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# ..There is something sinister going on here.....
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:05, archived)
# You shot 'im!
Yes you did, we saw you!

Click :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:06, archived)
# You're awesome.
Not even the usual type of awesome. I mean like: A W E S O M E.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:06, archived)
# Wow!
Epic stuff tits!

Taking 2nd place in

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:07, archived)
# Already pop-page'd. That was fast.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:20, archived)
# It was inevitable
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:21, archived)
# God damn you, you talented bastard
That is phantasmagoria :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:07, archived)
# Tits, you are most amazing
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:09, archived)
# Cor, top stuff.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:10, archived)
# Amazing work again
Love the style
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:10, archived)
# That is simply woo yay
have a hoopla as well

marvelous stuff!

Edit: Curiously I was only taking some similar pictures today of a psychotic fiendmaster:

Click for bigger (205 kb)

Click for bigger (168 kb)

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:10, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:31, archived)
# !!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:36, archived)
# YEY!
Tits o' clock comes early today!

Brilliantly done, though i do object to your blatant use of electricity during such hours.

Nice loopage
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:12, archived)
# This wins all the wins.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:15, archived)
# I like
how the birds take off when the shot is fired..

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:17, archived)
# Thank you : )
I was hoping someone would spot that
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:21, archived)
# tits, how long did this take you?
it's awesome
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:17, archived)
# About 2 1/2 hours : )
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:19, archived)
# I'm always dead inpressed when someone manages to give a 'simple' animated GIF a story!
Hugely clicked! :D

WOO and
and I like the little touch where he climbs over the body...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:28, archived)
# ace!
So much detail!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:48, archived)
# epic,
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 20:20, archived)
# The birds on the tree are ace.
As is the water.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 20:30, archived)
# great stuff!
just awesome.

does he have one of them turntable thingumajiggers in the garage? :D
(, Wed 29 Apr 2009, 16:44, archived)
# Only just seen this,
tis fantastic!
(, Fri 1 May 2009, 17:21, archived)
# Hello, b3ta people
Long time no post!

I also kinda needed to ask something. Would this drawing make an interesting painting? I was thinking about dressing him on a radiation suit or something, because a naked guy doesn't really seem like something I would do for a project like this. Maybe I should draw him as a robot?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:58, archived)
# Shitter.
Post that seconds after me, you talentassed bitch
Put him in the yellow jumpsuit from Kill Bill :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:00, archived)
# Nicely
The one damn good and he needs dressing and that is quite a gay pose
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:01, archived)
# Meh.
When I draw gay stuff on purpose everyone sees a woman somewhere, so it's kind of an issue I'm working on all the time.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:04, archived)
# awww, I didn't mean you to go meh :(
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:05, archived)
# Looks like a Zora.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:05, archived)
# Reminds me of a cross between...
...Taun We and Stass Allie.

...both of which are female, sorry :P

Would look cool painted though.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:36, archived)
# The USS Defiant has a drop top
And if I flip the switch, I can make the aaaass drop
In the neutral zone, Romulans wanna play!
I must admit, today is a good day

To post something immediately before 2 masterpieces...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:58, archived)
Ace ryhmin skillz, G

You need to do one of Lhursa and B'etor (or whatever theyre called) big booty bogling in boob tubes and hoop earrings.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:59, archived)
# God, that is some fart he is doing there
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:02, archived)
# Today was a winning day
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:36, archived)
# Will says hi!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:55, archived)
# He really is a toad
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:56, archived)
# How dare you talk about James Tiberius Kirk like that!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:59, archived)
# I find his face more off putting then the turd
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:00, archived)
# hahah
looks like those overrated krispy kreme doughnuts

Might as well start the pea-rush:
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:58, archived)
# has he killed anyone yet?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:02, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:59, archived)
# Swine Flu?

Surely, surely this is on here somewhere. To be honest I am too lazy and stupid to look. So I don't care.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:48, archived)
# there has indeed been lots of pictures of police officers and face masks on here recently
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:50, archived)
# Q.E.D.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:53, archived)
# Quick Eric Drive
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:54, archived)
# Quietly, Elvis died.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:58, archived)
[challenge entry] How about poor poor jokes?

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:56, archived)
# he is a paedo
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:57, archived)
# Bindun??
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:24, archived)
# Uh yeah. The Mexicans got there first.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:26, archived)
# Last time!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:31, archived)
# dont think so, ! seamhorse on standby!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:26, archived)
# You called?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:29, archived)
# Ive seen seamier :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:30, archived)
# !!!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:40, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:44, archived)
# I don't know why, but swine flu makes me think of Richard Hammond
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:34, archived)
# for fooks sake
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:35, archived)
# ONJ looks a little put off
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:44, archived)
# wrong film :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:46, archived)
# only a die-hard ONJ fan
...would refer to her as ONJ
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:01, archived)
# threadwaste LOLs
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:56, archived)
# Apparently the symptoms of swine flu are; sweating, excessive body odour and laziness.
No wonder it went unnoticed for so long in Mexico.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 19:30, archived)
# hammonds organs
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:22, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:25, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 21:12, archived)
[challenge entry] killing chavs, so you don't have to...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:04, archived)
# clickin' this
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:06, archived)
# hahaha
For a minute there I thought it was a picture of Kunt
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:06, archived)
# Kunt?
Nice image though - i just think a sihlouette of a skinny boy's head with a cap would have been a better choice. It looks strange seeing 3 of the same person.

Jeez - i better lighten up! It probably took me longer to type that than it took you to make the image!

