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(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:03, archived)
# Oh good, someone is still here.
And he's making lovely blue pictures.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:04, archived)
# Hello.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:06, archived)
# I've just been playing playstation for hours and now I can't sleep :(
I might make a picture.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:08, archived)
# draw the space race
if it were being conducted by a species of sub humanoid potato beasts.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:15, archived)
# I can't either.
I've been playing with my new camera for a few hours and now have nothing to do and no one to speak to.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:17, archived)
# turning comp off anyway.
Good night internet.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:22, archived)
# Very nice!
I like the way you've done the eye especially.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:07, archived)
# I like this one more than the other one.
It's nice and tranquil, kinda.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:10, archived)
# blue is a calming colour
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:12, archived)
# Cba to watch, I'm off to bed before it starts to get light :]
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:16, archived)
# lol
probably wise. on both counts. night fella.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:17, archived)
# your bed is going to star glowing?
I don't think I'd like to sleep on such a thing
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 5:03, archived)
# Eez good
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:50, archived)
# Particularly stunning
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 5:00, archived)
# nice. she's got coriander hair-tips.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 5:45, archived)

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:30, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:43, archived)
# saw the story on the news
and all I could think was PROPANE, PROPANE.

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:16, archived)
# it has always been about the methylated spirits.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:48, archived)
# The shit winds are comin boys
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:59, archived)
# not another night of the shit-abyss!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:14, archived)
# it's a shit-o-caine
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:31, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:06, archived)
# i heart that song.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 5:46, archived)
# it's alright, it's alright, it's alright
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:19, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:32, archived)
# is this canadialand exploding?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:54, archived)
# terror! explosion! boom!
fucking nonsense made transit a mess today. nawty propane people, i hope they are sorry.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 5:44, archived)
Fuck-giraffes Rapitinui?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 8:44, archived)
# Remix

I just updated the mofaha rss feed if anyone's interested :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:14, archived)
# Lovely stuff :]
Evening sir!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:16, archived)
# she fell asleep on a grill :(
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:19, archived)
# No, she's just made of rolling paper
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:20, archived)
# hallo there young human.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:23, archived)
# Hey
I gazzed you.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:05, archived)
# hey. i replied.
but i went out for pizza in the interim - to SUPERMODEL PIZZA.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 5:48, archived)
# I've just been watching a load of cyriak vids..
i makes me wan decent ram and after effects.

computer upgrade is being placed on my todo list.

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:11, archived)
# i'm in the upgrade process as we speak.
best thing about mm/cyriak - he makes the music too.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 5:55, archived)
[challenge entry] Won't someone think of the television!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:14, archived)
# I can tell.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:15, archived)
# you might need this for that
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:07, archived)
# a bit big
may want to optimize. but still i like
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:16, archived)
# lol.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:16, archived)
# Jesus H Christ Man!

And please for the love of god READ THIS AND STUDY IT HARD.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:18, archived)
# um.
you should shrink this - it's about 6.5x too big.

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:19, archived)
# 50% looks alright on my monitor
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:20, archived)
# file size = 6.5x too large.
and i'm browsing b3ta on my watch so it should really only be 20 pixels wide, too.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:25, archived)
# I seeeeeee, I thought you meant dimensions
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:38, archived)
# right now i'm in the eleventh one.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 5:49, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:19, archived)
# oooh thats a big one.
if the gayshift god is still floating around I sense an edit coming shortly..
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:19, archived)
# nope
we have been forsaken.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:35, archived)
# haha what is happening
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:20, archived)
# pffft.
love the joke and execution, and it's good optimisation for a picture that big.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:32, archived)
# I can't see it.
Got it in a bigger size?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:40, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:46, archived)
# That's great
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:55, archived)
# word of warning
do not fall asleep in the sun surrounded by drunken students
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:12, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:14, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:14, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:16, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:18, archived)
# Ha.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:19, archived)
# What that guy above said
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:14, archived)
# I
Concur. We have an agreement. This Is Funny.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:15, archived)
# wouldnt mind
but the fucker wont dissapear
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:17, archived)
# get some red indellible maker.
or some tracing paper. trace round the word tit
then stick to cardboard. Get a stanley knife(ask your parents to help you with this bit) and cut out the word tit.

afix cardboard to self and return to the sun and wait.

should even up. :D
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:22, archived)
# I read that as argument.
and I got perplexed.

