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(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:15, archived)
# oh god...
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:16, archived)
# hahaha
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:17, archived)
# Boss like Zammo!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:19, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:24, archived)
# Monster trippin'
WOO Toastie!
Top work :)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:23, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:24, archived)
# Stripy spacepants FTW!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:26, archived)
# Wait a minute...those guitar leggings
are they real?
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:26, archived)
# just a pattern I found and overlaid
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:31, archived)
# Okay, carry on then
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:35, archived)
# Admit it, you would kill for guitar leggings.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:39, archived)
# I will admit to nothing this morning
and certainly not that
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:45, archived)
# this is brilliantly done
superb texture mapping
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:28, archived)
# Aha, I knew I had a pic for this somewhere
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 11:36, archived)
# This is the type of fall fashions joke that is fast gaining in popularity
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 12:32, archived)
# hahaha
(, Fri 30 Sep 2011, 20:42, archived)
[challenge entry] In a nutshell..
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:30, archived)
# I've never seen it
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:06, archived)
# Needs more brown.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:13, archived)
# You have seen it
you've just forgotten
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:14, archived)
# arf! Jacko's deathbed photos could be worse....
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:19, archived)
# oooh!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:21, archived)
# :D
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:07, archived)
# John Bishop?
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:55, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:21, archived)
# simon weston?
*boards bus to hull*
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:23, archived)
# budge over
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:30, archived)
# ha hahhaha ha!

sorry, bit obvious and shit, but meh!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:35, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:56, archived)
# pffffft
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:06, archived)
# :D ning's everyone !
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:37, archived)
# hahahaha
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:41, archived)
# heh heh!
i'm surprised nobody's doen the head swap when vader's helmet is removed
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:51, archived)
# i think a someone did
or maybe it was when anikan is lying there getting burnt, or maybe not, i'm not sure.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:07, archived)
# oh?
i haven't seen either
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:37, archived)
# If only he had used the dodge tool
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:05, archived)
# hull please...
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:19, archived)
# This is because he has dirty trouserpance
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:29, archived)
[challenge entry] I was expecting more Bond...
So I'll just sneak this in before the compo finishes..
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:11, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:36, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:39, archived)
# Nah that would be unsporting
No mr Julian, we'll just consider you a big joke. That will make you die inside.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 11:44, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 11:54, archived)
# For todays Birthday Beauties....
we have Madeline Kahn (suggested by Kitty Fantastico because there aren't any good pictures of her), Erika Eleniak (I'm sure we have had her before?) and in the shadows Cindy (Tron) Morgan.

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:07, archived)
# And todays Frightening Fuckers are...
Gene Autry (again suggested by Kitty Fantastico because there aren't any good pictures of him), Luke Goss and Mackenzie Crook.

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:07, archived)
# Fear,fear,fear.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:12, archived)
# You do realise I do it on purpose, right?
Its Monica Bellucci's birthday tomorrow. That is all.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:23, archived)
# That is plenty!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 12:25, archived)
# ^ Result!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 13:16, archived)
# Horn,horn,horn.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:12, archived)
# ah...Madeline Khan
one of the most talented and absolutely stonkingly sexy women to (briefly) walk this earth
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:35, archived)
# I know some people don't agree, but
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:43, archived)
# those people are clearly wrong
and they will die alone and unloved in a cardboard box under a flyover becuase they are so wrong
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:48, archived)
# With me setting fire to the cardboard box.
Just to make sure.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:53, archived)
# I'm very fond of both of these photos
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:56, archived)
# EVEN in those pics
still would
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:04, archived)
# Especially if she keeps the duck on.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:05, archived)
# ^ Ha ha ha
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:47, archived)
# It's twue! It's twue! It's twue!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 12:27, archived)
# Flames
flames...on the side of my face... heaving breaths...heaving...
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:06, archived)
# I concur, most absolutely.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:29, archived)
# yes, yes we have
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:52, archived)
# I'd still be tempted
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:40, archived)
# tempted?
i'd be all over it!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:38, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 11:56, archived)
# i wonder if erika eleniak pops out of her own birthday cake?
Man, i loved that bit in under siege!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:53, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:55, archived)
# i was going to a gif of that
but then i just found myself watching the same clip on youtube over and over again for hours
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:55, archived)
# 1_0
watching fwapping over
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:49, archived)
# Deborah Kerr day tomorrow please
and Lil Dagover would be nice too if you get time
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 16:14, archived)
# Apropos of nothing

