Its baby Zangief!
(tatersBah weep grahnah weep ninibong, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:44,
This is brilliant.
(hieronymus boschpcmechanic 4ver in ar harts, goodnite sweet angle, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:45,
The thumbnail makes it look like inter-species bumming
I'm afraid to click
(BrokenCoccyxdoesn't mind if you grope on, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:46,
*goes to get tissues*
Oh. * detumescence*
(Tab HunterMake this useless process end and so, begin again, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 16:01,
Sorry to let you down, Tabby
(BrokenCoccyxdoesn't mind if you grope on, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 16:03,
I'm glad we haven't had any knee-jerk reactions to this
Both the boy and bear play fair: sure, the boy is bigger but there are points where he could really have hurt the bear cruelly, and didn't. Personally, I see this sort of thing as something the animal enjoys because wrestling with its siblings is a natural part of its development. Case and point: it could have bitten the boy, but didn't.
Add to that the cuteness, and I don't feel bad at all about clicking "I like this"
(jellybeanflickerJesus was Korean, but there he was Cho Sun Wun, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:53,
so 2 staff pups vs. 1 bear cub...
(Ol' Ginger Bastarda role model for the children, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:57,
Different case and I hope you know it
Otherwise I just pity you
(jellybeanflickerJesus was Korean, but there he was Cho Sun Wun, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 17:55,
oh come on
it would be fluffeh!
(Ol' Ginger Bastarda role model for the children, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 19:38,
Awwww - its nice to hear something like that
(tatersBah weep grahnah weep ninibong, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 16:23,
...except that the bear is chained to something.
(mr.dogshitThe world's premier anthropomorphic canine faeces, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 16:45,
Better that then letting it run free.
(hieronymus boschpcmechanic 4ver in ar harts, goodnite sweet angle, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 16:54,
yeah, and that anyone who likes this is just a cunt.
(Ringo Mountbatten, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 17:56,
I don't think it is.
I think it has a lead which is loose.
(Pie of Meat___°¬¯O¯____\o/_____/\_,____Y¯¯Y, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 18:22,
Oh no
The bear managed to undo the kid's belt. That's what it is. And why one of the grown-ups pulled the kid's jeans up half way through.
(jellybeanflickerJesus was Korean, but there he was Cho Sun Wun, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 20:04,
Better than UFC
I'd pay to watch this
(The ScruntWants a Dozen Pints, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 16:16,
weapon recoil and handling, enemy engagements (they're hardly 12 feet away) look suspiciously call of duty-esque.
probably still too arcady and didn't take enough from project reality.
(hieronymus boschpcmechanic 4ver in ar harts, goodnite sweet angle, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:12,
But it still looks like youre looking through a steadicam with a gun bolted to it.
(tatersBah weep grahnah weep ninibong, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:44,
that's the way I like it baby I don't wanna live forever
(Ol' Ginger Bastarda role model for the children, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:53,
I dunno why, but that amused me. Ace of Spades should be quoted more often in general conversation.
(SnowyTheWereRabbitthe Leporid from Hell, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 16:10,
Play with a wobbly cam
and see how long it takes you to boak.
(retroflyHow about a link to a picture of something funny.., Wed 2 Mar 2011, 16:51,
a bit too "Killin' Arabs Fuck Yeah" for my liking
also i hate the way they do that half crouching walk while aiming thing, like they've shit they're pants
(Rebel biscuitstercore sumus et nos esse novimus, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 16:56,
i'm gonna pretend they are religious fanatics
and then feel ok about it
(Ol' Ginger Bastarda role model for the children, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 17:17,
that looks fantastic!
(Blackdogmanguitaris out with Fat Larry's Jazz Band on, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 17:20,
ye looks very nice
:( I get the feeling they are virtually training us up for the next world war with all these modern carpy sims. Bring back the nostalgia of bf1942!
(sPUNKerdo your pictures for nothing get abuse for free, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 17:40,
Wow! IT ...looks exactly the same as everything else.
(maninahatToo many cocks spoil the brothel., Wed 2 Mar 2011, 18:07,
And "The most ignorant comment of 2011 thus far award" goes to...
