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This is a link post My new RAWK band innit.
Live studio single. 1 take, no overdubs.

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 9:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post Nice. Old school.
Great name too.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 13:18, , Reply)
This is a link post Double roadkill
a bit like Springwatch with dead animals

Good non culinary advice though
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 7:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post Would have been ironic if he had got hit by a bus removing the Vulture...
the circle of life...
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 10:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post damn good looking bird

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 12:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post Armadillos. Smooth on the inside, crunchy on the outside.

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 13:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post **Does little mouth sick**

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 13:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 14:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post That dude is covered in bird flu and armadillo AIDS.
how'd you like to be his missus and have to worry if he washed his hands that day. Blecch.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 14:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post No need to get all Foodbabe about this
If anything, armadillo leprosy will make you lose weight.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 14:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post I did think "wear some gloves, fool!"

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 15:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post HAhahahahahaha!
"His Missus".

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 21:31, , Reply)
This is a link post English language T-Shirts in Asia
Either they know or they don't...
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 4:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post Everything looks normal
Now I must go put on my "fuck fuck fuck fuck" suit and go for a stroll.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 10:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post How long has ninja been a TLD?!

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 12:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post 'I'm so fucking future'
Was a personal highlight.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 13:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yes, and judging by the look on his face, I bet he knows exactly what it means.
Some very funny ones here, ta.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 16:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'd buy "The big is full of many many cats"
Yep, that's the one I want.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 16:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Well I own at least three T shirts with oriental writing on, and I have no idea what they say.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 16:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post My missus reads the odd Chinese character
and once pointed out that a chap walking along the street with his top off a few years back had 'This means nothing' permanently written across his back.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 18:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^this

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 16:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post I liked it too
but I read it right - PIG.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 20:41, , Reply)
This is a normal post I read it right, I just didn't type it right :)
That's what happens when a RAID controller dies and ruins your day.
(, Thu 9 Jun 2016, 9:13, , Reply)
This is a link post So the Dad of a rapist is getting headlines for being crass
The survivor of his son's assault wrote an incredible letter that deserves much more press.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 23:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post wow. Just been reading up on the case- hadn't come across it before.

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 23:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post If only ......
Nope. I'll leave it there
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 0:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post More victim impact statements in UK courts now!
Let's also have widespread plea bargaining, because that always keeps the innocent out of prison. No more trial by jury, trial by media, ideally social media, is the only true justice.

String 'em up mate - it's the only language they understand.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 0:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post a jury of your peers...
trials have always been done "by media"technically.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 9:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post Why have you posted this sex story here?
Aren't there forums for people like you who get off on this stuff?
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 0:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post That's pretty devastating.
I've not seen the press around this story, only some comments about it on Facebook. It's a painful and pain-filled read, but well worth the time.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 8:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post We need less nobility and more of the noble in heart.
Made me think of this list of qualities of a gentleman. fiercegentleman.com/10-qualities-fierce-gentleman/
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 15:02, , Reply)
This is a link post Bo Burnham works his magic on Country music
It's similar to 'repeat stuff', but still full of good jokes.

And it's my b3taday, so whatevs losers.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 21:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 22:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post Is this something to do with candles?
Candles for the righteous I do believe.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 3:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post I saw that clip before
and thought it was good, so I watched his "special" on Netflix, that this is from.

This was the best moment by far. The rest was shite.

Just letting people know, like...
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 11:04, , Reply)
This is a link post Marion, Don't look at his beard I made this!

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 21:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post I watched this video and now I don't have cancer
100% FACT!
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 21:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post the power of Noel's box

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 21:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post But you have been turned into a newt.

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 22:41, , Reply)
This is a normal post No Deal...

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 2:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post There is a nightmare with this looping doing the rounds

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 3:34, , Reply)
This is a normal post The amount of acting that went into
looking like you might open your eyes but don't, is pretty incredible.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 8:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post Slimer and Staypuff didn't seem to genderswap
also ゴーストバスターズ sounds awesome.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 21:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 21:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post Vigo with a burger up his arse

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 22:34, , Reply)
This is a normal post Imaginary ghost molestation is okay i think

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 22:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post Gimbal!

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 23:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post GHOEUSTABUSTEHARUS!

