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for keozen whether he likes it or not :D
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:22,
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More razor-sharp political insight
(achieved by slightly modifying completely rebuilding from scratch a pic I've had mouldering in my profile for about three sodding years)
Sea Tramp the thinking woman's 8 Ace ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:17,
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some are more equal than others
Pootle ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:05,
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Mpegs bad, jpegs good!
Sea Tramp the thinking woman's 8 Ace ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:11,
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twattybanjo ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:23,
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have a WYH
lord bofingham ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 8:14,
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The Tory vote of one man is a tragedy. That of millions is a statistic.
Euan_Kerr ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:01,
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That look kinda suits him.
Crystal Magnet Like a diamond geezer, but better ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:51,
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Hi Ho politics!
Tom OBedlam I have control of a tank ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:26,
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Mutification, mutification, mutification...
twattybanjo ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:28,
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but I wouldn't've agreed with this sentiment 15 years ago. Guess it's true what they say.
Sea Tramp the thinking woman's 8 Ace ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:32,
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It won't get better if you picket?
Tom OBedlam I have control of a tank ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:36,
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arrangedletters ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:38,
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Thor_sonofodin has done things, terrible things on ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:53,
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arrangedletters ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:55,
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throwing bloody spears at me!
Thor_sonofodin has done things, terrible things on ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:56,
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alan moore's swamp thing and the tiger lillies call my name
to bed with me :)
arrangedletters ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:17,
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What do they say?
That you're a bit mental?
4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:36,
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They say
"You wouldn't've agreed with this sentiment 15 years ago."
Sea Tramp the thinking woman's 8 Ace ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:41,
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4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:43,
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I was an extra in "Threads".
twattybanjo ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:37,
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I was Fred in "extras".
4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:39,
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That movie really shat me up a few years back.
I occasionally have to rewatch it now and again. Incredible film.
Tom OBedlam I have control of a tank ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:41,
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severed hand number 2?
h3donist tryin' to play me out as if my name is Sega.. ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:40,
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The burning bicyclist in the tree?
Tribs 🦇 ↓ dn ʎɐʍ sᴉɥʇ ↓🦇 ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 1:52,
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From space?
I'd vote for this
Rebel biscuit stercore sumus et nos esse novimus ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:36,
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"Since the dawn of time, humans have wanted to kill other humans from space. The Bible's full of it. Indeed, to this day, many committed Christians believe that only an orbital death ray can make them worthy companions of God." - Warren Ellis
Tom OBedlam I have control of a tank ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:43,
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"Since the dawn of central heating, humans have wanted to hold their finger against a radiator until it hurts and they have to quickly pull their hand away and flap it about, saying 'ow!' " - er, me
Sea Tramp the thinking woman's 8 Ace ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:11,
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that's funny
4Q just lurking ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:17,
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light a candle for the sinners
set the world on fire.
arrangedletters ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:37,
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Can atheists sin?
4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:38,
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well it's all subjective innit
just because they don't believe in god doesn't mean god doesn't believe in them.
arrangedletters ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:41,
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You mean...
...THEM ?
Sea Tramp the thinking woman's 8 Ace ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:19,
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I'll try it and get back to you.
Crystal Magnet Like a diamond geezer, but better ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:06,
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Oh hai marilyn!
Rocker_44 (-_-) shhhhh! Is asleep on ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:40,
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:) hellooooooooooh
arrangedletters ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:42,
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postbear has metal knees ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:53,
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jammers ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:15,
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mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:16,
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Yeah juche
Fonz ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:19,
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weaver. ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:27,
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hehe...which party is he most like?
alpaca muffalo bozzerella ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:18,
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I rike this
PedroHin Come along & ride on a Flantastic Voyage ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:29,
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words cannot describe how much I despise this unholy spawn of a union between blair and thatcher. sold us all out to his record mogul sugardaddy for a ryanair holiday in the med... *rages*
alpaca muffalo bozzerella ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:14,
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Conservatives for change? I always thought they were fans of the Status Quo.
Fonz ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:07,
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quick, dirty, hilarious. woo!
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:29,
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Such a disarming smile.
Euan_Kerr ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:07,
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Sensible Policies For A Better Britain.
J Peasemould Gruntfuttock Alpha Mike Foxtrot ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:12,
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brilliantly random.
mr-lizard Hell's teeth man! ,
Wed 14 Apr 2010, 3:25,
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Professor Dawkins greets the Pope.
twattybanjo ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:04,
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I'm laughing in an empty room again.
4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:08,
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are the walls padded?
Fitznicely into a thimble ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 1:19,
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Which bit?