*drum rolls*
Unless by "everything else" you mean "first person" style war simulators, then well, what did you expect?
(Firkinfeduplast shat on your wife's tits at, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 18:45,
Well it does LOOK like every other modern warfare related FPS.
I know. I've looked at them.
And I don't expect anything other than COD copy-cat derivatives from AAA game developers. They could at least try to make the protagonists anything other than white yanks with stubble. Don't other countries have wars?
maybe it was an offer?
(spagaroony, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:55,
You can't taunt the blind anymore?
It's political madness gone correct which you couldn't make up!
(User #86772, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:01,
You could make it up
but you'd need a handcart to take it to hell
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:05,
I am mortally offended by your sarcasm and have therefore informed the police
(benito vaselinino not that one, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:05,
You can taunt the blind.
That's fine.
It's the horrible, cripplingly debilitating disease of law enforcement which people get touchy about. Try insulting a normal police officer. Same treatment.
(Buttersand his titanium codsocket, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:48,
I don't have a problem with this at all
Would it be any different to laughing in the face of someone in a wheelchair?
Actually, is it different, because you do it to their face rather than behind their back
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:06,
While agree that it was an offensive and crass thing to say,
I dont think it should be the state's role to arrest citizens for saying anything - unless they're inciting violence.
(benito vaselinino not that one, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:13,
Well it's down to interpretation of Section 5 Public Order Act
Use of threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour.
So swearing is a public order offence for which you can be arrested. Though more often than not can be dealt with using a fixed penalty.
However, they should be arrested and escorted off the premises to prevent further breach of the peace.
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:20,
This is similar to section 4a
4a is where you intend to cause alarm or distress through use of threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour.
5 is where you cause it without intention (I think).
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:22,
Love the sig
You think Charlie Sheen's favourite song is this?
(Canazzais mostly listening to Yes, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:24,
Time to tweet that to Charlie Sheen!!!
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:26,
and the fact the victim was a copper
makes her doubly stupid and therefore more worthy of arrest
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:32,
Yeah, it was a bit stupid!
He's quite high profile, after all!
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:36,
there's not going to be many people left on the streets if they arrest all the stupid ones
(benito vaselinino not that one, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:39,
But she was arrested for a Public Order offence, not for 'being stupid'
She'll probably get a £60 fine and told to fuck off and not do it again, but the point is, she still committed an offence.
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:41,
what I'm saying is that it shouldnt be an offence
(benito vaselinino not that one, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:55,
Well I think it should
Using words than can be harassing and/or threatening is one of the key reasons why ASBOs were introduced. It's not just about how you perceive it, it's about how others do.
It's been illegal since before 1984, when the revised Public Order Act was introduced.
There's always your MP to talk to about it, if you aren't happy with it.
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:03,
I agree
they should have just tasered her there on the spot and be done with it
(Canazzais mostly listening to Yes, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:21,
Well, it's not as if she was going to look him in the eyes and say it.
(Buttersand his titanium codsocket, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:42,
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration, Thu 3 Mar 2011, 8:53,
Hang 'em. And hang 'em high.
(JamTallons, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:08,
4eva in are harts...
...and faces.
(mr.dogshitThe world's premier anthropomorphic canine faeces, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:14,
IN. YOUR. FAAAACE. FUCKERSSSS. *Flips the V's* *Skateboards off*
(Canazzais mostly listening to Yes, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:39,
Arrest that Marty McFly wannabe!
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:46,
I think fair enough that it's a criminal case.
Her motivation clearly wasn't to "have a laugh", it was to harass and bully.
I'd say it's right that harassment is illegal.
(monkeonschmonkeon, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:21,
causing offence to someone shouldnt be grounds for arrest.
While I'm not defending what this woman said, I think freedom of speech is more important.
(benito vaselinino not that one, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:49,
It's not about freedom of speech though.
She spoke entirely in onomatopoeia, and didn't really say anything.
Offence and harassment are different things (admittedly with a blurry boundary)
If she politely explained to him why she believed he deserved to be shot in the face, then fair enough. As it was, she obviously just wanted to harass a policeman and believed (incorrectly) that she was above the law in doing so.
