you for it
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:45, archived)
# God, these jokes are cornea than any I've ever heard on b3ta!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:47, archived)
# oh god what have i done
eye hate you all.

oh shit i'm even catching it from myself!!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:48, archived)
# true
there should be a comprehensive test involving essays before people join, you know, like a retina xam.

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:49, archived)
# i'm glad SOMEONE got the pun!!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:45, archived)
# welcome
you are
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:45, archived)
# erk..
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

please don't hit me

edit : i was bored..
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:45, archived)
# hehe
you showed me! :P
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:55, archived)
# they even thanked me for my voting
how kind
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:56, archived)
# Good heavens!
I feel gazed upon
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:39, archived)
# eye eye
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:39, archived)
# crazy man's eye
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:40, archived)
# It's not
it's Aphex's. Ninja, quick!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:42, archived)
# what on earth are you talking about?
crazy woman ;)

now give me a hug
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:43, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:44, archived)
# oh god
its staring at my nakedness.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:40, archived)
# *peers at your nekkidity reflected in the pupil*
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:41, archived)
# fwaps
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:46, archived)
# *pokes*
woo as per
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:40, archived)
# Aye!

hullo miss
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:40, archived)
# Hello!
How's my favourite Dutchman?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:45, archived)
# Who? Meeeeee?
I'm fine, and your sexy self?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:47, archived)
# I am very well
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:51, archived)
# Good, good.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:55, archived)
# it's following me around the room
class :)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:41, archived)
# stop staring at me
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:41, archived)
# eye eye
I am liking this series of eyes, and the style of this one.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:45, archived)
# will you desist doing this good stuff?
it am make me feel inferior! *clicks*
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:46, archived)
# eye eye eye eye
canta y no llore!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:46, archived)
# *stares back*
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:46, archived)
# Very good!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:49, archived)
# I recognised this as your work instantly.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 21:51, archived)
# omg lmao!

click for desktop 1024x768

This revolution has been brought to you by the letters w, t, and f :)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:32, archived)
# Coincidence?
Or something more sinister?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:33, archived)
# freaky!
It's just a backlash from the manning, I'm sure!!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:34, archived)
# Pfffft!
I see what you did there! Nice shoppage!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:33, archived)
# ta mate
for the quality control on it too!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:34, archived)
# Happy b3taday
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:38, archived)
# cheers matey
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:51, archived)
# fantastic!
and happy special candle cake day!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:33, archived)
# ta!
I thought, after two years I've got little shoppery to show for all that wasted time online!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:35, archived)
# Happy b3taday.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:34, archived)
# I do feel older!
perhaps thats just the beer
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:37, archived)
# nice shoppage
nice lurkage
nice candle icon day!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:35, archived)
# I did have a healthy lurking streak
It's all going to pot though
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:38, archived)
# pure
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:36, archived)
# the idea was my 3 year olds
she has a habit of saying elmao :)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:40, archived)
# Hahaha
Happy b3taday geezer :)

I just took apart my rather flash mouse, and discovered about enough tobacco to fill a roley!! I wondered why it was giving me grief
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:37, archived)
# result!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:38, archived)
# Now it's works again! :)
Lot to be said for taking apart expensive equipment and giving them a good clean
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:45, archived)
# quite true
I did once find an eighth in the reverb plate of an amplifier. Good nights work that :)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:52, archived)
# cool!

happy b3taday!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:37, archived)
# cheers mate
had to celebrate with a post!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:45, archived)
# and righty so!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:55, archived)
# Haha
Happy b3taday, have cake!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:39, archived)
# ooh ta
with a cherry on top :)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:42, archived)
# Yes
although it may be a nipple.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:46, archived)
# result :)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:47, archived)
# More muppetry

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:30, archived)
# these are great

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:31, archived)
# the best thus far.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:32, archived)
# spooky!
this is brill!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:33, archived)
# aceness!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:33, archived)
# these are great!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:34, archived)
# hey
that's good that is!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:34, archived)
# WOO!
Have these woo's, yays, and general amusments :D
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:36, archived)
# Best yet,
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:36, archived)
# Haha! Great!

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:37, archived)
# Rather splendidly done
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:38, archived)
# I didn't know till I read B3TA

yeah. hes dead.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:20, archived)
# You don't need the News with b3ta!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:22, archived)
# I know - its great
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:23, archived)
# As stated earlier,
b3ta is the news!

'nings m
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:23, archived)
# 'ningle
and all
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:25, archived)
# has he died?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:24, archived)
# I dunno?
I just got here!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:24, archived)
# Look, everybody's dead alright?

now please continue with the kitten service
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:26, archived)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:30, archived)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:37, archived)
# You bet yer ass, pardner
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:42, archived)
# 'ning kss
everything a-okay?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:27, archived)
# yep :)
went back to work today after a week off :(
but, been out for international buffet and now horribly stuffed

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:29, archived)
# just got back from Norway yesterday evening
and went back to work today :(
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:30, archived)
# work sucks
ah well, almost the weekend right???
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:36, archived)
# right
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:38, archived)
# international buffet?
all you can eat down the kebab shop?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:30, archived)
# nah
Here...although yes normally i do find myself in the local kebab shop stuffing my face
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:32, archived)
# looks good to me.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:35, archived)
# Wow....a New Page 1, after all these years

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:39, archived)
# Jimmy's Spices wins.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:42, archived)
# he drowned in the Thames
that bit you don't get in the so called fair and balanced newsources
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:24, archived)
# How very informative.
Thank you.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:38, archived)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:23, archived)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:24, archived)
# No, you don't actually
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:25, archived)
# ;)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:29, archived)
# I'm not quite dead!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:26, archived)
# Jimmy Carr and Bernard can be swapped in the pic with no loss
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:29, archived)
# So he's not dead then?
Make your minds up!

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:30, archived)
# Err, yeah, hello
I'm after 3rd party fire and theft on an Austin Ambassador Y reg.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:31, archived)
# *burns embassy. Nicks car*
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:36, archived)
# seventy twelve pounds
a month
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:39, archived)
# he died
in 1973
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:31, archived)
# He died on his arse in India
I loved the bit in that documentary when he made out the mic wasn't working and fucked off.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:33, archived)
# Archives opened in wake of...
Oh, you've been doing this all day.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:15, archived)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:15, archived)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:15, archived)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:17, archived)
# !
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:19, archived)
# ?
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:19, archived)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:19, archived)
# apt username!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:20, archived)
# overnight notoriety
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:23, archived)
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:17, archived)
no unshopped pics!!!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:15, archived)
# ...but he pixelated that bit right there though
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:16, archived)
# fair point
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:21, archived)
# this dog
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:17, archived)
# that made me ROFL my MAYO!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:19, archived)
This is all manner of back-of-the-netness
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:17, archived)
Harriet on a Bernard
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:18, archived)
# hahaha!
i did try something and failed.

all the manning pics are crap.
and was his material any worse than anything found in that little yellow joke book.

couldn't stand him myself mind you.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:20, archived)
# There was this black fella, a Pakistani, a Jew and a homosexual in a bar.
What a marvellous example of an integrated society.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:22, archived)
# arf!
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:23, archived)
# *Voms*
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:21, archived)
# Has he died?

(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:21, archived)
# Ainsley?
Sadly, no.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 20:24, archived)

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