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# im confused, bring back suzie
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:20, archived)
# i agree wholeheartedly
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:23, archived)
# What's happened to her?
She was doing Superbikes as usual the other day... I'm thinking something occurred at the Christmas party, that sexual tension between her and Jason probably spilled over into some act of depravity.

We want answers!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:52, archived)
# was ill
see this...

she is back doing bikes and GS now
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 0:07, archived)
# she lost her baby due to an ectopic pregnancy
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 0:07, archived)
# The Last Fish Supper

No. I don't know why.

(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:14, archived)
# tough shit jebus
you'll have to pay 25p for a little squeezy pot of the stuff
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:17, archived)
# Bit big for a TOAP.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:17, archived)
# Big? 40k ain't gonna bust my download limit.
~670px too wide? Are you using a 1986 IBM XT?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:19, archived)
# He has been blessed
with an added plate of scran. Da Vinci didn't see fit to actually provide victuals.

Want this resized? - sorry I forgot when I optimized it but will do if necessary...
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:36, archived)
# Ketchup? On FISH?!
You bloody heathen!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:17, archived)
# Battered, fried with chips?

The fish, not the ketchup
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:21, archived)
# Ketchup goes on meats!
Tartare goes on fish!

I'll allow that you can put whatever you damn well please on your chips because the 'umble potato is a versatile chap.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:26, archived)
# *bows head*
I learn…
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:32, archived)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:33, archived)
# Tsk!
The gayest of all the frameworks.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:38, archived)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:49, archived)
# Poor guy...
Have some lemon instead.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:18, archived)
# Just wait until he finds out they don't even have any brown sauce.
He's going to go fucking mental.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:24, archived)
# He was a bit highly strung like that
Anything could set him off.
Money lenders.
Being nailed to a wooden cross.

(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:30, archived)
# And powergamers
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:41, archived)
# And anachronistic font choices
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:44, archived)
# Would you prefer it if I wrote in Aramaic?
(No really. I've used it in 1 pic before now. Would just be a pain in the arse to translate all that text into a language I don't speak)
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 0:02, archived)
# Aramaic?
New Testament?
I think not.

(, Mon 11 May 2009, 0:07, archived)
# Well, it was JC's native language
So you have a choice of languages and fonts : Aramaic, Greek, Latin, Medieval English, or Leonardo Da Vinci's 15th Century Italian.
Or just be happy with English in Olde World-looking fonts.

And you're pointing out the anachronism of the fonts, but not the D&D3.5 manual and the can of Pepsi?
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 0:28, archived)
# Since I appear to be the sole arbiter
I vote for 15th Century Italian, in keeping with the daubed oils.

Pepsi is the manna of the gods.
Yeah, plural.
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 0:55, archived)
# HA!
And where is the half-ogre cleric now?! FLIRTING WITH THE WAITRESS! Get him too!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:46, archived)
# Lettuce spray as our saviour has tortoise
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 1:41, archived)
# First wallpaper

What do you guys think?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:11, archived)
# mmmm....gusset
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:13, archived)
# I have a pair of those trainers.
I look like a right twat in them.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:13, archived)
# Phwoar!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:14, archived)
# An accurate
portrayal of cellulite and naff plimsolls.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:15, archived)
# cripes!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:16, archived)
# nice :)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:42, archived)
# NOT Swine Flu inspired
Just pre-empting any pig/movie Image Challenges

(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:48, archived)
# hahaha, ace
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:51, archived)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:52, archived)
# He is wearing a giant foreskin
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:52, archived)
# you have circulation issues
see a doctor
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:58, archived)
# :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:51, archived)
# Hahaha
Brilliant idea, brilliantly executed
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:52, archived)
# ^very much this
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:52, archived)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:53, archived)
# Pfft!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:57, archived)
# Brilliant!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:19, archived)
# Ta!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:26, archived)
# wonderful!
I downloaded the cam version of that to watch. The picture wasn't too bad, but the sound quality was terrible, all I got was crackling.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:55, archived)
# arrgghh!
hmm, pig movies.