The pope, the catholic church, aeroplanes, Richard Dawkins or the threatened lawsuit?
4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:12,
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'Needless to say, I did NOT say "I will arrest Pope Benedict XVI" or anything so personally grandiloquent.' There is a legal challenge to block his visit but it's not Dawkin's doing. See his comments here richarddawkins.net/articles/5415
Fonz ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:16,
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Thanks for that.
I feel a bit silly now for having taken a Times article at face value. I'm pleased to see that the idea of a legal challenge to the pope is not entirely fanciful, though.
4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:21,
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the press made up the catholic church?
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:16,
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They lied about Dawkins saying he would personally arrest him
but plans are afoot to try and nab him if he sets foot here. Dawkins described the Pope as a "leering old villain in a frock" in the Washington Post. Terrific.
twattybanjo ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:17,
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haha, brilliant quote
4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:22,
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will be the headline.
postbear has metal knees ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:56,
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I expect blatant lies like that from the News of the fucking World, but the Times?
Lying arseholes. Back to Private Eye for me.
Crystal Magnet Like a diamond geezer, but better ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:19,
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alpaca muffalo bozzerella ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:15,
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Wunnerful expression on teh Dawkins.
Crystal Magnet Like a diamond geezer, but better ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:20,
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mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:53,
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Edit: I should have scrolled down, shouldn't I?
J Peasemould Gruntfuttock Alpha Mike Foxtrot ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:54,
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mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:56,
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I used to have an Kaneda inspired outfit
but my wife threw it out with out telling me :(
Holly Would long wheel based tranny ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:01,
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I was going to say
'Pics or GTFO', but thought better of it... ;-)
J Peasemould Gruntfuttock Alpha Mike Foxtrot ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:02,
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bloody women
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:03,
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SkUG >_O i got a couple of stitches in my eyeball... ow ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:54,
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this is basically your fault
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:55,
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She seems, from a perfunctory Google search, to be
constantly trying to remove her trousers.
J Peasemould Gruntfuttock Alpha Mike Foxtrot ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:02,
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15th Jan 2008
what's your point?
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:05,
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7 years i've been here
pathetic, really
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:15,
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postbear has metal knees ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:56,
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DUM4S5 =] ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:40,
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hahaha..."look everybody----no hands" :D
Elvis impersonator ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:43,
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Hahah! ^this!
Jimbuktu See? Right here ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:44,
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or knees
4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:45,
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Elvis impersonator ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:46,
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just like running the country?
morrybyte made a subtle namechange at ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:27,
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nice one
god save the queen making another unremarkable comeback ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:47,
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Aw yeah I love this!!! :D
Rico ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:53,
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That looks like marvellous fun!
Crystal Magnet Like a diamond geezer, but better ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:56,
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Riding No-Handed...
Bad Gordon!
J Peasemould Gruntfuttock Alpha Mike Foxtrot ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:59,
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look, Ma!, no brains
PedroHin Come along & ride on a Flantastic Voyage ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:06,
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herman:D ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 5:09,
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Tesco self service now extends beyond the check out. :D
Holly Would long wheel based tranny ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:23,
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twattybanjo ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:25,
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Actually, human milk tastes quite nice. Sweeter than cow milk.
4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:37,
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Man milk?
Thought that tasted salty...
El Cid ...wing attack plan R... ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:09,
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god save the queen making another unremarkable comeback ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:35,
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weaver. ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:35,
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remind me not to buy the milkshake....
SkUG >_O i got a couple of stitches in my eyeball... ow ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:38,
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although it'd be fun to watch them being made
also,forgive my dumpage
god save the queen making another unremarkable comeback ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:40,
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I was drawn to Kelis's yard
for just such a show.
Holly Would long wheel based tranny ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:41,
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That really looks like his kind
of coat.
J Peasemould Gruntfuttock Alpha Mike Foxtrot ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:04,
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this reminds me of a story about Liberace, when asked if he had a parrot
he replied, "Now I might have had a cockatoo..."
PedroHin Come along & ride on a Flantastic Voyage ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 23:31,
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mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:56,
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I guess that answers that question then
discomeats This canoe ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 0:42,
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ha ha
lord bofingham ,
Tue 13 Apr 2010, 8:15,
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Go Mandy GO!
twattybanjo ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:22,
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That is actually how I dance.
Also, not worth its own thread:
Fishcat Difficult difficult lemon difficult. ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:23,
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whilst I'm in the vicinity
I'll pea this
Holly Would long wheel based tranny ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:25,
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march of the corrupt self-serving bastards
led by their disgraced leader
Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:30,
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Not as good as the prequel 'march of the penguins' if I'm honest.