Hope you're all having a wonderful breakfast
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:56, archived)
# you're always happy with a sadwich
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:01, archived)
# :D
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:13, archived)
# Oh god, that makes me feel a little queasy
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:51, archived)
# Font work like that is the pattern card of superior designing.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:05, archived)
# you've broken my cornea
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:07, archived)
# Hey, that would look great in my brothel
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:13, archived)
# hey tahkcalb
i love your contemporary kitchens
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:50, archived)
# Thx.
I think... [/;-D
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:08, archived)
# I have just had an assmeat deluxe.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:09, archived)
# A sensible choice.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:14, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:48, archived)
# It's not ASSMEAT, but still I couldn't agree more
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:02, archived)
# Sadwich Combo is where it's at
Choice of sides

Pubes and gravy
Cornhole on the cob
Pigcock Hummus
French Flies
Mediocres Dr Fanny Weggies

And for the health-conscious, grass asspatties or toejam tofu briquettes

That's certainly what they had in the place I went. It might have been a chinese fake shop though.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:50, archived)
# Don't fall for the fake Fanny Weggies though!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:03, archived)
# sandwich, hollywood actor style
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:19, archived)
# and dive into some soup for lunch
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:17, archived)
# That spoon is a bit large
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:19, archived)
# these serving suggestions get more extreme as time passes
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 10:15, archived)
# Less photoshop skills :-(
Morning all!

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:51, archived)
# Ning db!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:52, archived)
# Ning WB.
x x x
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:01, archived)
# Do you make these jokes up yourself, or are you sourcing them from somewhere?
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:55, archived)
# A bit of section a, a bit of section b, a bit of section c.
I've been keeping a file of crap for the past 5 or 6 years. A lot of the earlier ones from this run were the ones I had left over from the OLD run (and mostly Tim Vine jokes, because I was running out of time/ideas then)

The current lot are mostly from the file, interspersed with a few that people have told me and I use them up so I don't forget them.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:00, archived)
# Yay for Tim Vine jokes
You're keeping up a long and established tradition there.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:25, archived)

Is it just me or have the fleas got more pixels these days?

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:26, archived)
# It's to make them easier to vectorise
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:32, archived)
# ooof!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:54, archived)
# "These days"
They've not changed this run... but they did use to be smaller back in the day.

I think this one is compressed (not on my proper pc right now) but this is how they looked:
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:19, archived)
# king of spang
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:50, archived)
# I prefer "princess"
*giggles* *runs away*
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:20, archived)
# ooof
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:21, archived)
[challenge entry] No photoshop skills :-(
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:28, archived)
# No skills needed. That's lully.
Impressive lurking by the way
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:51, archived)
# ^this
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:07, archived)
# oh wow!
top 10 lurker
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:49, archived)
# Thx!
I love this board, but I can never think of anything to say. Sure beats work though.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:21, archived)

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:54, archived)
# Not a clue.
I think they've given up asking.

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:58, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:52, archived)
# Meerkats*

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:23, archived)
# HA HA HA...