I'll pass on the idea to Fraser
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:57, archived)
# Aporkalypse Now
Swine Flu over the UK's Press
Dirty Trottered Scoundrels
Born Oink the Fourth of July
Snout of Africa
Gorky Pork
Jurassic Pork
The Hambusters
Hamerican Beauty
The Oink Panther
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:58, archived)
# in other news
i revisited the 'monkey movies' compo tonight

fucking ace stuff
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:59, archived)
# Sort of

(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:59, archived)
# the last 2 might not have been done yet
worth a try
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:00, archived)
# For anyone who hasn't seen it.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:03, archived)
# Hmm
Was Shaun Pen not in that?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:07, archived)

(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:37, archived)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:39, archived)
# Fuck, I thought that was Vimod for a while!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:40, archived)
# "To me"
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:40, archived)
# fuhhhhh
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:43, archived)
# hahah
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:44, archived)
# Is he going to set himself on fire?
hehehe, i like that :)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:46, archived)
# I killed my presidential plane!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:47, archived)
# Thats ok, go do some low flying in other one over New York and not tell anyone
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:49, archived)
# hahahaha
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:44, archived)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:22, archived)
# cor
that am brilliant! :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:22, archived)
# :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:23, archived)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:23, archived)
# :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:23, archived)
# welll
'ello 'ello 'ello
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:23, archived)
# these sexy ladies are brilliant
i really liked the boots earlier
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:25, archived)
# cheers!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:26, archived)
# Nice...

morning evening

(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:27, archived)
# Arousal has occurred
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:27, archived)
# hahaha
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:29, archived)
# ohhh nice lady
(in professor Frink's voice)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:29, archived)
# That's lovely.
Although on the slimmest of evidence I'd hazard a guess that you weren't sure with this one how much detail you wanted to give it.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:37, archived)
# spot on mr faha
i was going to put in a couple more greys but it worked like that so i left it :)

edit: clue me in
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:43, archived)
# You're a bit good arnt you
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:37, archived)
# i wish
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:44, archived)
# Lovely style :)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:38, archived)
# "Phwoar, click" is fast becoming my default response to every picture you post.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:47, archived)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:49, archived)
# Well, all good things must come to an end.
Like Anne Frank
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:50, archived)
# Fated to pretend...

Andrew VanWyngarden-MGMT
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:14, archived)
# ver' nice
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:17, archived)
# Thank ya.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:17, archived)
# reminds me of a bloke
from neighbours :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:18, archived)
# Is neighbors a TV show?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:19, archived)
# yeah sorry
its Australian crap
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:22, archived)
# Ahhh
okies. :]
I think I've heard mofaha mention that before or summat.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:23, archived)
# Yeah it does look a bit like Harold Bishop.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:20, archived)
# i thought
it was Helen :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:22, archived)
# He needs a shave
And a haircut.
What a scruff.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:19, archived)
# Naah
I think he looks fine :]
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:20, archived)
# i thought he had a skin condition
but i just need to clean my monitor
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 0:34, archived)
# Yay!
That's great.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:39, archived)
# :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:52, archived)
# Needs more jaw
Face disappears into neck.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 23:07, archived)
# The Cake Summoner has crafted a new airship


After the successful Battenberg Summoning, he's working on a new ritual... stay tuned...

Also, I have a new Barbie doll to modify. What do you fine imaginative thinkers reckon I should make of it? I'm thinking either Demon, or a Nietzschean from Andromeda...
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:12, archived)
# :D
how about a demon nietzschean
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:13, archived)
# the cake summoner is great, his powers are mighty
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:16, archived)
# Make her into a punk rocker.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:17, archived)
# the cake summoner has me enthralled
i say moai
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:25, archived)
# I likes it!
you should make aWonderella barbie
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:52, archived)
# I did do another racing mouse, this one is faster.

