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my second vector.
yes it is a vector(of a ferrari)done in illustrator Click for bigger.
rawr isn't really here. ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:16,
archived )
fuckin sweet.
USER No: 21515...FUCK YOU TO FUCK YOU FU see profile for limited time offer. ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:32,
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bloody ell!
thought that was a photo
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:40,
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i credit the course i am taking at college. i have learned illustrator in the past 4 weeks.
rawr isn't really here. ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:43,
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a filtered photo?
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:46,
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you should know me better than that.
would i really post a filtered picture and try to pass it off as my own? i think not.
rawr isn't really here. ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:50,
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so you traced it, then
tee hee
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:53,
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in illustrator...
yes. only because that is tradionally how a vector is done. tracing in illustrator requires much more skill than tracing in photoshop. give me a few more weeks of playing around in illustrator and i should be able to pull off a pic like that from scratch though. i'm still getting the hang of the difference between vector and raster imagery
rawr isn't really here. ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:59,
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I really don't give a flying fuck
just pushing your buttons, eh. let's dance! and have cake.
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 4:09,
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*orders cake*
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 4:13,
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goddamnit, where's my cake?!
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 4:18,
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jeez, the service in this place
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 4:27,
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Saw one of these in Rome... the SOUND was way better than the look! Holy crap that thing can sing!
BamaSS ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:44,
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oh i agree
there's just nothing quite like the sound of a high-revving V12 engine =)
rawr isn't really here. ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:47,
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I don't sleeeep!
Northern Lovely ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:13,
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Who's that?
And why don't you sleep? Do we want to know why not? Why am I being so interrogative? Will I start being introspective? /no
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:18,
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1. Someone blond and pretty 2. I can't :( 3. I don't see why not 4. You're mean? No, you're from Leeds. I'm moving to Leeds. You're nosey? 5. Probably not
Northern Lovely ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:21,
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1. Same here - I can't sleep either. 2. I'm not from Leeds, I just live there. But yes, I am nosy, and have wandering brain and finger syndrome, which doesn't help. Edit: You're moving to Leeds? Whereabouts?
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:24,
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Chapel Allerton. I'm buying a house there, it's nice :)
Northern Lovely ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:32,
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I have a friend that looks like that...I will email her promptly...
Mr.Ons knows you can hear him, Earthmen. ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:18,
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Emo flakes
Start every day like your last. O the pain.
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:08,
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the board seems to have shifted into self-loathe mode
Or is it? ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:09,
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pas du tout! I'm bloody great, I am. *dances*
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:11,
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Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:13,
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No reason
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:12,
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nice. I like "this bum ain't big enough for the both of us."
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:13,
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"can you hear us bumming on your stereo?"
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:14,
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I think I'm going to add some more
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:16,
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I wish my name was Sir Bummington...
scoob666 Ain't Nuthin' Ta F' Wit ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:18,
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We all wish your name was Sir Bummington
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:21,
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change it!
change it hard! change iiiiiit
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:26,
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Happy now?
scoob666 Ain't Nuthin' Ta F' Wit ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:30,
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eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:31,
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pfft bummings
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:21,
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"BUM soap, for sparkling rings"
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:28,
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"you bum BUMS"
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:30,
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I'm proud of that
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:32,
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rightly so.
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:36,
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That made me larf. Thankyou, I needed that. :P
Pseudonym ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:19,
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It's all the rage, apparently
scoob666 Ain't Nuthin' Ta F' Wit ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:05,
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Sorry to hear of your furry friend's demise :(
kryptik ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:06,
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That's alright,
I cried like a big girl but I'm alright now.
scoob666 Ain't Nuthin' Ta F' Wit ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:08,
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But it's FRIDAY!
ergo, he's in love.
DogHorse plop ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:07,
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We had a competition
in the pub, (predictably) to find a song for everyday of the week, and we came up with; Monday - Manic Monday Tuesday - Ruby Tuesday Wednesday - Can't Remember Thursday - Also Can't Remember Friday - Friday I'm in Love Saturday - Saturday Night (Wigfield) - Also Saturday Night Fever Sunday - Sunday Morning
beast_with_two_backs Every time you kill a kitten, God masturbates ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:13,
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And with that, I bid you all good night, and 'ning a few hours in advance:The view from my window.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:08,
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Snow? In June?
kryptik ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:08,
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No, I tell a lie, it's just cold, grey and rainy there. The pic was taken at my current residence (see profile) in January.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:11,
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York's lovely and warm, possibly to the point of too hot :(
kryptik ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:12,
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Same here (Leeds).