also the students were correct in their assertion. Melenoma is neither big nor clever..
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:18, archived)
# they shaved your chest? bastards!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:19, archived)
# you know what
im natually hairless on my chest, on the other hand arse like a yeti
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:24, archived)
# You have an arse like a yeti on your hand?
You should get that looked at :/
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:25, archived)
# nooooo
the other hand, saw a doctor bout it, all he could say is "thats abominable"

im really sorry
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:28, archived)
# Hahahah that was brilliant
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:39, archived)
# no it wasn't
im really ashamed truely sorry
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:42, archived)
# god im bored,a bit big sorry
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:08, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:10, archived)
# I did a The Beatles the other day
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:32, archived)
# :)
i likes this :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:35, archived)
# Needs more Olympic logos :-P
It is done rather well though.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:40, archived)
# Hahahah
Weirdly, HappyToast posted one like that just after I posted this one.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:51, archived)
# I've always said, you spend enough time on b3ta, you'll be assimilated by the hive-mind.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:02, archived)
# Yeah :/
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:11, archived)
# the world is too much fun to ever be boring.
i don't know what this pic's all about, but i'm not a weezer fan. i like the design bit in the bottom third, though.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:33, archived)
# basicly
its 3 album covers in one made it ages ago at work, just found it now and thought "i made them look a bit like midgets" not exiting i know but at least i tell you no lies
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:38, archived)
# Green, blue and make believe?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:41, archived)
# aye
was gonna work in pinkerton,malodroit and red but that would waste mine and everybody else's time
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:44, archived)
# Pfft.
I must confess to only owning green and make believe and like them both very much. Are the rest any good?

I love pork and beans, always makes me smile when I hear it.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:47, archived)
# the blue album
best debut of all time in my eyes,pinkerton wasn't well recieved but still a great album, the new album tho its a bit on the ballad heavy side.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:49, archived)
# As above.
The Blue Album is ace, and I quite enjoy the Red Album too.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:55, archived)
# im thinking
of starting a weezer tribute band, called weerez or weeze or something
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:59, archived)
# Form a real band and just do a couple of covers.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:02, archived)
# been there done that haha
would just be for a laugh
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:04, archived)
# I'm bored also.
i'm playing with photoshop and doing rubbish.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:05, archived)
# It appears that CERN have started to fuck everything up by propogating a couple of large black holes in the entertainment industry...

RIP Bernie & Isaac
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:06, archived)
hahaha fuck thats good

so was anyone else disappointed there was no resonance cascade?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:08, archived)
# yet
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:09, archived)
# my money's still on December 21, 2012 :D
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:13, archived)
# go team mayan calander!
people have said nostrodamus predicted it as well.. but I'm pretty much sure when ever an end of a world scare is mentioned it's always said nostrodamus predicted it..
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:15, archived)
# It never pays to be precise in prophecy
Always leave a bit of wiggleroom in the interpretation.
I predict :
"The Great One from across the sea shall declare war upon the Pretender, blood shall flow like the Nile, widows shall weep and the skies shall darken."

I also predict lottery numbers for a fee.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:22, archived)
# I still don't get the Mayan Calendar theory
Just because their maths worked out a calendar good for a few thousand years doesn't mean end of calendar = end of world.
My wall calendar ends at the end of this year and is as good a predictor for end of the world as anything.
Edit : Wiki knows everything
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:19, archived)
# Presumably it works in the same way that the positions of balls of molten gas 30 thousand lightyears away make you a bit moody.
And somehow do it by negating the speed of light.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:23, archived)
# I blame uranus
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:24, archived)
# I'd appreciatiate astrology
if at any point it said this.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:32, archived)
# I just think it would be so fucking sweet if the nailed it bang on.
Dec21st, 2012 at 11.11 GMT
you got to admit it's a cocky prediction :D

then again maybe that's why all the aztecs fucked off, bad gambling debts

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:28, archived)
# Yeah
They're so full of mystic wisdom and awesomeness and can predict end of the world, but they couldn't predict the collapse of their civilisation and the decimation of their race by invaders?
I'm still waiting for this Age of Aquarius to kick in.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:35, archived)
# haa
I am so goingto refer to diahorrea as a resonance cascade fromnow on.

thank you science for providing comical euphamisms.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:16, archived)
# Science? SCIENCE?
That is clearly a phrase from the Star Trek school of random words strung together.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:17, archived)
# well that still be a science
of sorts.

it says so here on my lexicoscilloscope.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:19, archived)
# Hmmm, there's something wrong with the water optimiser!
It seems that the pickle element is broken.

I must find a suitable replacement before the water table becomes infected with wonky hydrogen.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:25, archived)
# try the scorpion flangegate riser.
I here it quantiscential fluctupations gibblesect at tauteralian angles. which could be high beneficial in these circumstances.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:34, archived)
# They're just getting it to operational temp (1.9K). I believe they start flinging Protons around in October.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:22, archived)
# Yes
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:35, archived)
# haha, they're dead.
'entertaining' is a relative term.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:13, archived)
# was Bernie Mac "funny"?
cos I don't ever remember laughing at him
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:21, archived)
# apart from when he died.
/going to hell blog
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:23, archived)
# His Weed Smoking Preacher
in friday raised a chuckle I think.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:25, archived)
# ^ drugs at the 74th Street Baptist Church....we call the sinny sin sins
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:36, archived)
# Well Down Hee-yah
Onna 24th street an-westaaaahn, this here is what we call a twenney twen tweeeeen.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:44, archived)
# new olympic events: synchronised cannibalism.

