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# I'm thinking of making a cartoon world map?
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:27, archived)
# May I suggest using cartoons from the country?
Would certainly abate my pedantry :D
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:30, archived)
# haha
I know what you mean, I had thought about it, but tintin's hair was all I could see and I haven't got the time to search for Icelandic shaped cartoon characters, from Iceland?
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:34, archived)
# That is rather good though
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:33, archived)
# Thank you
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:34, archived)
# If you did want to use Aussie cartoons
I'd suggest Ginger Meggs, or Bluey and Curly, as I really like this idea of yours a LOT
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:36, archived)
# Is there no more modern cartoons?
Looks like one's from the 40's and the other's from the 80's?
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:52, archived)
# Just a few come to mind...
The Phantom is probably most well known world wide
Then there's Swamp by Gary Clarke
Ginger Meggs is a bit dated, yeah, but still in circulation
Black Stump
Bazza Mackenzie is a classic, but also from the 70's
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 10:02, archived)
# Uncanny
nice work
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:37, archived)
# Yep, never knew Kevin Rudd had a dog
But sincerely, KRudd and Tintin are indistinguishable
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:39, archived)
# God yeah
Just googled the baby-faced Mr Rudd and you're right
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:51, archived)
# It's like looking in a mirror
He's a dead ringer for Tintin, just not as principled ;)
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 10:11, archived)
# Cheers
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:44, archived)
# Top drawer as always :D
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:41, archived)
# :D
Ning Ninj!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:44, archived)
# Ning Q!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:54, archived)
# Probably would need a different pig
for this old saw to work...
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:56, archived)
# You'll be staring at Cuba for days going "Maybe if I do Dennis the Menace stepping into a wormhole, or an exploding Reed Richards..."
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 12:40, archived)
# Swedish Chain Saw Massacre
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:11, archived)
# Tsk tsk Noddy
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:23, archived)
# Indeed.

(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:52, archived)

(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:55, archived)
# Bwahaha!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 10:11, archived)
# Everything about this says blockbuster movie.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 12:41, archived)
[challenge entry] PEA: A guide to knowing your donkey
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:08, archived)
# 11700 pixels?!?
s'up witchu
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:21, archived)
# i did it!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:48, archived)
# That's very big!
As the actress said to the bishop
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:25, archived)
# i just.. the... the thing is...
it won't go smaller! I'm really trying and it, it just won't go any smaller...
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:46, archived)
# That'll be the Viagra! ;)
How so? Can you not go, filesize - width 400 pixels? Or does the computer say, "I'm afraid I can't do that Dave"?
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:49, archived)
# i managed it in the end
I think i had the toaster plugged into the kettle and the sink linked up to the loo. it was all very confusing for a while, but I'd like to think this whole horrible mess is now behind me.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:51, archived)
# hahaha
I take it, you aren't using Photoshop? Sounds like a right drama. Go have a glass of your favourite tipple and lie down.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:53, archived)
# that's the thing
normally I would, but i decided to be all 'european' and try something different. well, that won't be happening again. back to good old photoshop for me. photoshop, slippers, a brew and a bacon butty with brown sauce, there's nowt better.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:57, archived)
# get back, donkeycat
livin' in the city ain'a where it's at,
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:58, archived)
# Donkey Ho
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 15:19, archived)
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 21:48, archived)
# Posting while you all sleep or whatnot...
There's this great rockabilly/blues band I follow and in a fit of artistic love, I drew each of the members and posted their 'portraits' to their Bookface page by way of 'thanks for the music'.

I was totally floored when they contacted me and asked if they could send me out some merchandise in thanks and did they have permission to use my artwork on their homepage, Bookface page and in the booklet for their next album which is being recorded as we speak? After I stopped hyperventilating in excitement, I gave them my blessings to do what they wanted with it. Needless to say, I'm still on cloud nine. Just had to share.

Edit: Thank you, beautiful b3tans all :)
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 8:58, archived)
# nice work
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:13, archived)
# :) Thanks you lovely, you!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:34, archived)
# i like a bit of rockabilly stuff now and then
my mate dazz is some kind of godlike rockabilly guitar hero, i had no idea till fairly recently.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 10:19, archived)
# You're in good company then
There are so many freaking fantastic 'billy bands out there, I could never hope to hear them all, but I'm doing my best to sample all the world has to offer :)