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:49, archived)
# you lurked more than that shark
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:14, archived)
# :)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:38, archived)
# Hahahahaha!
I like that
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 8:00, archived)
# Like the facial expressions
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 15:54, archived)
Bahahaha thats wonderful...
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 16:51, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:24, archived)
# We are dooooooomed
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:29, archived)
# what have you done to my turtle
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:29, archived)
# Time to lay some more eggs my friend.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:35, archived)
# It's a new episode of the Stalin Show!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:41, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:47, archived)
# A man shouldn't get hit that way
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:20, archived)
# You should see her pussy.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:06, archived)
# so, you may have heard of mofaha's fabulous fashion joke. well it's become so popular rockstar have made a game of it
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:46, archived)
# has it gone classic already?
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:50, archived)
# biggest seller EVER
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:52, archived)
# Certainly growing in popularity.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:59, archived)
# I like it. But personally, I'm waiting for the wii version
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:00, archived)
# I'm going to be really pissed off if they don't port it to PC.
Or worse still, they do a quick-and-dirty port a year after the console versions come out. So maybe the models wobble, but they don't fall over. Or they fall, but their underclothes are poorly rendered. That's not the type of fall fashions PC port I want to play, thank you very much.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:18, archived)
# In fact I think that would really damage its popularity.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:18, archived)
# Dirty, dirty ports.
Hit A-B simultaneously to make the model tip over. WTF? I'm playing with a mouse here!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:31, archived)
# This is exactly the type of fall fashions game I want to play.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:16, archived)
# i'll make sure you get sent lots of fabulous fall fashion game goodies
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:29, archived)
# I'm happy to pay more for the collectors' version
which includes the fall fashions lunchbox which opens out to reveal a catwalk
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:30, archived)
# fall fashion in my pocket™
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:36, archived)
# My Little Fall Fashionista™
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:38, archived)
# i love fall fashion ™
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:41, archived)
# Fall Fashimon™
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:49, archived)
# Fall Fashion Factor™
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:13, archived)
# Strangely enough, Pre-Owned copies of this fall fashions games are actually more valuable than new copies.
Due to the immense popularity of this fall fashions game pre-owned copies are fantastically rare.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:32, archived)
# I've just searched amazon and ebay and you're absolutely correct
there's not one single pre-owned copy of this game on offer.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:35, archived)
# This chap managed to find one and he's ever so pleased.

Proof of its growing popularity.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:48, archived)
# now they are truely united
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:15, archived)
# gobble fucking gobble
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:35, archived)
# Is this a new fall fashion?
I like it!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:36, archived)
# I fear this type of fall fashion joke
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:37, archived)
# hi
^ this guy does fall fashion jokes on b3ta
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:39, archived)
# Just one, Rory, just one.
I don't know any other type of fall fashions joke. Luckily though it's exactly the type that's growing in popularity.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:41, archived)
# wait
is it the one with the fashion falls?
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:42, archived)
# Yes it is. I think this just goes to prove how popular it's becoming.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:43, archived)
# it sure does
earlier i was watching tv, and i saw models falling, aswell and doing invisible headlocks and leapfrog.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:45, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:58, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:04, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:09, archived)
# That fat bint was still too heavy for the catwalk
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:11, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:17, archived)
# Synchronous fall fashions
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:27, archived)
# Hahahah "bint"
Where did you pick that up? And what's the Dutch equivalent?
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:20, archived)
# if you want some dutch
dikke lul is popular
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:26, archived)
# That would be either trut or muts
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:26, archived)
# Trut I knew
but I'd never heard muts used like that.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:13, archived)
# Oh, muts is far more popular and is used much more often than trut
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:32, archived)
# Is it?
I don't believe I've heard/seen it. I would not wish to feel left out at work when my friends are discussing the latest popular fall fashion joke and I am not "au courant".
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:50, archived)
# I posted it down the page a little.
If you don't like that type of fall fashions joke I don't really know what to say to be honest.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:58, archived)
# This is just the type of fall fashions joke I like
and the more popular it is, the more I like it!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:34, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:37, archived)
# i feel ill
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:47, archived)
# :D have a shit
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:48, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 3:48, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 3:56, archived)
# would
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:11, archived)
# I'd almost forgotten about her.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:31, archived)
# the first person to escape auschwitz
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:11, archived)
# suk mai wii
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:13, archived)
# In this post 9-11 world
...I am surprised we have not seen more Fall Fashions.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:14, archived)
# Yes I agree Pedro.
In fact it just so happens that I have a fall fashions joke right here. I have it on good authority (gronkpan) that it's exactly the type of fall fashions joke that is fast gaining in popularity.
I would post it if only there was some way to announce it.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:27, archived)
# I spoke with Rob and they have sponsored an ad champaign
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:44, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:45, archived)
# yes
this is the correct fall fashion joke
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:48, archived)
# REMIX!!!!!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:56, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:05, archived)
# Hey, I just wanted to say that I really like this kind of fall fashion joke
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:13, archived)
# This is yet more evidence of its growing popularity
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:18, archived)
# I love fall fashion jokes.
However, I logged on and saw that an announcement was going to be made regarding the showing of your fall fashion joke sometime in the near future.
Oh, what joy. This type of fall fashion joke is rapidly growing in popularity, and I was certainly looking forward to seeing it. In the meantime, I decided to scroll down
the page to see if any other fall fashion jokes had been aired, and, sadly, by the time I returned, I discovered that you had already posted it and I had missed it.