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:08, archived)
# Kunt and the gang
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:09, archived)
# Indeed, Fucksticks :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:10, archived)
# Mother's cunt!
I've met him, lovely chap.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:39, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:15, archived)
# Hah, is this a particular chav, or just any chav?

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:26, archived)
# Hopefully REAL chavs, them that only have no life, do drugs, smash things and reproduce,
not hoodie wearers who aspire to it but actually live in a nice middle class family with a sense of right and wrong and a Dad.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:32, archived)
# it's you, innit
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:33, archived)
# Oh if only this were true,
I'd join the police today! ;)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:30, archived)
# Channel 4's schedule is looking unusually good.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:45, archived)
# Kim and Aggie are giving hugh laurie a coffee colonic irrigation
it might be lupus
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:46, archived)
# haha
Saw an episode the other day where he goes into the examining room to find a guy who's jeans crotch are soaked in blood. His first comment is, 'Well it isn't Lupus then.'
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:50, archived)
# No, he is pissing blood, it doesn't mean it is lupus
Sorry I get kind of pissed off with that line
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:51, archived)
# Wrong bit.
I was talking about the guy with the ripped foreskin.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:52, archived)
# Do I need to tell my circumcision story at this point?
Well not MY circumcision obviously...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:53, archived)
# Is there some thing you aren't tell us Mrs?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:54, archived)
# Yes, my real name is Wilfrid Rodriguez Desantero
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:59, archived)
# pffffft Wilfrid
How crap, what with two good other names :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:05, archived)
# I think he meant something
we didn't already know.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:07, archived)
# Ah forgive me
My English not so good is
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:09, archived)
# Ah don't worry, mines isn't that good either :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:11, archived)
# Do you know how they circumcise whales?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:55, archived)
# Five frogmen
No, wait...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:56, archived)
# hahaha
No a big knife and a extremely plausible excuse:P
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:57, archived)
# No, it's the whole take the piss out of Lupus and that program that annoys me
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:53, archived)
# I don't think that was the orgininal idea of it.
They just started doing it when they realised they kept checking for lupus.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:54, archived)
# Probably
But it annoys me because stupid people then think it isn't a real disease, when it is and it is a bastard.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:57, archived)
# I only heard of Lupus on House.. and i'm pretty stupid
Series 5 is brilliant I have to say,
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:36, archived)
# Plait your hair
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:50, archived)
# 4oCD more like it :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:46, archived)
# What about Channel 4's?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:46, archived)
# someone had to point it out :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:47, archived)
# You could say I fell at the last jump:P
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:47, archived)
# You fell at the last jump
You will either be put out to stud or shot
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:52, archived)
# At least I have a 50% chance of having a good day!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:56, archived)
# Yeah, but the stud part probably ends in shooting also
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:02, archived)
# I love horses
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:47, archived)
# Yes but you like dirty horses:P
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:48, archived)
# Dirty, dirty horses.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:51, archived)
# the best of all the snacks
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:48, archived)
# oh dear...
I'm afraid my horse is an absolute state at the moment. Horse-work is such a pain...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:48, archived)
# hehe
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:49, archived)
# For some reason I have the Beegee's How Deep is Your Love in my head
with How Deep is Your Love replaced with How Clean is Your Horse.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:53, archived)
# Thanks
i have it now...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:04, archived)
# Yes I guessed that would happen when I was typing it.
I just didn't want to suffer along.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:09, archived)
# My horse is not very clean

Some cunt wrote "I am a cunt horse" all over its side in fluorescent paint.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:49, archived)
# I had a horse once and someone scraped right down the side with a horse shoe!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:51, archived)
# hello sir
How are you?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:52, archived)
# Hello
I'm thinking about foods at the moment. Quite peckish ;)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:04, archived)
# Me too.
Luckily, I'm half way through making an onion tart.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:05, archived)
# Mmm

I think I'll make some mexican wraps. Lolmexican!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:25, archived)
# I should eat too
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:05, archived)
# Yes!

I ate a horse meat sandwich for lunch.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:25, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:06, archived)
# Up to their usual quality standard, then....
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:51, archived)
# YOu have to feel sorry for the four children living in a horse in Surrey:D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:51, archived)
# mm steamy
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:52, archived)
# Much akin to the insides of a Taun-Taun, I would imagine.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:53, archived)
# yes but beautifully vacuumed.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:54, archived)
# And some top-grade carpeting, I'll wager.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:55, archived)
# So lovely dado rails.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:56, archived)
# Arf!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:58, archived)
# I'm leaving now.
I will be back though, never fear.

Bye all! x
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:00, archived)
# ta ra :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:01, archived)
# Bye
take care


(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:03, archived)
# thats my fucking childhood man
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:54, archived)
# actually, that would be a bit of a mare...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:57, archived)
# So, at 12 minutes past 5, time for a small corner of some green & blue goings-on

all the considerablely larger rest of it.
warning: very large file size!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:12, archived)
# Ooooooh I say
rather lovely indeed!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:12, archived)
# Thanks, lovely.
I must apologise for all the innuendo this afternoon, it's really not on.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:16, archived)
# No it's really on.
You're the only person convinced I'm a Nice Girl, lovely :-)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:18, archived)
# *massive hugs*
That's 'cos you are!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:22, archived)
# I'm nice to you, I suppose
Nicer to you than pretty much all other people, actually.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:23, archived)
# what tosh
I think you are nice, so that make two of us
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:24, archived)
# Three
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:25, archived)
# You're all weird.
Lovely though.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:25, archived)
# Rather depends on how you define 'nice girl' though
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:26, archived)
# Someone who will listen to you all day, even though they probably want you to bog off :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:27, archived)
# They'd bloody say.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:28, archived)
# would they?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:32, archived)
# YES.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:33, archived)
# why?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:34, archived)
# Why would they say?