Fishcat Difficult difficult lemon difficult. ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:36,
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have a:D
Elvis impersonator ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:26,
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Why thank you :))
twattybanjo ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:28,
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What a cavalier attitude
Tribs 🦇 ↓ dn ʎɐʍ sᴉɥʇ ↓🦇 ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:30,
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is that his I PWNED TEH INTERNETS dance?
Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:29,
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I'll just leave this here
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:08,
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epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:10,
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kingofpork is the king of pork ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:13,
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Right. Let's fight.
And around these parts, it's maths, not math!
Tribs 🦇 ↓ dn ʎɐʍ sᴉɥʇ ↓🦇 ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:18,
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I know, I know, I ran out of space :( here have a lolly to make up for it
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:21,
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yay lollies!
Tribs 🦇 ↓ dn ʎɐʍ sᴉɥʇ ↓🦇 ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:31,
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Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:04,
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feckin' brummy bastard.
Thor_sonofodin has done things, terrible things on ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:05,
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Got a job yet?
epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:05,
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Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:06,
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I'll take that as a no then.
epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:07,
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I sense a Cameron overdose comin on.....
Elvis impersonator ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:15,
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Tatsuo for PM!
Testicles just for you ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:20,
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Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:22,
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I fricking love this movie.
I smash things in my sleep uruk-hai ...and I'll look low. Now where'd they go? ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:49,
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so, not tetsuya, then?
tetsuya being the owner and head chef of the world-famous tetsuya's restaurant in sydney. not that anyone was interested.
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:24,
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I've been to Sydney
I got free ice cream and free admission to the IMAX. Didn't go to Tetsuya's though.
Tribs 🦇 ↓ dn ʎɐʍ sᴉɥʇ ↓🦇 ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:30,
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i've never been
i'd love to go, though. from what i've heard, tetsuya's is very expensive, but worth it.
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:33,
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There's some interesting shops in Sydney
Found 1 shop that sold nothing but matryoshkas. One sold Viennese masquerade masks and feather quill pens.
Tribs 🦇 ↓ dn ʎɐʍ sᴉɥʇ ↓🦇 ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:47,
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it's amazing what some people will buy
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:48,
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well, i'm off to watch the two towers
see you all tomorrow!
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:53,
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mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:24,
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MrKane 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:26,
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mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:24,
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Tatsuo is like Tetsuo, but with tats.
The Alchemist king of the needlessly complicated ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:28,
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Elvis impersonator ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:45,
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All stand for the new national anthem
Cadmus has teh uplikn coeds at ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:28,
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I dont get the reference.
epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:32,
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The Alchemist king of the needlessly complicated ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:34,
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Still no
epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:37,
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It's the one with motorbikes and laser guns
Tribs 🦇 ↓ dn ʎɐʍ sᴉɥʇ ↓🦇 ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:48,
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epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:50,
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The film is called Akira.
It's anime. It does involve laser guns and motorbikes, and something about the world ending or something. I have a terrible memory.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:53,
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oh I dont like japan
epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:00,
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Perhaps you would prefer the American version they are making
the wub - guide onion for the blind ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:03,
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no sound. :(
epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:04,
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No. Nobody will like this version.
The Alchemist king of the needlessly complicated ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:10,
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Well, that showed me. I had even seen this before, yet forgot that it was a parody.
Genius, though : "True dat, indeed, generic black gang member!" :D
The Alchemist king of the needlessly complicated ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:12,
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what, the whole country? and all its products? that's a sweeping generalization, and no mistake!
The Alchemist king of the needlessly complicated ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:09,
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I have no interest in the place.
epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:13,
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Well, you are of course free to have no interest in any country. Just seems a bit restrictive, is all.
The Alchemist king of the needlessly complicated ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:16,
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It's not somewhere I have any interest in visiting or anything... dunno why, just doesnt appeal to me.
epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:18,
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are you George III's foreign secretary?
Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:20,
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epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:22,
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Does there have to be a reference?
Who cares?
Testicles just for you ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:48,
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I dont care really, I dont know where the guy if from or anything
epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:50,
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Ugly kid inna cape. That's all that matters.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:51,
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VampireMonkeyOnSpeed a super sexy sexual sex terrorist sex ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:51,
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*does a poo*
kingofpork is the king of pork ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:57,
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kingofpork is the king of pork ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:08,
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shakira shakira
do do do do
SkUG >_O i got a couple of stitches in my eyeball... ow ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:06,
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MrKane 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:27,
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I'm just hangin' around.........................as Hugh Cornwell once said
Elvis impersonator ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:14,
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this is extremely funny
boris johnson next, please!
