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# i'm going to bed.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:56, archived)
# night sir
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 2:00, archived)
# don't state the obvious.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 2:02, archived)
# night night

(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 2:01, archived)
# Bed?
You cant go to bed. Only 2am(ish) dontchaknow
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 2:07, archived)
# I really don't know what went wrong ....

It didn't suffer though.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:34, archived)
# that looks like an
anal cavity, while having a vacuum cleaner attached to it

edit: night all
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:35, archived)
# Well thats rather odd!
Can I be so bold as to threadjack?

What I was trying to ask like a spacker earlier was if there is a way of distorting an image (other than liquify) like using the transform - distort option, but having complete control over the distortion rather than just the corner points?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:36, archived)
# i'm sure
i found some filter once that you could put a grid over and drag the points about.

can't remember anything about it though.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:39, archived)
# Thats the devil.
Ive just *ahem* found a plugin called Squizz that seems to do that, I just wondered if I could save the hassle and photoshop actually did it itself somehow.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:40, archived)
# well i've certainly never stumbled into it
and if someone has been arsed to make a plugin i would guess not.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:42, archived)
# you mean like
being able to put your own points anywhere, then using them to distort the image? I wouldn't know, but I hope there is (or at least a plugin)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:39, archived)
# how about the distorsion filter?
in PS: displacement map. b/w pic and then distorsion displace. by defining the sublayer, you can define the distorsion.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:51, archived)
# there's a tool in Illustrator
called gradient mesh which allows you to build a matrix over the image then 'push and pull' the image to distort it - you can also adjust the colour at each node in the mesh and do really nice colour blends - I have only just started using it so I'm not completly up to speed with how it works - but I'm pretty sure it'll do what you want
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:56, archived)
# aye aye

(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:38, archived)
# i had a dream that i had an argument with bono
after he gave me his new album and i told him it was crap.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:43, archived)
# well
that was rude of you
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:45, archived)
# well it was crap.
it was mostly white noise.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:46, archived)
# you sure
you didn't get it off kazaa?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:47, archived)
# no,
bono gave it to me in person, because it was my birthday.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:48, archived)
# though i suppose he might
have copied it from downloads off of kazaa or soemthing.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:49, archived)
# that's just greed
it's not like bono is short of a bob or two
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:51, archived)
# don't worry,
i had a right go at him.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:52, archived)
# I hope you made it clear that no matter how many times
he or his pr machine claim that they are the best band in the world I don't believe it - and made him cry
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:53, archived)
# yup.
he tried to cheer me up by telling me some horribly racist jokes, when i complained at that, he said something about the fact that "they should all go back to their own countries"
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:59, archived)
# TJ
in action!

does anybody know what the hell that random piece of cloth on pool tables is for?? (the bit that covers the hole where the balls come oot)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:50, archived)
# it's a wank cloth.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:51, archived)
# Er ...
Stops the balls marking the surface while you set them on the table.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:51, archived)
# oh..
.. so its not a wank cloth... damn..

Anyone good with stains? Especially the most persistant of stains....
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:53, archived)
# isn't it to set up the balls in the triangle on top of
to avoid wear and tear on the main baise?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:51, archived)
# so the rumour goes.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:52, archived)
# Pindmiss
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:53, archived)
# doesnt count if it is
a sensible answer to a set question

but never mind
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:54, archived)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:32, archived)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:33, archived)
# that's no moon!
and it ain't fucking Mars either!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:38, archived)
# it's scunthorpe.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:40, archived)
# oo

(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:45, archived)
# Did you ever wonder
what went on in the Crackerjack studio after the show had finished?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:30, archived)
He's shagging that young boy....
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:31, archived)
# Fantabidozie!
:D & WOO!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:32, archived)
# arggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh
midget porn

(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:32, archived)
# no no no!
My beautiful minds eye! Ahhrgghhh!

Most disturbing b3ta image ever, FACT!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:33, archived)
# my god
she's frozen stiff!

(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:36, archived)
# she?
but surely you are mistaken... thats his school aged young boy isn't it?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:41, archived)
# yes it is
`now go play with your fribee
/didn't want to break a fragile heart
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:44, archived)
# yay..
.. fribee
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:46, archived)
# proast
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:29, archived)
# ...
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:19, archived)
# Over here Darth..
.. on me 'ead
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:19, archived)
# yipes
there's something a bit disturbing about that source image.

woo, tho'!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:20, archived)
# Yay
for head whacking for children.

repost cause I'm lazy tonight.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:22, archived)
# Loverly!
Bah humbug!

