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We've got
strange taste's up North
Northern Blerk Have I been here before? ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:51,
archived )
very fast food
blind pew 'bandwagonesque' ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:53,
archived )
roan woo tut pic
summat to do with kittens ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:53,
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but not much meat on 'em
Northern Blerk Have I been here before? ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:58,
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I prefer
The McWhippet sandwich
blind pew 'bandwagonesque' ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:00,
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1st Northern Blerk: "I've just got a dog!"
2nd Northern Blerk: "Whippet?" 1st Northern Blerk: "No, I bought it!"
Northern Blerk Have I been here before? ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:02,
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Tiger woods 2004: pixel tour
bigbomba ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:47,
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Oh stop resizing things, anyone can do that!
Try drawing your own pixeated images!
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:50,
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its easy to work out
which one you pixelmashed yourself more than the other
lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:51,
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you made me sad
bigbomba ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:56,
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Cheer up, here have a spider!
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:00,
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spider *runs away
bigbomba ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:01,
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Did anyone watch Arachnaphobia last night?
Shite wasn't it.
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:02,
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Are you kidding?
Cruel intentions was on Channel 4.
magnum ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:11,
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Here, have a
joefish It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:12,
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www.ldraw.org Make lego stuff on your computer!
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:18,
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it only has six legs
it's can't be a spider.
Thor_sonofodin has done things, terrible things on ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:27,
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Woo yay and houpla
I was going to buy 2002 the other day, but I couldn't find it in the shop :(
magnum ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:51,
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golf is shit
and i will defend that point to the death
lemony ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:53,
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but I need a bit of a no brainer computer game I can pic up and play for 10-15 mins (actually, most games are no brainers but you get what I mean.) Any ideas?
magnum ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:54,
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all the way
lemony ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:58,
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*Scratches chin*
Hmm good point. Although I will pick Splinter Cell Pandora tomorrow up when it comes out.
magnum ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:01,
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I'm going to get that.
I've played the first one about 3 times.
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:04,
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It's a bit linear
But still a great game. Edit: Appparently there are going to be a few more ways of completing each mission in PT.
magnum ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:07,
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and is reportedly tough as nails
summat to do with kittens ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:12,
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Good ho
*rubs legs*
magnum ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:14,
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let us know what it's like
i might get myself a copy
lemony ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:16,
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but not as tough as nails as ninja gaiden
which has caused untold amounts of pain
summat to do with kittens ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:17,
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golf is indeed shit
and boring to watch crazy golf is ok - but only if you don't take it seriously and kertwat the ball as hard as you can
summat to do with kittens ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:55,
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kertwat, eh?
will do!
manolith hooray for me ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:57,
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kertwat is official* golfing terminology
for 'give it some wellie sunshine' *37% fact
summat to do with kittens ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:59,
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there is NOTHING crazy about crazy golf
it should be called ever so slightly less shit golf... with a windmill.
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:08,
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Indeed. Life is waaay too short
for golf.
tomsk ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:08,
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is totally shit, and made all the worse by golfers, who are cnuts to a man.
Wong Fei-Hung - now with added flickr.com (see profile) ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:26,
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mash ups
Hi anyone remember what website the michael jackson/ queen mash up was from?
welwynrose ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:42,
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Was it
www.gohomeproductions.com If it's the Under Pressure/Rock with you one, then yes.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:43,
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Thanks for that - most prompt & helpful
welwynrose ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:44,
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i missed that somewhere along the line.
lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:45,
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I'd just like to say
Under Pressure is a fantastic song. I'm gonna listen to it right now infact.
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:46,
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Ice ice baby
is much better
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:49,
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not as good
as "the eve of war" from war of the worlds
BigBobbyh ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:50,
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Good point
I once saw that performed in a hotel in the Isle of Wight with a light/smoke show.
magnum ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:52,
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which itself isn't a patch
on "they saved hitler's cock" by the happy samoans
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:54,
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The remix
with the Jacko song is great.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:52,
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sdjf0jij0jwejf02u33-5iskasj e54t 23453tt4t 345t /pries head back out of keyboard
lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:43,
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you need to speak to
these people, see if that can make a HedSense
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:47,
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lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:48,
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id be more impressed
if it gave the cat an eclectic shock as well
manolith hooray for me ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:50,
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you mean
every time the cat stands on the keyboard some moby plays?
lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:51,
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i mean exactly that
would stop me from jumping on keyboards
manolith hooray for me ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:53,
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Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:43,
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I just got emailed this, and found it midly amusing, probably as old as the hills though
Two Mexicans have been lost in the desert for weeks. At deaths door, they see a tree in the distance. As they get closer, they see that it is covered with all kinds of bacon: smoked bacon, pepper bacon, Canadian bacon, nice crispy bacon. "Hey, Pepe," says the first Mexican, "Ees a bacon tree! We are saved!!" So Pepe goes on ahead and runs up to the tree. As he gets to within five feet of the tree, he is gunned down in a hail of bullets. His friend drops down on the sand and calls across to the dying Pepe. "Pepe,! Pepe! Que pasa hombre?" With his last breath, Pepe calls out, Ugh, run amigo,run, ees not a bacon tree, ees a ham bush
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:44,
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lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:45,
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huh uh huh
Toma_o ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:46,
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some old hills are still funny
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:47,
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You made my brain hurt.
Chrico is a bounder and a cad ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:47,
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100% Cock Raw like carrots. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:48,
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not the worst joke ever, lets be fair to him
wouldn't exactly fit on a Penguin wrapper though
prolix - wont be cutting off his hair for any starving kids. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:48,
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Ay! No es bueno!
Fragger ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:49,
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If they invent super size penguin bars. Emperor Penguins, they'd be called.
Chrico is a bounder and a cad ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:49,
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emperor penguins:
they're not for girls
lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:50,
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Patent it. Or copyright it. Or at least 'shop it and enter it in the challenge!
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:50,
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I want one yum yum
summat to do with kittens ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:50,
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Quick copyright it!
Too late, they've nicked it.
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:52,
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two eggs in a frying pan
1: "arrrrgh it burns!" 2: "Holy shit! a talking egg!"
lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:50,
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bwa ha ha ha
i like that ver' much
manolith hooray for me ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:52,
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Q: Why did little Johnny fall off his swing?
A: He had no arms. /Refluffs
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:54,
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A man sent in ten puns to a competition, hoping at least one would win.
Sadly, no pun in ten did.
Chrico is a bounder and a cad ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:55,
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Mary Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow?
fuckoff y'dirty bastid i live in a fuggin' flat.
lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:55,
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Waaheey! Comedy hour at b3ta.*
*Comedy hour last approximately 3 minutes.
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:10,
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Q. why did the monkey fall out of the tree?
A. because it was dead Q. why did the other monkey fall out of the tree? A. because it was stapled to the dead one
manolith hooray for me ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:55,
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Why did the third monkey fall out of the tree?
He thought it was a game. Why did the tree fall over? It thought it was a monkey?
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:58,
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i didnt know there was more to it
manolith hooray for me ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:00,
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why did the 4th moneky fall?
it was left in mid air after the tree fell.
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:00,
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Why did the 5th monkey fall?
It was thrown out of a plane in another unrelated joke.
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:05,
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Or as we say in the trade, witifukaiyboah?
WhoElse I'm what Willis was talking about ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:49,
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ok, ive asked this so many times
but with no response. what does the b stand for? and an explanation of the even longer one wouldnt go amiss ta
manolith hooray for me ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:52,
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magnum ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:53,
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ok, thanks
and the longer one?
manolith hooray for me ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:54,
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Fuck knows
I would assume it is to make it look more like what it means.
magnum ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:59,
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Dunno really
Fragger ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:14,
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get rich quick
i'm posting this as a reply so no one notices how poor it is...
) do bears shit on the wooden pope? ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:51,
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need teh uplaod coadz.
Wong Fei-Hung - now with added flickr.com (see profile) ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:27,
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Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:44,
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lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:46,
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Damn thing just bit me
Experiment 626 ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:41,
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looks like
it packs a bite as well!
prolix - wont be cutting off his hair for any starving kids. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:43,
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@stephenshortt Jaysus it's been a while! ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:44,
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Get to a doctor
It looks poisonous!
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:56,
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DragonSkiz ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:01,
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BigBobbyh ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:40,
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Run ! Woo !