i'd watch it. it would definitely beat the stupid steroidfest that's currently going on.

also: birds.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:54, archived)
# this is getting clicked with such force that I may bust my mouse
but that has me belly laughing. a yay :)

also the birds thing is a bit good.. are you Matt heckert.. or is it just a video you've found?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:55, archived)
# thanks. i wish i was matthew heckert.
look up survival research laboratories - that's where i discovered him.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:02, archived)
# hahahaha!
that's mental :D

love it.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:13, archived)
# i have a couple of their videos from the pre-internet days.
and somewhere i have a signed photograph of the rabot they made that mark pauline mailed me when i sent him some weird mail-art.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:29, archived)
# :)
I want to have the technical ability and money to be able to buildsuch contraptions :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:36, archived)
# yay for tree rape!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:56, archived)
# don't you like trees?
that nasty girl has harmed their delicate psyches.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:03, archived)
# hahahahaha!
although i was always more of a famous five kinda girl.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:56, archived)
# i never read any of these 'teen adventure' books.
they always looked identical to me, so i read true crime (as we discussed last night).
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:05, archived)
# my parents bought them for me
they were worried when they caught me, aged 8, reading carrie.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:08, archived)
# haha
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:00, archived)
# i looked for a technical term for clock-repair person and it appears that none exists.
if i were a clock-repair person i'd be miffed.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:06, archived)
# Horologist?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:07, archived)
# nah, sounds too silly. and clocksmith, below, just seems like a failed attempt.
i was hoping for something akin to wainwright, which doesn't look like it was cobbled together (ha!) by apologists or librarians.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:20, archived)
# clocksmith?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:09, archived)
# hahahaha
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:08, archived)
# i had the name pop into my head.
so i went looking for her books with her and trees on the cover and saw this clock one. what the hell, publishing house?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:15, archived)
# *peas*
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:24, archived)
# i think goliath is the top.
repressed christians are almost always the ones getting boned.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:32, archived)
# Yes.

Nazi berry muffins
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:44, archived)
# how did the tortillas turn out?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:48, archived)
# More like flat flexible biscuits.
Was too hungry to kneed or let the dough rest for very long.
Tasty none the less.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:01, archived)
# There's something out there.. out there in those woods.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:24, archived)
# hello!
i'll be back later. i'm going for pizza now.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:27, archived)
# beg to differ
but some of the best clock repairs i have ever done occurred in dank fetid swamps!

Woo yeah!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 13:46, archived)
# Real fire demon photo sunday thingy

Click for bigger (102KB)

This is what hapens when you put water on a chip pan fire.. My mate took this today at a local fire brigade display, its a real photo and rather spooky methinks....
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:54, archived)
# bloody firemen and their racist chip pans!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:55, archived)
# yes, the KKK get everywhere....
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:07, archived)
# i bet they don't like their chips
turning brown
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:08, archived)
# I imagine that's what the ghost of Simon Weston would look like.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:56, archived)
# never cook chips outside
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:57, archived)
# outside never chips cook
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:58, archived)
# nice shot.
fire makes people do stupid things. i grew up on a farm that was bordered by railway tracks. in late summer, when the grass was dry, sparks from the train wheels would set the fallow areas on fire at times. standard procedure was to phone the fire department and then go try and put out the fires. some people just didn't get it and would run around in terror over a fire less than a few metres deep and maybe 20 metres long, in an area bordered by wet fields and a creek.

also, my sister one put buttered bread in a toatser and when it caught fire she threw the whole thing outside.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:01, archived)
# I'd panic at a fire that big.
And the fire brigade would rather have to deal with a false call than someone burning to death.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:05, archived)
# you'd panic at burning grass?
the flames never get more than thigh-high and are usually much lower. the firehouse was many miles away - the farmers were the ones who always put the flames out.

we used to stamp them out and then jump in puddles to watch the rubber on the soles of our shoes hiss and steam.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:10, archived)
# i set fire to my kitchen the first day i moved into my house a year ago
i was dead excited, i've wanted to use a fire extinguisher for years.

trust me people, they're easier to use than the sims make it look
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:05, archived)
# do people still use chip pans?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:03, archived)
# I've only ever cooked chips in an oven.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:05, archived)
# If you look closely...
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:29, archived)
# A demon baffled by the sudden appearance of a moth

'Ning nightshifters.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:26, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:27, archived)
# He prefers 3 day-old carrion.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:28, archived)
# Who doesn't?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:28, archived)
# the carrion.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:29, archived)
# Well it doesn't get a say in the matter.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:30, archived)
# sad mammal.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:35, archived)
# What's carrion?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:29, archived)
# it's the luggage you take on board a plane by hand
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:30, archived)
# Argh!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:30, archived)
# ARGH, I've just got an image of luggage from the discworld novels raising its leg urinating like a dog now.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:31, archived)
# you say that like it's a bad thing.
I hope Mr. Pratchet writes some more Rincewind. I like Rincewind.

also his new non discworld book should be coming out soon... *goes ferreting off to amazon to find out when..*

Edit: 11th sept. and it's called Nation.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:36, archived)
# I doubt he knows to be honest...
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:37, archived)
# I want him to write more stories about the witches.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:37, archived)
# i love his cynicism
but the city watch books are the best.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:38, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:43, archived)
# thud is brilliant
but night watch is the best.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:46, archived)
# I have literally no idea what any of you are talking about.
I've owned and borrowed several Pratchett books, I don't think I've ever actually read through more than a tenth of one.