Do you think you could post it again?
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:25, archived)
# This request is yet more evidence of the growing popularity of this type of fall fashions joke.
I will try to arrange another showing of this fall fashions joke in the near future. Given its growing popularity, that can only be good news.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:15, archived)
# I'm just dropping by to say that this is precisely the correct fall fashions joke.
I forsee an immense uplift in the popularity of fall fashions jokes due to this picture.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:29, archived)
# gronkpan your support of this fall fashions joke has made all the difference.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 6:26, archived)
# obligatory
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:16, archived)
# Dude I forgot to thank you for the info.
That filter is lots of fun to play with. I like the Wavy Lab one as well.

Hahah I still forgot to thank you. So thanks :)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:30, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:37, archived)
# whee!!
it looks more fun coming out of someone elses brain sometimes
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:42, archived)
# Gayshift workout!
One two one two oof!

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 2:43, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 3:01, archived)
# www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h7c9Y1Jppc
Our man/legend IN ACTION.

# www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h7c9Y1Jppc
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 3:20, archived)
# I am amazed that
a) you found this
b) there are no "FUUUUCK!"-related comments posted on YouTube
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:35, archived)
# ah, but there is!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:52, archived)
# *click*
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:32, archived)
# ^this
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 7:40, archived)
# Oh that is so excellent.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 14:42, archived)
# Now I know why he has that expression
(applies to all)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 3:08, archived)
# hi, welcome to crossfuck l.a.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:13, archived)
# Metafuck
Putting freebases head on freebases body
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 5:16, archived)
[challenge entry] I'm not saying the movies were 'formulaic'...
More in the blog...

More in the blog...

More in the blog...

More in the blog...

There's also Jurassic Park, Back to the Future & Rocky Horror over in the blog.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:07, archived)
# These are great.
The blog ones too...

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:10, archived)
# haha
these are great
(which is the 1935? temple of doom? i thought it was after raiders of the lost ark..?) checked the blog...
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:25, archived)
# ha! these are brilliant!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:44, archived)
# he chose..poor-lay
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 2:11, archived)
# I'm starting to think this might be a loop and that it doesn't really take that long to get ready.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 2:48, archived)
# Formula?

Oh and it was very Q & S. I seem to do a lot of that lately. I'll try better next time I get free.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 3:28, archived)
# someone on /links wondered what
this would look like speeded up, so...

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:51, archived)

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:58, archived)
# I wish I had a rocking chair like that.

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:59, archived)
# in the original, it doesn't rock :)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:00, archived)
# But in yours IT ROCKS!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:02, archived)
# \o/ rockin!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:16, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:00, archived)
# O_o
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:02, archived)

Also, I hate the way 'karaoke' is pronounced in the US
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:16, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:19, archived)
# moist mayhem
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:20, archived)
# Is it pronounced in the proper Japanese way in England?
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 4:47, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:25, archived)
# This is great.
I love pointing and laughing at real-life weebles.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:22, archived)
# heh
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:35, archived)

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:02, archived)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:15, archived)
# zoiks
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:19, archived)
# hahaha, christ
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:21, archived)
# mmm, cameltoe chin
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:22, archived)
# daayum
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:31, archived)
# Hahaha.
This and that caterpillar below are killing me.