I think there's a storm brewing.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:13,
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Or is it? ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:08,
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to this.mainly cos it has a picchewer of Wobbit
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:12,
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That took me far too long to decipher.
scoob666 Ain't Nuthin' Ta F' Wit ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:16,
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For Eponymous
CDW = crudely drawn winkle
beast_with_two_backs Every time you kill a kitten, God masturbates ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:50,
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Where's the pin? /shameless literalist
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:51,
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Where's the beef?
/classic commercialist
Or is it? ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:58,
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Somewhere near the cow.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:59,
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why thank you
*wipes face*
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:52,
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And even with a cdw
I dont get a date?/prepares pills, gun, vodka and noose (Not suicide, a party...)
beast_with_two_backs Every time you kill a kitten, God masturbates ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:58,
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Who's the noose for?
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:00,
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close enough...
beast_with_two_backs Every time you kill a kitten, God masturbates ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:01,
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You sadist.
/kindred spirit
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:02,
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The final scene of a flash animation I never did
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:00,
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oh brave new world!
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:03,
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that's very much like the ending of an animation I haven't finished because I can't be arsed.
scoob666 Ain't Nuthin' Ta F' Wit ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:14,
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only girls and old people use the word 'winkle'
viperrr mostly comes out at night, mostly ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:52,
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eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:53,
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wooo i'm right for once!
*cheers* *resists posting a grinning smiley*
viperrr mostly comes out at night, mostly ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:54,
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Except in reference to seafood.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:56,
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is rapitinui in the house?
can you post a link to that page with the "insanity test?"
AgentMuu hentai coordination ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:52,
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if it's the one i think you mean
there's one in comma's profile
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:58,
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I'm at your house. Call me.
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:00,
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you got it
AgentMuu hentai coordination ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:11,
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I actually 'lol'd at that....blame the fact on just waking up if you must ;)
Jessie © needs pirate name suggestions ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:20,
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Syncubus Yarr! Ye'll be walking Planck's Constant! [GMT-5] ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:22,
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^that is actually real laughter# HONK!
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:23,
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I would like to have a cock duel with any and all who care to participate
My cock definitely destroys that one
ZabulonPatriarcha ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:54,
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Pokey in the eye!
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:54,
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mine's bigger!!
there is certainly no way this took 2 minutes...
viperrr mostly comes out at night, mostly ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:03,
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AgentMuu hentai coordination ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:05,
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StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:58,
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StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:59,
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StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:59,
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StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:59,
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most wonderful! by the ways, do you still have that man thrusting into an apple, with the popcorn song?
viperrr mostly comes out at night, mostly ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:01,
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StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:02,
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this will keep me amused for hours
thanks! /drunk
viperrr mostly comes out at night, mostly ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:04,
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It gets better when the sound looping kicks in
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:04,
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that's what i'm waiting for!!
/has done this before
viperrr mostly comes out at night, mostly ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:06,
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That is among the bestest things ever
DogHorse plop ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:06,
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StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:07,
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It reminds me of Attic Attak for some reason at that point
DogHorse plop ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:08,
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Personally I prefer
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:08,
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DogHorse plop ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:08,
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I have grand plans for an expanded sequel of that
Infact, if I'm not feeling too lazy I might try and do it tomorrow.
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:10,
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Good oh
I hope you're feeling DYNAMIC then.
DogHorse plop ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:11,
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I'm gonna need it
folk music is so energetic
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:13,
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It is.
*dances around pole*
DogHorse plop ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:25,
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still makes me giggle like a retard.
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:11,
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*breathes* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Edit: I've been watching this for like 10 minutes and am still utterly amused
abandonnship ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:34,
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One of these things first ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:35,
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ooh backflip!
fancy edit: hello murray!
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:38,
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Forward flip. Look at the rotation of the motion swirls.
Catfish Ma, why can't I draw? "Because you have fins dear" ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:44,
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i think it works either way
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:45,
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No, no it doesn't.
If it was backflipping the motion lines would be bending down, not up and move in an anti-clockwise direction. This is clearly not the case.