So shush. Alles ist gut.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:36, archived)
# I will keep shush if I get a cuddle :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:38, archived)
# Of course you do.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:40, archived)
# YAY :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:41, archived)
# You're nice.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:29, archived)
# \o/
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:29, archived)
# yes, you are nice :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:31, archived)
# *boogies*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:34, archived)
# Yep, I am weird :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:26, archived)
# Not pissy today?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:28, archived)
# no
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:30, archived)
# i think you're horrible enough to make up for all of them though
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:29, archived)
# :D you bring out the best horribleness in me.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:32, archived)
# thats because i'm made out of bitch-salt
(i have absolutely no clue what that means)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:33, archived)
# Is that like bacon salt?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:35, archived)
# bacon earrings, chicken bra
all day
all night
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:38, archived)
# I think it's a kind of igneous rock isn't it?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:36, archived)
# we can but hope
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:37, archived)
# You suck it all out of me like a big mean sponge.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:37, archived)
# I'm like fucking snuffluphagus
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:38, archived)
# Except a git.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:41, archived)
# we've been over this
snuffluphagus is a dick
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:42, archived)
# No, that's what you said
I said 'aw but I like him' and then we moved onto big bird.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:47, archived)
# don't even get me fucking started on fucking big bird
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:51, archived)
# *head in hands*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:52, archived)
# shave your hair off :P
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:34, archived)
# right, thats it! i'm going to fucking plait it now
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:35, archived)
# If you shave off your hair
I will go to your parents house and wait for you to come home from uni. Then there will be TROUBLE.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:36, archived)
# I want him to plait it now :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:39, archived)
# i think when summer happens proper i'm getting two or three inches off.
my head gets uncomfortably hot if I've got this much hair in the sun
this sort of length
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:40, archived)
# Don't shave it though.
Otherwise I shall cry, and then you'll have to answer to manwife and my dad.

That's the jewiest I've ever seen you, that photo.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:41, archived)
# oh god no
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:42, archived)
# Good.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:42, archived)
# it is a little bit innit...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:44, archived)
# WAY more so than usual.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:48, archived)
# I wish I had hair I could do some thing with
I can only shave mine off :(

Although I nearly came out with a Mohican today :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:44, archived)
# stop shaving it and you might have enough hair to do things with
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:46, archived)
# If I leave it, it just turns into an afro
I can't do anything with my hair

Plus the girl who I wanted to cut my hair was cutting someone else, and she has such a nice arse and is lovely
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:49, archived)
# Yeah I had that, I ended up just waiting until it grew out proper and then gravity made it stop mushrooming up like a fuck.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:54, archived)
# 6this
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:54, archived)
# Then it gets so thick, I can't actually wash it properly
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:56, archived)
# Your hair didn't look all that curly.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:56, archived)
# It didn't, it used to stay absolutely rigidly straight even when it grew out.
So I'd just have a massive mushroom of hair instead of it flopping down under gravity.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:01, archived)
# I'm meant to have gone.
That's got to be an impressive look.

Right, now I really am gone.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:05, archived)
# hahaha, go on then :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:37, archived)
# I can see my house.
Nice one, Pea mould. :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:13, archived)
# really?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:17, archived)
# I live in a blue thing, on a green thing, just down the road from blue and pink thing.
Come visit, I'll open a beer for you.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:18, archived)
# Kasteel Cru?
I'm so there...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:18, archived)
# *Raves out*
Lovely, I have now wallpapered the one from earlier, it works very well :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:13, archived)
# Cheers, Guv!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:17, archived)
# nice and woo
what how with are they made by? do tell.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:14, archived)
# This one:
by cunning use of this code, and no, I'm not kidding.

rule START {
DRAW { flip 180 x 9 r 15 hue 73 sat 0.8 b 0.8 }

rule DRAW {
SHAPE { flip 90 }
DRAW { y 1 s 0.999 hue 0.5}

rule DRAW 0.05 {
DRAW { s 0.8 alpha -0.5 flip -45}
DRAW { s 0.8 hue 3 alpha -0.005 flip 45}

rule DRAW 0.0005 {
SHAPE { s 10 5 alpha -0.5 }
DRAW { hue 3 alpha -0.005 b 0.05}

rule DRAW 0.001 {
DRAW { }
DRAW_BALL { s 0.5 0.9 }

rule SHAPE {
LINE { }
SHAPE { x 1 alpha -0.2}

rule SHAPE 0.7 {}

rule DRAW_BALL {

SHAPE { hue 10 }
SHAPE { flip 90 hue 10 }
SHAPE { y 10 hue 15 }
SHAPE { y 10 flip 90 hue 15 }
SHAPE { y 20 hue 20 }
SHAPE { y 20 flip 90 hue 20 }
SHAPE { y 30 hue 25}
SHAPE { y 30 flip 90 hue 25}