This one is fatser, but maybe not as cool looking
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:09, archived)
# thats ace!
woo! :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:09, archived)
# yes!
To tell you the truth, we thought you had an ice cube's chance on a hot exaust pipe of winning this race.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:10, archived)
# Oh great
Now I feel guilty for pushing this slightly down the page :(
That's a lully pic, that is.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:12, archived)
# sweet
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:14, archived)
# your style is all of the win. i would play this flash game
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:17, archived)
# mousy yes!
you should make a F1 mouse racing game
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:24, archived)
# firey womany thingy
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:03, archived)
# Shazzam!
I can see this is great!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:04, archived)
# hahaha
got your monitor sorted??
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:06, archived)
# not yet
but I get the gist of this one
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:07, archived)
# woop!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:08, archived)
# She's on fucking fire!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:04, archived)
# hehehe
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:06, archived)
# Grill's just wanna have fun
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:04, archived)
# hahahhaa
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:06, archived)
# Hot stuff sir :)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:05, archived)
# thank you sir!
how be you???
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:07, archived)
# I am muddling through
how are you?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:08, archived)
# glad the weekend
is over! :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:09, archived)
# Woo
I take your firey womany thingy
and rase you one firey quo thingy

(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:07, archived)
# woo
that rocks! :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:08, archived)
# corr!!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:16, archived)
# why thank you
but what about the picture :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:19, archived)
# Nice
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:40, archived)
# another comic (part 1)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:01, archived)
# Again, I would buy it :)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:02, archived)
# That
is a rubbish name for an Inn.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:03, archived)
# hehehe
thats great! :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:07, archived)
# noooo niggggggggghttssssss
damn, I hadn't thought to click on the previous one, so the continuity was even worse for me.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:08, archived)
# Woah a strip without a punchline.
You're turning into JollyJack.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:10, archived)
# duh, you have to scry into the future to see the next page
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:11, archived)
# The Tavern arc:
Episode one - Three knights walk into a bar
Episode two - pretty much the same thing happens except this time they talk a bit more
Episode sixty four - Flemlock finally orders a drink
Episode three thousand and eight - It turns out the barrels are empty
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:15, archived)
# Haha!
An 'arc' is like a 'story' but without the beginning or end.
Or middle.

Likes JJ's stuff though…
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:19, archived)
# Deceptive name really, given arcs actually do have starts middles and ends.
They should be called story loops!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:21, archived)
# hey did you steal the script give that back
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:19, archived)
# I woo your wee knights HOWEVER
I demand immediately the dancing cat+dog as per repost!!!!!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:57, archived)
# grumb goes hang gliding
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:23, archived)
# She is clearly falling through a hole in the sky.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:24, archived)
# I can't help imagine thats a teenage muntant ninja turtle
ironed out to form a hand glider
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:24, archived)
www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKu-OfaVISU W-T-F? 37 weeks preggers ladies dances!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:58, archived)
# this looks like Reboot to me
i wonder if I can torrent that show....
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:26, archived)
# Hello
T-shirt arrived this weekend. 'tis lovely ;)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:29, archived)
# Oh really, smashing!
Photo yourself in it!

Mine's not arrived yet and I ordered it the same day *scratches head* maybe tomorrow?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:30, archived)
# Good thinking
I will sometime this week!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:34, archived)
# Totally not worth it.
Even watching a youtube clip is quite painful.

Though speaking of terrible 90s CG, I'd quite like to watch that Craig Charles Virtual Reality gameshow again. You know the one which was like Knightmare except they had run around on treadmills to really early 90s amiga 3d graphics.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:43, archived)
# haha
what was that called again?

(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:51, archived)
# Oh god, I remember that shit now
It has made me remember Bad Influence! with Andy "I'm gay" Crane and Violet Berlin

(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:56, archived)
# Hahaha, oh god I love you for managing to find a clip of that.
It's got marginally better graphics than something like Hunter on the amiga, but not by a huge amount.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:56, archived)
# fucking hell thats poor
i wish there was a comeback for these types of shows. i relegated to watching clips of fort boyard and crystal maze
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:01, archived)
# Ah hunter was the best best waste of time ever and completely shit :)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:03, archived)
# hunter was great though!
even though I was never sure exactly what to do.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:04, archived)
# Wondering around like a confused old man and running over animals
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:05, archived)
# I found a giant hovercraft once
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:09, archived)
# I liked the ambulances/trucks.
They had really weird cotton reel wheels.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:17, archived)
# You had to follow the coordinate references basically, and not get killed inbetween.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:08, archived)
# again
Wondering around like a confused old man and running over animals
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:09, archived)
# I don't actually remember there being any animals.
Does anyone remember the 3d demos you used to get. I vaguely remember there being one like hunter except it was first person.