Catfish Ma, why can't I draw? "Because you have fins dear" ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:49,
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but where is it flipping to?
Mr.Ons knows you can hear him, Earthmen. ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:45,
archived )
Exactly where it started from.
Which is twice as far as half the distance. /fact
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:46,
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there's no proof
but that's a fact!
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:51,
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The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:52,
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nice bit of spinnage going on there
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:41,
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that am woo!
My face needs to be more like that...I'm getting fat, and I needs my bahootiful cheekbones back! If it means being a skull, so be it...I can get a job as Death when someone makes a Discworld movie... /Hell...I'll make it...I'm a director...
Mr.Ons knows you can hear him, Earthmen. ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:44,
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doooo iiiiiit
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:46,
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Will do!
but which book? theres like ninety million thousand of them now...maybe Colour of Magic? When the face fatness leaves, maybe I can grow my beard and be Rincewind? /Auditions saturday...
Mr.Ons knows you can hear him, Earthmen. ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:48,
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in reality i'm a full foot taller, bronzed and rippling with muscles
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:54,
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you can be....
Mr.Ons knows you can hear him, Earthmen. ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:58,
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Sounds like a good idea, does that.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:05,
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Yes! Start at #1
Then work your way through... /still bitter that "Good Omens" was canned :-(
benryves Now I'm radioactive! That can't be good! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:54,
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how pleasing
viperrr mostly comes out at night, mostly ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:45,
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woo yay
this is as exciting as www.b3ta.com/board/1
Vintage The badgers took my sanity... and my TV ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:47,
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the first ever picture post was norks, how sweet edit: *looks closer* or not
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:54,
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Woo...[pause]...flip... yay!!!
Tahkcalb ω∞ for sigs ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:51,
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That's brill that is!
benryves Now I'm radioactive! That can't be good! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:55,
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Zank Frappa Who let the lefties in? ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:31,
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The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:31,
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great :) nite all
Reginald Von Hammercock ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:35,
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Looks really good with teh picture below it.
The artist formerly know as Douche Bagel ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:39,
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I am teh talent
Night Night (Morning?)
Vintage The badgers took my sanity... and my TV ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:28,
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eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:29,
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Yeah, I took a picture of those bastards that keep raiding my house
Vintage The badgers took my sanity... and my TV ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:30,
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eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:34,
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the drug squad don't like that you know
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:34,
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it wasn't the drug squad...
it was the people from the local mental institute, good people at heart...
Vintage The badgers took my sanity... and my TV ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:35,
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...but with devious criminal minds!
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:37,
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its not their fault they're special.. Goes into that song i cant remember by the band that might not exist... You're so fluffing special I wish I was special... But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doing here?
Vintage The badgers took my sanity... and my TV ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:40,
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creep by radiohead
*gets confused as to whether you were being ironic or not* edit: *rocks out regardless*
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:41,
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i am
since i would never be stupid enough to type out lyrics, i always copy and paste im so damn lazy
Vintage The badgers took my sanity... and my TV ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:42,
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I had loads of trouble with the police.
They kept nicking my stereo.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:38,
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yeah, i'm supposed to have gone to bed by now
i said i was going to plus i have to 'wake up' at 6 EDIT, EDIt, EDit, Edit: Going to listen to my hypnotising tapes tonight :D
Vintage The badgers took my sanity... and my TV ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:41,
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Philip Glass?
Music in Similar Motion is good for that.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:47,
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Its to make me less scared of talking :)
Like if i was talking now i would probably be mumbling into my hands if i wasn't typing...
Vintage The badgers took my sanity... and my TV ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:49,
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Does putting a pint-mug on Hamlet's head make me;
A: Evil B: Funny C: a little bit of both but really neither?Don't you love how he's reaching out to the camera imploringly?
beast_with_two_backs Every time you kill a kitten, God masturbates ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:24,
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I'd say C
judging by his expression. He's a lovely mog, at any rate!
benryves Now I'm radioactive! That can't be good! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:25,
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^^^ this
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:28,
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I love everything about cats with mugs on their heads.