Really???? What band does he play in?
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 10:41, archived)
# hes been in loads
darren lince is his name, the sugar creek trio, jack rabbit slim, and recently the space cadets, its all new to me, never heard him play though, whenever we meet all we do is get pissed and talk about hotrods and scooters.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 12:43, archived)
# Well, I've heard of Jack Rabbit Slim so WOOT!
Doesn't matter, that's what mates do and talking about hot rods and bobbers and scooters is damn great at any time!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 14:38, archived)
# this is all most cool
nice style and nice result!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:15, archived)
# I'm still reeling actually
Never expected anything more than "Hey, thanks!" from them, so it was a real moment of gratitude overload. Thanks too!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:35, archived)
# haha
nice work and well done you!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:15, archived)
# You're a love
Has stroked the old ego well and truly that's for sure... :D
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:37, archived)
# You just can't beat a bit of ego stroking
Enjoy every second
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:50, archived)
# very nice
good feeling too when you get that kind of recognition
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:20, archived)
# It is!
Never had that sort of thing on this scale before, so it's got me at the dizzy limit, really, so yes and thank you too :)
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:38, archived)
# nicely
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 10:20, archived)
# :) *beams*
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 10:45, archived)
# Great! And always nice to get appreciation for the hard work put in :D
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 10:59, archived)
# That's really rather good...
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 15:15, archived)
# Fantastic....
The recognition is no more than you deserve !
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 21:14, archived)
# Meh, Looks nothing like U2
Only joking; well done you. And well done them for being so appreciative.
(, Mon 18 Nov 2013, 0:43, archived)
# Bonobonobos!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 5:46, archived)
# oh god
oh god oh god oh god
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 7:32, archived)
# Every time he clicks his fingers, a bonobo fucks itself
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 7:58, archived)
# How could you Mofaha? ;)
But he would too, wouldn't he? If he could?
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:17, archived)
# Bono the bonobo boning Bono the bonobo? Oh no!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:27, archived)
# They certainly seem to be happy
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 9:38, archived)
# heavens to murgatroid!!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 12:35, archived)
# I more usually associate the word 'wank' with this guy*
*And to the bald cunt in the hat that twangs his guitar in the same children's entertainment group.
(, Sun 17 Nov 2013, 15:59, archived)
# :)
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:36, archived)
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:46, archived)
# ^^ going for a quick shandy slang
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:50, archived)
# compo it
with the simple instruction, "caress"
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:58, archived)
# ha ha!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 0:04, archived)
# Correct in one important aspect.
Unconventional in others.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 0:20, archived)
# ^this man is an authority on penises -- listen to him
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 0:30, archived)
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 1:12, archived)
# Oh, a pixel art approach
          hadn't thought of that.

                                                                                                                          〓     〓  
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                                                                                                                        〓 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 〓
                                                                                                                        〓 〓     〓 〓
                                                                                                                           〓〓 〓〓   

(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 1:19, archived)
# Saw it on /talk :)
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 1:21, archived)
# /talk ?
you're not even trying to hide your soiled hands
you're dead to me
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 1:28, archived)
# I mean
I saw it on "Tech Talk", which is a highly respected online technical resource.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 1:31, archived)
# hmmm
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 1:32, archived)
# Very very highly respected.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 1:32, archived)
# what the....
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 1:27, archived)

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(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 1:59, archived)
# FP this now
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 2:02, archived)
# sociopath
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 2:04, archived)
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 2:10, archived)
# Now this I like.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 2:33, archived)
# ^More of this!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 3:22, archived)
# Witchcraft!
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 3:24, archived)
# L33t H@x
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 3:32, archived)
# front page this
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 5:24, archived)
# I've just realized
These don't show up on mobile devices for some reason, at least not on my iPhone or on the iPad. There's just a load of white space.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 6:25, archived)
# not sure all browser show it either, cant remember who but one mod had a hissy fit on /talk when mike first started doing it
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 6:41, archived)
# Well it seemed like a good idea at the time
but now I'm in bed using my phone it's a bit of a pain.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 6:53, archived)
# you bastards!
i thought my computer was borked earlier
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 6:27, archived)
# Haha yeah sorry about that
I had no idea it didn't work on mobiles, I posted it from my desktop.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 6:59, archived)
# less is more
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 8:16, archived)
# pork mince
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 1:52, archived)
# ^this
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 3:31, archived)
# On an unrelated note
Just saw this .gif of colliding fireworks and it cracked me up, so here's a still

I'm so adult
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 7:54, archived)
# are audi havin a laugh?
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 7:58, archived)
# Doubt it
Though Lord knows I've been wrong before now
Here's the giffy thing in full.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 8:03, archived)
[challenge entry] I got one and one of the legs was missing
Had to queue at customer services for 3 days.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:30, archived)
# fake!
all pieces seem to be present and correct

(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:40, archived)
# He He
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:47, archived)
# :)
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 0:05, archived)
[challenge entry] A nice wholesome stew...
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:59, archived)
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:10, archived)
# This makes me think of sexy matlock
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 0:20, archived)
# Sexy Matlock by Jabberwoc.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 0:28, archived)
# SOOOOO fuckin sexy
All he needs is a beard, a moustache, and a rakishly raised eyebrow
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 2:13, archived)
# like this?
 photo sexymatlockbyjabberwoc.gif
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 21:08, archived)
# Itchy back bear scratch.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 2:36, archived)
[challenge entry] Barbarararararara
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:52, archived)
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:09, archived)
[challenge entry] Thick snow is bad for male basset hounds.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:48, archived)
[challenge entry] What's that Skip?
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:45, archived)
# ha ha ha
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 1:11, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 2:13, archived)
# Does the physiology of the Red Kangaroo...
..mean that it gets a raging horn in it's testicles?

And anyway, everryboddi knows Skippy was a wallaby* anyway.