And a plane was literally just a diamond, fucking amazing graphics back in those days....
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:12, archived)
# I think there were
Rabbits, ducks or seagulls, bulls(?), and of course sharks.
You could eat the rabbits and ducks if I'm not imagining it.

Edit: are you thinking about Mercenary?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:18, archived)
# I've been sitting here trying to work out what one of those computer game tv shows was for about 20 minutes
I've just realised it was the Californication Video
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:24, archived)
# Nah, it was a walk around and get in vehicles one like Hunter, but all first person.
Fairly sure they were just demos or tech demos or something.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:26, archived)
# awooga!
i loved that
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:58, archived)
# shitting hell thats much much worse than I remember
I wonder if Insektors holds up any better
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:04, archived)
# :D
My mate just linked me to a video of a Japanese girl getting tickled until she pees, it was strange....
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:26, archived)
# For her
it was an e-pee-fanny
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:45, archived)
# It's ok grumb
you'll be fine
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:28, archived)
# he looks pretty unhappy
was he forced to do it against his will?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:53, archived)
# i think it's just nerves
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:59, archived)
# Noon all... been out all day, I am still winning the staring competition?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:59, archived)
# You lost it hours ago
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:01, archived)
# Ooo.. well done!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:08, archived)
# I was going to do her head properly,
but I just started laughing too much.

This is NOT a work in progress.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:03, archived)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:04, archived)
# All from here:
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:04, archived)
# oh that poor cat
he must have been sooooooooo pissed off
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:06, archived)
# :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:06, archived)
# ha ha ha
You have won the internets :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:04, archived)
# I am tempted to just give the girl her normal head back.
Instead I am going to go and check on daughter #2 with her mixture of stomach ache, tonsillitis and smashed up collar bone.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:05, archived)
# ooh! FEATURE!
hmm, what?

(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:07, archived)
# #what
#is it?
toast#bum #bum
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:24, archived)
# you been racing em down the stairs again?
how's your ankle?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:08, archived)
# Bigger child at school picked her up and dropped her on her head.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:12, archived)
# ouch
I got thrown like a frisbee at school, luckily enough I'd learnt to fall from a young age (hey I've still got the scars)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:13, archived)
# She has only been 5 a couple of weeks!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:25, archived)
# oh right
I was already jumping my bike by that age :p
Infact thinking about it, I'd already gotten the biggest scar i've got (on my buttcheek) by that age - I fell in the toolbox :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:27, archived)
# Ouch
I wish her all the best
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:14, archived)
# aw poor mite
take her to karate classes, then she can get cold revenge in about 15 years
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:14, archived)
# and learn how to land like a ninja!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:15, archived)
# my 6yo daughter is sticking with judo
instead of going back to ballet cos I've told her she will be able to beat up nasty boys when she is older.

However of course she is picturing 'Horrid Henry' rather than what I am picturing
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:18, archived)
# that henry is a cunt!
she'll show em!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:18, archived)
# haha
I love Horrid Henry
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:19, archived)
# where in Wales do you live
and why aren't you Welsh?

I'm Welsh livng in England
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:20, archived)
# I got dragged down here when i was a nipper - this is where old people come to die
die live out the rest of their lives living by the seaside

Right proper boring, southeset westest wales :)
don't get me wrong its a lovely place to live - in the winter when all the goddamn tourists bugger off

In the winter it takes 5 minutes to get to work, in the summer it takes 50 - no joke
longest its ever taken me is 2 hours to drive 4 miles to my house
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:22, archived)
# it's a long trek past the end of the M4 that
I grew up in Port Talbot, which you'll no doubt have etched in you brain as that Terminator set just past Swansea
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:24, archived)
# ahh yes
that place that smells of eggs :D (not too bad nowadays actually)
Keep going south west (about 60 miles) until you fall in the sea, step back 2 miles and you're there :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:25, archived)
# aw
what happened?

my little angel has a cold and keeps thinking it's Swine Flu - "It's on the move" she keeps telling me!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:10, archived)
# Arf!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:04, archived)
# hehe
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:05, archived)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:07, archived)
# haha
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:08, archived)
# w00t
top yiffage
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:05, archived)
# Sophie Ellis Bextor?
Have an old faceswap :)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:05, archived)
teh attack of teh clones
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:08, archived)
# ahaahaha
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:11, archived)
# Hai sista's !
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:17, archived)
# *glee*
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:40, archived)
# Yay
a classic.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:20, archived)
# Hahaha
I can relate though.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:28, archived)