Comma ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:25,
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halfcut ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:29,
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I've not seen that one before
I think i may have just wet myselfI definitely touched cloth though
beast_with_two_backs Every time you kill a kitten, God masturbates ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:32,
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the laughter
she burns, oh wait that is my violent diharrea
Vintage The badgers took my sanity... and my TV ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:36,
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halfcut ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:37,
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ha ha i love that kitty's expression
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:39,
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It looks quite shocked.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:40,
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and D) you have a sexy beard
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:25,
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Thank you
You're my wife now
beast_with_two_backs Every time you kill a kitten, God masturbates ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:29,
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*sells pegs*
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:34,
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Seriously, you're hot
wanna make babies?EDIT: Why do I find myself saying that all the time?
beast_with_two_backs Every time you kill a kitten, God masturbates ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:38,
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because you have a winkle?
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:39,
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It's a possibility
I suppose Although I can't remember ever having refered to it as such...
beast_with_two_backs Every time you kill a kitten, God masturbates ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:41,
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A winkle's no use without a pin.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:42,
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you'd put a pin in your cock?
how odd
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:47,
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If that mug was full you'd have a wet pussy....
...I'm so lonely, I fall asleep to the sound of my own screams...
je suis tres francais ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:27,
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without a doubt! :o)
Rev. Jesse. broke his ankle ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:27,
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benryves Now I'm radioactive! That can't be good! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:28,
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That looks a lot like my cat.
Is it?
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:29,
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that made me laugh aloud for some reason
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:29,
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I don't think so.
benryves Now I'm radioactive! That can't be good! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:30,
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Yay kittins!
Mine likes to help me when I'm on teh innernets
abandonnship ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:05,
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best unshopped photo ever the desperate reaching out for help, the cruel grin. It has it all.
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:29,
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I've seen worse
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:29,
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no bridge
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:30,
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Yeah, but Bonsai kitten
is a spoof, I really will put Hamlet in stuff for money :)
beast_with_two_backs Every time you kill a kitten, God masturbates ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:30,
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As long as he gets to exact revenge, he'll be happy :)
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:34,
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you should meet Mr A
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:35,
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beast_with_two_backs Every time you kill a kitten, God masturbates ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:40,
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he puts stuff on his cat
i think he even made the newsletterwww.ashearer.f2s.com/blog/?cat=2 cat buckaroo!
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:42,
archived )
Oh is that the guy who plays
kitty buckaroo? I love that stuffHow about that date then?
beast_with_two_backs Every time you kill a kitten, God masturbates ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:49,
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sorry i'm married to my computer
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:00,
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I understand,
I cheat on mine all the time, but I think he might be seeing the TV behind my back...
beast_with_two_backs Every time you kill a kitten, God masturbates ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:03,
archived )
you muggy cnut!
that is all....
Grobie ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:41,
archived )
I got this in an e-mail....I sometimes wonder what I subscribe to at night
je suis tres francais ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:21,
archived )
ah la ba la ha la nicely done
AgentMuu hentai coordination ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:25,
archived )
that made me snort proper good style /easily pleased
Reginald Von Hammercock ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:29,
archived )
boston is a little further south
Grobie ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:42,
archived )
It only teaches you how to fly straight and level.
hectormicro ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 10:19,
archived )
sleep tight
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:15,
archived )
Mmm... grainy eyes.
Comma ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:16,
archived )
there's more of my face down there somewhere
| V Though I wouldn't recommend looking at it.
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:18,
archived )
You're Phil Harding from Time Team.
Comma ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:19,
archived )
who from what now?
edit: spazzed internets: fucking hell.
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:20,
archived )
He's great.
He says 'Ooh-arr' and wears filthy clothes and gets all excited when he's digging up walls.
Comma ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:21,
archived )
I'll just remember the "great" and "excited" parts of this story
/off to bed. edit: hugs for everybody
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:23,
archived )
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:26,
archived )
i'll take your hug
an raise you a fluffy poptart from under my fridge
Vintage The badgers took my sanity... and my TV ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:37,
archived )
'night, Michael Jackson.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:21,
archived )
i read that as "sleep fight"
could be entertaining
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:23,
archived )
nah, it's really dull
They just lie there like muppets and don't do anything.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:25,
archived )
iwas thinking more along the lines of sleep walking
but with more fighting
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:27,
archived )
Not much of a spectator sport, though.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:30,
archived )
I wish I really had had Christmas crackers like this when I was little.
I think false moustaches suit me. Thanks, Ben, you gorgeous acepants.
