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# three more weeks of fun
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:20, archived)
# baddum
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:20, archived)
# tcshhhh
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:21, archived)
# they are one weird bunch of freaks
Tracy Bingaling and Jodie Marsh gave me the horn though despite them both being completely annoying

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:21, archived)
# your horn needs fixing
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:22, archived)
# is that an offer?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:23, archived)
# if you want
i can make it play campdown races
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:24, archived)
# Dear Mrs Thatcher....
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:23, archived)
# now there's a sexay laday
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:23, archived)
# I have got the facking horn.
What are you going to do about it?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:24, archived)
# "first i'll seductively take off my clothes,
then dance a little, swinging my firm breasts. Then I'll sit on your cock until you"
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:25, archived)
# The horn not known at this address
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:26, archived)
# 404: this horn can not be found
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:26, archived)
# Horn error 5: improper argument
/vintage BASIC error
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:29, archived)
# Z: Horn not known at this address

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:36, archived)
# Dear Jim,
My horn is broken, please can you fix it for me?

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:25, archived)
# Jim can you fix it for me
to come down and suck out your kidneys?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:26, archived)
# no, don't do that
I need them for filtering things, like blood, engine oil, coffee...
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:27, archived)
# What's that, George Best's dead?!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:24, archived)
# no, no
Ken Dodd's dad's dogs dead.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:24, archived)
ken dodd's deceased dad's deceased dog's deceased debit card has expired
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:28, archived)
# Jodie Marsh is a man in drag
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:25, archived)
# yes
she has a builders nose coz she is in fact a builder called Stan
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:27, archived)
# *googles*
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:27, archived)
# A man
with massive tits.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:27, archived)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:28, archived)
# I would go so far as to call her a rotter
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:29, archived)
# *googles*

how long is this Big Brother thing on for? I might take a break from b3ta until it`s over

pointless Z list "celebs" making even bigger arses of themselves in the name of a bit of much needed publicity in The News Of The World

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:31, archived)
# I do so love your rants Rik
Doesn't Celeb Big Bro make money for charity though? In which case it's in the same league as Children in Need. (I was gonna say 'Fucking Children in Need' but it sounded wrong).
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:34, archived)
# no idea if it goes to charity
but I`m sure the profits from their newly found newspaper columns and celeb slots on GMTV don`t go to charity

I hope they all have a big bath together and a trained stool pigeon runs into the room and flings several radios into their future liquid caskets!

either that or they get it on with each other after 18 pints of mild, feel really guilty the next day, and go on an every-man-for-himself killing spree
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:39, archived)
# Oh, a killing spree, I like that idea
*plots sabotage*
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:40, archived)
# it'd make more money for charity
if the people taking part in it weren't paid £150K for three weeks *work*
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:39, archived)
# I remember when Channel 4 used to just show nuddy French movies late at night
ahh Jane Birkin...
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:43, archived)
# I remember the red triangle in the corner indicating it was way past my bedtime
thems were the days
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:46, archived)
# you are all teh gayers!
she's stupid and annoying and yes does have an odd nose

but a man in drag?????????????

you must all know some pretty men
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:38, archived)
# I do
: )
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:39, archived)
# ahem
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:39, archived)
# fair point
well made
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:40, archived)
# hahaha
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:41, archived)
# hahahaha
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:43, archived)
# bit skinny for my liking, but still.. hubba hubba!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:44, archived)
# !
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:25, archived)
# hahaha

I wish I could click 'I like this!'
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:28, archived)
# you can now!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:29, archived)
# My brother gets his arse kicked by a cartoon.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:18, archived)
# That's brilliant!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:22, archived)
# *associates self with luvvly Tip's comments*


(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:23, archived)
# fabby fantastic!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:22, archived)
# top stuff
which one's your brother?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:22, archived)
# nice
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:23, archived)
# Fecking ace, is that.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:24, archived)
# Funky
It's like Roger Rabbit gone wrong.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:28, archived)
# haha ace :)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:42, archived)
# trying to upload first post.....

didn't register fast enough to make competition. oh well.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:10, archived)
# Hahahahaaaaa!
Feckin' Marvelarse!

