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[challenge entry] Believe me, these where the best bits from this movie....
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:05, archived)
# I saw that a while back
thought it was shite, like all stoner comedies.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:05, archived)
# ^this with added cheetos and cool aid.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:07, archived)
# I dunno....
I really liked "Half Baked" the original "friday" was a work of art and "up in smoke" was excellent, the rest as you say are generally shite.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:07, archived)
# half baked was funny as fuck
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:12, archived)
# Half baked is the funniest stoner comedy i've seen.
And only about 12 people have ever seen it.

Have you ever seen Half Baked..... ON WEED? ;-)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:14, archived)
# yes i have
laughed like a mong.
hmm, think i'll go watch a film.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:21, archived)
# That was a reference to the "experience stoner" from the film...
But well done that girl!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:23, archived)
# the cheech and chong ones ain't bad
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:57, archived)
The best bit from that movie is Neil Patrick Harris, blatantly.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:08, archived)
# IT would be....
But I hate him since How I met your mother!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:10, archived)
# Not seen it
but he's fucking awesome in Harold & Kumar 2
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:13, archived)
# Didn't watch that,
I didn't rate the first one so wasn't gonna sacrifice an hour and a half of my precious life to another one!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:14, archived)
# It's much better than the first one
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:21, archived)
# might give it a nose, infact the torrent i got this from has the other one in it too!
please note i do not endorse copyright infringement.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:24, archived)
# How I Met Your Mother
is insufferably smug
but it does make me laugh, which is sort of the point
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:34, archived)
# sorry to call you on this but
the best was the credits at then end
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 15:05, archived)
# *click*
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 15:49, archived)
[challenge entry] Literal
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:51, archived)
# Three colours trilogy?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:54, archived)
# twaklerrbleugh
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:56, archived)
# pfft!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:58, archived)
# french films are dull?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:57, archived)
# I rather enjoyed Martyrs and Inside.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:03, archived)
# And don't forget The Pink Panther films :)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:05, archived)
# They're not actually French though
However I will raise you Amelie.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:43, archived)
# A Prophet.
One of the best films I've seen for ages.

Also, 13, if Franco-Georgian counts.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:56, archived)
# i like la haine
and la femme nikita was alright
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 15:14, archived)
# aliens with french subtitles is pretty good.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:06, archived)
# see, that's the problem
i fucking hate subtitles!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:12, archived)
# Jeu plus de, homme ! Jeu plus de !
I'm pretty sure this is a wrong translation I never did French at school so this babelfish bollcks which is usually rubbish.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:20, archived)
# pffff
i'm going to watch dawn of the dead. gore, violence, zombies and all in a language i can understand.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:27, archived)
# Game more of, man! Game more of!
Le jeu est fini, mec! Le jeu est fini!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:49, archived)
# yes
that's why we need Hollywood to do them properly for us
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:20, archived)
# Angel-A Taxi Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
but apart from them, yeah...
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 16:47, archived)
# The Niqab Of Debt?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:02, archived)
# heh heh.... :)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:02, archived)
# Aimants de Merde 2 : Révolution française
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:05, archived)
# bindun
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:13, archived)
# nah
see filename
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:16, archived)
# Ah
ok, much cleverer than mine then
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:39, archived)
[challenge entry] There is too much pepper on my paprikash
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:21, archived)
# Yes... Yes... Yes... Yes... Yes... Yes... Yes... !!!!

* Bangs table
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:27, archived)
# *bangs table?*
ooh kinky!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:36, archived)
# It had wood.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:37, archived)
# if I could find it
I would post my Churchill the Dog version of that scene
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:38, archived)
# and in other news....
I think I have now seen it all!