Comma ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:10,
archived )
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:12,
archived )
Comma ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:13,
archived )
only where you're concerned baby
*concerns babies*
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:14,
archived )
not with a tasche like that
u must be at least 40 in that pic, just stunted
Reginald Von Hammercock ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:15,
archived )
nice blur-matching
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:14,
archived )
stolen from washing line??
you didn't put it through the washing machine did you?
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:18,
archived )
it's been a catalogue of errors
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:20,
archived )
bloody hell
you poor guy
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:23,
archived )
wait a moment
you're not hiding with my ticket under the covers are you? Why you...
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:27,
archived )
no never!
i'm hiding under the covers because i was in a limbo state where i had no reason to get up but no reason to stay in bed, so i had to hide under the covers until i figured it all out. terrible it was.
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:28,
archived )
that does sound a bit traumatic
bed sounds good though, you've given me an idea
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:30,
archived )
Hurrah for being an acepants :-)
benryves Now I'm radioactive! That can't be good! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:15,
archived )
You are all of teh acepants!
Woo to the picture
abandonnship ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:20,
archived )
sorry to thread waste but i was just so happy...
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:02,
archived )
*jumps for joy* What was wrong with them?
Comma ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:03,
archived )
they went BOOOoooo...
that is the sound of something switching itself off FOR NO COCKING REASON oh and *da ding* the sound of a USB thing disconnecting itself - MY FUCKING MODEM IS HOMOSEXUAL took me a good 15 minutes to fix it!
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:04,
archived )
Booooo da ding?
I don't like where this is going....
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:06,
archived )
not to mention "homosexual"
Or is it? ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:09,
archived )
your username always gives your posts a comedy ending
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:10,
archived )
yours engenders an air of mystery
and a possible plot for an episode of Only Fools & Horses
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:13,
archived )
i think i saw that one
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:15,
archived )
ha ha don't you fucking dare!
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:10,
archived )
you started it!
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:10,
archived )
*slaps self*
halfcut ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:19,
archived )
This is why I use papyrus and wax tablets.
Comma ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:11,
archived )
odd. i think i might use tribal cave blood scribblings and FIRE instead
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:24,
archived )
It's cute.
The artist formerly know as Douche Bagel ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:04,
archived )
(can you technically threadwaste whilst posting an image?)
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:04,
archived )
i think it's possible
particularly if that image took you 30 seconds and is a black and white stick man
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:06,
archived )
But he's so happy!
benryves Now I'm radioactive! That can't be good! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:06,
archived )
he is that
that he is
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:09,
archived )
most of my images are like that
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:07,
archived )
let's join a gang. we can wear fezzes and look intimidating.
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:09,
archived )
all right
let's do that but tomorrow. I need to sleep
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:14,
archived )
there is no such thing as a "threadwaste"
Or is it? ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:08,
archived )
What if you create one and immediately delete it?
Surely then it was wasted?
Klumaster loves teh taser ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:13,
archived )
spacefish did that
but i can't remember why
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:15,
archived )
that makes me happy
im changin my desktop now
Reginald Von Hammercock ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:07,
archived )
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:10,
archived )
you should feel priveliged!
its replacing a Tweaknik great (coffee mug)
Reginald Von Hammercock ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:12,
archived )
it is an extraordinarily happy image
*desktops*bah! missed my 2000th post. one day i'll remember
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:17,
archived )
belated congratulations
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:18,
archived )
i'll nail the 3000, mark my words
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:33,
archived )
i missed everything between 1000 and 5000
i feel your pain
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:40,
archived )
i do!
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:18,
archived )
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:22,
archived )
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:25,
archived )
wot? GTA - San andreas..... (not shopped)
honest.... was wandering about this new gta thingy, and happened upon this item in.... the police showerblock.... I know we aint supposed to show unshopped stuff, but er.... what is that doing in a computer game...standards today.... I dunno... purplr double headed... mumble.... in my day it was a single head....
TBL I posted this on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:02,
archived )
You give it to your girlfriend who likes rubber and gymps.
What exactly were you hoping to find in the police showers?
The artist formerly know as Douche Bagel ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:03,
archived )
a truncheon?
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:04,
archived )
Giver of Life.
Coca Hogg ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:27,
archived )
you dropped your soap
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:03,
archived )
The double ended dildo?
You get to use it (behind closed doors) later in the game.
Matazone has new icons, but is keeping this one ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:03,
archived )
thats ok then... any other surprises?