I vaguely remember the start of one with Death having a Butler and he was going down to Earth or something.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:46, archived)
# you really should give them another try.
a friend gave me lords and ladies in my late teens, i never looked back.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:48, archived)
# It took me ages to get into them.
I tried A Colour of Magic repeatedly over the course of a few years and couldn't get into it. Then one day it just clicked and now I've read the lot.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:48, archived)
# It's probably too much what I write to stand reading anyway.
I think I'll just stick to the classics. You can't fault books which have sentences the length of other author's paragraphs.

EDIT: I think I read some of the Truckers books, with the little Gnome people, they were alright enough to finish and read the next one although that was when I was about ten.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:50, archived)
# I read dostoevski's the priosner recently
I loved that lots.

and don quixote was very good.

Homer's the odyssey and the Illiad have been the top of the reading list for a while but other books keep jumping over them.

I also have Mein Kampf.. but i think that's just a book to be kept on a coffee table to scare guests.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:54, archived)
# I liked nightwatch
but I found it a break from his usual style.. as it was less jokey.. but it was very good.

I have every discworld book. apart from eric which I lent to a cousin/.. who has no memory of me doing this and Men at Arms which I left in a motel in France. gah.

Anything with Cohen the Barbarian in ='s win.

although I think my favourite book is Small Gods.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:49, archived)
# i've got them all, too.
i've got a soft spot for lords and ladies, but i love the dark style of night watch. the fact that it gives the other characters such backstory and depth is fantastic.
terry pratchett autographed reaper man and feet of clay for me :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:55, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:31, archived)
# *silently giggling into neck*
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:31, archived)
# thats awesome!
well done who ever made that site.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:33, archived)
# I'll be clicking that button while watching BBC News
That should liven it up.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:37, archived)
# :D
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:38, archived)
# Pfft!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:42, archived)
# The luggage that's not your suitcase.
Arf arf.

It's bits of rotted carcass.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:30, archived)
# Ooooh.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:39, archived)
# Dead animal
Usually bird, usually more than a couple of days old.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:32, archived)
# What a carrion!
/Carry On blog
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:29, archived)
# ooh this is very good
It would be better if you finished shading it though... :p

a woo :D
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:27, archived)
# nice :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:28, archived)
# lovely!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:30, archived)
# Yaay!
Blobman loevs buttirfly!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:31, archived)
# seconds later the butterflys lands on his nose and the oil beast looks crosseyed at the butterflies beautiful wings and marvels at the wonder of such wonderous ephemeral fragility.
then in one tragic moment he realises the butterfly is stuck to his oily nose and cannot unstick itself. poor oilbeast is condemned to watch the most perfect thing he has ever seen die slowly in front of him, tormented by the knowledge that the poor butterfly has died because of him.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:38, archived)
# *sniffs*
that is so sad.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:39, archived)
# i'm upset now :(
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:42, archived)
# me too :(
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:46, archived)
# ):
Put a green filter on him so he can be a mossbeast instead of an oilbeast.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:41, archived)
# i can't get it right, the best i can manage is an ink beast
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:49, archived)
# dat butterfly is still gonna drown
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:51, archived)
# :D
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:55, archived)
# yay for mossman!
you gonna live, little critter!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:58, archived)
# But if he's made of plant matter
he may get eaten by butterflies.


There's no happy ending with this picture, is there?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:59, archived)
# you never know
if he kisses the butterfly, it might turn out to be a moss princess under a spell, returned to her true form by the kiss of a lonely mossman.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:02, archived)
# What the fuck?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:03, archived)
# what?
can't i look on the bright(green) side for once?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:07, archived)
# No.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:11, archived)
# *sulks*
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:15, archived)
# *the incredible sulks*
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:18, archived)
# Yaaaaay!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:03, archived)
# i aim to please :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:10, archived)
# he's a little bit pond water beast now isn't he :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:00, archived)
# this picture worries me
as I forsee this creature being he last supply of oil in the world and all the countries are trying to hunt it down to syphon out its slicky carbonness.