Woo! and welcome!

EDIT: ACE first post!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:10, archived)
# he he he!
unlucky, as it's a good'un
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:10, archived)
# slow connection huh?
still using Prestel?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:10, archived)
*tells b3ta member i eat poo me*

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:11, archived)
# I can tell you eat poo aswell
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:12, archived)
# you know what i ment you git !
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:13, archived)
# nicely edited original post ;)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:14, archived)
# hurrah for making you look silly !
how are you today lovely ?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:16, archived)
# not too bad thanks! Apart from being very very hungry... therefore I will go now
And eat loads! How are you?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:19, archived)
# cold
can't be arsed to get dressed so hundled under a blanket like a tramp.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:20, archived)
# Don't forget to come back at 12:30 and tell us what you had!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:21, archived)
# I ate my lunch at 10.30
I'm just starting to get hungry again now
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:23, archived)
# we can tells you eat poo
by the smell of you breath
edit:and now i am covered in the piss
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:12, archived)
# even if
it's spearmint poo?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:14, archived)
hit with the saucepan of pun

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:12, archived)
# Hahaha!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:12, archived)
# hahaha welcome aboard! With hummus like this you won't go far wrong :)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:12, archived)
# New, like me.
Nice one.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:12, archived)
# thats a bit fab
have this too
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:13, archived)
# my siouxsie pic is better...
well worse..but you know..
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:14, archived)
# your siouxsie pic!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:17, archived)
# hahaha
christ that`s a bad pun
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:14, archived)
# He'd better watch himself . . .

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:16, archived)
# don't leave any concrete evidence for the police

they'll find it once they get him on the slab
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:17, archived)
# yeah... he doesn't want to be stepping on your toes!
But if he does..... *pats baseball bat*
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:18, archived)
# I can see it now:
mugatu - pun vigilante
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:20, archived)
# too much sugar this morning, Ovid? :D
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:20, archived)
# Yeah . . . musta bin.
Bunster accused me of having Asda own brand cereal . . .

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:22, archived)
# hahaha
you'll fit right in...
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:16, archived)
# eh?

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:19, archived)
# hahahaha

have some woo
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:16, archived)
# Nice first post squire
ahah :D
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:23, archived)
# Bastard coming up behind the eyes
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:07, archived)
# he`s looking rather sexy there
.. hope he`s not doing a poop in those daffs
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:15, archived)
# reckon so
(it says here, MP's always smile whilst crimping)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:17, archived)
# Ahhhhhh! Bitta Culchaaaar!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:05, archived)
# Pffft!
And woo! He's like the Nanette Newman of the composing world :¬)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:07, archived)
# Hahahaha!
He SO is!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:07, archived)
# 'lo Dave.
Did you see 3 men in a boat? Rory McGrath plays banjo! (badly)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:09, archived)
# No, I fecked the video up
and recorded BBC1 twice

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:12, archived)
# pfffft
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:07, archived)
# Oof!
Looks like my old flatemate
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:07, archived)
# christ all fucking mighty
that's topper! Dave
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:07, archived)
# Thankyou, but I'd rather you didn't use the nawwty 'c' word

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:08, archived)
# christopher crocodile!
is you a believer Dave?
was it after seeing her face?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:09, archived)
# Have a face swap
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:11, archived)
# GIMME an R
gimme an E
gimme a D
gimme an X

what have you got?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:13, archived)
# Nothing!
I gave them all to you!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:14, archived)
# I'm sure you'll get them back one day
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:19, archived)
# ...photobucket server is playing up
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:14, archived)
# of course it is!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:20, archived)
# Yes, I am . . .
eh? whose face?