*...or was it a wombat?
(, Tue 19 Nov 2013, 21:35, archived)
# Nads. One button per nad.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:45, archived)
# Oh, what's the point?
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 14:57, archived)
# Eve nin
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:53, archived)
# you turned the cuteness up to 11
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:58, archived)
# i want one!
how much?
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:05, archived)
# going .... cheep cheep
or is that chirp chirp
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:06, archived)
# saw on flickr I think =) good as always!
welcome back
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:19, archived)
# yays !
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:27, archived)
# Alright HD
good to see you around again :)
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:30, archived)
# ^THis
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:19, archived)
# ^ THAT
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 7:32, archived)
# ^^ The Other
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 10:51, archived)
# oi oi !
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 20:51, archived)
# when it gets older
and has to disembowel itself...well it might be awkward ;)
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:22, archived)
# Nice to have you back
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:29, archived)
# Super
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:35, archived)
# :D I want one
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:46, archived)
# Brilliant as usual.
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 2:14, archived)
# Lully !
(, Fri 15 Nov 2013, 19:07, archived)
[challenge entry] YEARS OF RESEARCH!!
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:53, archived)
# Love this, but
where's don't touch me there?
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:55, archived)
# The closest I got to that was Udd.
That pretty much covers a poke in the eye.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:56, archived)
# I'm going to try to use some of you're descriptive words
at my pub, on the morrow. Udd will be the first of these. :)
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:07, archived)
# Let me know how you get on with Plad Arrrr
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:13, archived)
# She asked me how her inflamed lady bits looked...
and naturally I answered, Plad Arrrr.

try it tonight boys.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:17, archived)
# Try my cats and Plad Arrr will get the skin shredded from your wrists and your bones damn near snapped
Humourless bastards
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:09, archived)
# hahaaha, this is inspired
never go near strum or squingee
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:42, archived)
# Flampfy can make them fall over,
it can make them cross when that happens.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:09, archived)
# watching the flowers grow
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:43, archived)
I love your pics
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:45, archived)
# Yup sums it up nicely
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:30, archived)
# ^
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:45, archived)

also, lol.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:47, archived)
# oh... here's god. found him!
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:31, archived)
# Wonderful on many levels,so a click...
I love pigeon the toes by the way.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:53, archived)
# thumbs up from me too
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:56, archived)
# Well, I'm in a minority, then.
I find your work unsettling. It gives me the Fear.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:09, archived)
# it's the hairy back, isn't it?
go on, stroke his spinal mane. it only wants to be friends
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:12, archived)
# I suspect that it would feel fibrous..like a spider's leg.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:44, archived)
# This is relevant to my interests.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:19, archived)
# organic flower garden
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:21, archived)
# Couldn't resist a TOAP. Queen visits Manchester today.
Visiting Harpurhey, home of Bernard Manning's Club and setting for infamous 'People Like Us' documentary.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:46, archived)
# nope, google translate not helping
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:28, archived)
# An area I know rather too well ;)
Wonder if she still had all her pearls when she left?
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:54, archived)
# Prolly Bindun
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:34, archived)
Do you have a dA gallery I can visit?
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:44, archived)
# aaaw they're dead btw
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:44, archived)
# AW
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:47, archived)
# =))
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:17, archived)
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:08, archived)
[challenge entry] Protective clothing must be worn in all hostile environments
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:33, archived)
# safe voyage brave traveller
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:45, archived)
# purdy circles...
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:07, archived)
# is this on canvas ?
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:17, archived)
I would love to be able to actually paint like this!
[edit: processing.org + own code to make circles. then tattyshop to canvas/colorise]
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:57, archived)
# thanks for explaining the witchcraft
thought my eyes were playing tricks
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:10, archived)
# Coo, that's a bit pretty.
Hope you don't mind if I plonk this here?
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:19, archived)
# hahaha
now do the instructions
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:21, archived)
# Christ no
I had one to bits once :O
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:23, archived)
# I put my pants in the underside cupboard :(
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:23, archived)
# surely
you mean "drawers"?
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:26, archived)
# four candles?
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:59, archived)
# that is very space efficient!
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:07, archived)
# save as a jpg for stuff like that, static gif is massive
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:20, archived)
# Scrolling down and saw the hand, for a second there I thought it was gonna be recursive goatse
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:24, archived)
# No, gif is the right choice to preserve fine detail.
The reason it's massive is because it's actually 1000 pixels wide and has only been scaled down in HTML.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:33, archived)
# Hence the 'CFSS'
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:37, archived)
# if you want fine detail then png is your friend
gif fucks the colours down to 255 and has a compression algorithm that hasn't changed since 1995
It's fine for animations or reduced palette work but not much else. And I'm guessing this originally was more colours
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:07, archived)
# a oooh!
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:06, archived)
[challenge entry] For reasons of hygiene.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 19:43, archived)
[challenge entry] Hahaha! Nice.
Reminded me of this:

(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 19:49, archived)
# such arrogant pricks
but you've got to love them
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:18, archived)
[challenge entry] Second version.
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:25, archived)
# hahahaha
they don't need to be told
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:06, archived)
# hahaha :D
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 22:32, archived)
(, Thu 14 Nov 2013, 20:26, archived)

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