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:16,
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that makes much more sense than it should
Heaping Spoonful of sugar ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:17,
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mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:25,
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Top notch.
twattybanjo ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:54,
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please, please like this....
pineapple_juice ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:06,
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4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:08,
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aww thanks :)
pineapple_juice ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:09,
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Do you want me to click it as well?
4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:13,
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Well okay, then.
4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:44,
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i may like it
i'm undecided. what are your policies?
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:10,
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my politics are..
we vote for the one who tells the best jokes or has the nicest breasts and then they let people who know what they are doing run the country. an old boss once said "leadership is about selling somone else's ideas". i.e. not believing that you know the answers but being a good salesman for someone who does
pineapple_juice ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:40,
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in that case, i like it
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:47,
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I don't do politics. The fuckers are all the same.
I don't get why people think a different government will make any sort of difference.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:13,
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Oh it will make things different,
it just won't make things any better.
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:15,
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Don't misunderestimate the tories.
I'm pretty sure they could make things worse for most people, and better for their rich mates. 10 millionaires on the front bench and you think they're going to be worried about Mr & Mrs Average?
4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:17,
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Different how exactly? A few quid either way on various taxes. The rest always boils down to "we'll do our best".
You can't predict how one group of people will react under certain circumstances in advance. They might do well, they might do badly. Voting for people you think will do better with future events is utter nonsense.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:19,
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This is what I say when I'm interviewed for jobs
my other username is a porsche , posting shit pictures so you don't have to ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:21,
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if they ask where you see yourself in 5 years
don't say "doing your wife"
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:25,
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Doing your....son?
my other username is a porsche , posting shit pictures so you don't have to ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:26,
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Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:28,
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Especially if they're women, they don't like that.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:26,
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are you saying lesbians can't be employers?
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:29,
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No, just that they don't like people sleeping with their missus.
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:30,
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they can be a bit touchy
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:32,
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tell them you can think outside the box.
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:50,
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Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:51,
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Never mind politics,
Crystal Magnet Like a diamond geezer, but better ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:24,
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Aw, lemurs!
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:29,
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Different ideals,
different priorities, different legislation... it's all missing the point, of course. Politics can't save the world. The main reason we even need a government at all is because most people are selfish twats. Ultimately it's just like pushing down bubbles in the wallpaper. Somebody will find a way to make things worse no matter what the rules are.
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:28,
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you're saying we need anaglypta?
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:30,
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I'm saying we need to strip it all off and go back to paint.
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:34,
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Strip off and wear body-paint?
I'm game!
boris the spider ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:37,
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chocolate body paint
is fucking rank
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:38,
archived )
who said anything about chocolate?
i'm talking about straight body-paint. i want a crocodile on my man-bits.
boris the spider ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:44,
archived )
if you do
i want pics
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:52,
archived )
Dunno when but I will.
boris the spider ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:55,
archived )
I just copied and pasted your signature and
look what I got! WARNING: Horrible picture, NSFA unless you're a doctor. image-challenge.nejm.org/#08032006
Crystal Magnet Like a diamond geezer, but better ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:40,
archived )
That was....
boris the spider ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:44,
archived )
that site is rather fun
just had a go at guess the diagnosis, i'm quite good at it!
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:51,
archived )
Isn't it awesome!
I got Ehlers Danlos Syndrome right...and all the rest wrong.
Crystal Magnet Like a diamond geezer, but better ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:02,
archived )
that'll take ages!
you know there's about 6 layers on there, including the bits of woodchip that you couldn't get off when you moved in!
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:37,
archived )
You're not wrong.
Actually you wouldn't believe this house. There is carpet on top of carpet up the stairs. I wish I was joking. When we did the bathroom there were 5 layers of lino under the carpet tiles, each one more tasteful than the last. We could have lived with the bottom layer if it wasn't in such a state.
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:44,
archived )
that's always the way, isn't it?
my living room is done in white chocolate, took 5 coats to cover up the horrendously floral old lady wallpaper that the last tenant put up
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:50,
archived )
And why do they paint over the doorhandles,
so you have to sit there all day vainly trying to chip it out of the screw heads with the sharpest implement you can find before you can get the damned things off...
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:52,
archived )
the yellow ceilings were the worst
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:59,
archived )
The near BLACK ceiling I had to paint over once was the worst.
It took about four coats.
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 22:05,
archived )
It went a bit out of control
Bela Lugosi's Dad ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 20:52,
archived )
I like it.
But weren't the tories complicit in the decision not to regulate?
4Q just lurking ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 20:59,
archived )
it was quite warm today I noticed.........I think it's already started
...and the government isn't letting on
Elvis impersonator ,
Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:07,
archived )
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