poor critter.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:34, archived)
# wow.... thats really sad :(
i had a similar though whilst drawing him too.... :(
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:41, archived)
# I saw it as a combination of the fugitive and the incredible hulk.
but with more lolloping around mountains.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:47, archived)
# I can't wait until Marvel comics start getting desperate for idea and give the Hulk guns.
Although I can't feasibly see what opponent he would go up against when he would actually need them.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:54, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:58, archived)
# That was basically what happened in Marvel Zombies 2.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:02, archived)
# i haven't read that one yet
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:07, archived)
# Not read the Marvel Zombies Vs The Army of Darkness crossover either?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:09, archived)
# noooooo that sounds ace
i've only read MZ1 so far
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:11, archived)
# A motherfucking T-rex in a fighter plane.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:58, archived)
# they'd need to be autonomous and mobile
otherwise when he reverts back to bruce he'd have to leave them behind.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:01, archived)
# Marvel needs some new characters, or at least new character fighting personalities.
There are basically only two varieties. The ones which are strong and can physically beat their opponent, or the ones which stream of some quasi scientific bollocks and pout around before collapsing the person into a singularity using a vibrator and a coke can.

Where are the people who use Tai Chi and angular momentum to defeat a powerful opponent? Or the people who are just cunning and have lasers grafted into their chests and exploding rats.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:07, archived)
# they tried doing new heros a few years back and nobody bought them
if you want subversive superheroing read Stormwatch and its succesor The Authority
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:13, archived)
# New personalities, new methods, new writing at least.
I mean they've reinvented the standard heroes time and time again, so they may as well at least reinvent them fucking well for once.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:18, archived)
# maybe a little bit like the sandman as well. except he would be kind and unwilling to hurt anyone
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:55, archived)
# it would be permanently befuddled in my house
there are moths coming in from the garden in droves :/
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:31, archived)
# I love moths.
They're big fuzzy wuzzy butterflies and they're crazy as fuck.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:34, archived)
# i don't love them.
they're large, hairy and they flap in your face. the cat likes them, though. she's eaten about 4 today.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:36, archived)
# Here, I ruined your drawing for you.

Three months I've been stuck with GIMP and it's still useless at doing anything.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:43, archived)
# Lol
tampax demon
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:45, archived)
# eeeeeewwww
bodyformed for you!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:47, archived)
# may i suggest a lil bit of illegality to you?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 2:02, archived)
# nicely drawn there.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:06, archived)
# I like it.
Ill take 7 of them.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 13:38, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:14, archived)
# are you the anti-superdave?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:16, archived)
# This turn of events worries me.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:20, archived)
# whoa....
what do you think this means?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:27, archived)
# You are stealing my material, that's what it means.
And with less scientific accuracy to boot.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:30, archived)
# why not claim that you brewed the beer yourself
even though you lack the most rudimentary of brewing facilities
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:33, archived)
# what is in his fridge!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:16, archived)
# nice!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:16, archived)
# He has a nice house.
It looks like the landing pod thing that spacemen fly back to earth in.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:17, archived)
# You need to do
a videogame story of this. I want to see an epic Steel-sky-type story set in this bleak pink future that awaits us.

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:18, archived)
# Everyone who I try to get code a game for me quits
And I can't code/learn to code because I'm illiterate
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:20, archived)
# No i mean those
videogame story type pics you do, they are brilliant man!

eg: www.b3ta.com/board/8620585

They remind me of zelda. If I could code you a game I would!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:21, archived)
# Oh
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:21, archived)
# Flash actionscript I tells ye!
Shouldn't be too hard to do as it's basically just a static image with one moving person and a load of buttons.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:25, archived)
awesome game :)

I have it sat on my computer waiting for me to play through it again.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:26, archived)
Woot!! Fucking awesome game!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:35, archived)
# reminds me of the man who fell to earth :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:18, archived)
# speaking of david bowie
have you tried the satay sauce yet?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:20, archived)
# *haha flashback*
no...no I've not :D

but it is bookmarked
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:23, archived)
# he lives in a marshmallow?
his carpet must be very sticky.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:19, archived)
oh no.. wait... I think I've made a terrible error.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:22, archived)
# Yes, in quoting that.
*cocks horse shotgun*
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:24, archived)
# I spot an error in your plan
for I am not a horse.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:27, archived)
# Oh no, I think you will find good sir that it is your who are mistaken.
"Should horses be shot?"
"Yes, I think if they're injured yes."
"Who should they be shot at?"
"The jockeys."
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:28, archived)
# he's not moving into my pineapple!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:24, archived)
# heh.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 5:54, archived)
# pesky little comicses

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:59, archived)
# Thats ace
that is :D

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:04, archived)
# O.o
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:04, archived)
# hahahahaha this makes me happy
the worst hypocrites are people who smoked/drinked/fucked/took lots of drugs as teenagers and had a fuckin' killer time then when they grow out of it tell the next generation not to do it.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:05, archived)
# I'd say the worst hypocrites are probably the ones which are multiple murderers.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:09, archived)
# but the best are prolifers who kill abortion doctors
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:11, archived)
# fuck i know....
at least if it was pro-choicers bombing adoption clinics it'd vaguely make sense
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:13, archived)
# Surely that would be more poetic irony that anything though.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:21, archived)
# dramatic irony
if filmed in the style of 24.

or accompanied with the three notes

bud dum daaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

and one of the spielberg loved soom things wher eyou walk backwards at the same speed as the camera is zooming in.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:23, archived)
# I like this..
but the words hurt my mind!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:05, archived)
# it was going to go on longer but I got hand cramps
be thankful to the cramps.