Do you think people should have the right to shout abuse at you when you are walking down the street in the name of "freedom of speech"? Do you think verbal bulling in the workplace is acceptable?
(monkeonschmonkeon, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:55,
explains it better than I ever could
(h3donisttryin' to play me out as if my name is Sega.., Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:04,
It's certainly easier to read than the legal-speak in the Public Order Act, anyway.
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:09,
I suppose it comes down to semantics
Harrassment or bullying - to me at least - implies a sustained campaign of abuse which was clearly not the case here.
I'd also say that people dont generally shout abuse at me in the street. Not because it's illegal, I suspect, but because they share a common humanity which this woman obviously does not.
(benito vaselinino not that one, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:24,
What a nasty cow
(JahledThree shades of black, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:39,
^that one^
What they said
(Extinct Jesus Dossier"...I think it counteracts Hitler's magic...", Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:51,
nasty cow cunt
(Tab HunterMake this useless process end and so, begin again, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:59,
Yeah, but is the dirt gone?
(monkdagolabut how do you TURN a phrase?, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 16:08,
I imagine they'd be quite uncomfortable if they were hot...
(MrOliis ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:17,
has not got vagina or opinion
(benito vaselinino not that one, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:21,
about as hot as tetsuo the iron man's bumhole.
(tatersBah weep grahnah weep ninibong, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:25,
Can I bring my magnets?
(retroflyHow about a link to a picture of something funny.., Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:31,
I know of someone very close to me who has her clitoris pierced
(redazrilI LIKE DRUGS!, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:37,
Your mum?
(The ScruntWants a Dozen Pints, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:44,
my thoughts exactly
didnt want to practically insult a boarder i dont know though...
(tatersBah weep grahnah weep ninibong, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:10,
I wouldn't worry about that
This isn't /talk you know.
(redazrilI LIKE DRUGS!, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:37,
(redazrilI LIKE DRUGS!, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:37,
her clit
or her clit hood?
(mr.dogshitThe world's premier anthropomorphic canine faeces, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:57,
In da hood.
(redazrilI LIKE DRUGS!, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:36,
i just don't get piercings
especially septum ones
(chocolatelemming, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:47,
What about septic ones?
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:11,
is this strange, or unusual?
It's pretty normal stuff, far as I'm aware.
Either that or i hang around with a whole bunch of deviants.
you don't put a body kit on an E-Type jag
cos its a design classic
tits and fannies are no different in my book
(Ol' Ginger Bastarda role model for the children, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:55,
This is the metaphorical beaded seat cover that makes the ride more, erm, stimulating.
(Blind MeachCautiously optimistic, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 18:49,
Mum, Dad, I'm going to dye my hair pink and if you don't like it tough!
That's nice dear. ~~~ Mum, Dad, I'm going to get a tattoo and if you don't like it tough! That's nice dear. ~~~ Mum, Dad, I'm going to get a load of rings and bolts put through my genitals and if you don't like it tough! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I think that's roughly how it goes.
(stopmeandslapmeCometh the hour, cometh your mum, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 18:49,
3D animated GIFs
Pretty faux 3D animated GIFs. Like a flip only more so.
I have a half decent iphone app that lets you cheat those...
..It's called twitpic. Your subject has to hold still, because you have to take the two pics one at a time, but it means you can have fun with it by pulling faces and stuff.
(Kung_Fu_Russran out of amusing signatures on, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:19,
I used to have glasses like that until recently.
They got eaten by an animal :(
(pissflaps.FSPW, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:12,
Save us from the future
Search is broke, so hopefully not GC. If you've seen the original, skip to the end.
(McClaireyis currently coughing., Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:16,
that dog.
(Canazzais mostly listening to Yes, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:14,
Most enervating
and yeah, the dog!
(MisterPunchdid it that way on, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:20,
Oh God
That made me feel physically sick. These people are just not right.
(flatfrogStaring vacantly into space, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:35,
The guy on the popular page is faster...
same track tho :) Maybe the suit slowed him down!
(McMookMacCrush Proof, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:37,
How wide are some of those streets?
Shirley his handlebars are wider?