*edit* eeep, my posts are randomly editing themselves!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:22, archived)
# Hmmm
Let me try this one? Dont mind me, Im just talking to myself.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:25, archived)
# I'm sitting cross legged on my chair
if that helps any?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:26, archived)
# Not really
But thanks for the mental image, it helps a bit.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:27, archived)
# no worries :)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:28, archived)
# Ah ha!
Found the problem, I was just being a spacker!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:32, archived)
# alas
this is the answer to most of life's problems.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:37, archived)
# Marwood being a spacker
certainly helped me stop my crack habit.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:44, archived)
# alas, tis true.
p.s. am pissed and heart broken like last night/night before (dont remember) tho i am less pissed now so i can at least type sensibly (i hope)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:59, archived)
# bouncey
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:23, archived)
# And lo and behold,
nobody was the least bit suprised. Least of all the Prime Minister, who had planned it all along. The sun rose, as it always did. Yet few knew of the problems of getting it to rise at the same time as it had for past millenia . Only a few select government employed scientists and the Prime Minister himself knew of the full scale to which the recent collision of a comet with the moon had on the Earth's orbit of the sun. And only they knew how the problems had been solved.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:24, archived)
# how's the writing?

(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:25, archived)
# i can't concentrate.
and i think what i've done so far is crap.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:30, archived)
# it'll work out
or you'll drown in a pit of dispair

one of the two
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:31, archived)
# possibly both.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:33, archived)
# do that with celebrities
we'll sell it to itv2

/clutching at straws
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:34, archived)
# i'm messing with Director
did this little useless thing tonight:
www.edovan.net/director/bouncy.htm (~5 kB)
(Shockwave plugin required)

Me and some friends made a Christmas game as well, but I'll post that some other day.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:16, archived)
# Wheeeeeeeeeeeee

ohh I could watch it for hours
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:17, archived)
# that's exactly what i did
until i got everyhing to work as I wanted
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:18, archived)
# can you..
.. bend spoons too?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:19, archived)
# well it's not hard,
they are after all, just thin metal
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:40, archived)
# I made something similar
or rather, nicked something from flashkit and edited it

edit: www.deadtreekiller.co.uk/balls.swf
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:18, archived)
# yay! bouncing furtives!
my balls (uhm, well... you know what i mean) do not affect each other. yet. that's the hardest part and i'm too tired. tomorrow i'll look into it.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:25, archived)
# Oooo
they break the laws of Physics. Yay!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:19, archived)
# ye cannae
change the *ouch*
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:20, archived)
# physics? who cares?
i'm trying to learn Lingo and I don't need no Einsteins to tell me what's right or wrong!

/couldn't resist... :)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:22, archived)
# that's what newton said
when he accelerated to 1.97 of the speed of light on his way to the chemist
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:25, archived)
# aka Barry Allen?
or aka Wally West?
or aka Jay Garrick?
or aka Johnny Chambers?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:37, archived)
# alias Smith and Jones

(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:39, archived)
# unusual!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:19, archived)
# erm
bouncey bouncey again
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:24, archived)
# Time for bed . . .
Night all . .

(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:12, archived)
# argurgh?!?!??
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:13, archived)
# AAARRRGGghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:13, archived)
# I
good night
good nightol
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:13, archived)
# I would also.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:15, archived)
# NN
I'm off too

Sweet dreams, b3tans...
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:14, archived)
# night night!
i like happy kitty.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:17, archived)
# night night...
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:17, archived)
# It seemed the logical progression . . .
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:00, archived)
# This picture makes God cry.
and me.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:01, archived)
# Chump!
What a big pair of nads!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:01, archived)
# woo!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:01, archived)
# Eeep!
It burns us!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:01, archived)
# it's great
I'd like to see the balls have a little more independence, an extra shimmy to and fro
on second thoughts, maybe not, that's enough now
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:02, archived)
# i can never cry again.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:04, archived)
# See...
.. thast just not right

yet still woosome
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:04, archived)
# you assail us
with wobbly front bum ?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:05, archived)
# hehehehehe
shake it on down
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:06, archived)
# heheh
shake it!