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:12, archived)
# I guess you didn't like my third FP then :|
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:15, archived)
# Ah! From a humourous point of view
Yes . . . otherwise . . . I have issues with it . . . sorry

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:17, archived)
# like Johnathan Woss being a total cunt?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:28, archived)
# huzzah and hurrah!
you crazy lovable scamp! *hug*

/definately returns to work
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:07, archived)
# *clings*

*gets dragged off to work too*


(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:08, archived)
# please come!
entertain me with your pun-type goodness!
it's soooooo boring here!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:16, archived)
# *attaches self to Tutt's leg*

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:18, archived)
# your pun compositions
are getting (tumble)dryer
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:08, archived)
# Now, now!
Daz no need to be like that!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:09, archived)
# no he's right...
you're all washed up.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:12, archived)
# well, that's a Bold statement!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:13, archived)
# thats rich
coming from a fairy.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:15, archived)
# Shut it! I'm no Omo!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:19, archived)
/ sulks

/ shakes fist

/decides to put fist to good use instead... bye all.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:21, archived)
# Oooof top punnage!
You're going to have to stave off a series of classical music puns now. Make a note of this and don't go harping on about it.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:09, archived)
# Nah!
I'll be Bach!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:10, archived)
# good lord
i bet you have your own chopin liszt of puns at your disposal!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:13, archived)
# Well...
Don't get up in brahms about it
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:18, archived)
# accept the fact
you have been 'beat, ho....
v(th)en' you might start getting somewhere.

too far?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:20, archived)
# schu
bert it's too far!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:24, archived)
# Now
make a pun out of Shostakovich
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:24, archived)
# *makes a Bazoo! pun out of Shostakovich*

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 13:01, archived)
# Nice to see some classical music references on the board
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:12, archived)
# pffft
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:13, archived)
# Mmmmmmmmmmm!

and thanks!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:13, archived)
# oi! leave some for me!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:16, archived)
# *eats all the pink squares*

*leaves the yellow ones*

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:20, archived)
# my favourite ever concerto
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:21, archived)
# feck!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:58, archived)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:59, archived)
# hehe
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:05, archived)
# Hahahahaaaaa!
Woo! Yay! AND Houpla!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:07, archived)
# Ta Dave

and all done in paint you'll be pleased to know
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:11, archived)
# mwahaha ace
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:07, archived)
# best thing I've seen all day!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:08, archived)
# That is ace!
Maybe I laughed too hard.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:08, archived)
# lmao!
bloody excellent
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:11, archived)
# pesky varmints...yee haw!!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:57, archived)
# Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:57, archived)
# that branch has legs?
how odd

and yeeee hawwww

reminds me of Yosemite Sam
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:59, archived)
# Rollin Rollin Rollin
Keep those Sparrows Rollin Raw Feathers

Top Tattying Sir
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:59, archived)
# Wooooo!
As always...

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:00, archived)
# aaw :)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:01, archived)
# Howdy Prodigy

Most woosome is that
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:01, archived)
# Bunny, bunny, bunny!
Must be funny! In a ritch-tea man's world!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:02, archived)
# Asda own brand kids cereal for brekkie Dave?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:04, archived)
# Hahahahaaaaa!
STARTLINGLY close to the truth!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:06, archived)
# I thought I detected a sugar fit
what whas it then?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:08, archived)
# You've been on the Kia Ora again haven't you Dave

G'lo back
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:07, archived)
# dips hat :)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:03, archived)
# yeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaw!

/returns to work
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:04, archived)
# yeeeehaw! *shoots from the hip*
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:08, archived)
# you're always shootin' from the hip
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:12, archived)
# yee haw!
ever thought about using a new set of eyes?
it is 2006 after all....
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:12, archived)
# NEVER!!!!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:30, archived)
# Another top liberal succumbs to booze...
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:45, archived)
# Is this the wrong time to mention
I voted liberal?

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:46, archived)
# I'll have
a guinness then
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:47, archived)
# dash o' blackcurrent in mine..ta :)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:58, archived)
# have you tried Guiness and Vimto
half pint Guiness + can of Vimto
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:00, archived)
# What's it like?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:03, archived)
# Dandelion & Burdock strangely
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:04, archived)
# no no no...
What's "IT" like?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:05, archived)
# what - sex with girls?
very nice - you should try it
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:11, archived)
# no - IT
Information technology.