Inspired by QuimLeak's earlier post
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:57, archived)
# that's fucking creepy
ace, but creepy.

on a similar vein - if you have any kids or can get hold of any, use it as an excuse to go see Coraline at the cinema. Saw it today in 3D. It is am amazingly dark film
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:58, archived)
# How does it compare to the book?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:00, archived)
# no idea. didn't even know it was a book
*suddenly feels very uncultured*
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:01, archived)
# I currently have that very page open!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:06, archived)
# rubbish
as in the book is good, the film is a poor vartiation on the story

(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:12, archived)
# I saw that today at the 2.20 showing
Still have my 3D specs. It's a great film. Thought it was a Tim Burton film at the start...

Only problem with 3D is, image seems to flicker a bit when you have to move your eyes quickly to follow movement on screen.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:00, archived)
# I didn't have that problem
although I did feel that 3D didn't add that much to the film

are you sure they were 3D glasses? They didn't give you welders goggles by mistake?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:01, archived)
# The image sure looked 3D
Some scenes looked great in 3D, like the tunnel or the house from above. And the very final scene at the end of the credits was really good too.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:05, archived)
# that's why they kept the lights off
damn it - I was wondering - had already left by then!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:07, archived)
# it detracted in my opinion
felt very gimmicky, I'd rather see it in 2d without the dimming of the sunglasses
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:12, archived)
# I loved the characters though
the Russian and the 2 ladies voiced by French and Saunders were excellent
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:16, archived)
# is that moneky from monkey magic?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:58, archived)
# Heh, good call.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:00, archived)
# He looks so happy!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:58, archived)
# Budd Dwyer tribute album.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:01, archived)
# I like that, kind of trippy
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:01, archived)
# yahoooo!!! *bang!*
hmmmz, i'm going to have to wait a long time to post my lolchav picture, and it seriously doesn't deserve a new thread, so i'll link it

(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:01, archived)
# fuck me
he's also too stupid to close his door in the cold
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:10, archived)
# Lovely ^_^
Too bad it isn't always that pretty. Usually just a damn mess.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:31, archived)
# In Victorian Times, everything was good for you

(Ninja Edited to incorporate both spelinks!)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:42, archived)
# we laugh
but that was what was on the bars of my cot when I was young. And I'm not is damaged brain siree, no!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:44, archived)
# The government are trying to poison you sheeple.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:44, archived)
# Nicely!
Though it's 'palate' in this context. A 'palette' is the thing artists mix paints on.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:44, archived)
# isn't that a joke, though? they are paint chips...
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:47, archived)
# Ah, reet.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:53, archived)
# Erm, yes, that's it's it's a joke reference.
Well spotted, have a croissant.
Look, over there! An airship!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:54, archived)
# A croissant the size of an airship? I'm off to investigate!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:56, archived)
# I had an amazing dream last night that I could become an airship at will
I've never been so upset at waking up before
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:58, archived)
# Aw man waking up from those dreams sucks.
I once dreamed my bum worked like a spacehopper. It was still normal size, shape and texture, but I could sit on the ground and bounce up and down to propel myself as though I was riding a 'hopper. It was ace fun and if I could really do that I'd likely never walk again.

Could you carry passengers?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:02, archived)
# i think so.
i could also transform into a fighterplane. it was probably the 2nd best dream I've ever had. The best ever was where I dreamed I was a Victorian version of Iron Man. that was ace
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:18, archived)
# But it's still used there.
So trooth.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:47, archived)
# I have no idea what you're talking about *ninjaedits*
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:53, archived)
# Laudenum with a morphine chaser? certainly sir :)

and I think you want Palate, not the painting sort ;)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:45, archived)
# unless he's making a paint/palette gag as well?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:47, archived)
# quite possibly, I umm'd and ahh'd over saying anything :)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:48, archived)
# I swear by them! Along with a refreshing cup of mercury to wash them down.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:45, archived)
# i hear it contains MSG
In sainsbury's i just saw a frisbee which bore the legend "Life is Sports of FLYING DISK - catch AND throw"