DRAW_BALL { y 15 x 1 s 0.99 r 5 alpha -0.005 b -0.0005}

rule DRAW_BALL {
DRAW_BALL { alpha -0.5 }

rule DRAW_BALL {
DRAW_BALL { alpha 0.5 }

rule DRAW_BALL 0.4 {
DRAW { b 0.5 alpha -0.005 }

rule DRAW_BALL {
SHAPE { s 10 5 }
DRAW_BALL { alpha 0.5 }

rule SHAPE {
LINE { }
SHAPE { x 0.3 alpha -0.5 r 5}

rule SHAPE {
LINE { }
SHAPE { x 0.3 alpha -0.5 r -5}

rule SHAPE 0.1 {}

rule LINE {SQUARE { s 0.1 15 }}
rule LINE {SQUARE { s 0.1 10 }}
rule LINE {SQUARE { s 0.9 10 hue 20 }}
rule LINE {SQUARE { s 0.6 5 }}
rule LINE {SQUARE { s 0.3 15 b 0.6 }}
rule LINE 0.5 {SQUARE { s 3 15 b 0.6 }}
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:16, archived)
# I scrolled so hard it made by balls ache.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:16, archived)
# ...for the random quote
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:17, archived)
# that's cleared that up, then...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:17, archived)
# What do you want from me?
That's the code that draws the image!

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:17, archived)
# ...so if I just enter that I'll get some proper funky image?

*fires up MS Word*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:18, archived)
# Well, not in Word...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:19, archived)
# Ah so it's an Excel job then...
complicated, complicated...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:23, archived)
# Ok carry on
Nothing to see
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:17, archived)
# who knew maths could be so pretty?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:17, archived)
sorry i felt justified to do that
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:17, archived)
# This looks more appealing than the Matlab code I'm grappling with.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:17, archived)
# witchcraft!!!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:17, archived)
# Pretty much, yep
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:19, archived)
# With what do you use that code with?
Context Free art?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:19, archived)
# It's called Context Free
generative art type thingy
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:21, archived)
# Looking at that now
looks fun.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:22, archived)
# It's great, and the code sequence is really easy.
It's my cure for ActionScripting, which I am beginning to dislike intensely.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:36, archived)
# Yes
ActionScript is fairly bizarre.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:05, archived)
# A cauldron.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:21, archived)
# Print it out, roll it up and smoke it.
Makes you see stars maaaan
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:22, archived)
# Smoking toner probably would do that.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:26, archived)
# Hmmmmmm
can you just add functions into this, like in javascript? For instance SHAPE { hue foo }, could foo be a value returned from a function?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:08, archived)
# Gosh!
That's rather dreamy! With equal measures of loveliness *Click* :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:14, archived)
# Thanks, Ninj!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:18, archived)
# Tis a pleasure, here have your album cover...:)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:25, archived)
# Yep, you're correct, I dance like I've got a pair
of two left feet. ;-)

Thank you, sir, you're awfully kind.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:28, archived)
# haha...
that works!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:46, archived)
# oi!
you stole my idea below!

At least you had the arsedness to go ahead and do sumptin widdit tho
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:11, archived)
# cor thats nice - yowm getting good at these things
looks like the some sort of TRAARNCE NATION 2009 type ad
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:14, archived)
# Lovely stuff.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:15, archived)
# Thank you, sir!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:19, archived)
# ah!
logged in just in time for some gruntfuttockery. lovely...someone needs to commission an album cover from you.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:15, archived)
# You are too kind,
I suspect they'd be disappointed, though.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:21, archived)
# The goings-on are going on very well in that small corner of green and blue going-ons !
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:16, archived)
# hehehe....
You mad bugger, you....
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:22, archived)
# Top of the pops?
Very nice :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:16, archived)
# Good point - evidently in the back of my mind...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:23, archived)
# i see barbed wire in the future
am i close?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:16, archived)
# Barbed Wire is in most people's future, I rather think
and I'm not referring to the film.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:25, archived)
# whoa heavy.....
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:30, archived)
# yeah, sorry about that...
just crept out from the back brain...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:33, archived)
# :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:36, archived)
# that's a beauty right there:)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:22, archived)
# Ta!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:25, archived)
# Swirly yet pointy
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:24, archived)
# A little bit of both, I hope that's ok, ma'am?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:26, archived)
# Most definitely :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:30, archived)
# Aha: JPG = Jackson Pollock's Ghost
(eez complimint)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:26, archived)
# And I shall take as an enormous one.
Thank You!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:29, archived)
# Very nice - another wallpaper!
Have you printed any of these out at "art gallery" size? I bet they would be very impressive!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:44, archived)
# I must confess, until the just the other day, when someone mentioned it, I hadn't
but I might well do now.

Thank You!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:50, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:50, archived)
# Coddled, you mean?

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:54, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:58, archived)
# Arbeit macht FRESH
*Fanjes about*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:59, archived)
# Arbeit macht shy
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:03, archived)
# Arbeit macht angebohrt
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:07, archived)
# Arbeit
creates working experience and more opportunity on the market
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
# Office lols!
...and now I've got that song stuck in my head - AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGH!!! :S
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:12, archived)

/Carcass blog
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:37, archived)
# Yorkshire
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:00, archived)
# Birthplace of WINNERS
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:00, archived)
# I love Yorkshire and the people
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:01, archived)
# You should, they're brilliant.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:02, archived)
# Na, it's full of cunts
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:03, archived)
# full of aids
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:03, archived)
# Not that I've come across....
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:06, archived)
# ARGH! FUCK! :(
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:07, archived)
# :-)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:08, archived)
# Fuck yourself.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
# I wish I could
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
# Desperation's a terrible thing.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:05, archived)
# It is?
*looks at shoes*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:05, archived)
# No, I'm just playing with him.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
# He's not desperate,
he's gorgeous and smoking hot
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:06, archived)
# Alright, gay.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
# That's your anwser to everything huh?! Kissing every girl in town
but two blokes giving each other some positive feedback and oooo noooo they are gay. Fascist slag!