Experiment 626 ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:41,
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ha ha ha
i want an attack badger. mummy, i want one of them attack badgers. but muuuum, brians got one s'not fair
summat to do with kittens ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:43,
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ha ha nice one Woo!
djrich - Live from Houghton Regis got this thing for Clémence Poésy ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:45,
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thats a bit jean
jeanie us
prolix - wont be cutting off his hair for any starving kids. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:45,
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woo! yay! HOUPLA!
stup0t ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:47,
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thats some good shit
made me laugh. lots
Pauld ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:50,
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What a coincidence!
I have a badger-powered attack-rocket!
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:57,
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Opening up a whole new, erm, market..
Muns ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:39,
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Recommended by the
Fist Family?
Toma_o ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:41,
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quite possibly
i'm going to go and throw away my bubble tube now, its growing something that looks like a beard on the inside.
Muns ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:43,
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spook ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:34,
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what flavour?
salt and vinegar-soaked sponge on a stick?
blind pew 'bandwagonesque' ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:36,
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by the looks of it - 98% Kosher
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:37,
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monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:37,
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"down with this sort of thing!"
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:38,
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careful now
manolith hooray for me ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:41,
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Careful now!
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:42,
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ha! beatcha
manolith hooray for me ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:46,
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Curse this dial-up connection!
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:47,
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i knew i came to uni for a reason, broadband!
manolith hooray for me ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:48,
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Is there any other reason?
harribo ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:07,
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the king of the jews might not have gone for that...
blind pew 'bandwagonesque' ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:37,
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There's lots of things he didn't like
moaning old goat
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:39,
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being nailed
to a cross for one...
blind pew 'bandwagonesque' ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:40,
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serves him right
for his self righteous suicide
negative armadillo There never was much hope..just a fool's hope. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:58,
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That's definitely
what the romans thought
blind pew 'bandwagonesque' ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:03,
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you mean to spel 'crisp' wrong?
Razor What the fuck - a sig? ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:36,
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i think he meant
shaurz ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:37,
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I gettit.
Razor What the fuck - a sig? ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:38,
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as in Jesus Chrisp?
afternoon all. I've been 'away'...
Toma_o ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:37,
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wasn't he the relative of quentin
who was still a bender?
Muns ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:41,
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but he wasn't An Englishman in New York..
Toma_o ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:42,
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I really
like that
christhebarker ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:40,
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Milkman Dan ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:10,
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lightningwon ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:34,
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Now do arch-nemesis, Mom-lady!
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:35,
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great idea: will do
lightningwon ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:35,
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you are my bitch!
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:36,
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watch it...
the bitch, she bites
lightningwon ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:37,
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Nice username, btw.
REM-fan, by any chance?
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:38,
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but actually from a song a friend wrote
lightningwon ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:39,
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Is your friend Michael Stipe?
*realises how unlikely this is* :(
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:40,
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nah, my friend's hotter...
please explain which REM song refs lightning?
lightningwon ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:42,
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Lightnin Hopkins off Document
When I lay myself to sleep pray that I don't go too deep Lightnin' won, lightnin' won Because it's cold down, gold down there, crow! Flat lands low lands on the track Shows the water pan the track Lightnin' won, lightnin' won Close up hands to silhouette, crow! Lightnin' won, lightnin' won Hound bark on the track Hound crow hold onto your hat Lightnin' won, lightnin' won Low lands, timberlands, bad lands, bird landsEdit: but what can it possibly mean?
blind pew 'bandwagonesque' ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:49,
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thank you
blind one
lightningwon ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:53,
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blind won
in the style of stipe
blind pew 'bandwagonesque' ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:54,
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Woo nice
hehe major lurking going on here
yay for mutants ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:44,
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I'm sure it's been done
But when did that ever stop anyone?
Ecclesia ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:25,
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MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:26,
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tastes like tuna wooyay
lemony ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:27,
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Text_Fish -- Humourcide. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:30,
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Scorcho ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:30,
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how can
i tell?
mikrob ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:31,
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Now - today's topic is...
witty_ditty has made multiple miaows since ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:24,
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Yay, my 700th post
and one of the seven hundred was bloody funny, well mildly amusing, erm, well it raised a slight grin...from me. Oh well, back to reality...
wibblywobbly - helping ugly people get laid since 1982 ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:18,
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i'm debating buying one of these:
www.cappuccinopc.com/espressopc.asp to run as a server for my net connection some of the time and as a pc i can drag around to mates houses and stuff the rest of the time anyone got any experience with this sortof thing? edit: oops sorry, first reply threadjack :S wooyay for 700 posts
lemony ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:22,
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How dissapointing.