(redazrilI LIKE DRUGS!, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:38,
Urban Downhill is insane
I do a bit of the old regular downhill but I wouldn't fancy that. Sooooo many places to stack it and far too many dogs for my liking.
Fair play to the bloke, I definately enjoyed that.
Worth having a look at the 'The Collective' videos for craziness in tight streets on bikes.
(CoubsSalty toothpaste, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:59,
Is that the same as the one on the popular page?
(Blackdogmanguitaris out with Fat Larry's Jazz Band on, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:46,
If it's got the dog hop, then yes.
Unless that's part of the track.
(mrmonkfishyolo420weedwizard, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 16:36,
Cat would never do that!
(chompedhomas, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:54,
(CoubsSalty toothpaste, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:00,
Oh that reminds me, did anyone watch Robert Popper's new sitcom "Friday Night Dinner"?
I couldn't watch past the first ten minutes as it was so awful. Did it get better?
(Tab HunterMake this useless process end and so, begin again, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:12,
I gave that one a complete ignore
I watched some of that post-Inbetweeners game show thing Simon Bird did and was not amused so I tend to avoid things with him in these days.
To be honest I wasn't really impressed by the majority of Look Around You season 2 so I'm sticking to my season 1 and the IT Crowd.
(CoubsSalty toothpaste, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:22,
Ooh, controversial.
I actually prefer season 2 of Look around you. And think IT crowd peaked at season 2. (mind, I am a grumpy bastard)
(Tab HunterMake this useless process end and so, begin again, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:42,
but how could you ignore 'thanks ants, thants'
I agree with you on the IT Crowd though. Season 2 definately did it for me.
(CoubsSalty toothpaste, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:51,
Thants- Was that not season two too?
Yeah, IT crowd's still good, but it's been a slow slide after "The work outing" which almost made a little bit of wee come out, it was so funny.
(Tab HunterMake this useless process end and so, begin again, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:19,
Friday Night Dinner was a builder
Strong finish at the end
(UltimateMonkeyBan this sick filth!, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:53,
I agree
nearly turned off at the start though - glad I didn't
(leviticusno longer likes the cut of your gib on, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:47,
I'm wondering if the footage
is from Out of Town. The guy looks a bit like Jack Hargreaves.
I think it used to be on Sunday mornings in the late 70's / early 80's. I was ridiculously young, but got hooked on the theme music and the peacefulness of it.
Thought I'd imagined it, until the Fast Show based Bob Fleming on it.
I really enjoyed that
and that definately has to be where the footage came from.
Unfortunately, being a mid-eightees child means that I was way to young to have enjoyed that at the time but I shall spend some time watching through these.
(CoubsSalty toothpaste, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:09,
I never saw that before
But that's ace.
Can someone please explain why we've gone from his style of presenting (quiet, informed and unhurried) to the current type of presenters (straight out of drama school and shit)?
(UltimateMonkeyBan this sick filth!, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:40,
it's a shame
the emphasis has shifted from being an expert at the subject, or at least an expert at journaling the subject (with all of the critical awareness that such a task requires), to being an expert at broadcasting and being comfortable in front of a camera.
Jack Hargreaves also created How!, and was one of the founders of ITV.
(masakatsubest of all the burger meats, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 14:10,
I absolutely agree
It has such a charming warmth, it's something I rather like about Brian Cox's approach to presenting, it's not much more than banter.
(Extinct Jesus Dossier"...I think it counteracts Hitler's magic...", Wed 2 Mar 2011, 16:17,
It's a brilliant recreation
But once you've seen "Telly Savals Looks At Birmingham", you realise this kind of thing is near impossible to parody
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:15,
The narration reminds me of Johnny Depp's naration throughout Fear & Loathing.
If only the guy knew that Birmingham would end up as a slum.
(CoubsSalty toothpaste, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:36,
Love that!
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Wed 2 Mar 2011, 15:19,
Squatters on the Skyline
"Facing a mounting housing shortage, squatters have transformed an abandoned skyscraper in downtown Caracas (Venezuela) into a makeshift home for more than 2,500 people.
This deserves a click.
Not only for sticking it to the man, but also for ingenuity.