I'm going home *flaps hand and waggles his fanny*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:12, archived)
# I was quoting Shaun of the Dead
YOU'RE the bigotted cunt round here, Flops. :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:13, archived)
# I know, I know
kissy wissy love I have to shop and cook
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:16, archived)
# Nighty night chap
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:17, archived)
# Not really, but if you can do something, why not. would save a lot of bother and money
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:06, archived)
# If I was a cat, I'd be dead happy
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:08, archived)
# You'd probably be dead too
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
# talk me through your logic?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:10, archived)
# Maybe it's one of those
very frightening internet threats. If I was a cat he'd have run me over or something.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:11, archived)
# Cats live Less than 20 years, I presume wow is More than 20 years, therefore dead cat
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:43, archived)
# Reasoning?
Or are you just being grotty?

Come on, hurry up, I'm running out of interest.

....if he comes up with a comeback later, someone gaz it to me.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:10, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:46, archived)
# Catpain Oww.
You see what I did there? I'm pretty smart.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:11, archived)
# Most of the people I know are in or from Yorkshire
I want to live in York
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:03, archived)
# New York?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:03, archived)
# New York?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
# New York?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
# New York?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:07, archived)
# You nork?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:07, archived)
# Jew norks
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:08, archived)
# Incorrect,you were supposed to say "It's a hell of a town" :( Bad porsche
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
# I've ruined everything
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
# No, New New York
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
# Go to New Amsterdam
oww no, too late...we traded it for Surinam.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:05, archived)
# Why they changed I can't say
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
# Meh, I don't care.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:13, archived)
# And the tea.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:03, archived)
# what Yorkshire tea?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
# Well, Taylor's of Harrogate, for a start.
one of the best tea manufacturers in the land.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:05, archived)
# Not had any Taylor's since I was in Harrogate
I tend to buy Whittard's, but I like my tea strong and just can't find any that is strong enough
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:07, archived)
# Well, you're shit out of luck with Whittards anymore, young fellow me lad....
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:08, archived)
# They are still going :P
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
# only out of business, mon ami.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:10, archived)
# I need strong tea, I got their strongest one and it isn't strong enough
not ever with half a dozen tea bags for one cup.

The got bought by the company that owns Past Times and they are putting them in to one shop
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:12, archived)
# Go for Yorkshire 'gold'
from Taylor's - that's really really proper Yorkshire strong tea, that is...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:42, archived)
# Mmmmmmmmm yes
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
# and the endless fucking nostalgia
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:05, archived)
# Pffft!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:06, archived)
# Could be worse
could be BMWshire.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:07, archived)
# and going down hills in baths
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:10, archived)
# hahaha fuck
motherfucking bathtub on wheels
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:12, archived)
# I am going to have to draw one of my songs now :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:15, archived)

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:06, archived)
# I was just going to kill my illness with alcohol. Then I realised I had made tea.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:07, archived)
# Lancashire ftw!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:03, archived)
# Now, now, lets not kick off the war of the roses again
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:03, archived)
# make me
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:05, archived)
# It is only aloud to kick off
If it is fought in the same way and is 100% medieval warfare
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
# It's OK she can't see it...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
# A good point, and well made, sir.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:01, archived)
# Arbeit macht pees with ass
or penises
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:02, archived)
# On second thoughts we shan't go there..it is a silly place.

nicely :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:08, archived)
# O lord
this is so unethical :-)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:10, archived)
# Work frees your donkey?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:39, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:43, archived)
# OK
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:50, archived)
# End of day doodle.....
Not done one for aaaaages.

(That's the problem with working for yourself; you're doing something you're interested in so you spend less time on pleasurable diversions, such as B3TA.)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:49, archived)
Awww, look at the Squirrel
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:50, archived)
# Squizal
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:55, archived)
# Eh?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:56, archived)
# Squizals
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:01, archived)
# Ehh?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:02, archived)
# Squeezy Squizals!!!!
with tits!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 22:05, archived)
# Sgirl
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:56, archived)
# How luvly
wants two
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:50, archived)
# InafterCenaris.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:50, archived)
# he was poised there,
finger curled above the mouse button.... there was no way you could out-post him....

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:53, archived)
# I'm pretty confident he sits outside JollyTits window and watches.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:54, archived)
# Oddly, I've thought much the same....
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:57, archived)
# Spermophilus Mammarius
(knows no latin)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 18:06, archived)
# jade's probably my favourite after scarlett.
yay jade!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:50, archived)
# O_o
dude they're cartoon squirrels...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:51, archived)
# ^
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:51, archived)
# ^ haha :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:53, archived)
# haha true but i really like the SA characters
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:59, archived)
# :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:00, archived)
# I'm guessing that's only Jade
because JJ couldn't be arsed to write Sc4rl3t on her leg...

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:53, archived)
# its the long hair
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:58, archived)
# *is outraged*
what sparked your ranty post of yesterday? Have you had the Moral Majority posting comments on your stuff?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:50, archived)
# Rant?
What rant?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:51, archived)
I think he means the thing about the link between tits and money
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:52, archived)
# Oh.
That was a prod at a number of people :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:53, archived)
# Was it a Julie Moult?
It's just she seems to be keeping a low profile on topics such as the internet at the mo. :P
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:55, archived)
# Who?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:56, archived)
# twas a joke
It's the odious bint from the Mail who was an idiot.
Bit like Dent. The late Authur Dent.

*spirals off on a tangent*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:59, archived)
# I did what now?