edit: excellent taggage
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:46, archived)
# Holy shit.
You can catch and throw it?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:48, archived)
# I've been missing out the first part in the past.
Expensive hobby.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:48, archived)
# I've always been doing the first part. Perhaps we should meet.
I've got a large amount of Sports of FLYING DISK which someone has been chucking at me.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:50, archived)
# When I have some money to buy a bit of land in the South i plan on opening a frisbee golf course
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:51, archived)
# I started watching The Inbetweeners earlier (how did I miss both series?!)
hitting a spastic in the face with a frisbee, comedy gold!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:50, archived)
# I seem to remember a time I watched some of that.
There were spastics at a fairground. Perhaps they enjoy them?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:51, archived)
# is it actually good?
I was really turned off by the adverts for it, but i've heard they weren't representative of the series at all.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:52, archived)
# Episode 1 and 2 made me laugh alot
episode 3 was not as funny, but most series have a lull, that's as far as I got
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:53, archived)
# interesting, i'll give it a go then
someone described it to me as sort of like Adrian Mole
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:55, archived)
# I've seen the last few episodes of the last series.
It's pretty good, well worth watching.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:53, archived)
# It is good, one of the better comedy programs out there at the moment
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:52, archived)
# It's funny if you are of the age when you can laugh at what you were like at that age
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:58, archived)
you've got to love that catch and throw
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:50, archived)
# I was led to believe that life is touching a certain pop starlet's bum. I've been lied to.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:50, archived)
# Nothing like burning of some lead paint and getting high of it :)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:47, archived)
# Woo!
and nice tag!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:48, archived)
# hehe
and I love the pallette!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:57, archived)
# Chimp Eastwood
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:36, archived)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:39, archived)
# Yes :D
There are so many films I want to see that are remade with monkeys and not people
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:40, archived)
# ..
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:42, archived)
# I mean really made
I want to see those minkeys on the big screen
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:44, archived)
# damn you and your ninja searching skills
i must admit i thought it was longer ago than that.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:44, archived)
# I didn't think it was that long ago
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:46, archived)
# you wanna start something ?????
looking at the date it was actually rather a long time ago
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:49, archived)
# Thanks for the link!
Cheers for that - I'll enjoy looking through those later!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:54, archived)
# for example, that one where Laurel and Hardy move a piano
but done in the context of a PG tips advert...

(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:43, archived)
# Like 'Planet of the Apes'?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:43, archived)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:44, archived)
# Like the great escape
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:45, archived)
# Greatest Ape?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:48, archived)
# I give up
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:51, archived)
# Right turn, clyde
yeh right. Like an orang utan would ever take orders from a chimp.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:41, archived)
# "Did I fling 6 piles of poo, or only 5?"
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:44, archived)
# Hello Chimp Eastwood
Meet Chimp Wayne
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:45, archived)
# if you insist
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:51, archived)
# Brilliant!
Like it! There's obviously a whole pack of monkeys out there just waiting for Clint to go so they can fill his shoes!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:53, archived)
# Heh
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:48, archived)
# what ho sir
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:52, archived)
# Hello mate
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:57, archived)
# Haha!
That's quality! Bring on the moonkeys!!!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:56, archived)
# i was trying to create a pic with an eastern feel to it,so i did this
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:28, archived)
# tense, nervous headache?
only kidding, well done on being able to do Arts.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:29, archived)
# oooh
very easter island-esque indeed
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:29, archived)
# east of where?
everywhere is east depending on where you're stood
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:30, archived)
# thats true.....damn you toasty
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:32, archived)
# only on surfaces with particular topologies, like a sphere, or a torus
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:33, archived)
# Which most things in the universe big enough to justify a coordinate system are.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:36, archived)
# What about MY COCK
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:39, archived)
# leave the chickens at home
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:41, archived)
# It's a really big animal though.
Often I refer to its east and west faces.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:42, archived)
# Cock faces?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:42, archived)
# My cock is a torus.
I assume that's normal
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:42, archived)
# attached to another torus (your body) :)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:48, archived)
# I call mine the Large DodecaHadron Kaleidoscope
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:49, archived)
# ..
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:28, archived)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:29, archived)
# : D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:30, archived)
# hahahahahahaha
top hummus that man.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:30, archived)
# How's your
'might be able to make London' status shaping up then TGA?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:32, archived)
# if the hospital hasn't called, or has and changed a date for me, then it could well be on
I'll only know a few days in advance for sure, but fingers crossed. :)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:33, archived)
# Nice!
That's brilliant!!! Ha ha!!!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:33, archived)
# ;)