I was expecting a PC/Espresso Machine hybrid...
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:23,
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i'll admit that that was what i was hoping for wen i clicked originally
sadly it was not to be
lemony ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:26,
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Buy one
and buy a docking station. Then you can explain how they have got a CD-ROM and a floppy drive into an apparently miniscule ammount of space.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:28,
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actually i thionk i'll just get a cheaper
but more ugly one
lemony ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:30,
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How practical...
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:31,
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Be enviromentally friendly
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:41,
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i saw that this morning
1.5 tons of it is water this is to run as a server to connect our wired and wireless networks basically
lemony ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:46,
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actually i'm now looking at second hand ones
lemony ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:49,
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Yes very pretty but can you draw spunking cocks with it?
It doesn't mention them in the blurb.
100% Cock Raw like carrots. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:23,
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it has a touchpad
if i installed linux on it it would have the GIMP therefore i can draw spunking cocks
lemony ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:25,
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buy it then.
summat to do with kittens ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:26,
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So what you are saying
is that you need a GIMP to make your cock spunk....?
100% Cock Raw like carrots. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:28,
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sure it complies with HTCPCP/1.0 (RFC2324) , then you won't have much trouble
radja ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:32,
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Yeah. I'm so dead!
Woo, first thing in the morning. It's morning in California. And a happy 700th
cowcat Bituminous squeegee ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:23,
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Dr Frank ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:17,
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Rats -are- known to have a sixth sense for impending doom. Edit: Woo btw!
Text_Fish -- Humourcide. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:26,
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Just saw this on Ananova!
christhebarker ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:17,
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looks real
Pengin ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:20,
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That b3ta search site, please, somebody.
Rev. A-MOL is lurking around these parts again ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:29,
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lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:30,
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Text_Fish -- Humourcide. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:20,
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what have you changed?
all the top models are wearing them
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:20,
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fat americans
Am just about to buy a mens one from the shop and it says - "European cut for more comfortable fit" Is that opposed to a North American fat fugger cut then?
ReReformed ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:26,
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Without a doubt
I'm (unfortunately) an american. I have a walrus for a neighbor. I was tempted to harpoon her yesterday. Fucking americans, is right. Many aren't, but the few who are really SUCK. /sorry. I'll behave myself for the rest of the day.
cowcat Bituminous squeegee ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:31,
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I'm in favour of this type of thing
blind pew 'bandwagonesque' ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:27,
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btw, I just 4rthured the Melbourne cartoon clicky to you
dotmund .co.uk ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:30,
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is that furtive she's wearing?
blind pew 'bandwagonesque' ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 16:34,
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You will give me all of your money.
Text_Fish -- Humourcide. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:17,
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cash or cheque?
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:18,
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Pay me in pennies ...
next time I'm round your way so I can go and blow'em at the pier. :)
Text_Fish -- Humourcide. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:33,
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You take paypal?
100% Cock Raw like carrots. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:21,
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Tell y'what, you can both just buy me a beer. :)
Text_Fish -- Humourcide. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:23,
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somebody could make a fortune
selling a book on gif optimisation ... *gives money anyway*
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:32,
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*Buys the book with Dr.Shambolics discarded money* :)
Text_Fish -- Humourcide. ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:35,
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There has to be a moral here somewhere
CrazyCucumber bored sig: ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:15,
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it's crap but
Pengin ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:13,
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mikrob ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:32,
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Quiet or LOUD
clicky bigger Edit: Lets try this again shall we
LexLexington Feels the need, the need for a speedy cup of tea ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:13,
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dun dun dunnnn
REDEX Edit: much better.
Pengin ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:14,
archived )
Pesky kids.
baroo_the_cat Valley of Weights ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:13,
archived )
giraffti! woo :)
rogan ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:16,
archived )
Obz Click, ting, stamps ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:29,
archived )
Wow, what a difference
bigbomba ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:09,
archived )
made me larf that
youknowyouloveit ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:18,
archived )
for such a sill and funny image
it di'n't get much in t'way of preciation. so
WhoElse I'm what Willis was talking about ,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 15:43,
archived )
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