And i'll take your advice on the sex thing too.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:13, archived)
# Gah!
You dirty pair of Guinness ruiners!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:04, archived)
# Guiness ruins my pants
it makes my bum all dribbly
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:06, archived)
# Aww!
Shirley, he'll get off . . .

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:47, archived)
# *dies*
he he
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:48, archived)
# *recusisusisusisusitates*

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:49, archived)
# That pun's criminal
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:48, archived)
# but it was mega fun to make!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:49, archived)
# oh pol-ice...
that was terrible
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:51, archived)
# I thought it was smashing
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:52, archived)
# not very 'PC' though.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:54, archived)
# are you saying that my pun
was defective, inspector?

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:55, archived)
# ^ this

/slashes wrists at inferior punnage skillz.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:57, archived)
# Down the road!
don't cross the street!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:58, archived)
# Did you hear the one about the man who deliberatly choked to death on a dumpling?
It was a suet-side
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:59, archived)
# Lawks a lardy!
That was bad!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:01, archived)
# You can use that one
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:04, archived)
# curse you....
and your cunt-stubble.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:02, archived)
# argh!
that's it, i'm off to get a copper tea
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:55, archived)
# Mmmmmm!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:59, archived)
# special
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:10, archived)
# but I never saw the way the orange slayed the rake......
llama llama duck!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:49, archived)
# Yeah . . .
I didn't understand that yesterday!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:50, archived)
# Doornob ankle cold!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:51, archived)
# i'll just see if i can alpaca
nother pun in here..
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:57, archived)
# Sure!
Welcome one! Well Cam-all . . .

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:00, archived)
# you can have a
dromedary roll for that...
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:02, archived)
# shirley bindun
If so, then we're BOTH going to hull.

gnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng - BALLOON!
apologies for bandwagon skillz
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:30, archived)
# twas done
at the time
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:31, archived)
# Hark!
I hear the distant strains of my bonfire being pissed on from a great height

sssssssssssssssssssssssSSSssss ....~~
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:36, archived)
# yup! :)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:06, archived)
# Darthy boy's
not very politically correct.

I still love him.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:34, archived)
# is that baby Bez?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:35, archived)
# he's twistin' my melon man
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:37, archived)
# he`s twistin` my fackin` `orn!
sign on you crazy diamond, in my Dick Quax running shoes
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:41, archived)
# underneath the shade of the average tree
where they handed out mediocrity....
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:43, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:57, archived)
# New, but dosen't deserve it's own thread....
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:44, archived)
# oh lordy....
pfft. Mimsy.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:45, archived)
# *Titter*
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:47, archived)
# chortle
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:49, archived)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:46, archived)
# Oh look
dead man walking on the left there :-(

Rest in piece, Mr S
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:48, archived)
# sure it does!
(not that i'm an expert on such matters)

Although i would change 'if find' to 'I find'
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:46, archived)
# hahaha
good lord!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:47, archived)
# What is it about Japanese schoolgirls?
Watched "Wasabi" a couple of nights ago. Fabby film, but the girl who played Jean Reno's daughter was breathtakingly cute.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:47, archived)
# I saw some of that, but it was late and I wasn't really sure what was going on

the daughter was very fit though
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:50, archived)
# Would recommend a Blockbusters visit for it
as it made me laugh lots in places (although you do have to read quickly if you don't speak French... lucky I used my wizzard reeding skillz)

But let's face it, with Luc Besson and Jean Reno you can pretty much guarantee you're in for good entertainment, whatever the language!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:53, archived)
# I saw the bit where they were playing Dance Dance Revolution
but that was about it. I'll keep an eye out for it
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:55, archived)
# hahaha
sweet jesus...
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:49, archived)
# If there's grass on the wicket...
...it's too late to play cricket.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:59, archived)
# Ha ha!
Was it you who did this pic with a happy-slap theme?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:05, archived)
# Not me, I only saw the source pic
for the first time on Wednesday.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:21, archived)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:47, archived)
# *groan*
But tee hee :)