The world has officially gone mad!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:42, archived)
# it's the mail, what do you expect?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:48, archived)
# fuck
When I was saucing for the Magnets Take Manhattan earlier, I had the idea of a pole dancing staffed by burka clad women, but coulnd't be bothered. Wow!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:52, archived)
# heh!
i was thinking of doing muslim sports illustrated: swimsuit edition
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 15:18, archived)
# Yes - someone in the Metro was getting upset this morning about that.
Saying that they should be educating women instead of teaching them to poledance or something.

But this is just golden:

(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:52, archived)
# Hahaha, needs more Agent Smiths.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:55, archived)
# pffft
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:58, archived)
# perhaps she is a doctor
who has ordered an extra large knee hammer by mistake?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:56, archived)
# Your link
lead me to this story which wins today's Daily Mail revealing the painfully fucking obvious as an exclusive award.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:55, archived)
I'm sorry I dont believe him, that seems like an awful lot of work for a medium to do for a stage show. Yes there are fake psychics and mediums that prey on the vulnerable and these ruin it for the genuine mediums and psychics who bring comfort to so many people. Energy doesnt die, and when you die I believe you pass over. Of course none of us will ever know for sure until our time comes. In the meantime stop hating and ridiculing peoples belief systems because they dont tally up with our own. Let other people believe what they want to believe and what brings them comfort. If you want to believe then BELIEVE and if you dont want to believe the DONT BELIEVE. It is your choice - just dont rain on other people's parade.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:02, archived)
# Ahahahaha! "genuine psychics"
The existence of the Randi Foundation's offer of a cool million dollars to the first genuine psychic to walk through their doors:
is enough proof that there are no genuine psychics
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:10, archived)
# This is just taking the piss.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:18, archived)
# That's fantastic!
"God speaks to me through my mind. His Holy Spirit will perform any of these demonstrations."

So... she's claiming God will make someone of her choice piss themselves? I thought God had more important things to worry about.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:21, archived)
# But if God's a planning another Noah type flood,
this would give it a novel twist.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:32, archived)
# urgh
that's a lovely image. watersports fetishists would go wild and die very happy
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:48, archived)
Shame on Paul Zenon for using this to get publicity. Just because he used tricks and conned people during his misnamed 'psychic' phase, he assumes all else are doing it. The truth is he was never actually psychic and does not understand the real meaning of the term. Has he been to a real Medium and sought evidence of survival? I doubt it, otherwise he would not be writing this guff. He is projecting his former confidence tricks onto others without properly researching the wealth of evidence available in this country. I would urge him to spend a week experiencing several forms of Mediumship with the Spiritualist Union at Arthur Findlay College and then decide what he thinks is going on. He is right that there are opportunistic con-men and admits he was one himself but it is repulsive that his 'research', which is simply an opinion based on his own stage tricks, is reported as final truth.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:19, archived)
# I'm just saying that if these genuine psychics need money
it's probably much easier and far more ethical to take it from the Randi Foundation instead of the recently bereaved
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:26, archived)
# Oh no no no no no
You see, James Randi psychically BLOCKS all the psychics and makes it impossible for spirits to get through his massive stinking cloud of greenish DISBELIEF to a genuine psychic. Being a psychic is only possible in the presence of those who love and BELIEVE rather than filling the air with horrible scepticism and demands for "proof".
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:30, archived)
# well of course
either that or the genuine psychics enter the correct lottery numbers every week and have no need of a paltry million dollars
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:33, archived)
your psychic powers would vanish immediately! you can only use your GIFT to make other peoples' lives better and bring them hope and relief! if they happen to want to pay you 50 smackers for the privilege then that's fine. charge them double! but you can't do it for personal gain.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:41, archived)
# am i a hater
because i don't believe in this nonsense?