TBL I posted this on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:05,
archived )
Gagillions of 'em
but mostly not involving sexy ladies with fun taste in sexual props. Sorry.
Matazone has new icons, but is keeping this one ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:10,
archived )
you can kil people with it...l
LA would be much safer though, if all the gangsters had dildos instead of guns...
Mr.Ons knows you can hear him, Earthmen. ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:05,
archived )
yet far more painful overall.
Klumaster loves teh taser ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:14,
archived )
Who cares?
Brown cow ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:05,
archived )
you can kill people with it...l
LA would be much safer though, if all the gangsters had dildos instead of guns...
Mr.Ons knows you can hear him, Earthmen. ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:05,
archived )
have some simple fluff fresh from the oven
AgentMuu hentai coordination ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:57,
archived )
too good!
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:58,
archived )
pfft! yay!
you rocka ma worlds
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:58,
archived )
Lanc Weekend Trailer Park Supervisor ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:59,
archived )
Kamikaze Stoat £4.09 ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:59,
archived )
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:00,
archived )
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:00,
archived )
that gets funnier and funnier the more I watch
Or is it? ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:02,
archived )
that has just made
me laugh quite a bit :) well done
Reginald Von Hammercock ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:03,
archived )
Northern Lovely ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:03,
archived )
that am fluffy
TBL I posted this on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:03,
archived )
Comma ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:03,
archived )
that is awesome-tastic
to the highest degree w/y/h/d
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:04,
archived )
poor kittin. Teh can go splodey.
Matazone has new icons, but is keeping this one ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:04,
archived )
Deserves this, methinks
kryptik ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:07,
archived )
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:10,
archived )
on and on and on it goes
the cat it just keeps spacking
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:11,
archived )
If you look carefully
you'll see the laser pointer leading the way round and round and round...
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:15,
archived )
i have the source video for that too
AgentMuu hentai coordination ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 3:27,
archived )
That's ace!
benryves Now I'm radioactive! That can't be good! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:08,
archived )
love it.
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:18,
archived )
Oh yes.
Yes to this. Superb.
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:24,
archived )
Poor thing. But still... deserves a woo.gif
eonik ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 4:29,
archived )
Jack in the box rules!!
Mork of Ork AKA Mike Oxarrd ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 19:13,
archived )
In the time between my last drawing and this.
I have failed to draw a crotch, but have the rest. NSFW Think it all turned out pretty well except for that one bit not being done.
The artist formerly know as Douche Bagel ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:57,
archived )
*spuffs* Edit: well done :)
Reginald Von Hammercock ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:57,
archived )
Poor thing, she doesn't have any genitalia.
Cadavre Exquis Ms. Lully Biscuits! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:58,
archived )
well done
(except for the feet)
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:59,
archived )
There was me hoping you wouldn't be looking there.
Feet and lady front bums are hard to draw.
The artist formerly know as Douche Bagel ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:00,
archived )
and they're the best parts too...
oh well...
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:01,
archived )
Lady bums are much like men bums.
Northern Lovely ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:01,
archived )
only slightly better
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:03,
archived )
Except they're rounder
and more aesthetically pleasing. I think so anyway. /my tuppenorth
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:03,
archived )
And less hairy of course.
I don't want you thinking my bottom is hairy.
Northern Lovely ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:05,
archived )
Mine is though. (TMI alert!!!)
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:07,
archived )
I have no problem with back bums.
It's the front ones.Proof.
The artist formerly know as Douche Bagel ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:06,
archived )
Fookin' 'ell mon.
And with that I bid everyone farewell and goodnight.edit: fuggit, can't sleep. Time to do the Eff Five again.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:59,
archived )
even i was aroused by that
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:59,
archived )
Comma ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:01,
archived )
Why do more than half my posts get cocks drawn on them?
The artist formerly know as Douche Bagel ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:11,
archived )
maybe you have
a perverted postman
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:12,
archived )
'cos the people who draw them love teh cock.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:19,
archived )
i love you
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:12,
archived )
It's worse than the d section on 4chan.org :/
Catfish Ma, why can't I draw? "Because you have fins dear" ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:46,
archived )
Now please draw a vulva
redthing ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:28,
archived )
Staring at this might help sleep. Night all!!
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:45,
archived )
I love that.