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:52, archived)
# she could
test those mates on me anytime
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:12, archived)
# with a strap on?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:14, archived)
# pffft
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:06, archived)
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:23, archived)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 13:24, archived)
# I do believe he is ready.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:28, archived)
# ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:29, archived)
# Hurrah!
That is wonderful!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:29, archived)
# he's forgot his pipe!
And Monacle! He must go back and fetch the WOO!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:30, archived)
# My!
What a handsome fellow
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:30, archived)
# for a wild ride?

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:30, archived)
Woo! Yay!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:31, archived)
# are you like an unstoppable pun monster?
do convential weapons work on you?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:33, archived)
# no they don't . . .
knife of you to ask though . . . bullet doesn't really matter.

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:35, archived)
# nothing keeps you at bay-onet
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:38, archived)
# Are you gunner be like this forever?
or are you going to Hang up your pun WMDs?

You garrote-a do it some time
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:39, archived)
# I have tried, but to no avail
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:36, archived)
or you won't get your eskimo picture

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:45, archived)
# eh up chuck :)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:31, archived)
# what what, pip pip, good fellow

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:32, archived)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:34, archived)
# I say!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:34, archived)
# The one on the left
Looks younger than the rest.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:36, archived)
# he's the gayest one
He uses moisturiser
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:37, archived)
# What an ace Toad
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:33, archived)
# Woo! For some reason Fred Dibnah comes to mind.
Ey up! He's a reet fine frog.

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:33, archived)
# haha ready for lurrrrve
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:35, archived)
# what ho!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:37, archived)
# I know his dad
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:41, archived)
# hahahahahahahahah
the sheepworrier!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:42, archived)
# Thats the bad boy
One of my favorite images, although I didnt do the headswap crocbit
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:43, archived)
# more charles kennedy bashing....

first animation attempt :)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:26, archived)
# and its luvvely
top Kennedy bashing too
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:27, archived)
# let's kick him while he's down

it's the b3ta way!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:45, archived)
# haha
repeated centurion, last man standing. :)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:46, archived)
# Ouch!
Nicely done, woo!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:28, archived)
# is he getting out of his stretched delorian there?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:29, archived)
# hehe. Cracking source pic too.
I dun this last night. (Before being dragged to Ikea)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:32, archived)
# Kicking and screaming I hope :)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:41, archived)
# Like a 3 year old girl.
She had to buy me a hotdog when I got there too.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:45, archived)
# the only reason to go to ikea is the hotdogs :)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:54, archived)
# and the mighty...
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:54, archived)
# Ace...
I havent the 1st clue how how to animate.
Great stuff.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:34, archived)
# 2 in 1
Last one...promise
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:26, archived)
# Ha ha ha
The word 'buffoon' should be used more.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:31, archived)
# Hello Darling :)
I'll email you later about the bash
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:33, archived)
[challenge entry] The Adverts re-form, jump aboard the nearest bandwagon and make a video
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:26, archived)
# my eyes!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:26, archived)
# That's
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:28, archived)
# Is it
Charlie Kennedy waking up?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 12:03, archived)
# Christ

nearly at the big five o o...
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:25, archived)
# I like him!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:28, archived)
# ..

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:21, archived)
Just the way to start the morning.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:22, archived)
# Yay! I've been waiting for another SA
Top stuff!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:23, archived)
# yay!
cheers for that, seems like ages since the last installment.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:23, archived)
# Almost three weeks, I think.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:24, archived)
# indeed
a lifetime! :)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:25, archived)
# too long, wifey, too long . . .

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:25, archived)
# haha
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:24, archived)
# 'bout bleddy time!
Woo! and hurrah!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:24, archived)
# Hello Mr. Hat.
Just thought I'd pop in and say How do?
Because I can! 'Cause I'm the Grimmie.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:26, archived)
# How nice!
Good day to you!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:34, archived)
# 'ning sir
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:26, archived)
# What ho!
How's luvvly Miss Tip?