(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:35, archived)
# awww bollocks :)
nicely done that man!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:36, archived)
# don't be so hard on yourself

I'm just better than you ;D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:39, archived)
# hahahaha!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:40, archived)
# whump whump whump!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:36, archived)
# do doo, do-do-do dooooooooooooo
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:01, archived)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:14, archived)
# marvellous
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 22:28, archived)
# dairy quest!
(, Mon 11 May 2009, 0:36, archived)
# Some flypaper for your desktops.
I recently got a new lens and it's utterly fucking brilliant. I'm having to learn to shoot all over again and I love it.

Click for 1680x1050. Crop to your liking if your screen isn't wide.

Sorry it's not funny/hatstand. Please post more flies!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:16, archived)
# zipped or unzipped?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:16, archived)
# Unzipped.
Left one is 420kb, right one is 600.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:17, archived)
# o0 er missus
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:17, archived)
# man i'm tired
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:26, archived)
# nom nom nom
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:27, archived)
# Survive?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:40, archived)
# Yes
hold on..
j.photos.cx/Cat_05-b56.jpg (needs a face swap)
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:42, archived)
# That's some pretty bloody good work on that wheel.
I guess you cut the three struts in two places each and started the cross radial cuts, then just friction bust it?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:43, archived)
# wasn't me...
but i'd imagine they'd done that
I would have oiled the cats head and pushed it back in
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:02, archived)
# Wow, they are wonderful :D
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:17, archived)
# is it a telephoto
and you were actually half a mile away, don't tell Jahled he'll be challenging you to some sort of lens duel.

also, nicely.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:20, archived)
# It's a macro lens, but also serves as a medium telephoto.
It's cocking ace. It's better than my eyes. I want to get rid of my eyes and have two of these lenses wired up to my brain instead.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:21, archived)
# *gets chainsaw out*
hold still.... wait you want to be alive when they're fitted?
...oh this will be difficult!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:22, archived)
# a splendid plan
although i think Jahled has you beat, his lens will take pics that detailed from half a mile away, where is he, he's like dave w, always appears as you mention his name
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:24, archived)
# Does he work for MI6?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:26, archived)
# sometimes i do wonder
by day he masquerades as a mild mannered janitor at london zoo, by night...
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:27, archived)
# so why do they call them
'house' flies?

woo pics by the way AG
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:21, archived)
# 'Cos they is into bangin' choons, innit.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:22, archived)
# techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno
techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno techno aciiiieeeeeeeed!
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:23, archived)
# You know what you wanna do, mate,
what you wanna do is put a bangin' DONK on it.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:24, archived)
# when all the cool kids were
dropping Fs and going to secret discotheques in tents in fields and warehouses,

I was into the Metal so taht thing just passed me by, as has the brain damage that I didn't incur. Not even an itty bit. And I was headbanging at the time too.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:28, archived)
# yay for new camera equipment!
I bought myself a new digital single lens reflect camera yesterday
A blazin' Nikon D40 with the lens for only 250€!
EDIT: woo to the pics, of course
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:25, archived)
# shouldn't you have put it out first?
or did you buy it from the Blazin' squad?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:30, archived)
# I did try to put it out
but they noticed and nearly called the cops
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:32, archived)
# Wise purchase by the way
D40s is well cheap innit. And you can always trade in the body (of the camera) later and keep the lenses.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:42, archived)
# yeah, why not
although i recon the lens is crappier than the body
still, I must have some fun with it first hehehhhehe
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 21:05, archived)
# "not only have we put neon lights on these guys, but also, a dvd player and drinks machine....."
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:31, archived)
# very very nice indeed :)
what camera you using?
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:37, archived)
# Thank you. (:
My machinoid companion is a Canon EOS 400D.
(, Sun 10 May 2009, 20:41, archived)

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