(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:24, archived)
# I imagine so
If you refuse to pay Sally Whatsername £40 for a ticket so she can tell you something nebulous but UTTERLY GENUINE about someone who may or may not have known you before they possibly died of something she doesn't specify, YOU ARE A HATER.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:26, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:30, archived)
# hahaha
i didn't see that
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:31, archived)
# now i'm not sure
which side of the fence you're on...
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:36, archived)
# I'm an enigma
An enigma who copied and pasted a couple of comments from the Daily Mail website from a couple of the more... let's not say gullible, let's say err stupid people who post on there.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:41, archived)
# Just the idea of that is making me giggle
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:50, archived)
# haha
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:51, archived)
[challenge entry] Dead or alive, you're coming with me
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:20, archived)
# haha
I'd buy that for 2/6
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:22, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:33, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:35, archived)
# :D
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:31, archived)
# Hahaha.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:31, archived)
# Are you compo-ing this, fella?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:33, archived)
# whoops!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 15:27, archived)
[challenge entry] Hey Gringo!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:10, archived)
# fantastic.
Even better with this...
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:13, archived)
# Even better better with this...
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:36, archived)
# ooh yes!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:39, archived)
# I have that as my ringtone :)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:42, archived)
# do you look around the room before answering?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:55, archived)
# It's all in the staring :)
(though they did use that music on Top Gear recently and it had me hunting for my mobile before I realised)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:12, archived)
# Fabby Griffy!!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:09, archived)
# Nicely done.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:31, archived)
# Cheers M'Lud
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:10, archived)
# hahaha.....could watch this all day:D
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:32, archived)
# Ta E Dubya!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:10, archived)
# that`s a compo-saver right there
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:45, archived)
# Hahaha it's like watching the film!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:53, archived)
# Hehehe!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:10, archived)
# The Good, The Ugly and The Bad?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 19:35, archived)
[challenge entry] The original ending didn't go down too well.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:44, archived)
# hahaha
Sell that brown long necked cunt!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:45, archived)
# hahahaha
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:47, archived)
# hah!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:49, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:50, archived)
# haha
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:53, archived)
# * Profit
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:54, archived)
# haha
serves the space-turd right!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:56, archived)
# pfft
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:07, archived)
# Hahahahahaha!!

(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:58, archived)
# Price of gold
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:11, archived)
# The USD has been falling pretty badly!
Time for a US holiday.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:14, archived)
# haha!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:16, archived)
# Hahaha.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:24, archived)
# Congratulations
You've won the Golden Click. Our creepy old pedo owner will be around to show you around his basement factory.
(, Sat 24 Sep 2011, 8:05, archived)
# *click*
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:17, archived)
# hahaha
nice one :D
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:29, archived)
# woo for HLS every ones favourite hate target
seen some very strange people protesting down there on my way past,most of them look like they could do with a big plate of bacon
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 15:09, archived)
# haha, either that or ET gets arrested for touching kids (with his special finger)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 15:31, archived)
# hahaha!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 17:17, archived)
[challenge entry] Gone for a Burton
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:40, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:42, archived)
# we cum in piss
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:08, archived)
# So do i
its a jolly good film
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:46, archived)
# heh great movie
but I had a part in it so I may be biased. By my part being "Anonymous hippy in crowd #12
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:38, archived)
[challenge entry] I'm fairly sure nobody has done this one...

I watched it when I was a lad and was convinced that I'd dreamt it 'cos it's a bit odd... ;-)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:39, archived)
# Watership Downs?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:40, archived)
# Night of the Lepus?
Featuring DeForest Kelley's amazing dancing moustache?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:41, archived)
# Correct!
I bought it on DVD as I love pretty much any film where ordinary mamminals grow to enourmous size and get down to some serious terror! I think you are the only other person in the world that knows about it - Ten points for you Sir! ;-)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:46, archived)
# why thank you
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:55, archived)
# I know about it
Think I read about it in "The Golden Turkey Awards".
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:16, archived)
# It's a classic
A friend of mine got stuck in a lift with AC Lyles (producer) at Paramount studios and they've stayed in touch - so I'm often reminded of the film.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:40, archived)
# I miss films like this totally wacky offbeat and yet still a little scary
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:58, archived)
# They stil make 'em...
You should try Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus. The trailer is comedy gold, much like the film!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:16, archived)
# Awesome
So good when the bunnies go over the (model)train track haha
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:36, archived)
# It is a bit odd
Old Speckled Hen used to use a bit of that in their commercials on Dave
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:41, archived)
# and now, David Cronenberg's 'Watership Down'
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:42, archived)
# I have ofeten wonderd what this film was called
after traveling back from illfracombe about 30 years ago it was on late night tv on i think anglia the scene thats in my head is when the elctrify the rail line