The artist formerly know as Douche Bagel ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:46,
archived )
That's lovely
WOO to you.
its a bloody shambles ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:46,
archived )
that is just too wonderful
*stares in awe*
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:46,
archived )
Extra star pulsage?
I only remember one flashing earlier. EDIT: It's still lovely, too.
Matazone has new icons, but is keeping this one ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:47,
archived )
the star-pulsage observation is high in this one
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:47,
archived )
How do you do the star pulsage?
I want to animate some of my space pics...
Mr.Ons knows you can hear him, Earthmen. ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:56,
archived )
well, just time to tell you before bed. I did a radial gradient from off-white to transparent on a seperate layer. Centered around the star (of course!). I think i set the layer to screen or maybe hard light blending mode. Not that that would make a huge difference here. Then just a bit of opacity tweening in imageready and robert's your parent's sibling! 'night!
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:00,
archived )
Matazone has new icons, but is keeping this one ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:02,
archived )
One of these things first ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:47,
archived )
the stars are
the best. they are just all of the loveleh *sniff*zzzzzzzzzz
Reginald Von Hammercock ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:47,
archived )
it worked, it worked,
it wor..... ...zzzzzzzzzz
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:52,
archived )
*dribbles on pillow a bit*
Reginald Von Hammercock ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:53,
archived )
so thats how it all works!
/burns physics books
northernwifeb3ta is going to Dubai in December :D for "work" ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:47,
archived )
I cannot see how you can complain
that your animations aren't smooth enough. This is ace! Woo!
benryves Now I'm radioactive! That can't be good! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:48,
archived )
/still searching for that secret of 50% extra smoothness
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:49,
archived )
:) ¬ Night all!
tweaknik ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:49,
archived )
benryves Now I'm radioactive! That can't be good! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:52,
archived )
Reginald Von Hammercock ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:52,
archived )
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:52,
archived )
That's lovely+1.
Kamikaze Stoat £4.09 ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:55,
archived )
but it reminds me of babycham
eponymous Oh! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:13,
archived )
ah, teh 'cham
surely that's a plus? edit: nice new profile pic! :)
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:18,
archived )
When I saw this, I said, besoothedly:
Catfish Ma, why can't I draw? "Because you have fins dear" ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 2:47,
archived )
thas lubberly.... but just out of camera shot....
Flash_Bastard ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 4:13,
archived )
Especially when accompanied by Yo Yo Ma playing Ennio Morricone from "Cinema Paradiso". My whole world makes sense now. It almost transcends "w/y/h". But I'll do it anyway. W/Y/H.
Digitdean: Disappointing Fans Since 1989! ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 4:28,
archived )
that good. that real good.
mozza ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 9:33,
archived )
that is extraordinarily beautiful.
urbane legend i have known the inexorable sadness of pencils ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 15:23,
archived )
It is strangely beautiful.
HobbitNobbit ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 18:21,
archived )
that's gorgeous. Sleep well.
funkyballs ,
Sat 11 Jun 2005, 2:57,
archived )
That tied in with the music I'm listening to
= total relaxation.
Rev. Cleo still alive ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 17:07,
archived )
that's great!
spacehog ,
Mon 13 Jun 2005, 0:23,
archived )
I'm pissed so have this and feel free to shop me humiliating myself
manwithunderpantsonhead older than a Time Lord ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:44,
archived )
Why on earth would anyone shop that pic of you...
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:45,
archived )
I don't know
it's terrifying enough already
manwithunderpantsonhead older than a Time Lord ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:46,
archived )
it's me playing an angel
in a terrible rewritten production of Gilbert & Sullivan's Princess Ida, for which the costume designer fancied meand expressed this by making me skip around the stage semi naked
manwithunderpantsonhead older than a Time Lord ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:48,
archived )
i'll bet that cured her
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:50,
archived )
I wish
she was teh horrid
manwithunderpantsonhead older than a Time Lord ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:51,
archived )
no need!
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:46,
archived )
northernwifeb3ta is going to Dubai in December :D for "work" ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:50,
archived )
spacehog ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:51,
archived )
manwithunderpantsonhead older than a Time Lord ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:52,
archived )
A lesser known spin-off . . .
Zank Frappa Who let the lefties in? ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:43,
archived )
Pun hour is upon us then!!
its a bloody shambles ,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:45,
archived )
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