(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:25, archived)
# anybody seen the soap?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:59, archived)
# arf
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:00, archived)
# mine needs polishing
now where is that "instuction manual"?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:01, archived)
# Beer meet monitor . .
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:01, archived)
# awww ain't he cute?
my mouse is very clean, thankyouverymuch

btw: many thanks to b3ta for giving my IRC Bible 18.000 hits in 3.5 days :D
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:01, archived)
# Many thanks for the IRC Bible . .
It made me laugh lots :¬)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:02, archived)
# and thank you
and destrukto for giving us a laugh
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:03, archived)
# no problem,
it's very funny!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:04, archived)
# 18 hits
to 3 decimal places ?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:08, archived)
# you need to be
accurate in this business.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:13, archived)
# i fecking hate those women.
them and the two who tell people what clothes to wear, trinny and susanna.
why can't people be left ot be happy with the way they are?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:02, archived)
# because it doesn't sell
or fuel a failing american economy
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:22, archived)
# Arf!
The punnage is strong in this one.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:02, archived)
# meet zombie orange

he's after your spicy pulp
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:57, archived)
# Chumpfever, Chumpfever . . ..

(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:51, archived)
# i...
can... see.. his... wang!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:52, archived)
# He wants you to . .
See, he's pointing and everything
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:54, archived)
# you can see it less
than you can giraffe girl's norks down there...

and he's the manliest of all the bears

it's educational
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:57, archived)
# shiiiiit
it's like his balls are staring at you
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:52, archived)
# Not only that...
they follow you around the room...
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:58, archived)
# ahhhh
it makes me want to vomit bone marrow
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:23, archived)
# ahem
psst, Chump... you've got a bit of a male camel-toe situation going on there
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:53, archived)
# and doesn't he look proud of it!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:55, archived)
# that bears a slight
resembleance to justin hawkins

no pun intended
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:53, archived)
# ever so slight.
justin hawkins, i would.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:55, archived)
# can't think of
anyone who wouldn't

I'm not gay, and I would
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:59, archived)
# Chump or Justin ?
I think Justin would be "up for it" . .
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:06, archived)
# hehe
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:08, archived)
# Front Bum
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:53, archived)
# chummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:58, archived)
# hahaha!
fantastic... i'm rather enjoying this chump renaissance... :)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:01, archived)
# life just seemed to pass Henry by.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:44, archived)
# oooh
i likes that
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:45, archived)
# yaya
it's wonderpacked
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:47, archived)
# Loser
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:49, archived)
# thanks.
(i knew already)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:54, archived)
# He needs to get out more..
that Henry
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:00, archived)
# that be lovely :)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:51, archived)
# yaaaaay!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:57, archived)
# I like him
what do his feet look like?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:11, archived)
[challenge entry] Delta Goodrem anyone???

Dance Delta Dance \0/
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:43, archived)
# yes
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:44, archived)
# fwap
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:45, archived)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:45, archived)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:45, archived)
# splat
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:45, archived)
# thanks
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:50, archived)
# here
have some bog roll.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:51, archived)
# talk about
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:52, archived)
# Hmmmnorks.
The wife's used to belong to me, but now they belong to the baby.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:45, archived)
# Yes, but be mature and look on the bright side....


there's bound to be a bright side....

isn't there?

(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:04, archived)
fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:45, archived)
# Oooooooh...
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:45, archived)
# you give
where others would...

and so on...
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:45, archived)
# I hate
that giraffe necked freakish gurning tart
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:46, archived)
tissues issues
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:47, archived)
# I used to use the phrase
"tissue the issue" as a euphemism.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:49, archived)
# for
sponking the mankey?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:51, archived)
Sorry but you must be a bummer!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:47, archived)
# not as a rule
but if that was the alternative - frankly, I'd prefer it

so long as he shaved - and had a nice personality
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:48, archived)
# /0\
You'd rather give a geezer brown love than have a bit of Delta?

Hmmm poke a bloke in the brown eye or the hottest thing on Ramsey Street since Holly Valence fucked off?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:53, archived)
# Holly Valence was about as sexy
as a bit of soggy day old quiche

and about as talented/interesting
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:56, archived)
# seconded
on the talent part
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:00, archived)
# she was made entirely of bone
and had a face like a squashed brocolli.
you could hardly call her sexy.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:05, archived)
# haven't you heard?
they invented some new make-up for women - it's called a paper bag

edit: comes in white, grey, brown, and sometimes yellow
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:07, archived)
# but the face wasn't the only icky bit of her!
she looked anorexic!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:10, archived)
# and she's really irritating
which is a massive turn off
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:14, archived)
# yup.
i can't actually think of anything good about her.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:15, archived)
# 2 things
she's been dropped by her label
and she's not on tv any more

other than that - no
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:17, archived)
or just have different taste to you.
Stranger things have happened
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:49, archived)
# burn
the newbie!

see how 'burn looks almost the same as 'bum' there?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:52, archived)
your all bummers!!!!111
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:07, archived)
# and
your point, sweetie ?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:12, archived)
# none
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:16, archived)
# so
you've been a member for two days.