woo for nonsense film
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 15:13, archived)
[challenge entry] Buried
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:36, archived)
# Is this film any good?
Or will it just make me angry?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:37, archived)
# I enjoyed it
much more than I thought I would
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:41, archived)
# It is surprisingly good
for an hour and a half of an American trapped in a box
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:41, archived)
# He brought his own oxygen tank then?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:02, archived)
# Moon 2?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:25, archived)
# I thought it was quite good, but it's the sort of film you'd only watch once and never need to again.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:41, archived)
# Hm, cheers all
will have a look this w'end
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:42, archived)
# This
also I loved the opening credits

(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:19, archived)
# blimey, I couldn't remember that... they were brilliant!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:28, archived)
[challenge entry] pretty much any film with Jennifer Aniston, Meg Ryan, Gwyneth Paltrow...

This compo is shit etc
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:31, archived)
# arf!
fatal attraction?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:32, archived)
# if you like
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:33, archived)
# Hahaha
You've Got Magnets?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:33, archived)
# magnets in the city?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:33, archived)
# fucking shitty magnet
: D
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:34, archived)
# Fucking Shitty Magnets in New York
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:36, archived)
# when a man loves a magnet
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:36, archived)
# the devil wears magnets
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:37, archived)
# Shutting Micky Fatnets
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:43, archived)
# Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Magnet
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:45, archived)
# The magnet of my affection
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:50, archived)
# Closing Magnets
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:52, archived)
# The Man With The Golden Magnet
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:52, archived)
# Magnets in Translation
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:53, archived)
# Gangs of New Magnet
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:54, archived)
# Mragnet
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:59, archived)
# Magnet Attraction
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:01, archived)
# Blazing Magnets
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:05, archived)
# Schindlers magnet
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:06, archived)
# Raiders of the lost magnet
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:27, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 19:22, archived)
# Help us choose where to put it.
Vote for one of the following:

- Flights you spin - Tail spin! Duck tails! Horse.

- Here, There - Here, There

- Perhor - Those moments when personality horse

Where would you put it?
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:22, archived)
# Whad the fug are you onnabaaart?

(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:26, archived)
# Help us choose new b3ta colour scheme

Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:27, archived)
# bugger
I clicked grey and it turned brown
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:29, archived)
# story of my life
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:30, archived)
# its usually the other way round in life
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:37, archived)
# too grey
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:39, archived)
Some common sense for a change!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:29, archived)
# Ah .... B3ta....the wilderness years.....
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:30, archived)
# i will not eat it here or there
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:31, archived)
# I want to vote for personality horse
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:35, archived)
# if only there was a way....
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:38, archived)
# Where there's a will...
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:53, archived)
# O_o

(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:31, archived)
[challenge entry] Round she goes.....
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:07, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:10, archived)
# well
great minds think alike. And i did that last night ready to post so i wasn't aware of that :)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:14, archived)
# Aww. Isn't he cute?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:11, archived)
# yup
bill murray is quite a handsome chap
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:13, archived)
[challenge entry] Bruce willis is really a ghost, Darth Vader is lukes's dad, She's really a man and....
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:04, archived)
# Help us choose this week's Question of the Week
Vote for one of the following:

- Unintentional racism - Unleash your Daily Mail rage HERE

- Fights you didn't win - Ronseal

- B3TA fixes the world - Turn into Jeremy Clarkson for a moment, and tell us about the things that are so obviously wrong with the world, and how they should be fixed. Extra points for ludicrous over-simplification, blatant mis-representation, and humourous knob-gags.