I said this

b3ta.com/board/9397764 and that was all I said, It's hardly a rant
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:03, archived)
# Life aint nuttin' but tiddies and money
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:56, archived)
# I've hear that before
Remind me.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:58, archived)
# Ice cube i think
And the original wording is 'life aint nuttin but bitches an' money'

spoken like a poet
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:02, archived)
# life ain't nuttin but britches and honey
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
# there's not a link between tits and money?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:57, archived)
# Was that the one where you attempt to fool us that you're not a furry by saying you're rich?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:52, archived)
# it's anthropornographic
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:54, archived)
# And here I was thinking it was furry crap. I feel bad now.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:55, archived)
# I wouldn't say the drawings are crap....very furry yes, but not crap
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:57, archived)
# You're right. Sadly he's a good artist.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:58, archived)
# *eye rollings*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:02, archived)
# Let me pick those up for you, sir
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
# ta!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:06, archived)
# It's okay, I don't think you're a good artist.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:08, archived)
# To your room, no tea for you!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
*thrusts trident into a stormy sky*

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:11, archived)
# put your handbag away, petal
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:12, archived)
# ^
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:19, archived)
# I can't quite work out the point at which people started thinking
cartoon characters are anything more than that.*

*Not necessarily aimed at you, prod
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:20, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:00, archived)
# In before cen...

Sorry - this one www.b3ta.com/board/9397738

Rant might be too strong a term - soz.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:54, archived)
# you've not done denizens in ages either
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:51, archived)
# Nobody likes a smartarse, JJ.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:51, archived)
# I like a smart arse
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:52, archived)
# You hardly count as a person, Babs.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:55, archived)
# Oh sorry I didn't realise
*skulks away*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:05, archived)
# :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:05, archived)
# Huh?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:52, archived)
# *points down*
I'm being jealous.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:55, archived)
# *spots*
(I can't see anything wrong with the arm)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:59, archived)
# You're too kind
I can. It appears to be made out of a branch. :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:00, archived)
# It's fine :)
I can find a zillion and one faults with my own work, too.
If you fret over them too much you end up not showing what you draw to anyone.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
# :D which is why I show it all without prejudice :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:05, archived)
# *books tickets for that*
Sorry, very smutty.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:08, archived)
# :D one day.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
# inb4jpeasem....
dammit! :P
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
# Yays
Yeah I know the feeling. I work for myself and my boss is a cunt:P
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:52, archived)
# Gizzajob!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:07, archived)
# What is that on her front?



... Ah yea! TITS! Woo!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:52, archived)
# Without them she would be merely a "Squi"
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:53, archived)
# lully, but looks nothing like Jade Goody.
Damn, i wish i had drawing skillz0rz. Im getting a bit bored of 3d now. I wanna do what Shane Glines does.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:53, archived)
# *adds maggots*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:54, archived)
# the likeness is a compleeeeeteeeed *in Dexter voice*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:57, archived)
# Cartoon Dexter or Body-disposal-expert Dexter?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:01, archived)
# Mmmmmm@latter
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:02, archived)
# What is it?
The plastic-wrapped play areas he romps around in or the rubber gloves?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:05, archived)
# The eyes. Alright, and the murdering.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:12, archived)
# Heh.
I keep thinking that I should feel guilty in rooting for the bad-guy.
Never do, though :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:18, archived)
# cartoon dexter

I love the little ginger bastard.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:04, archived)
# I did too.
But it went the way of Road Runner, with later installments being utter sh*t.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:06, archived)
# Indeed
the art style, the jokes and even the voice actors completely changed. It was nice that they brought it back from cancellation, but it wasnt the dexter i knew.

Late series 1 and all of series 2 were the best.

Downloaded em all and are enjoying them all over again. Hes just a brilliant character
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:09, archived)
# \o/
JJ, could I ask for a linky to your previous Top Gear pic please? Not the one below, one you've done before. I can't find it....

Pretty please?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:54, archived)
# I've drawn a few.
Which one?
(They're all on my DeviantARt gallery BTW)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:55, archived)
# Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:02, archived)
# ah!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:05, archived)
# Oooh, ta :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:07, archived)
# My fave ever episode.
Shame the version I bought on DVD had all the good bits cut out and a different soundtrack....
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:08, archived)
# Laughed so hard I nearly died
But yes, have never heard good things about their DVD releases
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:10, archived)
# Also:
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:10, archived)
# Couldn't believe they did that trek.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:19, archived)
# Likewise :)
Where next, Mars?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:21, archived)
# I was rather hoping that we had seen the end of this.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:07, archived)
# Delighted to dash your hopes.
Just leave your address and I'll complete the insult by mailing you a turd.....on fire.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:10, archived)
# You do so much that is so good
then you do animal porn.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:11, archived)
# I was thinking the same of you
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:12, archived)
# Thought you had him on ignore?
If you took him off, one has to ask where's the bigger tit...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:17, archived)
# I like this
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 22:33, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:41, archived)
# I expected that
So the title is quite correct
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:42, archived)
# does this mean I spend too much time on b3ta?
Or that I have some sort of deep-rooted desire for DTH?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:43, archived)
# yes
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:45, archived)
# yes
and you like horses

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:45, archived)
# Ah the old favourite!

EDIT I can't hummus this afternoon!