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 21:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post Thank god for comedic laboured english
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 22:34, , Reply)
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 23:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post Let's Fighting Love (Protect My Balls)
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 0:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post 13 minutes worth of Engrish:
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 0:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post That's the best thing about it.
I'm actually crying with laughter.

Just keep pushing 8
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 22:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ah, so that's how you spell it.

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 23:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post Maybe it's a weird marketing tactic where they put out a really shit trailer
so that everyone's pleasantly surprised?
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 22:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post I can count on the fingers of no hands just how successful that tack has been in the past.

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 23:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post I am so pleased that they have switched the genders of the protagonists in this remake. I might have felt like less of a human and not been able to relate to any of the characters if this was not so.
I do note, however, that the ratio of white protagonists to black protagonists has not changed. I would like to start a change. org petition to fire two of the white females and replace them with one Asian actor, preferably of Chinese origin and one Native American actor, preferably from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and preferably transgender.

Thank you.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 23:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^ upset

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 23:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post No Inuits!?
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 10:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post I did notice the race thing.
Also, perhaps slightly over-doing it, is the way they've made the receptionist a male character.

One wonders if the scene (usually cut on TV broadcasts) where Ray falls asleep and is sexually assaulted by a female ghost will be replicated in gender-swap to equal hilarity.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 11:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post wasn't that just the
music video for ghostbusters by Rapey Parker Jnr
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 13:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post Nope.

Then again, there's always the somewhat lamer:
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 18:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post Why have they even made this?
Money, sure; but why remake a classic? Why not make Ghostbusters III instead?
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 13:39, , Reply)
This is a link post Really enjoyed that drive today thanks to THIS track. Ta Craig Charles! Now stop all those nasty sexual shenanigans.
Lexsoul Dancemachine - Beef Grinder (Official video).
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 20:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post this is damn good
I have a job interview tomorrow. I think i'll listen to this on the way there!
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 21:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post Make it so!
All the best of luck!! If you get the job why not consider celebrating with another message on the main board?! Make it two in 13 years!!
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 22:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post Thanks Jabberwoc!
I don't know what you mean though - 2 in 13 years time, or 2 in the last 13 years as i have been a member for 13 years or 2 jobs in 13 years or fuck am i overthinking this?
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 15:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post oh i realise now - the main board. lol. yeah maybe

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 16:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post Damn you!
This nearly blew my speakers apart! Still, I struggle to name a track funkier or fresher..

Cheers for sharing!
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 21:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post Thank the scouser!!

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 22:19, , Reply)
This is a normal post That's jolly nice

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 23:23, , Reply)
This is a link post Frikkin' Japanese!

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 19:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post it was dead good watching that

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 20:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post Subarashi!!!!!!

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 20:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post Had a certain ring to it

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 20:09, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's always about the ring with you, isn't it, Mr. Rimmer?

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 20:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post I know this song o.O

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 20:45, , Reply)
This is a normal post video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Gaora Sports Channel

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 9:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post Arigatou Gozaimasu
(, Thu 9 Jun 2016, 20:38, , Reply)
This is a link post Funny name chemistry
See the nomenclature section.

GC? It's been 6 years since its last post.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 19:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post as someone who works with arsenic compounds....I still find this funny after all my years
also check out copper nanotubes, or CuNTs
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 19:19, , Reply)
This is a normal post I used to make up compounds
so they'd have rude formulae, then see whether they could actually be synthesised.

Never worked.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 19:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post Well you ain't much of a mmad scientist then

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 20:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post Fluorouraniummethylpotassium Oxy-difluoride

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 20:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post How about cumming tonite?
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 21:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post I've thought it is similar to bentonite, but not at all. Not at all!

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 21:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ca4Si2O6(CO3)(OH,F)

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 8:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post ha!

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 12:14, , Reply)
This is a link post Apollo: The Alignment Optical Telescope
New engineer thing by engineer man
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 18:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm no scientist, lord knows..
But I love stuff like this, really well done!
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 18:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Something something Stanley Kubrick...something...Illuminati
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 20:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post He is wearing makeup.