- Foot in Mouth part II - Those moments when you've opened your gob and immediately regretted it

Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar

I think you can guess which one we want to win.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:56, archived)
# 'I'm not racist but....'
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:11, archived)
# ^this^
Dear god...so much of this
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:16, archived)
# Yesterday, I overheard somebody call a cloud black.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:13, archived)
# 'Go back to wherever you came from'
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:24, archived)
# 'Needless to say I had the last laugh by putting all the nasty trolls on ignore publically'.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:27, archived)
# Landshark

Click for bigger (89 kb)

We're all fucked.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:55, archived)
# Looks like there is some good eatin on it.
Readies BBQ sauce.. (what sauce do you have with horse?)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:57, archived)
# Ask the french
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:58, archived)
# I did, but they spoke funny
and I couldn't understand it.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:59, archived)
# Steal their wizards
Then you will have all their knowlege
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:59, archived)
# Glaucusauce
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:59, archived)
# I Googled that
and ended up here : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katsuobushi

Which means I have learnt something.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:03, archived)
# Landshark landshark landshark
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:57, archived)
# He-man can't stop this landshark
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:58, archived)
# He man looks SO gay
Im glad i played with manly transformers when i was a kid instead of that ponce
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:04, archived)
# Yeah
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:12, archived)
# That is a crime against the RX-78!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:13, archived)
# That's a gundam
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:14, archived)
# Indeed
REAL MEN have a Transformers collection that looks like this:

(as well as a shotgun and a horned helmet, obvs)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:21, archived)
# fucking hell!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:22, archived)
# yeah, I know :(
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:24, archived)
# be good if they could all transform together
into one big ass 6ft mutha'focker
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:26, archived)
# One of them does turn into a big hand
but sadly they never followed this up
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:28, archived)
# I bet that hand's seen some action
*nudge nudge
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:30, archived)
# He fought a pitched battle against Ultra Magnus once
if that's what you mean
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:31, archived)
# wow.
Never really got the appeal of Transformers.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:24, archived)
# Big robots fighting
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:31, archived)
# holy shit! If you were to transform each one, in turn without stopping, how long would it take?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:43, archived)
# Oh god, hours - some of the later ones are exceptionally fiddly
I still don't how many I have - the missus keeps threatening to count them, but even so there's a crate full of "spares and repairs" in the shed
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:45, archived)
# Seahorse inversion
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:03, archived)
# v.nice
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:04, archived)
# ty
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:07, archived)
# Have we not see this
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:08, archived)
# Nope.
(it was a day post pea roast)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:12, archived)
# Oh sorry, I must have been confused by the other post of it I saw...
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:26, archived)
# Nope, you didn't see anything.
move along
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:29, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:55, archived)
# Ah yes.
This is that movie where the widescreen button on the remote stops working halfway through
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:01, archived)
# how rude. :P
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:07, archived)
[challenge entry] Invasion USA
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:53, archived)
# This has just meade me realise how much I dislike the soles of peoples feet
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:55, archived)
# I was listening to this last night and this got stuck in my head!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:48, archived)
# The inside of your head is a strange place
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:54, archived)
# Hooray for Jedward's dad
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:57, archived)
# Michael Barrymore?
what a fruitloop
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:00, archived)
# Ha ha ha.... very good!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:11, archived)
# : D
I guess a lot of the young whipper-snapper b3tan's are saying
" David who"?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:15, archived)
# I prefered him as Ziggy
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:42, archived)
[challenge entry] It didn't work out as well as I wanted it to...

(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:32, archived)
# These ultra-wide posts are beginning to annoy me a bit
So no offense to you or Clay (who also seems to enjoy making them over 500k in an attempt to needle the Nazis) but I'm going to be hiding them more or less by default.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:34, archived)
# It did give me a thumb nail version

But that did it even less justis..