EDIT: nice video linked on your profile made better by the under breath "oww shit." lol. top diving :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:06, archived)
# always thankful to the cramps :)

sunglasses after dark
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:10, archived)
# haha, yes
ta :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:11, archived)
# that video is ace
fegg, what made you do that? its ace but why?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:11, archived)
# I knew I could do it..
just at that moment in time.
I could never attempt it again :/
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:13, archived)
# i'm suprised you didn't break your damn neck
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:14, archived)
# I broke the table
six inch strip off the back..almost visible in the vid. :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:17, archived)
# this is why
i refuse to be put in an old people's home.

that and the smell of stale piss.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:08, archived)
this is why i refuse to be put in an old people's home. that and the smell of stale piss.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:11, archived)
# you made me laugh
but no little bit of wee came out, therefore, you fail. :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:16, archived)
# but I was talking about myself
so we both fail.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:32, archived)
# heheh
failure is always an option!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:37, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:11, archived)
# a bird just flew up against the window and peered at me
scared the shite out of me.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:13, archived)
# this morning i woke up and couldn't move my neck
now i can but it still hurts
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:14, archived)
# did a kid burn it?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:15, archived)
# Well i was in france a week ago, so maybe.
But it could have been something to do with the night before..
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:18, archived)
# why?
did you have a curry?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:25, archived)
# Hehe.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:27, archived)
# up yours, veggie boys!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:42, archived)
# oh coolz
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:43, archived)
# aaawww
he has such rough skin!
*applies moisturiser*
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:46, archived)
# :D
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:47, archived)
# I have pineapple! :D
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:44, archived)
# Smaaaaaaaaaaaaaash
piss off and take your shitty fruit with you.

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:44, archived)
# up yours, you fruitophobe!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:45, archived)
# I'm not a fruitophobe, I just value my tastebuds.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:49, archived)
# more than good health?
vitamin c ftw!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:51, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:53, archived)
# heheh
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:54, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:47, archived)
# kumquats are deceivers
they look so juicy and nice, but they're little waxy balls of evil taste.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:51, archived)
# silly..
earplugs is not kumquat.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:04, archived)
# they're not?
then what should i be using?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:09, archived)
# pardon?
oh... earwax fruit sculptures!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:15, archived)
# i use mine for candles
i only model sculptures out of plasticine
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:20, archived)
# I actually seem to use mine to..
remind me not to chew pens, or not stick things in my ears :/
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:25, archived)
# i wiped it on the cat's fur.
the look of pure disgust as she licked herself clean made me laugh for about an hour.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:30, archived)
# No
With Lamb, Veg definately beats pineapple.
(bit like southern county cricket teams, amarite?)

Im gonna send him that when he gets back
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:52, archived)
# have you never tried a lamb tagine?
always has fruit in it.
then again, if i was having roast lamb, i wouldn't want fruit or veg. i'd just want more lamb.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:56, archived)
# Lamb: King of the Meats.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:04, archived)
# it's so juicy and tasty
why fuck it when you can eat it?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:07, archived)
# Yes.
Save your chipolata for the Beef
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:15, archived)
# beef
makes my gums hurt just looking at it.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:23, archived)
# ^This
I had lamb today and I fucking rather enjoyed it!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:13, archived)
# pisses i think i just missed lemon
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:39, archived)
# hahahahaha!
slattery cattery!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:41, archived)
# where else would you breed slattery cats?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:43, archived)
# next door
to the hattery. with a battery.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:44, archived)
# srop now
or he'll take it as flattery.

nice to see your strange brand of weirdness back on the board, sir :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:53, archived)
# Please stop
this is lyrical assault and battery.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:56, archived)
# what? er..me?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:01, archived)
# thank you :) i've been too busy to draw anything or pollute the collective unconscious for the last few weeks
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:57, archived)
# flattery?
only if he's afflicted with smug twattery!

and it's miss ;)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:57, archived)
# smug twattery only occurs after 12 raspberry daquiris
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:00, archived)
# but after 11 daiquiris
i like to indulge in some mild snackery
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:06, archived)
# my doctor prescribes 10 daquiris for my bad backery
whilst tasty i think that sounds like bad quackery