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 23:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post and has an accent

(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 4:29, , Reply)
This is a link post Carter U.S.M. - Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere
No reason whatsoever just reminds me of being 21 again :)
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 17:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post Amazing lyricist
And yeah - takes me back!
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 18:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post Jimbob is a pretty good author as well
Nice stories, well told
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 8:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post Sheriff Fatman FTW

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 20:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post Nah
Do Re Mi So Far So Good and the best version of The Impossible Dream ever recorded.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 11:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post Takes me back
to last Sunday afternoon when I had to drive through Tulse Hill and Peckham.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 20:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post \o/

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 21:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 21:42, , Reply)
This is a link post Run Trump Run !

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 17:29, , Reply)
This is a link post Fish can recognise human faces
human faeces too, probably
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 17:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post This explains the rest of the jaws films

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 19:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post Sorry, but Fish is dead.

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 19:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Man plays with $70,000 steadicam at LA Film Convention
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 15:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post harsh

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 16:20, , Reply)
This is a normal post In honor of Prince's birthday, I shall rename it "The Steadicam formerly valued at $70,000"

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 16:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Man plays with $70,000 steadicam at LA Film Convention
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 17:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post
plays w
th $70,000
t LA Film
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 18:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm no expert.
But I'm pretty sure that the gimbal most likely cost more than £70,000 alone. Cinecams are utterly stupid money.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 17:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post I have been saying gimbal out loud for a while
I think I want to call my dog, if I ever get one, "Gimbal".
I may call every dog I see "Gimbal".


(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 22:20, , Reply)
This is a normal post HAHAHAHAHAHA

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 17:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post Seems like a bit of a design flaw.

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 18:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post The front fell ofg

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 19:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post Arf!

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 19:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post Replies to win!

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 20:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post This exact thing happened to me only yesterday.

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 19:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post Sorry for your arm.

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 21:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post "This video contains lame content from Sony Music Corporation. It is not permitted in the Land of the Free, nor the Home of the Brave."

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 14:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post nor in Germany

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 15:08, , Reply)
This is a link post Stewart Lee on James Corden and Graham Norton
on BAFTA and stuff

"It's like a dog listening to classical music"
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 13:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post So Graham Norton is shit because it's just someone talking to a celebrity
But spending ten minutes labouring that point is the height of intellectual comedy?

He can very occasionally be funny, but he's just a smug unfunny cunt the rest of the time.

There. I said it.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 14:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post I like him, but that's not necessarily the same thing as finding him funny
but here I just think he's impersonating someone who doesn't think the Graham Norton show is Bafta worthy and I think he's very good at it (just as Graham is good at what he does)
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 14:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post I prefer Graham Norton to any US hosts and their smug, non-interviewing.

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 14:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post He hates Graham Norton because Norton doesn't talk about STEWART LEE
Who is our saviour and fount of wisdom and OOH there's a camera, let me play to it!
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 14:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post You think he's being completely sincere do you?
The joke isn't about graham norton, it's about an entitled fat middle aged man being a twat. He's playing a character. Comedy characters tend not to be well rounded likable people because those sorts of people aren't very funny. Do you watch peep show and think "That jeremy must be a nightmare to live with. Why do people watch this tripe?"
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 15:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^this
most of Stewart's act consists of brilliant impersonations of bitterness
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 15:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post Jokes that need this much explanation typically aren't that funny.
Unless the purpose is to prove how the audience isn't as learned/hip/cool/informed as he is.

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 15:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post it doesnt need explanation unless you dont get it in which case it's not aimed at you
If you did get it, it wouldnt be as funny
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 15:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Also does not work on merkins. There are no fart and or dick jokes in it. "Like a dog listening to classical music"
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 16:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post Again, I reject your xenophobia, Mr. Trump

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 17:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yes that and saying everything over and over hoping it will become funny
and saying everything over and over hoping it will become funny

and saying everything over and over hoping it will become funny

and saying everything over and over hoping it will become funny
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 16:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post So he's playing a sit-com character as a standup act?
At least Jeremy does funny things and says funny stuff.

I completely agree that comedy characters can (and possibly even should) have their flaws, but counter to that, they have some sort of charm or redeeming quality.

I could imagine having an amusing conversation with Jeremy in a pub. It might be awkward, it might make me feel uncomfortable, but it would be interesting and at least in hindsight, amusing.