I guess you don't realise this is the gay shift.

you can take your hate, along with your shrivelled, inoffensive winkie, in hand, and kindly cock off.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:30, archived)
# bet you
still would though.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:48, archived)
# nope
- this is based on personal taste,her crap acting/singing and having the misfortune of seeing an interview with her

the arrangement of frames is nice though - I just can't get past the hate
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:54, archived)
# you're not alone.
there's something about her face that makes me want to beat the living crap out of her.
and i wouldn't.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:59, archived)
# Shit actress, not much of a singer, but come on!
I mean, are you gay?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:58, archived)
# goes
quite nicely with 'smack my bitch up' acksherly
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:50, archived)
# My NSFW Woo approval...
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:55, archived)
# is it though?
the nipples are covered, so I'd say it's debatable
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:05, archived)
# oh yes!
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes !
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes !
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes !
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes !
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:12, archived)
# It's been a while since I've been here...
I've been doing extensive research into endangered species. Here is a small snippet:
Click for biggerrerer and betterererer
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:43, archived)
# but not Ayako - oh no
I've just adopted him for b3ta and if he falls out of a fucking tree I'll be wanting my money back

(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:51, archived)
# That rocks
ever so slightly a lot.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:57, archived)
# Hehehe

How many?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:51, archived)
# May I woo yay your
woo yay
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:54, archived)
# You may.
And may I counter-yay your woo yay?
(I don't have another spinny woo yay, so you'll just have to imagine it.)
High Cockalorum!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:59, archived)
# Ahoy up there
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:43, archived)
# Don't jump!
Oh go on then.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:43, archived)
# John, Paul, George & Spongo
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:42, archived)
# perfect.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:43, archived)
# Makes I laff
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:44, archived)
# ohh yeah
woo yay
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:44, archived)
# fab
spongo never did look at his drums while playing
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:44, archived)
# that is making me laugh a bit too muxh
whilst imagining "with love from me to you" in the background. Thank you
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:44, archived)
# yay!
spong with added wibble!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:45, archived)
# Hurrah!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:45, archived)
# that
ia a beautiful thingo
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:46, archived)
# hahah,
my girlfriend thinks I am laughing at her over the phone now, and now you have made me have to go and explain what b3ta is now and everything
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:49, archived)
# hehehe...
fab :)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:52, archived)
# this is
really laughing out loud :D
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:59, archived)
# ha ha ha ha
i like that
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:59, archived)
# bwahahahaha!
love it!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:25, archived)
# arf!

(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:27, archived)
# Fantastic!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:30, archived)
# best thing
since sliced slices!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:34, archived)
# I did make myself laugh while making this one
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:39, archived)
# Aww . . .
He's cute :¬)

(where are the eyes from ?)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:40, archived)
# A magic
google fairy

Ok i lied, GETTY you own pics..
Slight hint there..
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:44, archived)
# I'm more a Corbis person . .
(I hate taking the Getty tags off)

I was thinking more along the lines of What Animal :¬)
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:55, archived)
# they are human eyes
And tags off?!
LOL, you sign up and the tags are gone...
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:28, archived)
# and
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:41, archived)
# i meant
'and you made me laugh too', not 'and me, i'm cute'.

(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:42, archived)
# i think
you like to lie.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:54, archived)
# I think
i do too.

in fact i think because i can't thwim
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:58, archived)
# Eh?
I like it, but still... Eh?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:41, archived)
# Wha?!
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:45, archived)
# Well
Are you going to give me an explanation..?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:52, archived)
# even zombies like
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:38, archived)
# A plaice
in the sun?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:40, archived)
# you win a biscuit
which one would you like

edit: yes to below
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:41, archived)
# is that
an anthea turner zombie?
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:40, archived)
# I
was thinking the same thing.
(, Tue 13 Jan 2004, 0:41, archived)

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