* Sorry Boris...
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:38, archived)
# The thumbnail version
just looks like a really rubbish cock. You could always thumbnail to 800 pixels wide, that would keep even people on 1280x800 displays happy. And, frankly, fuck everyone else.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:12, archived)
# or 800 deep - Oh hang on that's not right is it?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:30, archived)
# hahahahaha
Is it wrong that I keep *clicking this?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:35, archived)
# 28,571 pixels wide - What do I win?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:39, archived)
# come'ere
let me put this shiny trophy on your lapel

think I got some dust in my eye
*wipes tear away
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:45, archived)
# Woo thanks!
This means a lot to me you know...
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:55, archived)
# hahahaha
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:01, archived)
# One advantage with the wide ones
If you're catching up with /board, and scroll down to the bottom of the page while it's loading, you get that annoying thing as images above you appear and make the bit you're trying to look at move down. That's much worse if the pics are tall.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:47, archived)
# killjoy! ;)
but I always keep my file sizes down by slicing them horizontally (that last one I did was made of 5 pics, each around 100K)

you can scroll past em faster and most importantly it also makes them FP proof
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:06, archived)
# This is true
but it means that when I'm scrolling the screen often goes skewing off to the right and I have to scroll it back to the left again. That's the only actual problem I have with them, so my aim in the future is to look at them and then hide them. :)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:11, archived)
# sir, my sales pitch:
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:11, archived)
# :)
Go ahead, but don't count on me not clicking "Hide". So long as it's all understood it's nothing personal.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:12, archived)
# sorry boris
I do wonder If I'm taking the joke too far, I do have a private chuckle though,maybe too private, I'll probably get bored with em soon enough ;)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:20, archived)
# no apologies necessary
i've said my piece, as opinonated and unimportant as it is :)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 13:02, archived)
# Hehehe
i was expecting a big fluffy cock at the end of that
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:34, archived)
# neck sounds great
or something
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:34, archived)
# I have seen that film once only
when I was an ickle chutney and loved it. I have never seen it since, so it exists in that state of perfection, that something half remembered can only do.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:36, archived)
# Got news for you, buddy...
I've violated it sexually since.

(No climax, sadly. Just an endless plateau of dead horse.)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:46, archived)
# 0_0
*stands up in court*
Please show me on this furry Luckdragon where Manic touched you....
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:52, archived)
# brave effort that man
(but don't forget to slice it horizontally into separate pics to keep the size down ;) )
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:07, archived)
# Now split into three images and a massive 16,000 pixels wide!
Thanks for the advice Clay!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:28, archived)
# fucking hell
I knew it was a mistake getting out of bed today
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:34, archived)
[challenge entry] Et tu Brute?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:30, archived)
# you know
I fucking love this, so there.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:29, archived)
# I was up all night constructing this business plan however all I got was raised eyebrows in the boardroom this morning
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:25, archived)
# why gems graph laptop
Of course!

I remember that bastard bird :-)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:26, archived)
# If you'd
included a stock photo of a man and a woman raising their fists in a 'YES!' motion, things would have been so different
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:27, archived)
# i was wondering how 'big' findus are these days after someone shopped a crispy pancake
There is a great pic on their page along similar lines:
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:28, archived)
# My future sister-in-law-in-law works for Findus
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:29, archived)
# Woo! Free frozen lasagnas and crispy pancakes for the whole family!
(or not)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:33, archived)
# if she's from the future
try and get the lottery numbers for this week, will you?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:34, archived)
# and bring back one of those 3 titted hookers from Mars
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:34, archived)
# *nods*
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:37, archived)
argg! that's where it all went wrong!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:49, archived)
# shut up and take my money!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:28, archived)
# that's because it needs more AIDS
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:33, archived)
# I see what you've done wrong
You missed out "profit"
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 11:53, archived)

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