(NirmethMy ignore list is fucking huge. Hint., Wed 2 Mar 2011, 11:34,
Now THAT is real ANARCHY!
(chompedhomas, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:43,
That's not a surprise - he had an IQ above 50.
(DrPrunesqualloris determined to post more as of, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 11:12,
But on the other hand
he was quite in favour of eugenics and a World government, neither of which have caught on yet.
(Smaleis stuffed, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:05,
'Neither of which have caught on yet'
Yeah, you keep thinking that, Sheeple!
(SnowyTheWereRabbitthe Leporid from Hell, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:49,
(StonkwoodPipes made me do it, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:18,
Strangely mesmerising.
(The Empressit seems you CAN polish a turd!, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 10:51,
I learned from this
That not only do I hate new music, I also hate really old music. /Fucks off back to Absolute 80s.
(evil_andyStick stick stick stick sticky sticky stick stick, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 11:02,
But it's DRACULA music! Doesn't that excite you just a tiny bit?
(The Empressit seems you CAN polish a turd!, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 11:06,
Well, I like it. Pleasingly 8-bit graphics too.
(DrPrunesqualloris determined to post more as of, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 11:14,
Not really
The first two and a half minutes sounds like he was just sitting at the keyboard figuring out what all the keys do. It gets going a bit after that, but its really hard work to get there.
(evil_andyStick stick stick stick sticky sticky stick stick, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 11:16,
Fair enough.
I just find it disconcerting when people can't listen to Bach, seeing as he basically laid the foundations for modern western tonality as we know it. But then I'm not the biggest fan of Mozart, so it's all just a question of taste in the end.
(The Empressit seems you CAN polish a turd!, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 11:25,
It's captain Nemo music
Bloody philistines...
(Hamster Trippin'aka Mr. Titts, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 11:35,
Classic Rock Party! *Aerosmiths*
(Canazzais mostly listening to Yes, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 11:38,
The 80s?
I don't think you like music full stop
(Rebel biscuitstercore sumus et nos esse novimus, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:23,
that was awesome
(leviticusno longer likes the cut of your gib on, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 11:19,
Lovely! (though not my favourite Bach by a long shot)
Could only be improved if (rather than midi) it were played on large wheezy organ.
(Tab HunterMake this useless process end and so, begin again, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 12:19,
^ this
with 64 foot pipes for the D's
(buffet_the_appetite_slayer٩(●̮̃•)۶ jacked in to the ICE on, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:05,
Though tbh, there's not much I think wouldn't be improved by the addition of a large, wheezy organ. /coat
(Tab HunterMake this useless process end and so, begin again, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:18,
Wurlitzer, perhaps?
I have a dream/idea of seeing this played in the RFH, or perhaps Liverpool Cathedral, with the bar-graph score projected on to the casing and walls.
(The Empressit seems you CAN polish a turd!, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:35,
It was set in prohibition New York, if I remember correctly.
Nice webcomic, also. Thanks.
(Captain Howdy, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 9:52,
um... what's the opposite of a nerdgasm?
because I just did one.
(mr.dogshitThe world's premier anthropomorphic canine faeces, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 9:51,
No, no, no...
that's what happens AFTER a nerdgasm.
(mr.dogshitThe world's premier anthropomorphic canine faeces, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 10:34,
^This is a truly great word.
I shall steal it and use it.
(DrPrunesqualloris determined to post more as of, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 10:52,
Time capsule found in NZ
Apparently they're planning on using the capsule to go back in time and evacuating the city.
(acab, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 9:01,
They capsules are very small.
Perhaps they can train a mouse or a small kitten to go back in time with a message?
(JamTallons, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:02,
but when it travelled back in time would it not be stuck underground where they found the capsule
Then next time they would just find a small capsule with a dead cat/mouse in it with a note saying "evacuate the city". That would basically blow their minds and everyone would freak out.
(Nostreborcan't be everything all the time., Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:25,
:-(I'm not trained in time science.
Obviously someone with knowledge of such things would handle the project and I'm sure could overcome such trivial problems as sending a kitten back in time AND space.
(JamTallons, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 13:31,