(have you had your op yet?)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:08, archived)
# the smell of those daiquiris
upsets my olfatories

yes, 2 weeks ago!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:10, archived)
# i've used too much hairspray and now my locks are all laquery

i take that everything went well from the fact that you're with us today? how's everything feeling?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:13, archived)
# i've stared at this screen for so long
that my eyes have gone spackery

i was up and about 2 hours after the op. everything's fine, except one of the holes hasn't healed properly yet.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:18, archived)
# thats excellent news.
how're you adjusting to it?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:19, archived)
# not bad.
if i try to eat anything solid, even scrambled egg, i spend an hour puking. i've lost over 3 stones, though, so i don't care!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:26, archived)
# god.... how long will that last? for ever?
well done on the weight loss :) when're the next set of ops then?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:29, archived)
# i should be able to manage small amounts of solid food
in about 2 months. i'm eating baby food and suchlike now. i've still got about 2 years to go before i can get the other 2 ops, but i've waited 20 years, another 2 won't hurt.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:34, archived)
# That's all very unfortunate,
I must say.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:41, archived)
# haha
pagan dog :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:43, archived)
# now i look at it that dog has squeezed out an almighty amount of doggy gift...
i wish my old dog had been a pagan :(
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:47, archived)
# Ah, the tell tale signs of an affair
very woo!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:43, archived)
# slattercat? check. undead dogma? check
fear the worst
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:45, archived)
# zombie dogma!
fear the partially roting accepted unquestioned beliefs!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:03, archived)
# like the belief that capitalism is an inherently good idea?
zing... satire
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:06, archived)
# oh dear what can the matter be
Dr Zaarlon posted some spackery

only because he thought it would bother me

oh what a sad little man

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:46, archived)
oh dear what can the matter be
Dr Zaarlon posted some spackery

only because he thought it would bother me

oh what a sad little man he probably thinks that i care

edited for scanability
Tom O'Bedlam, for all your poetry slam editing needs
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:50, archived)
# don't censor me!!!!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:52, archived)
# I think the some should of been left in
and the dr removed.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:05, archived)
# unfortunately I seem to have missed this
but I can assure you he's far from a sad little man. Ho hum. Vive le difference.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:51, archived)
# Well done for being the bigger man, accepting his apology and moving on.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:05, archived)
# hehe
this ^
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:06, archived)
# Me and my mummy made a shirt today! :D

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:38, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:41, archived)
# I have elephant-pattern fabric, too.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:41, archived)
# happy new shirt to you
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:41, archived)
# Thank you.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:43, archived)
# Nice
I made some clothes once but they turned out shit.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:41, archived)
# My mum is ace at sewing.
She taught me to make a shirt like this, so I can make my elephant-patterned one tomorrow. :D
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:42, archived)
# Not a crab one, then?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:43, archived)
# They didn't have crab fabrics.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:46, archived)
# Good, crabs suck.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:46, archived)
# fuckin' a brother
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:50, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:52, archived)
# I would love to be able to link to gwar's song "fuckin' an animal"...
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:56, archived)
# Gotta love gwar.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:19, archived)
# not a black people are related just because you think they look the same you fucking racist
*hugs and leprosy cakes for all!*
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:58, archived)
# Ohhhh
you're from the 'ghetto'?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:59, archived)
# damn straight, i'm from the hood
i'd beat yo' ass all the way to the nearest supermarket, pick up some orange soda and malt liquor and beat you back to where you came from
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:02, archived)
# Hahahah
Sometimes, my friend Andy walks to the Stop and Shop near him. He buys a 99c bottle of orange soda, and a pack of Oreos. Then he sits on the curb and eats/drinks it all.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:05, archived)
# has a kid ever burned his neck? did he like it?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:09, archived)
# I don't know...
he got arrested once, though. For something stupid. xD
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:10, archived)
# all the best people have at one point or another :)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:15, archived)
# Ahahahah
He got arrested, basically, because he wouldn't change his seat in class. But they said he assaulted the principle and resisted arrest.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:16, archived)
# I was arrested for being drunk and incapable
they took me to the cells.. where they informed me they had been watching me on cctv on the pavement where i had been trying to stand up for the past half an hour.

I think they took me in to the cells because i went over to a police car thinking it was a taxi.. lol

then they foundI was under age..

they released me the day after without doing anything becuase they said I'd made them laugh.. the only thing I was told was to not drink so much next time.

good times all round. :D
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:21, archived)
# Hahahahah
That's great. xD
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:22, archived)
# the hang over was punishment enough.