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:50, archived)
# oh fuck it's a Puffdaddipillar....
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:05, archived)
# can you slice him like a vienetta?
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:09, archived)
# yes they've even done dotted lines to show you where to cut
so even an imbecile can slice him up :)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:10, archived)
# this worries me
and makes me think my surgeon may be an imbecile
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:13, archived)
# If you're worried I could probably do it.
I admit I have limited surgical training and it's been a few years since I last cut someone up but it'll probably be fine as long as I have a few beers beforehand to boost my confidence.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:24, archived)
# It wouldn't be cheap, mind.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:27, archived)
# ummmm
i think i'm going to have to go with someone who has an actual doctorate
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:30, archived)
# That would be me then.
Gaz me a date and I'll make sure I've got the necessary tools.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:33, archived)
# pfff
time i went to bed.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:34, archived)
# g'night
pssst! 2 can chunder -- i just bought the most awesome leatherman i can let you borrow it, but you have to wipe it off when youre done
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:38, archived)
# Cool, I'll go and find a dog to practice on.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:43, archived)
# Goodnight!
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:42, archived)
# Trust the man.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:07, archived)
# drrrr drrrr drrrr drrrr drrrr drrrr drrrr
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:09, archived)
# at first I thought it was quite cute
then I looked a bit harder and my eyes wee'd
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:12, archived)
# Brilliant.
I like this.

(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:56, archived)
# Have you seen the link by PPPL?
Some brilliant macro photographs of bugs.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:12, archived)
# woo
in other news did you know that Rayban are owned by Bausch and Lomb one of the worlds largest import/exporters of primates for animal testing.
that's all.......
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:12, archived)
# He looks well groomed.
Is he house trained?
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 1:02, archived)
# Was it inspired by my mugabee?

and just for the record, I shopped his ugly fascist face onto the bee but preferred it as a dragging, lumpen mass.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 3:05, archived)
# this is kind of what they're going to do to me
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:19, archived)
# They're turning your torso into "unimpressed face"?
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:22, archived)
# not quite
major reconstructive surgery. got the go-ahead yesterday! :D
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:24, archived)
# I take it that's a: yay!?
Good luck with that. Be sure to write them an amusing message on your abdomen. Better still, draw a massive CDC with curly pubes.
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:32, archived)
# it's a definite yay!
after waiting 23 years, i have a chance at a normal life and maybe even a job!
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:34, archived)
# Yay, normal life
And yay, regular source of income :D
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:37, archived)
# i can't wait! :D
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:39, archived)
# 3->¦ ?
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:31, archived)
# looks like bruce forsyth
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:31, archived)
# you should see it when i bend over
you know when you tip a can of bachelor's chicken soup into a pan? it kind of looks like that.
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:33, archived)
# haha, sheer poetry
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 2:26, archived)
# put your breasts on your hips?
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:33, archived)
# they're already there
gravity is a harsh mistress
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:35, archived)
# Phwoar!

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:36, archived)
# heheheh
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:39, archived)
# Do you have a history of eating far more than required on a regular basis?
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:36, archived)
# i did
but bariatric surgery was 3 years ago. i've lost 17 and a half stones so far.
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:38, archived)
# you're shiiting me
in all seriousness?
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:42, archived)
# yep
i was fucking HUGE
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:43, archived)
# wow
that sounds pretty full on!
hope all goes well x
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:48, archived)
# it was a lot easier than you'd think
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:53, archived)
# WOW.
Just wow.

Good luck with the op :)
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:50, archived)
# thanks :)
exploratorive surgery on october 19th, then just the wait for the full reconstructive surgery
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:54, archived)
# Exploratory surgery should be done with pith helmets and a line of native bearers I think
Fingers crossed it all goes well
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:28, archived)
# I reckon baryonyc surgery would be cooler.
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:57, archived)
# probably
but i've got some pretty cool scars
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:59, archived)
# If a baryonyx had done the surgery you would have a LOT more scars.
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:02, archived)
# i don't need any more
well, i've got 11 visible and fuck knows how many hidden
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:05, archived)
# This is great, that you're going to be pressed between two blue spheres.
I just hope being "normal" doesn't exclude b3ta.

But really, congratulations. That must be a big relief. Cheers!
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:41, archived)
# it is.
i was declared disabled at the age of 14, after many years of negative testing. medical science has finally caught up with me.
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:45, archived)
# You're getting a tattoo of an arrow to help people find your vagina?
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:49, archived)
# hahaha
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:50, archived)
# nope
already got 3 tattoos, getting an angel on my right shoulder and a devil on my left as a birthday present to myself :)
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:56, archived)
# Awesome! Whenever you're faced with a moral dilemma you can imagine them whispering conflicting pieces of advice in your ears.
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:59, archived)
# that's why i'm getting them ;)
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:01, archived)
# Why? Are they getting rid of your quato?
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:46, archived)
# eep
good luck with everything
(, Thu 29 Sep 2011, 0:55, archived)
# HAve this seemless tribute to the great 'merkin' gayshift monument
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:34, archived)
# Seams fine to me.
It really does I just wanted an excuse to unleash a forgotten seamhorse. See here: www.b3ta.com/board/10552468