I could also imagine being at a boring middle class dinner party and getting stuck next to Lee's 'character' and having to drink as much wine as possible until it was polite to suggest that I had to go home to let the dog out for a piss.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 17:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post Well let's hope you don't get invited to any dinner parties with Stewart Lee then

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 17:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^this guy doesn't get it

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 15:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post candles!

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 15:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post well
This is embarrassing.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 16:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'd love to have a few beers with Stewart Lee, putting the world to rights etc
but he would probably hate it the miserable sod
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 14:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post 9:48 of Jack Dee in a wig
I skipped about it a bit, but he could have been moaning about Wogan or Parky.

Unlike his audience, I managed to contain my constant laughing by not finding anything he said remotely amusing.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 16:36, , Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 17:19, , Reply)
This is a normal post *cries*

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 17:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 20:14, , Reply)
This is a link post I guess it's a form of meditation...
Recently, I've started watching a lot of 'maker' channels on youtube. I find it really quite relaxing, and it gives me ideas for how to spend my retirement (still a good 30 years away, alas).

Anyway, this dude has the most amazing voice, and a nice selection of soft jazz playing in the background.

His attention to detail is insane.

Channel here: www.youtube.com/channel/UCrdcVbQE5fUvTKxMbhnN_KQ
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 13:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ooh! Candles!

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 13:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post In other news
I just successfully softened a pat of butter to make it spreadable, using a microwave. It didn't just instantaneously turn into liquid like usual.

Where do I collect my rosette?
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 14:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post CANDLEEEESSS!

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 13:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post apparently he's a dentist
Congratulations on a decade of decadent candles
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 13:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post
That would explain his other videos where he uses a lot of dental acrylics etc...

Also - 10 years! feels like longer (it probably is actually - I used to browse links for years before I finally made an account to post something).
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 13:19, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ive been getting into these "making stuff" videos recently too
They are nice. Happy b3rthday!
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 13:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post They're seriously addictive.
Convinced myself that I need to build a radio controlled boat a while back...

Maybe one day.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 13:36, , Reply)
This is a normal post or a pop pop boat!
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 14:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post Seems like a reasonable place to start

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 14:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post Loved the advertising in it!!!
That is interesting (I'm starting to get in to modelling myself at the moment) and so god damn smooooooooth.

Advert around the 5:10 mark for tl:dw
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 13:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post The floor wax thing..?
It's a popular method for making canopies clearer - quite a funny subversion of a popular modelling trope. I used to use it until I could no longer find it for sale.
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 11:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post Happy Candlemas!

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 15:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post Candley Dandley!
Good video too, quite compelling in a way.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 17:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post repulsive!
So you say you will spend retirement "polishing your canopy"?
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 19:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post
He has the same tone of voice as Norm from the new Yankee workshop TV series,Can easily lull you to sleep,whilst wishing you had the same level of skill and patience .
(, Wed 8 Jun 2016, 10:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post You'll want to give this chap's channel a look.
Headquake RC

Mot as insanely detailed, but sublimely satisfying builds.
(, Thu 9 Jun 2016, 16:58, , Reply)
This is a link post D Day photos, then and now
Not an original idea, but nicely done.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 11:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post Likes

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 11:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post very good
does an excellent job of showing how recent it all is
The dead body/family photo shot is pretty unsettling too
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 11:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post Should I NSFW it?
I didnt think it needed it.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 12:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post no, didn't mean it like that
it's the family photo that I found disturbing, the empty space where the body lay seems all the more empty if you catch my drift. Maybe its haunted
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 12:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post or magnets

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 12:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post or Maybelline

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 12:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post Maybe he's Braun with it

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 12:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post Your going to keep churning that out for Eva

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 16:58, , Reply)
This is a normal post loads of old airfields around here in corby
To many to list indevidualy but you are never far from history around here
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 17:31, , Reply)
This is a link post We bare bears
Being the good parent that I am, from time to time I keep an eye on what my boy watches, turns out some of it is quite funny, like this.
(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 10:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post WHAT HAPPNED NEXT!1? I MUST NOW.

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 11:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post if ya watch it on youtube it links to the next part

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 11:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post aww yes

(, Tue 7 Jun 2016, 11:10, , Reply)

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