There must be some decent photoshop satire to be had with this, but for the life of me I can't bloody well think of one :(
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:45, archived)
# Yeah it's really stupid
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:50, archived)
# both the lack of thought
and having to watch an advert before getting to the clip!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:53, archived)
# Giraffa Benitez
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:40, archived)
# Captain Wow must have posted.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:40, archived)
# YES!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:40, archived)
# :-(
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:41, archived)
# ...but it's really just a man spliced with a giraffe
football is only secondary. He just happens to belong to football.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:42, archived)
# Can one belong to a sport?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:43, archived)
# Sport is a cruel master
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:46, archived)
# Jaffa Nabetez?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:45, archived)
# dey do doe don't dey
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:48, archived)
# 3 Minute Doodle- 28/04/09
I haven't done one in a while. Yes I know her arm's shit. Deal with it.

I hope it's not too big, it won't tell me.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:38, archived)
# Aww, she has a bum face :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:40, archived)
# Pffft.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:40, archived)
# What's she doing with her right hand? o_O
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:40, archived)
# God only knows.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:40, archived)
# Proffering a sandwich to the sub-aquatic life, I'll be bound.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:42, archived)
# Mmmm, soggy bread.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:43, archived)
# *bokes*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:46, archived)
# Innit.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:47, archived)
# If that's a euphemism, it's the best I've ever heard.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:43, archived)
# are you proffering a sandwich to the sub-aquatic life, or a are you just pleased to see me?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:47, archived)
# I say, ma'am!
Good bottom dimples, there...

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:41, archived)
# I WISH I had them.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:41, archived)
# *resist... must resist*

Edit: And the hair is gorgeous, too, pickle.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:42, archived)
# Hey?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:43, archived)
# Oh, alright then...
*gooses, albeit in a gentlemanly way*

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:44, archived)
# Oh I SEE
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:45, archived)
# Honeybun, you're usually *way* ahead of me...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:47, archived)
# Only because you seem content to walk behind me :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:48, archived)
# I've got the suitcases,
That's where I should be, ma'am.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:51, archived)
# Ahhhhhhh, you're too bless.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:52, archived)
# It's actually so I can ogle your.... *slaps self*
Get yourself in order, man!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:00, archived)
# I bet that's a feminine-looking man you've drawn
And you just want to see who likes it....

Well, phwoar anyway ;)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:41, archived)
# I like the look of her hair.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:41, archived)
# :D there's a glass partition behind me
I copied the reflection of my hair (reflected in my employee award thing)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:42, archived)
# Fuck yeah your hair is good.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:48, archived)
# It needs cutting, it's getting manelike.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:52, archived)
# Long is good.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:53, archived)
# It is, but it still needs a trim.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:56, archived)
# I'll let you off this once.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:59, archived)
# Thanks, it's all splitty and eugh.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:02, archived)
# You know her armpits? What? Did you go to school togeather or summit?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:42, archived)
# good job :)
spider girl
spider girl
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:42, archived)
# Me or her?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:43, archived)
# both?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:45, archived)
# *skitters*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:47, archived)
# You're in a field
and you're picnicing
i'm parachuting in
Look out below!

- to the tune of Yellow, Coldplay
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:49, archived)
# :D loon
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:53, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:44, archived)
# Custardcock.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:45, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:50, archived)
# I would deal the arm
but I cannot get beyond the arse face , . ,

lovely deary :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:49, archived)
# bum dimples
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:50, archived)
# Boys like them, I've heard.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:53, archived)
# better than pimples
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:54, archived)
# Anyone fancy...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:09, archived)
# I would like: A COLD OLIVE.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:09, archived)
# hahaaa
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:13, archived)
# Yay!
Nice gradiations on this :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:10, archived)
# cheers
i was going to leave the background white - but i though with is being fire - its gotta give of a bit of a glow :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:14, archived)
# I'm already spoken off...sorry
but I can sell you my sister, she's #1 prostitute in my country
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:10, archived)
# woo!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:14, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:17, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:10, archived)
# It's a hot drop of seamen
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:13, archived)
# Must get my mind out of the gutter as I was just thinking maybe I employed the wrong person:P
I am 27 and i live in Barking East London.I am a healthy, hardworking, enthusiastic, flexible and goal oriented young woman
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:20, archived)
# god me too.... I just read "flexible and oriental young woman"
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:26, archived)
# If you had said 14 and a bit of a slut I'd be interested.
but as it is. Nah.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:28, archived)
# its a flame
that has matches for arms and legs - of course :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:14, archived)
# And the horse's leg?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:15, archived)
# its stumped out
ciggy! :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:16, archived)
# hahaha
OK ooopsy.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:17, archived)
# no its not :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:51, archived)
# Unexpected horse!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:17, archived)
# i tried to...
...strike up a conversation... but she's hot-headed.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:11, archived)
# Yeah but she can talk the hind leg off a mule
and then make a table out of it.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:12, archived)
# She's so smoking hot, she can burn the hair of my willy
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:13, archived)
# IT BURNS!...
...IT BURNS!!!

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:16, archived)
# Yeah
wait til you have a go on her nonsafety snatch:P
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:18, archived)
# insert:
(photoshop of oven mitt in the shape of a condom)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:22, archived)
# Personally I don't have any actually on my John-Thomas.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:17, archived)
# You haven't lived son
poor boy
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:35, archived)
# hehehee
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:15, archived)
# it looks a bit like that advert for emergency contraception
which I saw while I was watching Xmen last stand last night... lots of splooge and sperms bouncing off things and chasing bikes... and a spaced out pharmacist who has clearly been at the Ketamin.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:13, archived)
# hahaha
wish i'd seen that! :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:15, archived)
# not sure that's exactly what they were going for
but there were a lot of 'fluids' all over the place... and a bit about a 'split condom.'