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:38, archived)
# haha
saw that earlier on the google image link
much arfage
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:39, archived)
# I've only just started keeping my b3ta stuff in a separate folder.
I don't have much of my stuff on hard drives anymore... But keep stumbling across it here and there. Some nice surprises! I've started downloading stuff from b3tards but don't know how to access my cr3ation uploads.

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:42, archived)
# Nice.
Can you post a screencap of your file structure please.
Maybe circle the folders where your favourite stuff is kept.
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:01, archived)
# Hahaha!
I did sound like a cunt didn't I?

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:04, archived)
# No not really.
I was just being a cunt :-)
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:06, archived)
# It's an awesome file structure, though.
though.[b3ta stuff]
[other stuff]

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:38, archived)
# tada!

In homage to your hotdog
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:20, archived)
# that looks well tasty
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:22, archived)
# It's a montage of my weekend in Paris
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:24, archived)
# the last time i spent a weekend in paris
i was having an affair. it was fantastic!
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:26, archived)
# I had a great time too
until Gary B fucked me with the black dildo!!!!!!
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:41, archived)
# Hahahahahahaha!

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:30, archived)
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:37, archived)
# horse sausage, the best of all sausages
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:41, archived)
# I've never made a seam horse
: (
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:41, archived)
# Get to work!
I wish to see a fresh seamhorse on my desk in 15 minutes.

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:44, archived)
# ^This
me 2 i have do one:D
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:00, archived)

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:04, archived)
# I dare say that'll be jolly fast on land or even on water!
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:51, archived)
# Needs more seams
- that really is far too "pro" for a seamhorse

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:53, archived)
# Top work!
Here's another old one...

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:06, archived)
# Oh, bravo sir.
*doffs cap*
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:07, archived)
# Oh, a HK-fifty-FUCK.
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:06, archived)
# Not an MPFUCK at all
no never
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:08, archived)
# I noticed the magazine was different to an MP5's after I posted that :P
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:14, archived)
# i think this is probably the best one of these i've seen
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:31, archived)
# smugbeard
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:40, archived)
# top shop
I like smug bastard's beard!
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:37, archived)
# i saw this

and thought of poo :) x

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:29, archived)
# it must be a difficult poo
if it turns your ringpiece into a redex
EDIT: ok, now i see it. i can see it from fucking space.
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:32, archived)
edit: FUCK!

hehe :)
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:33, archived)
# :)
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:46, archived)
# You seem angry.
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:32, archived)
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:34, archived)
# can you make it a bit BIGGER?
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:33, archived)
# *eh
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:33, archived)
# Hahaha! Well spotted.

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:33, archived)
# yeah, but a couple of good rains should wash it away
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:50, archived)
# Gayshift compo:D
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:15, archived)
# Hahahahaha
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:16, archived)
# I fucking love this!
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:30, archived)
# !!!
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:31, archived)
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:43, archived)
# I love this gif :)
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:57, archived)
# YaY
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:11, archived)
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 23:52, archived)
# i'm out
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:18, archived)
# i'm in
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:18, archived)
# out
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:19, archived)
# in out in out
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:19, archived)
# and shake it all about
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:19, archived)
# das ist die ganze Sache!
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:29, archived)
# are you?
i can't feel anything
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:20, archived)
# How about now?
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:21, archived)
# sausage roll
that is all.
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:22, archived)
# Still nothing?
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:34, archived)
# a slight tickle, maybe
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:36, archived)
# This might help
Acyclic graphs are considered to have infinite girth

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:43, archived)
# Petersen was very helpful. Thank you.

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:46, archived)
# i'm shit at math
but i'm great at faking it
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:47, archived)
# Is that another Iceland reference?
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:36, archived)
# pffff
no it isn't
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:37, archived)
# Oh! Oh! OH! OH! OOOH!

(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:18, archived)
# compo it?
(, Wed 28 Sep 2011, 22:23, archived)

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