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:28, archived)
# :]
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:52, archived)
# Crabs dont suck
they have mandibles that shovel food into its mouth.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:55, archived)
# That's AWESOME
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:42, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:43, archived)
# How are you?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:43, archived)
# I really shouldnt have to tell you to
This is NTOAP

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:42, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:43, archived)
# RPS?
isn't that short for RePoSt?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:44, archived)
# Real Photo Sunday
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:44, archived)
# Real Photo Sunday.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:45, archived)
# Ze Board Nazis
Hav Not Sanctioned Ze RPS.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:46, archived)
# Oh shush
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:47, archived)
# Yeah Shush!
I can hear one of the neighbours arguing. Tis funny:
Woman: "Then why do you treat me like a peice of shit?"
Man:"Coz you dont get your own way"
(?!! I almost shouted at him to explain his reasoning there!)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:50, archived)
# Hahahahahahah
That don't make sense. xD
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:52, archived)
# A picture for every occasion.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:00, archived)
# my mum made me a homosexual
if you buy her the wool, she'll make you one, too.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:44, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:44, archived)
# yes.
her homo handicrafts are legendary.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:47, archived)
# Ah, really?
Did she knit Simon Amstell?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:48, archived)
# no
he's far too gay to be knitted, she crocheted him
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:50, archived)
# Aaaah.
I see.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:52, archived)
# this gets my

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:48, archived)
# YAY!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:49, archived)
# that is cool
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:49, archived)
# thank you!!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:49, archived)
# I've had her
she was rubbish`
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:57, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:00, archived)
# My girlfriend
makes skirts out of pillow cases.

I thought she had a picture of one on her flickr, but apparently not.

[EDIT] Aha... she does!

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:58, archived)
# Ooooh.
That's really cool. :D
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:01, archived)
# holy crap, you two are still together?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:41, archived)
# *whistles innocently*
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:59, archived)
# *backs away*
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:02, archived)
# would, have, was forced to, made her bozz eyed.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:45, archived)
# It was always going to happen.
Post your pic on the intarwebz, someone will mess with it!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:34, archived)
# It is one of the many missions my creator has forced upon me.
*checks Pappa Ratzi's profile*
...dang!, too small
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 3:51, archived)
When 37 years you get, so stupid you'll be not!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 4:27, archived)
# ha

I want one too
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:03, archived)
# :D
If I was as awesome as my mum at sewing, I'd totally make you one. ;D
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:05, archived)
# get better quick! :-)
alternatively, I should get a sewing machine and just do my own. "how hard could it be?"
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:07, archived)
# Well, I'm making one on my own tomorrow.
If I do good, I'll let you know. :D
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:09, archived)
# :D
good luck with that. sounds like fun.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:10, archived)
# Thank you!
I'll need it, I'm sure. :3
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:11, archived)
# [night b3ta
..sorry for being a bit strong on the 'ole opinion, but the priciples are important dammit!

Have a simply modded piece of another b3tan's work by way of recompense.

...and that means you prodj ;?)

Click for bigger (49KB)]
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:32, archived)
# another spac fest?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:37, archived)
# [a modded spac image...
...got me riled... anyhoo..

...s'bed time.night.]
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:41, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:24, archived)
# yeah they are
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:25, archived)
Mine turns Tvs on and off.

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:25, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:30, archived)
# cross and blackwell
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:31, archived)
# Bakewell tarts.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:37, archived)
# mmmmmmmmmmmmm
bakewell tarts...
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:40, archived)
# 'Self destruct in 10...9...8'
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:26, archived)
# Now you tell me.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:26, archived)
# Mine keeps my hernias in.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:28, archived)
# :D
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:29, archived)
# mine isn't
unless buttons are 4 inches long and curved.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:29, archived)
# activate cheese finger!

(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:30, archived)
# hahahaha
*clicks like crazy*
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:31, archived)
# Mine is a button
it switches me from 'giggle machine' to 'love machine'
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:37, archived)
# dance!

cos it's after twelve.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:19, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:20, archived)
# hehe
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:21, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:22, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:24, archived)
# what is it?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:31, archived)
# can you do me some magic?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:33, archived)
# Hahaha.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:38, archived)
# suck on this and it'll turn into a peach
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:58, archived)
# *tickles*
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:26, archived)
# dance you dick
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:24, archived)
# listening to surfwax america
fits really well
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 1:53, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:07, archived)
# *tsstars*
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:11, archived)
# YES!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:12, archived)
# Mmmm Deluxe Paint-tastic.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:13, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:23, archived)
# nice... show off
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:42, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:12, archived)
# Always with the sweaty plums.
Its unhealthy.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:13, archived)
# Positively dripping.
Your sick use of fruit horrifies me.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:18, archived)
# yay!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:17, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:22, archived)
# I made an eggplant curry and it was lovely
Actually it was a an aubergine curry but I'll say no more ;)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:23, archived)
# :D
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 23:55, archived)
# i demend eggplant
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 23:56, archived)
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 23:56, archived)
# One-up-manship is a terrible thing.
I have no choice but to rise up and take the bait.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 23:56, archived)
# hahaha
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:03, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:10, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:04, archived)
# ahahahahahaha
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:06, archived)
# Emorganics?
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:07, archived)
# that is me spent, n'night board!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:07, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:11, archived)
# Orange!
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:07, archived)
# :'(
I feel its citrus pain.
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:25, archived)
(, Mon 11 Aug 2008, 0:06, archived)
# *drops monocle*
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 23:56, archived)

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