I know it's a bit of a contentious subject but whoever is responsible for it should possibly think again.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:17, archived)
# Bloody love that table.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:15, archived)
# thank you mrs!
i'd quite fancy that in my living room - if i had the space! :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:17, archived)
# I would too, but the same problem applies.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:18, archived)
# it is a thing of beauty
like you

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:17, archived)
# Awww.
Why's everyone being so nice to me?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:18, archived)
# dunno
I've had a hit to the head...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:19, archived)
# :D poor bunchkin
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:21, archived)
# You're a pretty pudding.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:20, archived)
# Not as much as you, little Sambles.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:22, archived)
# I'd have to disagree.
Tell me about you.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:23, archived)
# I am quite short and also a girl.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:24, archived)
# Oh, spot on.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:28, archived)
# You better believe it.
I've even got two- count them, TWO- eyes.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:29, archived)
# You clearly are in good shape. Most women these days are very careless when it comes to retaining eyes.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:31, archived)
# I've found this also
Facebook is full of people offering new facial parts
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:35, archived)
# It cannot hurt to have more than the recommended units of facial parts.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:36, archived)
# I've been collecting eyebrows.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:37, archived)
# I am building a collection
So far I have

343 Ears,
18 Eyebrows, grey
4 noses
759 Eyes
1890 Lips
4 chins
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:38, archived)
# 4chins.
Greedy chin slag.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:42, archived)
# i like the cow leg table!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:17, archived)
# hahahaa
yes - it did look like a cigarette until now! :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:18, archived)
# hey
you might like this. The site of Moby Francke - he did the TF2 character designs. His work is awesome, but his site RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE ASS for some reason, and is flash, so no right click/ save. Boo...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:22, archived)
# I suppose it's not meant to look like this:
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:26, archived)
# looks like that on mine too.
Shame - his work is great, but his website is godawful, slow and looks corrupted.

I'd try it on internet explorer, but its so old, it will probably nag me to upgrade a billion times if i click on the icon.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:30, archived)
# cheers will have a look
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:35, archived)
# An extra eye and we'll talk
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:27, archived)
# the other eye
is on the back ;)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:34, archived)
# Oh wow "hello"
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:28, archived)
# heheh
thank you sir! :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:34, archived)
# What a happy chap!
Great stuff!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:33, archived)
# its just excited
but he'd better be careful if he doesnt want to get burned :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:35, archived)
# oooh very woo sir :D
In other news... MANWICH is finished...

I now hurt.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:37, archived)
# your fb pics
make me hungry :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:38, archived)
# I feel ill now :(
and with no room for tea!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:50, archived)
# How very lovely :)
Also, very sorry but I thought it was a deer leg table :(
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:39, archived)
# this news
makes me sad :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:00, archived)
# Hehe
I could do with a hot date romantic encounter quick drink human contact
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:39, archived)
# strokes mrs rev
mmmm contact! :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:01, archived)
# he found the culprit...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:05, archived)
# LOL, also, WUT
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:06, archived)
# 0_0
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:06, archived)
# It's ok, it's just a picture
The cute little piggies are fine, honest. Look at this:
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:08, archived)
# piggyglees*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:08, archived)
# !!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:09, archived)
# That's marvellous!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:32, archived)
# how can i
fear that?

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 17:21, archived)
# Awww, ta, Mrs T
Nice to see her again!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:32, archived)
# sorry...
...i severed your piglets!... :(

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:08, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:07, archived)
# :)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:05, archived)
# Hahahahaha
Top stuff!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:05, archived)
# beautifully done, sir!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:06, archived)
# 'ello there champ!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:07, archived)
# *closes photoshop with his version: Swine Flu over the UK's Press*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:06, archived)
# Awwwwww
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:07, archived)
# *shakes fist*
at least the idea wasn't nicked ;)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:09, archived)
# hee hee
Nice FP archie

that's classic Archie is that!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:11, archived)
# Classic Archie?
Like Archies used to be?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:11, archived)
# before they sold out
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:14, archived)
# *giggles*
Thought you'd been quiet ;)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:07, archived)
# :-D hahahaha fucking Ace
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:07, archived)
# Nice one!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:07, archived)
# oh oh...
...i just saw a flying pig!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:09, archived)
# hahahahahha!
brill, mr bobs!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:14, archived)
# very good squire bobs
back to work with you now!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:15, archived)
# Hippopotatomus!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:02, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:02, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:04, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:06, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:08, archived)
# hahaha
'runs! I yam grated cheese lion!'
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:03, archived)
# Coo, subtle!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:04, archived)
# that is so well done
that it took me several seconds to twig it.
Huzzah, sir or madam, to you.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:04, archived)
# Boil 'em, mash 'em, put 'em in a zoo.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:05, archived)
# "Argh! It's a hungry, hungry hippo!"
woo, sir!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:05, archived)
# mmmmmmm...
...baked hippo with butter and sour cream and chives.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:07, archived)
# Haha.. although I prefer...
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:13, archived)
# now that...
...iz freeeky!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:17, archived)
# Prick me with a fork,
I'm dumb...

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 15:59, archived)
# *waits for it to animate or disappear entirely*
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:01, archived)
# awww... it didn't... :( ...
...haa haa haaa .... :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:10, archived)
# What I lack in talent, humour, charm and wisdom
I make up jest

(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:11, archived)
# ha ha...
...much better!... :D
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:20, archived)
# see that wasn't too hard!
You may make it out of the mongy class yet!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:48, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:02, archived)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:02, archived)
# "Prick with a fork"
Exactly right.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2009, 16:02, archived)

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