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:34, archived)
# The weekend's going to be full of work!
I've got shitloads of stuff to finish by Monday, and I'm not gonna get it finished today
especially if I keep faffing about on b3ta
How're you doing luvvy?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:47, archived)
# I'm utterly Beezer, today!

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:48, archived)
# Hurrah!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:50, archived)
# Woo
on a mild mylife crap blog : we went to my sisters for new years, after her MIL asked if everyone had a drink we didn't even bother to sing auld lang syne. i was gutted. 4 hours of bloody interminable waiting and we didn't even get to sing! Gah! TIA
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:26, archived)
# Better than waiting around for 4 hours
and not getting a snog.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:30, archived)
# *snogs*
4 hours and 6 days, anyhow.
Having a wife helps with getting a snog.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:32, archived)
# are you suggesting Nonny
snogged his mother-in-law?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:39, archived)
# *Drinks Mind Bleach*
and it's not my MIL, it's my sisters MIL. Euch.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:42, archived)
# he might have
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:43, archived)
# hurrah!
but where IS pip?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:27, archived)
# still waiting under the mistletoe
6/1 odds.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:28, archived)
# Well, Kat looks drunk enough
his luck may be in!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:29, archived)
# Pip's in charge of the fireworks.......
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:29, archived)
# do they still have an anderson shelter?
I'd want one.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:30, archived)
# Bets on hom trying to make a batman sign in the sky with the fireworks
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:32, archived)
# to the tune of
"Star Wars"
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:32, archived)
# While dressed as spiderman
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:34, archived)
# ha ha!
This please, sir!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:46, archived)
# Yay for SA!
have you altered scarlets face (and possibly Kats...figure)?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:31, archived)
# she's wearing a corset
or other tight fitting undergarment
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:32, archived)
# Not intentionally.
Was in a rush and I hadn't drawn them for a while. Outa practice.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:34, archived)
# Fair enough
looks good as ever, I have an irritating habit of noticing really small details
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:35, archived)
# How come Scarlet is drinking Orange Juice?
With her physique she surely is not a child? [Or are you trying to make us all like Mr Gadd as well as furry freaks?!!]
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:38, archived)
# OK; a crazed squatter is living in your loft......
....would YOU want to give them alcohol?

I don't think she likes the taste, anyway.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:44, archived)
# It's not as easy as it looks
getting juice out of acorns and nuts
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:51, archived)
# Can you even BEGIN
to imagine Scarlet on a bender? She's bad enough on Orange Juice.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:47, archived)
# heh heh heh
yes ... yes I can ...
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:57, archived)
# Scarlet's still wearing the tags in her Christmas clothes
just like me.
Which is embarrassing.
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:50, archived)
# 'Ning all
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Prob been dun, but once I saw it in the supermarket this morning I couldn't get rid of the horrible mental image...
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:15, archived)
# great minds belm alike :)

same pack!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:17, archived)
# Every time I have sex with a goat
that horrible mental image comes into my head!
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:17, archived)
# !
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:37, archived)
# mmm mmm
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:18, archived)
# Woo!
Goatse, goatse, we all love goatse

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:20, archived)
# hahaha
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:21, archived)
# heehee
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:26, archived)
# arf
mind you playing goatse is very different to playing footsy
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:30, archived)
# Oh Norman,
he gets all the shit-sucking jobs
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:27, archived)
# take two pearoasts into the shower?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:09, archived)
# Jism!
have I seen that before?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:10, archived)
# it's what popped out of the end of your winky
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:11, archived)
# Karen Carpenter said it all
It's Yesterday Once More
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:30, archived)
# now my rabbit, she is dead

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:11, archived)
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:12, archived)
# woo!
have something totally irrelevant
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:13, archived)
# nicely done

(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:14, archived)
# Sumo baseballer?
I like 'um
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:32, archived)
# peas? did someone mention peas?
(, Fri 6 Jan 2006, 11:18, archived)

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